Newspaper Page Text
N EL PASO HERALD Wednesday, March 15, 191b". 13 BY GEORGE M'MANUS V BRINGING UP VHATAREYOO YrtARlN" THEM CLOVEN FER? WONT TOU VA-bH TOUR HAWS, In the First National. Bank Building. Paring. F.I. PASO nitullthlc Co Ph. 23S5 IL 708. Physicians. UK. rAKL I- SMITH Ph. 1171. Ttro. 35?- Political Announcements, roic county surveyor. i-'orreot K. Baker, announce! himself a can didate for county surveyor subject to the Democratic primaries. Subject to endowment at the Democratic . . primary election in July next. 1 am a can 1 .aaate fo the office of Judge of the district . ourt lot Jie 65th Judicial district, com posed of 1 Paso county, and respectfully ollcit tin uppcrt of voters at said primary. A. S. Thurmond. FOR CONSTABLE. Walter A. Williams will be a candidate tor constab'e. eubject to the primary In July E. W. (EDD) UKUL'S, candidate, for con- , "-i primaries In July. 1 AM a candidate for the office of county rt aturtr subject to Democratic primaries. J. !. ronaer. suikixa;.!. wo lnuorsemem ai we uemocrauu -irimary election In July next, I am a candi- , Hate for the office of County Superintendent 1 f Schoc.s for Bl Paso county, and respect 'ally solicit the support of voters at said primary, flits Myra Winkler. FOR CONSTABLE. i 'red IJelgado will be a candidate for con-J taTile subject to mi primary in amy. For Sale Red Ertate qrJProperj FOR SALE At bargain two south front uts in Altura Park. Thone 3347 W. two lots 1100 each, jioo block Arts, pared. i-hone 1U6. TINE apartment site, corner West Missouri and Fisher by owner. 311 K, Buulevard. FOB SALE BY OWNER Beautiful t m bung-alow, 10 minutes walk from post office, ritar good school en paved street. Terms. Phone 3338. TWO "LOTS on Tularosa St. S. front, high, mut be sold. For price and. terms Phone -J3S. FOB SALE ( corner lots, block 6. JleHin ' Ave. near school house, also 1331. acres early adjoining Bl Paso. Dr. B. D. Strong, 1 Roht Banner. Phone 3W or lUf. 3 t nn q a nut ' will sell a beautiful 4 K. bungalow pear . as iiL .. t I 4&aieepAsi silaanlrie ar line -mm mi wuimw c,m, j.-k.- ( oorcb, vines, good view. PrVe J3WKI (lee i ., .. nt.Ah& 49t 1 FOR SALE 3. 4 or 6 lots In block 13, Ar- . n Trk. "Pric I22fi Vach. have a bargain In a new room red -iek hunaiw in two south front earner ots sear oar line. Price 33S50; J350 down. J j naiance 333 per monin. inoiuainr interest, :7Sbuysonef the best 4-room bungalows i town at practically your own term. rwo south front lots on a. paved street In .oernmett Hill. Trice 3I5 each this week Blair A Kloes, ' Roberts-Banner jldg. rheae 1446. BABOAIX SCEKEitS TAKE NOTICli lovely home of 6 rooms with every bon- ntence. In the 1300. block. Newman street, n int. soslO. Paved street, near car line: 4 hoc. iirira part cash, 5 yeara time balance. . nptodatc 4 room apartments in the 11M bloek. N Kansas St., paving paid; 3I0. In- ante 363 per month, 10M will secure tills; r-na to suit. An invetitment property- in the S00 block, . "t raln st. flood. Income Bow; let me -pnn tbl.-. It's a good buy. 1 have an attractive apartment site In the to Wocli, Magoffin avc, priced to interest a lu:ir. ' of Boulevard and Cotton ave.. a liutiness corner at 334)04. Terras, ft- IL Thome. ois Ssn Fr&neieco et. lkhs-3l and !. BAROAIN v bl-nhalow iiEAirriKi-r. e. hooms. y, READ THIS DESCRIPTION ri.ont bungalows In the city todar- 'ii BUks .t. near si-hoot and block both 'nr lln-. Large living room Hi dining room with first grade hard od floors, builtln book cases on each m-Io of niswlv ronah texture brick luiii artletl colonade opening, the a. st thing in a flat top buffet. The itr-hen in up to the minute to tha-Mt-Mll't 1' tall All three bed rooms, h'n ,md BREAKFAST ROOM Un it d in wMU enamel. There !? a -eenc-J elcptng porch, heatfhg plant. Sf -.-! Tinirhrd basement. Jlous la built r 1arK rug brlrk, and has Urge .oe ii.t. rottt iietvh acrohs front. Price . u 34350. lieo down and 340 mu. mi Interest. 1VU1 rent for 345 tao. I'll ,.07 5. Creel Phillips. 304 Mesa. LITTLE DANDY BUNGALOW ON 1IUECO. ' rom bungalow, hardwood floors vl glared porch, heating plant; lot "Hi 40 feet. A good buy at 337(0; 'rm close-in ritOrKRTY. nxl0l. nn corner, very oloae in; an legant sioru Kite. Price Jfl.evv. R'nte f"r 317h THE BIGOKST SNAP IN EL TASO ON MONTANA ST. irgt 7 room house, in the exclu !ve pdghborhoud of beautiful Mon tana HI,. 63x130 feet of ground. north 3100 pr foot, and Houee cost 6000 Price for quick turn, with uTinf, JMIC0. Bl-ROLARS M,IV ENTiat YOUR HOME TONIGHT. i o not dtlay ailothef Sly to take ut a burglar Insurance policy. This it. h good time to be protected, and ur policies are the kind that pro-i-ct osts only. 310 per year. DO IT NOW. W. r. I'ayne, IM M'a Ayr. Phone 13i. NEAR JIANIIATT,N IIIUGIITS. room new bungalow, 2 corner lota for 11900, jioo ash. GOVERNMENT HILL LOTS. "rn'f neHr nw addition, south fronts i iizoo icej ittments. ALTl'ItA ADDITION. -1 . rii ", room south front r.-U pr' used ' r 'lhgrtl-.r ruutn- 14 ft b'lUari, 'a J-') in purr h I . urnT I'.t.. near t.'r ifjl .tlr c.rfc r now f...Iilr Neel. ' 'T ' r -' I FATHER TTHE CUSTOM MR. JktfS-TOUPEE I'M OiNj TO JWE. inc OWIOE AVVAT 'OMIQHT- ForSJeRealEiitate- City Property, LOT 7 and I, block 111, Highland Park. Phone 3513. SIX lots Government Hill, block 85, ad joining Austin Terrace. 31300. Phone 1186. FOR SALE Cheap, building Bite, 1500 N. Florence St. Phone 3513. FOR SALE CHEAP Lots S to 16 Inclusive, block 13. Mornlngslde Heights. Phone 861. FOR SALE 2 little houses, easy terms. Ochoa. Phone 3976. CHEAP BT OWNER. Two lots Richmond Terrace, 3 near Alta Vista school. Phone 903. MO LOTS In beautiful Hollywood Heights addition. Will sell, trade or exchange. V. L. Ochoa. Thene 3976. FOR SALE 513 month buys three room house, two corner lots, water, gaa, electrici ty, partly furnished If desired. Owner. Phone 7797. FOB SALE RV OWNER In East El Taso one 4 room bungalow on 4 corner lots 327S0, one 4 room bungalow on two lota Tobln ad dition, 13000. also have good place for dairy and more vacant lots. Easy terms. Phone 7011 or write P. O. Box 491, El Paso. CLOSE IN RESIDENCE ieax mgn scnooi sou beiow market, i t large rooms, splendid sleeping -poreh, extrn i aeep ioifl sonin rront. H. E. Klllmrn Co. 533 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 803. BUILDING bITES WANTED. In exchange for this 6 room brick bungalow on Bliss St. Glazed porch, hardwood floors, furnace. 'Will trade for lots. Hawkins Bros, Phone :!00. ARE TOU 1TKHKTKI IN" EL . . . r-ASO.I'KOEERTY? I have seme good Iota for sale cheap a easy terms. Oall Jlr. Fueua. Phone M$, after p. m. M'ECLILb FOIt Tills WEEK ONLY. Si 1730. 7 room, red brlckt residence -In two full lots on Upson Ave. Cellar, garage, sleeping porch. flowers and vines. Paving paid. Lota alone are worth 33000, 375 cash, bsL easy. . 130O. Nicely furnished five room cot tage on paved street, ctoss In 1H lots: futr- basement: shed and garage. Furniture includes Silo piano, 3300 cash, bal. like rent. i:oo CASH. BsL 310 a Month, Incl. Int., will get a fne I room pebMo -dash cottage on K. Kansas St., 1 Mock from school. Everything paid. Largo and cool rooms: fine grounds, Furniture will go too. if desired, it very reas onable price. Mexico Realty 4- Investment Co. V. B. Pugs, Mgr. flute) Sheldon 0 I.ltUe Plasa- Phone 811. SACRIFICE LOTS. We most sell two Highland Park Iota, S. Diego St., 1 blocks from "car line, at f IM cah. each. This won't last long. Owner has to leave, Mrxlco Realty A loiettment Co. JR. II. Tnga, JIgr. Hotel Sheldon on Little Plasm, riione S. ARKOPL.Ni: BUNGALOW. Don't you want to know about It on corner. Bliss And ManeL can Ve finished to suit if taken at once, ON MONTANA ST. i rooms, baeeenont, heat, sleeping ?ore)i. xarage, paving paid, south rent, 300 Mock. Price J:0. TWO NICK ONES. 4 rooms each. Just beng built, Al tura Park, f:-09. f2v cash, bal ance easy. ROOM HOUSE, VrttU basement H block car line. Grand View, :50, 3500 cash, bal a nee to suit. .. JVCANT LOTS. Some ef tile best Close lit lots In city, below pax. Want to see them? ' FOR RENT. Nlco 6 room bungalow, uoo block California 8t. Call C tY. Harlow with Andern-FJIler. Superior Homes. Buckler Bldg. Phone 431. S0 DOWN SI MONTHLY on prlnelwit will buy 4 room cottage on 3. full lots fenced, fine ptae to ralee chickens. Wilt take soma vaCaiit lots in trade 15Iv. NEW APARTMENT house on North side on corner, paying 16 per cent. This Is a dandy Will take some trade. APARTMENT HOUSE, renting for J:i4i monthly, will sell for I10OO down. Buy It and let the rents pay It out MUST SELL CHUCK, new i room bungalow on Bliss St. glased porch, furnace hard wood, never occupied. Will take good build ing site as part payment, 7f0 or will set on easy terms. ' IN- ALTA VISTA new 4 room bunraldw hardwood throughout, glazed poroh, break fast room, cement porch, nMer ooou6ld will sell on eaey terms or trade for cood' lote 33260. Near Austin Park. 1.MTH WANTED In exchange for thle 4 room Intrk. l.-m tit 40 foot front, will ta'i. lo,f in Hlglil mil or (irand View. 8:500 HAVE HAWKINS BROS, build for lou an. tra.i. in j our va. ant lot.- We .an Use a f. . mi re Hawkins Bros Phone 800 'uniWT- -, YftlVT- WATCH! WEDDINC i AT TMI. wbVmmk.' ' 7 &K?2!(LJ KAT TOiOfWlSSs J - it . ' -J V u ' ' lllaKMl MY HnNft! beSb? V . VT7 7 v 7- f " 1 GEES " 7 THZm IFTOO SAT ONE VORD A51N Hft VLL BREAK THE CRYSTAL ON TOW? - jOic-r- .A-r.t-. i TOO DONT UNDERSTAND - frl THE BEST MA.N AT THE WEDDING 1. " vi,r( i I' 150 BOHX AND S0 MO. Now 4 room bungalow on car line, gooo district, east front, all builtln feature-. Only 32650. - ., SeeS. I. Lane Willi Security Realty Co. 408-0 First Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 677; U It AND NEW MX fiOOM BUNGALOW'" I'KICi: f3ZM. VERY EASY TERMS. In good location large lot. very large front porch, three full lied rooms, attractive brlok mantel, builtln bookcases, buffet, kitchen rablnet. unitary sink with tile drain board and back, linen cabinet, oak floors, in fact all the features that go ta make a home attractive and complete. , See Mr. Klspper Dai Is ISros. i Phone 118. 16 Texas St. BRAND NEW .i room bungalow with oak floors throughout, even In glassed in sleep ing porch. Car line one bloek. Price 3ZS0O; 3500 rash. ".' and Interest per month. TULAROSA STREET. room modern bungalow with sleep 'ns porch. large basement.' Btery modern convenience, paved streets, car lines and jitnes. Only 33350. terms most reasonable. $1000 For a aix room brick bungalow. In terlor miseion finish, on car fine anO corner. Only 3100 cash and easy monthly payments. ' Newman Investment Company. Phone 3(0. 10 Sao Antpnto LOTS ON EASY TERMS. 3 nice lots, Alta Vista, close to school and car lino 3333 each, 335 down and 310 ino. See. s. 1 Ijine. Security Realty Co. 408-409 First Nat. Bank Bldg. riulhe 6771'. SPECIAL SNAP. Has 4 rooms, glassed ufeeplnfi porch, breakfast room, basement and heating plant. Hwd. floors, builtln features. This Is brand new, and a beauty, near Alta Vista school. Car and jltae lines. Plaoes not as good as this sell ing for 14000. Our special price for this week is only 31350. 3300 cash, balance like rent. See Hill. Hill Huffman & Itintleman, Insurance and Bond. 311-13 Mills Bldg. Phone, 351. TEXAS ST. BARGAIN'. IH blocks from opera bouse. 33S3 per loot ,with building on. lODERN 4 room bungalow new on car line. 83W. - Ph. 44(9. McKEE BROS. 208 .Mills Bldg. 6 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW W310. 3U0 down and J:'5 monthly, Alta Vista section. Hardwood floors and mrr builtln feature. Think of it. 6 rem bungalow for only 13230 and on such terms. BUNGALOWS ON EASY PAY MENTS. Not very far out. south front one block of 3 car lines. Brand new. 4 room bungalow with large screened sleeping porch. Evorr built In feature, l'rloo only 31630. 5151 down and 32S monthly. Another one l Grand View for 3310, rooms andglazed room. Same terms as above. ALTA A ISTA, 4 room bungalow with glazed room and screen porch on Z full lots. Brand new. modern throughout. Price only 3oo. 3130 cash nnd J3S monthly. Ph. SOTt. Creel A Phillips. 301 Mesa. T ,3100. Brand new bungalow one block Alta Viata school on paving, every mod ern convenience, U0 cash, 333 per month, htcIUdlng Interest. SI800. I room house on Magoffin close in, reel bargain, 31(0 caeli, tit per mo, including Int. ?9O0. 3 room house on corner away from the battle line, JS0 down, 315 per month. Better buy now you will, never see property cheap again !u El Paso. Whlle-radcn Really Co. Phono 1313- 306 JN. Stanton. BUNGALOW BARGAIN.' Just corardele, 4 rooms, Iwtlt, comer lot, 60x136 fLV 1 block from car line, and school. A snap al lvv. i rasn, oaiance 135 per mouth, including Interest. CLOSE I '! 6 room bungalow, barn-' wood floors, heating plant, very desirable location. Weil worth 36000, ltt.o buys, 3500 rash, balance te suit buyer. M, 1" Townly rUh Bailey Jaiutl Co. 306 Mc0aWe. Phone 30e. For Sale Farms and Randies 71 acres 4 mile from chuol and town In upper Valley. Good lahd. all improved, mostly In good stand alfalfa, all In cultiva tion, fully equipped with teams and ma chinery, all for the sum of 36600. We also have one or ttu best. It not the best buy in the lower valley, which we wish to place this week. Bailey Land Co. 306 Mesa Ave. For Sale Real Estate Prtitntvw Prnn.rfv .wummj a viui BARGAIN 160 acres raw valley land- If sold within 60 days 330 per acre, all level, signed up to Elephant Butte. Hatch. N. M. Box No. 7. . SO ACRES FOR SALE DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Nln' miles from Alamogordo on Cloudcroft branch railroad which pe"H through land. J'artlv fenced, -mall lioui" large outi-id'-rang." 4 or ' .1'T. H tin. I.ottom land 4 oi ,nr, '(,in b' nut in fi-uit rumung creek if enrlng wal'-r from mountains Good pla. t t,r iiartv nfdlng a fm- . llmate and .(..! h..m Will -ell eh. ap ana give go... i-nn. i - F'-ns Mam "?ordo. v M Copyright, 1SI5, International News Service I 1 . . . " -seat Wl IIIU1 I nr K'SXIUlAK.'iUlUf . . .. . au. I6I!C"- 1 "N mmms GIlHlDSr, Will Appear Here Under Auspices of the Eagles' Booster Club. Hlghh boosted by the p&peia at Phoenix, Bistxe and Douglas, the Campbell I'nlted Showa will bo in El rnso all next week, showing under the auspice of tlie local Eagles' Booster club. Arrangements were completed today for the cumins of the s lion's to El Paso. They win be located. Dn Vet Overland street, on the cornar of DuraiiRo. The Campbell shows wintered in JBI Paso three years o and appearett here under the anrp!cs of the ljatcle' Booster club at that time. Since them, the shows ha-e been greatly enlargvd, it is claimed. Joe Held, who wa recently fn DouKlas, visited the shows and declare they are ot a very hltrti order. One of the features is a lG-pIece band, which gives daily concerts In the city. The proceeds of the carnival will be divided with the Ragles Booster club, for the purpose of lielulne to Day for the erection of a home for the local aerie The shows travel In their own special 1 1 am. There arc 1J shows and three i idliiR device In the atrgrecation and over 100 people arc employed. The ex penditures each day the show l in. n city total over SU0. it is claimed. THE COURTS . , -4IST DISTRICT COLKT. I 1. n, I'rlcc. preslillna;. Miguel Oallardo vs .Anita Gallardo. ! divorce; filed. Mildred Bartlett vs. V. J. Bartlett. divorce; filed. F. N. Hail vs. J. T. Smith et at, suit on debt and foreclosure; filed. Latta. A Happer et al vs. Southwest ern Portland Cement company, injunc tion: on trial. (WTII UlSTttlCT COURT. Ilnllnrd Cold vi ell, prrsldlnc. India SUedse and Harold and Fred f Elledge. minor tdiitdren, Vs.- Kl Paso tt ; southwestern, suit tor :7u damafreg ! lot death of husband and father; filed. . COUNTY COURT, Adrlnn Pool, preslilhic. Stat vs. Porfirio Herrcra, carrtng a pistol: filed. State ve Augustin Villa, carrying a pistol; filed. state vs. Juan Garcia, carrying a pis tol, filed. Jl'STIQi: COURTS. if. J. Murphy. Prcsidlnc. State vs. Ismael C. Guerrene, reck Ises driving: defendant pleaded eUllty and was fined 35 and costs. State ve. Alfred May, assault: de fendant pleaded guilty aniKwas fined 35 and coats. State vs. Jose Concha, disturbing the peace: defendant pleaded guilty and was fined $25 and coots. State s. 3. Bldenaky, speeding, de fendant pleaded guilty and tvae fined I 35 and costs. . J., II. Dealer, presiding;. ; State vs. Louis Estrada, Rafael TJuran I and Anda Delgado, hlghwevy robbery: filed. Stale vs. .lose Ontiveros, theft from parson: filed. State vs. P. I King, assault to mur der: held to grand Jury under 3500 bond. HUSBAND IS KILLED: SUISS FOR SS704I DAMAGES Alleging that her husband was negli gentlv killed while dlgplng avveil for the company near Campana, N. 51., In dia Elledge. for herself and for her mi nor sons. Harold and lrred. has filed suit In the 65th district court against the El Paso & Southwestern for SJ700 damages. She alleges that a timber fell into the wi 11. killing her husband, and she asks U300 for herself and J200 for each of the children. Monition: Notice IB hereby given that there have been seized In this col lection district for violation of the V. S. CuBtoni laws 1 brown horse, one brown mare mule with Mexican brands. 1 wagon. 1 set single harness. I sack beans and 1 sack chili peppers which will be sold at the V. 6. Custom House, at 10 a. m. Thursday, March IS. 19IB Anyone claiming the property Is re quired to appear within the time pre scribed by law. Zaeh Lamar Cobb, Col lector of Customs. Adv. Mexican collections, sec Lee Newman. Adv. For Sale or Exchange Heal Estate. Up LOTS, in beautiful Hllr? Heights wnat am 1 ouorcq. v. i. . - TWO lots In College Heights addition or Muskogee, OKla.. in iraue ii -"" y Oan glie clear abstract. Write T. 13a Herald -sira i.4imtiv in v-allev l.trtrl st or phono' E. W. Bishop. 710 Noble. Will sell for part cash ur trade for house and lot in El Fai-o. Phone 2657. FOR SALE OK KXC1IANGE Bight acres of land close In. most all out In young fruit trees Excellent for fruit and chicken ranch combined. Would take automobile or Kl Paso lot as part payment. Address A. 1. care Herald. YOU MEAM TO f """"N Jfflfev HEY" D1NTY- WB8k STAND THERE AW- ' ItXmm EN0 0PANS TELL ME XOUR CERTAINLY SUSS AMWi-AIHCE Wt the ftpc-r mam do: ) mmmiT AND BE $Hk For Sale or Eichange ReaJ Estate. A DANDY apartment house making good m Mf. . , V. ill trade equity for Ctoudcroft ht'une New state Really Co. I-hiMf 15J1. 3i Mills Bids. FOR SALE OK TRADE Three room house ,nd lot in Artesta. New Mexico, for lots In El Pn-o Inquire c S. Itomlne. 316 Tor- mlio St. WANTED To trade or eell 160 acre farm In southwest Mo. Will sell very cheap or t en-old' r .nn!- fer El Paso property or car in flr-it clas erudition. Ad. Bog 310 Hur ley N. M. 170 acre valley Improved ranch for eastern propert . Lease and furniture strictly modern, apart ment hotife, aleo good rooming house for city or valley propert. Exchange anything you have for something you want. New State Realty Co. 326 Mills Bldg. - Phot.e 1311. 1360 F.(iUJTV TOR S.1IKJ0 AND AUTO For Immediate sale, will take one thousand dollars raeh and auto, for my twenty-two hundred and hlxty dollar equity In red T'Vesscd brick bungalow one block from Al tura Park, near car line, five rooms, glassed In sleeping porch, four lets on corner, facing south. Address OwnAr. .-are Herald For, Sale Rooming and Boardin; Housei. SIX rooms, half block from plasa. Phone 6737 after 6. EIGHT room apt. for sale cheap. Apply 701 3Iund. SI00O WILL handle nicely furnished 14 rooms t b'ockrfrom Masonic Temple. Phone 4:,l w. ' n '.!urlc .it,-p. lme-t letf i-irnlturc of lnur r"..iu Ji'ir'-iv !' tVorth 300 Fn- 3" In -'lee' , -tpartmeut house nortti sidv cioc l ' in. cheap rent. I 4ood 7 room And boarding house. i four blocks of postotflce. Sell cheap i or trade for 13 to uorvutns. I 40 rooms business section, -veil fur nished, for 33300. Terms, or will trade for an apartment Wi can supply 'your vants irt room- ( lnif houres'as v.e hnve mnny others i listed. See ' i lra mil Hughes. Willi lanes L. JIarr t'o. Phone -350. 304 San Antonio St. For Sale Rooming Hansel. DALLAS rooming house. It -rooms, newly furnished. A bargain, 118 E, Overland. " ,i i i i i I. j QUICK bargain, must be sold, i room house, iileiUtjtjurnJleiUj. Phone. 7613. . Poetry dPetStocIc BELGIAN litres for sale. Phone 7)?. WANTED Baby chicks. Phone 4313 W. j Select Minorca eggs for sitting. Ph. 6633 M. I D"rV.Vt?"D uSjo! GIIIett S n.nv duck. chiK and effs. for jrttuns- I'hAna r.nis 1 i BROWN leghorn eggs for sitting. Thone fills v FOR SALE Rhode Island eggs. 31.00 per sitting. Phone till W. ANCOXAS. Vrise winners, stock and eggs for sale. 11. M. Whitfield. WHITE Orpington and It. I. Red sitting crkf. Phono S443. t INDIAN runner duck eggs, 31.00 sitting. Phon 48'56 R. BLACK MINORCA hatching eggs, from ex hrMtlon and utility stork. Phone 5711. NINE lariMie cockerels St up. Eggs and ehteltk reasonable. Writ us your Incubator troubles. Measday ronitry Farm. Alpine. Tex H A.! It El) ROCKS Beat In southwaat, my nlnulng pruvo it. Utility cockrels and eggs for Kale. Phone 0123 J. JACKSON'S White Leghorns (trap nested i hene direct from Missouri. Ex. station, egg tor hatching. Phone 6486. RHODE ISVAND RED eggs for sitting, j Owens strain, one dollar per fifteen. Pat- , tersons. Ysleta. Tex. FOR SALE--.: Incubators. 30 Whit- I.'tt- j nwrn nens mm i rooster ana Hsrrea itoer, and Whltr Uvandotte sitting eggs. Phone 5801 .1. BARRElTROClTand Buff oTpfiigton select- ed hatching rgs from high averagu flocks, i 31.50 for J3. 3:.75 for 30 b pr-pald parcels i post. R. Ray Elliott. Fabcns. Texas. SITTING EGGS. Thompson's Ringlet. Pl5 - ' i-louth Itocks, s. C. White Loghorna Jl.aO per sitting. Hatlsrnetlon guaranteed. Kl jtnpono Poultry Farm. Thoni 5706. -MONEYJTRAIN "n.itItr.D ROCKSftrap tiestMi outlajed al breeds National Laying S?"l"t 1-1. Hatching eggs 31.60 1S 38.00--JOO. ChieVs s:0.00 100. Stock SLO'.' up. Cutom hatctilng a rpeclalty. X-ray In cubators and Brooders for sale. Circulars tTSS pagoiischJcken F.ancb,. El Pas jell LiTestock Buy. HORSE, wagon, harness 375. Ph. 4740. FRESH Hoist-In and Guernsey cowa for sale. Hartmans. Toblns Piaoe. WANTED A buggy horse for Its keep. Phone 7415. WANTED Good trong hor.-e for delivery wagon. Phone 3178. FOR SALE Iarge horse, s heavy wagons, very cheap. 3304 Hueco. FOR SALE Young .Tersev cow. Will saotl floc for quick sale. 376. Phone 70U. FOR O.U1CK cale. Jcrsej cow 365 White Oaks tnet. :: FOR SALE Bunch or slock cattle near.EI Paso mostly cows. Owner C. B. Box 160. Anthony, N. M. LET US supply you with registered Duroo Jersey Red hogs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Glints' Dairy. 430 Caple. building. For Sale ftTiiceUaneons. FOR SALE ishoa- .uses. Pllono 1054. GAS RANGE for n. Phono i;4 W. FOR SALE Strletli oats J J. Mundy r .-holes ruvt proof saeu "tn a Mundy Bldg ONE eollap it.v t r by h ."b i.ugfi r-h n n.- 1 pb' 41 For Sale ceBaneon. FOIt SALE About two dosen Merlin 3ft-3 rifies. OcUgun barrel, will sell at leas than cost. R. L. Daniel Furn. Matt. Factv NEW twelve gage Winchester shot gun and leather ease. Inquire R. C. Hill, Apt. 3. 103. B. Rio Grande. FOR SALE One hundred miles of second hand pipe good as new immediate delivery Jno. C. Snoddy. 331 Olendale Bldg. K. C. M". TOR SALE C1IE.VP H1C Empire car. mahogany piano, bureau and pet lamb. Leaving city. lilS ferown. SELLING OUT Restaurant outfit, gas range, coal range, steamtable, electric fan, coffee urn. dishes, chairs, counters, lots other bargains. Weiss, 114 South Stanton. FOR SALE 1 pr. gold opera glasses 3W. cost 375: 1 4S Colts pistol 33: crocheted lacett. door panels, pin cushions, pillow tops, center pieces, etc. Phone or write. If not in leave address. F. La Orange, St. Charles hotel. Room 9. SCHOOL BONDS FOR HALE. Notice is hereby given that the board of trustees in and for rommon soboet district number one (1 1. Pecos coonty. Texas, wtIL on the 3th day of April. !. At i o'clock p. m.. in the town of Fort Stockton, Poco county, Texas, dispose of and sell school bonds for the benefit of said common scnooi district number one (1), under Ihe follow ing terms and conditions: First: Sahl bonds are issued on the tslth and credit of aal.l common school uistrlct number one (1). for the construction of a high school building st Fort Stockton. Texas, in the snm of flftj thousand dollars ( i bearing In'-rest at the rate of five per cent ll pT cent' per annum. In terest payable annually, the first day of April, at Chase National Bnk. New Tor City. In the sum or on' thoussnd dollars each, to run fortv ears, optional for re demption in f'tt.-n ears. Sen' d M'l T-H! f" reed up -to o'clu.-k n m A'rU .tli. lSln b' the count! Ufle .-!! i.f t-:- . t. Hi. rerti" lb- r,h te rj .t jr. "- Jl! 1- -N . -rtlfi'l i h' ' K t" n ui.tiln.i: '.i h M-i t-j -hoiv p-e-l lalth of utdder. Send b'd to H. Laurence trustee and M'-rdar "f b.mril ef trustet-e. common cbo i! dlntn-t numtei- one (11. Fort Stock ton. Texas. Howell Johnson, Count)- Judge cf Pcrus County, Texas, and Kx Officio Superlnt?ad-nt of Public Schools. , , Drtismaking. I rnVlM done. Phone 6610. PL.ITIMI, all kinds. Phone 3053. SEWING and crochet. Phone 453a. DIIRSMIAKING and remodeling. Flu 3313. BUTTONS COVERED Angelas Ci'g Wta' DKEsSMAKIXtl. 1300 OHve St. Phone ! DRESSMAKING. Phone 68. 0T B. Missouri iiUESSMAKING and remodeling. Ph. 60U. WANTED Pressmaking or other sewrnr in fmille Phone T558. DRESSMAKING and remodeling. Mrs, Webb. Phone (i39 W. j R"dy Reference Business Directory. 1 AcronnlAnti. t --ww H. U. HENDKICK, 30 years' experience. Of flee I0 First Nat, Bank Bldg. ihon 41 CLARENCE I.ONGNECKER Phone S31. Suite 313-310 First Natl. Bank Bldg. JNO. V. MONTAGUE. Room 329. JJLNaJBjtnkJMfc-Phgno jjii. Auctioneers. W. A. WILLIAMS. Auction Sales and Commission Broker. Office phone OIL Residence pbona 3858 Office: Entrance to Caplea Bldg. 1 Sell Everything at Auction or PrlvatoSaJe. Business CoDeges. DRAUGHON'S 0lhegMraiiteea positions. feSSSSSi COMPRESSED AIR. steam or vacuum car pet cleaning, giving or laying. Du Sans & Wellborn. Phone 3I9. . CARPETS CLEANED, furniture repairing, .-ablnct making ivork guarantee.!. IXtley .- ... i ui.. u.'pL i I'hAitii 321 S. V PUUm ' Ji.ry i ywtMijFy",aj''l. GUNTON STUDIO, lessons, flrelnc. Ph. BOOS. ,. ....... ..17,11-11 4T!-. liil't V. Flor- enc.-. Phone 3164 J. Le-sons--, orders and firing . Chiropody. MAKEY PURDY, marcel hair dressing, roan- leorlnr. Burnnan ? prrJ3riniwii!. t n-mt "- SUITS STEAM PRESSED 50 CENTS. Morenraus eusy urns on 401 N. Oregon St. . CTnaJil, Civil Engineer S: SaiTeyor. W..L. BIDEK, 320 Herald Bldg. Ph. !. . PATENT OFFICE drawings, eurveylng, en gineering. Trl state Engineering Co.. Herald aiiag. raoDB ic?, DBAWINtiS in mechanical and eivll engi neering, by cxperlenctd draftsman. Address C. E. P., car. Herald. . (1 Uead CatUe. FULL GROWN dead cattle, horsed and mules wjlbtoesinauienay.jay.rnoiieu( OetectiTe Agencies. rl, iten Wltllnma Detective .Yxency Suite 616. First Nat. Bank Bdg.J?hqnejl4l. Drugs. WHOLESALE DKUGS, chemicals, toilet ar ticles, druggists sundries, rtatlonery. school supplies, fixtures, sample room. F. F. Commission Co.. 800 Herald Bldg.. El Paso. Furniture Packing. FURNITIISE IPHOl.STCnKIV repalrid and pui...l Pu s.i,igJeilborn.Pli399. PACKING end shipping household goods oar ipecialtv Furniture reoafrlng. finishing and upholstering R. L. Daniel Furniture Mat- tre-i F -- 4!"-l- ?l.r,e rhone I"; TTitna PjiTntintr. I Mf. WnMers lswna 50c. soppUM. PI.. 4949 J Ready Reference Biuinesi Directory Furniture Repairing. CARPENTERING, painting and furniture repairing i'bone il5i;7. . Jnnk Dealeri. . AL.MEDA JINK CO. Highest payors for all kinds Junk and metal. Phone 7483. ILLINOIS BOTTLE JUNK COMr.VNI 100". Overland. Phone 1641. WE BUY all kinds of Junk and auto tires. It. Nelson, First and St. Vnln.' Ph. 3133. EL TASO IRON UETAL CO. 1603 Ban Antonio. Dealers In scrap Iron, raster, eop- ,ier tirse tvinee. etc ?hflw 43SS Mercantile Ageaatt. R. G. DUN & CO. Mercantile reports. SI Paso office. SOI Guaranty Trust Bldg. LOCAL MERCANTILE AOENCnr Reports and rating on Individuals, collections. Mem ber or the National Assn. cf Mercantile Agencies, narry Paieman, Mgr. Rooms 331-313 Herald Bldg. . Mimeographing. HIGH GRADE MOIEOGRAFHINa. Fac-slmile t: pewrltten letters. Stenographv. Typewriting. Translations. International Letter Shop Phone lsuu 303 Mesa Ave. Osy-Acetylene Weldinj and Cutting. WE tTELD all metals. Portable plant at your service: expert operators: guaranteed work. uto cylinders decarbonized. Oar method 100 per cent efficient. Western Wel-linr fr Mfg Co.133 8 Santa Fe. Ph. 3711 Mattre Renovating. 4.ET YOUR MATTKES-J renovated while it is cheap. Cotton mattreeeoa tsaovated In cluding new tick 3LM. feather aad carpets cleaaed by steam process. We Invito in spection of our plant, 13 years In bus!nes means reliable. Acme Mattre-s and Feather Co. t And Ervln Mfr. Co.. Ph. 1971 and 11 10. Beg g irsinia. Mnsical. WALTER DA Is, piano teacher 35-00 month voice 35.00. Phone loss. 1. ;. GARCIA, violin, mandolin, guitar, ban dore. solfeggio and piano lesson. Phone 4830. Painting. Yrltnn Paint Cn 309 7. Stanton. Ph. 1141 Plombvir. BUSH rLUMBINO CO. Phone 347X ' . N. K. NATION'S Plnroblng Phpce 118 Roofing. WTE PAINT and repair all kinds Cf roofs. Phono 39 for estlmat-. General roof cOn tractofs. Cbjirk A Weeks. . Rugs. RUGS made from old carpet. DaSaar; A wellborn. Phone looo. Second Hand Oothing. Ladles' octond hand clothing bousht. Ph. 6341 j Men's second hand clothing bought. Ph. 6115 j HIGHEST PRICKS paid for old clothes and nno . 1-none i,ks. Second Hand Fcrnltaa. WANTEI --nd hand furniture R. L. Dan iels Furniture and Mattress Fcty. Ph. 101". EXCHANGE NEW FURNITURE. For necond hand. Western Furnlturo 179.. 118-130 S Stanton St Phone 1431. WANTED 50 second hand gas ranges and ice boxes. Call today. Texas Fur. Co., Fhofce 4097, 406 3. Bl Phiq Soda Fountains. F. A F. COM. CO. Soda, fountains and nx lures. 200 Herald Bl'lf . Wl Paso. Spanish Lesions. PROF. BRAVO. Ph. 3S60. 34 Buckler Bldg. CONVERSATIONAL Palmora Phone 2430. College. Storage Warehouses. EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY New ware house, safest lo'-.ttlon. posltlvelv lowest rate. Ottloe- 107-00 n. Main Phone 1054. GOODS STOKED und. r watchman's super vision day nnd n'ght, protection with best aceemmodetloii' .-it lets coit. liver 1500 sat Istieil oueteniT.-'. Phone "ISO for dray. Kl lao siomge Warehouse. SioTe Repairing. STOVE REPAIRING New parts- made and oarried tor all raalfae of stovec-.fanKes and base burners. L. J. peeler, cor. Sth & Flor ence, with p. and IL Iron Worka Phone S44. Tanks. T.YNKS, CULVERTS. Irrigation Pipe. allM. garages, etc Ask for catalog. Phono 1466. HUH. Potton. a Whjt Atnnufacrarhve Co. Taxidermists. Mt'l,F.I.L.XN. IHt'., Ph. .7 4 4--0 Frisco t. Toots. WANTED To buy 3d hand tools and guns. IT. Mohr. .tOD S. El Two St Transfer and Storage. POMEKOVS EL I'ASO TRANSFER CO.. 309-310 & Oregon. Storage, baggage and frejght iransrer Phono 24,44. Typewrilei. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUTPLT CO. All makes sold, rented, repaired. Corona Typewriter, sip MlUa st, Phone SSjS. Veig'inary Snrgeons. MAX MASER, D. V. S. Phone 11ST. Welding Shops. HEAVY MACHINE ana automocile ntU j welded promptly Brows Yielding Co.