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16 week-Eud Edition, March 25-26, 1916. L PA SO HERALD SPORTS, RECREATION and OUTDOOR LIFE By A. H. E. Beckett ("Beck")1 A WILLARD ENTERS FIGHT FAVORITE; IS HELD SUPERIOR TO MORAN Willard Should Outfight Moran in Ten Rounds, Despite the Challenger's Admitted Skill as a Boxer and His Hard Punch; Willard Has Too Much Ad vantage in Weight, Height, Reach. NEW TORK, March 25. "With the wagering close to three to one in hla favor. Jess Willard. heavyweight champion of the world, will meet Frank Moran In a 10 round no-declslon bout here tonight for the largest purse ever offered for a con teat of this scheduled duration.. The two pugilists will receive 71,250. posted by Tex Rickard, the promoter of the match. Of this sum the title holder will draw down $47,500 and his opponent J2J.750. Notwithstanding the site of the purse, Rickard will clear a handaome profit on the venture since every seat In Madison Squaro Garden has been sold and the receipts are esti mated at more than J10,W0. Although Willard Is a top-heavy fa vorite. Interest is the outcome of the bout Is Intense, and the greatest gath ering of fight fans that ever thronged Into and about the garden Is expected this evening when the principals enter the ring. Few large bets have been placed on the contest, owing to the difference In the odds and acknowl edged physical advantages possessed b V.'illard over Moran. Hundreds of small wagers on the result and on v.cious angles of tbe fight have been made. Moran and his camp followers assert the Pittsburg heavyweight will win from Willard In decisive fashion on points if not by a knockout, but the great majority of the boxing enthus iasts cannot he convinced that the Kansas cowboy will fall a victim to Mnran'ei rushes and blows. It Is pointed out that the conqueror of Jack John son is physically superior in every re spect to his opponent and that In a bout of but 10 rounds It would be little short of a ring miracle for Moran to stretch the champion on the floor for the count. DoxjDff Ability About Equal. In boxtnc ability the . two pugilists are conceded to be about equal, but beyond that point Willard has a marked advantage over Moran in almost every department of glove fighting as well ns in physical make-up. He will out welgU Moran by close to CO pounds, stand between five and six Inches, above the Pittsburg slugger and have a longer reach by more than six inches, than Moran. Both are extremely pow erful hitters in proportion to their size but here again Willard's greater physique and strength give him a wide margin over Moran. The latter Is the more aggressive boxer of the two but the champion's towering height and ability to block with his long arms militate against the chances of the smaller pugilist landing a knockout blow to the head. The task of reach ing WUlard's body Is not so difficult but In all his bouts to date the Kansan has shown ability to take very hard blows In his midsection without slowing- up. From a defensive standpoint Willard Is considered to be one of the best equipped boxers of his division in many " ears. dump la Not Agsresalve. Ha Is equally formidable offensively when aroused, but. as a rule, lacks the aggressiveness necessary to win from an opponent of Moran's caliber In 10 rounds or less. His best blows are a short left jab and a right hand upper rut These blows he uses almost con tinually and owing to his long reach and great strength the punches carry terrlflo power when Willard puts full force Into them. Under pressure he can and does fight with other blows and carries a knockout In either hand when mixing savagely. In his awk ward and ponderous style Willard Is almost as fast on his feet as Moran, al though he seldom usee footwork to avoid an opponent At close quarters he should be able to hold Moran safe- We Will Serve A Regular SPANISH DINNER Sunday, March 26th, From 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Seventy-five Cents. The Zeiger 22s NoGas iSL) No la ta aaorntac nT ram No More Dread of the Dental Chair. ?T lh-.If.,w Metod of Dentistry we can ex H.1 P'h. ". erow your teeth absolutely without the least particle of pain No co caine or any of Its derivatives used In say xorm NOTE We are not competing with cheap advertising dentists, Dut with first-class ethlclal men at one-half their prices. Full Sets Teeth. each.....7.50 up Gold Crowns 13.00 Other Work In Proportion. All IVatrlr r.nannluJ I - - . ... -- wiiu iu nmiuj xu xrara, New System Dental Parlors Phone 8S-1. Cor. Z3 Paao and San Antonio Sta. In the newly renovated OLD First National Bank BIdg. Spanish sod German Spoken. Open Ersalnr. Physical Statistics. Willard. Moran. 58 years Asa 28 years 245 pounds Weight 205 pounds 6 ft. 6 In Height 6 ft. 1 In. 83', In Tteach 77 'i In. 1714 - Nock 19 in. 3 In Chest, normal 4SK in. 44 la. Cheat, expanded 47 in. 27 In Waist 38 m. 11 In. Thleh 5SK In. 17 In. Calf 151 In. ! In. Ankl m In. 15 In. Bleep., riant lai in- 15 U In. Biceps, left 15. In. 8 in. Wrist, right 7'i In. SK in. Wrist, left 7 In. Ratlmatad. ' ly, although tho latter will be dan gerous if he can tear loose Ion; enough to uncover his ability and power as an lnflghter. Iloth lu Good Shape. Both pugilists virtually completed their training- Thursday and each claims to be In perfect condition for the battle. Moran has been on edge for the bout for close to two weeks and his trainers have had more diffi culty In holding him to physical form than Willard's handlers. The champion was slow to round into condition, since he had been out of the ring for almost a year while Moran. because of his recent bouts, responded quickly to tho conditioning routine. Willard, however, once he settled down to hard work, dropped weight and Increased his speed rapidly and while it In doubtful if he is in the same magnificent shape that he was when he met Johnson at Ha vana, he should be able to box the full 10 rounds at top 'speed if necessary. Whatever the outcome of the battle. the two heavyweights will be well re paid for their training and struggle In the ring. If the contest goes the full distance the principals will receive 7125 per round or at the rate of $2376 per minute. Of this sum Willard's share will be J 1683 33 and Moran's $791.66 per minute. The purse of $71. 160 1b the largest ever offered for a ring battle of anv distance with tho exception of the $121,000 sriven to John son and Jeffries by Rickard In their fight at Reno. Nev., in 1910. The purse Is larger than the gate receints taken In at any fight ever held in New York state under the Horton law or the present Frawley regulations But two fights, the Johnson-Jeffries and John-son-Burnn battle in Australia brought receipts In excess of $71,250. Referee Is Competent. The difficult task of refereeing the bout has been placed In the hands of the veteran. Charley White, an exper ienced boxing arbiter, and he has stated that he will Insist upon the principals boxing In strict accordance with the rules. Because of his past experience as third man in the ring at a number of championship battles. White should be able to decide upon all technical points which may arise. Considerable responsibility will rest upon his shoulders, as Willard might lose his title in several ways, notwith standing that the contest is billed as a 10-round no-decision bout. Moran would become the heavyweight title holder should he knock out 'Willard or In case the latter fouled Moran. White l also empowered to stop the fight in case either one of the men is Inca- "RFrSfQ" AMFM PHRNPR , Hi DT "DECK." "TONIGHT'S the night of the Wfl A lard-Moran clash. Unless ere is a knockout it will be a case of paying your money and taking your choice. However, we'll ' ke the long shot and sink or wim by Moran. If Willard wins cither by a knock out or by popular decision, we'll ad mit he's better than his previous ' - have shown. 4f & " TJERE'S a good thing don't forget n it. If yon miss that Commer cial league doubleheader at Rio Grande park on Sunday afternoon you'll be sony. M0RMAN FERGUSON has a new automobile so he'll be excused if he doesn't show up 6n the tennis co'i-ts. Sunday. Even a tennis cham pion likes a bit of speed once in a while. ARTHUR WILSON, big league catcher, says "the worst ob stacle in buying an automobile is the great number of accessories after the fact." He's right XTO matter who wins the big fight in New York tonight, it's a cinch that wc won't have another heavyweight title bout for a few months. If Moran wins thj popular decision, it's a cinch that Willard in no hurry to give him a decision '-out while if Moran wing by a knockout, he'll exercise the privilege of champions and grab off the kale In vaudeville and circus stunts for a- few months. While if Wil'-rd wins, he's already oooked up for a summer season with a wild v-it show. QNE thing that will be missing from the thrilling round by round story of the Willard-Moran bout will be the remarks of Tom Jones as he counts up the house. We'd like to have moving pictures and phono graph records of the "settlement" between Messrs. Willard," Jones, Cur ley, Fraee, Weber, et al It will take some "cutting" to get that $47,500 divided to the satisfaction of the "managerial synaicate." 'TRAPSH00TING will be the sport for a large number tf El Piso ans again on Sunday morning at the -traps of the Pass City Gun club. Take the Fort Bliss car. They're off at 9:30. WHEN Barney OldfiC sent his old Christie front-wheel drive over the Ascot track at Los Angeles a mile in 45 seconds he not only smashed a world's record but demon strated that he is still "there" when it comes to short dashes of real speed. Barney's time was better by over 12 miles an hour than any other made on the track last Sunday. pOME down to The Herald tonight and hear the results of he big battle. The story by rounds will be megaphoned from the balcony of The Herald building as it is received by a special leased wire direct from the ringside. n PICKS WLLARD II II FIGURES MTU 1 PITS Declares Willard is the Hardest Man to Hit in a Vulner able Spot That Ever Entered a Prize Ring, and That Moran is Facing Odds Too Great For Him; Says Willard Will Fight o n Defensive and Win. NEW TORK, March 2u. Willard or Moran? We pick Willard. Champion Jess has everything In his favor In tonight's 10-round bout at Madison Square Garden with Pitts burg Frank. If ever there was a champion In any crass fitted to weather a 10-round contest without suffering a knockout, it is the giant Kansan. Ile'is about the hardest man to hit in a vulnerable spot that ever entered a ring and he also can assimilate punish- By MONTT. ment If It should happen that Moran . does manage to land on him. As for Moran's gaining the title, there are only four possible ways to do that in a limited no-declslon bout, and none of the four can be classed as a probability. The possibility of j. foul may be eliminated entiroly, for Jess Willard Is not the fool that would throw away a fortune by breaking t! rules of the game. The other three (Continued on next page.) Aav. Pnio Seed Co. ripen Evenings. San Antonio. Opp Court House. pacltated for any reason and unable to continue. Such a decision would automatically make the other principal a winner aco technically the holder of the title. Jen Willard's Record. Horn in Pottowatomie County, Kansas, December 28. 1817. 1011. Feb. 15, Louts Fink. Sepulpa, Okie- 10 rounds, loat (foul.) March 7. Ed Burke. El Reno. Okla.. S rounds. K. O. March 36. Lonla Pink, Oklahoma City. 2 rouoda. K. O. April is, joe Cavanaugh. Oklahoma City. 11 round. K. O. April 14. Al Mandeno. Oklahoma City. 4 rounds. K. O. June 8. Bill Shlller, Oklahoma City, 4 rounds. K. O. July 4. Frank Lyon, Elk City. Okla., 10 rounds. Won. July IS. Miko Camtaky. Hammond, Okla., 10 rounds. Won. 1912. Hay 23, John Tounr. Ft Wayne. InJ.. 5 rounds. K. O. June IS. Frank Bowers, St. Charlea, III., 2 rounds. K. O. July 2. John Tounr. Chicago, 1)1., 5 rounds. K. O. July :. Arthur Felky, New Tork, 10 rounds. No decision. August II, Luther HeCarty, New York, 10 rounds. No decision. Doc. S. Sailor White. Buffalo, 1 round. K. O. Dec 27. Soldier Kearns, New York. 8 rounds, K. O. 1013. Jan. 22. Frank Bauer. Ft. Wayne, Ind., I rounda. K. O. Slarch i. Jack Leon. Ft. Wayne. Ini. 4 rounda. K. O. , 3tay 20. "Qanboat" Smith. San Francisco, 20 rounda. Lost. June 27, Charley Miller. San FranclaeoT 4 rounds. Draw. July 4. Al Williams, Iteno, Nav., I rounds. Won. Aua 22, Bull Tounr. Vernon. Cal., 11 rounds. K. O. Nov. 17. George Rodel. Milwaukee. 10 rounds. No decision. Nov. 24. Jack Roed. Ft Wayne., Ind.. S rounds. Won. Dae. S. Carl Morris, New York, 10 rounds. Won. Dae 12. Oeorse Davis, Buffalo, N. T.. 2 rounds. K. O. Dec. 28. Georro Rodel, New Haven. Conn., 9 rounda. K. O. 1914. March 37. Tom M Mahon. Youajrstown. O., 18 rounds. Lost. April 12. Dan Dally, Buffalo, N. T.. 8 rounda, K. O. April 28. George. Rodel, Atlanta, Ga., i rounds. K. O. 101.1. April S. Jack Johnson, Havana, Cuba, - rounda. K. O. Wlllanl's Record Summarized. Number of boats 30 Won by K. O IS Won on points ...... . .................. Z No decisions 3 Draw 1 Lost i , 'rank Moran's Record. Born In Cleveland. O.. March IS, 1887. 1911. March 9. Al Palzer, Brooklyn, 19 rounds. No decision. March 13. Jim Savage. New York, 7 rounds. Loat April 8, F. Drummond, New Tork. 7 rounds. K. O. Oct 9. Tom Cowler, London, C rounds. K. O. Oct. 23. Charles Wilson, London, 2 rounds. K. O. 1913. Jan. S, Fred Storback, London, 1 rounda. Won (foul). Jan. 24, Slocker Smith, Paris, 1 round. K. O. Feb. 6, Fred Storback, London, 11 rounds. K. O. March 11. Al Knblak, Albany, 10 rounds, Ni decision. March 28. T. Kennedy. New Tork, 10 rounds. No decision. ' May 20. Tonny Rosa, Cleveland. 10 rounfts. Xo decision. June 7. Harry Wueat. Columbus, 10 rounds. No decision. July 4. Dave Mills, Juarez, Max.. 8 rounds, K. O. Auk. 9. Jack Oeyer, San Francisco, 4 rounds. Lost. Sept. S. Sailor Schaefer, Vallajo, 2 rounds. K. O. Oct 4. Jim Cameron, San Francisco, 4 rounda. Won. Oct. 31. Charlie Horn. San Francisco. 4 rounds. Won. Dec. 27. "Gunboat" Smith, San Francisco, 20 rounds. Lost. 1912. March 29. Al MiCluskey. New York, 5 rounds. K. O. April 16. Pallor White. Philadelphia, rounds. Xo decision. April SO. Luther McCarty. New York. 10 rounds. No decision. July 27. Jim Logan. New Orleans, 4 rounds. K. O. Sept 2, Al Palzer. New York. 7 rounda. K. O. 11)14. Jan 27. Jccl; Johnson. Talis. 20 rounds. Loat 1913. Mar h 29. Ttombardx r Wells, London, f rounds. K. O. April 7. Serct. Regan. Alderahot, 4 rounds. I k. u. May m, J. Ben net t Salisbury Plains. 2 rounds. K. O. May 22, George Slmms, London, 8 rounds. K. O. Oct. 19. Jim Coffey, New Tork, I rounds. K. O. 191 A. Jan. 7. Jim Coffey. New Tork, 9 ronnds. K. O. Moran's Record Summarized. Won l.y K. 0 16 Won by points 3 No declfitna 7 Lost 4 Past and Present Purrq. Pugilist's purse Gate Principals or Pet. receipts tJohnaon-Jeffrles il21.M0 8270,775 tWIIIard-Moran 71.2S0 '149.O0O Johnson-Burns 38,0041 97,040 tGans-Nelson 23.500 89.715 Willard-Johnson 35.000 '88,000 Jeffriea-Sharkey 2.4S 8S.200 JeUries-Corbett 43,838 .63,340 Corbett-McCoy 13,810 68.350 MeOovarn-Erns 2C.900 52,000 Nelaon-Brltt 21.402 48.311 Wolgast-Nelson 20.000 37,000 Oacs-Brltt 28,008 28.890 Fltzalmmoas-Ruhlin ... 23.90 22,00 Kelson-Gans 22.000 21,0(10 Brltt-Corbett 24,989 31.245 Jeffrles-Ruhlln 19,350 30.200 Jeffries-Fitsalmmons .. 32,28 31.S0 Brltt-Nalaon 1,0 28.849 Johnaon-Ketchel 21.MO 28.M0 Nelson-Brltt 15,27 27,77 Bums-Squires 13,900 35,800 Corbott-Sullivan 25,00 Papke-Ketchel 17,0 22.400 Eatlnuted. tPromoted by Tex Rickard. Prominent Bouts Which White Has Referred Jetfrles-Corbett. Coney Island, N. Y. FItaeimmons-Nharker. Coney Island. N. T. Fitaalmmons.Ruhlln, Madison Square Gar den. N. Y. Jordan-DUon. Lenox, A. C. N. T. Maher-Ruhlln. Lenox A. C, N. T. Wolcott-Smlth. Lenox A. C N. Y. Wolcott-Crei-don. Lenox A. C. N. Y. MrGorern-Erne. Madison Square Garden. NT. , Erne-Gan. Broadway A. C, N. Y. Wolcott-Wrst, Broadway A. C, N. T. Corbett-McUovcrn, Hartford. Conn. Johnson-Jet(ries, Reno, Nev. . 'Alternate referee. For dinner there is nothing better than a whole ham baked after your favorite recipe. Get Sulzberger's Ma jestic "Deliciously Different" Adv. Mexican rent collections. Leo Newman. Adv. ALWAYS TAKE PAPA'S ADVICE BY WHEELAN Copyright 1916. International News Service. SKaTTm Ct 7-vonY m BoY You'll have "To COT"WfrotfT PROFESSOR. i.VORY SAID Tm. CSmER. DAY THCfT PT IS A MOSf DAN6ERO0S FOKM 0FEXECi.SEAND f COvTIVvJUED OFTEN RESULTS N -x U&PriFMlMft r,?- ,AfflE MUSCLES OG. ,yS 1 S0METMM6.1!.' I J - SfiOCToYoUR "STOKES, S I 1 1 3 lOLWErl.-FATUER-KAJOUJSj . ( F I H (2K JBEsT--WEeasr,o r J 7 -J CS I jrj ( SFWSE WlAWa SA 1 - yrBS!W 5 i X sfS. V w " ' III SSk I fZa2ZL 9 'frvTh i 1 UNDUE Ki&rw-v' iEgi U - j. .tnnnnl,.,- tTL CSJKT TTSC JSJf JV & I (Tl ' ' ""' " I Sekm'o -ttz771 C N say doc. teach imetoV 7? ) lxMm ! 'y- 1 j (JSs ILL PAY YQ . -r VLk h fctiiOJ Hope an& experience AH WELL-SPEWr) j(gfc- Sf & BACK "' We Are in the Game Watch Our Score KracKajacK Steals Second; Service Singles; Promptness at Bat; Price on Deck. This is not an imaginary Baseball Game we are play ing by any means it is the real thing in the Baseball line. We are playing the first inning in the 1916 El Paso Southwest Series. We are at the Bat Competi tion has the Field. - ' '- .-i- 7S. FREE Just to interest the Junior Fans and to further advertise the best line of Baseball goods in the South west, we give absolutely free a 50c Baseball on all purchases of $1 .50 and up in this department. Special Note Watch for Our Tennis Goods An nouncement. It will be interesting. K. Z. M. I WHPrcee to Yoa by Sgntd Statements and Letter From Scores of Former Sufferer That MWBM saeV kifJiva'. MWffitgMt Sg tciV as-iifflLWSaiX i'T i fi if llliiTiaMssVFiiniiiilMsasl S.NJO mi Noold-strle Truss Steel Sprlnzs. Elastic Bands or ler Straps: No Knu"-, No Operation, No Discomfort, No LAssoi inne.t3uoyurand.C!onousCorcfdrtwhlIe t uw nuijujrc neau. This Book Tells How. I Will Send It To You FftEE! ffffl,s.Mm.9gtn'IHJ'- -s . a. - !,.; TtsJDalhlM Iflfnrmatinn aln aiirii tt f a ila j. j -j, ,. . "-' t"U avfjatrnptn man jcwjtw uiots -T; "t kU mu rentaro epporii- iii now to noia ana eoairai u shown haodretlj Cis way to Utttr Ualth ud hiroaMi. Scad for It. You Can Be Free from Truss Slavery end Rupture KIsery ...w n s"inc rdouk naroessea like so over-burdened tmck-horsewith an ill-flttinr lrnM orraaie-shift contraption confine into jour' flesh or alippine out of place, causine Kuujcsa xmseryr Here Is Proof! Mr. John T. Custard. Lamar. Mo, SJ:r lt ,,a5 rMl" eared roe.3 Mr. Broaduj W.llonshby. Crosbr. Ala., eajrs: 'The Schmllin Rup ture Lock is the hest I ever used. It has cured me." Mr.Lmils Fittlnf. Kowkia, Idaho, sajs: "I wore the ocnniling; Lock fire months and can say I am cured." Theso ore simples of seorw of letters we have on flic IviU tend copies of dniens like them. 'or STILL STRONGER JROOP. I will send yen s fC nU'UNG RnPTCRE LOCK if you wish and let von Test It At Our Risk unr Trial Offer chn enahles voo irffl- " SCHU1L1NO RUtTURE iMCh. and run jump, pull, tntr.twist. qulrro. strain, couth, sneejo nnd do nnythine else you like to prove i,;oi"'f that IT HOLDS and holds COMFORTABLY under ALL condition. Once one of these Looks li adjusted to fltyon, wc are willinc or you to tive it lbs severest test Jr?u1'?,.or anybody eltr can think of Write today for our book and partlcnlara of trial offer Free. rvenrnvedto&mnltitndeofrnnttiri.itnfrrr that PERFECT support and COMFORT are possible. Let me show YOU Free how YOt R rnptnre can be held and held with PERFECT. GLORIOUS comfort. The SchuiSIng Rupture Lock ha very different kind of support. It conforms perfectly with the shape of Ihe body. It has no ateel springs, no rnbbercr elastic bands, no plasters or lei-atrapa. Yrt. when ones adjusted t your needs you simply CANNOT displace it by any action of the body. Yon can pnt it en orUkeitoffaaeasrasssappin;yourfincer. Thiswon dcrftil rontore support will really LOCK yoor ruptor o tt CANT coma down. It holds the rupture with wonderful firmness, yet with all the comfort that could be obtained by a-entle pres sure of the hand. , ICX?0 wear n f tofwrly fitted SCHOTLIXO RDPTDRF LOCK, your rupture can't come down, bear that in mind yourrupture CANT come down no matter what posi tK'nyoncet mta Think of it, a rupture support that holds yourrupture so it CANT come down and at the same time holds with REAL COMFORT. Isn't such a rapture support worth spending- a penny or two to find outabout? Isn't it worth INVESTIGAI INGI 'Doesn't your -own trood Judrment tell you as jon read these lines that there MUST be something remark able about a rupture support that will do this? Fill out the followlne coupon and send It to me rlrhr todayrunt off, nehl now, while you arc thinkine of it and have addresa before jou. Or write a post-cKrd .r letter if you prefer, but write it and send it AT 6.NCE vKa,Send This Nov Director. 3CHUIUNQ RUPTURE INSTITUTE. 1236 Murphy Bulldlnc. Indianapolis, Ind. I lease lead di rnSC la plain wrsppr. yocr bock oa Kuatora and fuh partlralars or roar Trial OSer pUo. Jfama. Ini Cir. . Strttt .. -Slai. V- R.F.D. BomXo.