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By A. H. E. Beckett ("Beck") 10 EL PASO HERALD-SPORTS, RECREATION and OUTDOOR LIFE sir PILES IB PIRATES ARE WEAKER THAN EVER Phillies Probably Will Never Again Be So Favored By Circumstances as They Were Last Year When They Won the National League Pennant; Pirates, De veloping Third Baseman, Callahan's Task. in FIUXK N; I.W YOItK, March 15. Outside of Philadelphia and Its auburb, he general opinion is that the r'lnllie,. wont repeat They will take Hi. ii. Id mlth prae-tiially the same linc ip n In t9ir. That aggregation was powerful e-nough to win the flag last veir but Huh la another season ; one luring wtiid, the Moranltea will find fierrci o position than ever before. ITohablv ne-er again will anv hall lull be f iored with euch a comblna- i ion of l.rc-xks" as were those 1016 1 I'lnlliri The greatest of all came ' ihrough the woeful weakness of the .innts and several other clubs. Had! ibusc . lub.i offered any real battle the 'oa.I would hate been rar rougher for Pit Moran's misfits. How El rata Transpire. The Braves chased the Phillies and seemed to have a good chance to over haul them nd then. James, the pitch ing star had to quit the game. Other ieerses followed and the Braves were distanced. The Dodgers whizzed along onb to crack In the stretch when their b itters forgot the ordinary use for the wir clubs. While "Cactus" Cravath was blowing himself to a home run record. Alex ander was pitching as he never pitched before And on top of It all, the Phil lies gathered unto themselves almost all the baseball luck that was doled out bv Dame Fortune throughout the sea ion Won't He Favored Agnln. Favored thusly. the Phillies swept through to victory But they never will tf so universally favored again fravatb may make more home runs In a single season than he did in 1916 bt't it's unlikely that he'll turn the trlek while Alexander is pitching him self into tho league leadership And vice versa. Kven should this happen again, it seems hardly possible that it will come In the same year when ' ihere are four woefully weak clubs the field and three others weakened bi injuries or other misfortunes. I'rnhable Uncap. The 1916 Phlllle lineup probably will be r,uderu, (lb) Cravath, (cf) Xiehoff. (lb) Paskert. (cf) Bancroft, (ss) Whitted. (cf) Stock. (Jb) Burns, (c) Burns may become the regular back stop Killifer. whose great work helped ihe club in the major portion of the; Ask For W Li They All Say the Same . , paui, operation, danger or detention from business, and sixty per cent of our patients had undergone an operation before consuling ns. All unite in praising our system and many will be glad to talk with vou about it. Call, write or phone for their names 'No names used except with the patient's consent.' mTTWe treat successfully, without an open or cuttine oneration RUPTURE. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and OBSTRUCTIONS! NFYSME5AmfnSSIUIY,a,,d ALMENTS 0F E BL0D. MO NEYS and BLADDER are also embraced in our specialty and under our uptodale. direct methods the most satisfactory results arc effected. CONSULTATION FREE Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays 10 to 1 Only. SecrnnfF,enSnrA? in,v.ther-Sfme BuUi ttTrii Street EDtraDCe International DR. KETCHERSID & CO. Kooms 1, 2, 3, Entrance 205 Mesa Avenue. SPECIAL TE1UIS TO SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CLUBS ON ALL ATHLETIC GOODS We FurnUh Full equipments. Guaranteed rirst Class. Get Our M'ecl.l t'riees. MELTON-PAYNE ARMS CO. I O. Box 35 Phone 43P, opkn jn.r.Ai EiMob inx t o jxbck. T1EPHL . MK.NKK. i campaign. m not be able to play ?" .,3 ""'""far a', to respond to treatment. Jack Adams. h substitute In 1815 probably will un derstudv Burns Wm. Fish and it O Connor, secured from Manchester. X 11 , do not seem to be quite ripe for regular work In the majors Infield Substitute. As Infield substitutes, Moran has the choire fiom among: Bobby Hrne (3b). a -leteran, Oscar Dugey. a fair fielder but a weak hitter, with the Moran crowd in 1915: F. Brauer. secured from Utica The outfield extras are Josh Devore a veteran, sent to the minors and re- railed, and AVeiser, who showed noth- I in? exciting in a Phlllle uniform of I 1913. The pitching corps Includes- Alex- f anaer. naimers ueinaree, xhiuihkwi i ner, Mayer, MrQuillen, Itixey and Tin cup, all with the Phils lat year: Oesch ger. fsrmed out to Providence and re called: Ithodes, a right hander from Milwaukee: Fortune, another star boarder hurler from Asheville. X. C , and Buttle, a left handed semi pro. What do you think of the repeating possibilities of this outfit, pitte-d against the strengthened Giant, Cub, Braes, Dodgers and Bed combina tions" lIrnte t.ook Weaker. The 1S16 Pirates look weaker than any gang that Barney Kreyruss ever has sent Into a 154 game scrimmage With the lion-hearted Jiram) Callahan hand ling the reins, the Pirates mi) sur prise the baseball world by finishing In the first division but that wouldn't be merely a surprise 'twould be a dis tinct shock. The club Is shy In clout ing power- it Is only ordinary in field ing skill and its pitching staff is not of the kide which can labor under such handicap and still gather in a alio- able collection of victories. -ngner nt hort Mop. The aged Honus will be back at shori He still can field and throw but he can't cover the ground that he did in bis prime. Added years have sfblen the speed from bis base steal ing pedals and dimmed the batting orbs that shone so brightly for nearly a decade But. even at that, Honus probabl) will be the main cob in the Pirate infield. "Doc" Johnson, the first base per- (Conttnued on ext Pace.) ers Wright & Ditson Sporting Goods We represent ihem in EI Pao. Wholesale and Retail 7Vp Our Service You'll be satisfied. Catalog. . There is nothing else in mrdifinr more universally successful than Our Painless Infiltration Svsroin in the cure of piles; hundreds of people here will tell you that -ve cured t.liem in n fn- hw .;n, ,f v. e wtl o lllLlieflib as EIit Confectionery, BetW"n the Elite and Kre" Specialists ESTABLISHED TEN YEARS. Buckler Block. EL PASO, TEXAS. IUl-::il.1 o. El .o Street T JESS WILLIARD IN NEW !. KS Doping the 1 9 1 6 Baseball Season With Hugh S. Fullerton VIII. National League Shortstops. Offence Boston 828 . Philadelphia .... SI 4 Pittsburg 8S2 Cincinnati S31 Brooklyn 795 Xew Tork SOS Chicago 775 St Louis 786 i fence Ti val. 416 1264 441 1255 ISt' 1-J32 JS5 1216 389 1184 176 1178 385 1160 36S 1114 ... I2bt ONK might as -wqll dope eight eggs from the same hen as to dope the National league shortstops The fact Is, vre can't tell much until they hatch. One thing Is certain. though no pennant fs going to be won or lost at shortstop unless one, of these men breaks a lesr I neer found In alt m doping eight positions that figured so closely to gether. The fact that only 100 points representing a mere fraction of the value of the position, separates first from last shos how closely together thev rank. Mike Dooian's weakness at bat, which was accented last season in the Federal. Butler's lack of punch In the attack. TVacnei s hitting, and .Maranville's aggressiveness make for aliout all the difference there is be tween them. It sea reel v can be said that anv shortstop in the National is Dciier nor Mis owu team than an other one. I doubt ir thf-A . . i..k the league which would- pav much to get either Maranville or Bancroft to re place its own shortstop save on the grounds of joutli M'ajtnrr lliis Gone nark. I expected to find that Wagmr still would be the leader among the short stoppers in spite of the cominir forward of Bancroft and .Maranville. but when the fiml figures on Wagner were (im plied it was shown that he his gone back gone back aftet all these tears Just enough to let two brilliant young sters lead him bi a few points that inlght be wiped out a week of lucky hitting on bis part or a eouple of games of panic on their parts T must ad- "BECK'S 99 JJEXATHLON is now over. EI Paso did not make as many points in the senior events as was he case last year, so we can hardly hope for championship honors; but the scores of the two youngest divisions of boys are high enough to encourage a belief that the name of El Paso will be kept on the cham pionship map. Congratulations are certainly due the "kiddies" for their wonderfully good showing. TIM FLYKN is still the same fight J ing fireman and reports of his bout with Jack Dillon in New York last week indicate that it was one of the best fights of the year in the big town. Flynn was the aggressor throughout but Dillon got the popu lar decision because he awaited Flynn's rushes and landed heavily as the Pueblo man worked in. jUATIONAL Baseball Federation, the governing body in amateur baseball, wants to divide "amateur" ball players into two classes class A to be strict amateurs and the class B members who accept money for playing baseball but do not rely upon it as a means or support. In other words, the class B "amateurs" would be the class now commonly known as the "semi-pros." gENNY KATJFFis with the Giants at Marlin. Benny put up a big noise about not being treated fairly when the Giants failed to give him a bonus at the time of his purchase from the Federals. But when he saw that he was going to be left out in the cold unless he "lined up," he got busy and scrawled his "John Henry" on a contract Benny decided to forget about that bonus talk Copyrlcht. 1J16. International News Service Z szS'twr a&Wl11 teTJ -v-. Bu HUGH S. FULLERTON. a,... ...i.i. - 1...L n mil lie ,. ..?. i, 1. 1 zn nl. TT-A r, .. .. b ,.a. .. in. 1. a .pn l.i.. n ., i he stands toda he ranks a close third llnramllle llrilllnnt. M'alter laramille figures to be the best of the shortstops because of his brilliant, aggressive, and brainv work and his spefd and dash, hich entitle him to a lot of consideration and se -erel additional point in the scoring Maram ilie did not ha'.e a good lear last ear, in fact, there Here times when' lie blew all to pieces, and some of the critics thought he was likely to slump badls through overtraininc of his nerve forces. Howeer, he came baok and finished strong and looked to be reall a better than he was the jear before. Things were not I breaking for him as thev were then. t"" .",e "' OI.." rBa Pr is 1 he does when things are going wrong. i He needed Eters alongside of him. and i undoubtedly ' his work was hurt b Eiers's frenuent lapses from the game rianerort " alunlile Miurtntnp. Bancroft is the most valuable acqui sition in the shortstop line made in mar ears Hi made the Phillies last season, carried the infield when it was wabbling around, and showed that he had all the class that was claimed for him. He hit about to his natural gait, and in spite of the fact that his a-rage is not high. It is abote that of the aw rage shortstop, and be looked a better hitter in the world's series against the speed and shoots of the Bed Sox than he did during the regular sea- son lie was hitting well even when ur uiu nui. nil naieiy aim ne was well ip in the safeties. That fellow ought to hit even better as he goes along, and his sensational fi-ldlng certainlv has not been a fluke I expect both Jlaran ille and Bancroft to hit better this season than thev did last, even admit ting that National league pitching will be much better Wanner I expect to start well, but wear down toward the end He is the marvel of the game, but even he cannot bold the puce and h has a habit of being in perfect condi tion long before the season starts-. Is n CSooil line. Brooklvn has a corking shot tstopper in O.Mars nut tbe understudies cut down his shoninir somewhat Henog is on of m ideals I was nther surprised I1Y "nECK." pRANK MORAN will weigh 205 pounds when he enters the ring, a week from Saturday night, to face Jess Willard. And reports are that Willard will weigh nt least 250 pounds so he'll have 45 pounds on the challenger. .However, if Moran is abole to land as often and as hard on Willard as he did on Luther Mc Carty, Jim Coffey, and a few others there may be no particular advan tage in 45 pounds extra weight. TACK HERRICK"is in hard luck. J Whitey Burns, of the 20th in fantry, is going to be too busy with his rifle to pay any attention to box ing gloves for the next few weeks. D ACETRACK fans who were count- ing on "getaway" purses were "up in the air" when the "getaway day" was pulled off without warning. It was over before they knew it. ELEPHANT BUTTE GUN CLUB HAS LAST SHOOT M.pfiaut Butte. N "H Manh 1. Kolb.w Inn an the scores mad. by members ( the Kl.phant Butte Gun club at the rtxuliir v er-k end trap snoot SI ot Br.k Sam N Mstson 10( ' Frank Cooper ! , M F Cooper '"' H 1) Klelntob .. "" ' H R Neese ... . ' ' 1 t Miller 1,,B " 1, I I harle-e VN I' K Itutland . . 10" vr c I) lionovaii I00 , , ' 'I In- i probiblv the la t shoot of uo I ' lh.ui! Untto i.un 1I11I1 mil th- in in' r ilni, The ri Pen I for iiul.ll-h 11 111 ir 1 1 111 1 h pic 1 I h , h 1. tin !! 1 1 1 he 1 slllll.tLrOKT lit TS CIMINNvTI si , 1 ,ri Ih March 1 -The shr...- 11 J v . mil tenm el' f Hi I "' ' , I- 111 I. ' ' ' AMEN CORNER YORK ncgistcreiS United States Patent Office. TmomEVT . n fln.1 ,1.... Un m .. .1. u -.. 4.X..1. . .. m i.ii.i iiimi lie aii.ij an t:i. llin.l III ! the mechanical pari of the game be fore the points for brain work and ag- grcssh eness are added He has the pep and brains of a Maranv ille, the grit and determination in attack, everything save the balaix e of temper, which cuts his total alut considerably, not so much I as it arfet ts his on n -nork as that of those arouud hnn It either makes or ! kills a plaer who works with him. He j j n more effertu e understudv this sea- ( son than he has hid since Joining Cin cinnati in Esmond, the exl'ed, who is quite (t, ball player and much steadier and more effective than he was before he went to the outlaws under Pancho Gllmore. Indeed, the acquisition of Es mond sas to balance up the Iteds and fortify tbem strongly. Fletttrer did not go back with his team last vear In fact, this quiet, clever fellow plaved verv good ball un der the circumstances and behind fal terinir pitchers His chances were much harder than thev ever ere before. He is not a-?-rressive, just determined and ner Butler Is quite acceptable at St. Tuis, not quite finished as a fielder. and a bit rained in the team work j around sec onci j hicnKoN lueer Move. Chicago did a strange thing in drop- j ping Uobbi Fisher, who hit up close to 300 in the- National and keeping Mike I Doolan who hit almost in the a-b-c j class in the Feds. Tinker has been criticised hut I think he did the right thii g Fishc i iiad .i good vear, but is not tbe ball plaver he was touted to bo Doolan once w. s the sensation of the National He still fields wonder fullv and is -i valuable man at bat even though he cannot hit Nor must v mi fis-iire Joe Tink. r nut of it Tinker 1 probablv will olav 40 games at short this season, with a chance at more 1 figured bun In 40 His repaired kldnev.s I are in shape, and h. looks lighter and ' better than in veais He sav s he will manage from the b nc h, but he will be out there with the spangles on if lioulan needs help Tinker can go just as well for short distances now as he used to go the whole route, and his lombmed value with fioolan lifts the ubs stock constdeiablv (Copyright i-nt, h the Wheeler Svndieate, lnc ) JARRY STROUER sends a clipping about his fight at Tyrone, where "Kid" Fargo got the decision. The clc-ing sentence is interesting: "Stroner says he was satisfied to box and didn't do any mixing because the gate wasn't lucrative enough to arouse his fighting blood." If New Mexico had a stae boxing commis sion, that admission Should be enough to bar Strouer from any other bouts in the state. No boxer who doesn't do his best at all times is any credit to the game. J7LKPHANT BUTTE trapshooters, sending in their weekly scores, extend than'.s to The Herald for publishing their scores in the past and state that the last shoot of the club ,has been held but that the members hope to be able to get on other score sheets. It is probable that some of them will motor down to El Paso occasionally and shoot with the Pass City Gun club. gENNY ALLEN, pocket billiard champion of the world, set a long-run record of 58 in the Chicago tournament, Tuesday. When Allen first challenged and played Jerome Keogh for the world title, Keogh's high run in one of the matches was 58, so Benny must be reminded of old times by the Chicago score. T- LL records for a quick "getaway" were broken at the Juarez race track, Tftsday. . The customs' offi cers here were 'kept busy all day n aking entrv cf the many horses thai were quaitered across "the river ind by night practically the entire thoroughbred p-r.ulation of the Winn plant vi , n M,.. x,a f the Rio f randi BY TAD VrViUARO JTOPPED A in Ttf-tT PAf?c DD6E MOTOR CAR The all-steel body and its beau tiful finish are peculiar to this car, and the one is 'made pos sible by the other ,If wooden frame were used it would not be practical to applv the enamel which gives the bodv its lustrous finish. The body ii e-lecttically welded into a unit. Then the enamel is bakejd on at a high temperature It will pa juii to visit us and exnmlnff this ear TIi .a"oliiie priM' of the TpuruiK r or Roafl t .m'I. to m JT35 if u b Detroit LONE STAR Phone 6100 ggx WHERE TDBUYv AUDITORIUM GARAGE STORAGE AND REPAIRS. x.-o mm. Mrcet Phone I5G. . n. AMHtLAS, 1'res.; TOM WIIITi:, Mr. WINTON SIX MdiJie!!' CADILLAC SALES COMPANY E. P. & S. W. BLDG. PHONE 5105 EL PASO OVERLAND AUTO CO. Overland Automobiles and Willys Trucks 120-122 SAN FRANCISCO STREET. FISK RED TOP NON-SKIDS FOR FORDS, 5,000 MILE GUARANTEE WESTERN MOTOR SUPPLY CO. Phone 528. WILLARD WEIGHS JUST HIT 250 Champion, Training Stead ily, Expects to Take Off Eight Pounds More Fat. New Roik March 15 The fa. i t ,i onlv about 50 persons watched Ti s Willard training at his Indoor qnjrtf, Instead of the hundreds who paid a-1 mission to see him all through lat week, did not detract from his earnest ness in his work He now weigh lltt'e over 250 pounds stripped it i- mi) and expects to take off at least leht pounds more In the next ten days. After his early morning run in inl around Central park, Willard restcu 'in til the early afternoon- His fir--i In door work was with the pulle. Th n he boxed two rounds each with li. i pie, Monahan and Rodel, the oDi r Th -k he took on th Dig Turkish i"Mle Hussane. and pulled him around ic about four minutes A brief s stion with the medicine ball wound up the da's ac tivities. Moran took it easy Tuesday after h s aarlv road run and light exercise Tie naid'he feflt fine, but thought he w j rest up. To day he Intends to do full da s training and then take an other layoff until Friday, with oi T a nerfnnctorv lour Thursday to fill tr Moran assures every one who S'-ki him about his condition that he nn' felt better in his life MANY CHANGES IN BOWLING CONGRESS STANDINGS MADE Toledo, Ohio March 15- Ma changee in the standing of the leaders In the American Bowling congress w r made in the play Tuesd.ii. Heine Riehls, of ColumMus, Ohio, shot IS i . f -first place in the fives: "Skea" Thoi and Hank Marino, of Chicago, cl. ane up 1J79 in the doubles for another 1 and Bob Itaydl, of Chicago, ran . o in the singles. Thoma also put Chicago Into an ti first place with 1919 In the all mfir one of the best marks on the JL E. books WE WILL MOVE. To 107 Texas St, about March lit) Anderson-Filler Investment Compar Phoenlx-EI Paso Building Compan Brothers ons.umpt.on is unusually low MOTOR CO. 301-315 W.San Antonio St. El Paso Auto Sales Co. A ?outhvresten Oarajr. 118 X. Kamas it. r.KMJItVI. VITO RKIIIIIMi. I'hone C0O PHONE 170. 31 8 San Francisco St H Vl X'1