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12 Week-End Edition, March 25-26, 191(. PLANS HE Ifl DULI OUTFIT Additional Machinery to Be Installed in Mineral Hill Mine. Tu sen Ariz . March 20. Hans for .loubllne'the output of the Mineral 1111 mine were announced at the jnnnj .torkholrtrrs- meetlnK Of the Mineral Hill ronsoliilated Mlnfne company, held ,,, Tu.ion. More and ha lur na , inrif rv in to bo Installed and the t recti I uioduction of 1P tons a day im-rcamd to 200 tout.. Tli companv lias been operating tne Mincial Hill only since March 1. when the lease of E. M. Kv was terminated. Ketvieen August 1. 191S. and March 1. il. Kay marketed i 1 00,000 worth of '!t r riott and IT IT. Muggier, of ,. 'Sork. recently secured an option im the 'Jold Bullion mine and In turn oll i.alf of their interest to W. C. The option has now been tjken over by a corporation in which sereral Tucson parties are Interested. and operations are to be pushed witn ipiir. The rich roolydbenum ore of the "old Bullion will be concentrated In a mill on the ground and marketed in New York El Paaonana Interested. John r. Johnson and a syndicate of Tl Paso investors have taken a bond snd option on a group of five claims l'i the Tucson mountains, belonlnc to 'udee Charles Blenman. Work has he-ii started under the direction of olinson, and It is expected that -ore production will be commenced almost .it oruc The ore runs well up in sine siid lead and there is a good copper showing on the surface, c r. shipments to the El Paso smelter from the Glance mine, which E. t. Rush is developing, have been increased from four cars to six cars a week. Preparations to clean out the shaft or the old Gould mine. 12 miles west of Tucson, are being made by Walter Wakefield and local associates, who re cently took it over under option from the Pioneer Smelting company. The shaft has caved In at several points snd is filled with water. Mining men predict that when the water is pumped out a valuable showing will be ex posed Our current story is to the ef fect that years ago the Pioneer com pain refused an offer of J230.000 for the Could. OLD SNYDER SILVER MINE TO RESUME WORK MONDAY Turke;. . Ariz., March 25 With a hoist installed and the old 200-foot shaft cleaned out, active development of the old Snyder silver mine will be undertaken Monday by E. J. Temple, of Boulder, Colo. The work done In the shaft shows that at the bottom the silver ore, for hich the Snyder was located 40 years ago. is replaced entirely by "black .lack." then eo much dreaded but now so much sought because It Is really wolframite, one of the ores that carry tungsten. O. I. Tawney and I. P. Nellls have purchased the old Bill Arp group, near the Snjder, which Is another old sliver property, now valuable for Its tungs ten. NEW LOCATION 10T Texas Street. Anderson-Filler Investment Company. l'ho nix-El Paso Building Company. -Sdv TA Po Seed Co. Open Evenings. '" .-jr Antonio. Opp. Court House .rt - Nothing so delicious as Sulzberger's Majestic Ham and Bacon "Dellciously i-'ifferent" prepared In your favorite way. Adv. I Mexican mi. Le Kewraan, nh 4604. M5V Ho not overlook the many econotni ral ways Avondale Pulled Green Chili ttmt bt used for the table. Adv. Dramd Lilly Slllk of your grocer tvie kind that whipe. Adv. Dairy Farmers Arc your cows makiiig 30 lbs. of milk per day? If not you are probably not making much money. Tie best way to get such cows is to raise them. But to do this you need a good bull and not a scrub, but & pure bred dairy bull from a heavy producing family. We are milking 420 cows pro ducing an average of 30 lba. per day per cow. Do you know of anybody else that is! 'Why not get a bull from our herd, where vou can see his sire and dam, tu berculin tested and registered. Come and see them, it will cost you nothing to look them over. Did you ever see a cow that made over 20,000 LBS. OF MILK in a year? We will show you four in a rove. We also sell MILK and CREAM and BUTTER and BUTTER MILK, Country Milk -t r Per quart .; lUC Special Milk f o r Per quart 1 0'2C Certified Milk QOf Per quart CtLt'jZQ, El Paso Dairy Company "THE CLEAN DAIRY." PHONE 340. TAKE ELEVATOR SAVE $5.00 VICTOR HAT CLOTHING CO Corner Meaa A Su Antnale. COTTON ADDITION LOTS But Buy in EI Paio A. P. COLES & BROS., Agents. THE HOME OF Holeproof Hosiery for Men, Women and Children. BRYAN BROS.' Saa Antonla A Orexoa. GETS S75 DITEH FIR HHTE J Bozarth Has Ore Running' 75 Percent Tungsten; To Ship East., Ariz.. March 25. With i00 pounds of hubente averaging from bu to 7.1 per cent tungsten, Orville Bo zarth arrived in Prcscott this week lrom his claims in the Kureka dis trict. He was immediately offered $,. :i unit for hie ore by E. J. Temple, a buur of Boulder. Tolo , but decided to ship it cast.' Bozarth &as that he hai r.uuO pounds of 60 per icnt hubnente on his dump. , Advices from Cleveland. Ohio, are that operations on the Little Jessie mine, at Chaparral, will be resumed in April. T W. Smith and other Cleve land capitalists own the Little Jessie, which Is a promising gold property. Their first move will be to clean OUi the 350-foot main shaft and sink it to a depth of 1000 feet. Fritz Yierthaler. one of the leasers working the Davis mine, on Slato creek, has just shipped 40 tons of high grade gold-copper ore to the Harden smelter. Caspari & Bloom hold several other Davis claims under lease and are making regular shipments. Concentrates to TM Paso. Concentrates will go forward to El Paso this week from the Crook mill. The five-stamp mill is being worked two shifts a day and it is recovering 50 per cent of the gold values. There is enough ore in sight to keep the mill operating many months. O. O. Ardrey and J. M. -McCullom have revived the Sour Dough group of cop per claims, at Huron, and have already taken a large quantitj of 10 per cent ore from the old tunnel. They expect to begin shipping soon MAGNESITE DEPOSIT FOUND IN DONA ANA Las Cruces. N". M.. March 25. It is reported that an important body of magnesite, a rare mineral, has been located in Dona Ana county by James W. O'Connor. Thus far. California has been the only producer of this mineral. The New Mexico masnesite assays from S9 to 9S per cent of magensium. ORIGINAL CLAIMANTS IN INJUNCTION HEARING Prescott. Ariz.. March 23. -IVderal ttdgc William X. Sawtelle lias dis solved the temporary injunction re straining sheriff John Lane, of Mo have county, from ousting 100 claim ants to the Buster and Yellow Leader mining claims. In the heart of the boom camp at Oatman. valued at $100,000. The fight for these claims is one of the most dramatic passages in the history of Oatman. One night last winter about 100 men went upon the Busier and Yellow Leader claims, which had been platted Into tow n lots, re arranged the platting to suit them selves, and took possession. The next morning the original claimants, some of whom had paid as high as I1S0O for their lots, were amazed to see the laud dotted with tents. The "jumpers" were summoned be fore the superior court of Mohave county, and a verdict in faor of the original claimants was rendered. Then the Invaders went into the federal court and secured a temporary injunc tlo nrestrainins the sheriff Horn tak ing steps to oust them. The injunction was made returnable at Prescott and was difisolved when final aisumiits were presented. LEASING OF CLAIMS ON RESERVATIONS PLANNED 1'hoenix, Ariz., March 25 'ongres man Carl llajden has introduced in the national house of repreeenlati' es a bill providing for the leasing of mineral de posits on Indian reservations. If it be comes a law it will stimulate the del opment of a number of promising claims on the reservations In Aiizona. The bill provides that the lessee of a laim shall pay 25 cents an acre ground rent the first year. 50 .-ents the second, third, fourth and fifth :ears. and Jl an acre a fcar fhereaft' r. In ..ddition he shall pay monthly a royalty of two percent of the gross alue of all output. He must do at least $100 worth of detelopment work on each claim ev ery year. Mining on Indian reservations is now absolutely prohibited. DEVELOPMENTRESUMED ON GOLDEN BELL MINE Wickenburg, Ariz.. March 25. The Old Mountain Mines. Incorporated, has been financed and development of the Golden Bells mine, three miles east of Octaxe. has been resumed. The old shaft is being t leaned out and heavy machinery installed. preparatory to deep exploration. Frank Czarnowski, who Is in charge as superintendent, lo cated the Golden Bells 15 years ago. and shipped many carloads of rich ore from surface workings P--i,n..BbyChicV,BreedlDe and Feed' W)Dieni5.)nc cbarti. Cures oi Diiessei. Timely Poultry Pointers. Plans fc r Poultry Houses. Trip Nestl and Fixtures. Daily Zee KeconSs. (Spaces forKeeplae.) Bet Recipes for cooklacEgcs, Poultry, etc. 64 Pace). If Purina Chick Feed and Purina Chicken Chowder are used as directed we guarantee durinetbeCrst tix weexa oi a chick's life. Linseed meal, granulated meat, nlfafa flour, bran. etc. are necessary tosroperlymature a chick. These Ingredient! arc acieotiacally mixed in Purina Cblccen Cbowder and sold at leu thia they would cost eeparately.eTen 11 available. Sold only In checkerboard ban br leading dealers. If your dealer doesn't sell tbem. mention hla name in writing lor free bock. fUlt.iPiri.C..Uc g30QraliiSt.,St.Uiu,Mi. HOME AUTO SERVICE B. TOM SMITH. Marr. All new, five end seven-passenger :ara I ana ?z.uv per nour. no Fords. Day r Night. BOOK T-aSB 6oz B"H PJfEM IIjv. fJCsOCV-r 32 Mesa Ave. -sBt- &U4l'Ajjt:ilf J R an alvj. 5 YAVAPAI 1 IIIBOOI i , Greater Activity is Shown This Spring Than Known For Many Years. HY WILLIAM P. DeiWMr " rreenft. Ariz.. March 25. Mming I operations have been on the increase in Yavapai countv for some months past. I and the results have been and are in , keeping with the expenditure of labor and monev During last fall and until i i... i ...',i, M-iion snei'esslve snow i Kinrm further travel in the hills difficult and dangerous, scores of pros pectors were in the field. They were, in fact, more numerous than at any pre vious time during the last 10 years. This is proved bv the numerous loca tion notices filed during the latter part of 1913 in the office of the county re corder. Propeclors Numerous. Prospectors and miners are again taking to the hills:, and. Judging by their increasing numbers. Yavapai ..nit. i Vin,it in enter tiDOn the most prosperous mininc period In its history Mines whicn have Deen in siui" operation for a long time have of late augmented their working forces, and In a number of instances have supple mented their ore mining appliances by the instalation of ore reduction pro cesses. In addition, a large number of mining properties which for some time past had been idle, are again being worked. Manv prospect!! are likewise for the first time undergoing develop ment Man; Locations Mnde. Everv foot of promising ground is be ing given the "once over," the up and down and the through and through by the adept prospectors who are nut.-' .ri Vavcnal Miiintv from all nortions of"the southwest. Several hundred new locations have been made since me urai , nnriuucn at VWCWnPW of the current vear. and on some of ORGANIZED Al WtNUtri them ore finds of promise have already d .rir -March r. John P. been announced Claims on which .- I " A. PrVer. of Clark sessment work for 191.. h ' been incorporated the Desert done were closely watched and nii-kl im' and Development companv. a appronriated. circumstance is men- ( j,;00M corporation, for the purpose tioned because for some ars past lit- j of work,nI- large group of gold-Coptic attention vas paid locally to whetli- . clalms near AVcuden. er the annupl assessment work was or j w.'.s not performed on the mining it r "! T claims of this section. The renewal of tiirdS Kemam .lOSe 1 0 interest m mining, everjwnere nonce able in Arizona, caused the claim own ers of Yavapai county to be more par ticular than formerly about doing the necessarv .irsepsnient work ami nunc proofs of labor. As a result of their precaution few claims were jumpable on the first of the current year, he cause of noncompliance with the min ing laws The high price commanded hv the minerals whiih are associated with the gofd-Rllver bearing ores of Yavapai's mining areas, is the lodestone that at tracts capitalists and miners. Thefce ores are Heavily impresnaien inn tungsten, copper, zinc ann ieao. ana art at this time ouite as desirable an asset as gold and silver, inquiries for mining properties are being received by the Prescott chamber of commerce from various sections of the United States: and. in an effort to get bu er and seller in touih without the agency of a mid dleman, a bureau of information was reeentlv established The results are sufficients encouraging to warrant placing the bur-au on a permanent ban.". Pegmatite Areas I'cpular. The pegmite. or tungsten bear': ;- i I'-eas. are markedly popular and were 'icong hr fir. t to receive 1'isc itt'i- j lion At the present price of tungsten-- t iiuoted t Denver on March li at f0 , per unit foi 60 percent ore these ares , are receiving ccn cnucti n:' ". -"- , .ire responding satUlactorily ;o the test T.ond-.r,. Eng. March 2... One of the of development. The present pri. e of sigh- In London no- is the appe-r-tnnEtn is the highest in the history sn-e on tne box seats of autoinobilos .S.f tDi ,n.i iniUnijnni. utrontlr f,.-- it. at this, o.- an even higher pri-e. for some lime to i-oine. It is interesting to note that in 1-eiiru ary. 191i. the same class of ore 60 per cent tungsten was quoted at S..T3 1 e unit. Wolframite and hubnente or- arrvinar as high as "0 percent tungsten. are being shipped to Pittsburg, Pa . and Denver. Colo., from various sections of Yavapai countv. Tugsten mining, there fore, bids fair to be a verv prosperous branch of the local minlni industr; . It is not. however, t" bold the popular at tention to the eclipse of copper, lead, zinc and silver not to mention gold. Copper, for instance, is the highest in price it has been for many vears. As a result, the great United Verde and other copper mined of Yavapai county. are being worked as never before, New and commercially valuable bodies or copper ore have of late been found In sections remote from each other. In vet other instances development has been, resumed in copper properties which had for some time been inoperative. Yet other properties are soon for the first time to undergo development. Among the latter is the Green Monster, said by engineers to be the best copper pros pect In the vicinity of the United Verde mine. The Jerome Verde is another copper prospect for which a prosperous future is predicted. The Blue Bell. Cop per Hill, Loma Prieta, Commercial. Ut ile Daisv 'United Verde Extension), Henrietta and Butternut are prominent among the copper producers of this county, aside from tho United Verde. Penalty n.enioed. Zinc, a prominent by-product of the ores of this county, is high in price, j Penalized for many years, the metal has I now struck its gait, and is hailed as an asset whereas it was formerly execrated as a debit. A stame maruei ior zinc ai prevailing or an Increased price, is as sured. It. together with copper, tungs ten and lead, is what might be not in aptly called a. mining camp war baby. Lead, another profitable by-product of Yavapai's ores, is quoted in the pis at from $6.95 to $ per hundred pounds. The mineral is one of a number pre vailinr in local ores that Is readily re claimed bv oil flotation or other modern reduction processes. llnnev In SlWrr. Mother- mineral, other than gold. I that promises to add materially to tne fin ciii hi ikiub i iuv.i uimo uiim- ators. is silver. Quoted at 56 to rents, there is ample warrant for the assertion that the puce will in a com paratively short time he considerably higher. The silver mines of Yavapai .cum ha t iddeil millions of dollars to tho precious metal wealth of the United states and will add other millions to their former contributions. Prescott and Jerome, the mining cen ters of Yavapai county, are increasing in population and prosperity The hotels in both camps arc overcrowded with mining and other business men, and there Is rot a Aaennt house in either of tliem. Prescott merchants report that valeh during January. Februarv and March of the current year were nearly double those recorded during the corre sponding months of last year. Jerome merchants announce simllary aatisfac tor conditions. NUXATED IRON ncrcascs strength f delicate, nervous. undown people 100 i ..-111 u ien uu manv instances. '100 forfeit If it . la as per full ex- uanstion in large rude soon to ap- ear in this papt,r. sk vour doctor c u' i Owl Dru; i... A U s arrv it in stoi U Advertisement EL PASO HERALD-MINING NEWS MILS MEETING HIHB1:; - - , Owners of Producers i m AriZOna tO UOUier Willi Tax Commission. 1 . . . . . i r uui-iuA. aiu., iUiii tu . .. of producing mining claims in Arizona are invited to meet with tho state tax commission for a conference that is to begin next Monday and probably v. ill last several days. The conference was called at the suggestion of John II. Ttohirtson. secretary of the Arizona chapter of the American Mining con gress. Arizona now has no specific mine tax law, but all mines are assessed undei the general statutes. Owners of pro ducing claims are required to file with the tax commission not later than April 1. statements showing their production and expenses for last year. At the conference a number of ques tions, particularly those bearing on what expenses will be allowed in arriv ing at the net income, are to be threshed out. GOLD ORE RUNNING $500 TO TON IS FOUND NEAR JEROME Jerome, Ariz.. March 23. Picked sam ples from a strike made by the Three Medal Mining company, between Je rome and Jerome Junction, run $o00 to the ton in gold. The streaks from which the samples were taken occur at regular intervals of three feet through a ledge 2.. feet wide, which was cut at a depth of 100 feet. In 1900 outcrops of rich gold ot( were found on the Three-Medal claims and th?re was a small rush to that vicinity. MSO.OOO MINE COMPANY Firing Line, Unafraid P.iris, Trance. March 23. A French soldier, before the war well known as an ornithologist, reports to a learned society the results of studies which he has made on the behavior of birds liv ing close to the firing line nesting in the rear of cannon and flying with the airplanes. The wood-pigeon, cuckoo, thrush, magpie and jay bird make their nests as usual in wood or brush or ground I close to the trenches, and seem little distutbed bv the rattle of rifle-fire oi ( U(1 ira8h ijf bombs Tney ,.ven nave . Wn.. .. ,. flla . their nabit. and instead of seeking their food of I worm or insect hop around the quarters w here the soldiers feed and make a 1 full meal of th odds and ends scat- j tered on the groui-d. And even the hum of the airplane, and its flight in their proper sphere, does not terrify them. The starling and buzzard, curious by nature, are often Keen to fly near and observe this giant-bird which has wings but never flaps them. ' Smart British Society Has Talen to Negro Servants l negro servants. The idea is c - i tended to other domestic posts. Sm.-ill !;e p.sge boys are replacing hf.H- aiul even footmen in the big house- It is thought to be smart as ! well as utiicin- tor a woman of fash i ion to be followed, as her ancestress i wa in the time of the laet King George, by one of these diminutive black creature?. Sooietv keeps a fairly sharp lookout on itself to see if anybody dares to maintain a staff of men-servanth. A case in point occurred the other day where a woman possessing a butler and three footmen, was reproved by her friends. Her explanation was that she was supporting four delicate and otherwise unfit Individuals w!.o were not strong enough for other worl: COLD VAVE. OVERCOAT STOLEN: TIRE, HORSE AND BUGGY TAKEN Wearini- an ove-coat which, it is al leged, he took from the office of n. M. Crawford. 614 -Mills building, earlier in the day, Joe Plckerson was arrested Kridav afternoon and docketed at the citv jail on a charge of vagrancy. Tire thieves stole a new tire from the rear end of a delivery truck owned by the Empire Bottling work. Friday afternoon, on South Santa Fe street The robbery occurred when the driver of the truck left the machine to de liver a rvlinder of gas in a small store. I Torres wns arrested Saturday morn- lllff with ! tiro in hi. nnat4afii.n F. M. Asi.irtc reported to the police J Friday morning that a horse and buggy I had been stolen at Seventh and El Paso J streets. The buggy was later recovered bv Mr. Ascarte and was undamaged. . FOUR SURVIVORS OF CITY JAIL FIRE DISMISSED FROM HOSPITAL Four of the nine survivors of the citv jail fire horror on March 6, were re leased from the count hospital Fri day afternoon, fiv of the burned men Mill being in a serious condition. Those released were Y. Larson, a Finnish sailor, who was arrested the dav prioi to the fire on a vagrancy charge: Charles King, awaiting trial and who ran down to the P.yan drug store for treatment: J. W. Fort and T. McIleMe servincr Hirrallcv terms. i if Ilia "H utlin .11 aH a u a resun oi hums received in the fire 15 were j,xci,n io Americans and one ne gro. Fred Marrlou. AMARILLO'S DEPOT BURNED; DISPATCHER LEAPS FOR LIFE i Amarillo. Tex., March -jr.. A loss ap proximating S 10.000 was sustained when the Hock Island passenger sta tion and general office building was destroed bv fire here. T. M. Gavin, night dispatcher, whose escape was cut off by flames, escaped through leaping from a window, lie was injured by tho leap, sustaining a dislocated leg and broken bone. AMARILLO TOBEGIN PAVING CAMPAIGN IN EARNEST JUNE 1 Amarillo. Tex.. March 23. Amarlllo's new street paving campaign is to be. fully inaugurated b June 1. Already the preliminary work of warding con tracts. City officials say they are pay ing especial attention to details. Funs from the bonds soon will be available for the work. . ..-.' m , - t fi r 1. n I'lll'VTlV I " ii-ir, tc e't-ivii uavw mi it vmhv Dr. n. URamey, chief surgeon of the , G jr. & ,?, railway, when asked re- garding the allegations mane py i: i. Freeman in a suit against the road, in which the plaintiff alleged that he hud not received proper medical attendance. i said. "I never treated Freeman ior ' any injury and know nothing whatever of his case. A dollar saved by buying goods pro duced clst where is a dollar thrown at your neighbor's birds. ! Teach Children To Looe . . Kaiser, Not Enemy, Says German School Circular Berlin, Germany. Marvn -,. ine ioi- wlng circular letter lias neen cni iu i ti,i .-hnrfl inspectors of Prussia by ,i.n .ji.-.n .. nt eHnrationl in- ucinji unci.- "- . . , a "The wish has recently been voiced n?b&N: Hires to the children Ilgnt against tne i growth or nairen amuim """'."' '"i I prepare the coming reconciliation of 1 tria nannlne ..!. . .etinnu must llV Tin lnAJ1S fUCIJ ftUKMC -,.... -- - . be listened to by those to wliom is con fided the molding of the mind of our children. On the contrary it must be looked upon as the principal task of the teachers in all primary schools to make sure that the terrific lessons and experiences of these present. days leave Indelible traces upon the minds of the coming generations. 'The most beautiful task of our teachers should be to instil into tho minds of the children :. growing love and admiration of our kaiser anil king, and the Hohenzollern dynasty. A dally prayer for our august sovereign has been introduced in our schools, and it should remain after the war as a liv ing expression of this love. EYE EXAMINATIONS Should be made oy nn Optometrist, if vou expect correct Glas-ses. Geo. D. Kendall. 22S Mesa Ave, Makes Ulassei night. Adv. El Paso Seed Ce. ripen -.venings. B19 San Antonio. Opp. Court House. Adv. 7 m N M SgKUJ- tfj-j isAa Oaf "Dodson's Liver Tone" Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Make You Sick Don't Lose a Day's Work Wonderful Discovery Destroying Sale of Calomel Here. You're bilious! Your liver is -Ouggwh! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head is dull, vour tongue is coated ; breath bad : stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take sali vating calomel. It makes you sick, you may lose a day's, work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis, of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite-, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to night. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50 cent buttle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money-back guarantee that cncli spoon Holland, Not At War, Has $140,000,000 War Expense The Hague, Netherlands, March 25. The war has so far cost Holland. JI40, 000,000. Further, reckoning the de mands of the intervening period at $8,000,000 a month, the new minister of finance. Dr. Anton van Gyn, esti mates that by August 1 next, a sum of jltso.Oun.OOO will have been spent on the mobilized land and sea forces and in meeting the otlier extraordinary de mands made on the treasury by the war crisis. ,a Of tiie amount mentiontioned J11B, OOo.OOO was raised by a 5 per cent loan issued after the first three or-, four months of war. and the problem now facing this country is how to provide the balance of $70,000,000. The new minister of finance proposes to raise as much as $32,000,000 by a special lew termed a "defence tax," and In the' financial year beginning May 1 next, to obtain another $1S,Q09.000 by a tax on war profits, and to have re course to a loan for the balance of $20, 00O.U00. MAGDALENA LIGHT PLANT IS SOLD B DISTRICT COURT Socorro. N. M.. March 25! At a pub lie sale, the Magdalena Electric Light companv' plant was sold here by or der of the district court. The sale was conducted hv iudge Kelly, and the property was bid in by George Keith and Ed Wayne, of Socorro, for $10, uon. 7 The plant was formerly owned by w. W. Benjamin and. the sale was the re sult of foreclosure proceedings insti tuted against the company. The Long - Sought - For . 'Balanced Tires We have actually produced the long-sought-for 'balanced' tires. m The instant success of our popular priced 'Usco' Tread is a striking example of the automobile owners' immediate recognition of our 'balanced' tires. There are three bitr, exclusive reasons why tha 'balanced' tire is the 100 per cent, efficient tire. 1 Because tbe rubber tread is 'balanced' that i, the tread has juat the exact 'balance between resiliency and toughness, vrhich produce the greatest possible efficiency in the whols tread. 2 Because the fabric carcass i 'balanced that is, tha carca3 has complete 'balance' between flexibility which givea easy riding, and strength which givea endurance. 3 Because tho whole tire is 'balanced' that is, th rubber tread and fabric carcass are in such complete 'balance' as to give equal wear both tread and car cass are equally strong. It is this three-fold 'balance that sets the five United States Individualized Tires in a class apart. Since our 'balanced' tires began to be "felt on the mar ket" last fall, the sales of United States Tires havo in creased steadily month by month up to the recent highest increase of 354 per cent. United StstesTln Nobby 'Chain 'Usco 'Royal Cord 'Plain' "INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES" Sies Fired in Target Practice Are Fished Out of Sea by the Japanese Tokio. Japan. March 2.5. Japanese have evolved a scheme for getting iron from the sea which seems more prac tical than the famous project for ex tracting sunfchine from cucumbers. Xakahara Sanji, formerly an. expert in the navy office, has conceived the idea, of fishing up the spent shells which have been fired by the warships at target practice. At certain places, the targets being fixed and the shootin good, the shells lie at the bottom m little hills and the depth, varying from 18 to 22 fathoms, is practicable for diving operations. ....-. The calculation is that there are a million and a half shells lying at the bottom of Hiroshima bay and 60" -000 in Ise bay. besides smaller quanti ties elsewhere. The metal to be ob talned from the shells would bring at present war price about $20 each shell, so there is a chance for a lucrative enterprise. THE lIwELSHfn K ft.D.F0 STER CO. Props 1 EL PASO. TEXAS 0 V C6A S jpm ful will' clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicinr. You'll know it next morning because you wiil wake up feeling fine, your liver w ill be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomaci will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition.' Dodson's Liver Tone i3 entirely vegetable, therefore harmless, and can not salivate. Give if to vour children. Millions of people are u-in-Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the -a!c vl calomel isjllmost stopped entirely here. fi 1 m KX.