Newspaper Page Text
SX PASO HEBA1B Wednp.sdai , Man-li lo, lf)lJ. CANDIDATES FOR !THUI SCHOOL BOARD. Scott White, W. D. Mayfield and J. C. Worthington Are Announced. White, ". 1. Mavficld and 3. t Voitlnngton have Announced as can tlidatps tor the ritr school loard to lake Hip places to ! vacated by Itobert I.. Holiday Dr. J. A. Pickett and Cravv iord liarvie. whose twins will expire on pril 1 and who refute to become can didate tor reelection. ,-ott White is a well known drue mt ot Fl Paso, and in a. Hepublicmi, I smtij; been a candidate fox the not olticp at one time. t i Worthuipton, who is encaged in tin painf and wallpaper business, s-erved out B.n unexpired term and was a candi date lor reelection, but waa not elected. I). Mayfield was at one time state superintendent of education in South Carolina and alio served an county wi periDt'Ddent in the name state. These candidates will ask the indorse ment of the Lountv and City Demo cratic elub. as it i non-partisan and Tnpoed of business men. R. F. DAVIS IS ACTING SECRETARY OF ADCLUB r 1 Davis as designated as tem i ran secntar of the tl Paso Adclitb it tin Wcdnesdav noonday luncheon in ii MkMhb prill, in the absence of L. ' r.tu ru II -imlnip of a btronp delcjration I. 1 I Paso to the national convention 1 Inlmlelphia during June, 1916. wa -. .J as was also the requcet of tlie ,1111- club of LI Paso that Hie Ad ii. ...iilnbiite toward the erection of tub house. I lie membership of I". !. Pane, rcpie 'ntii the Kl Paso JUectric Railway omnam was at the request of the rail var corapanv. transfeired to H. A. Hip p!pr J lie onlv client for the luncheon vrjB T l Brown of Louisville, Kv. The Inmhei'ii was presided over bv president V i Mix. Mrilrnn rents a specialty. ,Ph 4604 $J5.00 & $3).50 Tor a moderate outlay of money The Guarantee oi lers you a large variety of Pumps in patent or dull kid leathers of splendid eon--iruLtion and the best fil ling lavls possible to insure the utmost comfort for your leet at a time when they arc most apt to suffer dur ing the healed summer months. These Pumps have turned o1es Tvilh light French Louis and Louis Cuban heels tn a dozen different sttoles and all leathers. Price vimm 203 Mesa genls Laird-Schober Fine Shoes tr w Ui 1 VI vruuicu. 11 WE WJJGL MOVE To 107 Texas Street, About March 1 5th. Anderson-Filler Investment Co. Phoenu-El Paso BIdg. Co. $3.00 L $3.50 Electric Block Signals, Safety, Speed and Comfort. Caft Oniy Seme Oar Line is Protected by (be U. S. Bor der Patrol. BILL IMPERFECT Secretary G-win Says Fed eral Legislation Now is Not Practical. The pasasc of a bill providing for the division of tost between the stato and nation in carinR for transient tu berculai patients vould be an unncc ar burden upon the state, in the opin ion of secretary J. B. Gwln, who ex pressed himself as opuoseil to the bill at a meeting of ttiv associated Chari ties Tuesday nmht The bill was Introduced in the house of icpresentatlves a K-iort time ago bv congressman Kent, and provided for a division of the expense In crln for tubercular patients en route tlirouajh the state who were unable to take care of themselves. Such a bill would cause an influx of consumptives into various states, according to Mr. livvm Solicitation Postponed. It was announced at the meeting that the subscription committee has postponed the solicitlm? of subscrip tions until April. About S6000 has al ready been collected, beinc over half of the amount needed by the charities. The resignation of Mrs 15 I Rob inson as visiting nurse was received and her report was accepted. Her resignation will become effectivo on March II. The finance committee of tb. luiarri renorted that a contribution of till) had been received from the dc- 1 funct Health leagii' It will he Usui to purchase perniiu iiiiinient 10' the care of tubemil 11 i-ilieiits. ' Prlrndlj ". lllom. Mrs T W. r was named chair man of a newly organized committee, the friendly visitors, which is expect ed to facilitate the work of the chari ties. Mrs. Iinler will select 15 or 30 workers as mcmbeis or the committee. The repot t of Se" retar Gwin for February, submitttd at the meeting', is as follows N-w canes . . ... - Recurrent Continued 13 s i: 2fiii 104 Total for month - Kelicr. Emergency relief for Pensions Planned relief for Relief Bcmred from relatives, etc . . .ervlcrt. rhjrsiclsn secured for . . Sent to hospital Returned to their homes... Individual deported Referred to Texas Children's home ! iety . Number of Americana Vuniber of Mexicans .... Number of tubercular patients assisted. Number cared for at lodeiae noma.... Number meals supplied Kniployment herured. Ttcgular positions .. Temporary week for... Number county pansion cases in 106 12 120 141: 4 111 H United States senator 'William Al den Smith, of Michigan, supported his parents when he -was 14 years of age bv acting as a telegraph messenger bov. J. Howell Cummings. now head of the T.h u KtetRim bat factnrv in Phila delphia, began as an office boy with j that firm;. ' . j secretary of the lntetioi Lane I worked as a newspipr report! 1 to s-- cure funds to studv law. Here's A 'Tip' Follow it: AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION When your arm or jonr leg feels "all knot ted" with rheumatism, -when you feel as though your muscles were "tied up with a rope," you are really describing your pains accurately. Rheumatism is a condition of the body when acids and other deposits of impurities are ac tually "tieing up" the strands of muscles in your body, or strangling the nerves and thus producing the awful shooting pains of sciatica, lumbago, etc. Medical authorities agree that these acid deposits are carried and deposited by the blood In the various parts of the body. It stands to reason, therefore, that local appli cations such as rubbing with so-called remedies can't do any permanent good. At best they can relieve the pain a little and only for a little while. The only way to effect a real cure is to attack the real cause the blood It is cleansed from the troublesome deposits by S. S. S , the reliable blood purifier that is now easing the pains and healing the ills of the third generation. 8. & S. "goes after" the impurities in the blood as relentlessly, as eagerly and as thoroughly as a ferret goes after rats; pursuing the poison into every vein and artery. Into everv nook and corner of the body, and chasing the troublesome substances out of the Bystem. The blood thus cleansed, carries off the acid and other injurious deposits and "filters" them out of the body througn the kidneys. S. S. S. is not a drug. It is a purely vegetable blood purifier. You can get S. S. S. at every drug store. But if in addition you should like to have the advice of the doctors in charge of our laboratory, do not hesitate to write us. You will receive free, conscientious and confidential advice. This is in line with our policy to make every effort to Insure the best results from S. 3. S. to every sufferer. Get a bottle at vour drug gist s today. If yon wish special advice, write to Medical Department, Room 45, Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia Houston & Return xsf 09k &&. dfflk df. 35 ftB 2P O la? Account n's Convention On Sale March 18, 19 and Limit March 27th. 20. 24 Hours on the Road Via City Ticket Office 206 No. Oregon St. TAKE THE CALIFORNIAN WEST AT 6:45 A. M. n7F BETS JOB 101EI BIT IN ! PHDETOR WISHED i i Winslow Postoftice Given to Dark Horse as Com promise Move. Phoenix, Ariz, March lB-rvfc,hn.f ton ilispdtihis brings newp that Daze has been nominated for the position of postmaster at inslow. Ariz This appointment will have an lm poitant effeit on the Democratic pol itical situation in Arizona, for it means that Sam W. Proctor vv M1 I in the roCt for the corporation commission i'roctor was an applicant for the poft offic He opposed bv llliam Kei ley and the appointment of Daz is un derstood to be a compromise I'roctor n Hunt Lender. During the sessions of the legisla ture last spring Proctor was on of Gov. Hunt's leaders in the house 1 hen the legislature finallv adjourned it was generally understood that Proctor would have the support of the Hunt organization if he cajed to run for corporation commissioner " ''en he wait In Phoenix for th session of the Democratic central committee, March I. Proctor stated that 1 if he failed to land the postmastcrslnjp he would be out for a pla e on thei commission P J Miller of Yuira. is the other avowed Democratic cspiidate for the coroporatton commission. CALL FOR MARRIeBhEN DISSATISFIES ENGLAND (Continued from pace 1.) ountrv that the government is con sidering a change of piolicv. It scfras quite certainj that the strong feeling of the country as to the un fairness of the existing system o re cruiting has compelled the gjvernment to reconsider its position, but whether the revised policy looMs in the direc tion of the application df compulsion to married and single men alike is still unknown. GERMANY DEnTeTsUBMARINE WARFARE IS POSTPONED Tendon. I ng March lr vecording to an officul statement made in Eerlin, all rumors regaiding the cancellation or the postponement of an intensified submarine campaign (lgainst armed merchantmen, as announced in the Ger man memorandum to neutrals last month, are untrue There has been no postponement and abandonment was never considered On the contrary, the statement savs, It is now in full swing. ' voi tihpit. 1 AIlOlTr to m:sn. New Tork. March lji Information reached New Tork from Berlin todav that admiral von Tirpiifz. the German minister of marine, either has resigned or is upon the point of resigning, the Kvening Post announce. No official announcement has been, made at Ber lin, but the source of ttse Uiformatlon, the paper states, justifies confidence. No reason for the resignation is dis closed. 1 Before becoming head of the L'niti d States hteel corporation, Elbert H. Gary is said to have received the largest yearly retaining Jec of any law . yir in the United States, lohn M Rapelje, general manager of tin Noithern Pacific railroad at St. 1 au! began hi r ulroad career as a br-vkf-man wn the (irand Tmnk rallwav. On Rheumatism Oil Burning Locomotives, No Smoke, no Dust, no Cinders. LASTED Pullman and Tourist Cars, Dining and Observation Car? y : TmswirTSrtCJfKca Vi ATLANTA. C. 0 PrteJUWfSW W(A IM 3Rft jK? M-. tVtf rirSMlf p IMSMttetavlir $ Twsmgrancca yj """ CRUGES SCHOOLS Sew and So Club Members Spend Afternoon Inspect ing Domestic Science. duces, N. M, Mart Ii 13 The frt w and So club of Las Crutes visited the Domestic Science department of the schools yesterday afternoon and saw the junior class of this depart ment at work under the direction of their teacher. Miss feclma Christopher son After the preparation of a menu a icview waB given the class of the work accomplished that afternoon and it was shown how the articles prepared should be served The members of the ft'f and So club were then seated at a long table beautifully decorated with fine linen, china, silver and flowers and refreshments served. The occasion was one of pleasure and profit to all. The expense incurred in supplies for the refreshments were paid by the Sew and So club, but the Domestic Science class did the work gratuitiously. After the refreshment hour, the Sew and So lub repaired to the home of Mrs. Henry Stoes where she gave a talk on federation of women's club, and the benefit derived therefrom. It is probable that the Sew and So club will become a, federated club in the near future. Surprise is Given Mrs. Ilurke. A surprise was tendered Mrs. Frank Burke yesterday at the home of her dau gliter. Mrs. Lytton It Taylor on Hlnton avenue, tho occasion being the "ilth birthday anniversary of Mrs Burke The guests had arrived and were secreted in the home when Mrs. Tiurke was taken to the Tavlor home to spend the day. The surprise was a complete one. A three course dinner was served in tho dining room Stream ers of lavender extended from the chandelier to the corners of the table. The center piece was of lavender with flowers of lavender and white The following were the guests: Mrs. J. N. French, Mrs. I,, nines. Mrs. James Quesenberry, Sirs. A D. Brovvnlee, Mrs. Maud Mandell Also seated at the table were Mr. a.nd Mrs. Taylor and son Itaymond In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Taylor entertained at supper Mrs. Frank and son, Francis, and daughters, Misses Edith and Helen. Mrs. Burke was the recipient of a number of presents dur ing the day Born, to Mr. and Mrs J. V,'. TVooten, on North Alameda, a daughter. Mr. Forgason was here from his ramli across the river EAST EL PASO REVIVAL0PENS TONIGHT IN BIG TABERNACLE East Kl Paso Methodists tonight will begin a revival which is expected to continue for three weeks and -which will have unusual features The re vival will be held In a large tabernacle especially built for the occasion on the corner of Mameda and Grama streetr The tabernacle has a capacity of 1000 and is a substantial and safe structure. The preaching during the revival will be clone by Rev Charles Smith and solos bv Mrs Smith -will be features of the musical part of the meeting The service will begin at 7.10 p. m. Tbe re vival is under the auspices of the Eat HI Paso Methodist church, of Which Rev. H. P- Bond is pastor T ETTERS to THE HERALD (AH communications must beat the signature of the writer, but the name will be withheld If requested.) FOR VA I,ST TEXAS A. A M. COLLEGE. Amarillo. Tex.. March 13, 1916. (Jditor El Paso Herald. Vmarillo heartily joins in the move to be inaugurated at Sweetwater. April i, to take proper steps to eecure a state A . M. college for west Texas. We believe that if every organization In west Texas will see that its town is properly represented, that it will greatly help this move, and we appeal to jou to see that your city is well represented Unless the people of west Texas properly assert their rights, and de mand the establishment somewhere in west Texas of a great agricultural college, vve shall not get it. and we shall remain as at present in a situa tion something like this- A territory bigger than the average state wltli no agricultural college to serve eu-h territoi's interest, and no proper in struction to uur youths in agricultural methods peculiar to our territory It is a situation that should be remedied Porti A Whale. Secretary marillo Board of City De velopment Scalper George a member of the Pawnee Indian trib. located In Okla homa, has received over a million dol lars in rovalties from the oil lands which he owns in that state. Benjamin S Throop, a Scran ton mil lionair?, is the owner of the finest lot of police dogs in the country, all or which he trained himself OPHELIA tSK MS.KA&lBBli?, EVBtfflME I CALL ON W FIM HER FATHER ES OUT-WHAT IS THE REASON? AVHBE US LAUGHS TVo LOW)! BOY IS SHOT BY Watching Fire Fighter Clean Pistol When Ac cidentally Discharged. Lawrence Young, 16 vears of age, is in Hotel Dieu in a critical condition, the lesult of the accioental discharge of a pibtol in the hands of fireman 3L C. Phillips at the Mesa fire station on Itio Giande street Tuesday afternoon at 2 50 oclock Immediately after tho accident tbe young bov was hurried to Hotel Dieu wneie a nuiicuiL uijci"'"" .. ,,,. formed and. Wednesday afternoon, was 1 mi Jill I c i The Tone of the , New Edison Music lovers have hoped for years that some day a genius would make possible an artificial tone that would actually Jound like the origuul. This Mr. Edion hu done, at lait, in the New Ediion Diamond Diic Phonograph. With the wonderful Diamond Stylus (no needles to change) he hai created a tone to true, so life-like, that one can scarcely distinguish it from the original. A Revelation: This seems almost too good to be true. Come in and hear it. Judge for v-our-ielf. We will be glad to play the New Edison for you without obligation. It will ba a revelation to you a it hai been to ther El Paso Phonograph Co. TWO-O-TWO TEXAS STREET 1 !H What Is the True Value of Your Property ? THE EL PASO REAL ESTATE BOARD will furnish official appraisements at reasonable charge. The appraisement will be made by a committee of experts, well qualified and experienced. It will be de livered in sealed envelope under the corporate seal' of this association. BUSINESS HOUSES AND CORPORATIONS frequently have inaccurate entries on their books due to inexperienced opinion as to realty holdings. B'XNKING AGENCIES neer question the accuracy of Real Estate Board Appraisals. VIORTGAGE BROKERS accept such reports as the most authentic to be obtained. THE REAL ESTATE BOARD for such occasions. The El Paso Real Estate Board 1 (M. B. Stevens, Secy.) 826 Mills BId'g. Keep these appointments dentist and three times a ins PERFECT Prepared by a Doctor or" Dental Surgery Send 2c stamp today for a generous trial pack age of either Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream. I. W. irVfiN x- snvs in. 582 W. 87th St., N.Y.' City ISA FII reported to be as well as cnuld lit e petted although 111 a ritn al ondition Witnesses of tho affair .tate thai fueman Phillips was eiigaKed 111 clean ing the weapon, while the vouth was watching him It wis hiiddeiilv tti charged, the bullet ttriking the bov In the stomal Ii V plijsman was se cured and thf boy was rushed to Hotel Dieu in chief John W. Wray's big machine. J P Morgan has had a wire m t put over his office building in . w York city and also one over the int.f of his home His id a of doing this is a matter of pn caution against in sane bomb throwers can furnish professional service Phone 7853. twice a year with your day with St .IV. rit?rtn fcWroa vea oi0toixj. Ii m j& !Mi. - i - ;- V -55 Gel It al McMickk's READ c LOAF Thursday Grocery Specials Spuds, 9 lbs -5 Cranberries qt 15d Strawberries, box 20 Green Onions, 2 bunches.. 05 EGGS, Brookfield, OAf dozen UttC Oranges, dor., 15c, 25c and 35 Apples, Eating, 7 lbs 25 Nuts, all kinds, lb 20 Lemons, doz 15 Grape Fruit, large, 3 for. .25 Celery, 2 bunches 15c Lettuce, 2 heads 15 BUTTER, Hassa- O A yampa, lb OttC Rhubarb, lb 10 String Beans, fresh, lb.... 20 Bananas, doz 15 r Spinach, 2 lbs 15c Pink Beans, 3V2' lbs 25 Head Rice, 4 lbs 25c Pearl Com Meal, 6 lbs....25c Bulk Barley, lb 10c BULK COCOA, ... .OQ lb Zoc Cream Cheese, lb 25 Cream of Wheat, pkg....loc Oat Meal, 2 10c pkgs 15c? Bull Durham Tobacco, doz.45c Salted Wafers, 50c size... 38 Sliced Peaches, 10c size, 2 cans 15 Vinegar Apples, qt 15 Sal Soda, 10 Ibi 25c PEAS, Sunbeam, QJ 2 cans OOC String Cut Beans, 15c size. 10 String whole beans, 15c sz. lie Jello, 2 10c pkgs 15c Gallon Bine Karo Syrup.. 45c COFFEE (Morning Joy) The Quality Coffee, O f lb ouc Meat Dept. HAMS (Today is -j Q Ham Day), lb IOC Bacon, narrow, lb 20c Sliced Bacon, lb 25c Chipped Beef, lb 40c Fresh Brains, 2 sets 25c Sliced Liver, 2 lbs 25c Premium Bacon, by strip, lb 30c Pork Shoulder, lb 15c Spare Ribs, lb 17c Pork Chops, lb 22c Pork Leg, lb 17VC Hamburger Steak, lb lie1 Beef Stew, lb 10c Home Made Sausage, lb. ..lie Shoulder Beef Roast, lb. . .lie Shoulder Beef Steak, lb.121 2O LoinSteak,lb 20c Round Sfeak, lb 17V2c Rolled Roast, lb 20e a Veal Shoulder, lb 17V2C Veal Chops, lb 20 VealLoinJb 25c Veal Stew, lb 12V2c Mutton Leg, lb 17V2e Mutton Chops, lb 17V2c Dressed Hens, lb 19V2C Fresh Fish, lb 17 Be Sure and Watch for Our Big Saturday Specials! G0O-2-4-B San Ynttralo Mrtt nmit of Court llotisr. 101 c lw vi s do mrrrnrt T MCMIC KI.1T!! McMickle's more Eggs Ask your t.nxer to1- Globe A-One Egg Mash Guaranteed Anaylsis is as follows Protein not less than 19 56' Fat not less than 6.71 Nitrogen free extract not less than . . 50.34 Crude fiber not more than 7.14 You will note the high lrutviu ot th above EgR 3Iali. Same in made from a formula carefully prepared bv the (ilol MilU and sold evti'ixivrlv 011 tin Paul c ( oast and contain, alxint tin l -f known iloments im vir prmtiiim. GLOBE lILLS EL PASO, XEXAS. t ri I i W yA rifg ..