Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD-MINING NEWS 9 U OLD D01II USING UP IK Concentrator and Smelter of the Company Have Heavy Production. 1" vn. Mure! 1", When copper " Ji.wn asain, If it ever does, the vv viable dumps of the Old Dominion iiiinn -will he a thing of the past. i i-w months hro the dump were re- T "ltd is noiiltlfsn bfrauw II Him not "tit iblf to treat the ore for the small umn i of oppi it contains Now the mpb are Ikiiik worked over and tho f if the oie Kent to the smelter The (i D t-nieltir is now producing 41 ic. o tons of topper dail, uslnjr .i- liI'Pi fuiiirfrp The major por- i. ( i the oie h milled comes rrom thft i i I xmiiniori and ' ruled Olobe. but the H is U'inK 100 tons of sulphide K i ruin the ri7on.i Commercial and s tiing some ' ustotns ore I ii ii. n . uticentrator is treating tiins n da anil the flotation plant it tici "no tuiic of slimes One hun- I tuns of vatri concentrates and 25 f i-f flotation concentrates are i i I to the International smelter, at t i .Hllv. r i lupnieiit work east and west of i in workings of the Old Dominion is uinir forward rapidly and It i . ii lie tn shape to produce more this time 1000 tons of ore Ib i ilnH The numps are lifting i" gallons of water a day. PRIDE GROUP OF CLAIMS BONDED BY OMAHA PARTIES 1 r. riz . Marrh 15 Omaha par- luti bonded the T'rldc group of n . mllei east of Parker, owned ' I . Osborne The price, J50.000, is ' re paid In one jear If a sale is made T relo,'inent is to commence at Once YOUR BRONCHIAL TUBES When a cold settles in the bronchial tubes, with that weakening, tickling i-igh, immediate treatment is very i mportant. The breath seems shorter lx l ause of mucous obstructions; usu- jjyfo or ib present, your head jarswith ' I r v e ry c ough and your chest may ache. This is no time for experimenting or i a h you must get Scott's Emulsion a at cnte to drive out the cold which farted the trouble, and it will check the cuugh by aiding the healing pro- cc'. of the enfeebled membranes. If j ou have any symptoms of bron- tuiiv, or even a stubborn cold, always re munber that Scott's Emulsion has been relieving this trouble for forty v c ars. It is free from alcohol ordrugs. Recuse substitutes. r Stott&Bowne. Dloomfield.N.J. 15-23 "Pape's Diapepsin" ends all stomach distress in five minutes. F00D1MG IN STOICri CAUSES IIGESTI, GAS 4 J- V hi what uDFet nour stomach ' ii i iMiitinn of the food did the dam- Oo miu ' Well, don't bother. If (inrnich Is in a revolt; if sour, md upset, and what you Just i i fi-imentiii Into stubborn lumps; ' U17V and aches, beKh Rases and i and eriutale undigested food: f uh foul. tonKiie coated lust take n litt'e Pape's Inapcpsin and in five r ' t.v i ou wmirlpr what became of e iTliption and distress. ' limns of miu ami sv omen toilav " i "u Hi it it is needless to have a bad p i Ii littk M'ppepsin occaalon- i, 1 1 this dclrac organ regulated t' v cat their favoiite foods Tvith- f ' fnir f w.ur -toinali docsn t take care or i 1 1 ! -al limit without rebelllpn; ' in- food is a damage instead of a 'i remember the quickest, surest, t harmless relief is Pape's Dlapep- which costs only fifty cents for a a i ,ife at drug stores. It's truly 'rful it digests food and sets rs straight so gently and easib U it ts really astonishing, riease. - oar sake, don't go on rnd on with i r I rhsordered stomach; it's so un- i i Vdvertisement EVER CROSS, E P F d It feverish, bilious, consti pated, give fruit laxative at once. i v old lour fretful, peevish child. T i' tongue is coated: this is a sure ,- i us little stomach, livor and bowels logged with sour waste. T I en listless, pale, feverish, full of i i reath bad, throat sore, doesn't r li p or act naturally, has stomach- indigestion, diarrhoea, give a tea- o ful of "California Syrup of FlgV "H "' a few hours all the foul waste. oui bile and rermenting food es out of the bowels and you have a "I and playful child again. Children this harmless "fruit laxative." and tliera can rett eaev after giving it. v a 'i it never fails to make their llt ji Milrs' clean and sweet. ii it bandy. Mother" A little sfr '"l" sa-. es a sick child tomorrow. f the genuine. Ask vour drug- a nu-cent bottle of "California 1 1 li of Figs." which has directions - r..hiev children of all ages and for lu-nn ups plainly on the bottle. Re- iirr there are counterfeits sold r " 'iirelv look and see that yours uh by the "California Fig-Syrup r l 'I" " Hand back with contempt other fig syrup. Adv. WHY HAIR FALLS OUT niniff caus. a feverish irritation tn Malp. 1 be hair roots shrink. " n and thin tl, r0mt-s out t 'In utop fj ii,,, , , r at once and I Hi. Hdlp of , i iv,, ,it j, of dan, I- T tct a J5- . rt, of Danderin i 'I' ng stor. pour a little in vour - J i ub wrii mto the .alp fter v ' I '' iti"n all dandiuff disap- I " h 1 1 1,. . mm- , i 1 I lunUff OLD CONGRESS WORK DELSYED High Price of Cyanide Pre vents Instalation of a Mill at the Mine. Wickciiburg. Ariz.. March 15 Owing to the hiarli price of cjamde, the Mer rill Metallurgical company, of Pan Francisco, will delav operations on the Old Congress mine and dump Indefl I nitel I This lompanv acquired the Con- , gres several weeks ago with the ex pectation of installing a cyanide plant immediately and treating the dump, as I well as developing new ore reserves. It has since been found that the high price of cyanide, which is very scarce since the Herman supply has been cut off, would eat up a large percentage of the profit. The Merrill company will probably delay working the dump until the war is oer or a domestic supply of cyanide is available llomlholder Mai Take Monarch. ' Foreclosure proceedings are to be started bv the bondholders of the Mon arch Mining and Smelting company within thirty days, according to eastern advices. The last instalment of interest on the bonds was not paid. Since its smelter burned up, about four years ago, the Monarch company has been in financial difficulties The Mon arch is a big gold and copper proposi tion, eight miles east of Vn konburg. It is stated that the bondholders ex pect to begin development and produc tion as soon as the property is in their hands. Take liver Pincers. Denver mestors have taken over Sam row ell's group of placer claims, a' rows the Hassavainpa river from the "W lute mine. The plnn is to recover th gold bv dredging One dredge is al rcad) on the ground BUCKEYE MEN ORGANIZE A ! COMPANY TO BORE FOR OIL I Buckce, Ariz. March 15. F. Grant Millage is organizing a local company to sink foi petroleum on his ranch sis miles southwest of IIucKeye. That there is petroleum on the Mil lage ranch has been proved. It now remains to be demonstrated whether oil can be de doped in commercial quantities Oil cort-taiitl comes to the surface on a part of Mlllage's land that Is stroncb alkaline When water is left (standing in the field, it H aoon covered by a thick film of oil Chemical tests show that it has a heavy parafflne base Millage recentlj had two experts look oer his place and they predicted that oil would be struck at a depth of not more than 700 feet. OWNERSHIP OF DISPUTED CLAIMS TO BE DETERMINED BY LAWSUIT Thoenix, ru , Marrh l.".. The differ ences existing between state senator W J. Graham. Thomas 1 eenev ana tne Ilisbee I'opper Mining and Developing compam are to be adjudicated in the supei 101 court of Cochise countv Senator Graham went before the cor poration commission and asked that th company's stock selling permit be re voked, on the ground that it claimed two mining locations really owned by himself and Feeney. A hearing was held and the company agreed to file an amended application foa permit, not im ntioning the claims In question. Members of the company will return to Hie .treasury H"" expended for assess ment work on tne claims witnih a week or two they will file an action in court to determine the ownership of the property. MAGMA TO SINK TO 1500 LEVEL; WORKING 300 MEN Superior. Ariz.. March 15 Prepara tions are being made b) the Magma Mining company to sink from the 1200 foot level to the 1500 foot point. No new equipment is needed for this as the hojst at the main shaft of the Magma is already one of the best in the southwest. The ore at 1200 feet is 60 feet wide. All indications are that it goes down. The mill is treating 300 tons of ore a day bv the flotation process. The concentrates go to El Paso. ! Over 300 men are now employed by the Magma eompam. Its miners re ceive an average wage of J5 05 a daj. ASBESTOS SHIPMENTS ARE 40 TONS A WEEK TO GLOBE Globe. Ariz.. March 15 Shipments by the Arizona Asbestos companv from its property on Ash creek, north ot Globe, Jiow averages 40 tons a week. The "serpentine," as the asbestos is called In Its native form, is treated in a small mill on the ground for separation from the gangue The graded fiber is then packed to Globe on burros. The serpentine lies in flat beds or ledges. It is developed by tunnels driv en into the formation from the creek. The workings total about 4500 feet As fast as a mope is worked out It is filled with waste Little timbering is re quired, a the ground is hard and stands well. ONLY ACTORS AND ACTRESSES CAN BUY STOCK IN THIS MINE Thoenix, Anr, March li A mining) companv exclusively for moving picture peoples h n been organized bv Charles Horn, manager of a local theater. A number of actors and actresses, as well as the representatives of a film e cbange who recently visited Prcscott, are alreadv inteiehled No one who is not interested in moving pictuies in a business or professional way will be al lowed to buv stock The companv is to develop a mine in the niack" Rock dis trict owned by Born and E. M Sanford DEAD HORSES AND MEXICAN BANDITS SMELL TO HEAVEN Dead Mexicans remained unbuned oi burned, dead horses were rotting on the plains, fllos were everywhere and the stench filled the air, Columbus residents wrote to friends in El Paso Tuesday. The letter was written Sunday and at that time the letter stated that nothing had been done to bury the bodies of the horses which were killed during the battle of Columbus, that itiany of the Mexicans who were killeu had not been buried and the air was filled with the odor of burning flesh and the stench of rotting flesh. It is believed that the horses and Mexicans have been buried by this time as the army started policing the town and camp as soon as the troops arrived there. GLOBE MAN PROVES PERSONAL USE INTENT; SUIT DISMISSED Phoenix. Ariz , March IB. An echo of the old "personal use" controversy wat heard In the supreme court when the case of the state versus Sam Yahura was dismissed Yahura was ai rested at Globe for im porting liquor. He proved that he had imported it for personal use and ludirn Kugene Shute dismissed the case it was the first time that a court of 'law hid held . hat the Arizona constUutfon ,.. rn.itted inttodnctlon of Intoxicants for peisoml nst ana trie flcUsion attracted wi.ii- at ten, ,on i.d,, ,lle ""arfm2 u.t. in the case of J Sturgeon i.nia. h. Id that the ronstltwHTao?? lot prohibl the ininoituion nf l,,,u0" for personal use 11,, dismissal of 1 he n':'r." ,,,. , , ,. llm ,( vj2 Krazy Kat CopTrlKBt. 1315. International News Service O H "fi W ' 1 ,11, ?r- OMfc-lvVO-'PtftEe- H4TCrmD FfeS l,-5WlBl,T AiG giME-TvVoTiia-PF-'ftxw. F-i sitow. -40L ""' r. gAia-"TWo-Tiftgg-Ftxifi.-FivB-- 1 COTTON USED IN FEBRUARY TOTALS 540,711 BALES Washington, T C. March 15 Cotton used during February amounted to 540,711 bales, the census sureau an nounced today That compared with 463.307 bales used in February last year and 64Z.055 used in January last year. 1 se Aiondalr olivf oil fm v,,,n sal ads. No fcai of itiidliiir, inn niooii aisc If "''' 01' ls "" '' It is i umi tonic as well as a cl. In i ' d piu dui t Advertisement Get acquainted with the 'l i, h, musiv Inffewnt flivm "f ill,, ik i s VI , rstii II itri i ti'l f i mi V l 'HSSl',Vt' I (WE. -TWO. ?' f (VERVJ r fci2i. Vvtrt v SCRAMBLED ) YiFB- ) V HATCH y L. iWf01EAm ftJGAISTDEAisr - SIIAKSPERL, S tercentenary icl ebration, to take place in April in commemoration of the 300th an niversary of the death of fne "Bard of Avon," will be a succession of plays, fetes and pageants throughout the civ -ilized world and especially in the Kug lish speaking countries. Sir Heiheit Beerbohm Tree, the well-known Kng lish actor-manager, who is among the moat celebrated of all tho interpreter of Shakespeare. Ih now completing a film spectacle of "Macbeth" in Califor nia. Constance Collier, who had plaved in London with Sir Herbert, and who is expected to appear with h-m in his Shakeapenan festival in New York., is the Ixidy Macbeth. This film will probably be the onlv cinema contnbu tion to the Shakspertan celebiation FVXMB 1VAKII ! Foil tub ni,n;Mi;." Giving another example of her vet satallty, Fannie Ward, I-asky star, will appear shortly in a photoplay entitled, "For tho Defence," in which she plays for the first time on the screen the role of a feminine detective. She will be tieen a Fidele. a young I French girl, w ho lands in New York ) and meets with strange adventure hue is the witness of a murder of which the one man who befriends het in tho hostile city is falselv accused Frightened, she runs away from the scene, meets the accused later and re turns in time to appear "for the de fence" and by her testimony succeeds ill freeing him Jack Dean, t'amille Astor. Horace B Carpenter and a large cast of princi pals appear in support of Miss Ward in this production. iiiKTi.n vrisimw i otrr or noon giiii.. Myrtle Stedmau. who has climbed breathlessly to the high ridge of the Temecula range, in the southern part of California, derlares emphatically that she owes the larger part of her prosperity, peri-onal perfection and popularity to Vie faithfulness -with which she indulges in outdoor exer cises. Outside of the studio she spends most of her tune driving a high-speed racing car, Walking, splashing In the ocean and sleeping in an out-of-doors porch. liruce McRae and Gerda Holmes will appear the first week in April in an lajuitable featuie. "The Chain Inris- INTER MOUNTAIN CO. IS WATCHING SOUTHWEST J O. Caiter, general manager of the Inter Mountain Life Insurance com pany of ft. Lake Citv, Utah, has been giving especial attention to the south western investments of his company. "It is the intention of the officers of the company," sais Mr. Carter, "to in vest an amount equal to all reserves maintained for the protection of Ari aona and New Mexico policy holders in farm mortgages on improved lands within the two states. Our rates of in terest on such loans will be eight per cent. "By following this polio we have de veloped in Arizona and Xpw Mexico an astonishing volume of business. These two states are con.troled by the Trice Brothers Agency of Phoenix, and the amount of new business Issued for this agency in the last three jears was as follows In 1913, $1,773,500: In 1911, S191S.091- in 1915, Jl,S9-!,0i0, making a total of J4.9S9.W " EYE EXAMINATIONS And satisfactory glasses can only be made by an Optometrist. There are many reasons. Geo D. Kendall. :.'g Mesa Ave., Makes Glasses Right Adv The ideal breakfast dlsn Sulzberg er's Majestic Bacon '"Dellciously Dif ferent." Adv. HOW ! CURED MY CATARRH TOLDINASJMPLEWAY Without Apparatus, Inhalers, Salves, Lotions, Harmful Drugs, Smoke Or Electricity. Heals Day and Night It is a iiw way It is something ab solutely different No lotions, spruvs or sickly smelling salves or cream". N'o atomizer or anv appjr.itus of any kind Nothing to smoke ur inhalf No steam ing or rubbing m injei lion-- No elee trieitv ur vibritinn 01 nussa.'f No powder no pi i id i im kttping in the house Nothing of that Kind at all. Something neu .ind dilfereut, some thing delightful and healthful, some thing instants successful. You do not have to wait and linger and paj Tmt a lot of mono You can stop it overnight and j will giaaiv leu you how niUE, I am not a doctor and this is not .1 so-called doctor's prescrip tion but I am cured and mv friends .ire cured and vou i an be cured Your suffering will'stop at once like magic. I Am Free--You Can Be Free M rHtarrh vat filthy ant! Inathnotne It ma mt ill It ilullrd my mind It under mined tij health und whb viPaktntnK "'V will rhr hawking toughing: aptttlns mad. tne obnoxious to all and m foul breath and disgusting habit. made ein my lod onet arld mr wcoreth My delight In, lite was dulled and m tac ultlcs Impaired I knew that In timo It would bring me to an un timely gravf bocauFtt pery moment of the day and night it was slowly jet surely sap plnic my ltalit But I found a (Urc and I am ready to toll )nu about It FUEE AVrite me promptly. RISK JUST ONE CENT Send no monev. Just your name and ad dress on a postal card. Say. 'Dear Sam Kat7 rieane tell me how you cured v our it irrU ami how I can cure mint ' That i. all M'U ii' tif to n I will undi mttl.l. .mil I n ill wrlfr ti miu villli nntplete InforniH 1'" n IK1.I-, H UH c I)u nut d. 1 13 SeniT the pnta! i aril m wrlti me a letter today linn t think nf turning this puse until mi lian a-keil fr till v unili rf ul treatment III..' in ) f,.r it ihnt it lus dm,. r..r in M KT Jloom .1 6.16 'in'i Indinnit vrnne thlcns" HI i c i ti t men i SP &r Herbert Beerbohm Tree and Constance Collier as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. l.ovcr of Miaknper!an drama villi he given the opportunity of seeing thee tnmmiN stars In "Macbeth' hl spring. ible" the scenes for which were taken , m the heart of the Cubau jungles LOSFS LIFE IN TRYING TO CROSS SWOLLEN VERDE Clarkdale, Ariz. Munch 15 Louis Weipner, who for ears has lived in a little sha k across the Verde rivr from MarkdaIe was drowned when the nwiftU rushing water overturned a wasron in which he was attempting to rro' to the town Ills body was recovered the next day. some distance down the river It 1 understood that he has relatives in Pisbee and attempts are beinjr made to locate them 14 YEARS Ago Today Prom The Herald of This Date. 1901. ' P. B. Stewart, president of the El iso union biocK yards company, re turned this morning from a trip to Houston, where he perfected arrange ments with ceneral manager W. f Van VIeek. of the U II railwav. for the extension of a spur into the vards of the company, and which will greatly facilitate the moving of cattle. U.A. Cottiniham, who has been under the weather for some time, has re cov ered M himon. a local attorney, returned from a six week's absence up the flock Island line Mrs. A. G Foster left for Meslila park to spend a number of days vis iting friends. TV W. Turney left for Alpine, where he is the plaintiff in a mining suit in volving about $80,000. Tonight the chafing dish club will he entertained at the home of Mrs. J. A Eddv. on Magoffin avenue. Miss Martha Strauss, who has been visiting Mrs. I Blumenthal, of this city, left for Stafford. Aril., to visit her brother. L. D rarter, who arrived In the city from Chicago, savs that a group of mines 30 miles west of Chihuahua, iras lecently sold for J500,00 General manager H I" Mudge and general superintendent J. K Hurley, of the Santa Fe railway system, are expected to arrive in the city. Miss Francis Foster celebrated her eleventh birthday anniversary vv ith an informal partv to her many friends at her borne last Wednesday afternoon. A P Grelg, general manager of the El Paso and Hock Island railway, ar rived In the city from Alamogordo to see bout the completion of the new depot. J. AY Fisher, proprietor of the fahel don hotel, wired to The Herald today that he had booked one hundred rooms for the cattlemen's convention to bo held here next year. An important meeting of the manu facturers' of the chamber of commerce was held vesterdaj, at which the pro posed saw mill and the new brewery were discussed, A new furnace for making pig Iron also came up for con sideration. DAILY RECORD nuihling l'trmltk. To c M. Younsberg lo build a liruk bun salow on kits 22 and :3. Moth. 73. llaMett addition, entimatcd cost J-'6'.0 To J. T Arvlxa. to build a pun h makn repair at 3617 Madera street, esti mated rnt f a To Fulton Market to (hange front at HI Te-ias street, estimated out 100. lleedn riled. I'uhln si houl lands VJH Natumnl hank f f'olurailo. Texas, to J J. Melton sect!, n 12 3 4 4 10 11. 15. bloi k 40 tiuM" -rhooi lands, consideration J6io-, Decem her 13 111 , I'ropertv in Alhambra Heights Fellt Martbi.z VV IT Austin and James Marr to Mr. i aredail Held, lot 1. bloi k 7 Alham hra Heights consideration J2i0. March ' Uli Uest aids of Campbell street between Boston and Chieago streetsFrank J ksn gan and wife In Frank Wells Broun lots 7 ' 9 and 10. block .'0 AloxanUtr addition, 310 and other considerations, March 11. 191G Lots In Ki paso ll-lcllls S R Fields and -ife to Walter C Williams, lota 39 3d. 31 and 33, bloik 105 El Paso Heights, con sideration 110, March 13. 1916 Troperty in Valley (Sate subdivision. Hob ert L. Nichols and wife to W I, Field, sur vea 61 and 6." Valley date subdivision of Tays tract, containing 10 acres, considera tion 113.000, March 4. 1916 South aide of Rosa street, between Jeffer son and Marr streets Michael Seery of San Francisco to Mayer I'omerantz of San Fran cisco, lots 9 and 10. block 16, Lincoln Tark, consideration JT0. Marrh 10, 191b North side ot Jarksou avenue between r.owell and T.aikland streets Military Heights Ijind company to Tark W. I'ittman Invesmtent lompati) lots 12, 13 and 14 block 15. Mllltarv Heights, consideration JilO. Jlanh 9 mil IJcenseil to Yl rd. Mues rrarson to rommle Qrlsbj. Automobiles Licensed. , -. i, Himiiiidej. Bocorro. Texas (u wer..l ) ' Mil l.. ii V irner. 300 Mesa ae iiin mv.ii pi- . ns .r tudebaker . VV. i. Field, muntj mad. Overland roail- ter .VI- -J i- i , ii,, vi id -a st n't llnrl. Iiaritln n ot .r Deaths wtr -t Minh 13, nffed 48 yean, burial Con (orrhri TnrtT Mnrrh 14 itefugla toba (U South Kansas -trpt Wan h 14. artl 3 ar!: barla! Juarez, Mex T W I.rroy, uni hoipilil Mri h li, Kgrd 4d years, burial Cum ordia c m tcrjr, Mrch 14. Adrian '. Wanroy, local ttoapltal, Marrh 9 aged 2 yars; burial Ererreen ceme tery, Marth 14. 1 rt,n (Icrnandex. 808 South Orrgron street. M ir. Ii It Hgpd 33 years, burial Concordia ft.ntn. March 14. Juh.ina. Machalla, 819 Seenth street. YOUR BOY How earnestly you wish him to grow up to be an hon orable and successful man. You can start him on the way to financial success now by starting an account for him with the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, which encourages regular deposits. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. The First National Bank- EL PASO, TEXAS 1 llll f.vs-L. ia-Esgaa Hill oring? rin At this season of the year you are liable to think that cold weather is over and neglect to order Coal. This is mistaken economy. A fire in the morning and evening is a health necessity, especially in homes where there are small children. iiii .Safe Fuel Teh 3 Rheumatism! ' S X How is rheumatism recognized ? Some have said M Rheumatism it a dull pain. Rheumatism is a sharp pain, Rheumatism is sore muscles. Rheumatism is stiff joints. Rheumatism is a shifting pain. All have declared Rheumatism is Pain. Sloan's Liniment applied : The blood begins to flow freely the body's ft X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X warmth is renewed the congestion disap X pears the pain is gone. X Sloan's Liniment KILLS PAIN (GUARANTEED) Rheumatism and allied pains yield to the penetrat ing qualities of this warming liniment. X X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn March 13, agcl , y.ars, burial CorwordH cetnettrj March 11 llLrth Iloja. To Urs. Tjrnacio D. AWarez. Sixth a ' Kansas streets, Marrh IS. To Mrs. Manuel Molina, 717 Ocampo a ley, March 11. IF YOU WANT Better (Jlasses, have your eye ex amined, and Glasses made by an Opto metrist. Oeo. D. Kendall, 22S Mesa Ave, Makes Glasses night. Adv. mm Perhaps nfa Fe Co. S86 Ad Art M X X X X X X X X X X m. X X X X X X X X X M