Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD iWcek-End Edition, May 6-7, 1916. r 11 t Ml I S ILISIT1IIBT PICTURES!! HH QUIET mm i not m sue kosqqd i Comment Differs Widely Among the Editors on the Reply on U-Boats. (Innlliiiinl Prom Prevloua Pate.) -but they must he but the beginning be done Can't llrrnU. lllnrknilr. N'cw York World: All that part of the German reply which contemplates an alliance between Germany and the T Tilted State to break a British block ade that Germany herself cannot bieak. la impossible. It la unthink able To Krant It would put a stain on the honor of the United States that tould never be erased. Crrmnnr Manrd rnrlx. 'hliairo (111.) Herald: The German government demands that we compel .roat Britain to raise her starvation blockade, though denying that Germany W or can be starved by It. Official Germany says In effect: "We will give this for that: hut you must force the delivery to us of that for this." It calls upon us to fitfht the British navy, if necessary, lest "women and children shall be starved " Of courso that is precisely wbat Germany did at the aiea-e of Paris. hut the women and . hildren starved there were not Ger man. I'll timer U About Eahauslrd. St. jouls Post IMspatih: It Is pos sible that the concession made may open a way to a continuance of rela tions, and if those relations, which have never yet been broken, can be contin ued with honor, we earnestly hope that they may; but the tenor of the note that bears the concession Is not con ducive to friendliness, the conditions that accompany It are not agreeable, and the patience of the government and of the people has about reached its limit We Must Walt. Kansas City Mo.) Journal: Cer tainly, until BometblnK more develops to darken the view, there appears to he nothing in the situation at this time to justify, president Wilson in breaking; off diplomatic relations. Cirrmany linn Met Drmnml. l,oa Angeles (Cal ) Express: We think that Germany has fairly met the issue It has done Tthat we demanded it should do. although In turn, It so licit the same energy of action on our part with respect to violations of international law by the allies that w) have shown in dealing with violations of international law by Germany. Doesn't Meet Demands at All. Kacramento (Cal.) Union- By no possible stretch of Imagination can the German replv tot the last American note he found to comply with the de mands of the United States, that Ger many immediately abandon her illegal methods of undersea warfare, but it may leaie the way open so that a rup ture In the relations between this iountr and Germany can be avoided. If l'ledge Fulfilled, Demands 3Iet. Sioux City (8. D.) Press: If the Ger man government will fulfill its pledge, if it can control, its submarine com manders, the American terms will have been fully met. firrrany Una Gone Far Enough. San Francisco German Demokrat: Germany has gone with Its conces sions as far as she ever could go perhaps even a little too far to suit the taste of a good many Germans but there Is no sign of weakness In this answer I'rrsldrnt to Ivold War. Naw Tork Times The president will strain every point, save that of notes ami right, to avoid a break. If Is oeeatrus tin te as a. whole to iuiii that Germany baa effected the aoanaonmeni 01 m pres ent methods of submarine warfare, he cannot In justice and in conscience refuse to accept It as satisfactory. en though It ht not responsive to the express terms of the note of April 18. Demand in Met. Springfield (Mass.) Republican: The ptesident's specific demand has been met literally and with sufficient com pleteness to render a diplomatic break unwarranted at this time. Vote Itathrr tTnsntlafartory. Washington (D. C.) Herald: But for Its conciliatory tone and its protes tation of a desire to meet the demands of the Washington government the German note could unhesitatingly be pronounced wholly unsatisfactory. TT-Tlnat War la Bffect. JVot Caue. Illinois Staats Zeltung: We are convinced that president Wilson, be fore reaching a decision for peace or war. will divest himself or his pro British sentiments and will take coun sel with his sense of justice and equitv and after an honest and seri ous consideration of all the facts In the case will come to the conclusion that the submarine war Is not the cause, but the consequence the logi cal, unavoidable consequence of Ille gal causes, and that It is. therefore, not within his province to demand with regard to Germany's rights, the unconditional removal of the conse quences without an attempt to provide for the removal of the cause of the evil. No Answer nt All. Philadelphia (Pa.) Inquirer: Ger man' answer to the note of the United States is no answer at all. Ve Can Overlook Impudence. Baltimore (Md ) Sun: Knowing the difficulties with which the German goernment Is contending, we can well afford to overlook what In other clr- Sunday is Anniversary of Torpedoing of Passenger Ship By Germans. The swift sea sucks her death shriek under As the Rreat ship reels and leaps asunder; Crammed, raffrail-liigh with her mur derous freight, lake a straw on the tide she whirls to her fate. A warship she, thouph she lacked its coat, And lustful for lives as none afloat. A warship, and one of the foe's best workers. Not penned with her rusting harbor, shirkers. Now the Flanders guns lack their daily bread, And shipper and buyer are sick with dread; For, neutral as Uncle Sam may be, Your surest neutral's the deep, green sea. Just one ship sunk ritli lives and shell, And thousands of German gray onnts well! And for each of her graycoatg Ger man hate Would have sunk ten ships with all m their freight. Yes, ten such shins are a paltry fine For one good life in our fighting line. Let England ponder the crimson text! "Torpedo, strike! And hurrah for the next!" From the German "Hymn of the fusitania." Trasnlated by 3frs. Edith Wlutrton. Wonders of Bird and Ani mal Life Near the South Pole Are Shown.. SUNDAY is the first anniversary of the Lusitania. On May 7, 1915, the enormous Cunard liner was plowing through the sea in broad day light off Old Head of Kinsela, Ireland, when the German submarine U-39, with out any attempt at warning, sent two torpedoes into her. Fifteen minutes later the vessel dis appeared, carrying to their death 1216 persons, of whom 107 were Americans and 150 babies and small children. The submarine made no attempt at rescue. The Americans killed included manv liersons of note Charles Frohman, Al fred G. Vanderbilt, Lindon Bates, jr., Justus II. Formap, Elbert Hubbard and wife, Capt J. B. Miller, Herbert S. Stone, Dr. F. S. Pearson, Charles Klein and LoUirop Witliington. Germany Keeps Killing. In the year since then the Germans have killed several score other Amer icans by torpedoing passenger vessels, but lias ghen no satisfactory apology and disavowal of the Lusitania's destruction. The Lusitania sinking was premedi tated, for many of the passengers had received warnings not to sail on her liefore she left New York. An adver tisement containing a similar warning was inserted in American newspapers bv the German embassy at Washington. "The British admiralty has been criti cised for not protecting the vessel more adeauatelv. Although the Lusitania declared and I carried 2000 persons and was worth with her burden $10,000,000 she was steaming at only 18 knots through the danger zone when attacked. The Lusitania took on such a great list a few moments after the second torpedo struck tliat many of her life boats could not be launched. This in creased the loss of life. Captain Remains at Post. Capt. W. T. Turner went down on the bridge of his ship, but was picked up alive after swimming four hours. Mr. Vanderbilt was laBt seen when he started down a companionwar, say ing, "Let's go down and see if there are anv kiddies left. Mr. Bates also was drowned while searching for children, after he had met Dr. and Mrs. F. "Warren Pearl of New York city desperately striving to find two of their four little ones. Mr. Frohman, lame and ill. did not try to ccsapc. He said to a woman who lived to tell it: "Whv fear death? It is the most beautiful adventure in life!" The effect on the German cause of the Lusitania sinking was distinctly ad verse. It stimulated British recruiting and hardened the allies' hearts against peace parleys. It involved Germany in a controversy with the United States which is today more ominous than eier. Wonderful pictures of the antarctic and fun and song filled in the long eat evening's entertainment the chau tauquans have yet had, on Friday night. The pictures were "movies'" and "atllle" made of the Sir Douglas Maw son expedition to study animal, bird and sea life in the antarctic regions, and Kl I'asoans learned some things of a newly explored country that few people in the country have yet had a chance to learn. The pictures are the only ones of the kind ever made of a region so far south (or north) and show the wonders of life in a region Where 76 degrees below zero is not considered very cold: where the seals. Instead of ordinary coats of fur, wear heavy coats of thick hair: where birds. Instead of making nests of feathers and "sticks, make them of pebblea and stones: where, instead of flying, the birds walk like Charlie Chaplin and the wind blows so hard that a man has difficulty walking down a moun tainside against it. Kxpedltlon Flcture. The pictures began with the depart ure of the expedition from Australia and carried It on to within a short distance of the south pole, showing the ship grirding through ice floes, passing benerth icebergs that towered hundreds of feet above the vessel, anchoring in Icebound harbors, land ing supplies upon Islands of Ice, etc. The men were shown digging ice for water, living in their winter huts, taking observations in gales blowing over lo miles an hour, playing with the penguins and other wonderful birds of the frigid south, riding seals, drawing sled, training dogs, climbing Ice glaciers, exploring Ice caves, etc. Pictures showed the bird and animal Ufe on the surface and the life beneath the sea, where thousands of new spec imens were discovered and photo graphed, for the benefit of the scien tific world. The lecture and the pic tures occupied an hour and a half and the spectators sat through it all with deep interest, although an hour's en tertainment by the Edwin Weeks company had been given prior to the pictures. The AVeelta Compnny. Mr. Weeks and wife and Miss Olive Woodward of Chicago, make up the Weeks compan, which replaced the Itiner sisters on the program, one of tho Misses Riner being too ill for them to fill their engagement Mr. Weeks tells funny stories, sings In several different voices in imitation of grand opera stars, and, with his wife, does a playlet and a number of song medleys. Miss Woodward plays the violin splendidly and was several times encored by the audience. Saturday morning at 10 o'clock the grand pageant of children of the Junior Chautauqua took place under the su pervision of Miss M. Ines Bristol, at Waterloo, la. It was the concluding feature of the King Arthur's court ceremonies which have been held by the children every morning during the week. A picnic was held lor the chil dren after the pageant. J. M. Erlckson delivered his closing lecture. "Pep and Pot Luck " Lectures and music will make up the program for this afternoon and this evening. The Sequoia male quartet will give two concerts, one In the af ternoon and one in the evening Wood Brlggs. with atories of the south, followed the quartet In the af ternoon. Following the popular concert of the sequoia male quartet this evening, Sylvester A. Long, president of the In ternational Lyceum association, will lecture. Mr. Long is known as Amer ica's premier Chautauqua lecturer. Mr. Long will lecture on "Hungry People." The Chautauqua closes Sunday night with a concert by the Kaffir boys' choir. In the afternoon Robert Par ker Miles will lecture on "Tallow Dips." House Pays Its Tribune To 80 Year Old Cannon; Friend and Foe Praise "Show Me the Woman Who Smokes and I've Got Her Number," Lecturer Says. "Pep" was the subject of J. M. Erickson's morning talk at tho Chau tauqua Saturday morning and he gave a. Practical demonstration of his sub ject by injecting all of his 250 horee power "pep" Into his lecture. "Pep unadulterated pep is life, vim, ginger, gct-up-and-go," he declared. "It is more. It is power, efficiency and push. Peplessness is a crime. When I see a man who Is pcpless he rests me to look at him. The pepless man Is a knocker. He is against progress. He 's a pessimist a man who drops fear thought into the minds of tho men who come In a community to Bpend their money and to make it go and those same men leave after the pepless per son haB got to them. No line I'or Knocker. "I have no use for a man who knocks. He retards every community and never does anything himself. Neither have I any use for the man who has accum ulated wealth for the selfish purpose of holding it and giving nothing in return. But many of those who have wealth have acquired it because they developed a habit of work, a desire to help humanity and, then incidentally they have acquired wealth. We want more such men for they are the ones who are doing the most for the country. Millionaire Who Worked. "For example. I called on a friend of my father's In Chicago. He is a multi-millionaire. I found him at his desk with his sleeves rolled up work ing hard with the beads of perspira tion streaming off his face. I told him he must quit that or he would kill himself. He answered that he was losing J7000 a day and that he must stay by his plant, not for himself but lor the men and women wno worKea there and who depended upon him for their daily bread. 'They helped me to make my fortune,' he said. 'I am not going to quit them now and they will have work if it takes every dol lar I have.' Monlrd Men Do Things. 'It is the raonied men who are do ing things In this world. They have developed pep an ability to works Take Luther Burbank, of California, and Thomas A. Edison, of East Orange They have all accumulated wealth but they did it as an incident to their hard work, to their service to mankind and they deserve all they have earned and more. They are not knockers. They are builders and doers and men who make the world go around. Habit the Thing. "Habit la the big thing. Take an inventory of yourself and see how you stand with yourself. I am not a crank on liquor. But liquor drinking Is a waste of time and energy and the man who swills down liquor can't amount to much. Take the places where the wealth of the country gather. Take Del Monte, Newport, Washington. There the women sit around drinking liquor and smoking clgarets. Show me a woman who smokes clgarets and you don't have to tell me any more about her. I've got her number. These women with penciled oyebrows, face painted, frizzled hair, who sit and gos sip and do nothing but chew gum, play ragtime and flirt are of no value to the world If any one- of you men In this audience should kiss them you would die of painter's colic. Clgarets and Fnture. "Neither am I opposed to using to bacco in moderation. I enjoy a cigar after dinner, when I am sitting around a big fireplace in your hotels out here in me west wun a numoer oi ousinesn men around me and we are talking and Beginning, Sunday, May 14th, The BOOK Tftra ySHLliill P?,f,mi..BsbyChIris,BrcedUiandFeed. vonieuls. Ine charts. Cures ol Diseases. Timely Poultry Pointers, Plans lor Poultry Houses. Trap Nests and Fixtures. Daily Eeg Records. (Spaces JorKeepinir.) Beet Recipes lor eooUBcEgc". Poultry, etc 64 Pages. If Pnrina Chick Feed and Purina Chloten Chowder are used as directed we guarantee daring the first six weeks ot a chick's life. Linseed meal. granulated meat, alfafa flour, bran, etc. are necessary tocrooerlymamreacalck. These Ingredient are scientifically mixed in Purina Chicken Chowder and sold at less than they would cost sepsrs.Wlr.even It available. Sold only In checkerboard bars by leading dealers. It your dealer doesn't sell them, mention his name la writing lor free book. EsbUa Farias Ca.bc. SMGnlbtSL.SLLoau.Ma. cumatancea would be presumption or impudence. (ermany Only Ask Square Tlenl. Pittsburg Volksblatt and Freheits Pteund: Germany has conceded the vital point in president Wilson's de mand and In return asks nothing but a square deal Can we refuse that? Shall we let England continue to do as she pleases, after compelling Ger many to toe the mark? Merlin Ylrliis. Xat Gracefully. Baltimore (Md.) American: Berlin has let Itself down easily but not gracefully nor satisfactorily. But It invites this country to construe Its answer as satisfactory, and this the country In due course, will do. -Nothing .en Hut Insolence. St. Louis (Mo ) Republic: There Is nothing new in Uie note except its tone of insolence and its manifest inconsis tencies. It leaves the demands of this government altogether unanswered. It's nn Kssentlnl ConcmMon. Chicago Tribune: The German note embodies the essential concession to the demand of the latest American note on submarine operation This concession is conditional but Its im mediate effect is to bring about the cessation of submarine operations outside of the lines laid down in our successive protests. German Sermon i Remember Linllnnln Leadville Herald Democrat: Ger many asks the United States to accept hi r pledge of good faith on the eve of the anniversary of the Lusitania massacre, and preaches us a sermon nn the "sacred principles of humanity." There are too many conditions at tained to the guarantees to make them acceptable. New Orleans Tlmes-ricayune: Ger many's reply falls very far short of what was required. Germany llrlds Grudgingly. Dallas (Tex.) Morning News: Ger many ban plelded to the demands of the United States. It has yielded to them compeltely, but grudgingly. Fort Worth Record: Germany has replied to "America's last word." She promises to warn merchant ships be fore attacking them. Let us continue to fill war orders and let us have peace. Washington, D. C. May 6. Party lines disappeared and old scores were forgotten in the house today when, during the first hour of Its regular session, it joined in paying tributes to representative Cannon, of Illinois, the former speaker, who will be 80 years old Sunday. Never before In the history of the house had an hour of the working session been set aside to honor llvlnar member. Representative Cooper, of Wisconsin, presided. One of the original revolters against the socalled Cannon rule, for years he fought the then speaker, but today he presided as a friend. , Speaker Clark in a humorous and friendly speech termed Mr. Cannon "one of the top notcher class of mental pugilists." Still carrying himself as straight as an Indian, and as ruddy cheeked as a school girl, Mr. Cannon marched down the center aisle of the house and dellvored an address of apprecia tion filled with reminiscences. Mr. Cannon was quick to observe the non partisan character of the occasion and his opening words were in apprecla tion of It. A Sunday Morning Newspaper Will Make Its Appearance Non-Political, Non-Sectarian Devoted to the Best Interests of El Paso and Its Populace OFFICE NOW OPEN 512 Trust Bldg. PHONE 4040 smoking. But there Is no use for clg arets. The man who smokes clgarets don't need to worry about his future he has none. If all the clgarets which are smoked In a year were placed end to end they would go 135 times around the world. That Is some smoke, is t not? Message' to Garcia. 'In the Spanish war Rowan delivered a message to Garcia. The man who Is filled with pep. who does things Is always called upon to do big things when the time comes. Rowan did not stop to ask where or how or why. He Just took the message and delivered the goods. He saved the Uvea ot thou sands of soldiers. He did what thou sands of other Garclas are doing today because they have the pep. There are many opportunities today for carrying the message to the needy in this world." It's a PI easure to -with the System thoroly cleansed, or Constipation A. L. SCUDDER'S AUTOMOBILE STOLEN FROM ELKS' CLUB A seven-passenger Studebaker tour ing car, owned by A. L. Scudder, was stolen early Saturday morning from in front of the Elks' club. The car was not locked at the time. A set of harness was taken from the rear of the Camozze Ice Cream factory on San Antonio street Friday night. GENUINE BEARS SIGNATURE NEWS BREVITIES LOCAL XSD CDXERAL Train Bulletin. All afternoon and night trains for toda are reported on time. Dr. A. T. still. Osteopathic Infirmary, Dr. Ira W. Collins, physician in chief; Dr. George It. Walls; Dr. Carl Gibson. 201 W. Missouri street They cured others. They can cure you. El Pasa Distilled Water Co., Ph. 4S9. Advertisement. Refugia ork pSHHilB W CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS To Release 3S Foreigners. Washington, D. C, May 6. Ambas sador Page at London today communi cated to the state department the British government's official notifica tion that yielding to the representa tions of the United States. It would re lease the 38 Germans, Austrlans and Turks taken by a British cruiser from the American steamer China near Sbangbat C. A. Klnne Cc Insurance and Heal Estate. P. W. Williams, Manager In surance Dept. No. iZi N. Oregon street. Phone 1881. Mendez. an eight-year-old girl, who was passing at the time. She was cut on the head. Dr. Maxradrr 308 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. Ph. 453 Murray Grocery. 80S N.Oregon. Ph. 1711 LongweU Be carerul of your baggage checks. Leave at Longwell's. TeL 1. KipreHa Companies Make Money. Washington, D. C. May 6. Leading express companies of the United States earned total net income of (138,000 last January as compared with a deficit of 584,000, In January, 1315. J:i I'mo Seed Co. Opposite Court House, 519 East San Antonio. Tel. 363. Brady's Estate, $S',00O,00O. Albany, N. T May 6. The first ac counting of the oxecutors of the late Anthony M. Brady of Albany, which was filed in surrogate court here Fri day, values the estate of the "mole of Wall street," as the financier was known, at upwards of $87,000,09. Dr. Byers, dentist, over Union Cloth. Co. Mexican Named Francisco Villa Loses Suit For Debt; Is Too Busy To Appear A Mexican named Francisco Villa, alias Pancho Villa, lost a suit In the 65th district court Friday afternoon. Because of urgent business in Mexico the defendant was unable to be pres ent in person but waa represented by his attorneys. The suit was filed against the Mex ican by Teodoro Kyricopulos, a for mer friend of the Villa person who al leged that he had advanced monies and had otherwise assisted Villa and that the said Villa had failed to repay him much to his surprise, and disgust. The Jury returned a verdict for J00 in favor of KvrlcoDUlos and against Villa, the suit having been for J5000. Motorcycle Races nt Chicago. Chicago. 111.. May 6. Motorcycle races will be held here May 28, 29 and 30, it was announced today by the lo cal representatives of tho Federation of American Motorcyclists. To Whom It May Concern i Notice is hereby given that A. W. McLean. C, R. Smith and L. Douglas Glfford, com posing a partnership, and operating under the firm name of the Commercial Office Supply company, intend to incor porate, without change of the firm name, thirty days after thvs, the 1st day of May, A. D. 1916. A. W. McLean. C. It. Smith. L. Douglas Glfford. MAN FOUND UNCONSCIOUS; BELIEVED AUTO STRUCK HIM Found unconscious on the street in front of the Houck & Dieter store on San Francisco street, Jose Colorado was taken to the emergency hospital and Is said to be suffering from in ternal lnjuriea Friday night. He is believed to have been struck by an automobile. He was sent to the county hospital. England to "Sine nnjllfilit." London. Eng., May 6. The daylight saving scheme, by which the clock will be put ahead an hour Is expected to be approved by the house of commons on Monday and will go Into effect the fol lowing Sunday morning. Dr. Itaurhrrt, Dentist, Mills Bldr. Ph. 4867. Park t'nr Splits Sivltcli. A Park street car split a switch at Stanton and San ..ntonlo street Fri day afternoon at five oclock and traf fic at this corner was blocked until the east bound car could be renlaceJ on the track. Postal Order Thief Arrested. Denver. Colo., May 6. James G. Mc Keown, said by the police to be wanted in a dozen cities for forgery and theft of postal money order blanks, was ar rested at a fashionable hotel here Fri day by federal and city authorities. McKeown, the police said, has con fessed to having stolen 90 postal money order blanks from the Waltke substation in St. Louis two months ago. Eat at Bolton's. 210 N. Stanton. White Cafe. 105 B, San Antonio. Seek Munition Secretst Sentenced. Leeds, Eng.. May 6. Albert Bright, 49 years old, an Iron merchant of Shef field, was sentenced Friday to penal servitude for life. Bright was con victed of collecting and attempting to elicit Information from workmen em ployed at an ammunition plant con cerning the description of war ma terials. El Pnso Seed Co. Opposite Court House, 519 East San Antonio. Tel. 363. We Want Your Account We want business of the right sort, but this does not refer to size. All depositors large or small are equally welcomed here and receive the same atten tion at our hands. Facilities here keep pace with the demands of the times, and we respectfully solicit your account, which need not be a large one to be welcome. We Pay 4 Percent Interest on Savings One Dollar Opens an Account American Trust and Savings Bank TWICE GUARANTEED LEE BBS BBSS BOEE rtonumc noh-shd fuacrurt-moc Puncture-Proof Cuaranleed 5,000 Miles Guaranteed Borderland Auto Supply Co. Wholesale and Retail Auto Supplies. Distributors Celebrated Lee Tires Phone 59 1 0. Myrtle at Kansas PROPOSALS FOR EQUIPMENT OF AN ELECTRICALLY OPERATED PUMPING PLANT. Office Depot Quar termaster, El Paso. Texas. Sealed pro posals will be received here until 11 a. m., June 3, 1916, and then opened, for installing an electrically operated equipment In pumnlng plant at Fort Bliss, Texas. Further Information on application. Dr. Anna Ileum, Buckler Bid. over Elite 11 Venn Seed r-o. Opposite Court House. 619 Last San Antnnlo. Tel. 362. AdV Charged With Carrying Dirk. Charged with carrying a dirk, Edu ardo Felaz was arrested Friday night in the rear of the Hotel Sheldon fol lowing an alleged assault upon A. Otlca. Otlca claims he was assaulted by Peles. Eat nt Sum; Cafe, 110 S. Stanton. Girl Knocked Down by Bicycle. Miss Maria Rubio was struck by a bicycle ridden by S. Rascon While she was crossing Mesa avenue Friday af ternoon. She was knocked down and bruiBed. Dr. Ebert, dentist, 216-21S Mills Bldg. Milium Ball, Hits Girl. A hov claying ball on Seventh street struck; at a ball with a bat and hit j Calls for Hank Statement. Washington, D. C. May 6. The con troler of the currency today issued a call to all national banks, reqlring them to report to him their condition at the close of business of Monday, May L In their answers to this call national banks are required to inform the con troler of their investments in foreign securities, particularly those of na tions now engaged in war. 5v No Gas ssS ram PAT MORAN, MANAGER IMilIadrlphla Notional letuicue Champions. Jralr ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE "Training ramp. SI rutersburg. Fla.. Mar. 9, 1316. Mr. Allen S. Olmated, Le Roy, N. T.: Dear Sir Tour packages of Allen's Foot Ease received, and It did not take my boys Ions to take them all away. All apeak fine for Foot-Eaae and you may refer to my club if you care to. Thanking you very kindly. Very truly yours. PAT MORAN. Manager Philadelphia National League Ball Club" Shaken Into the Shoes and used In the Foot-Bath. Alli-n's Poot-Kase re moves the ach1 and soreness that come to the feet with Spring days and actlvit Sold by Drug and Department stores everywhere. . Advertisement, No More Dread of the Dental Chair. By the New Sstem of Dentistry we can ex tract, fill, or crown your teeth absolutely trlthput the least particle of pain No co caine or any of Its derivatives used in any form. NOTE W are not competing with cheap advertising dentists, but with first-class ethlclal men at one-half their prices. Full Sets Teeth. each....S7.50 op Gold Crowns as.00 Other Work In Proportion. All Uork Guaranteed In Writing 10 Tears. New System Dental Parlors Cor. El Paso and San Antonio Bt. In the newly renovated OLD First National Bank Bldg Phone OS-J. Spanish nnd German Spoken Office Honrai 8i30 n. m. to 5i30 p. m.I Sundays 0l3O n. m. to It a. xu. Camozze Ice Cream Co. Manufacturer, Wholesaler and Retailer PURE ICE CREAM Phone 296. Ice Cream Soda, SHERBETS Pacific Ocean Confectionery 400 N. Oregon St YOU Should Always so to KEEVIL'S When you want the best Wines, Liquors and Lunch Goods. Phone 105. 520 N. Stanton. Herald Want Ads for results Herald Want Ads Bring Results Try One and Be Convinced. ..