Newspaper Page Text
Weduebdaj, March 13, 1916. 137 1DTVS ARE DEURS !7TflD0PT to kill Ike and prevent the spread of "' The" preventive woik Is bemt done I. llr L. i "Witheripoon. thief sui ueon for the smelting company. B EL PASO HERALD I I I: M IV M ' Chaffeurs' Union Tender Use of Cars and Trucks; Will Drive Them. 1 ! 1 7 member of the Chauffeurs' union, loi nl No ill, voted Tuesday mpht in under their services upon call ' tin mint irv and civil authorities in I I 1'iim This action It is stated makes .i nliibie r; automobiles and trucks. I In motion tn tender the services of ihe imal chauffeurs was made by sec r tur -treasurer Teddy Mcllold. t the meeting 47 new members of tin union were oblljrated, TEXAS MILITIA, COMPANIES RECRUITING TO FULL STRENGTH ustin. Tc . March 15 Inforrrfntlon ii i i nei b the adjutant general's de- n 11 ttiieni ilisr-loses that military or- iiuritions in the Texas national mill aie rerrultins; to their full war '. itli i .1 Hi mi llutfhlnfrs, adjutant pen- nd thit Ihe companies are readi- . ..ini-lv in- with the request recentlv i I.. t Hi k 'Jen Ceiil Lyon that ail it i i tr companies be recruited to 160 i s f.i-.t as thise companies are . r ited th. officers are filing their ii a its Tilth the department here. in i Mian the Kev. s. Kunura Is kpown tia lapanoso Billy Sunday.' Dyspepsia No More f.urcly Ilrnftb. "Lump of I,rnd II ml DlKeMfon, Heartburn or Momncli Trouble. Ill nun who fan i In lp making f ii at his iinn.-u h th man Or wom tii with a, gr ucIm diKftion. or with .i.iiA nriht i) ., , pv, , l(, fptt no more d er stoma h tr uii . Ileauty and Good Dlgentlnn Go Ham! In Hand, StunrtVi D)spepsta Tablet Insure Ilolh. 1 In n you take one of Stuart's Dys- pia Tablets after a meal, the food is digisted by the tablet even better than onr own ptomach can do It. T..k? one of Stuart's Dspepsla Tab is aft r jour next meal and if you in given to belching, sour risings, ! ran ntation, heavy, lumpy feeling in i) i stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, loss i aipetite or any other stomach de nial inent, ou will find a remarkable nun ovement. -marl's Dyspepsia Tablets are for I- ii all druggists at 60c a box. - ml i "upon below today for a free Free Trial Coupon I'. . Mulirt Co, 200 Stuart IlldE, Marshall. .Mid.. Send me at once, by return mall, a free triil package' of Stuart's Dyspepsia t Name ...... Street Citv State Advertisement. Bijou Tomorrow JANE CAIL in RUPERT OF HENTZAU " Tane G nl. f ivoi lie star of mov -in pictnri s and famous as a m ige iclebiitv in many great drama- will b, the (jueen Flavia ii 1 1 of Hentzau" to be ex inhlted at the Bijou theatre to- iinvv Henry Ainley, a popular ' in iz man. will 1 her principal i I mt playing the dual rolo of I i Ii I Rassendyll and Kins; 1 i f V of Ruritama. The laniniv htory by Anthony Hope i the sequel to "The Prisoner of Zcnda." The Prisoner of Zenda" and Uupe't ot Hentxau" were two of ilu best selling books of their ii -end even now hundred-j of pus aie sdil every month !' Kiiighoiit th ountrv "Rupert . r ll ntzau" tells the more thrill ing in d lonipl. ted storv. t-nle fiom the purely emotion 1 1 uoik which makes Jane ;.n! ihe peei of an woman who li .. t.i .u ted in photoplnvt- theie w il' he immercjUF othir drsm itu i i nT-ik'!1- lo del iht the l' ei tie.eis whu w 11 . omr o the I' i liinionow. to . ( tins fest- HHjtHHp iiHn vflQUHl 11, HI'S USE 8ISUPPLI Motor Trucks and Wagon Trains Transport Supplies To Troops on Border. liaclnta, x. M , March 1." While Col. Georsc A. Ilodd with the Second cav alrj briKade was at Culberson's ranch on the border south of heie, preparing to enter Mexico, Hachita wa beins used as a base of supplies for tho troops between Douglas and Columbus. Tlio quartermaster's supply base, composed of two bakery companies, is located here, and during the past few days supply trains, aide' by wagons and trucks of ranchers, ave been for warding large supplies to the camps on tho border. One battery of the Sixth field artil lery Is with the troops outh of here Two companies of the 11th Infantry are on patrol duty between here and the base on the border. That the vari ous columns and bases will he in con otant communication with each other by wireless Is evidenced by a wireless station erected here by the signal corps Thus the advancing columns will constantly know the location of the various detachments and move ments of tho supply trains Motor trucks, two wagon trains and two pack trains .ire being used to transport provisions and other sup plies from the local railroad base. Many Scouts Volunteer. Large numbers of men who know the interior of Chihuahua and Sonora, as well as Mexicans, have presented themselves for the most dangerous work of undertaking to put an end to the raids of bandits under Villa. Capture means death and death only for them In their work of feeling out the way for the troops, for it Is cer tain the bandits will not take prison ers The border, from Culberson's ranch weft to Douglas, is guarded by pa trols of infantrymen, and numerous patrol camps are located along tho railroad for a considerable distance east of Douglas Citizens of eery county along the border are also being organized bv the sheriffs Kor the present they aro fireparing to act as home guards, but f the call comes they will be ready to volunteer for patrol or any other duty requested by the government II. s. BE 2 (Continued from rate 1.) quicKh as possible in order to add to th available troops In the United States. "The senate has recentlv rassed a bill recognizing within a few years the ability of Philippine people for self government," said senator Sherman "If we adhere to the declared purpose, we consequently ought no longer be charged with full responsibility for the protection or control of the Islands. Would Ilrstore 12,000 Troops. 'The Philippine scouts, natives re maining In the islands number r.755 Tf conditions there are as described bv senators who supported the bill, the Filipinos ought to be able with tht acouts, constabularv and such nauvi i'forces as a potential self frovcrnin. people can supplv, to maintain orurr -wlthout the 12.000 officers and trooi's proposed to be withdrawn bv this reso lution " MEXICAN TROOPS" ENTRENCHED 25 MILES SOUTHEAST DOUGLAS Douglas. Ariz. March 15 - -,ri rials from Sonora this morning state that several hundred de facto troops en trenched themselves at Las Juntas De Las Ambudas and Cajon Bonita ne ir Cuthuverachl, Sonora, 55 mil's south east of here. The position is on a pla teau overlooking the Toads and Is quite strong. The object of the entren. hment is unknown. , . . Xacozarl and vicinity were qulft to day. The mines and concentrator of the Moctezuma Copper company are operating as usual, but entirelv under direction of a Mexican foreman Xaco zarl railroad operations are likewise be ing directed by Mexican emploves, all Americans naving wiuiuibh El Tigre advices Indicate the man agement is continuing operation of that property and has decided not to bring the foreign employes to the border GEN. PERSHING'S AIDE LEAVES FOR COLUMBUS UeuL Martin C. Shallenberi-'er, aide . tir inhn .T PerRnlnr. left Wednes- i .lav afternoon for Columbus to Join his I ihief with the expeditionary forces. Lieut. Shallenberger remained in El 1 iso to complete the details of the t oop movements after Gen Pershing Icfi Monday morning. ( r Malcolm Grow, of Philadelphia, s 'he toungest American doctor In the I liusslan medical corps, which he Joined I ist vear He now has the rank of a j eutenant colonel in the army. ; Mexican rent". Lee Newman, pli 60 - dv. ; ALHAMBRA Marguerite Leslie Late leading woman for Sir Henry Irving and Sir Beerbohm Tree, in the vital dra ma by Roy L. McCar dell, M The Based, on a woman's antipathy toward be coming a mother. A daring drama, con taining numerous stir ring plots and sensa tional situations. IT 1 H ' Question gwrnjasa? mmimMmmmmHmimwmmmMm Sll!E! Mi Gen. Gonzales Sends Family From Torreon on Train With American Eefugees. Torreon, Mei.. March 13 A wreck on tho railroad near Monterey pre vented the departure of tho refugee train for the border yesterday and to day 31 additional Americans decided to go. These are leaving In accordance with .-unices to United States consul Williams. Consul Williams has turned the American consulate over to British vice consul Patrick O'Shea. (innralm Send His Family. In a statement issued yesterday Gen. Francisco Gonzales the Carranza com mander, said his family would go out on the same train that Jakes the Amer icans, and that the train would cer tainly have an adequate escort of sol diers. "Americans need have no fear," said Gen. Gonzales. "We will escort all of them over tho border and give every protection, no matter what happens. We are not seeking trouble with the United States and I hope mat ters will lie satisfactorily arranged, but if the worst comes to the worst, we want to see all Americans safely across tho Itio Grande. 1i t Ilxpect Trouble. Torreon papers published the text of Gen. Gonzales's statement and of the telegrams explaining tho object of the expedition after Villa and editori ally the papers said they could not un derstand the po-ssibilitv of a breach between friendly neighbors. 31ure Americans Join Party. Among the Americans who joined the refugee partv today were: J. r. Al bright, Dr. Boren. E. Berllnger, Dr Carr, Armon Harms, B. W. Love, wife and son, E. Mouseback and wife, Sarrall Minet, J. A. Roquet. John Richards, wife and son. J. Rohrbacher, t. B. Squires, R. It Severn and wife, W . II. Sturgeon. F. IL Stern. I. M. Ulraer. II. A Wulf. Edward Wulf and wife, Charles Wulf. Fred Wulf .and wife, Tom Brown, American consul A. i Williams and wife. No one has arrived yet from Duran go Citv, Torreon is quit. RETURN SHOWING Of One of the Best Pictures Ever Seen in El Paso u A Metro Wonderplay, Featuring Lionel Barrymore and Irene Howley At i IM I AI IS Thursday & The UroiMJsL Friday If this picture was not above the average it would not be engaged for a return showing. Shows start at 10:45 a. m., 12 noon, 1:15, 2:30, 3:45, 5, 6:15, 7:30, 8:45, 10 p. m. DON'T MISS IT THIS TIME ADMISSION 25c. Have a Look! Greatest Show On Ea U"rnOKD BY THI1 CLERGY BRING TIIH MTTi.i: om:s tiii; m:ni,i Mins thi; i;xi i.isii; asiNoixck3h;nt of the itr.t.ii.Ait m ti. i:M.if.Eii:T Gentle AVrrn. Illurblnlav I'ls-on. llsNllilrdi Mr llendeil I'inchen, JllnckblrtU, Gold Klnchea. Canyon AVrrnn, Iinnrtu, Chanllclrrns IVoics, Mocking IIIrdi( rnnnrlm, Trr TMid, and t rlckrtn. Magnificent Ilallet Of Iris and Lnrknpurs. er the ftrrnt Ifnnrj-narklr Ilnllct. O rtrn Scarf DanccM Ily You n jj "Mountain. Ilallrt Dnnrlnff Hy Pmrh Illofutonm. See the Wo IT Candle Ilurnllnic Into lre He-fore "lour mared nnd Dsrrled Eycrt. Spnng, Q PHENOMENAL AGO np nDF3lS. Al.f. ltrcn.- -v- twwi-nc V1 II ftn.' Inlrih "' ------ . . -. . IIIsVlTl wn 1'OriI.AH.ITY ,U'II I'dl'l I.A11ITV WdHI.D OVEIt. Take Any Gar A The Critics Are U m Prals'm mm btbgus i 1 SprBrBSys Performa II BUM i j 11th Cavalry From Fort J Oglethorpe Expected This Afternoon. Seven troop trains carrying the 11th cavalry, from Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.t to El Paso will arrive here this afternoon over the Texas & Tacific railroad and will go into camp at Fort Bliss or Camp Cotton The cavalry regiment will arrive at hour intervals after 4 oclock and will be detrained as rapidly as they arrive. The 23d infantry, from Galveston, is expected to arrive tonight and go into camp in El Paso or at the fort. Five airplanes from Fort Sam Hous ton passed through El Paso Tuesday night for Columbus under heavy guard They arrived oer the G. H. and left over the Southwestern. A large force of enlisted men and airplane corps of ficers accompanied them E. A. FOXIbUYsI rlOMEON BLISS STREET FOR $4500 E. A. o. inaiiugtT of the Walkovoi shoe store, has bought the five-room bungalow at 5510 Illiss street from T. A. Comzpii. The consideration was $4500. Leon L. Gemocts sold to J. M. Tarritt his f he-room home on lots 1, 2 and 3, black 94, Government Hill, at the cor ner of La Luz and Marr streets, for $2950. I'. L. Wolf sold the five-room hunrra low at 911 Itiver street to A. L. Loraas for $3500. Mr. Loiuas will occupy it as his home. ' These sales were made by Creel &, Phillips. SMELTEREMPLOYES TO BE GIVEN STEAM BATHS A steam bath room is being fitted up at the i:i Paso smelter In which tho employes of the smelter, as well as their clothing bedding and personal belongings will be given steam baths frSave a Look! ueen ASSISTED BY Chorus of Thousands of Voices Unparalleled! Unparalleled! - Grippissg-OverwiheSinisig Color D ance (omit the Ynecn Candle Lit By I nxeen Ilnnd. "Notlcr the VHIowy Jlennilo Trailing Orchid rurple. ....... ,..,.....- -. , . -- rnTlTS Till: II IIneTmekIe lellovr Daisies S Meet Verlienn. Ford Will Do- iiaaia- GentBe eices Today and Tomorrow William Fox Presents The Greatest Newspaper Play Ever Written "The Fourth Estate" -By Joseph Medill Patternson With SAMUEL RYAN 8 RUTH BLAIR CLIFFORD BRUCE Do Ol" know about the forces that con-pire to LOKOR the news YOU read' If not, see this pulsating drama of today, winch was made ill and around the plant of the CHICAGO nERALD A Great Cast Feu photoplajs of recent mak ing have had stronger casts than ' The Fourth Estate." produced ly William Fox. The cast in . ludes Clifford Bruce, who was a star under Charles Frohman, and nho plaved with Mail do Adams and other favorites. Mr. Bruce also plaved in "A Fool There as " with Theda Bara. and has been seen in other Fox features. Samuel J. Ryan, who plays the part of Boss Duprey, is one of tho oldest and best known actors in the business. He was for years leading man for Cohan and Harris and plaved prominent parts in "The Yankee Prince." "Little Johnny Jones." and other Cohan and Harris plays. lfred Hickman, who plajs the i orrupt Judge, was the original Little Billy" in "Trilby." and has scored notable successes in other productions. Including sev eral W llliam Fox pictures. Victor Benolt, who plays the part of the newspaper reportei. is a screen favorite o' Ionic standinc In "The Fourth Ks t ite. he is cast in a par. that perfectly fits him. Ruth Blair, co-star with Mr i;van and Mr Bru.. has ap peared on the stage under the management of the Relwvns She has mam sm-cesses to her credit Special music 3 o S:lt " 10i2O. thlldren. 13c. dults. ST-. Have a Look! rth! BRILLIANT SPECTACLE-GRAND CHORUS GREATEST PLAY EVER STAGED of The Seasons Ethereal Mildness, Fragrant Breezes, Smiling Skies, and Many Other Prime Stage Favorites. Dnllr lly filmy Garbed Clouds sbitrd Ily Mount Franklin. Hueco Motmtnln. nil Juarez Peaks In Superb Grouping1. Ilnllet Of Popple nnd the South In.I. The Cnctl AVIII Spread Their Maneloualy Tinted Silken Ilnr flen l'"or Yon. -Linen I.IIac - Hnllyhoek Myrtle ....... .rn ..,..-- Crocuses nrcimtil Jonaulla SIT.CIM. IinMHUTS FOR l'OP.TS', I.tCV I'.ItS, m rviNTi;ns niii.i)iii:-N usrnn li.y V. i:i. ( (Mil;, I-IIKI-, TO ALL VTTH CTIONS. prlnfc Im noma ahou, lllevc nif, Homer. He Mire .0 inke the wltr- and children to nee Gentle Spring: In her new nnectnclef Ita fcreatv Ml) ton. V rare annet lilt f n crent dod'N A ork Gentle "rlK performniieeN Mould a;rlp the s'otil of a deail Hnjj Mnn. I homai t arlyle. XL. gJJyC-M.F 'IT'XP J im w T IS WITH We announce Our Removal Saturday, March 18th, To our large New Building corner Mills and Mesa. Everyone is invited to visit us in our new home. Commercial National Bank P6KJ-3KtwJT---a4MfcSJ -4!brn1i "TrTTJi H-MJWhjiLLjMfcjjiL jJPS'jgi'lgB I fa KEk liMskmil I Hrll I Mh 1 L.HO UH1U 1 IlLrl i PlL WEEK n re & MATINEES STARTING mgl 1 SJ 11 DAILY MONDAY Ifirt8H U BEGINNING NIGHT w TTjESDAY Curtain at 2:10 and 8:10. World's Mightiest Specta D. W. 18,000 People Battle of Petersburg Sherman's March to the Sea Lee and Grant at Appomattox 5,000 Scenes iaT 1 S& te rirlos. mtfUMLmh 1 & f fl i mi w a ymphony Orchestra of 30 ciii;i:krd tit COM-EDBICVTR VirTFZUVS The old "rebel veil." the battle crv that thrilleil the heart of the Confederate soldier in '61- t"., was today heard in the Aca4emv ot Music. It came from the throats of over sixty veterans from lye Camp, Soldiers' Home, who had BathereO. there to witness "The Birth of a Nation " To a rnan the veterans gave unqualified en dorsement to the production. Several were asked If there was anythtnpr in the picture to offend them. They replied that there was not, and added that the scenes shown were historically correct Richmond (Va ) News- PRICES : NIGIlTj Lower rioor, fl and 9 Ilalcony, 50c and 91. Gnllery, ZT.t. MITOEESi Lower Floor, 50c and l. Halcony, SOc, Gallery, 3e Leader. War, Romance and Chivalry Blended Into the Greatest Art Conquest of All Time. AZTEC AUTO SERVICE phone 7766 MONTANA AND STANTON STS. E. U. FLETCHER, 3Ianacer. Ml Stir Cara f 1M Per Hour. Short Trlpa 25c Per Paseniter. OPEN ALL NIGHT PhoneSeven, Seven, Six, Six WHEN YOU PHONE 265 MONTANA ADTO LIVERY LARGE 5-PASSENGEB CABS FOR HIRE, S1.SS PES HOUR WE ARE DESIROUS OF PLEASING AU. WHO CARE FOR SURE PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICES 381 MtHTtt AWENUC iv. a. -woldeivt rrtAXK ar. riLi STATE NATIONAL BANK Established April, 1881 Capital. Surplus and Profits, IIOO.MO INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS C. It MortEHEAD. President C. X. BASSETT, Vice President. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, Vice Pres. GEO. D. FLORY, Cashier. L. J. GILCHRIST. Asst Cashier. EL PASO EXCHANGE SYSTEM PRIVATE BANKERS UNINCORPORATED Mexican Money Bought and Sold. Herald Want Ads for results Herald Want Ads for resulty PLEASURE that fc GRIFFITH'S 3,000 Horses Wild Rides of the KuKlux Klans Assassination of Lincoln The Part the Women Played. Cost $500,000 WANT A CAR PHONE 7575 SEATS READY FRIDAY d&'rtZi