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i 18 Wook-Eml Edition, ii t ra SCARCITY "Wholesale Orders Aggregate Well Over 200 Cars For the Week, While Retail Business is Limited By Cars Available For Immediate Delivery; New Agencies Coming; Tryon Compa ny Has Incorporated. S.l,!-.s were fairly brisk on El Paso's gasoline row during the past week and all dealers having: cars ici immediate delivery report many ffmn.iTh" w,hoKsae department of mpaniea specializing in that branch of business also had H good week and over 200 cars were disposed of to?d?aN T- "it.hvr parU of th southwest. - I. Ilutrhinfrs. of tho Douglas Ov-r- latyl company, was in town this week h. win.a b,S''"k of "ecessorfes from and to arrange to take on the Grant if"rX.a,t IJou-:", - reports that the lemaiid from the army for accessories Ta,rr,ca11' w,,p'd out the "to0'1" r the Douglas dealers and he is determined o be ready for another rush. pnalneu Chnnre Itepurted. G H Canfleld. of Canfleld & Pare n.Mi " wlti"ft ,n the company to his partner. If. i. Page, who will carry on h'b"?M '0"- Mr. Page wa8 j town this week an iwtui .... i.i ... xil?,?2'BH1ry Dl'r- "r th Western Moror Supply company, who is a former resident of Will, nx While here Mr Page placed a bijr older with the Wen em 'i "Whipple, of the Moreland faitorv was a visitor her.- this week tit went into the local truck situation with .F. Hlsc Myers, manager of Myers & i ooley Kllioft-Garrett sales this week Iii- I ud a. herles 17 Studebaker roadster to "vorman A. Ferguson, a series 17 Stude baker touring car 1o E C Wells, of tpemmg. and a similar model to s L Alpern. Charles v. Bu'rrage. Jr. got a roadster The Ellintt-ffarrett companv Is still feelinjs the effects or a shortage of Studebakers. illicit Has !" ttrrk. "erlnd sales reported bv the Kl Paso overland iitn company arc .1 If VttTnutrnb T ,-.lh.. .... ,..' i , --' 'ourins Dr K. T McKinley, Alaino- ' Korao, wvenana .. touting: E. R I.ex- I """' ter. Mesilla Park, carload. Jack Brvan. I M,,r" ''"'"J"" S"r. ?B . ., Artesia. V. M., Overland 75 roadster I Two n,"r'' earloads of Paiges arrived There were two carloads of OveHan.Is ' ,n" wetK fo1' "" Toltelk -Mot"" " nnloaded here this week for local bust- ' ""'"i. while to carloads or Dorts and . - ... .. 'u i , ,, Hap ,Q rlnni nf 0 i rr ao a .... .1.... ..... ness while L K Gillett returned froi short trip through New Mexico with i " I oroers lor five carload shipments to taling 17 cars , i F M. Bunnell, manager of the El Taso Overland Auto company, returned on Friday evening from a short trip to Dallas ' .Joseph G. Klapper has purchased an Allen -touring oar from the Cactus Mo tor rompanj. Cactus Mill Move Soon. The Cactus Motor company expects to move, about April 1. to' Its new building at 60S Mesa avenue. The new nuarters will give the concern nearlv Snort square feet of floor space and en- line will be of high priced pars of real able a proper display of the alreal- ! merit and qtialitv. He is also negoti nopular Allen cars. Manager K. K I ating for a popular price car and is now vv ir-eman reports that he is wearing out I n ivpewnier looKing arter tne corre spondence with dealers throughout the outhwest who want Allen agencies. News of the new car spread fast and 'he r;i, tUs w-ill inon have ft most com ' ' "f..-. i..;i tlunnstiout its i,i r Pew itt, inan.isir of the Ft r. vino hales i omiiimv return I Trnm it trip tliroub the territorv lavt evening Me reports business ! from as unusually good m I'ailshad and Ttos well and arrang. 1 for seierifrl Mitchell syrnries while he was awav. Three Itepublle Truck Snles. IT M Gillespie, truck manager of tin Pout hern Motor mmpanv. reports the sale of two Republic three-quarter ton tru.ks to the Kmpire Bottling works arid a two-ton Republic for an out of town rustonier. this car to be delivered out of the next shipment. It was a big week for the new Grant ,. ,,.. , . . . . . . An Honest Truck at An Honest Price iim mi Ton, $995 1 Ton The Truck with the Internal Gear Drive The Truck with the Famous Con tinental Motor The Truck .with the High Tension Magneto The Truck built for Service, not pleasure The Truck with the Low Upkeep The Truck that Pleases the Owner The Truck that You Should Buy If you are thinking of buying a Truck we can sell you. Compare our goods and prices, then judge for yourself. Southern IMo Phone 490 i1 Maivh 2-3-26, 1916. IF GARS APPARENT "six." and both Hilly ..Adolph and James P. Freeman, alias "Jimmy," distin guished themselves as salesmen. Billy Adolph "broke the ice" in Santa Fe, N'. M., last week with a couple of or-, ders and followed it up by placing the subageucy 'with Williams & Martin, who sent in an order for four cars for immediate delivery. Mr. Freeman drove over td Douglas anti interested manager llutchmgs. of liutchings & Wimberley, in the Grant. He brought Mr. Hutch mgs back to Kl Paso with him. The Douglas man contracted for the Doug las agency tor tne urant ana placed an order for five cars. (.milts Sold In Kl Pao. Local sales oXUhe Grant "six" by the Southern consisted of touring cars to J. M. Langford and Jan Kloss. ftd Sanders has purchased a allynes "light six" touring car from the South ern Motor company. The car was de livered Jhis week. Marker Vonge. who apecialize In Fold repairs, will move about tho end of this week to their new building at the corner of Texas and Ochoa striets. Their business has expanded lievond the capacit of their present quarters but Mr. Yonge believes that the new build ing; will give them space enough to take care of thtj grt-atl.v increased busi ness. SnvnKe Tlren Calci On. "The manner in which Kl mo torists are taking to Savage tires is in deed grattf 5 luii." said Ji M. Duens'iix. local distributor for this well known California tne. "When the tire waa first introduced here, it. was on the, sirengtu ol tne cauunniu showing and Kl Pasoans had been m the habit of I taklng then tire pointers from the east. It Was a bit hard to uitirest them in a trul western product, but the liaie now taken hold of the Savage and adopted it as their very own." The Toltelk Motor company reports the sale of a lie ton Vhite dump truck fj RtiM-ger. .Ya field & Shaw . A. Kond has purchased a Port ,ounng ear from the Toltelk Motor another carload of Paiges are due next we. k. I .--nice we nave neon open, we nave "' iii-i u-,it-i-u it Lvnn ami utnvil orders tor as many more." said the i Toltelk, through interpreter It. F. Stuart. Announcement of another automobile - vniri ii iiair dn inaue oil JiiUiO II 1 ternoon by N'. S. Hogan. Mr. HoKan has I hotn prominently identified with a cou- pit- ui iuw auiuiiivi-iie concerns ana has a vfide acquaintance among the motorists of Kl Paso. He stated that he was not quite ready to announce the lines of cars which are to be handled filial, gi ia:n iiiv.ii .ir iu uk imnuiru i bj his company but intimated that ons looRing around for ehow rooms. . Gltra Prrxlllllir n -1.1ft H. L. Kerr, 'who returned this week frotn a trip to Columbus, X. M., early In me weea. reports tnat it was his Franklin touring car in which Gen. J. .1 Peisinng mad- his record tup be tween Columbus and Hachlta, on March !, when the commanding officer of the i mien staves iroops now in .viexico wf'nt over the line with the division f' "m f'olunibus, leturned to the base iii.-i, alio inane a ntiiii; inir to iiatiiitn. !..... .. i . ei. i .: . ,...-i wlieie lie Joined tbe other brigade audi made a fast dnve 110 miles into Mexico. l'lierolet sales by the Trvon Motor V Sal'-s company this week were. Chev rolet "titli" touring to H. M. Howard, of Capitan, N. M.; Chevrolet "490" touring to S. W. Daniels: Chevrolet "480" tour ing to It. S. Daniels; Chevrolet "490" touring to J. F. Baumgarten; Chevrolet "babv grand" to Andres Garcia. Mexi can consul. C. T. Tryon. of the Tryon company. .$1275 2 Ton. $1575 All Prices f.o.b. Factory. r Company DISTRIBUTORS EL Sunbeam Pilot Is Now Italian Motor Soldier JlN rOJU'OKATO, who brought the bunbeain into second place at Chicago last year, and who is a well-known figure on American race .tracks, has had to obey the hiartial call and now is wearing tho uniform of an Italian soldier. Although Porporato became mechanically interested in. automobiles as soon as he Ielt school, and has been race: driver fcnd tester for Minerva, Gregolre, Hcrliet. .Suiilieani, V. II. P. ami other firms, the military authorities jiave placed him in the ambulance corps, in which capacity he is now serving on the Italian front. After 18 months of Service as-a motor car driver on the French front, during which Hriotl he has had numerous miraculous escapes, Albert Guj-ot has just been transferred to the aviation section of the French army. Guyot learned to fly years ago, lieing one of the first men to mount a Illeriot mono plane, but nevertheless did not find it an easy matter to get a transfer from one branch of the army to another. He is now pilot of a Nieuport scout machine, capable of 120 miles an hour, his dangerous und exciting job being the bringing down of German machines which venture over the French lines. was in Capitan and Cnrrlsozo early in the week on business. Trjon Coinpnny Incorporates. The incorporation of the Tryon Motor T Sales company was completed mis week. The company Has a capuai m 16000 and officers have been elcUcd as follows: C. T. Tron, president and manager; 11. C. Schwantes. formerly of Douglds. vice president: W. E. Good, cecretarv and treasurer. Mr. Schwantes will remove from Douglas at once ami will be aetivelv connected with the Chevrolet agencv. OtTro P. Hill has purchased a Saxon "six" touring cur from the Westeyi Aulo company. . The first of four carloads of Saxons now' en route for 'the Western Auto company should araive about. Thursday of next week and will relieve the de- mirt.l for R.Yitna which the Western IS Lnow unable to meet, owing to lack of cars. i rmln Goes Training. G. . t'.t .i i w I'morv of the K. Cavin and It. W. l-inor, or tne . Western Auto company leit ir wesi Tevas terrltorv on Friday afternoon In view of the present military situa tion on the boydr, manager S. Z. Slir versparre. oi ine iwjss iiuunn L"rK".' ""Inks It very fitting that nis Pan'B oi me iveiij Km " im, u,.-,, should he "hung'-' this week. "Tire business is excellent. The new Hartford Is catching on fast," said man ager Sllverspaire. of the Hoss The Oakland Auto Sales company reps-Ms the delivery or an Oakland, "four ' roadster to A. L.. Owen, of Hurley, N. M. Oakland rr Moling. "We have booked a number of ordeis for delivery of Oaktands next week." said It. C. Carr manager of Kl Paso sales for the Oakland Auto Sales com pany who reports that business condi tions generally are very good. The shipping department or me ior- derland Auto Supply company is kept j busy-these ravs for tne aemam aiuii tne DOruer lor lircs nu au.v , - cessurlee is unusually heavy, accord- ,ng to manager Ben L. Clements. Spring stocks of 1'nited States tires, inrludinir the new "L'sco" tread, have heen received li (he Quick Tire Serv ice and manager D. C. BoQth .looks for a recojd spring business. Clearing Milt Tire Stock. The Auditorium garage is clearing out a big stock of Firestone tires in Ford sizes and a real bargain saie is . . . no under w ,h"' Manager Tom White of the Audi torium, says that there will be mucn touring done by Kl Paso motorists this spring, judging By the amount of work that has been done by his shop in the past fortnight. Many of the owners stated that they Were placing their cars in shape for spring touring. O. P. Ienry, of the Cadillac Sales companv. spent most of this wcek In Valentine. He bus been in rne west Texas and eastern New Mexico terrl-, lory for three weeks, and reports to the local office inVlicate that both the Cadillac and , Oldsmobile are meeting with approval. Pioneer tins Good 4VeeK. 'Clearance sale week" at the Pioneer was a big success and several of the used models went over the bargain counter. Sales manager II. F. vv illiams also reports the sale of a Briscoe "38" touring car to W. B. Hilgarten. "Sales arc improving every week," said Mr. Williams. "We are now await ing the arrival of the new Briscoe '24' ,and the latest advices from the factory indicate that we should receive our first The Truck Without A Competitor 3Ton. J2350 355 Myrtle Ave. ' fUl PASD HERALD shipment of this model In about two weeks." Mr. Williams hasreceived' advicees that one of the feajtures of tho new Hriscoe will be the Bailey gcarleBS differential, which, it is claimed, does away' with akjddlng - and Hideaway, makes the car ride easier and' save fuel, oil and tiro" expense. Sl Maxwell Sales. The Iluquor Motor company received iluee carloads of Maxwell touring lars this week and deliveries werd made to the following; J. HJ Irvine, tour ing: J. Ij. Wilson, touring; II. F. Ben nett. Las Crueee, touring; II. Chernin, touring; Vernon U. Sullivan, touring; K. Buchanan, touring. A. P. Buquor is making a trip through the New Mexico territory in the inter est of th.e Maxwell. "We have a mysterious car which will, arrive in the near future," says . .loan Buquor. "We are giving out no "iiiiiiuiiii auoui mis car oui ii. nas armmd fnnt w hv Afcen tl, ":' I ;.i J" ,," . JTu ".':Z ,-- iui iitr new line unu nv iwia already b&en offerel checks by two men who don't even knowT the name of the car they want-to buy." . Wolf liondener, of the Ixmdener Quick Sales .company, is making a rapid recovery from his recent operation. Illg Ituslness for, J'rd. Business in the line of Ford (-ales was exceptionally good with Ihe Trl State Motor company during the past week. Local retail sales were as follows- Two delivery cars to Popular Drj Goods company, one delivery car to Joe McCarthy, two Ford trucks to the quartermaster depot, runabout to Dr. T. T. Christian amr touMng cars to the following: Joe It Muufort. Canutillo, Tex.: C. I,. North, Galbralth-Foxworth Lumber company, and F. G. Smith; eight tourings to the quartermaster depot vv holesale sales to agents were as follows: Western garage, Carrlzozo, N'. M : six tourings and two runabouts; Ocean to Ocean garage. Magdelena. X. M.. eight tourings: Willcox Motor Sup ply company, Mlllcox, ' Aria., eight tourings: J. S. Kerr, eDmlng N. M., six tourings: J. S. Kerr. Demlng. N. M.. six soe. Bisbee, Ariz., eight tourings: J. T. Hood, Douglas, Ariz., five tourings and five chassis; Stanselr & Ferguson, San derson, Tex., ' eight tourings; W. 5T. Perry, Marfa. Tex., six tourings, two runabofits: Harold Scott, two tourings: Dona Ana Motor company, eight tour ings, two runabouts. Itav X. Pritchett, who has been ons of the retail salesmen of the Tri-S&t Motor company, is now on the road for the same firm, covering west Texas territory. B. C. Levy has been made city salesman in their wholesale d partment. William Stone has been ap pointed salesman in their automobile department. F. G. Hutchinson has ac cepted a position in their shipping de partment. Louis Hdllson and A. A. Ar- nott have accepted positions with them"" as mechanicians ot their repair de partment. "Kirk" Is Smiling. . .T. W Kirkpatrick Is quite pleased with the great number of large orders which his traveling salesmen are send, ing in to the Tri-State through" every mail and has. within ihe last SO days, been forced to increase the number'of men employed in the shipping depart ment from three to eight and they ars all kept busy every dav filling orders. Sam Watklns of Demlng, was in the city this week to receive delivery of his Dodge demonstrating car, as Mr. Watkins has recently closed for the agency of Dodge cars In his territorv. While here, Mr. Watkins placed an or der with the Lone Star Motor companv for a carload of Dodge cars to be shipped direct from the factory. Spangler Visits City. George B Spangler of rtowlee Snanglcr. Silver City dealers for the Chandler and Dodge, was in El Paso the first of the week to receive deliv ery of a new Chandler four passenger roadster which was sold by his firm to Frank Jones of Silver City. Dr. E. A. Duncan of Silver City, was In EI Paso this week visiting automo bile row. While here he was so much impressed with the Dodge roadster that be purchased one and drove it to Silver Gity. Bobt H. Smith, timekeeper of the El Paso and Southwestern: J. L. McCau ley. of White Springs. N. M.: E. D. Lid stone, of Silver City, and Theo. K. K. Mtes. of Hanover. X. M.. purchased Dodge Brothers touring cars. The Lone sta Motor company re ceived a shipment of two carloads of Dodire Biothers cars this week, also a carload of tile late modal Chandler carl I ' ' Perrv. president of the Lone 1 Star Motor companv. who has been 111 I for the jast ten days, is repqrted much 1 improved. H. M nonius, representing the for eign sales department . of Dodge Bi other-. Hetrolt. was in fcl Paso this 1 week on business as the guest of the Star Motor companv. r ( A- KRB. district representative ot Dnrlge Brothers, with headquarters at , lienver. wast the guest of the Lone Star , Motor companv the first of the week. KENT TO HANDLE THE TIRE SALES Dalle. Man Buys Interest In ItloGrnndo Oil t nnipnn.r and Mill Take "barge of the Prnns.i Ii aula Tire Department. ' F Kent, of Dallas, has been elect ed secretary and treasurer of the Tlio Grande Oil company and will, on April 1. assume charge of fhe tire depart ment of the company. Mr. Kent has been Identified with ths automobile business since 1004. His first experience in this line was gained bv his connection with the Packard Motor Car company of Xew Tork. for which company he became assistant 1 manafrer of the New Jersey territory. When the Diamond Rubber companv1 established branches in the southwest. Mr. Kent was placed in -charge of the pneumatic division, calling on the Job bing trade over the entire territory. For the past several years. Mr. Kent has been with the Pennsylvania Rub ber company of New York and was made manager for this concern at Seattle, Wash., and Oregon. M'ashington covered sales in and British Co- lumb'a He came to Texas two years ago to take charge of vacuum cup sales in the south. Having traveled extensively over the entire southwest territorv. Mr. Kent has a host of friends to greet In his new capacity as secretary and treas urer of the Rio Grande Oil company, an Interest in which growing companv ho purchased a few weeks ago Mr Kent is sinctrely in earnest when he ;ih that in his opinion Kl P. 10 is j the hcht city in the southwest At least he 11 making a big- bet on it. as is I evinced bv hi" takine an interest in the I i nm er n. SPEEDWAY AT NEW ORLEANS Chicago, Ills., March 25. New Or leans will be added to the list of American speedways next year .un less unexpected obslacles develop within the next few months. The southern course was planned for this vear, but the withdrawal of one of the backers, a man who owned prop erty which blocked the building of the track unless he bold at a reason able price, held uji the erection of the track for the 1915 season. Ar rangements for the purchase of the property now are near culmination, however, and a two mile board oval will be built in time for the next JIardi Gras festival. When the Xew Orleans speedway is completed the annual race, to be held there, probably will be the open ing event of the speedy season. The climate there permits of earlier rac ing than anywhere else cast of Cali fornia, and the New Orleans race will serve as a tryout for the racers. The race probably will be held some time jn February or early llarch, leaving two months before the In dianapolis event, heretofore the sea son's opener, ample time in which manufacturers may remedy such de fects as may crop out in their en tries. President David F. "Reed of the Chicago speedway, who-bas just tc- I turned from -New Orleans, put, a quietus on a report that he- would work for a bill to legalize horse racing in Illinois. TURNS FORDS DITO ONE-TON TRUCKS llntrhrr-Stcrnrr Mill Distribute Device M'hleb Mill Make One-Ton Com mercial Trucks From evv or Ised Ford Automobiles. The southwestern distributing agency for the Wright truck attachment has been secured by the Hatcher-Sterner company and the first of the new trucks are now on display at their salesrooms on Texs street. The new attachment consists of a complete "rear end." displacing the standard Ford "rear end" wfth a regu lar truck from and rear axle. This new attachment is exceedingly popular in the northwest, where it originated, and H is now making rapid advances In the' east. - "We're so busy now that two doors are hardly enough to turn the cars outV said "Pete" Hatcher, "and my partner Is anxious to have me blow out a side wall so that we can move "em faster." However, we look for a great ly increased business as a result of taking the agency for this truck at tachment, for it means that a man who has a used Ford ran bring it to us and have it turned into a real one-ton truck at a very low expense." ANOTHER HEARING HELD IN OLD ARIZONA OIL RATE CASE Phoenix. Ariz.. March 24 Another bear ing has been held in the ancient Arlaona oil rate case. Edgar Watkins. an examiner of the Interstate commerce commission,, con ducted an examination In the federal uuurt room at Phoenix, hearing evidence presented b the carriers, shippers and Arizona cor poration comraleslon. The case was originally filed by the Pa cific Creamery company, of Tempe, whlcb alleged that the rates on petroleum arJ Its products, including gasoline and kenAene, from California and eastern points, were un reasonably high. The corporation confmis sion intervened. A decision was 'handwl down by the interstate commerce commis sion, reducing: the rates approximately 59 per cent, but the case was reopened. The congregation attending the First MVthodist Episcopal church of Port land. Ind., recently listened to a motor car sermon by the pastor. Rev. Asher S. Preston. The subject was "Lessons Ffom the Highway." ntS3l TMr- sr axar f3r The best-liked car .in the country The Briscoe is'the. one car that combines in an equal degree all the essentials of motor-car satisfaction. No factor of motoring enjoyment has been slighted. You can have a Four-cylinder car with a sweet running motor that develops 38 horse-power on an amazingly small allowance of fuel and oil. t Or, if you prefer, you can have an Eight-cylinder motor in your car that has been designed and built by men with years of experience in the construction of multi-cylinder power-plants. The same beautiful distinctive Briscoe-line body in each; the same sturdy chassis; same cantilever spring suspension, deep cushions, ample room. Full equipment and electric starting and light ing, of course. . s De Luxe Four 38 '$750 De Luxe Eight 38 $950 The New Briscoe, "24" models, selling at $585, will be shipped to El Paso in the next few days. Watch for them. Coma m and see uhy th Britcov it h truth the bett-Ukcd car in the country Pioneer Motor Co. phone 52- Myrtle at Campbell Briscoe Motor Corporation JACKSON, MICH. HALFHUNDREDARMYTRUGKS flfllEFMEIl SERVICE Some One Overlooked Bodies and Local Builder Gets a Heavy Rush Order; Details of Work Already Done By Cars Sent to Columbus is Lacking; Dealers Still Hoping For Big Touring Car Orders. - OPK .spriiiss eternal in the hearts I I of automobile salesmen and the J- J- Kl Paso dealers have not yet giv en up hope of landing some fat onjers for the I'nitcJ States army In its Mex ican ampaign. So tar, only a few touring cars hav- been ordered here. The big truck 01 ders have been placed in New York and the El Paso distribu tors are fctill trving to puzzle out the 'whv" of that action. They had looked for the orders to re placed either in Kl Paso or in M'ashington. "If the h.irt to go elsew-h're why not to Detioit. the center of the autoindasti t?" queried One distributor The accesboi 11111 seem to have been the greatest ben-factors on the local gasoline row I'irhaps this is because the armv engineers haven't been able to figure out, far enough in advance, just what the requirements in the way of a cessoi lew will ie Whatever the rea son then- has been a steady demand on the accessory houses botli from, the armv and from the oth r dealers distributed along the border, the infer ence being that these dealers are stock ing up to m(ff "Midden demands of the army transport department. Dealers "t p In the Air." It has been difficult to get any par ticulars regarding the efficiency shown bv the different cars alnadv in the armv service across the bord-i, but it is still harder to find out h.v thing as to the prospecrs of other cars being or dered b-re. Agents for four well known makes of light cars have been L aslvd to- submit to the government lists or tne numDer or cars inr-j nair nvaiki'ile for delivery on :'o hours no tice .lust what this m.v mean is a problem. Theie were some Ihisa scenes around the local quartermaster s .lep.'i tnimt on Friday morning when two trainloads of big trucks were unload' d There were I 21 Jeffery "quads" of the two ton size. I These trucks ere all tour-wheel drive I and the speed required in the shipping I is evidenced by the fact that the trucks lack the usual 'steen coats of paint and j enamel, but thev are v erv serviceable looking, with their solid wheels, heavy i tires and general strong construction. I The carvwer inspected by practically all the local dealers hih! much favora- ; C KIa estmrnent tmm Vieuirt Another shipment consisted of 27 rear-wheel drive trucks of the ton and a half size. These trmks are of the type commonly used in commercial business. Ghauffenrs Come, Too. Both shipments were in companled by chauffeurs and from the comments let drop by these men on therr arrival, it is evident that main of tb'-m have never handled trucks except on the paved streets of eastern cities and with service shops within call of the telephone. They will have a chance to demonstrate their mechanical skill when the .trucks get -reaKhard service along the line of communication in. Mexico. There was considerable surprise when it 'was found that none of 'the trucks was equipped with bodies. There was a burrv call for the standard Stude baker wagon body for army use and j the trucks were fitted with these bodies 1 temporarily. Tt whs "some job" to fit the wagon bodv to the 1 ' ti ucks r-nd this work required real sum it was finally turned over to the Williamson shops and the proprietor let out a hurry yell for hcH- Carpenters appear .to b rather scarce, and it was not until W. C. Shaw- sent 15 caioenters out that a Wull staff was available Real She Order. Mr Williamson runs a mj- shop, but it isn't every day that an Kl Paso body S453 5 ti n n a-AWfXBr. - . WfeiA. W lif builder Is called mi'.n to fit .". I llodtes in a hurrj, but th- local man proved able to handle the situation and theie was as much, speed in tue body shop as there was in the eastern factories when the men worked all night to get Uncle Sam's trucks out in jig time .lust when these tnrcks will be sent out for dutv; is not known, but it is probable thai some will be sent south bv- rail if permission is secured to carrv supplies for the United States troops over the Mexico North Western railw.iv. ANDREAS GETS A BIG LANCIA lloaglniid Make Quick Sale of Import cd yhovr Cart Has 13-lnclt Wheel base; Developen 73 Horsepower. A big Lancia roadster, one of the Lancia exhibit.- at the New Tork show in -January, made its appearance in Kl Paso last week and now it is hero to stay. N. M'. Hubingc-r. of New H.i ven. bought the car at the show for $6000 and used it for a tour of the w rt and southwest. He reported findmu some heavy roads north of El ra.o and w-ben he reached this city he 1 e ceived a wire calling for a quick 1 e turn to New Haven. He decided he had had his fun with the Lancui and ran it down to Lohdener's sales rooms for a" quick turn. The car was turned over to sales managei Fred Hoagland on Thursday afternoon of last week. Many motor 'sts called to examine the car, whn h has many novel features, but all ex pressed the belief that the car was of too high a quality for EI Paso. Hoagland wasn't a big discouraged. He said that he knew Kl Pasoans who would appreciate a high grade car ami he proceeded to prove his contention On Saturday night he closed a il'-ril with John Andreas and now the car is frequently seefi in front of the itv National bank. It was' an exception ally quick turn on such a high prl. el car. The Lancia aeveiops 73 horse -power and has a wheelbase of l" inches. TENNIS CHAMP BUYS ROADSTER Norman A. Ferguson is better known as a tennis player than as a motor' -u but the west Texas and w Mexic t champion, to say nothing of being Ari zona mid-winter champion as well, is also some motorist. The Elliott-Garrett company receive! the new series 17 Studebaker roadsters on Wednesday. The car has some novel features, which include an aluminum top on the rear of the body. This -s fitted with big straps so that a bur trunk can be loaded on the back f the roadster and fixed in position for touring. Mr. Ferguson was a visitor at tho showroom on Wedpesday . afternoon Thursday morning he wbb back asi.u and when he left he took one of the new roadsters with him. Incidentally, .when he was clamb- -ing into his new purchase, he had ls firm grip on a new tennis racquet - we can look for some records from b both in autos and tennis this spri- The total retail value of the an mobiles and trucks built in the Vmt-d States in 1915, according to latest fig ures, was J1,778,SB0. of whu'i JoB5,85S,450 represented the passentre. cars and $125,9950 the commercial vehicles. BRISCOE POLICY "To nuke the automobile vibe oi a dollar greater under the Britcoe name than any whete cite in the induitry. To build car so good and io popularly-priced that the verdict oi uteri will be our best ate for future tales." L r7t . 2U :&q ,