Newspaper Page Text
TODAY'S PRICES M xlmu l.ank note (atftta bllla) "41 - Mexl. mi n 41 Vk Naclonales oil" r -i arranza currency fi Bar "UVr (Hand) Harmon quotation) Ml -. iM'-r 28 so Grains lower Llveatock atr uls Sto. k dull. HOME EDITION WKATHER rORECAST. EI Van ami went Texas, fair; Jfew Mex ico and Arizona rain, cooler. LATEST NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. EL PASO. TEXAS. MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 21. 1916. SINGLE COP! FIVE CENTS. DELIVERED ANYWHERE 60 CENTS A MONTH. FOURTEEN PAGES TODAY. FIRE THROWS U. S. CLERKS INTO PANIC JP.J I A in ! fBJJB ! ff" S Fai ft fi "a?" df"al TT8 1 Two KfiBaHiVavr W WW W' Til 111 nL Sheriff Lucew of Las Cruces Heads Hunt For Fugiives From Deming. DEMING SHERIFF SHOT TO DEATH In Bailie With jail Breakers One Of Posse Is Killed and One Wounded. R LN'CON, X. M.. Fell. 21. Follow- ing a battle Sunday afternoon between officers ami five iirimii- J e,o who made their escape early Sunday morning from the Luna county jail at Deming, posses were this afternoon trail ing Francnsco Acoeta and A. D. Smith, alias W. Daehley, norUi of here. These ai. the onl ytwo at largo of the five vho escaped. In a battle Suwtay afternoon, Joe lanson, one of the prisoners, was killed, and Jesse 0. Starr, another of 1lm prisoners, was wounded in the log anil made a prisoner. This morning almut daylight. Cliag. Schmidt, anotlier t tha prisoners, was arrested at Fort N-lden, between Bincon and Las Cruces, am! taken to the Las Cruces jajl, wherq litarr liad been taken Sunday night. Sheriff Dwigkt K. Stephens, of Luna ramty. was kHMi"Jf--Hre battle Vith ilic outlaws near here Sunday afternoon and posneman "Buck" Sevier was wounded in the scalp. Tho Body or the dead sheriff wag taken back to Timing thl morning on the Santa Fp, j. rnmpanied by many of the Deming P iitcmen, who were worn out by their - ide of yesterday and their all-night v lgll last night. Liicer Head Ponr. J Sheriff Felipe Lucero, of Dona Ana r tounty. who arrived here Sunday eve ning with a posse from Las Cruces. Is it trie head of the posse now trailing the, two prisoners. It is believed the prisoners are heading for the moun tains north of here- but it Is also pos uhlo that they caught a Santa Fe freight train and are now out of the neighborhood. Telegraphic descrip tions of Acosta, who was the ringiead r lu the jail delivery, and Daehley, y have been circulated to all towns in ' New Mexico so that the officers may bo on the lookout tor the men. Both .ur weU armed. Schmidt, when arrested this morn in it. offered no resistance, although he jiaa a revolver wivn. aim wnen over- i Liken by a posse and told to surrender. 1 Up wb overtaken walking along the i nlroad In tho direction of Las Cruces. il.' refused to make any statement. The battle between the officers and i!i. escaped prisoners near here Sun iiar afternoon whs spirited and sud-J'-n. The posserjen came upon the juisoners almost without warning. The first rmin to sight the fugitives was . itv marshal Kmzy Tabor, of Deming, whom the prisoners had imprisoned In the 1b il early In the morning when they ffetted their escape. The HatUc Sunday. M..-1 iff Stephens and his posse in r.utomobiles. overtook the Jail breakers between Hatch, Dona Ana count, and Kincoii, shortly after noon Sunda; The . prisoners li tt w hie-h the: . 1 were eating Jlhe had b prisoners had got out of the car In they fled from Deming and rig cheese and crackers, which bought at Hatch. 'atehing sight of the posse's auto mobile tho men took refuge behind a fcmall butte Marshal Tabor, of Dem ing. climbed the hill. He saw the jail breakers beside their car eating lunch. They opened fire on him. Deputy sheriff Sevier came up with sheriff r-tephenp Sevier fired one shot and .iii.ppi. with a wound on the head. Sheriff Stephens was killed with his r and half raised to fire. He had not firen a hot . 3"Iint iheriff shot Cranston, who diove the fugitives' ear. kiUinir him. Stair was htaiting to rise. Tabor shot wounding him in the leg. He waa raptured and was taken to the jail at l,as Cruco The rest escaped, afoot leaving their automobile. The fugitives Fought the protection of a -!nall liver bosque not far from the butte here Uie fight took nlace T'osseiiien. mounted on horses, went in search of 'tely. During the night the prisoners made their wav out of the bosque, Sthmldt FJ.VL " . J"1" liTt r.ur?ey ' I - a A- -i a I HI i"-"uni, nvii ii. a. i.," ume, vvi niv iiuui jnation b the possemen today. Seixea Sheriff Itlfle. In the fiftht-ug, when sheriff Steph- ers wa shot down, one of the bandits', rusher out. seized the heriffs rifle, i mi. I used it In fighting off the posse- not. The prisoners retreated as they i lire. mid loat no time in getting to I roveT hut while the battle lasted. It I v.n h.t and furious and more than a hundred sliots ere fned, according to 'here in th jiarty Several of the pos-f-emeti had close calls from bullets, the rii ar. M esrape being that of Sevier, whoPf -. alp wa graztd Had the bul 1. 1 hpe.i an inch to on. side, it would 1 ave I nu open his skull and have killed nn-iantlv KISSIW. DUMA rn.NVKMlll. PfiioKrail. Russia. Feb. 21. The do ..ii .onvened to meet tomor- hen the ASQUITH AGAIN CALLS FOR CASH SHEHIF'S inr REACHES HIE; KILLED BYESEAPEO PBISflHERS Sheriff Stephens Killed and Posseman Sevier, of Dem ing, Wounded, in Attempt to Recapture Prisoners Who Broke Jail in Deming Sunday; One Prisoner Killed, One Wounded, and Another Captured. D' KM1NU, X. M., Feb. 21. Hundreds of Deming people surrounded the denot this morning at 9:40 when the Santa Fc train arrived from Bincon bearing the body of sheriff Dwight B. Stephens, killed Sunday afternoon near Bincon in a battle with prisoners who escaped from th'c Deming jail early Sun day morning. The sheriff was killed at the begin ning of the battle with the outlaws and did not have an opportunity to fire a shot. One of the outlaws was so close to the fallen sheriff that lie se'ucd the officer's rifle and used it in firing at the other members of the posse who haS surrounded the escaped prisoners be hind a fflfiall hill or butte near the town of Bincon, to whidi point the prisoners fled after making their escape from the Luna county jail at 8 oclock Sunday morning. The sheriff was -very popular in Dem ing and I.una county and was serving his second term as sheriff of the county, lie leaves a wife and three children. Daring, WU Planned Escape. The escape was a daring one, well planned and executed. City marshal Kmzy Tabor, who is also county jailer, was going about his usual morning routine, having just tn,kai one of tlt prisoners out into the rear yard with some trash from the jail. Aa the officer returned with tho prisoner Slid unlocked the cell door to put the prisoner back, C Schmidt, a German, in jail as an alleged burglar, jumped from behind the door, seized the officer, pinioned his arms. and. with the assistance of the man who had been out with the officer, took the keys from Tabor and locked him in the 'cell, after alo taking his revolver. They also took Tabors watch and money. All Prisoners Liberated. Schmidt then proceeded to unlock the other cells and release the prisoners. SmnA rafuscul ii mt U till flip inil hrenlc ers, among them Gen. Boque uomez, 1 btni u twiui iTTHJUP Four Seaplanes Conduct a Raid, Dropping Bombs Kill Three People. Berlin, Germany, Feb. 21. (By wire less SayMlle, L. I.) The official Ger tan account of the raid by German naval aircraft on the British coast Sunday says: "Bombs were hurled with great suc cess on factories on the docks and tha gasometer in Lowestoft The main sta tion and docks In Lowestoft were hit wveral times. Two tank steamers were bombed. All the German airplanes re turned safely." An official statement says German airplanes Sunday dropped a large num ber of bombs on the aerodrome anI camp at Fumes, in west Flanders, near the North sea, and returned safely. Ilrllltli CnmialtlcK, Four. London, i:ng., Feb. 21. Four German seaplanes Sunday made a raid over the erst and southeast coasts of England, according to an ottlclal announcement m:,de this evening., iiie total casual til a are given as two men ana one boy boy killed and one marine wounded. Considerable material damage was done. f;The official communication says: "Four German seaplanes made a raid over the east and southeast coasts at noon Sunday. "The first raiders, two biplanes, ap peared over Lowestoft at 10:55 a. ra. and circled over he south aide of the t.vvn for five minutes and dropped bombs. In about five minutes they rose t a great height and eeemlngly van ished. At 11:50 a. m. the two seaplanes were again over the town and then vanished eastward again. 17 IJumliK Are llroppcd. "Altogether '17 small high explosive were dropped! Considerable d image was done to outbuildings of a restaurant and to two dwelling I liousen Two naval seaplanes went up at 11.0.J a. m. and pursued the raiders but without result. Meanwhile two other German en. j planes were making for the Kentish I One passed over Kntiek llirlit vessel, dropping bombs In that vlcmltv at 11-20 a. m The last raider made etraight for Walmer. Benching that tewn at 11.27 a. m.. flying at less tran 25U0 feet, it dropped six bombs aud turned sharply to the east Bom'' Falls :enr Church. - iw. ol..,5omD" lnat. "" des. iroje.i iooii ana DroKe windows in tne neignoornoou. one of them fell close to a thurch, blowing in the win dows a the congregation was singing Te Deum.' A third bomb fell on a roadway running along the beach, twilling uue viTiiiun and injuring one marine. "The total casualties wAr t, ....... and one boy killed and one marine wounded. "Two of our airnlanm .t.ii. . I ur from Dover pursued tie raider but apparently could not overtake him." Philippines a Mexican prisoner, who was being held in jail on a charge of conspiracy to violate the I'nited States neutrality laws. Gomez was taken later in the day to El Paso by United States com missioner B. Y. SIcKeys. Once securing the liberty of the jail, the prisoners called the Park garage by telephone and asked that an automobile be sent at once, stating that the sheriff was talking and that it was desired to take a sick prisoner to Faywood Springs. The garage was asked to send an extra tire and ?20 in change to the jail. Auto Man Locked Up. When I). 0. Snodgrass, one of tho proprietors of the garage, arrived at tlie jail with the car, he was invited to enter and was seized and locked up by the prisoners. Joe Cranson, a former automobile mechanician, who was in jail as a vagrant, and one of the prisoners released by Schmidt, was then told by the other prisoners to uiKe inewueei to have remonstrated, but was threat ened with death by Francisco Acosta, of the car 'and drive it. He M said J. O. Starr. W Dashlcy and Schmidt, the other prisoners. Acosta, said to have been the ring leader in the plan to escape, was in jail on a charge of murder: Starr and SejiVnidt on burglary charges, and Dahley on a forgery charge. From the jail the prisoners drove to the armory of the Deming militia com pany, wtiere they secured rifles and ammunition and then headed northeast in the direction of "Bincon. The Delivery Discovered. An hour later, when a Uradcan woman called at the jail to see her husband. Tabor and Snodgrass ninnagcd to com municate the news of the jail delivery to her and sheriff Stephens was noti fied. The sheriff got the story of the jail delivery from the two men and, immediately sounding the alarm, called for Atilunteer pusemeii. Arms were (ConUnueft on pace 2, Col. 2.) HOST ESSE IS STILLJPSGE Lusitania Agreement Car ries No Guarantees For Future, is IT. S. View. Washington. X). C, Feb. 21 State department officials said today they they consider the submarine issue with Germany still in a grave state because tne L.usltanla agreement cunmiii no assurance for the future. The situation created by the an nounced Intention of sinking armed merchant ships without warning after February 29, officials said, was still in the abstract The Lusitania agreement, as it now stands, they explained, merely treats of the past and although it gives ail in that respect for which the United States has contended, officials do not feel that it clearly guarantees against another such disaster. Secretarj Lansing already has told count von Bernstorff, the German am bassador, that assurances that the pre vious declarations will not be aban doned in the new campaign are highly i uesirauie. I AUSTRIA PRORflSES REPLY IN THE PETROLITE CASE Washington. D. C , Feb. 21. Ambas sador Tenfield. at Vienna, cabled today he had presented the American note asking for Investigation and explana tion of the attack on the Amerioan tanker Petrollte near Alexandria sev eral weeks ago and had been promised a prompt reply. It was said at the state department that the reply probably would give a basis for further negotiations. GERMANS REPULSE BRITISH HAND GRENADE ATTACK Berlin, Germany. Feb. 21. Repulse of a Britsh hand grenade attack against tha new German position on tho Yaer canal north of Yprcs. was announced todav by the German war office. This new German position was gained in an attack Sunday against the British lines, in which tho British were obliged to give ground. LANSING ASKS"eNGLAND FOR. ANSWER TO PROTESTS Washington. D. C. Feb. 21. Secre tary of state Lansing today asked the London foreign office for prompt re plies to the American notes protesting against seizures of mails and against application of the trading with the enemy act against .merlcan firms and interests GERMANY PROTESTS AGAINST DEPUTIES ON THE APPAM Washington, D C. Feb. 21. Repre sentations againit he presence of (Continued on rare 2, Col. S) Are Given PREMIER WANTS I Moves That Credits Totaling 420,000,000 Be Granted For Government Use. PARLIAMENT WILL DISCUSS BLOCKADE Socialist Leader Will Bring Up Question Wednesday Of Peace Terms. LONDON, Eng., Feb. 21. Premier Asquith today moved in the house of commons two new votes of credits, one for 120.000,000 pounds to finance the war until March 31, the end of the current financial year, and the other for 300.000,000 pounds to start the new financial year. One of the Important debates of the week In the house of lords will begin tomorrow when the question of the so called leakages in the blockade arises. It, Is charged that entirely too many supplies are reaching Germany. On Wednesday Philip Snowden, So cialist, will raise the question of peace terms. With the amount voted In 1314. the votes of credit since the war began. will reach 2,082,000,000 pounds. These figures do not represent the total cost of the war to Great Britain, as largo sums furnished from revenue are also used to defray the expenses. Hxpenae Increaac. Mr. Asquith told the house that the daily expenditure from April 1 to July 17 of last year was 2.S0,jOOO pounds: 'from July 18 to September 11, 3.500.000 pounds; from September 12 to Novem ber S. 4. 45O.0Q6 pounds; from Novem ber 7 to February 19, 191e. between 4,300,000 pounds and 4.400.000 pounds. Loans to Great Britain's allies and to the dominions on November 6 last amounted to 98,300,000 pounds. Be tween November 7 and February 13. the amount loaned was 70.SOO.000 pounds, making a total of 1S.1.900.000 pounds. CALIFOIIXIV 1VI.1S M'lT Fort ii.ui.MM; Tiun uv.mjs Washington, D. C, Feb. 21. The su preme court today upheld the claim of the state of California to title In the socalled Phineas Banning tideland in the inner harbor of San Pedro. Tim DAY I.V CONOIlESs. Jennie. Interstate commerceacommit tee continued hearings on the child labor bill. Indian affairs committee con sidered appropriation bill. Military committee resumed work on army bill and consid ered a resolution to investigate the army aviation servic? Resumed debate on Shields water power bill. Ifouae. Military arid navaf committee continued hearings on national defence. ' Debate on postofflce appropri ation bill was resumed. The War At a Glance B1 KRLIN declares today that . British hand grenade attack on the position on the Tser canal In Belgium taken by the Germans Sunday was repulsed, as was also an attack along the Lens Arras road. The official state ment likewise records a backward push for the British south of Loos, whero they had advanced to the edge of a German mine crater. Aerial Ilnlds Itrporteil Aerial raids along the Franco Belgian front are reported by both sides Berlin claims German naval aeroplanes dropped a number of bombs on the British aviation camp at 'urnes. llritlali Cnil For Cnh - Premier Asquith presented to tho British parliament today a motion for two new votes of credit aggre gating 424.000.00C pounds, calcul ated to finance the war to the end. of the current fiscal year, March 51, for which purposo 120,000,000 pounds is needed and the remaind er to begin the new financial year with ample funds, British G'nll Out "ClAaa One" Great Britain has called to the colors class one of tho recruits un der the military service act, com prising the youngest of the bach-, elora. The calling of the single nun now has been completed. 9'iiinn (h Convened. The Russian duma, which was prorogued on September 1C, last, has been summoned to meet again tomorrow. utniiN Overrun Armenia Russians advancing In Turkish Armenia, have occupied the whole Lake Van district, according to I'etrograd advices, and the Turks have evacuated Bitlls. a city of 2.".. 000 population. The Russlon ugh' wing is nearlng Trebizond. I: Tin CREDITS Up, Let There Be No Protectorate TO CURB TUBERCULOSIS Washingfton, D. C Participation of the federal government through the United States public health service in the study and control of tuberculosis is urged by a resolution adopted by the Xational Association for the Study and Pre vention of Tuberculosis, made public today. The Xational Association proposes that by act of congress a special division of tuberculosis be established in tle United States pubhc health serv ice with an adequate appropriation. This division should be manned by experts and should study the tuberculosis problem from every point of yiew and should, so far as possible, set up standards for the treatment and prevention of the disease' throughout the country. A bill introduced by congressman Kent of California in the bouse and by senator Xorris of Nebraska in the senate provides for some of the thlncsn which the Xational Association asks for and lining iui inn-ii.niueiii i.iiiMiuiMLitra. VfLLS ATTftCKS flNfl DEFEATS GflRHflHZA FORCE OF 300 MEM Another Strong Force Is Sent From Chihuahua to At tack Villa After Defeated Detachment Returned to the City; Pablo Lopez, Leader of Santa Ysabel Band, Is Reported to Be With Villa. -IRANCISCO VILLA, the outlawed M Mexican leader, attacked with EDO men. the foices of Gen. Jesus Cavazos, at Cusihuriachic, last Friday, and drove Cavazos with the remnant of his men, back to Chihuahua City, according to private messages re ceied today from Chihuahua City. U-vazos had 300 men Another Force Sent. Gen. Luis llerrera, military com mandant at Chihuahua, sent out a large force yesterday for the purpose of attacking Villa. It had not come in t'i contact with the outlawed chief, so far as could be learned. The defeat of Cavazos waa hinted at In Juarez a day or two ago. It was declared, however, that Villa had suc ceeded only in driving back a small band of Carranza troops. !nya I.oprx I With Villa. Gen Oavira. commandmant at Juarez, said today that Villa had with him a number of subchiefs. including Pablo Lopez, the man who is alleged to have commanded the bandits who massacred isoiraEO RE s Washington. D. C, Feb 21. The sen ate today adopted a resolution by chair man Stone of the foreign relations com mittee asking president Wilson to sub mit tho correspondence between the I'nited States and Korea when Japan occupied the hermit kingdom during the Russo-Japanese war. Administration leaders, it was said, want to use tho information in reply, to Kllhu Roofs attack on the president because no protest was made against the occupation of Belgium. Mr. Root was secretaiy of state fchen Japan took Korea. COURT ENJOINS EQUITABLE TRUST CO. IN BIG SUIT San Francisco, Calif., Fob. 21. Tho Equitable Trust company of New York was enjoined permanently today from further proceedings In Its suit in New York, for a construction of the con tract by which the Denver & Rio Grande railroad guaranteed tho interest on the Western Faelflo railway's $50,000,000 first mortgage bonds and the deficiency in Its sinking fund for the.retlrement of tho bonds. The injunction was Issued by Judge vm C. Vanfleet in tho United States dlsti ict court. He also ordered that the I'eiiver mo Grande railroad and the Missouri Pacific railway be made parties to the receivership proceedings " ""i.n tne Western Pac fie now "eing operated. I also for a federal subsidy ft. hospitalgl . IS Americans and other foreigners at Santa Ysabel, January 10, last. The other leaders. Gen. Gavira said, were Martin Lopez. Candalaria Cervantes. Cruz Dominguez, Nicolas Hernandez and Pedrasa and Jesus Rodriguez. Villa today was in the Pieachos mountains not far from Cusihuriachic. according to Gavira. who indicated that the movement of Gen llerrera out of Chihuahua City presaged a determined effort with large forces to wipo out Villa's small force and capture the lecder himself. OFFER OF LOAN BY CHICAGO BANKS DECLINED BY CARRANZA That the Carranza government has plans of its own as to placing the southern republic on a sound financial basis was made evident in a telegram received by Mexican consul Andres Garcia from first chief Carranza, in which the first chief informed Mr. (Continued on rate 2, Col. 3) FLflMES DESTROY GRB 1 LOST yuebec, Canada, Feb. 21. The parish church at Beauport, near this city, waa destroyed by fire today. The fire started In tho sacristy The loss Is esti mated at about S500.000. It is feared that h, boy who entered the ohurt-h to save a statue was buried m the ruins. Your Handwriting Tells Your Character The Herald tvill tell of the newest scienee, "Graphology ," hi its Week End editions, beginning shortly. Fully described, explained and illustrated by D Witt B. Luca. America's greatest graphologist, in a series of splendid articles prepared expressly for the Week-End Herald, beginning March 4-5. These articles will enable you to read your own character, as well as that of others. Have Your Handwriting Analyzed Clip the coupon printed with eneli article. Send 50 -wd in Tour natural stylo written in ink on unruled paper. Inclose a self-addressed and stamped envelope and 60o in silver. Sir. Lucas will then mail you an analysis of your traits and personality in your own envelope that will- be as valuable as it will be interesting a most amazingly correct analysis by America's foremost eharaetar diagnostician. Send or bring your specimen to the El Paso Herald. Explosion Is Followed By Fire In Laundry of U. S. Printing Bureau. SIXTY EMPLOYES RUSH TO SAFETY Two Fire "Alarms Turned In And Departments Baltic With the Flames. WASHINGTON, D. G, Feb. 21 - Fire in the laundry at the government bureau of printing and engraving this afternoon, accom panied by loud explosions, threw manv hundreds of employes Into a panic and spread reports of a bomb plot. The flames broke out in a smal' building, detached from the main stru -ture, in which gasoline ia used for cleaning. Sixty men who ere in the building whon the flames sprung up got but safely. Two alarms of fire were turned in and the vicinity of the building, whi. i is closo to the Washington monument. was shrouded in clouds of dense amok-. AVer Flames Incendiary? It was first reported thfejOames ha.l broken out in the bureatlSsf printing and engraving, which mrgjr have re sulted In the destructioa.jtJt a consid erable amount of currents1 in various stages of manufacture. Efforts were being made during the afternoon to ascertain whether tha fire was of Incendiary origin. The presence of gasoline in the laundry made it ap parent that the flames might have been due to carelessness or accident. LAMBERT, GIRL'S FATHER, SAYS POISONS LOCKED UP Chicago, III.. Feb. 21. Frank Lam bert, father of Marian Frances Lam bert, with whose murder Will H. Orpet is charged, testified today at the in quest into his daughter's death, that the poisons which he used for spray ing shrubs were' kept locked and that he believed his daughter knew noth ing of them. Lambert said that when his daughter failed to return home the night be fore he found her frozen body in the woods, he thought she might have eloped with Will Orpet. He said he telephoned to Madison, Wis , to find out whether Orpet was there and failed to locate him. ISSUES NEW RULING ON BANKS CHANGING TO TRUST COMPANIES Austin, Texas, Feb. 21. A state bank which has ceased to do a banking busi ness and is engaged in a trust company business, but has outstanding certifi cates of deposit, is still classified as a state bank, permitted under its charter to do a banking business and must therefore maintain its deposit In the bank guaranty fund of the state. This is a ruling issued by the attorney gen eral's department today. MAY WITHDRAW SECURITIES BY FILING SWORN STATEMENT Austin, Texas, Feb. 2L Securities de posited with the state treasurer by a, surety company which has ceased to do business, may be withdrawn by the Til ing of a statement under oath with tha commissioner of insurance, giving the date, name and amount of its present existing obligations as suretyship, un der a ruling by the attorney general's department today. Nonsense