Newspaper Page Text
iflffllllTSlTIIMWl ( TIT IIII ILL lit ST ICE1 American Soldiers Are Going Into a Desolate Country, Where There is no Sustenance For Man or Beast; , American Refugees Bring Stories of Villa Sentiment Among Carranza Troops. Till. huiiIm .i nt'.l toJav with the onw.liun tliai before another 24 Wir had J imJ. Hi'' Stars ami Mr.pis would 1). i irri"(l ncros3 the rxlcnn fionllei I' tin inc. corps f Ih. nmi ,i.ithiic.l ' Columbus ti i i i. I hi. li.. illi i. .....unl for his "ip ii. 1111OII01' 'I I i' o i every r - lips aai whit pill would t ii .1 in Hit appm 11 I1I111; drama h in luff. Imdlis of 1 mops under Car rn 1. . uinianders tfhj Jn gathered TJip tnhlet form of this 4)ld r"lj.hle remedy makes it possi ble for you to check any illness i the very onset It is a safe guard aj. amst coughs, colds and oth"r atarrhal conditions, no nutter what symptoms are manifest t atarrh is an inflamma tion of the mucous membrane that lines the breathing apparatus and the digestive apparatus. PERUNA relieves catarrh. In tablet form it is EVER-READY-TO-TAKE Its prompt action makes it in valuable for men and women ex posed to sudden changes in the weather or compelled to be out in fclUib. and rain. It will also bo found most satis factory ns a tonic following an at tack of illness. CARRY A BOX. wherever you fto, Travelers and othera com pelled to take long drives in the caJ and anrooe vhosc oceopatlen (objects faun to the danfierof sudden cold may ue lt preventive with the ammoee that the tablet made are from the same formulery as the liquid medicine with it 44 years of euccess before the American Puuuc. niPcreuCtapuT, Ctloatu. 01i Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25cataII druggists "Highest Class In the J QtMcriONS S5r3253 TMl mSTSUHIKT Cf QUAJ.ITV . onra CLEAR A3 Will Play Any Disc Record Made $35.00 to $300.00 Ttfms Jenkins Piano Co. "THE BIG PIANO HOUSE" 211-213 Texas St. ' "- 1 1 . - IHH BANKING BY MAIL !4 A request foi our new free booklet. "Banking by ilalP carries u ith It no oLllgation to open an account. All w6 ask I an oppor tunity1 to explain dearly why your savings should earn 4 percent and why yotr money will be absolutely safe if eeut by mail to this institution. Tou may have oceaiion to thank us for thlf suggestion. Write to day. and ask for our New Booklet. El Paso Bank and Trust Company a Guaranty Fond Bank CI Paso, Tex. LEVY GROCERY Hew wbkui lac imported Holland Herring, 4 for. .25c New Whilcfub, 5 for 25c Large Scotch Herring, 5 for .. 25c New Large Fat Mackerel, 2 for. .25c Pickled Holland Herring, 3 for... 25c Imported Sardines, 2 for. ..... 25c Sardines, floaters, Tuna Fish, Salmon, Shrimp, Fish of all description for Lenton Season. Phones 505 and 506. 204 and 206 E. Overland St. Mail Orders Prompt Attention. in the region through which the expe ditionary force Is expected to make its way. l.ujnltj In ((ticitliin. For tin. last few das repoi t - bavt nci umulated of serious disaffection iniong the Carranza soldiers in the neighborhood of the Arlxona liordrr. undi r command of Gen. 1 Klias Calles. Mdn ol these reports have hem -tremely olrnimstantial and thev cul minated eaily toda in a stoiv from Presidio. Texas, that the Carranza gar rrison nt ojlnaga had revolted and murdered its commander. Col ltojas. The Moriea brought from the interior of Mexico by American refugees served to confirm the impression that at least .1 section of the Carrnnxa eoldlery wer far from unfriendly to Villa and were decidedly hostile to the American ex pedition. Refugees told of being " suited and lUreed by soldiers they en countered in their flight but no act of physical violence has been re ported. Ao 111 l'ecUlift In U est. At the same time, other mericans. especially Uiom who ume from So noia and the Western part of Mexico. deiUied that condition!" in thos parts neit iulet and that the hall exjie rn need no itlspla of anlmositv tn waids olther the t'nlted States or them sc 1 s p ronallj Kiftv Ameruans fioni Chihuahua tin who arrived heie Tuesday night bv train repoi ted that there were 40 01 -it) Americans left 111 the city. Most or the others prolablj would follow soon An escort of 5 Carranza soldiers rod on the train One of the difficulties in catching ilia, as Votd out b thes. Americans, was. the superlorltv of tin horses his men ride over the other mounts available In northern Mexico lllu lln fine Horses. ilia's horses were desrlbed as 'rate horses" The fugitive chief has made .t practice of selling or tming out right the finest horses available An other problem, the Americans said, l.ty in the fact that, through fear or Igno 1 anci . the Mexicans residing in counti y regions of Chihuahua Rive considerabla alhgiami to ilia. Tn the cities the considered the Carransa sentiment dominant, hut said that Villa was free to travel without danger in rural re gions unless he came Into actual con tact with Carransa troops considerable surprise was shown hera oer a story from Douglas. Ariz., that t'nlted States soldiers had seised 600. 000 cartridges consigned to Gen. Calles None of the American military olfl- era here would conrirm or discuss the storv Mexican Censorship Tightened. Another development today waa the tiehtening of the censorship over the sending of American telegrams Into Mexico by the Carranza authorities. All message were closelv scrutinised by the officials on the Mexican side of th border and none that were couched in cod. or the meaning of which was du inoiis m permitted to pass Hitherto -allroad officials have been allowed to send code telegrams but this privilege has hrten withdrawn. Country Soldiers Will Cross. The point ( hosen for thi entrantt of Talking Machine World" A BtLk Awarded Gold Medal Of Honor At Panama Pacific Exposition San Francisco 1915 The ONLY Phonograph Awarded 100 Tone Quality You will enjoy a half hour-spent in listening to these beautiful and sweet toned instruments. II COMPOUND INTEREST COMPANY LIM)EHS..LI ALL OTIIEB EL GO! UMRUS SCENE DF PREPAflATIDK : Rush of Adventure Seekers Depletes Food Supply in Restaurants. From Uurk to . 1"j ji !o K luesdiis afternoon, when an c tstbbund train left Columbus, tho camp nt Columbus was a scene of preparation accordins to ni -rnals on the u.iln Ml the uun trains were loaded for movenn it t for ward and the tents ere rolbd nml packed Thijntomers st iteil that ev erything inditntil that Ihi entr into Mexico Houitl ia In gun Tueso u n lernoon, bin that the falluie tt urrite of the lillitril pins of the enttring ntdgt hud called rw another deio. CiillKrntlon of Mru Bttrt 'iipplles. The i-amn is sabl to l . oniiestetl with men and freight hundred sol dfers without command) who irrheil there on supplv trains, slept during the night about tin railroad station and wheretcr thej could find shelter from the cold night air. The ood supply for civilians is etieml short and outside of two small resta'ui ants which .-re ovr patlonletl b the ladveniilrsoini spirits, then is .10 plate whcie food may be obtained. The constant expedition foi oidti to move rendrred th, iartp an unstable one ami outside of the faithful kltchei squad the men were in readiness foi immediate action. One movement of the troops Tuemla afternoon that caused excitement iJong the Columbus boidei was an advance toward the- frontier of tpe eMglncrnis uorps, followed b one regiment nf cav alry The movement was merelv cue supposed to get the hearings of the lantl It was observed 'v the senti-lcs of Gen Bertani who art station"d mi tlie frontier 1 Utirtuni tlen nt laloiuns. Gen U.italils column Is stationed so it is reported, nt PalomaS. -vhlch Is scv--en miles below the border The line of march b tlie American soldiers would be in close proxlnut to (his point the punitive expedition into Mexico Is at the erge of a drear desolate plain, normally a cattle range now Inhabit ed principally bj coyotes and prairie dogs, swept bv sandstjorms arut de nuded of vegetation at this time of year, excepC the cactus and objection able growths. Foi at least JO miles th soldiers of the United States must make their wa ac oas this plain They then reach the lowest range of the Sierra Madie mountains, broken and tw isted into all manner of fan tastic shapes and as tfarren of any verdure worthy of the name as thj desert over which they Jrrown. Lonely ranchmen are found heie and there In the. valleys, earing for their cattle at the infrequent and scanty Water holes and subsisting almost en tirely on beef. IV vt Honda tv ntl.-tlilc. There are few roads in the mountain region. An ancient track, known as the "Smugglers' trail, isl used bv such traffic as passes through. The expedi tionary force must carry all its own provisions and must in a large meas ure rely also on its base for water kfter fighting its waj against nature, assisted by whatevei guerrilla troops Villa may be able to muster for about I.; miles througu this country' the punitive expedition will reach the Sierra Madie proper a range of inoun t ilns rising from Soon to 10.000 feet louutaln spin ny Canyons. The mountains are split by mighty cmvons. some of which have n sheer depth of 3000 feet and there are few recognized paths through their soli tudes. From Casas Grandes south however, the country is thicklv wood ed, although devoid at this time of tear of grass. In the Casas Grandes section the expedition would strike the Casas Grandes river which rises in th" mountains and whose several branches join near Casas Grandes to form a con siderable river. By following one of the branches the soldiers would be able to obtain sufficient water at any sea son, but between the streams th mountains He in great barriers, pre dentin? a country almost lnaocesslble, even to men on foot, and for tho most part impassable to wheeled transports of any sort It Is toward thes wild that Pa 'to Villa Is said to have headed, there to be prepared to wage a guerrilla War fare on the troops who Save been or dered to pursue him to death or cap ture. MI clever loiueiveepcri! serve 9ul burger's Majestic Ham and Bacon ' Deliclonslv liferent ' . Adv Desplt its d.tnB"-nui. njre . jrdUi reiuarkahlj if. lu limdlc 220 MESA AVE, I BUY A?-a I Here you get he Best the Market affords at the Lowest Price. Cash or Credit- Specials for Thursday & Friday, this Week Extra Fancy Wine OfJ Carnation Brand Milk, 1 tf Sap Apples, 3 lbs. for . C tall cans, 2 for 1 " 50 lb. Box for $2.00 " Snider's New Process Tomato Fancy Greely, Colo- Ofi Soup, tall, large cans, Of! rado Spuds, 10 lbs. for 3m 0 501bs.for $1.25 Redelco Pure Italian Cttgy Spanish'Salted Pea- if Olive Oil, quart can... VUU nuts, 1 lb. for IOC , .. ' ' M. J. B. Coffee, none as good. Underwood' Genuine B f A 5 lb. can d O C Deviled Ham, can.... -C for J 1 ,0J Griffon Brand Large Fancy As- Delmonte Beefsteak OA paragus, big Zl lb. O f Catsup, pint size v w can UC Three bottles for 50$ STOCK UP ON SOME OF THE ABOVE BAR GAINS. ITS MONEY TO YOU. PASO HERALD PRESIDIO FEARS HBATTft Ojinaga Troops Kill Leader Because Refused to Sanc tion Border Assault. A I 1'I.M. Tex, .March 15 report f. om I'residio today sas that last night Carrania troops at iijm.iira assassinated their kadei, Koia" I eiause he lefused to allow them to .miss Hi.?, river and attacK American 1 1 oops nt Presidio, in icvengo for the I niieil State-i iliu to taptuie Villa 1ld1tiouul trooi h and .nanv aimed i Ulceus have gon to Pieidio froni Mai fa Maiiv signal fits have neen noted lecinllv in tiie lountiv nt i min u. unii a 1 ild 0.1 th tiuop at 1 icslilio 1 . Mil i t' (1 cOUll' icon to Villistas; Threat- jj i en Life; Leader Es ! capes With $10,000. .1 nan Bilbao, formerlv a cattle opera tor in the Santa Kohalia distr-ct and I located for the past several jears in H Paso, returned Tuesday night from Al- pine. Tex., after passing tltrougn a har. . rowing period In the hands of bandits I who had captured him along the bor der of Brews. er county and held him for tir.00 ransom. Bilbao was released ! through the ageiicj of the uiokeiaRt 1 firm of II. T. WaU and H. M. Maple, ' who went immediately to his rescue when they learned or his predicament I The negotiations took several davs and were concluded in a barren waste of country where the risk of the friends to Bilbao was far greater than to the bandits. Both Mr .Maple and Mr. Walz , ire still In Brewster county. I Kricnd lds in llelense. Virectly Instrumental In the release , of Bilbao was Miguel Gurrizo, a close l friend to the captured man. who ncr I sonally carried on the negotiations. Bilbao upon reaching Alpine on Tues day afternoon st-tted that the bandits !n ere 28 in number and that they were mostly boys in v ears The bandits were for killing Bilbao after tile ransom money was paid, but through the inter cession of the leader his life was spared. 1 Lender Crosses Line. The captured man also stated that he thought tho leader of the bundits had J extorted fully J10.000 from ranchers I along the Brewster countj border, and ! that just after he (Bilbao) got away. I th,e bandit leader had fled to the Amerl I can side with the most of the money so 1 extorted. Tlrso Castlllon was robbed bv the same band of bsndtts at His father's ranch across the border of J500 in gold and a number of horses and guns. He is reported to be still at the ranch, but will come soon to Alpine. Were Mlllstas. The bandits. Bilbao said claim to bt Villistas. Bilbao lives at 1117 Magoffin avenue, and there was nfaclv rojoleliw in his household when on auto drove up before his home and he stepped out to greet his wife and children. 2000 Work All Night On Motor Trucks For U.S. Kenosha. Wis March 15. Twentv- aav'AH BitlAivinKllii tf 1IV fflF 1)a Hi th A j United States army in Mexico were I shipped todav to El Paso. The employes of a big automobile companv were leaving tho plant TU"S I day evening when a foreman came rushing after them "Come on back, boy," he shouted "L'ntle Sam has put in a rush order for motor trucks." Accordingly, the plant was a Maie of lights all night 1'insT v. s. rtiALiii AtmiVKG AT DOUGLAS Douglas, rlz, March 15 The first section of trains biinging the First L r cavalry Jo the border and bearing two troops arrived this morning The second section, also with two troop'. an! iulimvnt ' poetcd during Hie Cln PHONE 2576 Free Delivery Service 1SMLE11 ! Ell LiBEHTY ; :$i PERSHINGMfllTS Wfll Last Ccmmands to Make Up T-. ..... A fn 'Dnllf.A' jxpeaiuon ajic .& w Alleged Spy Caught. . . ... , ... -v . ijipii 1 . .Ncti'.iti i.vntmues in ml' olunibus" pending i .he anival lm- v.f the last of th. troops thul will constitute the com- , mand of Gen .loin. J. 1'ersh.ns. which , ,n?Jrf,, wp s." Xeir '? . tuc Itva'-onrrolt'iu-o.., IS il-ea.lj oil tne nol'l'. Troops "Trncl MS"'. . Ih -i u oi . v" rv unu purhulim Villa i on their backs or saddles The ex tru clothirK -ml -iu P." S tne .irnij a i r left beiiina t ftte.At. -.111 leTtlve-nuterValJscuinthe blThn: diftfci'es" f r desert c-ouulrv such s tnat IhrougB S'-Tch V?lta anil theb.oken bande of bandits who weic wi. -- - , and massacie here last Thursdaj. are ! retreating, ate man. At titer is Scarce. 1 Wat.i is fi fim Pi""'11"1 , T.n! solueis are eP-Ud satnet.mes to be thirstv as ,hev press fartner "!' h" ; e- The ord-rs, thereto . "e in- I I tended to limit cocrj ng facilities to essenTmls. food nnd drrn "or men and animals ond ammunition for the guns. I ll..lter uimunItlon lllstrlhii.e.1. , I A ast Muannties of ""' ." ffl e I mountain howitzers and fields guns as- sembled hm- weic broken out and dis- ''ComtaVwagons,' which .fjrrv am- munition for the soldiers, were loaded 'and" cngmeers, signal land hospital corps prepared tor me worn ..c.u 1 Kserytiody Busy. The commander of the expedition and hia stafr. as well as the regimental staffs of every organization to taKe aM&.ia w. y villa e tenefl part in cne cnan; io ". -,-., " " . In work all day. while the spWlers. un- j i der their commissioned officers, la bored unloading th. trains which passed in end out of the railroad yards j all day. ... I At the some time everv eminence or hit of high ground was thronged throughout the daylight Hours by civil- I !r. o,.a nidiers who scanned tlie 1 southern horizon for anv sign o. activ ity on the Mexican side. There ap peared to be none, althoUgU many times j. . . ..... .ruf eivme In that i the Mexicans were In motion. It eeemed I practlcallv certain, however, thnt there t were no noBtile forces anywhere near , the border. I Berlanl Cone South. I Ttellable reports were received that tho Carranza Vanison of J000 men , that moved north to Palomas after Villa had letreatea soutnwara, luno..- , .,. . .. ... n n iI.Ib.IiiiimI (if int. ing tlie atutcivs ni MOM... -- . ISth cavalry south of the border Thurs- day. had lett tnat port n utre mc n-u gone no one seemed to know. Although the general opinion was that they had gone far to the south. llleged A Ilia py Cnuctat. Vt the same time the hunt for "villa soies" was earned on In Columbus Tuesdav with as much enthusiasm oa ever. Half A doien Mexicans were ar retted br soldiers or civilians, but only one was held This man. Alfredo Arc- fon, a waiter in a hotel where army of loera frequently dined, was found In possession of loot taken by the VlllA raiders from Columhua houses which were rifled and then fired Thursday morning. He also had a United States army uniform. In cuBtody of a United States deputv marshal, he was taken to Deniing to face a number of charges In the United States diltrlct court. IL S. ARMY COLONEL SAYS -AMERICAN ARMY IS PITIABLE New York, March IS. "The United States army Is pathetic, and all the other nations know it," said Col. Kdwln F. Glenn, chief of staff of tho depart ment of tho east. In an address Tues day night at an ' Army and Xavy" din ner at the fephlnx club He added that the capture of Villa In his own coun try, surrounded by friends, might be a, matter or months or even years. "We have been occuping the 5lex ian border for four years." began Col Glenn "Two-thirds of our army or 32,000 men has been there. We have onlv 9000 to reinforce them. They aie scattered from tho Texas border to the Taoiflo coast. "If It wasn't pathetlo It would he farcical laughable. "Our army is like a fly gaaed at through the wrong end of the telescope. Until the European war cam you have shown as much interest in our army as .tin wnnlil In a. flv." Must 1Iip Force. He said that the Spanish-American ir brought the United States forward .is a world power and therefore It must ccept the obligations of a world "We must have force," continued Col. Olenn, "Lehlnd our nation; we must have foroe behind any note Our president may send or any action he nay take" Cxperts Long Campaign. Tteverting again to the Mexican sit uation, he said- "Some of us have had experience In capturing a man In his own country, a man who has his own friends. I tell you It I not a matter ot a day. It Is a matter of months, maybe years. "Wo are told we aro not going to war. but to capture Villa. 1M. us look at the reverse side fupposo Mexico announced she was going to send oOOO, 10.00"0 or 20,000 men Into Urn ountry. How long would wo stand ror it." "Do von think Mexico Is going to stand for if IVould you respect her if ?he did' "1 hnvo made a study of tho Mexican situation aliu I havo figured that If we are going In there to stabilize tho gov ernment. It will take five years at a minimum and from 400,000 to 500,000 men to do it properly." NO MOVE TO CROSS LINE . REPORTED AT SAN ANTONIO San Antonio, Texas, March IS. At 13'50 p. m. today no information was obtainable at southern headquarters that there had been troop movements at Columbus and south Of Ilachita. K. MaJ. Gen. Kunston showed much interest in dispatches regarding condi tions at Torreon and Ollnaga. Qen. Funston admitted tjtat It wa6 possible an advance bad been made and that he had not been told of it. He said, however, that If any movement had taken place It probably was near ! Ilachita, K. M.. where CoL George Dodd I is stationed, and not at Columbus. Col. Dodd is not In direct telegraphic com- ' municatlon with Gan. Funston, and If t, a .,,.... A.4 n. nil thm. ..AM 1 .. M 1 to i.iiuucu ..b ii. vuc gciiDiai p.ii,, t would bo to Gen. Pershing. Efficiency Insurance. Vte are prepared to Issue Offico Effi ciency Insurance. Our Policies are lib eral and the premiums are low. Let our Insurance Representative call. Commercial Office L'nppty Co. 209 Texas. A. TV McLean. Mgr. Vdv. Th. economical wa buy a whole 1 am Get Sulzberger's Majestic "De liclously Different " Adv Mexican rent collections, Lee New man dv AS KS PISHT TO LIFT El Calles Says Ammunition Is Needed for Villa Pursuit; Reported Turned West. Douglas, vti;- March 15 After de manding of the i xpiess agent here the delivers of ion oon seven milimeter car tridges, i onsigned to Gen. V. Kilns alles. and held at the railroad depot under milltarv guard, cOrbu! lvea G. J.eLev ier was met by refusal. He tele giaph. 1 this morning to Ktesdo Arre ilondo Carranza representative at i-liiiigtoii, 1. c tequenttng that he secure permission fiom president ' li on foi the dtliveij of the cartridges. Oen loro Obreon. minister of wai of Mexico, has instructed Gen 'alies to cooperate w ith -American soldiers in the pursuit and capture of 'Villa, but LeLevter says that without this ammu nition it will be imposrible to do so. ay 1 illn Turns West. Col Uuto Campbe'l, commanding a i i alrv column of 500 n.en. telegraphed to t'alies last night that the American comnvinder at Liangs ranch hnd m 'criiie.l him that Villa was heading fot las chfmeneas ctinyon and ojitus pass, intending to enter fronorfl Campbell said he was starting at once through the western slop of th Laa Ojitas mountains at Colonia Morelos to guard Ojitas. Oen. Called Is moving other troops to cooperate and hopes to cap ture Villa before the American troops can enter. To Assist Anierlcnuc. Tollowing tbe receipt of Obregon s instructions. Gen. Calles sent positive orders to all his subordinates to aid American soldiers In every possible way Obrearon's message recites the fact that a reciprocal treaty between the United States and Mexico relative to the pursuit of bandits across the border had been reached and for this reason all Mexican troops aro bound to aid at this or any other time De faoto officials consider this message to be official notification of Carranza's acquleeence to the Americans entering Mexico. Calles Ortlrlally Notified. Gen. P. l!lias Calles has been of ficially notified of the number and dis position of American troops to cross Chase & Sanborn's Coffees and Teas Are the "World's Best" and Most Renowned Seal brand Coffee, per lb.. 40c; 2 lb. can for 80c "Golden Glow Blend," per ft 40c; 3 ft can $1.10 Crusade Blend Coffee, per lb. 35c; 3 lbs. for ?L0O Our "Famous Amber" Blend Coffee, per lb ...30c Diamond Blend Coffee, per lb 25c Extra fancy roasted Peaberry Co ffee, per lb. 35c; 3 lbs for $J.OO C.& S. Orange Pekoe Tea, 4 Canister 20c; Y2 35c; 1 ft for 65c i'e hav.e CIS. Uunpowder. Uncolored Japan and Engl lib Breakfast at the Fame p-We as our Orange Pekoe. "Emperor's Blend Tea," Vs lb. screw top canister, 40c; I lb.. .75c Maricopa Butter, per Fresh Farm Eggs, per Thursday & Friday Grocery Specials Gold Medal Corn Flakes, per pkg. 5c Gold Medal Oats, 2 pkgs. for : 21c Gold Medal Macaroni or Spaghetti, 2 pkgs. for 21c Gold Medal Macaroni and Spaghetti is made from Gen- uine extra Durham wheat. It is fine. 3 Cane Cutting Jams any flavor, 'for..... ,. ,.25c S Caus Valley Corn very good, for 25e Deniing SolM Pack Tomatoes, per can 9c 2 Cans Little Kernel Corn for 25c :: Pounds Fancy California Dry Lima Beans for. 25c 3 Pounds Fanay California Black Kycd Peas for.. .........25c 3 Pounds Small Prunes for 25c Medium .Sized Prunes, per pound 15c Extra Large and Fancy Prunes, Z pounds for 50c White Cooking Fijrs, per pound 10c 3 Pounds Special Evaporated reaches for 25c 2 Pounds Fancy Special Evaporated Poaches for 25c 2 Pounds Fancy Evaporated Apricots for 35c 'I Cans Du Barry Brand French Sardines for 25c 2 Cans Monarch Sardines in pure Oliv e Oil for 35e foekey Club nrdine, extra fancy, per can 30c Kippered Herring, per can 20c Fresh Mackerel or Soused Mack erel in cans, each 25c So 1 Cans Taney blirlmp, 2 cans for 25c st andard Gash Stores WHERE YOU Pay Cash NO. 2 Corner Blvd. Knnsas St. Phones 4340 or 4311. So. 3 Cor. Stanton .t Ovtrland. rhone SOU AZTEC AUTO SERVICE Only Stand North of Tracks Montana and Stanton Sts. TRWIHW I I T BUSS Army Officer Here Monday to Inspect Post for Citi zens' Military Camp. ! To eompletepltm for th loimatlon ) of t citizens mtllt. u (mining camp J .it 1-oit BIis. tli'' mllit. ij committee ot J ti e "tip! -r of en ni ides is holding a meeting tnis afte o-.n at 4 oclot k In the chumber f rompterce build I it p. . Tin mmlci of Un lommluee are v I l Coles. I r n .1'. r. J . ilappoi . H S l'ottc, ni.l i its Vlnaa 1 lo MTitril. Imiunv lias h 'ii idle nv the ' r m p. rtineat na.'li." i1'" ulvisabiinv oi having a trniniav ir it or neir i ort Tills i ill depend upon nheiliee sniff i.-lcnt nuercst would l.e manifested among the illacti-- to mane j such a camp a success as a minimum of j 400 participants is rcquirod b .the war j department. j Officer Ilerr. I ('apt Uwmg K Booth, of the Flist cat alrv, arrived In El Paso Mondav to I look ovet the proposed site for ti'e tiaii.ine amp. Hut as he was eall'd to hi ledlment he turned fiis nuij os e. to Capt lames i Tthea. ot" the KIghth caralr at Fort Blls The training camp at Fort Bliss will be similar to those proposed for Santa. Fe, X M. an'l San Antonio Texas. border into western Chihuahua, aecoid ing to consul Ivs O LeLevler. How -'ver, ilie Carranza tnilitarv- glvernor of Sonora was given no intimation of the time of starting- the expedition Ul oth er de facto leaders of northern Mexico were sinvl&rli notified. Calles sas- Gn l alles told LeLevler he did not expect am Ameiican forces to ent Sonor as he has ample forces to keep Villa from entering that state and has so disposed them that entry ot the ban dlt leader would be Impossible. Attention Republicans. The moeting of the National repub lican Club of El Paso wluch was called for Friday night, March 17, has been indefinitely postponed. TV. H. Case, Secretary. P. A. Hazzard. Chairman. (Political Advertisement ) pound 34c dozen 24c Meat Depart ments THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SPECIALS. Select Spare Ribs, per lb. 14c Fancy Pure Pork Sausage, per lb 15c Fancy Rolled Corn Beef. per lb 15c Select Plain Hams, per lb. 19c Small Average. 1-2 lb. Flat Cans Good Living Salmon, medium red, per can.. 10c 1-2 lb. can Xorth King Choice Tied Salmon, 2 cans for 25c Monarch Salmon, 1-2 lb. flat Can, 2 for 35e 3 Cans Tall Pink Salmon lor. 25c Jap Crab Meat in Wood Lined Cans, 1-2 lb. can 25c lib can for 45c 1-4 lb. Can Lobster 20c 1-2 lb. Can Lobster .... 35c and Pay Less ., 4. 407 North Oregon St. Phose SDO. -Y. S 1907 Ala- tatKla Ave. fne 1SC3. "A & B" AUTO SERVICE 7-lasengr Cafs, 93.00 per hoar, TEL. 7833. 118 W. Overland. st n W V