Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 11 GOLDBERG GITS HVEU IIS TD PLAY "I'M THE GUY" By u i Team Is Now in Midseason Form, It Appears and Manager Is Anxious. "VS aco T x . March 15 Manager Mc Graw expressed himself as being fear ful of his Havers becoming too finely trained if the weather continues as .. ... 1. i i -J .. Ikla n'anlr warm ii ii hub Defii uuiinh niw ,t. . i .. ., Jt :,, : , . , L , ... r I til first game of the season will be played Ttute Mchauer, In the first inning or ' with the Texas miners Instead of the Kl the pnctlre name hail so much steam Football Schedule For 1916 Season Announced at State College. Slate Colli g, X J . llarch li The ath letic governing board at the New Mexico Slate college ban announred the football schedule tor season, of Kit. Some material change hae been made for the coming season, the normal school at Silver City has neon aoaeu to ine list of football mala alia Hid tint an muph on the ball that the manager told him to let up and ylve tin opponents some hatting practice. I ine liulie did. and Ik w jk hit for three ' un in the next two innings Ml of ihe iilaen who reported with ' f Iri-t liuncli en eptlng B.ibblnBton. whose throwing .irni is somewhat atiff. itiil Shammn, who has sore feet, arc 'r lined down " almost championship CHion form The li .Vi ii"t missed . minute of i ictice e ept lh iflernoon when the i i it aiim! M'-i,i in to shorten the ine pld l tint .J r The Mm v..ih ici lu i. Hi the earlv t i n I n i imp err all tinned a rich irjn ui mown Thcv are surel) a, usl lookhik buii'h of athletes, and - thr ran oxer the field of Kmerwn ik tlm moriilnif before a mo vine i inre mi. Mine thev looked capable of ipu. the prfpcnt trouble on the Uenb hi bonki nil b themselves PIRATES TOLAND IN SEVENTH PLACE Mnnfliiurd From Previous lasc.) m i j. reliable fielder but he Is not i vnarvil Nor Is he a clouter He whanged Yni for :5 last ear. That's ins aerK' power Jimmy Viox raav be. laik at second or he ma go to 'he outfield It all depends upon what liinm Smith doe mltlt Pnat lint lonnsr. -in i tb i an IS vear old who pot t inc. with the Chicago Ked last i Tie k as as a lightning in ik .mil a. sensational fielder. Hut lbs FedF toimd him a bit too yaung nd wuk at but He may have ac- iulred u bitting eic and a little steadi- css sini e last sununer. Tf so. he will e the second sack Euardian and Viox ill HFPume an outfiolding; role. i nllahan's big Job is to develop a ihmi baseman Kaird. the 1915 rcfju- r is little more than mediocie. There in r ki.i1 oun''iiH who are icolng " trr for the job and 1t wouldn't be i' I iimiic if Eaiid was nosed out. lflnchnimt t:eis l'lncr. Ilitihman Is certain of one of the i limine; places He's a good hlttei. ithuuKh slow on the paths. Vio uKht to land a 10b there, too, in case -mtji to sei onU Max Carey, who i been a Pirate outfielder for man ear ha slowed up considerably and s not a really valuable plajer Hut "j. Hi tin-, he ran land a resular .b lo iiihe the rnates do not seem lim niiMine on the roster who if ettir Harnej. a regular last vear. 11 fur fielder bit woefully weak with I'. fH(k Ihe niching; d-pm tuient this vear neht to be itronp r than in 191. 1 roiifrh the pu'.Ium of Art Wilson. irmi the Cubs. He ii a fine receiver. i.v has a Rood ,ii in and can bat. raso hi eh school team A total of eight game have been schedulrd five of which will He played on the Aggies" home grounds. The contests will be held an follows Oct T Texan School of Minei team at the fair croundu In laa rrut en Oit :i Sold lorn from El Paio on home f round Mllbr field. Oct Zh El Paso high achool on hom grounds Miller field. Nov 4 - Normal school on home grounds, Mllltr field Nov 10 Xe Mexico Mllitarj Institute on home grounds. Miller field. Nov. 1". fnlversltv of Arizona at Tucson Vov :i Texas School of Mines at El raao Nov. SO University of New Mexico at M-buuuerque. BOWLING Follow Ine are the scare? made by the Telephone league teams on the Cactus club alles Tucsdav evjenfna Anderson team. lt 2.1 -,d Til K. K Anderson . 1S3 7 i4 3ttt I K. Sanlth . M-. 11J H3 481 W R. Hutchinson .164 2j4 147 Si Totalc 44 J .1(4 4i( Ke Cook taam lnt 2d Id Ttl. o F" Teachnar ... 76 He 11 II W. Cook ... 154 lit 131 xi K P Done . .11 17S 114 404 Totals . . .tS2 402 j;i ie Polnla won. Anderson 3. Cook 1: high game. Done 178. high total. Hutchinson at. Oamewell team. 1st 3d 3d Ttl. J K. Oamewell 14 1 .7 Its M J. r Alnnlle .isi 13 ijb gn R. ir. Cresslncham . . . 1 :i 11 116 3t Totals . . 3t3 :;s 4:0 Hit Knight team. lit :d 3d Til. T. Knight . .111 1",, l(i! 43: Joe Kvans It l.". 111 41 .1 F. Ross It; 12 til Totals 3tl 404 K lite Totnts won. Oamewell :. Knight 3. hlrh game, Gamewell 18". high total, Gamewcll 41:. fSIMWf ME 86EX) TiS CLtfvjN " ,'M -rucr - SMOWriG iT I'VE ) f CLtrrJ - lrXLE POFP l . borJE QJOUGH rsu W ecAcn-v: I ( of smokc, , ) Gw aJ k-v A -TiAvwftiNjG to y 8,s-, uJrto rReVao? Vs Tne J&f J ioOBte my" f ' " " .y ." L oU6K Jy COLLEGE BASEBALL TEAMS PLAN INTERSECTIONAL GAMES V number of intersectiotial baseball arnmes between the leading college and university nines of the south, east and middle west will be a feature of the interrolleKiate baseball sea son which will open earlv next month. Dunns; the southern training trip of the eastern 'varsltv teams Vir ginia will play Amherst, Williams. Har vard. Tale and Cornell The navy has urn') with Amherst, I-aravette. Wil liams. Cornell. Harvard untl Trinity. !eorretown will meet Williams, Prince ton. I'enn State and Yale. loiter in the season several of the oiithern and western colleite nines will plav in the east the principal contests beinp as follows. Harvard vs. George town. Vinrinia: Vale vs. Virginia and r;or;etown. Williams vs Virginia; Princeton v Virginia and Armv vs. ;eora;etowii. Both Michigan and the Michigan Aggies will plav one or more 1 Mm the veteran i about tnrougr . .-.e.-- h-' - . M.Mimiux peifo,,.,..! brilliantly i games in the east the leading lontests , , Is, year II. was the scna 'l"'P " fo'LowJ- Ro-ne"''r ' Michi- f t e Uag.i- v.,th a weak club . gaii Aggies. Michigan x Cornell .vera- When you get puffing along at a Smile-a-Minute gait behind a pipe ful of mild, mellow, good-for-a-fellow "Tux" you're bound to become the Cheer Leader on the road to Success. MbfB m Tuxedo develops 1 II 111 Hit not...- - ji f limit him he won 21 out of 2T gamei, ' nithins: Just behind Crover Alexan I r in winning pmenlage and thiid 1 effective Mainmaux may perform 1 w. U thi veai i"n 1 errat nltclifr howevir cannot 1111 a ball clUI or 1 an he ke. use. Swarthmore and Pennsvlvanio, I JACK IHI.l.!!. I)LTPIGI1T SMITH HIT LACKS STIiAM New York, March IB Jack Dillon, of Indianapolis, outfought Gunboat" Kmltti In n ten rnnnd hntit in Bronklv n iuii in a ie,..,., ,--t I Tuesday night. Dillon's punches, how eei. it m the first tliyl-1 i,a , aoncar to have then -ion Maminaiix niuvt navi neip. uui . eem unlikelv thnt lie 11 get u. Harmon is a fan pilcner vaams is -k.diling and Col)lll never has been or r.evci will be a wonder. Some o. the tookiis may rise up and do heroic mik .Hid then, again they may not. -iCMiith plaie belongs to the Pirates, uidi'iK to the mid-winter dope. ever, did not appear to nave ineir usual effectiveness. Dillon weighed 170 1-1 pounds and Fmith ISO 1-" TAKE ELEVATOR SAVE $5.00 VICTOR HAT & CLOTHING CO. Corner Meaa & Saa Antuale. HOSTO.-V. PITCIIHK MII,11 TO 1-OHT WOIITH Cl.lll Hoston, Mass., March 15. The sale of pitcher A. Rankin Johnson to the Fort AVorth club of the Texas league is an nounced by president Lanning, of the Boston Americans. The price was 3300. he said. Cin. HEAT CUMXCU MNK. Tampa, Kla . March 15. The Chicago Nationals defeated the Southern college nine I here Tuesday :l to S. Mann and Flack. formerly with the i-tiuago Federals, mm home run1 for the Cub TOE HOME Or Holeproof Hosiery for Men, Women and Children. BRYAN BROS. Sau Antonio Oregoa. WE WILL MOVE. To 107 Texan St. about March 15th. Anderson-Filler Investment Company. Phoenix-El Paso Building Company. --Adv. v-SHbbi23T 7 lw.r laftlSivT yKfflHfeB?s5 e7 iJe CHRISTY MATHE WSON Famous Baseball Pitcher, says: "Tuxedo gelt lo me in a natural, pleasant way. Jl's what I call good, honal, companbnable tobacco the kind lo slictt to. The Pervet Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette more joy-power to the pipeful than any other tobacco why? Because it's the only tobacco made that will not "bite" nor even try to "bite" the most sensitive tongue and throat. Tuxedo is made by the original, secret "Tuxedo Process" the only process that removes all sting and harshness from tobacco. And the tobacco used in Tuxedo is the ripest, mildest leaf grown aged 3 to 5 years to delightful fragrance and mellowness. Tuxedo is widely imitated (did you ever hear 01 anything original and. worth while that wasn't?), but when you call for a show-down in your pipe, imitation brands will quickly bite their way out and leave you and Tuxedo together in peace. jfyhx-t' YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE 5 Famous green tin with gold C lettering, curved to fit pocket In Tin Humidon, 40c and 80c In Glais Humidors, 50c and 90c. Convenient, glassine wrapped, moisture-proof pouch . . . 10c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Ordinance. WE WILL MOVE To 107 Texas Street, About March 15th. Anderson-Filler Investment Co. Phoenix-El Paso Blag. Co. CANDY SPECIAL Our Delicious Crisp Peanut Brittle 15c The Lb. WEDNESDAY ONLY 'fl Hsyt 0 79f fsfffZ& gfejjv COTTON ADDITION LOTS I xBJswMJilyalT.y.uUsf ' iiij'i'j fpis i -a? ill mf- I i Mesa -Avenue and Texas Street. st. riTiuciv ui:ltils Best Boy in El Paso A. P. COLES & BROS, Agtntt. ROUND $29.30 TRIP Houston, Texas ACCOUNT CATTLE RAISERS' CONVENTION ON SALE MAECH 18, 19, 20 LIMIT MARCH 27TH VIA W! 1! J exas filfe Panifin "sp- " " "" I """" "- 1 "March 18th" "CALIFORNIA ORANGE DAY" R. B. BIAS FUEL COMPANY Btttr prcpird than Tr to aerva our euitomeri promptly aafi erflUeniir Thome 84. 1B10 E. mi,...i f I. WOOD COAL FED POULTRT SUSIES AX ORDIN'AXCE 11EGU1.ATIXG TUP HANDLING AND PTOR jOK OF GASO LINK. ETC WITHIN THE CITT LIMITS OF TUB CITY OK KL VAflO. TTCXAS BE IT OHDAI.VKD Br T1IB CITY COUN CIL OK TUB CITY OF Kt, TASO. Section 1. Tjiat it ehsll ie unlawful for T person, firm or cor Deration to h o keep, or store, on any eremites In the City of Kl Paso Kl lao County. Txas more than fire trallons at one time of either jcart line. benslne, carbon dlmjlphdt. naptbu, or other olatlIes without a permU m to do 8etlon I When anr sucli permit i- dr nfred. apnljratlon must be ib$0p to th Cit Council therefor. In tuitlng. hlch applica tion shall state the amount t dfhred to be kept at any one time: th" Jqnd of Aolatlles desired to be kept, the ilef her dfired to be kept, the nature of tbe rer-eotac! In uhlch tb volatile will be kept, and the na ture of the safeguards chilli will b, used jn harrdllnc the mm Section 3 The said apih tUp in rttln shall be presented by the .u.pliinnt to the Fire Marshal or the On of Kl 1'aso who shall at once invest iff" i I h mi tt r and npmrtuin the truth or filsltv (f ih -tHt. numts made In the application .ind n port the result of the said ln?tiiration to th Citj Council, said report toother with faM application shall be filed h the Hie "Mar shal -with the City Clerk. MlthJn fortj-cight Hi) hours after the presentation of such application to him 'Section A The Citv Council win art on "' h application and report, find ?f it it uf th opinion that Mich upplh ation tan b wanted without dancer of ifire r other intury to life or propcrtv. the said permit will be granted Section G. If ut an time the city Coun cil Mia 11 le of the opinion that am permit should be reonea ine - council shall cause a letter to le mailed. adrsed to the person, firm or corporntion to v.h"m th permit was granted, at tin piVmis nanud In the application, notlfvinic sui h person firm or corporation to appear before the Citv Council at a time named, and ahou cause why such permit should not be re voked Hectlon C. At the time named or as noon thereafter as practicable the Citv Count!) Mhail inaulre into the matter jind if it is of the opinion that said permit should be re oked. then It shall revoke the same, and i he same shall thereafter be of "10 force or ffMt section 1 It shall be unlawful for anv 1 . rson to strike a match, or ba jn ar ifn lul light, other than electridn or to iiic anv fire. In any room shed or pl;ue. v here anv of the aforesaid substances are h. n kept .Sertion 8. .No per.on, firm or corporation. dull have or keep on any premises or fn ii. y room, shed or place in the Citv of Kl Taso five gallons or less of anv of the sub siarces above mentioned unl the sam Fhull be kept In a metal container of a s"!f r losing, approved kind Section 3. The City Council will grant the permit applied for. If it Is of the opinion that the said substances will be kftpt and handled In a manner substantially comply ing with the following safeguards (a All tanks shall be Installed outside , of the bulb'lng ui derground and not .si than tno C. f"tt below the Mirfjt rn-' tirelv surrounded tr farth ejl tamped in place and the top of the tank mint be be low the level of thn lont plue line n the Imllding used In t-onnettlon with the cuulp- ibf If InipracthaMe to locate tanks out-v-i 'e of the building, the nnv be burled two . t feet below tht Ie . i , f th bHtement f .h r embedded In tin irtli .mil i -red bv at leai-t two f- feet of c rtli ml ..n r ie ,, , Ml tank', i.f .tin L'i'l...- ... under! t, ,11 i.e made of at b t i i , , i , K, ,lfcf, - t iniated Steel or at i ln j, t)i , ..i n hearth tank -d, 1 ,, e. p. , i u fQ gal'oitw cap (ti hIihII ) nut. J ..f 1. nub giiiianiztd -ree nr 't t. h b!j-k pen In irtb tank ." I All t .til x mad ,.f , I anird fieel I in-' be iiri(uil ti te.J , ,1, i hi' red ind it. 1 on t li. .. n ;t n , ,, i "th r ni'-i i i t i u nut ii - 1 Ordinance. side with tar or other rust resisting ma terial No tanks shall have openings or pip onnectlons except on the top thereof, and shall be properly vented and shall not be onnected either directly or indirectly with an public or private sewer, drain catch batvin or pit. d) Killer pipes must be made of gal- anlxed. Iron pipe two Inches or more in di i meter entering at the top of the tank and extending to the bottom of the same. The upper end of said filler pipe must ter minate In a screw cap securely locked. 1 here tanks are located under the building the filler pipe mutt run to the outtdde of th huftdlng, and terminate In a screw cap, saiTO to be securely locked. "Where filler pipe runs to the sidewalk or to an alley nr public May. It must terminate In a screw can securely locked, and protected by a cast iron fillet" box. the same to flush with the sidewalk or alley. The cover of the said filler box to be securely locked. to Tank located In or within tin (lot feet of any building shall he prolded with a one inch diameter, or larger, gaUanised Iron ent pine same to be connected to the top of such tank Connection at the tank to be provided with a brass wire screen of at l"BKt "0 mesh The ent pipe must be car ried up to at ast 4 feet above the roof of td building, and terminate In a double gooseneck spark protector, both openings of whlth must be covered with a brass wire serew. of at least 30 mesh l if ripe connecting the tank with the pump must be of galvanised iron and roust entertop of tank Raid pipe must be burled at least IS Inches below the surface and anv e vposed portions thereof must be thoroughly and pioperh protected Thin on nee t ion pipe niu-.t not be lower at any point than where same leaven tank. Section 10. It shall be unlawful for anv person firm or corporation or association of ppritons to unload gasoline from any gaso line wagon to any of the underground gajo llno t nnks above described Within the citv limits of the city of Kl Paso Tej- except by use of a hose se cure! v attached or screwed to the faucet of vatd wagon or receptacle holding said ganolJne. and said hose shall extend from said v agon or -ecepUcle containing said gasoline to and connect with the filler pip leading to the underground tank. bectlon M AH gasoline or other "volatlles muft h drawn from said tanks bv means of an improved suction pump or puinps vvhUIt mall have a shut off valve with a ground ke on ilte noirle ami an automatic check valve between the pump and the nozzle, and in no ase hall there be a return of waste pipe to the tank iro ided further thut none of su h pump or pumps shall be located or maintained on any street or sidewalk with in the citv limits of the City of Bl Paso. Teua. and that all pumpe now so located in ald street or nidewalk. which were so v ated under a permit Issued bv the City fuuncii of the City of El Paso shall be re moved bv hept 1 191 1. and after which dit nil permits hetetofore issued to erect mil maintain a pump on the sidewalk or tr . f wli iln the clt limits within the City of Kl Pto are here revoked and cancelled .Motion 1J It tdiall be unlawful for any p rs ui flini or corporation to ue open con iitin r in transferring gasoline or other volatile from one receptacle to another, and slid liquids shall be delivered directly to t lie i ccepiac le from which it Is to bu us?,) or to approved safety cans or por table i inkh Section 13 Vhere gasoline or other vola til -s are pumped inside the building, light ing vhal! be done v fmandes ent elettrb likhM. jth al! ele. trie switches and cutoff-, tirrniu nllv located at least four inth ii i tin floor I on H No gsline or other volttlle b i I kpr in an building "m ut v Ihmi t i 1 ir It nulled I" ""' 'losing safct cwn-talner- or in portable flUng tartk ti"i hen elf closing "afrv containers ir- u ' 0 i flu storing or handling of gaso !nt it (i i i vol '111 - not 'iiorc tlian five i j, of g,in.Mne or ollnr voliilil- li 1' I it in n htil'duiE ind tin If ii - i ui i i Mi" r ' ii id I ui t I i f i pi T m 'i 'j t n t an I j Ordinance. must be of a capacity not to exceed tlve (5) frallona. b) When filllnir tanks arr used for tha Morlnc or handltnt: of cnoline or other volatlles. the containers mast be of a ra oacitv not to exced fiftv 50 callnns, and muvt be of at lea.t .1-16 Inch tank nteel. and mut be of apuroved construction The said portable tanks ahall be supported on all stfel wheels, not less than CO incite In dl umet.r. the same belnc equipped t ith rub ler tires, and the tank mu!t be provided with an approved all metal uction pump. This pump to be provided with a hose at tariunent. and the hoso mut nl exceed eiKht s feet ln length The pump must br eo'.lppod Ith an Improved ground key ehut-off cook whera hoso in attached to pump also with ImDOored ground key ahut nff cock at end of hose The pump must be equipped with a convenient lock, and the same must be looked when not In use Section 1". All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance xliall he and the same are. herabv repealed Insofar as iu conflict and no further Section 16 Whereas there la no auffldent nrUiname regulating the storage and keep ing and handling of the substances herein mentioned, and the danger to life and prop erty resulting from such lack ia great and Increasing, therefore, a case of great pub lic emergency exists which reaulrea the sus pension of the charter rule that no ordi nance shall be finally adopted until it has been read In open meeting of the City Coun cil at two regular meetings thereof and aald rule bv the unanimous vote of the Alder men present and with the consent of the vlavor is here now suspended and this or dlnam e h3ll take effect from and after its pansagf approval and publicutlon. l'aised and approved this Srd day of March A D 1916 Tom Iea. ... Mavor. Attest J I" Dan son City Clerk AN OKUINWCB AMENDING SECTION 13 l); A ORDINANCE PASSED AJJD Al' 'feyi.yj .DEC'KMBER 11. 114. AS SAID rSETlSJi. WAR AMENDED BY AN OR DINANCE 1-ASSKll AND APPROVED J"E,. DAT Of NOVEMBER. 1915. SsH-LL.AlT,N" TRAFFIC WITHIN THE PASO TEXAS F T"E CITy F EL ..,,i"'V.lT"D"A'If'I!D J5T THE CITT COCN CIi OT THE CITT OF EL TASO TEXAS: section 1 That section 11 of an or dlnan.c paed and approved December SI. lJil us said sectiun s amsnded by an ordinance B!isl ami approved the 15th day of Apveiiiber 11 .. regulating traffic within i. -2 Jlmlts of the City of El Paso, Texas. HT'i 3 vi "?m" '" hereby amended to aire include the following street In the district ?JTf ehlclOB tannot stand longer than twenty minute Section .' That It shall be unlawful to leave uns vehicle standing or hitched for i. . "V 5erllia than twentv minutes on that ?uL .OT!h .P l'" street beginning at the northt-rlv line f sau Francisco street and .extending northerl to th uoutherlv Hut or Fran .'in street The fjt thnt there Is no sufficient or. tllnance regulating parking of chklx with in the rltv limits of th. Citv of kl Paso creates a public ne. "stv which reaulrea the suspension of the cliarte- rule that no ordinance shall be flnallv dopt-il until it nas been resd In open mceti ic of tll Cltt joun.ll at two meetings thereof said rule unanlni'MiM vote of the aldermen present ana with th ninsent of the viutor Is novt In rehv feuspend-d. m.J tills V.n Insnce shall tik cffe.t after Its insv,K( .im,ro,al and 'ased Mirth V and noproel U 191b "rd dav of RAILROAD TIME TABLES. AH trains arrive and depart from Union station, foot of San Francisco street. All arrivals and t'eparturea given ln 1 Paso or mountain stanOard time. " SAXTA FE. For Albuquerque. Denver. Chlcaro. Xjos Anreles No. SU Ivs. S.50 a. m.; Na SltP at p. m. From Albuquerque. Denver. Ios Angslee. Chicago No. 903 art a, 10 a. m.: No. SIS at 6:5C v nt el soirrmvESTXRN. (ftealern Disitlon.) For Arisona and California No. 2 lvs. S:otj p. m.; No. 7. at 7M5 p. nu From Arizona and California No. t arrs. 7 s. m.; No. 4 at 1.10 p. m. (Kastem IHrislon.) For Kansas City. St. Louia and Chicago No. 4 lvs. 1 55 p m : No. i. at 4:4a p. m. Tor Tucumcart No s iva. 7:30 a. m. From Chicago. St Louts and Kansas City No. 1 arvs. 6:J0 a. m.; No. 1 at 2:40 p. rn. From Tucumcari No. 7 arrives 7.20 p. xn. G. II. S. A. AND S. T. TltAINS. Fer San Antontu, New Orleans and Wash InrtoD No. 1! la. S-4J a. m.; No. 1 at 1:J0 p. ra. From Washington. New Orleans and San Antonio No. 9 arvs. .30 p. m.; No. 101 at 10 p. m. I'er Arlxona and California No. 1 lvs. G:ltf a. m.; No. 9 at u p. in . No. 101 at 10:IS p. m From Arizona and California No. 102 arvs. 8.30 a. rn . No. 2 at 4:50 p. m.: No. 10 at 10 p. m TEXAS TAClriC, For Dallas and St, Louis No. 0. iva. C:0 a. m.; No. 4. at 7 p. ro. From St. Louis and Dallas No. 3 arvs. 9:1S a. in.; No li at 9 35 p rr MEX1CAN CENTRAI.. No regular schedule 3IEMCO AND NORTH WESTERN. No regular schedule vines. Gila Vailer Auto Slat Una. Gilt. Ariz. eITpaIsO-CXINT Wheeler's car leaves CUnt for El Paso dully, includlnc Sunday, at t:X a. m. Returning to Clint the car leaTea The Herald office nt 3:30 p. ra. Eipreii and parcels carried. BIG SPRINGS, Lamesa. Tel.. Auto Ltee leaves Big Springs dally except Sunday ' S:30 a. m.. arriving Lames, via Bolih and Sparenoerc at 13 soon, retoralnc to Bit Springs nut day at 5 p. ra. 33.50 eae way. 16 00 round trip. Cordill & Smith. Props.. Big Sprints. Tex. KL r.PO-LA MESA auto line, tipper valley, wast side. Herald delivery leaves Herald of flca eatk week dav at 4 p. ro. Farea from Bl Paso to tho following points aro x fol lows: Canutilio 78c; La Union store. 31.00 Chamberino. 31 33, La Mesa, 31.(0. Car leaves La Mesa for El Paso at a. ra. dally. Telephone 342. La Mesa, N. M. R. T. Htwitf- LAS CRL'CES auto line, for JlMllIa valley pelntv. leaves Herald office- each week day at 3rl5 p. m. Fares from 191 Paso to Casn tillo. 7.o: Anthonj. 31 00: Beriao. (US, ado, 31.56: Mesquite. 31.7e: Meellla. Park. 200; Cruccs 2 no Leaves E T. Johns News Wand. Phone 145, for El Paso, at 5 p m. datlv. lULAHOhAOl ESCALET.O auto leave.! Tula rosa for Mescalero. daily. 33 round trip, fare to Alamogordo 32. D. W. Shoemaker Anto Line. Tnlarosa, N. M. AUTOMOBILE ROUTES illLKUK HO ILL and auto line. Basle. N. M. Trips to Elephant Sutte and Palomaa (springs. Cars meet all trains. LAKE ALLEY, Hlilsboro and Kingston auto stage and express line meets all trallw at Lake Valley Wire at my expense for special trips anywhere at any time. Rates reasonable F W Mister. Hlilsboro. U. M. SILVER CITV-MOGOLLON stage line, one way 17.30: round trip 315 Stanley steamer. 12 passenger car. Wire or write for reserva tion. Bight years' experience Mogollon roa& Frank Townaend. P O Box 703. Phone 24s. Silver City MARI'A-FORT DA IS auto mall llns leaves Fort Davis dally and Sundays 8 a. ra. Leaves Marfa 3 p. m. One way. 33.50; round trip 34.00. G. W. Davis. Prop. IILACR RANGE auto stage and express line, passenger service leaving Engle and Chlor ide dally except Sunday at 7 a. rn. for Ele phant Butte. Cuchillo. Willow Springs snd Falrview Through fare one way. 36, Inter mediate points, 10 per mile. Baggage car ried 50 pounds free, excess 2 cents per pound. IJL'N CAN-SOLO MONVII.LE automobile stage line. Save one dsy between Globe and Clif ton. Leave Duncan 3.30 a. m.: arrive Sol umonvills 11 00 a. m. Leave SolomonvlITs 11:45 a. m . arrive Dnncan 2 15 p. m. Fare each way 35 00. R. L. Reld. manager. Sun can. Arisona. Attesl J F. Dunrson Citv Cleik ROSWELL-CARRIZOZO mall line. Passen ger service leaving both Roawell and Carrt loso daily and Sunday at 3 a. m tor Plca cho. Tlnnle, Hondo. Lincoln. I t Stanton. Capttan and Nogal Through fare one way. 38.40 Intermediate points -vt Sc per mile Baggage carried up to 1T5 pounds. 60 pounds free. Excess at lc per pound. Roa well Auto Co owner and operators. itbrM ELL-ALAMOGOIIIH) pueiienger and express line. Automobiles leave Alamogordo ' for Roswell at 7 JO a. m . arrive at Roswell at 5.20 p in Westbound automobile leave i Roswell for Alamogutdo at 7 00 , m Arrive , at Alamogordo at -I 1". p m Stops are made ; at the fol owing point 1'kacli" n mle. Hondo San Palrn.1" (.Sen I'oi vMnle ML i Inn M i ilem lien Tuiaro l l.ut l Thrcugh tare one av 31t Intermediate i points sc per line in hi. -ilvo puunun i baggage ivrrietl tree Tmcs lc per pound ' Alaino,ortl' ilarie Al tniugordo N M j i-tirs Via i-l heit I'ABENS-CU.NT-EL PASO au.oraoblle stags line Ses the lower valley .d enjoy a real good ride Round trip tare to Clint 3L00: rabens 31.50. Automobile leaves EI Paso Herald office each evening except Sundays at 2 o clock and returns to El Paso at 6 o'clock Make reservations at The Herald office. LOUDMlUIit;. TYRONE. SILVER CTTE auto, leaves Lordsburg dally 1 Pi ra- vu ryrone; leaves Silver City dally 3 s, to-. Tia Tvmnc Through fsre one way 36: round trip i2. Silver City to Tyrone one way $- no round trip 33.00 Scott Garage. Lords burg N. M.. Broadway Hotel. Sliver City. N. M. OIVEOO-llltM MSTA auto mail line .veev tiav e cot Sundays. Fare one way 31 -' o c Marshall. lroprilor III EN V vlVrWGRANI" FAI.IA auto maT Iln. 1. 1 iv Bueua Vista ! a. m. Leiv.s i.nmil 1 lis 1 p. m Faie one way 3- U" L u Humble. Proprietor I :: (.I.OllL TO PHOI'.MX F lit I Herald Want Ads Brinrf ResiTts lr I'nt nml He . unTlnrr1. Try Tlie Herald Want Ads. I Ml I it i ide 'f li i" k i-i 1 mum ) . , r iM 1