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EL PASO HERALD 16 Week-End Edition, May 6-7, 1916. It Happens In the Best Regulated Families By Briggs Eecord Business is Expected When Mexican Problem Gets Started to Settlement; Hoagland Has Bouglft Out Partner; Borderla nd Takes Three New Agencies; Overhaul ings Are Advocated. DEALERS WATCH POLITICAL MOVES; SALES MARKET TEMPOflABILy SLOW IU J iTi A PCACM OH 6O0DY- ' OH MYR'- I LI. Be I Kin klfJ I 00T 1 1 NOMjUSTGrJ MYRA ' LliTcjo' BUSINESS generally was rather quiet on gasoline row during the past week. All the dealers were optimistic and there wasn't a real hard luck story to be hoard on the row. Sales hae not been aa brisk during the past fortnight as might be desired but the agents are making no complaint. They believe that the buers are simply marking time." pending something def inite about the war scares and that when things are cleared up the many prospects wha are now being lined up will be turned Into customers and the month of May will set new records In the local automobile world The stock of the Goodrich tire hranch is now here and acting manager Gra ham has had a busv week Announce ment has been made from the factory that C K. Chapln will be sent here from Kansas City as manager of the El Paso hranch. but that Mr Graham, who came here from Dallas to take temporary charge, will remain In the city for a couple of months to look after the solid tire trade, which Is his specialty, while Mr Chapin will direct his attention to the pneumatics Scrlpps-Ilooth In Druinml. Ever since the Scrlppe-Booth road ster made its appearance here, the Pio neer Motor company has been besieged b applicants for dmonstratlonn. It is difficult for the company to get its orders filled promptly but sales man ager IT T. Williams announces that he has already booked three orders for the handsome little roadster and one for the four-passenger model. The com pany is now negotiating with the Guar anty Securities coroporation for an ar rangement whereby the Scripns-Booth can be sold on the deferred payment plan. II K McCIintock, who returned this week from a trip to Los Angeles, and San Diego, reports "a Soripps-Booth on t?verv corner in the two cities " Orders for the new Briscoe models ha b en so heavy that the factory re ports itslf a temporarily snort of ma " terial and shipments are accordingly de laved a little, but the Pioneer Motor company has been notified that a car load of the new models will be shipped within a week The factory also an nounces a new deferred pavment plan. Williams "Hack on J oil." K. T. Williams of the pioneer staff, who has been on the sick list for the past couple of weeks. Is now sufficient ly recovered to be able to "get on the Job" for a while every da The new Scripps-Booth "eights" will make their appearance in El Paso about June 1. according to an announcement from the Detroit factories. -Dort Representative Here. M. A Leach, formerly connected with the Madera company and who lived In El Paso for several years, made his ap pearance here this week as southwest ern district manager for the Dort. Ilia headquarters are In Dallas. Mr. Leach it Is already proving one or the really big sellers In the1 state of Texas. Mr. Leach has a few "stunts" which he will spring on the motorists of El Paso dur ing the coming, week. It. C Greth, of Los Angeles, special representative of the Overland, was a guest of F. M. Baunell. the local Over land manager, this week. E Neustadt. another Overland factory representa tive, was also in the city, leaving Til day evening for the coast. Arcesaory Market Brisk. The Western Motor Supply company reports at very brisk accessory market and Earl Fletcher states that" the de mand for tires is so brisk that It Is al most Impossible to keen a complete stock of either Flsks or Portages The used car business which irae con ducted by Fred G. HoagJand and S. O. Bottorff under the firm name of Hoag-land-Bottorff company, is now the sole property of Fred G. Hoagland and will be conducted by him. Mr Hoagland in maning a specially 01 outright pur chases of used Fords and promises to offer special bargains In that line. Mr. Bottorff will devote his entire attention io me jiaynes lino ana the new sales rooms of the West Texas Motor com pany. In the Degroff building on Myr tle avenue, will open about Wednesday of next week Fred G. Hoagland reports eight sales of used cars during the present week, and says that business is booming. Ilarker as .Speed Merchant. it- K. Barker, or the Elliott-Garret company, didn't halleva that i-.. driver Carl Reeves was speedy enough to deliver h Htudebaker "four" to a customer at Silver City so he under took to drive the car there himself. Thursday. He left El Vn early in .j iiiuiniiiK ana was lo nae caught Joe afternoon train Trom the New Mexico city. At latest reports. Barker was missing, and now Carl Reeies swears that Barker got on so much speed that he was carried by Silver City before he could get on the emergency and must now be some where around Salt Lake City eiT having Muni. "Everybody wants an automobile, even If It Is only a Ford." said W It. Hall, of the Tri-State Motor company. uuhs wit;an came into the I'Ord salesrooms on Friday with a novel 1 iX V JVC A 1 SBBBH -1 fcCiV..S'Vi - ' . . -.. . M Vl. 1 3RXV-n ittaaaaaaaaaB S f X. of Its kind in the southwest, accord ing to Tom White tl X- T-.l- L ,, ... Dronoeition We oal.l ih., i," " j 1 " i"irie, 01 me uaiias ouice horse but ttaf H,. hL owned of the Quick Tire Service. has ? "?rfe.Jut-tI'?t..the ho" doesn't 1 been at the local branch mn.t respect the Sabbath and eats seven aays a week, even if he only works six. The young fellow decided that he wanted an automobile and he wanted the Trl-States company to accept iio from him every month until the price of the car Is In the hands or th. mm. pany, and then they can deliver him oeen at the local branch most of the week. Mr Petrle was on his first visit to El Paso, and was verv much surprised at the metropolitan appearance of the Pass City, and more than pleased with the line patronage aci-urucu ine iuick lire bervice tin der the management of D Mr Petrle states that the coming company and known as the Genemotor. I ney and strip the body. There the car "Am m Vn..i .k.. vi. "r ""e amies mat me coming Fordon'tV"e?eJnS?rft?.,eworS n' . t"'.mr. "" -ff. h ?1-H. " nut In Lea Davla wuamees in mo maiory or motoring: toluS "ISrfr t.he. A!,- !-? ItVVr 'a taPfW of all slzls earned r.t nWU ti. J j "ZMi na treaaa 01 united states tires to renewed old "friendships" be"re anden f1 leav for Elephant Butte dam this . S0?0rists. aeraan08 or .t.rt.A i h.,i r,t. Ji . .. I afternoon, taking a oartv of friend. olor,slB- .om. .. ,. " . n Cadlllic "eight" .. .Price of Ga.ollne. ew Cylinder Cleaner. E. M. Lockhart. of the Rio Grande fled statement that tnV Dort is the . new PPtus of the Audi- I u" ,c?mP8ny: returned, this week from greateStTmoblle va?u! k0JU?-!,'?' n'"? "!' the ear- j iJ ftO? In Oklahoma. ket at the present time and state, that i wVek ThiswlTl" ,?""""?" . honeTf an immediate reduction 1'tn.' .. ...u asmiaJ.UT - - ,. - " "- I I WHAT SHAKESPEARE Missed I ss WMwnglBag3rj3airjnirjarmmsiBijjj "- M price of irasollne. C. P Henry, of the Cadillac Sales company, spent the week In Silver City. Demlng, Hurley and adjoining territory The shipment of General tires for the Cactus Motor companv has been aeiayea out manager is E Wiseman Another distributing asencv taken this week by this live firm Is that for the Hess-Bright ball bearings Demand for "Kellys." S. Z SUversparre, manager of the Boss Rubber company, reports another big week for both Kelly-Springfield and Hartford tires. He also received some very favorable reports of big mllsor.. nM.lnul t... Inn,l V nit.. ..i. ' romine- ' The Bos8 has received anothei-blg ship ment 01 ivenys ana now noasts 01 the most complete line of high grade tires In the southwest. Night shifts have been necessary at the Marker & Yonee reDalr nlant all southwestern j week The business In Ford repairs nun c&ueeueu. mo expectations ot tne firm. Several tourists visited the Oakland Auto Sales company's office this week and tickled general manager A. H. El more with the reports of the fine work on their Oaklands for long distance touring. More Saxons Arrive. The Western Auto company has re ceived another shipment of Saxons and distributor G. H. Cavin reports his ability to make immediate delivery on orders for a short time. If people would realise that an au- StateS that his hicr KtOfrV of hnth tlrAN tnmnhila In lllra n flnnlr anH rta and accessories should be here some j thorough overhauling at least once a time next week. John Hutchlngs of Alamogordo, was in the city on Thursday and laid in a stoeU of accessories from the Cac tus Motor company M. J. Roseboro, sales manager of the Southern Motor company, made a very successful trip to Lordsburg this week. Holiday for Itusxek. David S. Russek, general manager of the Southern Motor company, will leae for New York Monday on a combined business and pleasure trip He will be away about three weeks. A. A Rhoads. manager of the Fisk companj of TexaB, was In the nty this week and placed the dls Irlbuting agenc for a new Strom lerg carburetor for Fords with the Borderland Auto Supply company This carburetor, on an official A. A.' test, gave .17 B miles to the gallon nd It is noted for the quick acceler ulon possible on a Ford when It is need The Borderland will also handle the new shaft driven Ford -tarter and lighting equipment man ufactured by the General Electric POWER-Increaied to FORTY horsepower; MOTOR - Increased from 32 x 5 to 3-incl. bore x 5-inch stroke; ins. WHEELBASE - Increased from 108 to 112 TIRES Increased, from 33 x A to 34 x 4 Uoodnch; CAPACITY Increased from Five lo SEVEN passenger; UPHOLSTERY Deepened and of the finest hand-buffed, semi-glazed leather purchasable; REAR AXLE Safety-insuring FULL-floating axle, designed and built in Studebaker factories; ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Studebaker-Wagner Starting and Lighting Systems, in use FOUR years and tested and proved on more than 150,000 cars. DoIIarfor Dollar What Car Gives As Much? il 'tS3L7SSri'-4'Cylindcr car -ah a.3,nch bo,. offerer! m A. ' c epower motor that has ever been uS ON Y ? ,kr EurPC ,fr lMf ,han 1000' And it , "' l T ,hat accompanied a $100 re duction m pnee TOth such a SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE in ?,uar!'tl',arWe ,k " r ru t0 ee the car- And it won't ke but a (ew mnulet for ,he car ' ont for dollar, it give, MORE than any other Four onTe market Eillott-Garratt Co. Phone 953. 500-506 West San Antonio Street. Series 17 40 horse power 7 passenger Four $885 FOUR CU.INDUR MflllULS lourlmr Car, 7-iiaeager fST.' KoadMtcr, -pngenger g50 Sl CILINDKIt MMi:LS. Touring Cnr, T-pRasenger ipinx.-. Itoudater, 3-pnssenger .,.,.,. lorrf) Ijlmonslne, 7-pnssengrr "0XI F. O. B. Detroit. year they would save themselves much trouble and expense," said Charles Rader "We have a number of custom ers who bring us their cars every spring for an overhauling, they don't wait for the car to 'to bad on them. They save money by their systematic overhauling. Advocate Inspections. "It Is noticeable that several factories are now adocating a thorough month ly inspection of all their cars. Many El Paso cars don't get even an inspection once a year and then when the car does begin to go bad. the owner "simply cannot understand It.' If he'd think a minute he'd find the right solution have his car overhauled regularly." Sam Watkins was in town from Dem Sam aWtklns was In town from Dem lng this week and let out a real howl at the Lone Star for more Dodge Broth era cars for his territory. He also re ports a brisk demand for the Chan dlers. The Lone Star Motor company un loaded a carload of Dodges and one of Chalmers this week. The latest bulletin from the Buquor Motor company's press department reads "The mystery car was lost for threi- days and we had the railroad men doing the Sherlock Holmes stunt before it was located. It Is now close to EI Paso and we will show It to the motorists early In the week." "inch Al" Is Coralnir. I "High" Al Gilchrist Is coming back I again Fred Langan has promised to put his special' "Jess Willard bed" on duty at the Sheldon to accommodate the . elongated Maxwell factory represen tative H. L. Goodheart has joined the Bu quor forces and will sell Maxwell and leffery trucks. The first shipment of Jefferv auads. a car which has made a great reputation with army men in Mexico, for the Bu quor Motor company, left the factory this week and will be on dlspplay In another week. Trl-Stnte nepresentatlre Here. W. Fallng, manager of the San An tonio branch of the Firestone Tire and. Rubber company, visited the Trl-State Motor company and was very muph pleased with the tire business here. J. W Kirkpatrlck, manager of the Tri-State Motor company, -was in Alpine and also Columbus, N. M., transacting business this week. Mr Bassett, Ford agent at Silver Cit. N M, visited the Tri-State Motor company and took back with him a runabout and a bunch of parts and ac cessories Mr. Jtistls, of .Tustls & Hurt, Ford agents at Van Horn, Texas, visited the) Trl-State Motor company and tool back with him one touring car and a bunch of accessories. Mr. Boos, nf the nntm Ann fntn I company. Las Cruces, N. M., visited the rri-Biate Motor company and took back with him one touring and a bunch of accessories , Ray N. Pritchett, New Mexico repre sentative for the Trl-State, was In and reported business very good In his tcr. rltory. thousands of aspirants in this class. There Is another class of rich sports men who know better, and who do not count the coat, but who for the love of the sport and the fun they get out of it, try to create special cars Incor porating automobile ideas that are pets to themselves and attempt to show up some of the older experienced racers. A conspicuous member of the latter class Is u. Osteweg, of Lee, III , who has sent in his entry and necessary check to the speedway management for entry of an Osteweg Special, manu factured by Apperson Osteweg, for the May 30th race. Little is known ot this car, except that it weighs about 2100 pounds, has four cylinders, 4-11-32x5 bore and stroke, and a pis ton displacement of 296-4-10 cubic Inches. It is registered with the American Automobile association as car 109. The driver Is to be S. Oste weg, a wealthy young business man and sportsman. The Illinois entry is expected at Indianapolis soon to begin practice and it can't come any to soon to satisfy the curiosity of the speedway fans, who are eager to see how It can steo over the paved oval. There are no end of inquiries at the speedway office from ioung men who want to re driver's or mechanicians Myers said the other dav that If ever the eventualities necessitated the military authorities of the V. S A, 'a want to make a hurr up call for brax-e young men who are willing to go Into service as military chauffeurs no doubt his hundreds of Inquiries rrom would-be race drivers would be valuable. Sales and Deliveries Reports of the 1 Paso Automobile Dealers for the Current Week. IT WESTCOTT TO JIOVK. Springfield. Ohio, May . The West cott Motor Car company will remove its plant from Richmond, Ind, to this city within the next few months, ac cording to announcement made todav This move will take place In time to start production of the next series ot Westcott cars In the Springfield fac tory. , US MlLl OP BTTEKIK. Some figures furnianed by the Willard Storage Batter company of rie eland state that there are over 00 00 Willard atertlns and lighting batterlea in use at the present time. Allowlmr sn averare lencth of IS r tnchee. these batteries If put end to end. woum maite a line or in mues long "MYSTERY CAR" IN SPEEDWAY RACE Indianapolis. May . There Is no dearth of ambitious automobile race candidates, as indicated by the flood of telegram and letters from all over the United States to T. E. Myers, gen eral manager of the speedway office. Many of these letters seem to think that all one has to do to win the fa mous sixth annual International sweepstakes race Is to take some jlt- XC3RTAIN International condi tions have again had their ef fect on this week's automobile market. Until the Mexican problem Is settled definitely It is unlikely that there will be a brisk market for new ears The demand for used carB is unusually heavy. In fact, it Ib almost Impossible to meet the big demand for used Fords and other light models. The Buquor Motor company reports th6 eale and delivery of the following Maxwells. Vernon L. Sullivan, Fort Stockton, two Maxwell tourings, Wells-Peugh company, Demlng, Max well touring and Maxwell roadster: P. F. Brick. Maxwell touring. Clary Jewelry company. Maxwell touring; Stockland Brothers, Silver City, two Maxwell tourings George Trlbblc, Lordsburg, Maxwell touring. Dodge Cars in Demand. Deliveries made this week by the Lone Star Motor company were. John Stenson, Demlng, Dodge touring; Jack Head, Doming, Dodge touring. J. W. Darracott, Marfa, Dodge touring; Al vis Dixon. Dodge touring: W F. Row lee. Silver City, two Dodge tourings: Lon Barksdale, Duran, N. M , Chandler four-passenger roadster; J. C. Mc Daniel. Duran, N M Chalmers "6-30" touring J. S. Ferrin, hotel Paso del Norte, Chalmers "6-30" touring. Rellverles by the Toltee Motor com pany this week were Mrs F B. Wale Paibe "Fairfield 6-46" touring: car load of Dorts to McCIoskey Auto com pany, Albuequerque: G. S Johnson. Dort touring Jim Espey, Lobo, Tex., Paige "Fairfield 6-46" touring. The Pioneer Motor company deliv ered an Argo roadster to George C Halle 1W1I Go to Tucutnn. The El Taso Overland Auto com pany reports the delivery of an Over land "75" touring to Mrs. J. L. James, who will take the car to Tucutan, Mex Tho company received a carload of Ovsrlands for local customers and de livered another carload to the Albu querque Overland Auto company. The Western Auto company reports the delivery of a Saxon "six" touring to C. A. Donnell. Deliveries this week by the Elliott Garrett company were Atkinson & Simpson. Corona, N. M, five Stud baker "fours." LaPolnt & Munguie, -Studebaker "four" touring; Dr. Leon ard Taber, Silver City, Studebaker "elx" touting; H. S. Van Sant. White Oaks, N. JL, Studebaker "four" tour ing; L. J. James. Elephant Butte dam, Studebaker "six" roadster Truck for Arliona. The truck department of the South ern Motor company delivered a 1500 pound Republic truck this week to Joe McAllister, of Duncan, Ariz. The Trl-State Motor company re port the following Ford sales during the past week. J. C. Bvers. touring Charles Cottingbam. runabout. S. P Sick, touring: M. Varela, runabout. Ed King, delivery; E. E. Murden, tour ing; Newman investment company, two runabouts, C T. Dunn, touring. William Long, touring. Leemoor Con struction company, parcel delivery: City Service company, runabout and touring: T. W. Ardoln. touring. The Trl-State Motor company report the following Ford sales to the agents of their territory: J. T. Hood. Doug las. Arlr.. two carloads of tourings: F. C. Bledsoe, Blsbee, Ariz., one carload of tourings: J. E Casner, Alpine, Tex. one carload of tourings: J. S. Kerr, Doming, N. M., one carload of tour ings. Solomon Commercial company, Solomonville. Ariz, carload of tour ings: Benson Auto company. Benson. Ariz., carload of tourings: Dona Ana, Motor companv. Las Cruces. N. M,, carload of tourings. Spanish Grill now open 116 S. Oregon. Adv. Mexican rents, Leo Newman, ph. 4604. -Adv. y i There's an Oakland for You . lf? A i . Republic Republic trucks TRUCKS Southern Motor Co. Phone 490 3S5 Myrtle Ave.