Newspaper Page Text
10 WcH-k-Eiid Edition, MID-LENTEN SOCIETY; TOL THE qulitncs? of mid-Ieht will dominate the coming week, for theru will ! Miy little eoi"K ii Iii a sot '1 . Thu departure from the lirid'r of tlte troops that Jl.lM l't-ii had i i. lout; stationed here has " ..I icti to do with the dull- I i"!-.s of Mil mii wil heoHon, as the army .....a. I. if.. 1 ,liw.i,iit tnncil anil uluo 'i'. im" " -" .............. H..u u.uv xll tin- ho i:il jotiwties at litcli the .uni peopii wife hosts. "in lai -e affair is certain the lmtniKLitl dinner-dance to be given Thursday nleht at the Toltec club. Mitni- delightful surprises ore planned lur this affair. -n evening concert is .planned by the music department of the woman's i uh for Monday night, to be given in t In .luilitoi mm of the First Christian thin ih The piogiam will be a m.s i. 11 1 m ous one w ith various compoKers i epi si nted. One feature of particular n.tiiest will he the repetition of the M.i Had of Iiospair," which wan given s time ao with' very great suc- . As Wednesday will be the fifth Wednesday in the month there will ne no meeting of the club on that afternoon. An interesting and rather unusual eniertalnmtnt vill be given Wednes day night by the Pythian .sisters, in uhifh a number of well known people will take part. A majrie mlrrlor will lie shown l a magician and in this -a barhelor will see all the loves of Ins I iff' and finally the girl who is to b. his wife. Miss Hilda Sorenson, a bride to be, w ill be entertained on Wednesday afteinoon witli a bridge parly by Miss Uirdle Buckaloo and on Saturday after noon with a bridge party by Mrs. Row land Oilchirst and Miss Gertrude Lrf'iKhton. Miss Ella Jackson, bo ii to U the bride of Clarence M. Hunter, of Ala mopordo, early in April, will be the K"U st of honor at a number of pleas ant affairs before her marriage. Mrs. r. i:. Widdas w ill gie an Informal Inin heon in her honor Tuesday after noon and early In the following week Mrs otto H. Armstrong will entertain with a bridge party in the tea rooms. There will be the usual meeting of Hie iri-oup of Infoi mal clubs who meet to s.o or play cards. Mrs. Ames AN hro will entertain the Kbell Kridge lub Monday afternoon. Mrs. I rank M. Murehlson will entertain the Silk Stocking Bridge club .Tuesday after noon. Wednesday the Jolly Kight Bridge lub will be entertained by Mrs. Kdgar W. Ferguson. Mrs. D. B. Blas Ingame will entertain her sewing club Wednesday afternoon and Mrs. Frank Moss will be the l.ostess for the Wed nesday Embroidery club Wednesday afternoon. The usual weekly meeting of the El Paso F.qual Franchise league will be held Thursday afternoon in the cham ber of commerce at 3 oclock. El Pasoans Returning. Miss Louise Blumenthal, who has ho. 11 visiting in Chicago for several months, will return today to her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Blu menthal. on North Oregon street Mr. anil Mrs. William L. Lindenthal and lit tle baby, whom Miss Blumenthal vis ited in Chicago, are accompanying her to Kl Paso and will visit Mrs. Linden t hal's parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Blumen ihal. for a short time. SANITARY CONSIDERATIONS ALONE should cause you to send your FAMILY WASH to us. All the Family Wash Rales by the Pound. :M'E !Mym3HY Phone 4300 r1.raMiJ,';.ir..ui'lJ':t Fl Paso Sifper f luous Hairs PislvAwav' I Famous Beauty SecreU that Have Made the Theatrical Star, Valeika Snratt, America's Greatest Self-Made Beauty. BV VAI.KSKA sUUATTT T NEVER see a woman vltb superfluous hair on her face or body that it does not remind me of some cave woman. It Is hideous, and It is inexcusable, because so easily and thoroughly re moved, at least It becomes so ty using the following, which nevei falls. You moisten the hairs to be re moved, with sulfo solution. Tou see 'he hair dissolve away in qune a re markable manner, and 50U then wash t off. Tho skin is left clear, soft and unmarked. Another splendid feature Is that it can be used on tho tender est skin, or any part of the body, it ith perfect safoty. It can be obtained at any drug store. Ordinary depilatories burn off the hair and leave a red or irritated spot where applied. But In stead of burning off the hair and In luring the skin, no matter bow tough. ulfo solution dissolves the hair and is & positfVe benefit to the skin. LOOKING OLD I am particularly p.oud of the results of my skin re luvenator, which is a cream madeby dissolving two tablespoonfuls of glvcerine and two ounces of eptol in a half pint of hot water. This is the most astonishing wrinkle rembver 1 have ever found, making crow's feet, deep wrinkles and lines disappear with great rapidity. It makes the skin plump, youthful and vigorous and by mithful use you will soon sec a tremen dous difference Ii. your appearance. Tlv eptol can be obtained at any drug stoie. This also makes the most eco nomical cream you can get, FLL1NG I am known as the only woniati on the American stage who mart, no hair switches or other hatr make-shifts. Follow my suggestion nnd use my hair secret as follows: To half a pint of alcohol add half a pint of water (or else you may use a full pint ot bay rum if you wish) and to ibis add one ounce of beta-qulnol. It has a powerful action upon the hair cells, hair roots and the scalp. Your hair will be healthy, vigorous, fluffv. and grow luxuiiantl. it v ill be startling in its results. Jl'DITH R. O. There i-, only one perfect head wash that I know. This is eggol By dissolving one teaspoon tu or uiis in nair a cup of 1; t 011 will have a hair and scalp 1 -tt.ti.-r 1 li ans. i- wbli Ii Is !IUMl.tll HlOl nil L. 1 in.l nil 'i.l at ! 1 v J 11. h k 1m r. .1 1 of sk 11. I. -. I K a The t -.'rut- . I 111 1 1 th. 1 nit; all s( in f ,, n lliu th. hair ill tl KK"1 can be sci 111 1 ii II far p.irpa-1-. s , Ml llllJ.Oll March 2.1-2(5, VMG. QUIETNESS HOVERING OVER TEC DINNER-DANCE THURSDA Y Cards. Mrs.'' Ed "WUlbrun will ntriiain Mon day afternoon vltii a bridge party at her home In Hawthorne I'lace. Sunset Heights. """ i"co,e, ,ouc"'M ."' entertain Wednmdav afternoon at her home on jrant avenue In honor of Miss Hilda Sorenson. wh i " -' who is to Become the bride rin.-ius earl in April. Mrs. Gilchiist and Miss Certrude TjeihtoM will entertain Saturday after- noon with a liridije party at the home of Mrs Gilchrist in honor of Miss Sorenson. Mrs. I:. F. Ebert entertained the Two Weeks Hridgc club Friday afternoon at her home ou Lee street. Mrs. J. .1. Finney won the high score prize. In addition to the members, the guests were Mesdames M. 1'. Tarlock. J. J. Kinney and N. II. Allen. Refresh ments weie enjoyed after the games. Mrs. IJ. J. Mcl'anlels will entertain the club at its next meeting at her home in the Knickerbocker apartments. Mrs. M. C. Tracy entertained with a card party Thursday afternoon at her home on West Missouri street Fol lowing the games an ice course was served, Mrs. A. W. Young won th. first prize and Mrs. IL J. Sterner the second prize. Those present were Mesdames W. B. Farwell. A. AS'. Toung, F. Hathaway. S. S. Baker, II. J. Stern er. George Rogers, Ira Wetmore, M. Miller. L. L. Hall, T. W. Kent and Miss Winifred Davis. The 'Frl.rlle Fountain Service. Our splendid Fountain Service justly gives us claim to havinp tho, most fa vored fountain In HI Paso. In addition to delicious drinks we serve sandwiches at any hour. Scott White Jt Co. Mills Bldg. Rob.-Ban. Bldg. Adv. Wedding Invitations. Engraved in 131 Paso, w have tho best engraver In the Southwest Let us show you the latest styles. El Paso Printing Co. Adv. Hnndsome Souvenirs. Made from your wedding invitation plate. Come and see our samples. EI Paso Printing Co., 108 Main St. Adv. Mrs. i:Ti.n Conk nnnk. For a good ready reference cook book purchase one written by Mrs. Edna J. Evans, containing her own personal recipes. A limited supply on sale at The Herald, fof 25c each. Out of town customers send 3c extra to cover postage Adv. Why Xt T'se a Navajo rug, nothing more sat isfactory. Beach's Art Shop, City Na tional Bank Bldp. Adv Pennlar Dynamic Tome is a great, aid In restoring strength Sold by Potter Drug Company. The Penslar Store. AdT. Why yat See the new Carnelian, Rozane and Mostique art pottery at Beach's Art Shop, City National Bank Bldg. Adv. Try Magic Washing Mick and make a pleasure of wash day. Tel. 73L Warner Drug Co. Adv. For rhnpped hands, face or lips. Pot ter's Toilet Cream Is unequaled. Price 25c Telephone S5 and 375 and have It delivered. Potter Drug Company. Adv. Phone 4300 icicaa PRl'iPAIMWiNKSS There ! only one real skin beautifier I have ever known and this will remove freckles, led spots and other blemishes so promptly as Jo sui prise you. This is my own formula which Is as follows: MK two tablespoonfuls of glycerin" with half a pint of hot water and add one ounce of xint- ne. which you can obtain at the drug store. The liberal use of this gives an absolutely per fect complexion. You can positively depend upon it. . T. it. C. 1 am sorry you were dis appointed in 'not getting the sulfo so lution from your druggist, lly sec retary wllj get it for you and sent! it if you simply address, "Secretary ,to Vajeska Suratt, Thompson Bldg., Chicago," and enclose the price which is one dollar. SUSANA M. N My formula for re moving blackheads is the only posi tive, quick and sure way; by sprink ling some neroxin on a sponge made wet with hot water. This rubbed on the blackheads will remove them, big and little, in a few moments. The neroxin can be obtained at any drug store. , tace ' IN DOCBT Yes, really all powders are too chalky, and make the face "powdery." 1 use none, but my own face powder, which has ab solutely no chalklnesa. It is superb in its fineness, smoothness and scent, and Is indetectable. It Is now obtain able at drug stores as "Valeska Sttr.-tt Face Powder." in -white and flesh tints. K. O. C- I advise you not Uo use mechanical instruments for bust de velopment Though it Is ImBosstble io assure sui n a development, yet the ollowing has been succtssfnl In manv 1 .im-m half ., 1 up of sutrar nnd two 1. 111,1 is of 1:1.1. .1.. should In dissolved in bait .1 1. hi ..r , uhl v.atcr and of iho- tun t. 1 1. 1.1. 1, fill-, tik.n Ihr.c or r - .nr In 1. s 1 .1 n , ..11 , an s, ,-t,. the 1 in t !,. a I jij 1 1 1 M,,, . Ad . EL Women's Organizations. On account of the ei s nous illness of the mother of Mrs. C O. Kiickr. vice chairman ot the music department oi the Woman's club, the musical coucei t to liae been given b the d-paitinent MOifttay night has been liuiefiiutel postponed. - There will be no meeting of the Woman's club Wednesdaj. as it Is thi filth Wednesday in the mouth. The club luncheon to celebrate its organiza tion anniversary was to have been held upon this day, but, as it occurs in Lent, it was decided to postpone the event until the fail, when it is hoped that the clubhouse w ill be completed and the luncheon held there. The St Patrick's altar guild met Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. O. Roe, 2601 East Boulevard. The af- ternoon was spent in sewing. Jter lefreshments were served. The bos- tess wm assisted by Mrs. Clara Tepfer. Mis. .1. L Driseoll and Mrs. J. W. Wood- ward. The only guest of the society was Mrs. P. J. Clifford. Miss M. B. llickey was received as a new meni' ber qf the society. There were il present. The next meeting will be held . at the home of Mrs. J. B. Kennedy, 20 isryau street The officers of the Alta Vista Mis sionary Society of the Alta Vista Meth odist church met Thursday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. James McCleese, on Hueco street Tho reports for the quar ter were prepared. Miss Alice Carre, of the Trinity Methodist church Mission ary society was a guest of the society and gave helpful suggestions for the work. Following the business a social time was enjoyed and a ealad courwe was served. Those present were Mes dames II. N. Miller. P. D. Splawn, A. Patterson, W. A. Kessler, J. A. Harper, Ben Powell, C. IL Rhodes, W. II. Lark, James McCleese, Misses Marguerite Mc Cleese and Alice Carre. ' In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Young Women's Christian association, a special service will be held in the downtown rooms of the association Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The form of the vesper serv ice will follow that arranged' by the national association for the jubilee serice. Miss Mabel K. Stafford, field secretary for this district, will be the principal speaker. She will talk ou the work of the late Miss Grace Dodge, who was for many years the president of the national association, and the memorial endowment fund to be raised in commmeraoratlon of Miss Dodge and also for the 60th anniversary to carry on the work of the association on the same scale which Miss Dodge started it, and which she maintained through generous contributions from her own income. Musical selections during the service will be given by Miss Belle White and Miss Margaretta Pratz. Miss Greta Talmer will play their piano ac companiments. The girls of the Posong campfire circle will be ushers. Tonight Miss Stafford will be the guest of honor at the boarding Home at a very infor mal gathering of the members of the association fn order that they may meet Miss Stafford. El Paso young women will take part in living pictures in the "Magic .Mir ror." which will be given by Mattice Temple, of the Pythian Sisters, this week. The story is of a bachelor, who will be acted by I". S. oGeu. who is shown the magic mirror by the magi i lan, acted by Mrs. Mattle Mott, and in it he sees all the girls that have at one time or another in his life attracted him I and from them he selects a wife Miss Irene Lubghlin will represent the so ciety queen: Miss Mabelle Bethea, the rustic country maid; Miss Amy Hitch ens, the Japanese girl; Mrs. Ethel At kinson, the .-pinster; Miss trances oa ""- t ', ; : .", , 1 I,.,- .. Bi.ta.hAlliim lk.ll- Iikm IiTrlwfna ' ...., .... , ........ --. "- , S.'iWvK CfhiheSfLi.JLn": I Kdith -H, r.n, SSftn tlio utronr mlnonl I iiDDieuy. ino ruriian inaiavu. ;; . vr, n " r ,L t T "new woman;" MIsb Rosemary Pclham. the rummer sylph; Miss Flora Jialone, the home staying maid: Miss Julia Bigelow, the brunette: Miss Willie Mae Carson, the bldndc: Mrs. R. O. Clark, .the Quakeress; Miss Vivian Pomeroy, the student of wisdom; Miss Beulah Brown, the rosebud; Mrs. R. W. Fort. the nurse: Miss Anne Hughes, the widow. The prologue will be given by I . Jk iiiitimi, x I cmiiiin i"tj iiih6 pictures. Miss Greta Pafmer will play . C. M. Wilchar. Preceding the living La Preludio," from Verdi's "La Trlvla- ta." During the picture, Mrs. J. J. Has ter will sing. h D ances. Miss Louise Welch entertained her fchool friends Friday night with an 1 inlormal dancing party at her home ! i.k Montana street. She was assisted I in entertaining by her mother, Mrs. K. ! 1'. Welch. During the dancing, punch I served and later an Ice course was j enjoyed. Among the guests, the girls ! r. fit- Misses Marguerite Harvey, Ma ; uon Caln-.n. Willie Mae Carson, Corrie 'I .. Doris Freeman, Helen Agulrre, iTnne Mover, Elizabeth White, Mary , 'I nicher. Ht 11ln.l1 Wright. Irene Robcrt 1 si n. Alice Pructt, Evelyn Daugherty, i.enna Robinson, Lucile Harlan, and :,ie hoys were- Kugene Thurston, Al 1 is Cochran. Paul Brovles, Hal Ald li.oc. I'lliot chess, A. J. McQuatters. ' . Frank Mcyuatteis, Roscoe Hlank I iship. Paul Welch, Manuel Stolaroff, J P.ailt v inter. Milton Lindner, Francis liif.uldiis, Kins land Jenkins. Jack I knight P.en .Jenkins, Robert Bryant, J 'laience Thompson and William j llughee , The K'icheloi i lull was invited to the , home ..r Mr. ami Mrs. A. F. Rowlands. 1 lal Kim street. Friday evening for ' .1 surpiise. The word had gone the 1 lounns 1n.1t it vas a strictly stag af- i.tir. of smokes and refresh ments alone, there were smokes, re freshments and oung women and a "man's a flan was turned into a co educational dame. Mr Rowlands In extending his imitation to the Bache lors, asked for :l delee-atlon of n.n j from that club to visit his home, to De put to the teat of whether or not they were consistent bachelors. Mrs. Rowlands followed the same tactics with rofrience to the maids. The eve ning wa spent in dames and court trials. Fancy dances were giyen bv Frank A. Loftus, who gae the "Ser pentine," and Hugh B. Thompson, who danced the Tarentella. Both were en costume. Those enjoying the Row lands hospitality were: Missis Dollie Kvans. Edna Long, Florence Paul. Bue lah Brown. Mar Lewis, Helen Strat um, Fama Hickman. Mrs. era Rather, Mr. and Mrs. R. w. Long, and the Bachelors: W. C. Porterfielrt. Breed love Smith. W S. Berkshire, Henry B. Stone, Frank A. Loftus. II. E. Kilburn. I". J. McQuillan. II. B. Thomson, How ard Rix. Steve Agulrre. Sterling Blaok shear. C. V. Lyman. C. C. Shoemaker, Van T. Bauchler. John Regan. A. W. Norcop. II. B. Fletcher, Jack Chllds and Dave Jlulcahy. , Out Of Town Visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Willard White are In El Paso for a while from their ranch ' 110 file r.-!illv I Mrs. Alleu Wilkinson and litfle bby 1 are nere irom v.a-nanea. Mex., and are guests at the Porcher ranch down the valler. . Mrs. R. C. Kirkland and' Mrs. J. B Anderson, of Douglas. Ariz., are ex pected to arrive the latter part of next week to visit Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs T. M. Wlngo. Miss Ella Kneed of San Francisco Is expected to arrive the last of the week to visit her cousin, Miss Helen Agu lrre. Sliss Aguirre will be the hostees at a dance, to be given on Api.l s. in honor of Miss Kneed. Mi. aim Mrs N J tlarrod. of llollind, Mn h . with Mrs. tlarrod'b sister. Miss M Shrrwood. or All'diii. Mich, are vls itinir Mi and Mis 1' B tlilbeit ui'1 fauiih. at the ln-lmar hod I ,.n V.ulh Stanton str.ei Mis ilili,. it s m, Car roll's sstl i PASO HERALD Parlies. Mrs. K. C .Cope uhaver was the ism st of honor at a surprise thimble party her of her fnni1. ... tho tinm of lr, I'. II Huf faker. The afternoon was spent in sewing A two course lunch eon was served at the close of th. I afternoon. Among those present were Mesdames K. C. Copenhaver, T. R. Cor- -Ion. M. H. Lyons. IJ. II. Huffaker. Tan! lloi.Fn.dn. T A r J - I," . . . i . uiuuo, -. ji. naxisaiu. . Waite, Charles H. Brown, John T. Roe. Jennie N'ash and W. D. Gillrand. lira. . B. Tallock entertained P'n- .':i. afternoon at her home. 912 Mngof- fill UVDIIlll. , r. .M.i.niiUl ...ii... ... I . - .-..., ni.ii t. j.ii jit ..i j, ii, ,ii hOIIOr Of Mrs V. llmilni-n riuraad ,.f v. rious kinds were played. Miss Bertha Gretsclicl won the first priie. Mrs. V. Pacetti won the second prize; the third went to Mrs. A. 13. Mackey; Mrs. R. M. Ashley won the fourth prize and the fifth prize fell to Mrs. H. T. He.itsen. Mra A. L. Keener, Mrs. J. L. Kugers and Mrs. Bonlore played musical selec tions auring tne afternoon. Jterresn ments were served bv the hostess, as- ' ,e D 'rs- - uartnoieraae aim MrH- J- L Hogers. Tho guest of honor w.? Pr"ent?1 wlt' fany attractive Those'present wore Mesdames L. Bonlore, J H. Fish, D. II. Lane, A. E. 1 J'alrKet-' v" l Sf."1'. ii,a".,Vrs," , ' . V',V""""- r"'- ""S,"' ":1- field, II. J. Heitgen, J. I Rogers, E. J. Tfartholomae and T. V. Sutton: Misses Bertha Cretchel and Louise Gretschei. Little Miss MarJorlo Adair Tuttlei.i.'T .. .-,a.,rters etnbematlc of the celebrated her second birthday anni- versary Saturday afternoon at a de - lightful children's party, given by her mother. Mrs. B. J. Tuttle. at their home in sunset Heights. The decorations of "J" llf)li froni the high eiglith and low the party wore suggestive of the ap- j . '. ' ' des of Lamar school. St Ber proaching Easter season and one of the ' . f Vrnnce will be acted by Jerry amusing gamesnhat delighted the chll- ,,.... ,mi hiP followers by the pupils dren was an Easter egg hunt After an f ,, me K,-ades bf tire Lamar afternoon spent happily in playing ,', , "iIorace Waller wilPbe Richard ?"., "" ."-" ' V"" r," """" '" '" , I'oeur de Lion or Kjngianu anu ins ")' little guests. The table was arranged . "' be the high and low- In. a novel war with .the centerpiece representing a miniature lake sur rounded with a border of pink sweet peas and Cecil Brunner roses. The birthday cake was In two tiers and prettily frosted witli two' pink candles on the top and one white candle for luck. The favors were Easter lillies filled with candies. Assisting the host ess in entertaining the youngsters were Mrs. J. I. Drrscoll. Mrs. A. P. Williams. Mrs. Marie Tobias, Misses Mildred Hughes and N. A. Bray. The little guests were Lily Berryhill. Cecil Berrv hill. Word Berryhill. rortia Andreas, Alice Braden, Rutch McDowell. Mar guerita Driseoll, Myrtle Thieson, Lily Staten. Cornelia Love, Mary Mason Hrl mick, Conna Mae Tobias, Lawrence To bias. George Staten, Burleson Staten, Jr., Cobble Thompson, Justin '-Foster, Fred Shindler. Bobby Oliver, Frederick Love, Edgar Richard and Bill Bartley. of La Mesa. N. M. About El Pasoans. ' Mrs. T. B. Page Is seriousl ill at Providence hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fraser are the parents of a baby daughter, born Fri day at their home. 2734 San Diego street To Drive Out Mnlarln nnd Build Up Thr tjtem. Take the Old Standard GR0VI7S TASTELESS chill TON'IC. Tou know what yoU are taking as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. 60c. CONCERTS CONTINUED. Owing to our limited seating capacity during the Concerts we held In our store with the wonderful SI0.Z50.00 Wurlltzer Hope-Jopes Pipe Organ-Unit Orchestra, hundreds of people were dis appointed In not being able to hear this inosi remarKaoie instrument uesire lo iniorui mese people I .. .. . . . f 1" I we desire to inform TT I as wen as tne general publics hat wo SM thls instrument to tho Wigwam ' ti,- tA. . . rtL ""'". i" - " ""'" - Wncre '- is now installed. Th!. ,.,,, This Instrument is hnllt alnn? tl.o same lines as. the $40,000.(0 one in the Isis Theater of Denver, Colo, and the J40.000.00 one in the Auditorium, Ocean Grove, N. J. Of the onlv three inatrumAnti of th.u type in tho State of Texas. El Paso arove. No. 1830 Wqodmen Circle, Thurs can boast of having the finest and ""V afternoon, a .social was planned most costly. The factory required .five months for Its construction on account , ja ... , 2 : or tn?. special doslgning mid. features appealing to El Paso's' tastes ami con anions. This Wigwam instrument represents an orchestra of 30 men in conjunction with a huge pipe orgarf- and all Is op erated by a single musician. The Wurlitier ' Hope-Jones Unit Or chestra is doing for the music Art, what the Linotype machine Is doing for the piintingArt. EI Paeo Piano Co. W. R. ncnuiz, jrop. vurlitzers 1 Wurlitzer's sole repre- sentative for the southwest.- Adv. ) Why ot Let us show ou imported luncheon sets from JJ. 10 up. Beach's Art Shop. City National Bank Bldg Adv. You can Siavea Destroys Blight. Scintillating, Luxurant hair lor your hair to be dull, brittle, lu?terlcss. A lew applications ot lNt,WBKUi HLKPICIDE will effect the most hair will radiate health and beauty dandruff will disappear and the hair has a most exquisite odor and is TAKfc NO SUBSTITUTE - THERE IS If your dealer does not have NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE. the Original Dandtuff-Germ Remedy in stock laboratory for the genuine. A full 50c size bottle, will be forwarded toyouby mail, postage paid, together ing booklet telling all about the care of the hair. See Cdupon Sold and guaranteed at all toilet goods counters. Applications at the better barber shops. KELLY & POLLAR D. SPECIAL AGENTS School Noles. n .1... fi!lufl.laM The inspiring ias " j" will be one of the epochs of the Pag- Civiliiation. wnicn win oe ' ranl 1 presented b the public school cnn- ,1,-en of the .it the last of May as their craduation exercises .aim a iu w- . h hJn school stadium. The cation of tne niKj ' Crusade epoch will be presented in four scenes ; The fust will snow i-eiei mw '?''.""' ', hl,i, sepulchre In Jerusalem i terl l,v Raymond SlrCrucken. ...... uho nossess the city. .wlln. ' "1 "",.?,. ...,.i Pooe Lrbon will in Ttll lli""" r . . De acted by Austin Baker. The seen. ...i,r nine I'lbon exnoris ois peoi . i....i.,l-u iin crusade forms the hud sine and m ... will be th. presenting of the crosses Wh., h each rru-ader wie as a s nibol of his Adws ,' res. tie the holv land. A pilgrim's enonis will be an effective incident in this we ne The scene depicting the departure of the crusaders will Include the festival in their honor and a dance ,, w hich the following will take part: Mali" Keir. Florence Onthtart, Rachel Kocnton. Myrtle Nold. Josephine Es ""ed a! Martha Pike. Ida Mae MKJIam- m Jean Strickland. Gentry .Hudnall. Kmmie Weatnj . a. men """"- "" la Kitcherseio. isaini m . -'- aheth Keaney. ! lorence i.w . -. Hudnall. atiiia - is .,.. ......... ....... ,-. 1.. T-..,Un IjOI'IiaS VllI'La WHIWii.,;. .... Tenfer ' As Sir Galahad represents the !..?"-, L, knighthood he will ' . ". t.-jo-htliood. Thomas Jones will '.,., tnis n-.rt- Godfrey de Bouillon of i " , 'u be acted by Itoy Haupt and ; ' , ',.lfri will be acted'by groups seventh grade children: , Frederick Barbaroso of Germany, will be acted by Palmer Bovd and his followers will be the children or the low eighth and high fifth grades of the Lamar school. St Louis of France, will be acted by PauJ ii.rv.r nnd his followers will be the children from the high eighth and low sixth grades The actors in tne cnii dren's crusade will be thd children of the fifth grade. Rutherford Meece will be the standard bearer for the English crusaders. John Richardson for the German ciusaders. Thomas Talbot and Claude Hudspeth for the French. The trumpetiers will be Earl Tankersley. Fisher Roberts, Vernon Lacbausen, Frank Masshall. Foster Dawson. Hal cott Londers. Stewart Henry. Martin Silverman, Edward Wachlar. David Reid, Maurice Broderick. Carl Warren. Berhaml Le Xoir, Ralph Baesn. 'John Odell. The pupils of the lowand high sixth grades will be the Saracens and Turks. The teachers in charge of this epoch will be Misses Alice Fitxpatrlck, Edith Giddings. Bess Hall. Mary IC. Henry and Maude Xevel. The German scene following this will be acted by the high school students with Miss Eula Harper and Miss Lavert Cham berlain in charge. Erviu Schwartz will have the part of pope Honorlus. W D. Casey will be the emperor Fred erick II. The bishops wjill be acted by Hal Aldridge. Robert Reaney. Manuel Stolaroff. Paul Broyles.' Carl Howell and Paul Durea. The knights atid courtiers will be Joe Spence. Bennie Vlllegas. Will Roberts. Schuyler Rea ney, Wednell Noble and -XJeoraie Baber. The pages and squires will be acted by Eric Munro. Franklin Caffey, George Cross and Fernando Lacarra. ) , El Pasoans Away. Mr. and. Mrs. W. R. Brewfi hate gone to Washington, D. C on a short busi ness trln. Jtr. nd' airs. Henry Warren and l.,.t- -W T-1 -J TBv ,, , " "! .wu-" "rren, will leave ,, . ', ,.-, , - .. -"onuaj-.ursiajBr. rancn near llo.DrcoK. . ef4 t will remain through the summer. Friday afternoon Mrs. Warren was informally at home to her friends. ' Lodges and Clubs. At the weekly meeting of Manchester for tne afternoon of next Thursday, to be giveb. In1 the regular meeting place, the Odd Fellowshall, -Mrs. Lillian Hol ford. the .guardian, presided at the meeting. CHARGED -WITH SOLlfytTIXG IiAIIOllIJUS WITHOUT lickm: Charged with soliciting men for em ployment in Arizona construction camps without a license, .1. C. Martinez was ar rested on South El I'aso atreet aStur- iliiv nw.rnli.v l,v !tt. iltct i Vre anrt , bein gheld in the city Jail. Martinez, it is cnartfed. nas sent qui .1 number of Mexican laborers to differ ent poinljB in Arizona, In violation of the citv ordinance prohibiting the solic funs of men without a license issued 'j the city clerk. WeaStSi of LustrousLuxursantHaJriikelVfJne BY THE 9 Dandruff is wilhin the reach ol eveiy girl and woman. It is all a matter of caie and cultivation. No longer is it necesjary its growth will be stimulated it will show lite, snap and lustre betore unknown. Lvery particle will cease to come out. The scalp will be clean and healthy and the itchingynstantly stop. Herpicide Dinners. Luncheons, Teas. The pastors of the various city churches and the trustees of the Young Women's .christian association were entertained at a luncheon Friday after noon at the boarding home of the as sociation, by the executive board of the association. The purpose of the lunch eon was for a general discussion of theYoimg Women's Christian associa tion work, is ievr of the budget rais ing week occurring next week. Mrs J A. Rawlings outlined the work of the budget committee of which she is chairman. Subscriptions for $1000 will be asked fi om tne public. The re mainder of the budget is met bv the work of the arlous departments" nnd the members' dues. The budget w til total $L":.m' Mrs. II. T. Bowie, the piesident of the local 'association. sik ke on the work of the asso- i.ition and its special needs. Misc Mabel K. Stafford, field secretary for New Mexico, oklalionva and Texas, spoke on the const iviitioitdf "girls, em Phasizing specially the 'nfails'and the best that is in womanhood, which can be helped through the work bf the Y. AY. C. A. Rev. W. F. Packard offered prayer for the assoi iation work, The pastors preseHt weie Revi W. V. Packard. Rev. C. L. Overstreet. R! v. C K Campbell. Rev. Perry J. Rice, Rei. Miles Hanson. Rev. H. M. Smith. Rev. John 11 Fitzgerald. The- trustees present were: Me sera. H". B. Stevens, ; hr..lrtforfl Harrie. ?. Vv. c. Davis and J. R. Bowie. The membj(s of the execu tive board present were: Mesdames II T. Bowie. F'ruil lleermans. P.. B Hu man. James Graham McNarv. J . Rawlings. v N Pence. II. B."Steons. r, T'red Weckcrle. Horace A. Uv, James A. Dm k. '1. W. Detwibrr. " It. Campbell, William Hogarth. J A Pot ter. ' T. Race. J. R. Harper. .Milton A. Warner. Laura E. Peniwell, ami the seqre.arles present wefe: Misses Mabel K. Stafford, Galf lane. Florence T'urkee, Mrs. L. G. Elghmey and Mrs. Maude S. Crosbie. EMPORER PRAISES VALLIANT AIRMAN - Keiim, Germany, March 24 (n wire- i less to Sayvijle.) Emperor William ; hhs sent tHe following letter, in the own writing to Lieut. Boelke of the aviation corps. "I have been informed that you have I again returned successfully from com bat with the enemy's airplanes. I re cently bestowed on you the highest war order. Pour le Merite, in order to demonstrate the importance I attach to the results of your courageous ac tion: but I shall not let pass this mo ment, when you have disabled your Uth airplane which means that you have disabled two air squadrons of the enemy, without expressing to you again my fullest acknowledgement of your execellent achievement in aerial fight ing. BRIDGE ON MONTEREY RAILROAD IS BURNED Laredo, Tex., March 24. The Mexican Railway bridge at Palo Blanco, on the road to Monterey, was burned -today, according to word reaening here. Rail road officials say the fire probably was caused by cinders from an engln. The report that large reinforcements had reached Nuevp Laredy is false, as only a few officers arrived. Johnson's Appreciated Chocolates always .fresh, .excellent -assortments. Potter Drug Co.. Phones 356-37S. 101 SL El Paso St We deliver. Adv. - When the Social Occn!on Requires a Limousine we are at your service with the best in El Paso. Tele phone 3500 The Jitne Co. i II. D. Camp, Receiver. Adv. We Specialize in Ladies' Tailored Suits ai:i:T.h.jBt..r::fw.77xs City National Bank Building. Second Floor. ASK FOR and GET THE ORIGINAL MALTED fifllLK Cheap substitatea cost YOU tame price USE OF - Stops Falfisi a delight to use. NOTHING JUST AS QJfDFDFJW OR Santa Fe. N. M. Manh 24 TUiph c Kly.chairman of the Itepubliinu Stat. central committee today announce .1 himself as a canartatc for the Republi can nomination for- governor asainst Secomlino Romero and II o Buium Kly is a resident of Dewing, but at present making his "headquarters in Santa Fe. 10. What We Tliink We Believe. It is well sometimes to Hunk over what we believe. is a diifcrenre between wlia? we THINK we belioe nn1 what we tlo KEALLY lielie-re. We all honeslly think we be lieve in the teaching of .Tcu. What about tfie following? Blessed are the meek! Care to liim that asketh or tliec AVoe unto yon that are rn-h: Vnto him that smitelh on the one check offer alo the other. Thee are a few sayins that we tlo not practice, and we onlv really believe what wc put into practice. None uf us beliic quite as much a we think we do. Miles Hanson. THE CONGREGATIONAL CIlfRCH Subject Sundav, "Real Be Uefs." (Get off Boulevard Cars at 1800 Block.) JETTER THAN SPANKING Spuktat dors not core chlldrea of bed wtttlng. There Is s eoattitstioail oust for till trouble. Urn, M. Somiaera, Box w7. Ntre Dime, Ind., wUl send free to any oother ber tsenssfal homo trettemt, with fall lastrnctionj. Send na tamer, bat write br nU7' If yoor ekQdrca trouble job In thii i way. Don't blame tie child, tie dianees are It can't' help It, Tats tmtmeat sl enrol atolti and ami people troubled vUa arise dlQrnltles by iij or nleht. " THE Wf.l. , T? - 1 I 'nC nJJ.FOSTERCQProp'. CO. Props I EL PASO. TEXAS Your second hand furniture for cash Phone 835 rT EVERY HOME. W. G. WALZ COMPANY DRINK PURE WATER PKESEKVE IOCK HEALTH Oar Water Is Distilled. P.EBOILED. Thrle Filtered. FltEB mOM CBXORrDES AND NITRATES Bry BOTTLE will STAND the NITRJLTZ OP SILVER TEST. Phone lit or 115. We maintain Osr Own Delivery System. El Paso Ice & Refrigerator Co. astonishing change. The GOOD w in o We 1 ffl 1 Buy ' TOERE SHOULD BE A VICTROLA goair , send direct to our 'Ps. ' ,x ,oc with an interest- yVVv Xvv v M . . .- isC.