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El Paso herald., March 25, 1916, HOME EDITION, Cable News and Auto Section, Page 20, Image 20
About El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931
Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HEHALD 20 Week-End Ivhtion. March 25-26, 191G. lUKlTflRIITIIIKF THE ESCAPADES OF MR, JACK - BY J. SWINNERTON lIlUIUlSIUlULtlilL. Copyrliht 1315 International News Service. THE "TWELVES" Frank Garrett Tells of His Experience With New National Autos. "i h those who are Intimately as sociated with the automobile industry prsp the phenomenal thing that has latpened in connection with the in troduction of the 12 cylinder motor, t rding to P J Garrett of the Klllott Oairctt companj, the El Paso distribu te.. if National cars Heretofore It has required months or i ill us explaining and educational cil n th part of the builder to get tlir public to adopt such marked im pn v fluent but not so with the II clinlr motor, which has had an ex perience enjoyed b no other new me . liamcal thing In automobiles, declared the 1 lllott-Garrett manager ' Iff sas the it cylinder motor was In slatitl accepted as a matter of course, hat few doubters blocked Its recep tion and that practically no educa tional work was neceesar) to pave the j It was a case of "love at first nlfrht He outlines the reasons for this unusual condition which lie he lev es are responsible and says that tlev indicate the healthier and saner attitude upon the part of the public towaid motor car construction . First he says nas the apparent logic of the twelve even to the layman s un roechanlcal mind Its superiorltv seemed so obvious as to preclude doubt. Then, too it was born of the six, which start ed faith in luulti-cylinder construction nother reason was the reputation of the few companies that were the wr firt to announce twele 05 Under ars This Is coming to be more and more the main factor in influencing bur They see the wisdom of hav ing confidence In what the old line 'responsible companies think best to rin It Is true in all other lines of business and trade and lie rsm it will ion be equally true of the automobile bi siness Mr Garrett claims that never in his long experience has he seen new things offered the public that were given such endorsement as the twelve oj Un der motor He refers tc many things that were new when first Introduced such as electric starters, left side drive, fore doors, center control and even the six cylinder motor He re calls a certain amount of skepticism about every one of these. But the tweHe he declared has not had one "back slider TFir Tit COVnMTAI TRUL. The re is renew ed agitation In Can ada for a transcontinental hlgaway from the Atlantic to the Pacific. A committee has been appointed to enlist the aid of motor duos in support of the project HERE IS THE TlUt K ATTACHMENT With the Pord it reduces the cost of delivering -(roods to a ridiculously low figure The load on tiic truck not in it. Look it ocr before buying rEATtKES Light weight - - Strorip construction Timkcn beanngi - - Steel castings """ $801.55 1 or ''ale b Hatcher-Sterner ritone 7X70 33 5 Texan St. BsysjsiBstWsBBssissEBMiasSs niMrirPKiTP Dealers-Write for ! Il1- (29 ll8, llj1UU I ;" y Vu5nJ "ifiiT" . T fA-. .TaCbh. s' sssssssssPtMsN- h ?5eiE"25e!v2i& v . fco K$3 ' W1- "i (ill ffMk Wj A& y I met her!' CMV ALNy fssiLH s ,gotstijffon EXCESSIVE USE HURTS BATTEBY Factory Gives Tips on the Proper Care of Batteries; Keep Yours Clean. Probably e erj motorist docsn know that for eery second consumed in starting a motor electrical! the generator must run at charging speed for several minutes to put the same amount of current back Into the stor age battery That mtans that the fel low who lets his electiic stai t r churn and churn, mabe without the switch thrown or too little kj.s gcnerall) finds himself compelled to get out and crank some da because his battery is dead." The "WiHnd cimpam warns car owners i nnst thK i tiling They exp in lhit in ! tri vtirt?r !( mad" to do c t- n I i it i f mirk in turning r a n i i It sloulj not i Our Proposition be used to ' show off the nnwr 1- eloi.ed as in some cases when neonle I run ineir cars a snort distance on their I ... . .... r r . i stalling poner alone to show a friend I its possibilities This practice tends to drain the storage battery of its entire current, and maj ruin the f.lates n oerheatln V few suggestions for use of -voui starting equipment niai proe of benefit-Make sure lour batterr is full chirged arwl filled with puie ater 1 Uon't let our starter churn -find I out about gas aild spark being riht. j Always release the starter as soon is the motor begins to turn on Its own power j Keep the generator proper! adjust I ed and cleaned Prime your motor if it Is cold I These things will sae you both an I no vance and monej for electric il re pair? MADMHM PDirCC ADC ADVANCED BY FACTORY The alanco in prices of material and labor has caused the N'ordke & Alaimon companv to advance the prices of the Harmon '34," the new car vthicu haj ere ited such a sensation here The new prices, which became effec tive last week shon -in aihaliu of irotind J200 A full statement of thi reasons of the advance is made by president tV c Marmon as follows This inert ae in pi ice is caused by the actual increase in the cost of nu ternl and labor entering into the con stru thin or the new car s a mat ter nf iat this advance does not fullv covtr tills Increased cost However in i w w f the unpiecedentcd sales of th car and the fit that the sales res 'tence is so much less than intici psted we believe we are Justified In mirk 'tlnp; the car at the new price rather' than advance the fivll amount of the increased cost of material and lahr p I ricticallv evervone is conversant with market conditions and appreciates to some extent the enormous advance . n the cost of materials Aluminum illov steels, brass copper, have id vatnid tremendously in the past vear TI- i is no single Item on the en ) thit Ins not undergone an advance in i price i SOUTH AMERICA FIELD RAPIDLY OPENING UP P. irr 5 Steenstrup, South American s lies representative for the Hupp Motor r ar corporation, has just returned to the factory from a six months' trip Mi Ste nstrup v isited fhile. Peru, Argen tine Brazil nnd the "i est Indies Mr hteenstrup reported United States uusiness m .soutn America much im proved emce his trip a vear ago 'Unit ed States business ts graduallv improv ing in all houth merican countries" said Mr Steenstrup 'Although it is not gnining nearly as rapidlv as was to be expected with the European coun tries at war Previous to the war most of the business was with Germany and Great Britain and with these sources of supplies cut off it was expected that United Mates merchants would make great headway The chief difficulty however, is the credit proposition Both 1 nglish and German merchants gave ltng time credit on all South American sales ind it is difficult to educate the peopl. into our way of short time credit Mr Steenstrup had manv excitin" e-v pcrlenies on boats on which hr sailed tn dine without lights at night and miking nregular routes to avoid tl (jcrmin raiders tltlC KS Pull 1.000.IHXI Tniuiiit In response to letters sent out bv the ouirtermaiter general of tho i nited States arm to tiuck manufac tur rs It wis learned that o and "ton trucks rould b obtiin.d fi m thm on thirtv davs" notice TI E tc it is estimated would he snffi lent to tak. care of the tnn p i ii n 01 tciuuouo troops The In in . nciu uui in stf unit th mini urijiinjr rrsourc s of tl ointiv TTrtTTm "ri T A BITT tt INXUrXll J UBXliiLlUAKjC HEADLIGHT IS GONE LeitUlniures and City Council re f,et- lins Unity With Ilrgtilatlons In III I'nrts of the country. critical survev of the more re cent judicial decisions ill many states on the automobile, discloses the fact that the headlight problem a;ain de mands first place on the court calen dars,' sajs O r Friend, genenl sales manager for the Mitchell-Lew is Motor eompan. Jlacine, "iVis "The dazzling blinding and danger ous headlight is doomed for a ve y short life If we paid full credence to what the thousand and one editors an I automobile writers throughout the country have to sav on the all absorb ing subject Thej would have us nn-der-tanc! that the e'ctremelv powerful searchlights on automobiles are not only dangerous but are entirely un nei essary. Laws enacted by many of the state legislatures and city councils seek to remedy this evil In Massachusetts fur instance this popular sentiment has crvstalliztd into a regulation by the state highwa commission prohibit ing the use of automobile headlishts which throw out dazzling rajs more than three and one-half feet above th; ground on a level road "i0 feet or more ahead of the automobile 'This regulation is causing no lit tle confusion discomfiture and Irrita tion among drivers rf motor cars in the bal states especlallj among thos" wh . paid more than $3000 and i000 foi their i ars for as they contend, tin manufacturers of a motoi car should have foresight enough to anticipate what even a Massachusetts highway commission ma choose to foist upon the patient, long-suffering and withal, law abiding motoring fraternity "Commenting on this sharp headlight controversv Mitchell dealers in those sections of tho country where such oidinanceR are rigidly enforced, state that there is one man who is being lionized above all otheis in the con stellation of engineering stars for he , fullv anticipated just such a headlight situation over a vear ago when he Imsied himself with the proverbial mid nisTht till ntive ge- nignt on many and manv .i .eiigin ins wonueriui inventive ge- , nius evolved his now famous patented! i"?' .,. Is ,. . u idjustable headlights That man Is f'" aIh t"a!f",?h,,J ""Pfoprlating each lohn V Pate the genial and versatile' J'?T thi st ..? """" .n chief engineer nnd vice president of l'?!?? 1 !"' out 5f th receipts of the Mitchtll-Lewls Motor Co. the dadd5 of the popular might 'SK of ! Mr Rat. s liesdliffhts tti-iv be fo- cused to anv il.Mied range, either at u.i Hiie ui uiiinuew. in auuiuvi. ." i which he has a patented ingenious cle-' full glare ., . . 1.. -JJI.Un ! vice wnerebj the pitch or tnrow or inci headlight may be so adjusted as to comply with any statutes , or motor vehicle regulations in force in any j state in the union today whether It bo . v five-foot, ten-foot. 50-foot or !- I foot regulation ' i I ON SILVER CITY HILL mire p Qnnrxrie, nf Trnw lee JC ! G Fpangl casional the follow Intr Item Is taken from the Silver City Unterprise j Mr Spangler made a unique demon- ! 'tration with a Dodge toui infr car on the I'hlhu ilma hill in the southern part of the cit Thursday afternoon ( Mr Spanglcr first drov. the cir i ctr light up tin hill on a p. r cent Kiadc Without stoppinff In the- lr hosides Mr spangler were two pa senjrers IncludlnK a representative of the Fntcrprise Upturning to the foot of the lull the car was driven vvitlj the nm in i 1 h ilf wav up tho srride to the stp p vt pcjint and stopped tho link s v t ii e llio entrim killc 1 Tll iiMnt w 1- si tit d itain and tho car i j t i U. the rest f th. lull with com -cparitie tut Hi third trip up, th .t-i . .in ii. i i in- r (. i nu c I J a i iici wiii in u. ui illirc !(ij Dj . i IEEDE1I IS ! WEI Pending Legislation Would Give $72,000 For Good Roads There. Phoenix Ariz, March 2o bt ne en gineer Lamar Cobo who is a member of the executive committee of the American Association of State Ilinwav officials, has received private advice from "fl ashington to tltc effect that a bill providing federal aid in road con struction is almost certain to be pa"se( bj congress at the present session Engineer Cobb's committee drew the Shackelford bill which passed the house b a large majoritv As amend eI, it provided for the annual expei diture of JJ5 000,000. apportioned among the states according to post road mile age and population Under its pro visions Vruon i would have received $317 000 a vear The senate committee on postoffiees and post roads reported tho bill with some important amendments It pro vides that $r. OoOOOO a veai "hill be spent on post roads the first vear. and th it this sum be increased b Jj 000 -"00 until the J:". 000 000 mark Is re iched Apportionment shall be in iccoi dance with area, population and road mileage Arizona will receive $72 000 the first vear ind J 3 ".9,000 a vear when $2 000 000 is being appor tioned This state has 0 22 percent of the population of the country, 0 25 percent of the post roads and 3 83 per cent of the area The restoration of the area provision, as ciontemplated bv the committee which dtew the Shack elford bill, is of great importance to Arizona Carl Havden, congiessman from Arl zona,, has introduced a bill appro priating 1,000 000 a vear for 10 ears to..repa.,r and 'onstruct roads within "H0','?1 ,forets The bill provides fh. tt .,, h ,., r ,. rX 't""w i? "T hrf'?, " " f into the: road 7. .. ------ --....., . i.. aiuics m mi e in the forests are located n. vnw .-... BIG TRUCK DEMAND WAS CflDECECN DV ciirntuci' rUKtattil UI hALIUKltb 'The present activity In the domestic truck trade is just what the wise men of the industrj have been predicting." sajs H S Daniels of the Xisselkar Those who have inalvzed the haul- aie problem of merchants, manufactur- J altnoucn tllA resintsnA mi.lil h. tmtat for a time, the motor truck would eventually handle local traffic almost LMQth IIOD1 C(STItllTIO. Th. cut out ohisii at the Msrmor exhibit it various shows h proved very intcrestinjr to motorists One feature which has attracted the crowds is the three-piece aluminum body The n Minium construction is such that tho oel v rests directlv c n the frame without an sills or sub-lrame This allows the bod to be set very low and also for it to he in ide In three pieces in the touunK c ir bodv there is the tonnctu in one pi. . f i nut seats in mother and the .owl K the thirJ pirt I ich pirt I olts .lii, 1 to tin Mime ind cm I. Ilk. n off without distui 1 mi; th ih.i puis I lip doors 1 il hunt. Ii. tw i the s, tuns This m. th I f c i sti i ii n it is ( (aimed ll'vsv m iiiii ntii ud. Unit W every moment a more 1I1III lll every hour an hour of 111 Cadillac bales Co. ft Sacrifice Sale of ; Tires Ford Sizes We are clearing out our stock of Tires. "We have a number of Firestones in Ford sizes 30x3 and 30x3" and they are offered at sacrifice prices for quick sale. 30x3 $9.50 30x3 $11.90 Regular Factory Guarantee on AH These Tires. By Today-- They Won't Last Long Write, Call or Phone 456 or 2202. Auditorium Garage 322 Mills Street El Paso, Texas By All Means Get a SIX There is fluidity to the power of a good SIX that makes a simply irresistible appeal tothe man who has driven any car. There is a smoothness, a swiftness an entirely new and fascinating pleasure awaiting the man who buys his first six. , Especially if he buys the new For this car couples marvelous flexibility of operation with esccs nnwor Tt- ; mnro .vnnnrmral than anv "tour" owners aeraze oer 1 20 miles to the gallon-of gasoline 01 mem s miles. And in riding luxury in roominess-nn eaccellence-of appointments and completeness of equipment Grant Sis will astonish you. This astonishment will quickly turn into eager desire for ownership when you have had a demonstration. When may we give it to you? SOUTHERN rlione 1110 Write For Agent's Proposition UP-T0DATE 7-PASSENGER CARS, $2.00 PER HOUR. AUTOS-PHONES 509-510 AUTO LI .'ERY CO. Hver Carr, Manager. 418 San Antonio St. i gsamastraarttWafSii FOR ANY OCCASION hii! nui I p tino is ilm most ncccptil e fr in, 1 , ,h t , jfh ., r ,!., it pu es lit -ii c o 1 ii e st st !,i! i ii . in. u 1.1 n s in tl . c it v 1. i . ii s 1, i , TUTTLE PAINT AND GLASS CO. 210-212 N Stanton St Phones 205-206 many of them get 25 miles some MOTOR CO M5 "Wjrtle V m" i "Pec i wcr j tt)e id lltl m c f one p ii ne i in u pui iliu of til. s r s iiieaks