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K A The Promptest Mail and Phone Order Departments In The Southwest 1 n II YEAR y -ft' ,U)n know that another I national Institution had been established'' (ts n great Idea. "Dress-un-n eek - or "Fashion week starts the Spring' season off; tirs mu up with new thoughts about the clothes you wear, m Ut j on wonder whether ou tfresa well enough, "'" )ou a chance to freshen vour wardrobe If yon need i JiwW JK S1rSH DWsL w 13 cL jrT l Now, W I II I 11 t if iJi A (sSIlL vl 1 Gentlemen 11 V I 1 11 S Ol M I ill fir i ajK f I Begins Monday 1 IB if fVU J( & IB national Institution had I I I M l III KilllMJIlBIl l! v S- nd we're ready to help jon Tv e re ready with the entire vi-hi Sprtng display of Hart &chaftner (SL Marx, Rogers Peet "Fitform" and Other Good Clothes wiiei iod see these suits and overcoats jou'll know what "dressinir -ip r I U means: we'll promise : ou.thau Come in Monday and find out. TJih 'Wash Goods and White C.oods Department announces us complete readiness for Spring Jh-pss 1 p Week. Superb sheer col ored labrics are designated' this vnr l the adjectives exquisite vin It rful and they truly are. Here me a few of them. PRIMED VOILES That are airy .ml dainty, showing color combination-- in floral, stripes and plaids, at ill j-rn i-s. WOEV AND EMBROIDERED MJThR NOVELTIES Such as oil " Organdies, and Tissue. olnn d grounds and white grounds intli laricJ colored stripes and fig li re J he pick of the world's stylo makir and designers. Trices are i i-asonablc. SILK MIXKD FABRICS Are also in gnat demand and we are showing a vnnili-rful stock of them. Flow . -s mid f-tnpea on silk and linen; --ilk mixed crepe de chine, both plain and faiiM , dainty embroidered half Mlk in-pe; Aledo silk in plain colors; Mi-ipi-d oilk shirtmgB and waistings. -KIl.llNC.s AND SUITIS'GS 1'iain wliitr, novelty white, and 1 lam "lir. d or fancy designs, com prinn all of the new weaves. Gb-irdin- it -ry popular; Mat aivl Itackit urates in big demand; Waf ile and Honeycomb weave, llerring lione and Nub stripe weaves are i1hcr in ones. It is hard to de nenbe llnir charms lint they 'are liiautmil to so-. All prices and Miialitii- fhown here. iriill SUUER WinTE GOODS--We nnht write a page, but to bo britf. there are Voiles, Marquisettes, Organdus, Batistes, Swisses and Tis iie Of all these cloths ve have l-lain weaves, seed, rice and hue eaes. embroidered figures and htnpiM, shadow plaid, stripes and i lieck-- in taet an asbortmont that "ill delilit and please. I v all mi iin visit our Mash Goods ml Wiiiti Goods hection Monday.' V SI s(?c OF STRIPES IS IIERH 4Vilnrpil M'ash Fabrics this year are ont-pKioiiA for their novelty, ofigi nalitv snd character. Stripes of nuie bk very ' much "in evidence. I hat duesn t mean that plaids, checks, inbrtmkied. and floral designs are not (rood, for we are show in;: a luger assortment of novelties than - ver before Me are proud of our ilertions of wash materials and i want you to see them if you do not purchase it's becauo you do not need them, or have extraordinary now - nf resistance. Dainty wash tiili Unit we wish to deiipnate sue lir.n iKHortmentn. at the follow- , - - 25c, 35c, 45c, 50c, 65c and $1 00 Shown On 2d Floor Center Aisle M i Kp ai k i i i & I ?. srM u"' gssssii a &m i Trra "&. mt vw i I u Ji ' iJi m i Mmi K-viioeainsFi I Ml 11 1Ub.fJfi.. . JL vS In Lovely Mew SilKs "JpHERE arc many reasons why this should be Dress-Up Week. With the change of season comes the change of wearing apparel. April is almost here and it is time to outfit the family for Spring. Stocks are more complete, assortments broader, making it easier to select and plan a dress or juit than at any other time this Spring. OUR DESIGNER. MME. ALLAN-Will assist you in desigmng and selecting your dress, without any charge. Make an appointment with her phone 3300. In order to make Dress-Up Week of unusual interest to our patrons, we offer below some most attractive values in Silks and Golfine. Take ad vantage of our Dress-Up Week Specials. Read Tfe Items Over FASHION S TA ORITE CHI K FOX TAFFETAS Unquestionably the Queen of Silks for tho bpring and Summer season. Shows here in a most remarkable assortment of novel effects stripes, plaid, cheeks and floral designs. These novelty taffetas are meeting with a great demand. We invite yod 1o inspect these new and different i -ugn-" i'ricea at the yard K YSUfS SI Lh. JERSEY In both phi in or striped effects. Silk Jersey is the most popular fabric for Sports' wear. Call and see the novel effects we have on exhibi tion. 'KHAKI KOOl, Have vou seen it. It is the last word in fabrics for finis, skirt- coats and the like, for .Slimmer wear at the sea shore. An all Mlk non-i rushable semi rough fabric Shown m novel ef fects Ask to see "Khaki Konl ' next week! ORIENTAL SHAXirN(.s0 m, usual interest is the noted in rt-ased demand for thi-t fabric for spring and Summer wear It make-, the era- ready, garment and is being shown in a variety of fancy striped effects, as a novelty U be combined with the plain cloths, which makes a nobby out fit. Me have just reieuej to, plete line of thes Shantungs and will feature them special tor Drees I p Meek as follows PLAIN SKAN-lt-N-G sILKS,3 to 25 indies wide. Extra special for Dress Up Week, i a p. the yard, at C ' STRIPES 10 MATCH ABOVE shown in emerald and tan, hello and tan, Copen and tan, navy and tan A yard, rt" ! at C HEAY SHANTUNG SlLkS-sj and 34 inches wide Speeiallv priced ior jjvi . i p -k jCrTk at tin- n.imI jyc STPII'I I" M I IT MiOVf i 'II t i I i i . i I'm I . ,. W - ' nil. jar I $1.25 EL EL PASO. GENUINE TUB SILKS Shown in one hundred beautiful new striped effects. Suitable for skirts, blouses, dresses, shirts, petticoat?, night shirts and pajamas. AH fast col ors that will launder beautifully. Tills silk sells the country over at 51.26. Dress Up M'eek, (Q the yard, at 70C CREPE DE CHINE SHIRTING Me are showing fifty pieces of beautiful quality, striped all silk crepe de chine shirting, and now is the time to have his shirts made for Stuunier wear. You will pay two dollars a jard to duplicate this lieautiftil silk tliRt we offer special for Dress I p M eek, Q fl E j. at a yard. tl.ll HEAVY CORD AVASHABLE GPI.FIXE 32 to 3C niches wide. Ideal for skirte, suits and sport coats. Shown in Copen, white, bisque, ilelpli and old rose. Espe v tvau JVWIJtJ- $1.29 cially pneeu, .it tlie yard, ORIENTAL PONGEE 50 pieces of a good, heavy quality that cannot lie duplicated at 'the price. Shown in natural color onlv. Supply your needs for the entire Summer, while it goes Monday only, ytt rf, atthejard, tytyC DRESS M'OOLiafS One of the big demands of the season is for fancy i ostu me checks. Other weaves tha't have proven themselves are the Pin Seal cloth, the Poiret Twill, and the ever-popular Gabardine, Toplin and Tnssah Cloth. Stripes are promised a continuing xpukrity. SILKS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Shown in wanted street and even ing shades Gros de Londres, Chif fon and Pussy M'lllow Taffetas, Poulte dc Soie, Soiree, Silk Faille, Silk and MrooI P, plin, Faillette, Crepe de Chine, Crepe Meteor, Habutai Pongee and Shantung. I XPERT DRESSMAKING WD fAlLErV 411 work pu-i tivelj "tiarantecd eatisfactoiv Mm. Ran i.nwns M I . yi res s.nts. j, , in,t i . FOiuable JI'Lui nm I a I i mt fit now Hi lU PASO HERALD TEXAS. SATURDAY, A1ARCH 25, 1916. March. It is a splendid idea originated by the manufacturers and backed up by thousands of the largest newspapers and retail concerns. The purpose of Dress Up Week is exactly what its name implies to spruce up and show that America is now at the height of prosperity. 'And prosperity is with us to stay! The country is like a huge checker board and it is now the people's move to demonstrate their confidence in the nation's financial strength by appearing rich and prosperous. The eutorprising business men moved first when they showed their confi dence by purchasing the largest Spring stocks in their history. That is exactly what this store has done. We have secured the finest assortments of new Spring apparel, yard goods and accessories that it has ever been our good fortune to present to the citizens of El Paso. Re markable gatherings of new clothing of. the most dependable character for men and women, boys and girls, at various prices that represent pan-amount a nines. Neefewe&r EHainia "W& their neckwear ye shall know "-'them this Spnng. so many are the vugnes and so pleasing the noveltiex Even neckwear lias been influenced by the historic modes, inspiring the gay outstanding ruff of the cavalier and tho demure fichu of the Quakeress. Larger collars many in cape-hke effects, dainty guunpes and vestees, mourning neck wear, collar and cuff sets, so many in fact are the novelties here that to at tempt to review them i a gigantic task. We suggest rather that jou. visit this section Jlonday and note for yourself the delightful new stvles, the original '"Popular" Frenchy modes, the unusual collection that we have provided for vour selection. Prices ft) r cjo & range ZCtQ. The Exquisite New Gloves WITHIN tho past two weeks ship ments of "loves have arrived from Italy, France and American glove cen ters, replenishing our stocks with all that's nc in glovalom. We have been splendidly protected by -many glove makers, receiving our gloves on time, and at reasonable prices. , Our orders being placed early gave us choice of selected skin.s, consequently we can insure every glove a positive pro tection to bujers of "Popular" gloves. Special attention is directed to the new shades of gray, butter, ivory and cafe au l.iit. In all stvles, at all prices. i ""-, - First Showing I N display Monday a bic: variety of exclusive Parasols. Models that are correct for Spring and Sum mer uses. Shown on first floor. HandKercMefs For Spring YEARS ago a handkerchief was only a handkerchief and the number m the dresser drawer was the only concern of tho woman of fashion. Today the fashionable woman is just as insistant about the modishness of her handker chief as of her other apparel. Monday we show dainty new novelties in hand kerchiefs batiste with groups of but terflies and flowers in one corner. Beau tiful new colorings. (TEf. Special, at .! C (imp Bg (jzb) Women's New Footwear Of Style Correctness 1PHE new "Popular" Models are authoritative expressions of style-cor-rectness in Women's Footwear for Spring. They are shoes of artistic merit perfect in design, and of the high-quality for which "Fopular" Tootwear is so well known. Light-colored Footwear continues in vogue and we would like to have you see, especially, the High-top Kid Shoes which we are showing, in grays, mouse brown and white; the new Buckskin Shoes, in bisque, light and dark gray and the new tnodels in White Calf. This display also includes the newest Pumps in Patent Leather, Dull Kid and Brown Calf. A more comprehensive assortment never was shown than that which you will see in our Shoe Shop Monday morning. Women's New Apparel , For Mourning' Wear INDIVIDUALITY of style with the necessary dignity characterizes our Exhibit of Spring Apparel for Mourning wear. We have evening and street Costumes of, unusual becomingness fashioned from Georgette crepe, chiffon taffeta, nets, and various combinations of Georgette and crepe de chine, charmeuse and silk faille charmingly fin ished with touches of ribbons, braids and beads. Exclusive models, without excessive cost, range in price upward from $19.50 Women's Stylishly Twlorcd Black Suits, in the season's best models and materials, with appropriate trimmings for mourning wear, are priced upward from $19.50 The Ksseratial Mourning; Accessories All of the JWiirning Accessories such as Neckwear, Kerchiefs, .levvelry, Gloves, Stationery and Leather Goods, are also on dis play on our First Floor. Special provision ras fccerr made for prompt service to those Tvho emmol make personal selections, and a filler will be sent to the home upon request. Women's Sports Apparel In New Novel Styles IP HE most novel styles have been produced in the new Sports Apparel by the selection of materials and colors that give the proper contrast for effectiveness. These garments have not only been designed for attractiveness, but for general service and comfort in the pursuit of outdoor sports, as well. Every material suitable for Sport. Suits and Coats and Field Shirts is repre sented in this new Spring showing, and the color-combinations are varied enough to suit every requirement. may -w e suggest that you save a moment to in spect the splendid assemblage of Trunks, Suit ( 'uses and Bags we have to offer .' We helicv e you will find it time well spent and it may help mi to dci'idi' definite! and quicklx the tedious lug gage problem. Week-End Edition, EL. PASO'S MOST PROGRESSIVE STORE The Greatest National Event of the Entire PROGRESSIVE merchants throughout the coun try from Maine to California have planned to an nounce this important event during the month of Tailored and Fancy Black Blouses, for mourning wear, are made of taf feta, crepe de chine, Georgette crepe and taffeta. These are priced up ward from $2.95 e March 25-26, 1915. The Popular's Men's Store Moved Across The Street Right Next to Feldman's onaay A Variety Of Ribbons SEASON" of Ribbons is the 'Spnng of 191G, with its manv revivals of quaint period styles in which ribbons are prominently fea tured1. Fashion demands that Ribbons shall ornament hats as well as frocks and every variety in favor is embraced in the new foreign and American lines that comprise our Spring stock. There are. Faille, Moire, Taffeta, atin, Picot Edge, Plaid,- Baradere stripe, Roman stripe and Messaline Ribbons with many of the popular gold effects and stylish Pompadours. Bs SUPERBLY rich in their exquis. ite loveliness axe the sew laces and embroideries. Hand in hand with prevailing modes, they serve to enhance the charm of new fabrics, to accentuate beauty of gown. A comprehensive showing of leather trimmings in banding, ornaments and drops; colors navy, real leather brown j white and black. NEW BUTTONS FOR SPRING Complete new lines of Fancy Dress Buttons now on display. Hundreds of pretty odd shapes and styles, in colors to match all the new shadings ,m dresa materials. Tne Vogue VERY complete line of Feather Fans is being shown here. Flat and folding styles. All the leading shades in both light and dark corn binations. These Fans are being used extensively for evening wear and the ater; all prices, up to $25. What Fashion Demands In Petticoats THE selection of a Petticoat is sot a matter of such little importance this Spnng as in past seasons. The new style of skirts demands the wear ing of flaring Petticoats and our Spring line includes soma very novel effects. Petticoats of taffeta and soiree m plain and changeable effects, some having petal-shaped ruffles, others lavishly trimmed with lace and net 'Washable Satin, Crepo de Chine and Silk Jersey Petticoats that have pi coted and corded edj-es for the dis tension of their ruffles. We Maintain El Paso's Only Suc cessful and Up-to-Date Boys' Dept.