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El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, March 25, 1916, HOME EDITION, Image 8

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8 Week-End Edition, March 23-26, IMG.
I L aooMi a ma Ha, ji Y-
ritiTio C!i1ttq T.oori TWTiTirt
vujpiioi, uinci, j-igo-ia i.j-mco ucai jjao wuwa Aarvou
Over by Big Syndicate; Means Another War
ren District at El Paso's Front Door.
T.I1E largest mining deal made re
cently In this section of the Kl
Paso Southwest has just been
rl.wcd, wherein the Phelps-Dodge ln-
mkIs have taken over large holdings
iti the Organ mountain district. Pur
hases outright and the securing of
options involvf about 31, 600.000.
rhe deal involved the purchase of
t Ji . Heniiett-.steTihent-on propertv, tile
lurprdo and Memphis mines, and op
ti' ns on the SI odor, Kxcelsior and sev -it
il other claims lv lllg on the west
e ill of the Organ mountain range
To penil iCon,0OO.
The Modoc .it.d Kxcelsior properties
im irk the south and north limits of the
.listrict taken oxer h the Phelps
I lodge people The district is 10 miles
in lengt'i and Includes some valuable
ii ines Whlk no announcement liaB
I een made, it is understood that fullv
mi 000 will be spent during the pres
int i ar in development, and that there
i tttronir likelihood that a railroad
will be liullt into the district to cheap-
n tranhportation. according to J. I.
Mi t'ullottgh
SIHer, Copper nnd Lend.
The Bennett-Stephenson property is
nn old one. havlrg been located in
is 11 bv Hugh Stephenson. Prior to
tl i sale to the Phelps-Dodge syndicate
i; was controled by the Organ Moun
i i n Mining oompanv of which J. I U
ttUough of this city was president,
nnd F. W Campbell of Las Cruces,
- retary. The property has silver, lead
ml copper he u lug- ores and Is re
garded as a valuable piopertv.
Copper Mine.
The Torpedo, which lies north of the
Ik nnett-Stephenson proper t, was con
troled bv X. t and I" J Foster of
I lirchilds. Wis It was located bv
Henry Foly in K1S ind has to its rep
ot d a production of about $1,000,000
in ore. The Torpedo Is a copper prop
erty The Memphis, which adjoins the Tor
pedo on the north, was in control of a
company of whieh J I McCulIough
was president and J. r White was
sec-retarv It was located in the early
'70s by W J Joblln and has produced
about ?ir0.00, ami during the past
ear hns nrodneeil jtmut (jn mm n,n
Memphis h-ts coppti. mImi, gold and I
SI. SHffli
United States senator Alorris
Sheppard of Texas t-iay in
tirduced a bill In the seriate to make
tl.i Fort Bliss army iost a brigade
i i rison.
This measure willbe urged as an im-
i '.liitf need iiyu it is beheed that
i II i t , J t , t .. without
i-stii y ttK pi si iu situation
pioii1 l't dud doubt toe need for
i ' tre ami
post at El Paso
Border Rumors Do Not Pre
vent Management From
Booking Here.
'The John Robinson Ten Big Shows"
an lolled to appear In Bl l'aso, Satur-f
" April b, although conditions are
sut h, should Intervention be announced
ii the government, thnt the circus is In
,t fair way to not only lose a great
amount of monej, but also its four
ii am loads of aluahle equipment and
d(ItlKlng tar number one of the
-liowx arrived in El Paso late Friday
.ift-rnoon from Del Rio. The bill post-
1 v rt i ounted a number of stories heard
ilon tin route of the Southern Pa-
ifn and telegraphic communications
with the show's officials were deemed
io(esH.ir The headquarters, of tho
ion. at Montgomery, Ala., were told
I the warnings given by cltlzenB at th
i irlouit stops made by the car en route
j 1 om Del Rio.
nners to the communications were
mi eied i,t P. 3 Bates, manager of the
.10M rtisuur car. the aubstsnee of -uhtot.
tier, tint the shows will take a chance
not r. ! on the ability of the troops to
pionct the show people and equipment
in event of trouble." I
The management of the shows is evl
d. nll better Informed than the sensa
tion mongers along the border, who are
manuf.uturing all the exnteint nt that
( ists in theli on minds El l'aso was
pen 1 any quiett r than Don, and neer
mere there am fewer indications of
trouble of any kind.
The shows are . n route to California
and other Pacific roast points
"KTnov T in f'MnnnM rnlrAV
zinc Tho Modoc, upon which an op
tion has been secured. Is a lead piop
erty, while the Kxcelsior is a copper
IlenI Cloned hr McCulIough,
The sale of the three large proper
ties and the securing of options on the
various nrosnects within the district
i marked by the Modoc and Kxcelsior
properties, was negotiated By J. 1. aic
loigh. Mr. McCulIough lias been iden
tified with these properties for 12
Means Illtr ljcielonmeiif.
The entrance of the Phelps-Dodge
rit it i. i,.iro.j ,,Tii , i. i- .i,
trlct. It is believed, will result in the
rielelnnment of tho nrniurtlu tnlrnn
development of the properties taken
over and mining men look to a repe
tition of the big development that has
taken place in other camps controled
b the company, notablv BlBbee and
Morencl and the newer camp of Tj
rcne. The new properties of the Phelps
Dodge people He within 60 miles of
1:1 Paso and constitute the nearest min
ing district to this city If a railroad
is built into the district it may be ex
tended from the Santa Fe at Las Cru
ces, or a road built from the K P. &
S TV. main line It Is believed that
fully 600 men will he required to carry
on the development work contemplated.
Stnrtrd IS Months Ago.
The efforts towardfl rnnfinltilatlnn re
sulting in the recent sale of the large i
sri iMer-& ?!
were sianea aoout le. months ago,
wnen ait. Aictunougn secured an op
tion on the Torpedo from the Foster
brothers. Tn September, 1915, he was
successful in securing an option on the
Bennett-Stephenson and Memphis prop
erties and the Torpedo to W. Roland
rx, ,f, ?evr. Yoi"k- Owing to threat
ened litigation Mr. Cot released his
optioD on the Ilennett-Stephenson prop
erty, but retained his option bond and
lease on the Torpedo anil Memphis
properties. Mr McCulIough Imme
diately sought the Phelps-Dodge peo
ple as probable bujers of the Bennett
Stephenson and secured an assignment
of tho Memphis and Torpedo to the
oompanv, with the result that all were
taken over, together with options on
the Modoc and Excelsior and sevacrtfl
other properties Ijlng in the disttKct
Senator Sheppard and congressman
TV. It. Smith hae been working for a
brigade post to be located at El Paso
for several years and have been urging
the committee on military affairs to
take action to this end as it was show u
that El Paso was the strategic point
on the border
This fact is now heme reeocrnise,! hi
the members of congress and early ac-
nuii on wie measure is anticipated.
Acquitted of Charge of Wife
Murder; Second Murder
Charge Pending.
After being out about 50 minutes,
the jury In the case of J. D. Lee,
charged with the murder of his wlfo
at 1G Texas street on March 4,
brought In a verdict of not guilty late"
Friday afternoon. Lee Is still under
indictment for the murder of Fred Von
Doake and will be tried on this charge
Borne time during the May term.
The state rested in the case Friday
and. when court reconvened In the
afternoon the defence announced that
it naa no witnesses to put on and
rested Arguments were concluded
during the afternoon and shortly be
fore i ocloek the case went to the Jury
Two Pound Dead.
Mrs. Lee and I'red Von Doake were
found dead In separate rooms at 100C
Texas street early in the morning of
March 4 At the dame time Lee sur
rendered to the police, declaring, ac
cording to several witnesses, that he
had killed a man. hen he surrend
ered he turned in a 38 caliber pistol
A pistol of the same caliber was found
near the bodv nf Von nnair. r.k. Li-
death. In both bodies wore two bullet I
vrollnds t
It is probable that an effort will be
m tde to secure the rel asi of Lee from
th lOiinti jnl nndi 1 bond
When All Others Fail
1 lie t pti n 1 t 1 t n 1 1 1 1
1 1 r.,rv iji s-, .. (, , j, K, IU, , s
Misa Ave Makes Ula-ses J.n.ut Vdv.
s ' -
I ..".-'
'Out" For Kepairs.
Melbourne. Australia, March -'
further v lreless messages ha e i e a
received here to throw li t on tb
fate of Lieut Sir I most Markl.t.
Antarctic exploit r. who w is vstoi
day reported from Sydnej to have re
turned. Later messages, In ih to her'
and London, indicated tluc was nt
true, but that Shaiklefor"s uivili it '
ship Aurora was leturnn t to New
Zealand, damaged, for tepair titol th it
another expedition would h necis
Four members of thf u i is p irt
wt re left behind at tlie ilos sea 1 i
of th expedition
It is evident from the vv ir. less ii s
patehes that the fate of l.teut s
farnest snaclcieton and the fst or th.
narty which is attemntin- t . cross the
' 1""' wuim IS auempnn, I J cross inr
Antarctic region, it, it unknown
Probably nothing will he heard from
them until next November, when tho
ice breaks
JRnrller 'Wireless Calls Fnnnmiercd.
The wireless dispatch pits the Au
rora was released from the u e in Ross
sea on March 14, in littule tl"t
south, and longitude 101 i it Th
Aurora reported it had s. nt wirclexs
messages from a relief ship during the
winter, but Its talis had n t been in
svvercd. This is believed to hnf lee
duo to the abandonment In t le '
trali.in government of Mm, n iric isl
and as a wireless station
J A Jensen, minister of tlo in v
has received the following wir less
I irom the urora
! fc.apMH.,,;',:',
south, longitude 161, e ,st I irift
Gaee. comm!ssar Tin hards phl
cist, Hayward. senetirv, ami J k' .
biologist, ashore
"Wireless appeals foi telief Kip e tit
during the winter No aclvn nvletlgi -raent.
"Ship proceeding to-'Poit fhalmers
. Z.. with lnjureiVrudder No an
chors and short cf fuel Hxpect to
arrive early In i5ril
(Signed) T -ctenhouse"
J. It. SlCrtShouse Is chief officer of
the Auro4.
The hews as received in I -on dun
, V the 1vorI1 cotnpictcH in the
darfk as to the doings oi whereabouts
SF ,1,ieut Shackleton and his imme
diate partv. if they hae carried out
xS piR:rani they now are presum
ably at the Ross sea base, but without
the expected ship to take them off.
King Is Gravely Concerned.
Eien if Shackleton has been nn
tuccessful in the attempt to cross the
pole and has had to retrace his steps
to the tViddel sea base, thence to re
turn to Buenos Aires, the relief ex
pedition will have to be reorganized to
effect the rescue of Lieut Aeneas Mac
intosh, R. Is. R., i command of the
Aurora and a number of his compan
ions who were left on shore at Ross
sea when the Aurora broke from her
moorings. The great question is. w,n
the stores which the men possessed, be
sufficient to sustain the lives of the
???Lto,r !iIvear' The Information con
tained In the mesage received at Lon
don was at once communicated to king
i J-i'.i. o lM ueut Shackle
ton t ttn a fla&r to ,.,, ,.jn i
morol, J ..-,- ".. """' "'
"TV; oVT. 1 1 ." . lfKen Sf'at Inter
est in Shackleton's task The news
caused grave consternation mon the
relatives and friends of the evploier.-
Alamoirordo. X. if "Mnrrh tu
tate tax commission has notified
assessor Frank M. Maxwell that the
county of Otero will be expected and
required to show for taxation, propertv
to the extent of J4.670.000.' This is not
to include the propertj of railroads,
telegraph and telephone companies, ex
press, sleeping car and transmission
companies, the value of bank stocks
and the net output of mines Notice
IS served that in the evetif of th. f,l
ure to return this amount for taxation
horizontal raises will be made sufft-
cient to make the required sum The
total of all the property returned for !
taxation in 1915 was onlv S9.S87.fi3s
Assessor Maxwell is of the opinion thit
the greatest vigilance and the most
painstaking efforts will not put on the
rolls the amount which has been desig
nated by the state commission as
Otero county's pro rata share of the
state's taxes, and that the proposed
horizontal raises v, ill work a hardship
on many of the large property owners.
Bnys Fruit Itnnrli.
Lieut S. A. W'allen. United States
aimy, retired, has bought the fruit I
ranch which was the propert of the '
estate of the late Lieut 0 S Lusk 1
The ranch is two miles southeast of
.uamogordo, comprises JO acres, with i
1500 fruit trees, nearly all
nAnrlr ill r0 !-.-.
Deanng The property was sold, in
,0. G. Cady, administrator of the estate
ine consideration Is not given
Manhattan Musical Comedy
Company Will Open En
gagement Next Week.
ISS Ruth Leslie and William
Truehart will be at tin inw
fgrd n.t unit with tin M in-
li ilt m Musk al 1 mm ii , in,MII
which opens on h . 1 m t,
wire the dainty team if dim. is vv h j
appeared befon. th. Lions at thtu bli
IWi 11 11 1 1 I . TL - Li(fw3tes?s- W&L 831 ' KSHPt'K
HHHHBc7rdjflBf AJMHillBtSHHMBRvHBIHBflHollv 3$ flllK tSflBk. v 4-tsdHHdRteL fi" sfl nlBIIH
BktJh ?BBBflBMBBiBBBflBBBHBBBBBlEt3l C j!SuhHHbBIHh it r&s&ifflBmBm&i Hik iSTbIH
ijnus i.raham MtNarv president or th. T.i-st National bank, and t.s
.. Iiool Alarcerv Mav AI Nart wo trois to Mrs Kzt Zahn!s kinderRarten;
Ms M. Narv s tl
Berlin. Gei many. March 25 Mlhtarj
activity on the northern sector of the
eastern battle front, continued despite
alternating rain and snow.
Russian drum fire was lieay on the
night of March 20 and in the earlv
morning of Match 21, between the "a
rocz and Wiszzniew lakes and it was
particulailv hay just south of Na
rooz lak here the German line rac
f i om B itniki to Mokrjzza and then to
th westward
Tht Russians directed their main at-
i , .. i nn....nn ,1.1. u .nAn .. i,u
' "'" "" "" irei null
hanassinK concentric fire and the Ger-
111 in; ,ti hack to their second line to
uoii u'inecest.ar losses. The Rus
sians who came forward in heavy at
tacking columns were sanRUinarln re-
pulsed and tLe Germans followed them
.. ru if ., .1 mi -n..
10 misniKi anu men reiireu. ine nus-
J sians did not follow thorn the second
l1"'"" r
TWO qwrpcj tit nWTJ TTP-
(Continued from pafre 1.)
the loss of
life would have been
FnreiiinHtH Illown Aray.
The foremasts and wireless apparatus
were blown away by the explosion.
The wireless operator attempted unsuc
cessfully to rig a substitute.
Persons who embarked in the boats
returned to the Sussex before dark.
Rockets were fired during the earlv
part of the night, and at about mid
! 1R1,t H ,r,lef came to the rescue
Jt t"ok as many as it could carry to
Buulosl" v British destroyer tame up
soon afterward and took on the otker
pi shengers. convening them to Dover.
Five bodies were left on the Sussex
Paris, France. March 25. The French
offii ial statement say that the past
night was quiet In the Verdun region
Dotn east and west 01 the Jleuse. Ar-
tillerv duels are
la progress in the
"Voere region
illtlTIMI lli:01t; IMJ1B FOHdi. 4
I IK.lJ'n IIVNfJR C(MniA.M)i:its
I London. Enn . March 25 The war of- I
f,,, h.. n,'iLi . ,....,t,.... r
?e has announced a reorganization of !
. . .
the fortes in Egypt Gen -Sir A Murray
ha-. .!.. unit d nole command In Egypt
t.eii n u. Bag.ve!l left for England '
, -
blow ut " 11
months ago
the Sheldon grill
few ,
The comedy company is comine this
waj from Arizona, where a i'ouKl.is
liai.ir savs of them'
Th initial appearance of the ian
hittan Musical Comedy company at the
t'liluinhi 1 l.,st niKht broucht hleh
prn is.
fr mi tin audience for the plav -Miss
m, II 1 Mavflt Id the prinii
"'UII I 1 I tUt'll 1. . VV Ith
't I ' Ml 11, 1 1 I. , I i I , ,
I 1. s, , , , OH, ,, ,
I HI I s I I , J I t 11
'1 hi .in t .1 Ia Arthur
Har- j
1 ono I
tiotb. lurmdians playing Into
, 11 i I lil i . us
mi ilit d inn- . i in
losmia Raynnlr'j. of Albuquerque, N M presiuent ci tm I- rst N itir.nal
' Berlin, Oerman, Mirrh 25 Thf city
of Verdun is in flames, according1 to
today's official statement by the Ger
man army headquarter-?.
Berlin. 5erman. Starch 25 The Ber
liner Tagebiatt's Macedonian corre
spondent sati that French forces from
the entrfnehed camp at Salonlkl have
been show inic iw ti ity in the neighbor
liood of fiietgeli on the Servian-Greek
frontier, where the fired 10 shots from
heavy guns against Austro-German
pioneers who were repairing bridges.
The shots aid no damage The French
also carried out a bombardment in the
1c111itv of Doiran. A number of small
skirmishes between patrols have taken
' Ttlu r-t tho rrrrnnnnlBrit ddila
j f-- "- s, . ,., .
, Vienna UBtrla, Mar(h 25Parade
j rouii.l. and rifle ranges in Austria.
ind ali other lands set aside for mili
tary use. are to be devoted as far as
possible to raising food. The war office
has directed that such ground is to be
planted with oats, peas, beans, early
potatoes and fresh vegetables.
Throughout the country the milltary
authorities are warned that they must
refrain from doing the least damage to
crops, no matter how small the area.
Every available plot of ground must
be used for increasing the supply of
food and fodder.
Douglas. Ariz March 15. Chinese
of AuKua Prieta and other Sonora towne
hae made such strenuous protests
against being obliged to take the "sani
tation uam prescrioeti ny uov. uaiies
that the decree has been modified.
However, their persons ant, premises
will he subject to inspection for the
preention of typhus and other con
tagious diseases
J. .
.MIttn Kit. KOIttlKK
1:1. i'Avv, nins ix k,vsa
1 J A Shrh er. formerlv livestot k
I agent of the Santa Fe, died March 20 at I
leawot, has.
The word reached Kl Paso In a mes-
siKe from John W. Moore, of KaiiBas
'itv to hi hmihM. , tnn or fi
Taso ' '
Mr shriver had many friends here
and is well remem'iered by all the old
anotltei s hands In surh a wav as to
net p 1 ne tun going all the time. Miss
t lot. Coliini acquitted herself with
credit, as did Miss Ruth Leslie and
William Truehart with a selection of
half a dozen of the latest society
dances. The chorus was good and the
members of It are very clever dancers."
in n 1
Mod 1 1
. us ,,f the eye.
is oh tain more
1 I ...fr InWllt-
lit tl
1 th.
ttist 1,
v. 1 icii i;t, l k 1 rt ill, .'2S Mesa
Au , Makes Classes Light. Adv.
'imik Imm 1, tt to r.p-u Vr M Nu- ' '.haM M Narv vho is a pupd at
Mr. M'Nary httie Mart'.a f N n andlutn MNaiv a tup I tit the El Paso
Las Cruces, N. M , March. 23. The Re
publican campaign in Las Cruces and
incidentally Dona Ana county, was
opened at a mass meeting last night at
which resolutions were passed and can
didates for members of the board of
trustees and treasurer ior ins town
were nominated The meeting was in'
the court house nnd was well attend
ed. It was called to order b senator
Herbert B Holt On motion of deputy
sheriff Jose Lucero senator Holt was
made chairman Vincent B. May was
elected secretary.
At a meeting held previous to this
meeting a committee, composed of
Frank T French, John H. May, Felipe
Lucero. W. W. Cox and Theodore
Kouault, sr , was appointed to make
nominations for a board of trustees
and a treasurer for the town of Las
Cruces. Frank T. French read the re
port of the committee, which nominat
ed the following trustees: John H.
May, Jesus Nevarez, George B. John
ston, Capt, "W. R. Reber and Dr. H.
M. Cornell. J. O. Miller was nominat
ed for treasurer. This report was
unanimously adopted.
Resolutions were read by "William j
A sutnerianti ana unanimously adopt
ed. Some of the things In the resolu
tions were a protest against a war
tax in time of peace; recommendations
of a policy of preparedness; recom
mendations of the bond issue of $1-1 000
for the repair, and Improvement and
extension of the waterworks sstem,
and t'OOO for the repair and improve
ment of the sewer system; recommend
ation of a more hearty cooperation
with the count road board
All trains arrive and depart from Union
station, foot of San Francisco street. All
arrivals and departures given In 1 Paso or
mountain standard time.
For Albuquerqut. Denver. Chicago. Los
Angeles No. Hi Irs. 1:58 a. m.; Xo. S10
it 1 p. m.
From Albuquerque. Denver. Los Anseles.
Chicago No. 109 arvs. 10 a. m.: No. lis
at 6:55 p m.
(WMtern Di-rislon.)
For Arizona and California No. V Irs.
2 55 p. m.; No. 7. at 7:15 p. m.
From Arizona and California No. I arrs.
7 a. ra.; No. 4 at 1 40 p. ra
(Eastern Dlylslon.)
For Kansas city. St. Louis and Chicago
Na 4 lvs. 1-5S p m : No. 2. at 4.4 p. m.
Tor Tucumcarl No. 8 ivs. 7:30 a. m.
From Chicago. St. Louis and Kansas 'City
From Tucumcarl No. i arrives 7-20 p. m!
:vo. t arvs. 6'io a. m.: No. 3 at 1:40 p. m.
G. 11. A g. A. AND S. P. TRAINS.
For San Antonio. New Orleans and Wash
ington No. 102 Its. 3:45 a. m.: No. 10 at
I0-J0 p. m.
From Washington. New Orleans and San
Antonio No. arvs. 5:30 p. m.: No. 101 at
iti p. xn,
For Arlsona and California No. 1 lvs.
6'45 a. m. ; No. 9 at 6 p. m.; No. 101 at
10'IS p. m.
From Arizona and California No. 102
arvs. 8-30 a. m.; No. 2 at 4 SO p. m.: No
lo at 10 p. m.
For Dallas and St. Louis No C. Its. :1o
a. m.: No 4. at 7 p. m.
From St. Louis and Dallas No. 3 arvs.
3:15 a. m.: No 5 at 9-35 D rr
No rectllar schedule
No regular schedule.
IIICKOK HOTEL and auto line. Eagle, N.
M. Trips to Elephant Butte and Palomaa
Springs. Cars meet all trains.
LAKE VALLEY. Hidsboro and Kingston
auto stage and express line meets all trains
at Lake Valley Wire at my expense for
soeclal trips anywhere at any time. Rates
reasonable. P. Mister. Hlllsboro. N. M.
SILVER Crrr-MOGOIXON stage line, on
way 37 50. round trip 115 Stanley steamer.
12 passenger car. Wire or write for reserva
tion. Eight years' experience Mogollon road,
rrank Townsend. P. O. Box 703. Phono 24.
Silver City
ROS1VELL-CARRIZOZO mall line. Passen
ger service leaving both Roswell and Carrt
1010 dally and Sunday at 8 a. in. for Plca
cho Tinnle, Hondo. Lincoln, Ft. Stanton.
CaP'tan and Nogal. Through fare one way.
IS 40 Intermediate points at 8c per mile.
Baggage carried up to 175 pounds. 50
pounds free. Excess at lc per pound. Ros
well Auto Co.. owners and operators.
ROSWELL-ALAMOCORno passenger and
express line. Automobiles leave Alamogordo
for Roswell at 10 15 a. m arrive at Huswrell
at 630 p m Westbound automobile leave
"tawell for Alamogordo at 7:00 a. m. Arrive
. A'1Inoeordo at 4 15 p. m. Stops are mads
at the following points Plcacho. Tinnle,
Hondo San Patricio. Glen Coe. White Mt
nn. Mescalero. Bent. Tularosa. La Los.
inrough fara one way 310. Intermediate
points 80 per mile. Twenty-five pounds
Baggage carried free. Excess le per pound.
Alamogordo Garage. Alamogordo. N. M.
GLOBE TO rilOENIX Eight hours. Via
Roosevelt urn. Leaves Dominion hotel
Ginoe, itaiiT ii'nm Arrive Phoenix 4 30
P- a. Fare 115. Make reservations la ad-
bank it t'at piace and is an accom-
Oklahoma City, Okla., March
Sight persons were killed In a
house two miles east of Davis, Okla..
by a tornado which struck that section
last night. The path of the tornado
.ieht miles lontr
was elSnt ralIes lms-
. I
A dollar saved by buying goods pro
duced elsewhere Is a dollar thrown at
your neighbor's birds.
New Location
107 Texas Street
Anderson-Filler Investment Co.
Phoenbj-El Paso Building Co.
Gila Valley Auto Stage Line. Globe.
EL PASO-CLINT Wheeler's car leaves Clint
for El Paso dally, including Sunday, at I It
a. m. Returning to Clint the car leaves
Tho Herald office at 3:30 p. n. Express
and parcels carried.
IilG SPRINGS, Lamets, Tex.. Auto Lh
leaves Big Springs dally .except Sunday at
Ilt 1 m.. arriving Lamesa via Soash and
Sparenberg, at 12 noon, returning to Bis
Springs !au day at 5 p. m. 33 50 one way,
36 00 round trip. CordlU Smith. Props.
Big Springs. Tex.
EL rASO-LA MESA auto line, upper valley!
west side. Herald delivery leaves Herald of
fice each week day at 4 p. m. Fares fro-t
El Paso to the following points are as fol
lows: Canutlllo. 76c. La Union store. 3LQ0.
Chamberlno. 31.35; La Mesa. 31.60. Car
leaves La Mesa for El Paso nt J a. tn. dal y.
Telephone 342. La Mesa, N. M. R. T Hewl-r
' LIS CRrCES auto line, for MesIUa varey
potnrV. leaves Herald office each week dar
at 2.16 p. m. Fares from El Paso to Carni
tine 75c; Anthony, tt 00: Berlno. 31.2',.
Vado. 1150: Mesquite. 51. T3: Mesllla Park.
12 00. Las Cruees 12 00 Leaves E T Johrs
News Stand. Phone 145. for El Paso, at &
p m dailv
TULAROSA-MESCALEF.O auto leaves Tnla
rosa for Mescalero, daily, 33 round trip, fara
to Alamogordo 32. D. W. Shoemaker Auto
Line. Tularosa. N. M.
MARPA-FORT DAVIS auto mall line leaves
Port Davts dally and Sundays 8 a. 171. Leaves
Marfa 3 p. m. One way. 2.50; round trig
11.09. G. W. Davis. Prop.
BLACK RANGE auto stage and express line,
passenger service leaving Englt and Ch .r
Ide dally except Sunday at 7 1. tn. for E e
phant Butte. Cuchlllo, Willow Springs and
Falrvlew Through fare one way, tt Inter
mediate points, lie per mile. Baggage car
ried (0 pounds tree, excess 2 cents per
IHTNC.VN-SOL03IONVTLLE antoraaM e stage
line. Save one day between Glohe and C if
ton. Leave Duncan 8 :S0 a. m, arre So
omonvllle 11 00 a. m. Leave So'oin..nM.
11:45 a m , arrive Duncan 3.15 p in. Fare
each way 35 00. R. L Reid. manager. Dun
can. Arizona.
FABENS-CI.INT-EL TASO au".omoblte stage
Una See the tower valley ar.d enjoy a real
good ride Kound trip fare to c'l'nt $1
Fabons 117", Automobile leaver El Ti
Herald office each evening except Sundays
at 2 o'clock and returns to El Paso at C
o'clock Make reservations at The Herald
onto, leaves Lordsburg daily 1 p. m.. vta
Tyrone, leaves Silver City daily f a. m.. via
Tyrone Through faro one way 36. round
trip 112. Silver City to Tyrone one way
12 00: round trip 13.00 Sro't Garage, Lords
burg. N. M.. Broadway Hotel. Sliver City.
N. M.
OWEGO-BUENA VISTA auto mall line.
Every day except Sundays. Fare one way
3L25 G. c. Marshall. Proprietor.
line. Leaves Muena Vista 9 a. m. Leaves
Grand Falls 1 p. m. Faro one way ii 01'.
C O. Humble. Proprietor.
Herald Want Ads
Bring Results
Try One and Be Convinced.
C 14.D.F0 STER CO. Props i

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