OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, March 28, 1916, HOME EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1916-03-28/ed-1/seq-7/

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Bedtime Story For
"Uncle Wiggily and
W(,rr- AT-a-ta-tat!" came a knock on
I the door of the hollow stump
-- bungalow, where Vnole "Wig
,.,U Umgears. Hie rabbit gentleman
'"ril a-e who It I-" he ".lied to
Nurse .lane l'.ia) V uxy ' "
.,iiikrt Ih.U lmm-efcicper was glad or
II. a. for h. i im re In h dl-h-w
,.. r up f. her .lb..-, and "'"
liciw it In jouiself " dont like 1
.in wel the bell with 'our hands all
so.ip hublil-s. like a pipe
o In.le niKvlly went to the door
: u.I. standing there. ! saw Nannie
u ..gtail. th- gnat girl And theie were
1. ,rs In Nannie's ejcs and she w.i- try
ing to wipe them away with the tlpa
,.f her horns But when she did thii
: i. only tickled hcieelf and she had
1' 1.1'IRIi. , . .
Hut Khe didn't want to laugh sh
v nied to cij, for she was aid. And
...i know how it Is jourself jou
. hi t laugh and crv at the same tune.
'""Vl""" Nannie" Vhat is the mat
t. i ' ,.Mke.l In. Ie Ylggilj. kindly
r.nne In and tell me all jour troubles.
h. deai' Uoo huo! Hoo boo' I
hi-i. lot- of ti.iubles said the littU
. ,t girl "Mv beat doll, PrisclllB
!-pi. .-cuke Orangeluice. is gone"
.:ine'" cried 1 ucle WiggilJ'.
Taken"" exclaimed Nannie "I was
in in front of our house a while aga
, miik dolls with Beckle Htubtail
t i little girl bear Ue.kie had her
,i. il Ksmeralda Pancake Kggturner.
v nli her. and we were having a lovelj
Hut I laid my doll down to go Id
1 1 . house to get some cookies, and
h. n I came out my doll was gom, and
1 Wie was crying"
Why. what happened?" asked VncW
A Itrglly. surprised like.
' Reekie said a man came running
along, grabbed up my doll, and before
Fhe could stop him be hurried off Inte
the woods with mv dear Priscilla Splce-
i'.f Orangejuice'"
'Oh, that's too bad'" said the bunn?
i.nrle ' Now don Mou erj any more. Tou
lust tell me what sort of a man took
'.iur doll and I'll go after him and
make him give It back. een If I have
t.i set the clnus elephant to squirt
ater on him from the lemonade
bin el Tell me what sort of a man
h. v. a- "
Me was a man who wore glasses,"
Boil Nannie.
ha no more'" cried I'ncle Wiggilv.
i think 1 know exactly who he isl
1 li go after him at once."
!-. the bunni uncle, telling Nur
J i.e not to wait lunch foi him, started
ff oer the fields and through the
-mods to look for Nannie's doll On
t .. waj- he met Mother Goose, and he I
:i:ked the old lain .
' re any of jour friends the kind
. f a man who wears glasses, and
"..ild take it iittl- goat girl's dollT"
"Well, eb. said Mother Uoose blow -1v
"the wise man might. Tou see he
(-polled his f.es leading so much to
mat him wise that he has to wear
J.i-heb But he is really verv kind.
1 th nk he only tools Nannie's doll for
n jo'te. or pel haps he wants to gel
Tier another Just like it "
"re-haps." said I'ncle 'Wiggily. "But,
rnj-ho-v. I'll find him and aak him
i.bout If"
So he wa'ked and hopped on and
-1 through the woods to where the
nisi man i led to live, and pretty
fnon from bhlnd a big bush, the bun
n uncle heird some one singing; thin
There was a man In our towni
Vn.l he ihs wondrous wise
lie lumped Into a berrj- bush.
And sera ched out both his eye.
P.ui w lien le saw his eyes were out.
With ali his mlgtit and main,
He jumped into another bush
nd scratched them In aRaln."
ila-" said I'ncle Wiggilv softlj-. "I
iln.uvht so. The wise man' I have
found him Now to See If he ha
mnii-'i djlV"
1 mle yigglly peeked through the
I ush which wa a blackberry one,
nl titer v ere no berries on it now.
'ii th ota r side, sitting on the
;-" nnd. WSJ the wise man, wearing
-i ihp and he had Nannie's doll in hi
li 'tula He fas talking to the doll aay-
Vow. little doll, don't be afraid. I
..n't hurt) on. I'm Just going to toss
i into tne berry bush, and scratch
t l.nth 'our eyes. But that won't
) nt. for at soon as I see your eyes art
(Dandruff Surely
Destroys The Hair
ii-ls If jou want plenty of thick.
1" uitiful, glony. silky hair, do by all
i an get rid of dandruff, for it will
-1 a m e jour hair and ruin It If you
ilor t
1 doesn't do much good to try to
1 Mish or wrsh it out. The only sure
vi- to get rid of dandruff is to dls--"Ue
it, th.n jou destroy It entlreli.
10 do this, get about four ounces of or
..ii ii hqiid arvon; apply it at night
v hen retiring, use enough to moisten
iin sialp iiid rub It in gently with the
nutter tiS.
1 morning, most if not all, of your
.1 nidruff will be gone, and three or
i in inoie applications will completely
.' '"ohe and entrelv destroy every
p. i i,l ttfc-u and trace of It
Wo till find, too, that all itching
.i .1 dlRKing 'f the scalp will stop, and
. nr bur will look and feel a hun
' ' l tines better. You can get liquid
ii. .n it anj drug store. It Is in
. .K.I1.HAC and four ounces Is all you
.ill ned, no matter how much dan
nimrjou haie. This simple remedy
i . m r falls. Adv.
"Thrifty Alexander"
Self Control Brings Rewards
No. 31 of a Series
At thirty-one ne find our friend
S(3f jogging on toward fortune's goal;
He's saved the nickles others spend;
Success reardt his self control.
. "The way. to wealth" aid Poor Richard "is at
fifain as the way to market; it chiefly depends on two
words industry and frugality." Look around you and
ee H this is not the story told by the great majority of
succctte that come to your notice.
First National Bank
the Little Ones
the Wise Man."
out, with all my might and main. I'll
toss you in another bush and scratch
them in again There you go'"
Before I'ncle V igglly could stop him
the wise man had tossed Nannie's doll
Prisiilla Spicecake Orangejulce. into
the berry bush. Then the man cried:
"Yes. your ejes are scratched oul.
all right, dollie' Now to scratch them
In again"' And. before L'ucle V-'iggily
cuuld bop am closer to stop him the
wise man tossed again into the bush
the pooi dolt. And when she fell down
il- wise man carefully picked her up,
and. lonkint; at her, said:
"Uas' Alack a-day! Woe is me! The
e rs aren't scratched in again at all'
nh dear, what shall I do" 111 have to
S'l the little goat girl another doll."
t'ncle 'WiBgilj- jumped out from be
hind the berrj- bush.
"What do j-ou mean"" asked the
bunnj uncle. "Why do vou treat a
P"or doll so? Look, her hair has come
off. and her eves have fallen out! Oh.
im'" and from the ground he picked
up the doll's hair wig and eyes, which
weie of glass, fastened together with
"1 m sorrv," said the wise man. "I'm
urv sorrv this has happened. But I
read about the w ise man In the Mother
Uoose book, who Jumped in a berry
bush and got a new pair of eyes I
thought I could do the same as that, as
I'm tired of glasses.
"But I thought I'd try it on a doll
first, to see if it were true. So not
having anv doll of my own I took Nan
nie's, meaning no harm. But see what
I hae done'" he said, sadlj-. "I have
scratched out her eves and her wig Is
off. and I can't put the eyes back
again, nor yet the wig It's a good
thing I didn't jump Into the scratchy
bush myself"
""Yes, Indeed." said Uncle Wiggily,
and he felt sorry for the poor wise man.
"But never mind," went on the bunny
uncle '"I know a monkey doodle
gentleman who mends broken dolls.
I'll take Nannie's to him. and lie can
fasten her eyes in again and glue on
her wig" . , , ,,
"Will you? Then please do! said
the wise man. "I'll pay the monkey
doodle, and here Is five cents extra
for little Nannie. Tell her I'm sorry 1
borrowed her doll and I'll never to It
"AH right." cheerfully said Undo
Wiggilv, "and don't you try to scratch
vour ej-es out, and In again "
"I won't," promised the wise nan,
"Glasses are good enough for me"
The monkey doodle gentleman soon
fixed Nannie's doll as good as ever,
so the eyes opened and shut and the
little goat girl was happy once more.
Thus, j-ou see, everything came out
all right, as I generally try to make it.
And if the crazy quilt doesn't jump
into the rag bag and. get lost so the
pillow case haB no place t sleep, ill
tell you next about Uncle Wiggily and
the tailors (Copyright, 1916, by Mi.
Clure Newspaper Syndicate )
The Daily Novelette
Of "non.an'a cause" e henr a lot;
Which causes lis to pause.
Vnd nk If ''woman' cause" I not
The same as Just because."
kfcT ANDSCAriV said flarabell
I penivel-, "do you know- that
" the world will say you mar
ried me for my money?"
"What rap give I for the narrow, un
thinking w-OTld"'" replied landscape.
"No rap! You are my soul's mate, my
riarabelle, whether you possess four
million- or four ctnts."
I know. Landscape. Oft and oftener
,,! hae asm"d me that jou love mo
In spite of my money rather than be
cause ot It. But still. I cant bear to
have the world think 111 of my Land
scape. And besides, I have the nat
ural womanly longing to proe to all
base doubters that I am loved for my
self alone. So. Landscape. I have made
plans to give all my money to the
missionaries. Why, Landscape, where
are you going?"
The young man paused in the door
way and buttoned on his immaculate
"Im going to become a missionary.
he cried, a great light in his eyes, and ,
Clifton, Ariz.. Match 2. Elks of Ih-s
vicinltv are planning an tutomobil j
trip from here to Blsbce for the state
reunion of Klks which will be helu
i. ., ...a e Thav u'tll leave here
sipni o, i.vt o. ...... ..... --
on the evening of April ... arriving at
Bisbee at noon the following daj
The Clifton delegates nre Arthur
Slaughter. James If Kerby, A. W. Lid
dell. H. A. Elliott, W. L. DuMoulin. W
S. Bradfleld and A. It Lynch and tho
alternates are I. U Quiat, J. C. Galtl,
J. A. Albrecht. N. K. Loder. I IC rarish,
S. Swift and It. C. Williams.
In addition to the delegates and al
ternates who have expressed their In
tention of attending the state reunion
aie Dr. K. R. Mcl'heeters, P. Itilej-,
exalted ruler, Clifton lodge; V. B.
Kellj", Henry Hill. B. B, Webster
1101 GI.tK IM) IllsltilK
Douglas. Ariz.. March "8. Douglas
and Bisbee have just had school trustee
elections. In this citv. Dr. Frederick
T. Wright was reelected a member of
the school board He was opposed by j
Mrs. Frank Heath.
In Bisbee. Dr. C. H. Hunt was elecfd.
He was opposed bv Dr. N. C Bledson
and W. W. Gldley.
Krazy Kat
CoiiTrtiht. IJ1S. International News Serrlcs.
v3 - j.v
Mathew and Bela Matlna, the 14-year
' old midgets of the carnival shows, will
! remain in the custody of Charles
i Schaeffer, who secured them from their
parents in Austria under contract j
nearls three jears ano. according to I
the de. ision or ju.tt.e r R. Price, of the
41st district court in the habeas corpus
proceedings instituted by Ike Rose, a
theatrical manager of New York, who
nnut;ht their t.ossessinn
' Th (lofigloii M-.is nilitliTia ,,-.
! Solia. ffer makintr a $I0 bond to in- i
vuie tb. ir ii turn to their parents ot
the expil ition of his .outr.-ut in fun i
Si-liaerfei made the rcquutu buiid iut !
Mondaj afternoon. I
art?s. CESS
fU lltfii
(T . r (TOO fumewfrra jOfl c CU- VC CH'W5' I I
I dkJk VTfXX Ne Do ..- j
r7 JythsZT. xho -., f"ftJ it . Mm WtPtK.T vc' r fr1- I
Jfc IC Tet w 5w,ol0 n J jfea "-- - t-- ? .
'f RIm(- I fea. ' ill 11 fS-0' f - ,
ANKW use for the necklace ha
Just been discovered by Kthr
L'llman, the Juno of the Triar.i.1.
firmament of stars. This Chicagc
beauty is the originator of the voruc
fast becoming popular of framing th.
face in the ornament usually worn
about the neck. The effect as shown
resembles nothing so much as tli.
most exquisite of cameos. i
Miss Ullman, though etill in her t f us
is considered one ot the ablest portray -ers
of emotion seen on the screen. Th'
story of her rise In tile movie worl I
reads like a novel. Shortly aft-r le.o
ing high school she vislted-her broth.
who is connected with the Triati-!-company
in California. Just for tn
fun of It he induced her to be a mem (
ber of a'mob in one of the scenes of .
plaj. When the film was thrown on
the screen her figure was the boldest j
in the mob. Her delineation of the
small part she was playing was so p-i ,
lace OBI itrr rusHc,,,..v . ,
uent parts was iramouiatci m.A .,-.
Kxtry! Here s a motion piciu.r n ."
without the dashing, fearless hero wlm
is always on hand at the crucial mo
ment to save the heroine from press. nfi
dangers. It's "The Social Pirates." ami
George Bronson Howard, the famous
novelist and playwright, is the radical
responsible for the innovation. But to
make up for the lack of a hero tho
author has tciien two heroines. Marin
Sals and Ollie Kirkbi, who tre seen as
"The Social 1'lrat. i lasi-mai"'
heart breakers bound by a compact to
deal Justice to those who prey on the I
. . .Bl.l.tlnall ,
lieipiess ana uiifuiimDuwuvu.
Nat Goodwin, now earning his bread
with the Mirror Film companj". declares
that he earns every cent he makes. He
says: "It is a new experience for me
standing like a scarecrow on the corner
of the street surrounded by all sorts of
people, who look on jou as people con
template sideshows at a circus. Be
lieve me. when I get back to my hotel
after a day ot outdoor scenes, I tell
myself, "O man. you earn your money;
you certainly earn your mone" "
Gertrude Robinson will play the prin
cipal feminine part in "The Quality of
Faith." recently placed In work at
Jacksonville, Kla. Miss Itobinson has
been on the stage since he was a little
more than a bahj-. In "The Quality of
Faith," as Marna. a girl of lowly origin.
YEARS Ago Today
From The Herald of This
Date. IMS.
A special meeting of the finance
committee of the city council will be
held at the city hall tor the purpose
of refunding the city's current indebt
edness and providing for certain muni
cipal Improvements which are greatly
needed at present It is probable that
a bond issue of SIOd.mO.i will be ad-
This is a recent discovery of Doctor
Pierce, who is head of the Invalida'
Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo,
K. Y. Experiments at Doctor Pierce's
Hospital for several years proved that
there is no other eliminator of uric acid
that can be compared to it. For those
easily recognized symptoms of inflam
mation as backache, scalding urina
and frequent urination, as well as Eedi
ment in the urine, or if uric acid in the
blood hau caused rheumatism, it is
simply wonderful how surely "Amine"
acts. The best of results are always
obtained in cases of acute rheumatism
in the joints, in gravel "and gout, and
invariably the pains and stiffness which
so frequently and persistently accom
pany the disease rapidly disappear.
Go to your nearest drug store and
Eimply ask for a 50-cent paokage of
"Anuric," manufactured by Dr. Pierce,
or even write Doctor Pierce for a free
sample. If you suspect kidney or blad
der trouble, send him a sample of your
water and describe symptoms. Doctor
Pierce's chemist will examine it, then
Dr. Pierce will report to you, without
feo or charge.
Note: French scientists affirm that
"Ariuric"' is thirty-seven times more
active than lithia in eliminating uric
acid, and is a harmless but reliable
chemical componnd that may be safely
given to cnildren, but should be used
only by grown-ups who actually wish to
restore their kidneys to perfect health,
by conscientiously using one box or
more in extreme cases as "Anurie"
(thanks to Doctor Pierce's achievement
is by far the most perfect kidney anj
bladder corrector obtainable.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the original
little Liver Pills. One little Pellet for
a jaxative tiireo for a cathartic.
A t
thel Ullman.
ktiu:l vi.uiax.
M.r started the fad of Trearlug a
n.ekluce In the mnnner shoirn In the
picture. i
she Is redeemed from a life of shame
through the love or a young minister.
L'ntil r-cently Douglas Fairbanks
stood as one of the few living whito
men who never had attempted to write
a play; but now he has succumbed and
written the scenario for the new pic
ture in which he is to appear. His plaj-,
"The Good Bad Man." will shortly be
leleased on tho Triangle program.
vised and this proposition bo submitted
to the voters of the city.
Jose R. Lucero, sheriff of Dona Ana
county. N". M.. spent yesterday in the
city on business
Dudley II. Norrls left for Mexico in
connection with business for the Calu
met and Hecla syndicate.
George Pence, the real estate man,
returned from an extensive trip to
Chicago and other eastern cities.
James P. and Juan Ascarate. the
well known cattlemen of Is Cruces,
spent yesterday in the city Tlsitlns.
A. W. Gifford, secretarj- of the In
ternational Miners' association, will
leave tomorrow for Lordsburg, N. M.
City attorney Maury Kemp is 24
years old today Cigars may be had
by his friends on application to judge
A. W. Spencer at his store
W. It. Jackson and TV. TV. Kdwards
of El Paso are developing two claims
in the Big Rosy canyon In the San
Mateo mountains or New Mexico
A decision to purchase a much needed
steam street roller was made at a
meeting of the city council last night
Alderman Badger suggested that a
crusher was also badly needed and It
was decided to order both of these
Interest In the proposed exhibit of
this county at the world's fair to be
held at St. Louis is Increasing and will
be enhanced by the coming trip of
mayor B. F. Hammett to Dallas, Texas,
where final plans of organization are
to be decided upon by the state com
mission. The McKlnlev Literary society com
posed of a number of bojs of the High
school, organized se eral weeks ago.
will give an entertainment tonight at
the school building The officers of
the society are: President. Tlav Mc
Cllntock: vice president. Sam Young;
secretary-treasurer, Grovcr Smith.
I Bisbee, Ariz . March IS. Owen E
Murphj-, county recorder, has an
nounced he will not be a candidate for
reelection. Having had the office for
two terms he feels he should let some
one else hae the place, he has stated.
, He intends to go Into business In
' Lowell
j It Is repor'ed that Miss Mary Bar.
, ton. one of the deputies In the office.
I will be a candidate for the nomination
, on the Democratic ticket
Pima, Ariz.. March 28. Heber Fer
kins. 23 -ears old and a nephew of
John Hancock, was drowned In Black
river while on his way to Taylor with
some horseB. He was fording the river
and was swept awaj- in the current.
All efforts of Ilirnm Thatcher, who
was with him, to efieit a rescue were
unavailing. He gave the alarm and a
rescuing partv attempted to recover
the bod. Mr. Perkins was well known
in run i He was unmarried
Kl 1'nso Seed Co. ftjyTt Kvcnlnirs
Cli ban Antonio Uri. Court Houoe.-Adr,
- ffU. T?l( 7 H(On Nrii4f 3rVj
Permanent Relief tor
Knowledge and Practice of Correct
Daily Habit the Great
Constipation Is a condition affecting
all classes of all people and can be per
manently relieved only by acquiring;
habits of regularity.
The most natural time for tho ellmin
ative process is in the morning when
ltoth the muscular and nervous systems
are relaxed by sleep and rest. When
relief does not come readily. It Is an
excellent plan to take a mild laxative
at tedtime Cathartics and purgatives.
that by tne violence ot tnetr yun-i
action shock and disturb the system,
should not be employed.
An effective laxative remedy that i
very dependable, and which does not
gripe or otherwise disturb the organs
involved. i tound in a combination of
simple laxative herbs known as Dr
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin that can be
bought at the drug store for fifty cents
a bottle.
Mrs. C. C. Allen, 21G Foam St.. New
Monterev. Calif., wrote to Dr Cald
well that she "found Dr Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin just what was needed for
constipation and distress of the stom
ach after eating It should be in every
household "
A request for our new free booklet. "Banking by Main carries
with It no otllgatlon to open an account. All we ask Is an oppor
tunity to explain clearly why your savings should earn 4 percent,
and why yo-ir money will be absolutely safe if sent by mall to
this institution. Tou may have occasion to thank us for this
Write to-day. and ask for our New Booklet.
El Paso Bank and Trust Company
a Guaranty Fund Bank
El Po, Tex.
"er Carr, Manager. 418 San Antonio St.
Established April. 1881 Capital. Surplus and Profits, ?2OO,0O9
C R MOBEHBAD. President a N. BASSETT. Vice President.
L. J GILCHRIST. Asst Cashier.
Mexican Money Bought and Sold.
201 S. El Paso Street P. 0. Box 1029. Telephone 1371.
ejW.&i,! BLACK-WHITE-TAN - IOt ,
Batter prepare than evsr to (err our ouitomers promptly and efficiently.
?tnt IM. IStO C Mlaotrrt 51.
Heraid Want Ads Bring Hesuits
Chronic Constipation
PlitslfrEr - "rMSSmk
Jet a bottle of Dt C-i'nlw ell's SjT'.p
Pepsin and keep it in the house to co
when occasion arls V trial bottle.
free of charge, can Ikj obtained re
writing to lr W B. Caldwell, 451
Washington St., Monticello. III.

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