Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 12 Wcdnc-sdax, Mairli 15, 191G. - h STOCKS ACTIVE; I s genei; Canadian Pacific Leads the Rails; Specialties Ad vance a Point. N.ill cjuulatinna reflect closing price. w e JnctUv March 15 Neer .ork March IS Artnltj and gcnr .! ireiiglh were again the dominant fca iur nt loe1a's early markH (Jains of a i .unt or more wero registered by American !.ornmolc American Can American Zinc, hln i opper M vican Petroleum and wet ghou-e Canadian 1'"' '"' lrJ lht "" .th a ne of ' while Reading rose over poln' penalties ad(med -t. much aa a point e-endr offerings. MONEY AND METALS. new york ma rarer. (By Associated Press.) r -.or!. March 15 Mercantile paper n U Bur iler fHi Mepan dollars t-'r lime loans firm lxt daj -"j". all mouoj firm ruling rate 2 i upper quiet. lectroltlr nearby $38 00 . .! .0 June and later $27.;527 SO iron firm No. 1 Northern. $0 3SO50.JS: N-. : Northern 819 7lt2.2l. No. 1 South $20 00 20 54; No. 2 Southern. $19,719 The metal ;iKhnc. quotes tin quiet; The metal exchange quotes lead at $7.65 Md Spelter not quoted. -...- LONDON METALS MARKET. -I ocdon Bag.. March "IB. Tha linden metala market cloatnc quotations Trere: T.ead 33 "poller 30 .... -pot copper 105. slO electrolytic fl$S Jpot tin 194. slO. futnrea fill. THE LOCAL MARKET. Mexican currency (state bill) S(?14. Mexican Nscionales bills lb. Mexican pesos 44 arranza currency 24. El Taao Smelter Quotations. (Corroeted Dally.) . Psr sllter (Handy Harmon) ejuotatioEi London lead 3S. rig lead J' i opp-r wire bars ... MEXICAN PRICES. quotations furnished by El Paso exchange a stem 201 South 81 Paao street; Aguilss viejas i 1 5 sgullss nuevss Veraerua J Uonrlova -J. Banco National y Londres Mexico. . 15 Pesos faertes ti't- Tostonea "i riro 49 e Bsncos eitadoa buenoa Bances estadoa malos e Grain and Provisions. ! r rti !( f-I i Kansas City Mo. March IS Cash wheat No. i hard (1.0(01 i:. No. i red 1.D. 10. May S102S. July St-MKCV Corn No. -' mixed tlgHe. No. 2 whit tle No J yellow 71'iC, May 7H.C",' oats No J white 42Vi8mc; No - i nixed 404:c Clilcairo rrodute. Close. hies go. III.. March IS. Butter firm, i earnery a6ifc4?3Sc Fgg higher, cases first UK: ordi- ,r firsts lc. at mark, cases Included 'i Iffac Voultry alive higher, fowls ITHc; springs Kanaaa City rrodarr. Close. KiTisee city. Mo.. March 15. Butter r mcry Sic, firsts !c; seconds Jc. parl:- i ggt Pleat, 18c. iv ulto Hens, lUic. turkeys :c. Cotton Market. ew Tork Cotton. CIoe. Tori. March 1ft Spot eolton ttd, i m uplands 11 6. ! 0 bl , j" closrd hrl ted3 . 3JT 11 1 (! Ortob-r 12 Jl, DLmber 1-' Ct XJrt-rpooI Cottoo. Close -pool l,nc March 1ft Cotton "Pit hnrtfrd good mtddlinp f6, al d3 m1d- -.. . ? d. lotr mlddllnc 7. eo db. 10 t"to LIVESTOCK. Chicago Ureatoek Close. h.ago III. March 15 Hogs Receipts ""0 market dull a cents under Tuesdays rage Bulk J9.56ff9.8S. light V9 i hry IHSflH, piga S0t.. battle Receipts iseoe. market xjtire beef sters 7.seS. western ere )7 4Q08..O. cows and heifera IS.8tit - .0 caUes 18 :S4fll M -hcep Rerelpts 17.M4 market steady. them S8 jsess.!, lambs 9.7Seil.S. Kansas City Livestock. Cloe. Kansas OU Mo. March IS Hogs-Re-eiptx 13 Oee. market lower. Bulk II.IW 6S heavy 0oeS7. light J!itf9.SS: rlga 17 7i8 75. Cattle Receipts 6S00 market ateady. Pnrae fed steers ?SIS76: dressed beef teers S7?0fftl(. western steers 17.6IO s . .nJei Sheep Receipts SSM. market higher: 'ambe I0IS112o erllngs S.:s? wethers J7 Tort Worth Utettocl, Close. tBr Zelger Hotel Hogs Tteieipts 10e0. IS tn 25 cenU lew. r tup car load 3S.15. bunch 19.20. bulk i .oeio rattle- Receipts ZS00. including S0 ill es Hteady to strong. Beef ateers $0.50 yf 7.. rowa I4OO0S7S. heifers $C00S.00: hulls l SO0 21; calves S4.0OC7.SO. Stock - r Ftteers steady 004J ".it: cows 14.50 60. heifers U.if7.S0. cartes .5.S0O J w sheep Receipts S00, market steady, Iambs JJ.Tu ongreasman H. H. Jaooway, of Ar kansas, waa once a drug clerk. PUZZLE lr!l'mM' ' i;iiii:i. ituuu liunu. W . cut blame the vllllan. Kthel dear T.iat he throughout the j.lac is chasing uii Tor villlans, from all w. cm read oi lieai None but the. wpi and kel ec.i uuisut rind a tllllan. IWIKIl Ttl I;STI7H1WS l'l.I.l Inside iloviii nt rlRht elbow. WHEAT PRICES I ! Corn Sways With Wheat; Oats Display Independent Strength; Is Higher. Chicago 111 !ar..h 13 rop dimilo re porta from Illinois and Missouri rallied me price of wheat todav after a display oi weakness at the start opening -price" with May at $107', to 1 08 and July at $1 OS", to IHIi were followed bs a. n to well above Tuesdays finish. .,,. The close was steads with Mrs at l le . S and Jul at !. Corn swayed with wheat After opening unchanged to 14 lowor. the market scorea a moderate advance The close waa unsettled at 'a to Sc net Oats allowed atrength independent of oth er. Brain Weakness In the hog market low ered prodslons. fork led the decline. CIGAR DEALER CHARGED WITH SHOOTING NEGRO On a charge of assault to murder, P. h. Kinr. proprietor of A cigar store ou Texas street, was bound oer to the grand jurv .Jnewlav njoriiinj; follow ing his rvatinniiif- trial before justice J. M. Deaer. Kuif- i- allej-ed to bae sliot (ieorpc Mull, a ni'Kro. on the morniuR ot JIarch C, as tbc latter ras atteraptiii!; to escape after 1m inR token a quantity of cigars and chcHinc tobacco. A com plaint charginp theft has been filed against Stull in the countv court. MAJ. PALEN, SANTA FE BANK PRESIDENT, DIES Santa re. X M . JIarch 15 Maj Hufils J. Palen, for 44 j ears a resident or the territory and state, for 21 years president of the rirst National Bank ot Santa Fe, and one of the leading citi zens and business men of New Mexico, died at midmprht Tuesda ntcrht of pneumonia, at the ajre of V3 He had a distinguished military and business career. WEATHER BULLETIN. S. DMKTMI-rNT OT A(jKICULTUKE, WFATHEK I1CRBAU Observation taKea at S a tn., 75th me ndan ttme 6 a. m. Fl Taso time ) March 1 .. 1916 El Faso and vicin a tftir tonichtand Thurda sltjchtly ioMt tonlsbt with probablv frost. 'New Jifilco Fair tonight and Thurs da warmer east portion Thursday. r.zona Fair to nlsht and Thursday . not much change In temperature. West Ters To night fair, sHffhtlv cotder with freextnjc temDeratures north ern portion and hai frota southern por tion l nursaai iair, rising lemperaiure in northern portion. Precipitation In last H hours (In Inches).. I ! fW'THATSToo M 1rBOUO'WSeWalV; U(VSCiBEtWU (4-liVEWf Lowest temp, last night I I I Highest yesterday i j Temp, it I i. a... ! I I I Abilene 94 t r.4 clear 00 Amarllio :s St : clear 00 Atlanta 36 74 3b cloud 04 Boise.... 3K OS 38 clouds 00 Beaton -'8 (- - mon 18 CJhicago -w 34 .' snon 01 Cincinnati 16 40 lb &no it Denver 2 40 zi clear iro Detroit It 28 13 cleai 10 Duluth 6 10 -' cle-ir oo Kl Pao 47 7. 47 cle.r (10 Oslveaton 92 74 J clrat 01 Havre. . .. .8 H ? tluul (10 Jacksonr ille bO 78 b0 clear 00 Little Rock .. ..40 70 3X clear 03 Los Angeles 0 74 4& lear 00 Nashville 38 74 -'k cloutl) 38 New Orleans....... 46 76 4 clear 30 New Tork 30 38 30 rain V4 Omaha 23 38 ii clear 00 Phoenix 60 86 a6 tlear 00 Rapid City 38 o Roewell 36 64 3b ckar 00 St. Louis . 36 .'b dear 16 Salt Lake Cltr 40 56 38 ilear 00 San Antonio 48 86 48 clear oo San Francisco SO 7b SO clear .00 SanU. Fe 30 SI 30 clear 00 Seattle 44 48 44 rain .00 Washington 36 SO 34 rain tg Wichita JA H :t clear .00 Yuma 63 91 63 clear 00 Note. Amounts ot precipitation of leas thsn .01 of an Inch are not publtehed hereon. Below sero Comparative El Paso rreupilatioa. Jan. 1 to March 13. inclusive 1912 .. .42 In. Jan. 1 to March 13. Inclusive. 1913.. .2 01 In. Jan. 1 to JIarch 13, Inclusive. 1914... .S7 in. Jan 1 to March 13. Inclusive. 191S...2.7S in. Jan 1 to March 13. Inclusive. 1916... .68 In Normal. Jan. 1 to March 13. Inclual- e 1 18 in. airr Condition, nio Grande Project. Height of Water Behind Contents Dam 61.nL Acre FL Elephant Butte reservoir. ...81 -7 411,077 Increase in 24 hours 0 01 112 Flow of river at San Marclal not reported. Flow from reservoir 1300 second ft. For Irrigation, Leasburg canal 37S second ft. For irrigation, Franklin canal 270 second ft. For irrigation. East side canal 150 second ft. For irrigation. West side canal 250 second ft For Irrigation. Acequjs Madre. (Mexico) a, 84 second ft Date, March IS, 191b. A dollar saved by buying goods pro duced elsewhere 'is a dollar thrown at your neighbor's birds. PICTURE COPPER STOCKS MILT, AGI FEATURE Anaconda Opens Higher and Sells Up to 885-8; In spiration Higher. ( opper stocks again led the market Wed nesday with Anaiomla the feature, opening vlth a gain of olie-half at 88 , nnd sell ing up to 88. according to advices to V jr ties. Manning Co Hocks and bonds First atlonal bank building Calumet & Arizona, rhino and Inspiration featured. Iniplration making a new high of 48. United Aorde Extension as soft and sllghtlv lower. Tb market In pe laities opened v Ith large sales but held firm and made gains. Westing house featured the day with a gain of 4', points to 73 ' a nevi high for the year. American Lo.-omotle epened with large sales from 824 to SIS U. S Steel opene.1 and was actie In range of Stli to HV. Mexican securities were featured b Mexi can Petroleum, and American Smelters which made gains of from two to four point Th- general market was -ery actlie and trading was brisk, and transactions again were large in all departmenta. Ralls were strong, led by Union Pacific and Reading Erie gained one-half to 35 'i. Auto shares were higher. Oils were stronger Mexican Petroleum was rushed up at the close to 109 ,. Copper Slocks flotations. The following wire quotations furnished by Curtlss. Manning Co.. give the closing Prices Anaconda. - 8 Butte 4 Superior f- 9i, Calumet & Arizona ?' Copper Range 6o Chino 4 - Oreene-Cananes. .......w. 50 Inspiration i '8s Kennecott 4 54 Miami , New Cornelia 1.g North Butte 30 Ray Comolldated J 24"4 Shannon , 10 f Shattuek 374 Tennessee Copper ... 5 United Verde Kxtenaloni K13! Industrial nnd Railroad Stocks. merican Car A Foundry '' American Smelter 10-,s Baldwin Loeomotle 1 1US Canadian Pacific . ., 168'. Colorado Fuel & Iron... 46 U Central Leather " Crucible Steel Great Northern Ore 4o Lackawanna Steel . 80 Mexican Petroleum 1094. Mldrale Steel 8i Republic Iron & Steel 53' Rock Island 17n Union Pacific 134' U. S. Stel 8 ' Wabash 1 Westlnghouse 0 vk vsco uivr.n nnionc. Santa Fe. N. II.. march 15. The plans and specifications for the bridge across the Penasco at Hope, Eddy county, have been completed by state enjjineer French. It will be a 7J5 foot steel span structurt Notice To Classified , Advertisers All Classified Advertising ordered to run Indefinitely (t. f.) must be in writ ing So t. f. advertisements accepted over tbe telephone. Orders to discon tinue t. f. ads must also be In writing and cannet be accepted over the tele phone. A stop order receipt will-be given when HI ad Is ordered discontinued. COtER TEXAS WITH THESE FIVE tiREAT TEXAS N'EWSEArKT.3. Dallas Times Herald . Fort Worth. Star-Telegram; El Paso Herald. Houston Chronicle San Antonio Light Combined guaranteed circulation over 140.000 dally; 175.000 Sunda7. Combined Classified Rates. 6c per word per j Insertion daily. 6c per word. Suucay. A 20 I A4 aA In all fl.. n-naa .atM . a..1w t AM -V.U .... ,,, .... .,.u ,ajto ... .v.. ..uij a.,VV foe oti weekduv Insertion nr 2 .'Ik 'or fh... I Insertions, including one Sunday Minimum marge oaseti on .0 words. AM copy for Sunday Insertions should be submitte-l by poon of tho preceding Thursduv. Send or Itrlng -.our orje with cash to Classified Ad vertising Department of The E! Paso Her ald, and our ad will be paced In tbtss paper. Cah r accompany ordT Rates For Clauifled Adi: )ne Cent per Word No charje leu than $ .25 Six Consecutive Inser tions, per Word 05 Answers to Herald Ait. Toe following list ot uncalled for answers to Herald Want Adevrtise ments are now being held for delivery at The Herald business office: A 8 h IS A 9 H 13 A3 H 30 A 900 KM R (. I. B 39 M U M U M K W J(J 3., 400 ;oo 16 fl? I 787 Resident Grocery man (engineer Geni Mdse Mr. H. M. Whitfield II lit! i; 134 E US. i: its K 131 K 135 e r K " 145 F 146 F lte G 9 G 6 O 2 H --2 H 16 Lost and Found. I TIND strayed livestock. Archie Bell. (19 Arizona St Phone 77L LOST Silk bag with crochet yoke and nose glasses on Sunset car. Phone 2164. LOST Male Scotch collie. Answer to name of bcott Reward. Cult 6128 or 2916 Rich mond. LOST A white bull pup. -k months old Brown snots on ear nose and shoulder. Finder. Phone 1225. Rewsrd CUnGIEYE The perfect skin food. Re moves all blemishes and beautifies the com plexion. Mrs. Allan, Wright Apt H, Phone oi Personal. SP1KELLA CORSETS, Mrs. Hulctt Ph. S.72. HCE Kramer CURTAINS Thone 761 cleaned beautifully. I SPANISH LESSONS by lady teacher. Write i K 10-' care Herald ' Special Notices. FOR C.OOD fresh buttermilk ring 741S. I RLE, clean new magazines. Phone 42S9. HOUSE'S TRANSFER Phono 1330. Prompt and reliable service DA 1 1 Lit bulbs and chrysanthemum plants for sale. Thone 3148 W. FEP.TILIZER well rotted, delivered. Phone 4740 FOR sI.E Home made peach preserves and marmalade 30 cents pint Phone 6907 W HROW'N'S all American toincrs. Fresh buttermilk dSlry wants cus Phone 741S. ROOMS papered SI up, rooms tinted S3 up. I ut rates on painting Phone 4193 W. DOVT wait, phone now. Mattresses reno atct carpets steam cleaned. Acme Feather & Mattress Co Phone 1371. PNCHO tlLLA raid on Columbus post ircJ photographs, 6 for 25c, 100 fo- 3." t.0. c II Home Co. 709 K 4th St DOCTOR ACER. Chronic diseases. Diseases df women. Ner ious diseases. 212 Herald Bldg. WE CAN fix your place into a lawn or car-,n- cvrth,nc furnished. For information Phone 6701. FOR ACCIDENT and residence burglary In surancas m strongest companies and most lib eral pcjllcles, see M. B Steeos with Horace B. StevenB Mills building phone 121. FOR JK. E STRAIN SEE P. M. KEI.IA ciptoni tn md Optician .0 V. . t Anue ID UT IDE IC CHI Attorney General Jones j Says Does Not Oppose Sacramental Wines. I Phoenix, Ariz., March Id An aowal that he neer tntenaed to protecute anyone for bringing wine into the Btate for sacramental purposes and that he .iltvag believed such importation to bo legal, has been filed by attorns general Wiley Jones in the federal court fct Tucson. It is expected to r -suit in the dismissal of an application filed nearly a year aco by Fathei Con- , nolley. of the Catholic church at Bis- bee. for an Injunction restraining; the attorney general from prosecuting im porters of sacramental wine , "VVrlleaT to IIHhoii. Attorney general Jonea has written bishop Henry Granjon, of Tucson, set ting forth his position. Copies have ueen sent to all clturcnes using wine 1 for sacramental purposes. ' Since the supreme court held that 1 liquor could be introduced for per sonal use. there has never been any UBIIVU LIlUl 1L LUU1U UI9V ".- "wwe... in for church sacraments. A dollar saed by buying goods pro duced elsewhere is. a dollar thrown at your neighbor birds. For quick result Use Herald Want Ads. Tegal Nonces. PUBLIC NOTI ICE or DlssOMTIOV or rKL PSO slir.BT METAI THK "KAfcT WORKS" Notice Is hereb given that the partner ship between Clarenc- P Pitcher and W . Charters, heretofore doing DuetneHS unaer the name of the East El Paso Sheet Metal Morks 09 Alameda aenu- In the city of EI Paso, Texaa. was dls3olved on the 13th day of March. A. D 191. AH debt du eald partnership are to be paid, and those due from the same discharged Clarence r. Fischer, at Us office on Alameda acnue In the city of El Paso. Texas w here the busi ness will b continued by the said Clarence P Fischer under the name of the Eat El Paeo Sheet Metal Works Executed this 13th day of March. A D. 1916. ( larence P. Fischer. W Charters. Money to Loan. CATTLE, loans Volney B. Leonard, El Paso. MONEY loaned, notes bought, oulck action. 31S Trust Bldg.s MONEY TO LON' on good inside business property. 7 per cent Interest. A. t : uoies "Bros. 202 X Orcgun. Business Chances. .?-..'-. itDTDimrvrG Buerger Bros, store. Tesas street. Phone 4S4I NOTICK. If ou are looking for a first class Dustness proposuion. inuuire iv. ttus . I OR RENT Space in new grocerj store for meat market rtione 1798. FOR tjLE Cheap, dandy cigar and fruit tand. Pown town Address G. Herald iMLL printing office almost new, also 1 gasoline engine. Phone 3342 W. WANTED Partner In well established busi ness 8600 required, mechanic preferred. Box G Herald. WANTKD Ladv or gentlemen to make small investment in well pakl bonaflde busi- ncss services nedd. Address H. 23 Herald. SI I.TANA billiard parlor, best paying prop oUion In El Paso. 13 tables 321 San An tonio St TWO shoe shining stands, dozen foot rests, cigar case small wall case. 421 N. Oregon St JEW RI.RY fixtures for sale, store for rent oest location. San Antonio St Rent 3100. Box No. A . I TREBLE iour money In beautiful Holly- wood Heights lots. I will sell ISO ot them j cheap V. L. Oclioa. Phone 3976. SMALL outdoor business paIng 3125 per month, about three hours work a day. 3500 takes it Terms. Call at 321 San Antonio St GROCERY store, with liclng rooms in rear good stock of groceries and doing good busi ness W ill sell with or wtthout furniture Cheap rent Address A. 7. Herald FOR SALE Stock general merchandise, .tore building fixtures located In prosper ous fruit section New Mexico "At railroad station " Write T 316 Herald. FOR SLK; Good paying garage business in town of twenty thousand people 111 health cause of selling, or will trade for good property In Texas. For further Infor mation write or wire H. A. MacFarland, 1303 W Monroe St. Pboenli, Ariz NICE CLEAN STOCK, FURNITURE STORE well established at iniolce. about 34000. Good location and cbeap rent Doing around 31200 per month cash business We have two buyers for suburban grocery store, also one for smatl drug store. See us if sou wish to sell. We have a number of busi ness propositions to sell, both small and laVge. Call and let us show you Gray and Hughes, with James L. Man- & Co. Phone 13S0 301 San Antonio St. Help Wanted Male. FaU t Mitchell, Lmp!o)mrnt Agency. 203 San Francisco St W ANTED Cook for out of town hotel, good wages. Address II R Litton, Kl Paso Gen Del. RO.S with wheels can make good money with the Acme Tip Top Messenger Senice. 310 Broadway. THOUSNDS government Jobs opon to men-women, 373 to S1S0 month. Write im mediately for list. Franklin Institute. Dept 415 N Rochester. V Y. DELIt KH. boy wanted who knows city and can operate lord truck. State age, experi ence references, salary expected. Address A. 10. Herald. I WANT Juat ordinary men who wish to earn more money to learn the barber trade. It pas s big Few weeks will fit you for Jobs worth J1300 yearly or your own shop wlh big profits Write Moler Barber Col'ege. 1-1. Worth Texas Help Wanted Agents. WANTED A lice general agent for montlt Iv health and accident Insurance In LI Paso. Must furnish bond and finance se.f Mutual company low rates established business Applj with references 131S Car ler Bldg Houston Texa LOCAL MNirCTUKER desires high a M m . . .-.. ha ua-hiit newfj-vsef class iraseung salesmen iur m. ,...- ---Permanent work and liberal term strlctlj commission basis sddress with full par tlculars A t care Herald Help Wanted Male and Female W NTED Salesladies und salesmen S100 months bonus Call -'1 Buckler Bids; Wanted Help Female. W NTED cook 626 Stewart. WNTED Elderl lady to keep house for two Address L. care Herald. WANTED Experienced dining room girl at once 407 K Franklin W NTED Good cook. Must stay nights. 61 I pson WANTED Negro mammy to taje care or two children and help with housework. Phone 994 J. z. W NTED At once white or colored girl On rsnch near Lorclshiirg V M. to cook for tco monlli'- rtiun1 jb36 J W NTEI) '.ooel colored girl to he p withe ... - .i...i. I p.n.ral houff Work Tu I 1 i sue! rl ii -lii'l ta on pla. e 1- I dr. Mis irle ire Ilrrah Situations Wanted Male. TA, l"AS0 window cleaner" Thonc 1174 lOlM". mn wants position any kind of work- Tompkins. 101 .N Stanton M. Room 4 CI1, 'SIB J if you want carpenter work . done cheap and good Ask for Carpenter. rOlTIOV WAVTEI bv expert Iron and brakes foundry man. Results guaranteed Hotel Patarlo BOOKKKi.riMS or bookkeeping and sten ographic position wanted by man of several j expl-rlen." Hae fine reference. Ad dress O 10 HcraM .x. n WIFE Mon as chef cook and n-lf n nemer i-uun.ij ...-. .. Bterrea. 3, care Kconomlcal and sober Address A, Herald NT1.I PO'ITIIO b eiperleneed rt'a- --.... - .ti.mnnH -.otter or nin- r.ion.l ami man a ---. r - I.,.- . ner Best of rererence Diamond care of Herald given. Address iriMKIl Permanent position by younB ;i tenoaraiher and office man. In good health, and know mj ..ith nd know mi business. A-I refer A-l refer Box H. 23, nces -Satisfaction or no pal-. lltraM Wanted Help Female. H WrEP Lace curtains to wash. Ph. 3078. PR tCTICXL nurse wants work, references. Phone SS6. C.OVEltr.ES.1- in ranch home, music and English courses Address O. 6. care Herald. POSITION as housekeeper by yo,un? widow. Address F 14S care Herald NTEI Place as companion or nurse. Willing to do llghthousekeeplng. Mrs. Ma- son care Herald. COOK. German first class, wants OTlta hotel or restaurant. Heinz. 101 N. ,Stanton St. Room 4 tOl'Nf. lady good health want, poaitlon of any kind, willing to work Address H. 11, care Herald AMERICAN woman with two children 6 and 7 years old would line pmce .. . room and board. Phone 6624. PRACTICAL nurse Amerlean. good orf. desires to assist wttn """'"""', ?V" a for plain ti lb care Herald. Wanted Real Estate. WANTED TO LP.SI. or ouy a nrn room house with all modrn impro. emeats. base ment and garage. Give location, price and terms Resident, care IP raid Wanted to Rent. WANT to rent large house far out. Long lease B. ..6, care Herald. WNTED -For a single gentleman a nlej- ...... a. . Lath nw-nnfnt. room or apartment " -.. - close in. Address Box 351. WVXTKIi To rent nice home like furnished room by refined gentleman. Best reference private home north side preferred. Address A. 8. Herald. Wanted Board and Rooms. JOLNO MAN wants room and bard on ranch, state price. Address M G. 101, care Herald Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTEH Iceless Herald cooler Address Cooler. WANTLD Second doors Phone 1660 hand windows and EXPERIENCED ranchman. A No. 1 refer ences, wishes altle on shares. Finest water and grass. Cowbo. Herald SECOND HVND T1PK WANTED We will buy for cash anywhere In any quantities sec ond hand pipe Texas Supply Co, Inc., Beaumont Teias. WANTED Bags, junk and rubber of every description scrap iron, brass, copper, rope, rags, write or wire for Trices. Louis Ka minsky Co. Houston Teta- For Rent Houses Furnished. FIVE room furnished cottage. Ph. 1053. I FOR RENT 4 room bungalow complete Tel 6621. furnished HOISES 5 to 10 rooms, furnished close in, also furnished rooms Phone McCrumraeu FOUR room furnished modern rent J30 1419 E. MU'ouri. housa for 14 ILL RENT my furnished, modern home for summer to desirable parties. Best resi dence section Phone 4S33 or 2547 FOR RENT In Grandvlew near car line two modern 4 room furnished cottages with porches, gas. No very sick Ft. Bliss car to Fort Boulesrd and Copia, 1 block north 3219 Grand Ace For Rent Houses Unfurnished. Fl fj room bungalow, good location, near car line. Phone 1668. FOR RENT 4 room cottage. 3.0 Phone 1358 3517 Bisbee, FOR RENT Five room house. No 397 It. Roulev-ird. Phone 3619 FOR KENT 4 room modern cottage Ryans Furniture Store. Phone 362 FOR RENT 4 room cottage with bath, 427 Chihuahua St. Apply Lion Grocery Co., 103 S Stanton HALF of unfurnished house with porches, close in or 3 room apt eery convenience. Thone 6877 I OK RENT Unfurnished 5 room modern house, 4 blocks from center city, rhoce 7743. FOR RENT New 4 room bungalow in Grand view. 1 Meek from car line, furnished or unfurnished. Phene S218 R OR RENT BY R. E. MONS. 1402-13 E Missouri. 4 rooms each ... 712 N Ange, 4 room flat 3703 Memphis. 5 rooms 3137 Ft. Boulevard. 4 rooms 102 Texas bt. Thone 1123. . -5 J OR RUNT HOUSES. - room house In East Kl Paso 5 rooms furnished 273, E Boulevard, garage 0.00 4 room frame Highland Park U2 50 APARTMENT 4 rooms and sleeping Prch on Boulevard 837..0 IlroHddus LeRaron, is -10 First Nat Bank Bldg Phone 1558. (.()()!) clean apartment 1119 Montana. DOWN town apartment Phone SS2 "W. COMPLETELY furnished 3 room ment 60b Texss Phone 18.13. apart- BOOTH apartments, finest in El Paso, large sleeping porches, 220 W Boulevard. TWO ROOM apartment also single room 1007 N Kl Paso. Phone 4610. I URNlsiiF.I) apartment, 310-Mundy. rhone -39J IOUK rooms and large Phone S7b6. sleeping porch. FURNISH Kit apartments. The Echo, 112 Myrtle. Thone 3257. ST. REGIS 40b East Missouri .PVRTMKNTS. Phone 3:b5. FLKNsllED PTs on first floor La lurbe (111 701 N. Florence. IUKNISIILI) pt bath Phone USO and 4 rooms, private TWO rooms kltchenet, bath. 711 N". Stan ton Georgette Apts FOR RENT Furnished apartment H. 826 West Missouri Apply Janitor. 2M K. KOULEVARD. 3 rooms S2S. rHoac 6918 Collier 207 E. Boulevard. THE FF.NNELL, small apartment close In. liat. hot water prhate batb 712 N. Santa 1 e For Rent Apartments Furnished THE DW.ER. close In. Phone 4560. TWO ROOMS AND II TI1 PRTMENT. c furnl-h.n ,,Ul it the smoke, onU ' T'l r '1 or iipi ,,t " .' Montana Ptrk W Pitman Realty Co. "' 1 111 Ri-pulilie-s 1.MJ For Rent ApartmenUFurnisberl HKMsllEt) artmnt loe able JU W Kl" Grande BHI.l furnli.he.i apartni'-'it for rent, children 01 l K (.91 For Rent AparlmenU Unfurnuhed. FOI R rooms artl kltthenet Mrtle e. ; S3S.S0. It09 rOR RENT-J room flat .00. 40! Ptedras St W. R Weeks 1 OR RENT Modern apartment S rooms and prhate hall Phone 1358 .....-.- -. u.m .nl itnf nrnl.fierf at Par- . r,L.E.i ,"". -- --- -.- - -- ' russo Apt Phone 1881. C. A. Kinne Co., -j in Oregon CORNEI.IV APARTMENTS Modern new apartments, reasonable rate. close In. 908 Mesa I OK RENT Two first class five room apartment Plenty light, space, ventilation. References ppl 909 Upson. Phone 1791. I-OR KENT 4 new modern apts., 4 rooms each with bath heat and hot water fur nished, large lllne and dining rooms, yard and large porche cor. Xewman and Magof fin. Phone -'4a MODERN. ArAKTMENTS. THE XlsTIN Centrally located. latest builtin featuie- One desirable four room apt S3. one three room 380, one three room J. 5 FURNISHED. Two eleganth furnished apt complete in every detail three rooms 3 45. Jamc L. -Hair & Co. 304 Sua Antonio St Phone 43iO. Apartments Furnished & Unfnrnished. RLLO modern Phon 6981 M. apartments, no children .IERMANE APT. R. J3150. 2 rooms bath 1 kltchenet and sleeping porch 5J6 W. Mis- -...u.. ...m... n-. For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Furnished. TWO connecting rooms. Phone 6445 norsEKEEPlNG rooms. 600 Mrtl TWO ROOMS close In. Phone 6995 W. SlITE for housekeeping. 718 N Ochoa. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 1024 Myrtle. HOUSEKEEPING and bedroom r.U Myrtle - i SINGLE light housekeeping rooms. 710 X. Campbell. PLRNISHF.D Phone 3109. room for housekeeping ONE housekeeping room, 128 Leon. Phone 5870 W. TWO light housekeeping Stanton lOt N. NICELY furnished room with sleeping porch fitted for housekeeping. Phone 5833. HOl'SEKeTErtNG rooms close In. 601 Mess. Phone 493L HOUSEKCLFING Phone 4742 room with kitchnet HOUSEKEEPING Phone 4 7 rooms, 1306 Msgottin. TWO run In small i'r rooms with sleeping porch ; famllv. Phone 7883 W. TWO or three housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch, close. in. Phone 2142. LHJHT housekeeping rooms. 805 N. ton. TWO large rooms with sleeping porch, no sick, or children. Apply 415 California. HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms, resson ablo. Hotel Hoilenbeck HOUSEKEEPING rooms. lights, phone and water. 2317 Portland Phone 6974 R. TWO clean front housekeeping rooms, sleep ing porch. No sick, 910 N. Kansas. TWO light housekeeping rooms and one bed room. Phone 5271 R. HOUSEKEEPING rooms or bedrooms. N Florence HOUSLKEEPING rooms, 201 Thone 71b5 W. E. Nevada. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms SIS month. Phone 3812 M. TWO or three nice large rooms with sleep ing porch- 709 Aria Phone 5330. FOR RENT 2 or 3 moderately furnished room for housekeeping. 906 E. Mo. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Sim San An tonio. THREE clean furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone 6473 J. TWO furnished housekeeping Wyoming Phone 3273. rooms 110S SINGLE light housekeeping room, connect ing bath. 61.' Mesa THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. No sick or children. 916 N. Ksnsas. Phone 3509 THREE large rooms completely furnished for nous-keeping tn private home. 606 Mon tana CLEAN ba.ement. sleeping rooms equipped for housekeeping, close In, reasonable. Phone S182 J. FOR RENT Two front rooms for house keeping, extra well furnished, private fam il: . telephone and lights hot and cold water, bath connecting Phone 6871 M. TW O modern housekeeping rooms, every thing new. heat, lights and bath included. Use of front porch. No Mexicans. Price $30. 810 Arizona FOR KENT Three connecting furnished housekeeping rooms close in. home con veniences no children or invalids. S00 N. Stanton corner Bouioard For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Unfurnished. I OK KF.NT Half of cottage unfurnished. 319 Laurel. THREE unfurnished rooms close In, front and back entrance. Phone 6297 J. THREE unfurnished rooms and kltchenet 1207 K San Antonio, front and back en trance Phone 6297 J. THREE unfurnished rooms, private bath, porch phone and waler, 3312 Wyoming. Phone 7796 For Rent Rooms Furnished. COOL rooms. Court House block. L.RGE front bedroom. Thone itji. W NTED Room mate. 701 Magoffin. SOUTHERN Hotel 32 wk up 42S S. El Paso. NICELY furnished room J10. Phone 6S99 W. ROOMS S3 up Texas Grand hotel. Ph. 671. i FRONT room, hot water, private family. a uvu. .a. HOCsEKEr.PINt. 503 F. Boulevard and bedrooms, close In. DLLIf.HTITL rooms, running water In private familj. gentlemen only. Ph. 538S. NICE large room for rent, corner Oregon and Montana Phone 121S. DELMR ROOMS, 417 N. Stanton, rng. w tr free bath 50c 81 day, J3.S0 up wkly. FVIETTE ROOMS CHEAP Close in. 213 Mills St Phone 1739. LARGE cool rooms walking distance. 594 I pson Thone -'211 ROOM with large sleeping pereh, 1025 Arl-ona. ELEGNTL. furnished rooms, n one 74-7 close In. MODERN furnished rooms. 517 West Mis souri. DALLAS rooming house newly furnished. Prlcea right. H8 K. overland LAIK.L 2289 W room, close In reasonable. Phone PliKNISHEII room connecting bath. Phone PHONE McCrummen rooms close in for swell furnished BEDROOM and housekeeping rooms reason able. 1020 Myrtle Phone 1123. n JKONT room f.r g. ntlemen close in. reas onable Phone .IS (11 J!E?5U-,','- rooms sleeping porch 33 week. 101 -N Stanton VK EIA furnished bedroom adjoining bath 11J- A V El Paso St FRONT room prtcat- ge- ! Ill I . o( ,,, familc for one or two Phone blS- T ROOM Ph .1 i'h lr ,,,,k , or h M. Ksnss For Rent Rooms Furnished. I MODERN f' 1 rooms, fl o blocks f 1 "1 ' Plata I0 U est Mtsbourl Phone 138- fAR(tE pltasjtnt riom deMranls localin good board n- ar Phone 3878 I M ELI. furnished room close In Phone 778 W THE ROsEMONT, lnglo room, with bath. -team heat, for men only. 1313 IS. Oregon Phone 1003 LOVELY front room private family, ba.h connecting 31-'. also room with Bleeping porch, rlione 6583 M SWELL rooms altitude ie.el top Mills building, four blocks away. Nothing equal them. Phone IlEAUTiri'LLI furnished front room tn private famll Board If desired, 505 E III.. Grande. THE CECIL elegantlj furnished street rooms cheapest rent in city. Summer rates. 3:0 B. Overland. TIIEWIX)K.INE. clean, reasonable ligli ami single rooms, 614 V ban ta Fe sC opposite Providence hospital TWO connecting rooms, large closet with large front porch, 1025 Arizona. Phone 1564 W. ' IJLD ROOMS, two connecting rooms, rui -nlnjr hot and cold water new furniture, m'n onl walking diatance Phone 587 1 FOR ONE or two men glassed In and plas tered sleeping porch with large closet ou venient to bath. Phone 4b74 3-1. Huec " HOTEL NORMANDY Centrally located: Til outside rooms; steam heat, hot and cold wate-: strictly first class. Phono 24SL LARGE newly furnished room for 1 or 1 gentlemen. All conveniences: rent reaon able and close In. 09 W Rio Grande .' TOR RENT Nicely furnished front be-1 room down stairs, to one or two gtntlemci Fine location, take Highland Park ear .-3 Arizona NICELY furnished front room, private famtl for one or two gentlc-nen, sWplni. porch If desired Call mornings betweei 9 and It Phone 4367 1607 Wyoming. For Rent Rooms Unfurnished. FOR RENT 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping Phone lift. W For Rent Rooms and Board. ROOMS with sleeping porch. Phone 687 NICELY furnished front bed room, boaici If desired Thone 1336 W. PRIVATE room with board home cooking centrally located 703 Myrtle V ERY desirable room with or without board opposite Cleveland Square 209 Upson. TWO beautiful front rooms 1119 Montana with board ROOM board and sleeping porch tor con valescent private family. Phone 3S42 W. ROOM, board and sleeping porch for e on salescent lady 38 per week, 3517 Altura Boulevard. Phone 7039 J. LARGE airy rooms with lavatories, sleep ing porches connecting baths excellent board if desired. No sick Phone 4603, 130 Arizona For Rent Storei aad Offices. STORE BOOMS TOR RENT. 420 E. San Antonio St and basement SI. 600 San Francisco St and basement . 10 Douglas C. CroweU, Agency. 234 Mills Bldg Phone 5. BASEMENT store room tn the Brazos. Ap pl No 11 . For Sale -Automonilei Wanted. 1915 MODEL 5 passenger Ilupmoblle, bar gain 306 N. Ochoa. AUTOMOBILE for sale or trade for horses, cattle or diamonds. Telephone No. 3-40. FOR SALE one diamond automobile tire 37x5. 320. Phone 3873. SELL or tracfe two automobiles Ochoa. Phone 2976 cbeap ONE cylinder Cadillac for aale A-l condi tion Phone 7493. WILL TRADE FOR LOTS. S passenger au tomobile in good condition. Phone 195, A. P Coles Bros. TO EXCHANGE tor desirable suburban one Baker electric automobUe. good condltfou. Phone 953 Studebaker store. ALMOST new Maxwell 1916 model Owner needs money S47S will take it. Address 4 Herald. LOTS and a roadster to trade for sv fn passenger six cylinder car of late mtMel. Phone 2347 W FOR SALE A real bargain 111., Ford tonr Ing car Ask for Wren. Auto Sere ice t-o 113 W. Overland St. AUTOMOBILE FOR S.LF a paseii, -1915 Overland model 83. good conditio less than half price. Inquire 910 Mills bide JTE passenger Studebaker, flrt cU shape, fully eoailpped, except top. Cheap fc cash. Phone J800 FOR SLE OK TRADE for lota 30 hors power S pass automobile A-l conditio' also Cycle car Call 1621 Wyoming to sr4 cars. FOR SALE T passenger Studebaker. goo 1 condition, new tires two eTtra Bargan will consider trade fori real estate. Addre-i Box 20. Mestlia Park N M FOR SALE 1914 model 6 cylinders e," horsepower car. first class condition. Gou hill climber Electric lights and startc good tires. 1500 for quick sale. .1-8 Per. A BARGAIN IN A TORD RUNABOUT AUTO Fine pulling engine. Cheap Call at 712 Texas Quick BIG BARGYIN" 6 cylinder Mitchell fir class condition, good tires and top, looks good as new. Worth 1800 offering for $60" See it today Elliott Garrett Co . 500 V San Antonio St Phone 9"3 REBUILT ALTOMOBILES AND FORDS Used ears, factory bodies, to fit your Font All cars rebuilt and service guaranteed. Tbe only firm In the city that sruarantees tht rebuilt car. Hatcher-Sterner, Used Automobiles. 315 Texas St Phone ;:u Ford 1915, cushion covers speedometer $" Ford 1914 five passenger .. . Ford chassis . . Ford trssek ... ...... Bulck 0ve passenger electric light. .... Cadillac, five passenger Regal, five passsenger - Hupmobile two passenger .......... 1 Oakland roadater . . . ' All cars rebuilt and sen ice guarantee. Truck and delixery bodies In stock Wanted a few light cars with elect light and starter Hatcher-Sterner Used utomobile. 315 Texas St Phone 7- ' For SalFaraffiusj. OR S XLE Dining tabte and Sol. dlmn chairs $15. Phone 707 FOR SLE High grade fumed oak lmi-s table, four leather chairs. 710 Mea IURNITURE for sale cheap 110., "m A tonlo FOR 8LE Furniture for 2 rooms complee for housekeeping. Can rent rooms for $ -month 1219 N. Ochoa HIGHEST CASH price paid for second hap furniture and house furnishing goods -1 S Stanton St Phone -'158. FOR s LE "urnlture of an eight roo bungalow. Must sell at once. Leaving cit Bungalow for sale S703Dyer St WHEN VOL HAS I. 2nd hand furniture t sell call Texas Furniture Co Phone 40j 406 S. EI Paso St FIF-NITL-IE roil SALE. We will exchange new furniture Wb-e I k gies refrigerators oil stocen rugs . t f r old goods M ill buc second hand goo.4s Home Furniture Co. Thone !.' Credit or Cash, ill N Stant n For Sale Motorcycles. FOR SALE OR TKAIr Tale niotorcv . $40 Bob Koenig. Jltne 1 o OR SILK Good motorcj cle, twin oline r $75 Phone 5108 MOTORS CLW Harlev Itacld.on 3 sp. el much eciuipraent $125 Drug Store "Mesilla PmrK s m Dogs, For Sale. Wanted. Etc omit wiuv d.ig r 1 Frills St tt? v. 11 4 V S f