Newspaper Page Text
A EL PASO HERALD iWeek-En'd Edition, March 25-26, 1916. " 13 j A A SOT IS I White, Mayfield and Worth- ington Approved By the Democratic Club. l.rdorieinent of the candidacy of ott 'White, J C. Worthlngton and W r Mavfleld as members of the n hool board to aucceed R. T. Holllday. li J A I"ckett and Crawford Harrie was gHe-p l.j the El Paso County and it Democratic club at its meeting I i ida mchr in liringlmr the matter before the lull pieaiiknt W. B Ware stated that ,"i u,imM of Mr White. Mr Worth- T lurliiii in. I Mr Ma field had been pro- i "vert l.v. a number of cltiiens. "These indidRtea are not members of the hi I Jit stated, "but I was asked If I i wi re acceptable to tbe club. I 1 1 them I could only speak for my !f inr) that I was favorable to them. w hil we hae striven to keep I . f 1km. J- out of politics, I feel that it Is perifctly proper for a political . lub t" endorse candidates for places on ho s hool hoard " Ticket endorsed. ih V motion was made that the candl- 'ATt. cceie the endorsement of the . mi 1 luring the discussion R. M. Dud 1. reiterated what Mr. Ware had said villi regard to the propriety of the iiili -ulng its endorsement to school 1 rulr 1, ' ' A e not only have a right to endorse them he declared, "but It Is out duty 10 endorse them, and then to Bet out and vote for them" When the motion was put It carried, ii n mimouslv ehnols Out of -olltlrs. few minutes afterwards S. J. Freu .1. 11 thai, a school trustee, entered the h ill 'I have been Informed." he said, that tho dub lias just endorsed the candldacv of Messrs. White. Worthlng ton and Mayfield. I simply want to add inv endorsement, and to urge that you nt out and support them. I may add that the schools of this city are now Hit Of pOlItlCB." 0(1 yrr Members. t the opening1 of the meeting Mr. Ware announced that 60 members had leen added to the club He then stated that there Is apparently little opposi- , w t ion to the county ticket put out by the ' club V e have reason to believe at least I do. that the ticket we put out earlier In the ear will be elected," he said. ' There was some talk of opposition, but 1 belleie that it has crumbled JTonserriveB of El Paso. Will find preparing and serving of me unit) memo a liiwiouit, .. .... ict tneir menus irom airs, nana o i;vanss cook book. These may now be purchased at The Herald, for 25c each Out of town customers send 3c extra to cover postage. Adv. Ill run Seed Co. Open Evenings. t.t San Antonio. Opp. Court House. Adr Globe A-Qne Egg Mash Ask Your Grocer or Wnte to GLOBE EVTBLLS EL PASO, TEXAS. The Ford Specialists DRS. MARKER AND YONGE Will Move to their new building, 620-622 Texas street, abont April lit. inc. w OD.FOSTER CO. Propyl EL PASO. TEXAS THE fiGuarante3d 1 Wr Analysis W Protein not leas than . l.66c4 Fat .not less than 6.71 Nitrogen free ex- tract Dot les 1 than 60.31 Cnide fiber not more than.. 7.1 ft B You Can Stand on This Folding Ironing Board While they last Ihey are Free With each Electric Iron purchased American Beauty Iron $5.00 Hotpoint Iron $3.50 "Yours for Service," hi Paso Electric Radiiay Co. IT TO Cash Register Man Meets With His Chief and Other Salesmen. A. J. Strayor. s,iles agent of the Na- j Uonal Cash Register company, with of- I flees In this city, haB Just returned from a six day convention of salesmen in Dayton. More than 400 were there, representing the company's sales force i in the states east of the Itocklcs. Tho convention -was significant in tho fact that a. new and distinct selling policy was outlined by John II. Patter son, president of the company. Speak- ' ing of this. Mr. Strayer said: uiim recent years it was compar atively easy to keep pace with the man ufacturing end of our business. As im provements were made in our reciaters. frOm time tO time. W .Imnlt I modified our selling arguments to fit the case. "Now, however, the cash register lias been brought up to such a high degree of service, as shown by our 1916 models, that it is not possible to sell it as we Bold the cash registers of 10 or IE years ago. "We must now study all the troubles of a storekeeper and be in a position to show how these up to date cash regis ters will remove his troubles. Hobby Carried Out. "When John II. Patterson organized the cash register business, his ideal was something more than a machine to register sales, one of the most impor tant features at which he aimed was the printed receipt, lie has been a be- ' llever in the use or receipts all his life, and long before he entered into the business of making cash registers he advocated the use of receipts In various lines of business. Tho receipt idea in National cash registers has been fol lowed by other essential details, until this machine today signifies system and service rather than a commodity. "From the first cash register to the 1916 models is a long cry. The pro gress made will be better understood, perhaps, when it is realized that the up to date cash register represents an ac tual expenditure of more than S3.000, 000. In other words, this vast amount was spent in making experiments, in trying out proposed improvements, in building new designs, to test certain principles, before the up to date cash register became a fact Today we have a cash register which means better storekeeplng In every sense, it bene fits the merchant, his clerks and his customers It protects the wholesaler from whom he buys and the btankcr from whom he bua and the banker Kducnllng the Salesmen. "President Patterson saw at once the necessity of educating our sales force up to the great public value of the new cash registers. In a corridor of one of the Dayton buildings you will find an inscription. "Before you can tell some one else, you must know it yourself.' That's the president's thought about salesmen before they go out to sell these 1'IS models thev must know all about their great alue to modern storekeeplng. "So he had the salesmen from every state east of the Rockies come to Day ton and with chalk talks, motion pic tures, thousands of stereopticon shd s and a playlet which demonatr itcrl the troubles of a storekeeper, and huw up to date cash registers will niiio these troubles, he has taught us man new things in tho selling of cash r bisters. "At each of the meetings of our i "in vention, president Patterson had some thing to say upon the lin of modern salesmanship He not only tainted out what a big factor the cash r gister Is in modern storekeeplng. but hi forciblv Illustrated the methods of modern salesmanship. In so doing he explained how the cash register gives to the mer chant all his legitimate profits and In doing this benefits the wholesaler, th banker and others with whom the merchant does business." I BOWLING Scores In th Blc legO niatehek on the cactus alleys. Friday night, ere in-siate Meter Co. lt E. . Clark Its K. K. Lueker l: e. C Abbott 2J Late Hill IT- Iee Davis 14S Touii :: Westons. jst R. W. Fort 1S Huso Briesh 176 C. G. Cole 160 Ed (Vhutx 16.'. Joe Bryan 168 Totals ..." HI Points wen. Trl-BUte 1, came, Bryan tH: high strike out Abbott. Port, Old Guards. 1st J A weaber 195 T M 3d Ttl iw zi ,-i 182 17! r-4 18 lit r 20 18! Cl ISO 210 its 841 ?:-' 25 2d 3d TtL 1)1 208 SH 14, 1,, IN lfcS 127 tiS 17C 207 Ht 136 21J 0 03 (16 26(7 , Weston J ; high total Urjan 606. Iryan 2d :l Ttl. 201 201 'i7 182 IS'. HI 165 124 446 1SJ 168 31T 178 liO 494 08 80S 2(03 2d 3d Ttl. 115 149 4JI 1S 11 .'.14 181 17S SI 2fc 167 678 185 178 4i Hart Wood -00 J. M. Illdley 1ST It. K Chriatle HI Scott White US Totals S7 City Natl. Bank. 1st J. I Andreas 167 . R -jilhtr Ill H. M. Tuttle 161 Harry Carr 1S W. D. Stratton 185 Totals 84J MS SCO 1591 Point won. Old Gnardi 3, flty Bank 1: high game, Carr SSS; high total, Weaber 57. strike out, Christie. JA1'A" TlIIMvS OPI'OMTION" TO YUAX WILL I'OMIM'B Tokio, Japan, March 25. The aban donment by president Yuan Shi Kal of the project for restoration of the mon archy in China has aroused much In terest here. The opinion is expressed that the measure will not end the op position to the president. Kl 1 o Seed Co. (rpen Evenings.. SIS San Antonio. Opp. Court Home Adv. AVIATORS : V. S. J3JZW -tl&a&LSUf5. Lvut Bowen fell on Monday last mwiinnimmam!SBwaiiitm "g. iaSGggSBaas!r, jgmBmr(-MtMjprr n , l u m iiw i M'aj RSI ! 4BHHW WKKMS msMsMtk 9 sKPPl&sgb, 1 ac.r Mwetf am- t r dodo "fraaaasagg oJait&iS I uctrr r caomxj& Xarr j9-k csfnsjin PAVING D1P0RTANT IN SANITARY CONQUEST OF CANAL ZONE S&gSL Panama and Colon now have An entirelv new view of tho nnfl ";""" " wutoLiou ut uijwimi Ku-c sorao concern, as tnc snnace must withstand extremes of temperature and must never be soft enough to permit the adhesion of filth. Sanitary conditions must, above everythmir else, be maintained. Choice in most cases fell unon vitirfied bride lid nn rnnrmtn ! n, , ., -,. n eral William C. Gorgas in malung Panama a healthy place to live. There is no reason, he says, why the Conjro and Amazon valleys must remain comparatively unused by civilized men. It is a simple matter of money and energy to make both of these trackless regions perfectly safe for human habitation and the results would im mensely more than repay the outlay. From these two regions, says Dr. Gorgas, more foodstuff could be secured than is now produced in the entire world and with less effort MORE TrutK I Than Poetry j Contributing ldor. The f'uanUer hIio gives credit for the Increased prosperity to mining con ditions doubtless Includes the mining of the waters In the war xone. which certainly has boosted the munition trade. He villi Srrmx in Hnrc Three Cbanerx. Villa is hemmed In on all four sides, but three of the sides are composed of Mexican troops. llnioat 4'oniiuereil. A fen-vigorous offensive Id congress I just now would break down the lat J alient nf tbA ntl-nrAnr(lnB nrn.. ' . v. . .--- .-...,.... .,.,j 'Without n Mnicclr. Tho Mexicans, like tho British, when compelled to give up luxurirj put toilet ' soap first on the Hat of thines to be dispensed with. ( f Klrt Importance. A movement to limit the height of gasoline wouU find a lot more favor than the scheme to limit the height of buildings. In 11e Inerest of l'em-c. King George has forbidden bis sub jects to import any muBica instru ments which includes, of course, ac- U. S, ARMY SUPPLY WAGON tailwriTiMWM,lw;WIWMaBIiBlul V 43SKcrr' y m1k 1r h 3 WITH PERSHING FORCE and broke his nose and sustained other 'UCTLNO 8RTCK 5TJET t modern pavements on every important ntinlitioa nf tlio trnnic boo -fr.rliJ V 1. r a.. -, cordloni. street pianos and slide trom bones ar has certain compensations nut He Won. Maybe Josxphus would stand nigher with the countrv if be let some of the admirals write his letters for him. I'rfvnlnc Ilulh I'enre and Honor. PortuRal is !n the war, but in purely honorary capacity. hleh Help n l,nt. One -(.ellent thins about the pie? ent rampaiirn is the inabilitv of -i-trdarj l'anlcls to hae any part in It. Ilrclpc. Mix ever kind of storm there is Beneath the Heavens arch. nd Hind and hall and sleet and snow Sine cold, and call it March Tliar n Good. I he electric chair, like the nitnesn hair. also obliterates memory, but it works a little too fast to suit the aver ago malefactor, n .iiiKoiuie .eaioi Ken tho most enthusiastic anti preparedness congress has to yield to Villa. In their disbelief in American preparedness. Iteportlnic rroitress. Mrs I5i m n who has been the guest We need 20,00 men and 607 have J f Mrs J II. Russell, of this city, for been recruited. At this rate we will some time, left for her home in Kan be able to fight Mexico about 2000 Clt. A. D I Miss lla Porcher. who has been injuries. CTTX" o" frVNAMA, thoroughfare, laid by United States H YEARS Ago Today From The Hernlil of This Date, 1902. Cecil Rhodes, tho famous South Afri can capitalist, died this afternoon in Capetown, according to a special dis patch reeeled in Kl Paso. At the time of his death, Ithodes was 47 years of age and Has one of the largest dia mond mine owners in Africa, his es tate being estimated at from 80,000. 000 to 100,000.000. A price of $100,000 was put o Rbodes's head by president Oom Paul Kroger, of the Boers, in the recent war I'hjiles Robinson left for Casas Grandes. Chihuahua, on business. J A Iteed left for the Jarilla moun tains in New Mexico, to look after his mining interests there V .r Ten Kck returned from the Dos fabezas mine, where he has been employed for the last few months. President O B. Eddy, of the Kl Paso' and Rock Island railway, and Henry Vf. avisi left on a special train for Alamo-sordo spending the winter In Alabama and North Carolina, visiting relatives, has returned home. The first damage suit to be filed against the El Paso Electric Railway company was recorded today In the dis trict clerk's office by Beall and Kemp, representing It. A. Galliher, who asks $5000 for bodily and mental anguish he sustained since February 10, when he was thrown to the street from the plat form of a car. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks held their annual election last night, the following officers being elected: J. H. Adams, exalted ruler, H. n. Burhoz. esteemed leading knight; W C McClellan. esteemed loyal knight; M. Bartlett, esteemed lecturing knight Reports of committees showed the af fairs of the order to be in a prosper ous condition. Mrs. M O Wright gave an unique heart party at her home last Saturday in honor of her suest. Miss Marietta Kirk. Among those present were: Jlesdames W. D Howe, Richard Burges, W T. Hlxson, Dan White. W. H. Burges and B B. Bailey; Misses Mabel Falvey. Alice Brady, Allen. White, Durrell. Mar garet Maulc, Shelton. Anna Shelton, Mamie Sexton. Wilcox, Haggart, Wise and Nell Pollard In the Path of El Paso's Progress dKT I fe CHILDREN! There would be no future if there were no children. In considering a place for a home, take the children into considera tion. Morning Side Heights This home section is an ideal place for children. The pure air, wide spaces, pure -water and elevation all combine to give the youngsters a sturdy consti tution. In this same connection we remind you that the new $20,000 school house in this locality is another asset not to be overlooked when you consider Morning Side Heights. Lots Are Sold at Low Prices on Easy Terms. NEWMAN lWVESTSDKliT CO. ' I H Phone 550. 10O- San Antonio St. 9 : a They will insure More so scientifically are Hauord Tires made that they insure full value for your money. Efficient anti-skid tires, good to look at as well, Hartford 'H' Treads cost only a little more than ordinary plain tread casings Let your next tire be a Hartford 'H' Tread. A complete stock of Hartford Tirea carried bv BOSS RUBBER COMPANY I' TI :k; Ten St. Dm nntl Mcht Ttnad !eiice. 55S5 YOU Should Always go to KEEVIL'S When you want the best Winti, Liquors and Lunch Goods. Phone 105. 520 N. Stanton. Herald Want Ads Bring Results Try One and Da CorInee. The Addition With Iht Location a your satisfaction. RLrt LIKE 'H" ;-;r.J2.iaMW l&tfoiriG svxri&iES 8 65 gwr. CA7J7 239S