Newspaper Page Text
TVeek-Eud Edition, March 23-26, 1916. IWARRING - IN THE VOSGES TIlCESDAT.n TO IIR SUNT TO ClMVOIUIt FOR TniAI. Phoenix, Arri, March Gov. Hunt has honored a requisition for E. J. Truesdale, said to be wanted for bur- elarr at Chino. Cal. Truesdale was ar- THE jfwELSrllp O .D.F 0 STER CO. Props; 1 EL PASO. TEXAS ST $111 NJ rested at Tucson. Only n Few Left. Mrs. Edna J. Evans' Cook Books on sale at The Herald Office, at 25c each. Out of town purchasers please add 3 cents to cover postage Adv Roberts-Banner Building Will Complete Solid Block of Big Buildings on Stanton; Mrs. Patterson to Build Five-Story Apartment on Mesa; Japanese Bung alow Planned for Mesa Ave.; Other Buildings. Try The'Heralrl "Want Ads. EL PASO HEUATD m SUlf BUILDING STARTED: NEWAra mm AA G nIMi was broken during the present week for the new r..l.erts-Banner building which if seven stories at the southwest i.. t nf Stanton and Mill" streets and -t sr.eooo coniplefed. The .contract tin construction of the building s awarded to Jtihn Mulligan last i isdtr at approximately J117?900. I lie niw Wulldlnp will haxe a front , i r i.'i fiet on Mills street and HZ vi int. .11 street Its (onuiletioii will i wit tin nt mde of Sunton .tn"t i . i .-olid io wf high buildings, in ilm 1 wrxboflx'x which is to bo i.liKii'd two stories, the four story i i. r building; and the seven story i v 1! uinci building 5 try tpnrlnicnt. i nmincnim nt was also made 1 Br ibe pie-ent week of the completion .Una for the five story apartment Keep the Stomach Right i and when it flhows any signs of distress, give help at once. HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters has been found ery helpful as a tonic and appetizer. Try It. house to be built for Mrs. Mildred Pat terson on tlit southwest corner of Mesa avenue and California street, which will cost, with furnishing. $5o,000. It was announced at the same time the probability that a little later an addition of equal size would be liullt that would brine the total cost to S100.000.. The building will have an automatic elevator. II. M. Beutell is the architect. More and Tenement. Work is just starting on the store and tenement house t Vincent Sal-, m at Third and Stanton .streets, to cost 118,900. This building will be V'slIO feet two stories in height, with stores on the first floor and apartments and rooms .ahox e. Work is under wav on a S.'uOO apart ment building; for It A. Nonkc on the west side of Stanton sti t. letn-cen Ilivor and Cliff streets The sttucture will be two stories In hetKhr and con tain two three room apartments and one five room apartment A basement will be provided and heating olant in stalled. The Phoenix-iCl Paso Build ing company has the eontr.ii. for the j work. , rfnpnnrvc If unKUltirr. The Phoenlx-IU Paso BuiMin- com pany has started construction work on a seven room Japanese bungalow for Mrs Ada Shelton on the west side of Mesa avenuei between Curri Hnd Hague streets. The Anderson-Filler Improvement company has sold to D J 'Cooke a. modern four room bungalow at Clifton and Lamar streets, in Government Hill, the consideration being $3300. Xcit K. 7- t M. "Warehouse, Plans will be readv next week for inviting proposal for the new ware house of Krakauer, Zork & Moye, to be CORRECTION Misleading statements have been made by persons misinformed as to actual facts, that my crushed rock was not good. To refute such unwarranted statements I herewith submit analysis of crushed rock I propose to furnish. After April 5th I will be in position to supply this rock in ,all sizes at rate of 500 tons per day. Phone 605 or 4056. A. Courchesne UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS S. E. Mezes, Pres. Austin ANALYSIS NO. 663 MAY I. 1913. Mr. A. Courchesne, El Paso, Texas. , Dear Sir: . The sample of DOLOMITE received from you and marked "No. I," CONTAINS: - Per Cent Silica t 1.86 Oxide of iron and alumina 1 .70 Lime . , 28.89 Magnesia 20.18 Carbonic acid 44.30 Loss on ignition . . . 2.50 99.43 Specific gravity 2.84 Weight of I cubic foot -. . . . 1 77.21 lbs. This stone absorbs no water. Crushing strain in lbs. per square incht 18,920 Approved: Signed: VM. B. PHILLIPS. S. H. WORRELL. Chemist Director. P. EiS3isz . sAijeM(IWse n- -grrCTKysjyvsmreMrrr.g smrrr arcrl FR-E-MCrl OBSERVXTIOM POST. fcV.4S33B3S389raHt3ST3&g2X2&S2 located on the mit 'tde of 1 ' I'a'-b street, between Sn Francisco and Main streets, adjomtng the ptesent buildings of the company. The Ware house will be four stones in height, will cover an area 90x100 feet, and will cost about 13000. Trost & Trost are the architects." Trost &. Trost are drawing plans for a five room bungalow for Ralph Con verse to be. located in Government III1L The house Will cost about J 4008. Mnrr it Co. Snles. .Tames L. Marr & company report the following sales for the week Government Hill companv to Elsie Grafton, lots 1 and 32, block 84, Gov ernment Hill addition. $500. " James I.. Marr to Gabriel Narvex, a 5 room brick residence on Estrella street, between Montana and Tularosa, 13700 Government Hill company to Flor ence Forrest, lots 13 to 35, block 30, Government Hill addition, 1626. Government Hill company to R. A. Toung, lots IS and IS, block 25, Gov ernment Hill addition. J 600. Dr. It B. Honjan to Mrs Wm. Neuge bauer, lots 17 to 2!, block 4S, Govern ment Hill addition, 11500 ew Planing Mill. JoIIx- & Morris have started construc tion work on an office and planing mill for their own use to be located at Raynor and Manzana. street and to cost $2500. In the same locality the company la building two four room bungalows to cost about S1800 each. NEWS BREVITIES LOCAL AND GE.VER At, Advertla Train Bulletin. AH afternoon and. night trains for today are reported on time. Murray Grocery, JOS N. Oregon. Ph. 1721 EI Paso Distilled Water Co., Ph. 4S9. tnent er Saratoga, now undergoing repairs at the Puget Sound navy yard, shot him self through the heart In his quarters on the vessel Friday and died Instantly. A few minutes before the shot was fired Pailthorp had been talking cheerfully wiui iciivn v.-o 0, Couple. All reed Mayers, Caught. Muskogee. Okla., March 25.-i-Pul V. Hadley and his young bride, of Kansas Clt, Mo. accused of killing sheriff Jake Giles, of Beaumont, Texas, aboard a Missouri, Kansas & Texas passenger train, earlr this morning, were cap tured late Friday a few miles from Ohe cotah, when a posse surrounded a farm house in which the couple had taken refuge. Rl Paso Seed Co. open Evenlngs. 519 San Antonio. Opp. Court House. Dr. Banthert, Deatlit. Mills BIdr. Ph. Hit. DAILY RECORD Five Irish Papers Seized. Publin, Ireland, March 25. The mil itary and police yesterday visited pub lishing offices and seized copies of fle Irish publications and In some cases destroyed the printing machinery. This action was taken on the ground of disloyalty. Bulldinr rrrniU. To K. A. Williams to erect a brick dwi-11- 1 inr on South Orhoa street; wtunated value J50. To C. B. Stevens, to maka repair and al terations at 315 West Boelevard: estimated value iSM. To G. P. Putnam, to bond a -warehouse on Lee atreet; estimated alu S30s. VrrAl Mini El Taso county W. Y. KIH and wife and II. T. Bills and wlfa to the United Statra of America, section two. townslte 32 south ranice, six. HI Paso county, consideration SI 00. March :, 19K. Antomobiles .Llfened. 5R39 C. A. Burrage, Jr., smelter. Ford roadster 5640 Jo- MeArthur, IMS Olive, Ford de livery truck. 8tl Popular Dry Goods company. Ford delivery truck. 5SIZ Popular Dry Goods company. Ford delivery truck. 513 J L Andrea City National bank, IiOngvreU Be-carerul of your baggage checks. Leave at Longwell'e. TeL 1. Notice. "I have moved my law office to 31-17 First Natl. .Bank Bldg." f Frank Jadltlns. S . ny Officer IJnda Life. Seattle, IVasli.. March 25. Llout. Or mond Pailthorp, an officer of the cruls- Dr. Ebert, dentist 216-21S Mil "lis Bldg. Sun Drue Co. Phones 791-792. Dr. Anna Tteam. BucKler Bid. over Elite. o Change In Otlss Conillllon. Los Angeles, Ca ir, March 2". No change was noted today in the condi tion of Gen. Harrison Gray Otis, editor of the Los Angeles Times. The mild pneumonia from which he has been suffering for a week apparently has not increased in seerttv in the last two days. Otis passed a pood night, without stimulants KI Pao "eed Co. Open Evenings SIS San Antonio. Opp Court House. John V. Ilrennan. Plumbing and Heat ing: prompt attention gien to repair work. 117 1-2 N. ritanton St. Phone 7420. Osteopathy 11, up. Dr Kldwell Herald BIdr. Rat at SaToy Cafe,. 110 S. Stanton. Threpleniug Letters ftitt President Denver, Colo., March 25 Cleo T Smith and Roy Smith, brothers, were taken into custody lnte Friday charged with sending through the mails threat ening and obscene letters addressed to governor Carlson and president "Wilson The prisoners asserted the letters were mailed as a joke. Lancier roadster. CS44 Dayton cleaning Works. 351 Myrtle, Saxon delivery car. t 5; J. B. Wlae. Clint, 3, passenger Over land 5S C. E Home, 4103 Montaaa, S pass enger Oldsmoblle ' Ilirtlis Itojs. To Mr and Mr- F. II. Weill. Booker apartments, February 27. To Mr and lln. Stanley Bevan, 1131 ffj ominc; alarchtS. To Mr and Mrs W M. Zosheib. JOS North St Vrain. March IS. Death-. Felix Martinez ace 5. Tobtn place, March 22, buried In Trihchera. X M. Charles K Husk, ace 43, Laredo. Texas, March 20: burled In Evergreen cemetery. "Nattvldad t'analra Infant 3922 San An tonio March 24. burled in Concordia. Modern Cold Press Oil Mill, Lard. Refinery and 'Packing Plant Electrically Driven Throughout THIS PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD-COST BETWEEN $350,000 AND $400.000 WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN PRICE LESS THAN 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR in order to sell quick Reasonable cash payment with approved security on balance I, 2 and 3 years Interest 6 per cent. Power Plant building 39x74 ft., one-story iron clad, with two 165-h. p. vertical water tube boilers, and one 72x18 horizontal return tubular boiler; air compressor, feed water heater and all other necessary in stallations. A 1 7!4x30x30 tandem Lentz compound automatic engine, direct connected to 500 K. V. and A. C. generator; 9 induction motors ranging from 10 to 200-h. p. Oil mill building 2-story, 48x112 ft, completely equipped with all necessary machinery; 6.Anderson oil expellers, 6 delinters, Bauer Brothers separating machinery. ' , Seed house I -story, 60x300, with concrete foundation equipped with Bauer Brothers cleaning ma chinery. Hull and nieal house and feed mixing plant, 80x176 ft,, completely equipped. Office building 24x24 ft. ' There is also in connection with this plant a fertilizer plant, a refinery, packing plant, and 2-story pump house. m All buildings iron clad, except office building, which is frame. All departments are equipped for operating. Power used is electric, generated by. their own power. , Individual motors throughout the equip ment. Plant has only been operated one month and equipment is first class, an experienced machinist be ing employed as caretaker. The land, buildings and equipment cost $350,000.00. For quick sale, it can be bought for less than fifty cents on the dollar, reasonable cash payment and balance long term of years. ' Plant can be bought as a whole, or packing and fertilizer may be excluded. For full details, address OIL MILL, Box 17, Austin, Texas LIENS AGAINST STATE LANDS MUST BE PAID WHEN SOLD Photiiix, Ariz, March 17 All liens existing against state lands when they ire sold must be paid by the state The attorney general has so informed the land department in passing upon a ruv that arose within the Tempe drainage district. Three citl7en bought land within the drainnge district, which recently sold a bond issue No clear understand ing was had about the payment of the share of the bond Interest and sinking fund assessed against the state land, and the directors of the district presented a bill to the department. At toi nt y general Wiley Junes decided that .tnjthlng that was due when title to the land was passed must be paid bJ the state, ut tho purchasers must meet all future jia mints. A dollar saved tjy buying goods pro duced elsewhere Is a dollar thrown at your neighbor's OTrds. ARIZONA GAME WARDEN IS URGING BIRD CONSERVATION Phoenix. Ariz, Match 23 Educa tional work, bearing particulars- upotf bird conservation and propagation, has been undertaken by the department of state under game warden G. M. AVI1 lard. It is believed tifat this is the first time a. state game uepartment has taken up wow of this kind Most of the educational work to date has been done among school chil dren. Deputy warden D F Pettis has spoken In a number of Salt mer val ley schools and has just spoken before, the university, high school and com mon school pupils at Tucson He ex pects, shortly to lecture in Hay, Hay den, Winkelman and the Gila valley. Mrs. May Belle Craig, warden 'U'il lard's office deputy, addressed the Ari zona Audubon society at Tucson this week and continued from there it week and also spoke to the children of the high and grammar schools. FIGURES coiiUmi what we have repeatedly told yon, That Gbodyeax users tat uu LniriiLberme users of -any ctfliXTiiraiid.aflinxs. Oat of 353,859 tires axar&cd in 71 principal cities, 3531 were Goodyeax. THisshawsa Godc of 21 per cent with ckgelD-2DJ)lTBe hnmrrs frrr buyEES d cbjoosB JirxuB. What else canJtmeanfiXEEfnttihat Goodyearusets have fnnnfV smjuin ,will finrl that Goodyear Ijbsb cast Less because they go -fai MifTrtainfllrfftt longer, and gKceiess troahfef? rOOD T I RES QodTytr'KEKEodi'TJ7ra Risvculllms t3y zxxrjfta' R rmCu.t fr.i f jrce. ElovT.citits '.-jT -lic Oo Air Cere. Loose TrexiJi- -3Jy -ear Rcfcbcr Rrrets. rnsecarrtr fiy vjsr'SnHii pie Braided JPiaro Wiea Base, runttutta-sxtt "SfiWnw Br our DcoNs-ThteJ, 200 PHOENIX BUSINESS MEN VISIT MINING TOWNS Phoenix, Ariz, Marii 26 Nearly 100 Phoenix business men spent a day visiting Itay, Harden, Winkelman and Christmas, and beinp elaborately en tertained by the citizens of those thru ing camps. The trip was made oh a train called the 'Copper Special." Several hardv spirits rode from Christmas to Winkelman on the aerial tramway recentlv completed by the American Smelting & Refining" com pany. Two hours were spent at Hay den, Inspecting the mill and smelter and erijoying a lunch served by the Hajdenites. iTMra Humphreys' Seventy-seven For Colds, Influenza, To get the best results, take "Sev-enty-secrt" at the first chill or shiver. If you wait until you begin to cough and sneeze, have sofe throat and in fluenza, it may take longer. 25c and SI 00, at all druggists or mailed After Grip take TONIC TABLETS after any long illness, physical exhaus tion, loss of strength, or appetite, take Humphreys Tonic Tablets price $1.00 at drug stores or sdnt direct. Illimplire' lloi m o Mid fine io 1 G Will uu mcU, .cw otk PANHANDLE GETS GOOD RAINS; IS HEAVY IN SOME PORTIONS inarillo. Tefas. March S3. Good rains hae fallen oer the Amarillo country during the past 14 hours. The rains eMfnded oer a teiritorv reach ing from below Childress on the south to beond Channing on the north. The pieclpitatmn wa not umrorm. the rainfall being liea in poi tions of Potter and imstiong counties and lighter in other district hile Vie rains do not make a perfect season, tliev have, 'done a sreat amount of t'cod to i.-inges ami farms MARICOPA REPUBLICAN? TO MtfcT IN PHOENIX APRIL 22 l noemx. Art Ta-nt. -. ,.,f. cfa( call for a Maricopa countv K, . Publrcsn contention, to "be held in Phoenix April J. ,has been Issued It is to, choose 71 delegates to represent the county In the state Republican convention at Tucson Mav , when six delegates and six alt. mates to tho niiuonat convention will be chosen. There will be 194 delegates in ths county convention BARSTOW COUNTRY GETS ITS FIRST RAIN IN SIX MONTHS Birstow. Texas Minli 27, Barstow durnitr the PRM i.,pied its first rain in ii moittii- The ,r weather lii.I extended ox . i t . ..ii-kIc, able por tion i.f tlie Pn urn i.niii'n and the Clowns tli it fill ti, x will, wlule not In iv Ii ivo dene 11 u ti V....1 nnd cive promise o mint i n t me Easy to Fill I am a self-filler and a safety pen com bined the latest idea in a self-filler the most practical safety pen on earth. It i a treat to see bow quickly f drink k00'' ink. 10.000 words in two seconds. Parker ioun- mt tain Pen Ink Igjj PARKER PEN CO. ;n",otX 1 174 Mill Street f W Janesville, Wis. -jds SAFETY SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN My barrel is free from slits, humps, bumps or obstructions interfere with your grip or cause discomfort in writing. Ink siiri ply cannot escape to soil your clothing or linen. I can be carried. in any position without danger of leaks. , You will find me at the leading El Paso stores where quality rules. Why not get acquainted? For Sale by the Best Dealers in El Paso. THE HOME OF FOUNTAIN PENS We Repair All Makes. WAN'S OWL DRUG STORE. I 212 San Antonio St. EL PASO BOOK CO. Mills BIHg. BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND OFFICE SUPPLIES. KIEFER'S BOOK STORE 107-109 N. Stanton St. DEALERS IN BOOKS. STATIONERY AND TOYS.