Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 3 66 wr SATURDAY EVENINGS OPEN TILL 8:30 MEN'S STORE REMAINS OPEN TILL 9:30 Srnil L 1 our Mnll Ordcrw. t iirner !rin Ar. nml Sn Antonio St. Vrlvntc Itrnnrh Kichnnjcc XWO IMion? Orilrrn rrompfly rillfil. 93 AMERICANS FR0MCH1HUAHUA i TTTTTr W N Wl? 7 W W 55 f rrii w ha m n iyp i i a Mr JL JUL M. Mil? JL cH, &? 2&M 4 'Y s Refugee Train Arrives Un der Carranza Guard; 40 Remained in the City. I it ilnee refugees arriied in Kl Tatn fioin Cliihunhua city Tuesday night, after an all tlay Journey Rcrosa tl plains. The refugees reported that American consul Marlon Letcher l Batfhing the American Interests in Chi luinbim. fitv. The refugee train left at J I o lock Tuesday morning and reached .tu ii oi at S 15 in the evening, the mem. 1" is of the party scattering to various ii,.t,in and the major jmrtlon stopping a i Hotel McCoy. 1. M. C. . rmtnrr. NmoDfe those to come out was John M Murrav, neoretary of the T. 11 C A. ii hihuahua city I lie train had an escort of 66 soldiers i I the onl excitement on the trip was ii Mo t xunia, wlwre a number of m Miits weie seen riding along the hori- " and the fenr i-ntertalned that they rf illistas JManing nearer, the of- i informed ttie inerlians that the men t-n horsebai k were Carranza oxoutn. hnh tlej proved to 1C Smnll fiarrlqon. 'lor I'luEees brought the Information ti ii Inhuahua has only a small gar i - n left .md that all St the 2000 sol i r liad lieen at that point under M. onunaiid of Gen. Lulz Gutierrez i .1 n. en sent to northern Chihuahua. iiii reported that there were Voba i . I .''00 I'onstitutionallst noldiers at I iinn, under the command of Gen. I njiniin Carza. and that the other 500 ii ! In i n sent up to Juarez -with Gen. i TiiliiTrcz Officer Allay Keeling. Ml of the refugees said that the of f i' lals at Chihuahua had tried to allay 'lie feeling of tenseness In Chihuahua. 'I liev also stale that there were many tin iv r Villhrtas at Chihuahua and many spies scattered In all the communities in tlu southern part of the state, 4ft Itrnratn. "-mm 40 or more Americana still re ii mi in Chihuahua and they, it was itjted, would arrive on the border with in the next several days. All tho mines in aud aiound Chihuahua haTe closed limn ami the mining company has re t lined onh their head men In the field. . Thoe Who Came Ont. I hose who came up on the refugee I I mi were: Mi and Mn J. B. Ott 1 has Hammond. lmB Murray. ' H Andpricm and wife '--iirire Johnston and wife Mi. A McLaughlin Mr JlcLaUKhlln. Mr L Taylor. I" I. Jravinser. i w . Thompson. H" and Mrs. A. C. TTrlsht. t utiTt K Lea. x tl Iiaxlson. Mr- A I" N'aah. r,i V i Sawyer and son n i' e berry. Mr .ml Mra. Georr Briccs M ii .1 Mn. 8. O. Barn. ' ' rr w rn Wvrls. t mil Mr L. B Frlttt. ir- Mary lllackly. Mr rfiid Mrs. D. R. Cramer. Mi Mary F. Lone. II rr Mlllanu. I nimrr. li and Mrs. Jamrs Morfao. H H. Holly. MerrhaMm. A F Kensinger I r-d Pothatt. lose Bovio. Morita Buattntr lone De8tefano. .tohn M. Murray i arlota Carranni IT L. B. Knopf , t j. mil. I imea Murray. t uia Ollvarca. i r. .1 H. Wllltami llarr B Ott. Mtun Alma Mrer. Mrs J K Hale. smonp the refugees were the follow- ' niiiisionaries: Rev. and Mrs. A. C. right Mr and Mrs. L. B. Fritts, Mlsa lUn BlathK and Miss Mary F. Long. MEXICAN MERCHANT HELD; HAD SILENCER ON RIFLE L.imon lCKera, owner of a small store Ninth street, wan taken into cus ioih bv the polite Tuesday evening and HI be held to explain the possession i pistol and a Remington rifle, pupped ith a Maxim slle-ncer. ro boxes of Winchester rifle am- i inltlon containing about S00 car- i iileF each, were taken In charge by dr tectives Tuesday night follow- I the arrest of J. Ramirez and R. Mi iii'U, two Mexican youths, in tho low- pait of the city. The ammunition is ' ring held at the police station while i 'i ouths are in the city Jail pending i i investigation of the incident. Two arrests of Mexicans carrying pis tol were made by officers in tho lower part of the city Tuesday, as a result of thr strict search for pistol carriers that i now being conducted pursuant to or ij rs of police chief Don Johnson. Both nin werr in the vicinity of Seventh and V I raho streets and carried pistols full of cartridges, it is alleged. At the po lice station they gave the names of nan fJi-'ia and I'rofino Herrervu PAPERS AND FORMS OF MEXICAN NEWSPAPER SEIZED BY POLICE II imp and fresh from tho press 600 'lues of the Paso Del Norte, a Mexican . ili newspapr and two forms of type, re confiscated bv city detectives J naav night at 8.J0 oclock. Fernando . in.iochlpl, editor of the publication, "as arrested. The confiscated forms and papers xv ere taken to the police station where thrv will be held pending investigation o' the case. Gamiochlpi being placed In lie nt jail. lie Is said to have resided r.l Paso for the past 14 years. viorillng to mayor Tom Lea and i i'f lohnson, the arrest or Gamiochlpi i i . onfiscatlon of the property was in ii ie with orders issued several days ago M.xiran editors to not allow any- i i c or a political nature to be printed i heir newspapers. OJINAGA GARRISON IS TURBULENT; COLONEL KILLED M uia Tfxas, March IS. The report- i d'ath of Col. Rojas. Carranza com- i. ind. r at OJlnaga at the hands of his ok . mm, who attempted mutiny last tin was confirmed by telephone ad- i , hrre today. Rojas was trying to onttoi his men who were drlnkln? and ning to invade the United States, Im ii he was shot from the crowd, ac- oi fling to the report. WtllKII MliXICAN" HRA;iIi;S HOWIK AM) IS DISARMED shi s,mon Ariz., March 15. An un n n In nvilv armed Mexican who ar iiv.l ai Bowie Monday and failed to h t itisfactory account of himself, i iiisarmd by constable Jud I'ruitt ii ii placid under surveillance. Two HU officers reached Bowie a week ago ijiip went to El Paso and was ar iestrd, and the other is still there. Throw Off Colda and Trrvcat Grip. hn you feel a cold coming ron. take r.AXATIVn BROMO QUININE. It re moves cause of Colds and Grip. Only mn "BROMO QUININK," E. W. i.l.nVlTS signature on box. 2ic. BLINDNESS I- . ften avoided by having your ees . in. n a and glasses made lv an 'ipn. nptrist Geo. D. Kendall, J28 Mesa m Mak's Glasses Right Adv. Ho iu uar Mindale solid packed ' " I ic, ran is filltd with to- is thit hold their own One trial nn o ou ..f the o.nallt I'tit i I d Hi ili. V . Again This Season You'Will Find Esccess VexSme in Oxr Specialized Line of O fF5 O V 3 .&. ""s . T z : ?SV: -&.T I oTQijriiiia xh 1 n "THEPOPULAR" takes great pleasure in announcing that this year's Spring Fashion Festival a for mal presentation of Spring modes in which will be dis played the accepted styles of the new season as delineated by garments, millinery, corsets, shoes and accessories, will be held Monday, Tuesday) and Wednesday, March 20th, 21 $1 and 22nd. This exhibit will be the most , extensive and interesting "The Popular" has eer held, and will tell a complete story of things for men, women and children from the original con ceptions of the Old World to the copies and adaptations of the best American designers. Your presence is cordially in u'led. No tickets or cards will be issued no charge attached. All EI Pasoans, and visitors to this city, are "as welcome as the flowers in May." (Sisned emn-mtva Georgette Sailors, $10 A CONVINCING example of "THE POPULAR'S" excep tional ability to present fine Milli nery at a reasonable price. Chic Georgette Sailors of Lisere, in black, navy or African brown. They have been given clever touches of individuality in the tilt of the brim and the placing of simple but effecthc trimmings such as rib bons, flowers and wings. They ha e no equal at the amaz ingly modest price of Wash Goods EACH day brings forth new sur prises in exquisite Wash (.ooJ-. Weaves. The few weaves mentioned here, added to our already enormous stock, makes our exhibition of cotton fabrics the finest ever shown in T. Taso. 30-IXCII VOILLS AVoten liairlinc stripe and staple stripe Voiles. Mark htripes and colored stripes show in? the new cluster candy stripes, mili tary stripes, awning stripc-s and lad der stripes. They are tnih deiraUe lines, at a yard, 25, 35e, AIXOVER EMHHOIIlEniZD FAB RICS Are also lery jjooil sHle tins reason. Cofcred embroidered dots, figures and stripe and figure effects on voile, tissue. ilk mWed crepe and organdy. Some "ohiIitiuI ni- wtes. Ayatoc, 95c AIJ. WHITE GOODS A GREAT FA VORITE Croeg Bar, stripe and em broidered Voile and Orsandr. a vard 25C Shadow check, plaid and snonilakc Xovclties, a yard, 35c to $1.00. Allover embroidered Voiles, ilarquit cttes, and Organdva. a Tarl. 75c to $2.50. Tlain and notelty shadow weave Or sjandys, a yard, 50c to $1.00. VmEI.IT hKIRTJM, Uotl, white ind colored. (;dbafflin... wA,t .loth, piqiip, welt, rep and Oxford a- Mani noV wrmci of io,,n ,niiil "W fix . 'V VOIfK'S most rosoiiri-ol'nl in:ilxci. Avliose Suits are recog nized for their stvln auflinntieitv and eliaraeter. contributed tiieir proudest roduets to this notable showing!;, ilanj- distinctly different models, including Norfolk Jin(l belted styles, ripple peplums, semi-fitted, strictly tailored, fancy trimmed, semi-belted, flare coats, etc. The fabrics include thoroughly dependable Serges, Gabardines, Velour Cloths and Poplins, in the new tans, grays, navy, Jap and Copenhagen blue, green, rookie, brown, checks and black. Skirts in the newest full-i'laring effects with fancy buttons, patch, slough or side mannish pockets, loose belts, etc. Coats lined with good quality Peat, de Cygne. The tailoring is worthy of special notice aud re flects most thorough and expert workmanship. A complete range of sizes for Avomen and misses. The influence of our powerful Inn ing organization and its manifold advantages is responsible for these greater Suit Aalnes, at g fl IE3 v j 111 ill I ' 11 X These New $15 SilK. Dresses ire reuiMg a ensaoon and are worthy of it, too. They're made of the most desirable of the season's silks charming striped taffetas, handsome plain taffetas. i nest qualitv crepe meteor, erepc de chine, Ueorgette crepes and taffeta or satin combinations. SIcca'cs and bodices pf plain embroidered Georgette, some beadecTiu effective designs, hand embroidered in self 6v contrasting colors, silver and gold predominating, or trimmed with lace. Skirts full flare, pointed or scalloped tier effects, pleated, shirred and graceful! v side draped models. In all Spring shades, black, naw, Hague, pearl and taupe, gray, green. African brown, peach. AA-isteria, Burgundy, etc. Aot all styles m all shades. You cannot duplicate -uch dresses for less than $19.50 anyAhere in toAvn. "Popular Special" at i5.6o New Sport Dresses Ot SilK Jersey Cloth. I gjERFECTLY adorable are the new Sport Dresses made of the popu- lar Silk. Jersey Cloth. The bodice of the garment is made of plain colors and resemble a silk sweater or middy. The skirts are of white or fancy stripes, and trimmed to match bodice. Many are accordeon pleated. There is nothing more up to date in sport garments to be found anywhere. Let us show them to you tomorrow. CJ CP ? Priced at each. t$D Golfinie Coats $4 95 The Ideal Sport Garment ipHJS bids fair to become the most coatish Spring ever known. Dresses loom large on the horizon, and a dress for street wear with out a coat is not to be thought of. The sport type rules in the realm of coats. Here you can see half a hundred of the most successful styles. We call your attention to the Golfine Sport Coats in coral, rose, Copen, green and white, also go a q e white serge coats, at y J'J New Sport SMrts Priced $4'95 to $22-5 THE most novel styles have been pro duced in the new Sport Skirts. These garments haA-c not only been designed for attractiveness, but for general sei-A-ice and comfort, in the outdoor sports, as avcII. Materials are Silk La .Terse, Soiree, Taf feta, "Wool Velours and Golfine. There are plain shades of rose, Copen, gold, green, white and black; fancy plaids, stripes and checks; also plain shades in combination with fancy color. Every material suitable for Sport Skirts is represented lin this new Spring showing, and the color combinations are varied enough to suit every requirement A New Re&'is Corset S3J Popular Special, 95c WONDERFULLY attractive model for average fig- kure and stout figure. Made of an exceptional qual ity white coutil, with beautiful embroidery trimming: four hose supporters that will wear and give satislaction This corset is wejl boned and fits perfectly. Sizes 20 to 26. You d expect to pay $1.50 for this model, offered at only 95c r f lllillll llllli The New Blouses At $2.95 and $4-95 rfjNE of the most important Blouse Exhibits we have ever held is scheduled for Thursday. Each and every Blouse is brand new and up-to-the-minute in fash ion. Every favored fabric, stripe and shading is com pletely represented. Practically unlimited choice is presented in this extraor dinary collection of beautiful Blouses. Included are Blouses of Silk Radium, Lace, Crepe de Chine, Geor gette Crepes. Chiffon and Lace Combinations, Pussy Willow and Georgette Combinations, Taffetas; frill mod els, touches of colored embroidery, fine laces and nov elty buttons are used as trimmings for these lovely Blouses all the new collar and sleeve effects. We in vite your inspection. jLooesil Ends Savings of 1-2 to 2-3 TTT is seldom that we can buy these "short lengths of Embroidfnes for the few lots that come in are 'old up before we can secure them. This lot we bought represents the finest examples of Swiss needlework. Patterns are dainty and attractive. Materials the finest Swiss, Nainsook, Voile and Neigc. Widths are just suited for infant's, children's and little misses' clothes. They are fresh, crisp and desirable and in lengths that can be used to advantage. AH are offered at a saving of ONE-HALF TO TWO-THIRDS. Shadow overs, Yard uj&r A CHOICE lot of silk shadow lace allovcrs that are ideal for Blouses. Full 36 inches wide. A soft, filmy weave that's desir able. Kinds you would expect to see marked $2.00 the yard. "Pop- Sr $1.25 Colored Em- Ibroi Edges, Yd. 5c TTHEY will come in handy on the Children's Spring Dresses Sheer, durable material, embroid ered in red, sky, Alice and navy blue and black. All fast shades and will wash beautifully. Values g to 122C at the yard, ?C The Great SilK Sale Breaking Records SILKS onoujeh to set any feminine heart aflutter arc in linn big Mid-Reason a'"- Several thousand yards of the mot deirable new weave, plain and fancy patterns and colors arc shown. The reductions arc doubly important inasmuch as they are quoted on tho threshold of Spring which this rear promises lo favor silks to an extraordinary degree. IV-itively the best values we have ever offered, and an opportunity that no woman can afford to neglect if she wihes the choicest silks at iinmatchably low prices. SilK Hose, a Pair 74c f"NE of the foremost manufac turers of Silk Hoe in Amern 1 has made material changes in hi hosiery line, which necessitated hi eliminating former numbers. We bought a quantity of these hose, which arc perfect in every way (not "seconds" nor "samples"). But the choicest ot seasonable mer chandise. Every pair carries "The Popular's" guarantee of satisfactory service or a new pair in exchange They are made with deep garter tops of lisle, and a foot that has made this make famous. Shown in white or black. All sizes. Silk ho lery that was made to sell at $1.00 and more. Special while y a they last, a pair, at C ose At 19c A SUPERIOR quality hose in eitlicr white or black. Fine ribbed, elastic, sightly yet thor oughly durable. Ideal for either boys or girls. Regular 25c alue Popular Special, a pair, at Greatest ClotMsng' Paretiase on Record 237 Suits From One of The Country's Foremost Makers Purchased By "The Popular" Resulting In A New Spring' S RMTSJn 6& tffe eiii mts, at 'TpIIEiiiK'ii L' El Paso -will long remember this record breaking jnuvhase. It is the most remark " able in a aluc giving ever made by "The Popular" at the beginning of a new season. The maker's name i$ withheld by request. Wc seenred his ''end if UMli' Spring Suits," brand new mer ehandis'e at end of season prices. Pure AVool, perfect fitting three-piece Suits all the new Spring models distinctive, sightlv pat terns SATISFACTORY TO TU.M LAST STITCH. .Many have silk lining. The popular'black and white checks and the wanted, modish gray included in this great offering. All show the very best of hand tailoring. AVe could place these Suits in regular stock, and sell them at regular prices, which is considerable more, but our policy is to pass all good things to our patrons CO) UA"7TwflHlllllUlu s oeneitb ol our savuiy. If there's a man who bu.ys one of these Suits and doesn't Ttcvv-NVrvf7 ssvj tool He's dollars ahead ot the game WW WAiNT nun t imng ( UMtt .&) W it back and -efhis monev. See Window Display Across Tftie Street Nest Door WW &. V f jib v '&pja 111 wW i III ft!- A Jl MfF I 'Wft ' ' - AW II I III &.,v& Will r' i l!3 1 III S I I Will v" M 1 Will --j : jR A w to Feldmaifc's