Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Week-End Edition, May 6-7, 191G. 0 Fl T I OK H HTIIT Z. T. White to Build New Building at West San Antonio and Santa Fe When Leases Expire; Another New Apartment for Sunset Heights; New Bungalows Being Built in All Parts of City. A' i nn westei Jt rtlo I I I T in real estate in the tern 'part of the business ion continues uti tin,; Iiur- !i tht piesent ween Max Mojc sold . T White the southwest corner Sinla Fe and Went San Antonio it ik for a conFideration of $60,000. . i pioperty has a frontage of 112 . i on Santa Fe street and 120 feet eat San Antonio street and in i .Irs a one-story building occupied the Jitne company. Mr hlte announced Frida after . nn that at the end of the present Iimm, which has two years yet to run build a five-story bulldln on The deal included the exchange pr - ,";L',", '"," -'?''"'-ropert 69x120 feet Immediately south "' "fcdft " J"2 .!!;.?-7S: of the Kohlbenr This property is "anta Fe street. "c uiiiefl hv i tvA.itarv ware- lrK -lworit "..- house and went in for $, l.VTO. J ne 1 niHinniK $30,004 was cash. Oril tpnrtliienl. WnrU is well advanced on the a part mi nt bouse which the Mayfleld Build u c Improvement company Is build 111K for S E Ord at the corner of Mimdv avenue and West Boulevsrd ""l. brick work is about completd Tlif structure will cost completed about The Mavtleld companv ha stnrtpd 1 be construction of a five-room bun--alow in the 2700 block on Mont'iia meet, to cost 48M. The companv h ilso started a five-room bungalow in Hit l'".0 block on Montana street to cost 4750 "U o'h Is well advanced on a fie- m bungalow wbiaji the Mayfleld K-mpanv Is buildine- for W. F. Cum 1 imKs in the 1600 block on Rampart Mi eel The house will cost $2800 Kemp llnmr Hone Soon. The seven -room dwelling which the timpani is building for Maury Kemp ti t'opper street in Manhattan Heights ill be lonimelfrt in iu oays. me !'",n' '" k.:'." ,., .1.. r! -.A-iii, ..u.,n.yn, ......... V", , - 11. n lsouuning in ine ..ovw uiwjk ,, VcKlnlev avenue at a cost of $6500 mil be finished In about 30 days The Mayfleld compan is building a four-room addition to R. B. Orn iicrff's dwelling at 3901 Bliss street The improvements will cot about $4000 T)ie X I. Means bungalow In Kern l"acc. being built at a cost of $4250. v 11 lie completed within 30 days, and work is nearing completion on the 1 ct II Orndorff dwelling at Kansas . . .i T-i . V- Tsl.. it M ' int-iiiaiiii ouccii-, in acui a ibv, ( stina about $5500 Tbi Ma field company is completing tvo-ntury dwelling in the 2800 block on Montana street to coat $4750. Drlie on Mesn. A Klnne. who with his associates, lnhn M. Wyatt, Victor Carusso and lliirmon Kmpp, are planning the oiienlng of a new addition adjoining ICern Place, sUtea that Work is about hnlf completed on a thoroughfare that will extend from Kansas street J tl lough the hills to the county road at the cement plant. Another boule vard Is being planned that will afford a six-mile drive along the foot of Mt. Franklin and Join the county road n.-r White Spur. Both roads will be w fie ar covered wKh grawl. -Mrs. Stanton Sells Lots. Mfa. M. W. Stantott ha sold to H. W. Sbedd a atraot, Mxltt feet in block vi Government Hill, for $500 The Meal was made through the Anderson Filler Investment company. M. J. Cope has -sold to W. 3. Gil bert the west 22 feat of lot 20. and tbe east 17 feet of lot 21, block 112. El Paso. A bungalow la now In curse of construction on the property nil the total consideration waa $3500. The Creel Realty company made the .lia I , Henrietta Detwtler has sold to Lydla Rjrk lots 24 ana 25, block 65, East i I Paso, for $600. Thie daal was made through the Creel Realty company. J. A. Jaeobson Hays. H. Fletcher has sold to X A. l.icobson the dwelling at 1126 Sacra mento street, in Altura Park, for $1900. The Creel Realty company made this deal. Peyton F. Edwards has sold to Eliza beth Kelly lots 19 to 21 inclusive, block 33. Altura Park, for $1500, through the Creel Realty company Marr A Co. Sales. .Tames Lt Marr & companv an ocunce the following sales for the nlr James I Marr and company report 1 YSLETA SUMMER NORMAL June 1st to July 13th, inclusive Faculty 1. Itantlolnh Jones, A. II. Conductor of Normal Teacher, History of Rducatioc. School Management and Psychology. John M. Kldll, II. S. .1 r ti. Teacher. Mathematit and Physics, lira. Jeanne Frank. Graduate Universiti Glasgow, Scotland, Teacher, English. Urn, Alary I. nieason. Graduate a W. T. and Holllns. Va. Teacher, Geographj and Arithmetic. II. Wall, I I. A A. II. Teacher, History aim i meg. WIkpi Florence Hughes. Special Student. Kleanor Wnne, Teacher, Prtmarj Methods and Mode! SChool. K. II. senman, K. M. Teacher. Chemlstr t. r. ftrnltum, M. S. V Teacher. Agriculture Executive Committer Ilr. It. S. 'While. Chairman. Mrs. I H. l'Hrrmnii Mrs. John I- Held Mr. T. .. Pntterson Mr. C. S. Hill YSLETA Certificates Work Leads to Examination for State Second Grade, First Grade, Permanent Primary and Perma nent Certificates. - POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED 1 . Enroll early , 3. Reduced Rates on interurban , l. 1 union vpiu.uu ior term. o runner inrormation Address: Dr. E. S. While, Chairman Executive ON "M, Ft; TOWJIIJO the follow ins; sales made b them dur ing me past weefc: Nations racKmg company to Guadadlupe It. de la Vega, In 11. block 3, Mlraflor addition; consideration J390 Nations PackinK company to Itafael Guerrero, lot SI, block 3, Mlraflor addition: considera tion J300. Hrancisco P. Garcia to Ben L. Guerra. east one-half of lot IE ami all of lot 16. block 74. East El Paso addition; consideration 950. J. M. Tonrad to Paul and Kufrene Weiss, east one-half of 11 ami all of Jot 12. block iiixnuna i-arK audition: eortsidera- lion J1.-.00 P. Maese to MrB Rodrl- , Kiiez and Mrs Guadalupe I-ewis, lot S, Klnnl. Ill l 1.111- .j.i, "" . v iiifcjjucii s auuiuon. con sideration J2OO0 Government Hill company to W. K. Marr, lots 3, 4 and , Jft --"t Z i &'" Hi". "WVJ . : m'i' i-viimi., iulb ., n, 21, ze, anu. block T Cnv.,-.,..,.. Tim A.T.ll- ( -,- . .r " " tii um- tlon; consideration ?87."i. J. W. I'hlllliis Iluys Lota. I-awry D. Jones lias sold to J. W. Phillips lot 5. 6 and one-half of 7, block 64. Government Hill addition on Chester street consideration $600 J " Wilmarth lias sold to J. uliff lots '. 20 and 21. block 92, Govern iiiint Hill addition, fronting on IJueco -' 1 -t consideration $650. ri H McVay has bought from W. II. 1 'in lots 19 and 20. block 63. Gov- ni' Hill addition, on Cheater tn-ci consideration $4R0. .1 n Edward has bought from the lovrnment Hill companv lots 1, 2. 3, block 95, Government Hill addition, Mrntana street; consideration $750. The Phillips Realty company made all the above Bales ew Ilulldlng on Texns street. The new two story brick fireproof ullding at 1806-lgOS Texas street, for R. I Daniel. Is neanng completion. It will be used by Mr. Daniel aa a storage anu lurnuure anu mattress lactory and will have 12,000 square feet floor space. Tn? !' " Is 50x120 feet I ami it will cost $12,000 ami will be modern in everr resnect. Tt AYnt,i to bt rearf for occupancy about May 20. Mr Daniel is moving his store room from 410 Myrtle to 318 Texas street as a building is soon to be erected at the Myrtle avenue location. DAILYREC0RD rtulldinc Permit. To Webb and Lee for the construction .of '7. ". """"T."" --"'. v.., -cm- iimaiea value f:40S To J. E Morgan to build a brick esrare at 114 Mesa avenue: estimated value J. To R. E MrKee. to build a brick bunca low on Mesa avenue.: estimated value $7e0. Deeds Hied. south side of Boulevard, between Magno lia and Rosewood W K. Marr to Stella Brown, the westerly eight and one-third feet of lot II. and all of lots 14. It. 1C, block no. Basset t addition: consideration JJS00: May 1. 11 1. South side of Chester, between Bowie and jerrrraon James L Marr to w. II. Olson, lota II. . block (I. Government Hill, con sideration ill. May 4, 11. South aide of Luna, between Division and Rarner Henrietta Detwller to Mrs. I W. Burk lots 74. It. block 65. East El Paso; consideration $575: May 3. 1916. South side of Chester, between Bowie" and Jefferson V. 11. Glenn to Doris II MeTay. lots 19. t, block 61. Government Hill; con sideration $1; May 4, 1910 IJeensed to Marrv. John J Howland and Henrietta Cour t liesne. lose Garvea and Josefa Martlnes , John W. Garrett and Alice Avant Automobiles IJcensed. o917 Ed King, Lock l hotel. Ford dellv frv truck. iU S Medina De Mats. 517 South Vir ginia Ford tourinr car 11 Mrs 7" V. Walx. :05 Montana. Paige touring car SS s. B. Slsk. 3M9 East San Antonio. February 5. IHrths Hoys. To Mr and Mrs. R. Shea. 612 West Mis souri. May 3. To Mr. and Mrs. A. Frovenclo. Davis street. April 14 To Mr and Mrs. B. Lova. 1911 San An tonio, April 30 To Mr and Mrs G I, Brown. S218 Man zana, April '2ft To Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Draper. J6S Du rasno. April 23. Deaths. T C. Van Epps. age s: 1201 Cincinnati. Mar body shipped to Schenectady, New York, May 4 At the age of SS, Charles M Schwab is considered the greatest and richest ironmaster in the world. f7i&9C!JM V "' " i!7 v-, if sl - - -v --, ssssssssssssssssssQsHs4SkPWPsVdt1s IJPIBBJElSSsPBsWsssssKssMHssisW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDINC-Whcre Summer Normal Will Be Held. Room and Board The homekeepers of Ysleta offer to the stu dents of the Summer Normal room and board at prices ranging from $35.00 to $45.00 for the term. 4. Week-end excursions to Cloud HOT WILL DTP IN Little Chance For a Great Sea Battle With British Navy to Be Fought. Berlin, German. Slay 6 The Ger- ! man public Is talking a great deal of a coming sortie of the German high sea fleet and of the possibility of preat naval battle in ne blow chan-r,! p ih whole war situation. In naval circles and amont rn have knowledge of naal m.itt opinion Is not to be found 1 naval experts are fullj aw ire of hopelessness of trjing to fmn .. cislon of the high seas Before the war, thev s.n 1,,, 1 . llsh first line consisted of 6ifil noughts and superdre.idnouuhiv an I 'eight battle cruisers. ac.unM ' no n 9 IS dreadnoughts and tlinc b.-utl cruisers. The number of battleships -n i cruisers built heie is a secret but is considered quite likely that i:n'l n 1 has been able to build twite ,ti mi , first-class vessels as Germain im tl. last 20 months, so that nuitu? 1 spite of the losses suffend i British fleet, have certainlv urn proved. Xovr n Muthenratlrnl Problem. In gun power the German mvj .3 only one-third as strong as the Briti-sli apd while 200 years ago a daring at tempt to wrest victory from the inem might have been risked w itb some chance of success, tt would be suicidal today, when lictory is no lont-er matter of human couraKe ,md il trins. hut has been reduced to a n'cre series of mathematical problems and inevit ably falls to the side whith Is Mble to throw- the greatest amount of ste 1 the longest distance in the shortest time. This has already been shown In this war at Coronel, at the Falkland and at Dogger Bank. As a matter of fact, no German with any Insight Into naval matters evet believed that the German hmh sea fleet was built to fight the KnKlish, although the masses of the people cer tainly thought so. Once There AVna n Chance. There was a time, in 1904 ami 1905, when Germany saw a chance of catch ing up with England, because that country slackened her efforts in naval construction, but the awakening of the British people's belief in the necessity of a strong nav came too quickly for Germany. The German navy department quick ly realized the futility of trying to compete with Great Britain, and limited its efforts to the construction o a navy strong enough to crush a combination of powers in which Eng land was not included. It may, therefore, be considered al most certain that not even the strong est pressure of public opinion will ever Induce the German navy depart ment to send out the battle fleet Canadian Errand Boys Respond To War Call; Girls Tae Up Duties Winnipeg. Canada, May 6 There is a blp shortage of errand boys and of- iice Doys in tnis province and In sev eral other Canadian provinces .is a result of the war and so pressing has become the situation that man , bisr business houses are substituting eirls for the whistling lads who so manj years held sway. One reason for the shortage lies In the fact that boys more than 11 jears old are eligible for army service and a large part of them hae enlisted Another-cause is due to the school laws which In this province and In other districts compell the attendants at school of boys 14 years old and younger. The problem has been soled here V the telegraph companies who ,ue in. ploying crippled soldiers for mess, n ger boy work. Mi.rnitMAX nov l'lxnn sir. ox cii.incn or tkik ito , Mose Silverman, a It-year old muth I arrested by the police wednesdav night on a charge of atemptlng to take an automobile owned by Nelson Rheinheimer from Noble street and Boulevard, was fined 2S, and turned over to his father 'oy Judge Paul Thomas Friday afternoon in corpora tion court. In allowing the boy to go with but a light fine Judge Thomas stated that the parents of the boy had promised ti send him to Chicago, and get htm away from his present associates This action of the oou-t was recom mended hi Mrs Webster, county pro bation officer. oudcro ft. Committee, Ysleta, Texas. New Potentate Of El Maida Shrine ! sflaflBsaHaasHSssSSsal ! ' HfHrVWi .u,.,irTrffsnpffilrH ' w o HE- iV&PSialM 1 1 1 0 bbssVBP RaJ' - " Jbv 1 i fBCsisssssslBsDvflsfi& wffiKm HBK ,-JI I tin- uisVJr. MlTi&MimKm jHlla9SauEaBBBx9K sIsbbbKK99BHIuMSh I1ERG. Sarah Bernhardt Will Visit America For a New Last Appearance By W. ORTON TEWSON. London, Kng. To see and eonerse with Sarah Bernhardt is to realize the possibility of the apparently impossible. It seems incredible that this woman, who possesses the iUacit3' of a jnrl and the appearance of a well-preserved I matron nt 34. has passed the allotted three score jears and ten, and. still more wonderful, quite recently had a leg ainpiitatt d 'It is join intention to visit America, niadame Bernhardt. I ould jou pie a me-sapp to tin I 'iitnl stati . winch in Sarah Bernhardt. its taih strtifiijiPH owed bo uinch to Kraiui. expressing what you consider Ire the ho-ries, and aspirations of the Kreni li ie " madame Bernhardt was ask i tl. "os 1 am : ir to America with 'Lea atlieilialcs ami the other pieces in my H n noire. When 1 arrive there I shall -.i to the noble, magnificent people of the T 'iiited States. ' 'Nui haw eer been the f trend of lihiiti the foe of oppression. Your me ever been foremost in the ause -til! I war of mercy, as today they are in Holtrium and nil the Countries 11 and devastated hy this cruel ELKS' MINSTRELS TO BE HELD ON MAY 25 AND 26 THIS YEAR M.11 23 and 26 are the dates set for tht Klk minstrels I'has. A. Armstrong is now busy rehearsing; the members of the coinpanj In their duties, and exalt ed ruler Max Miller and others members of the order are planning the business end of the show. Mr. Armstrong prom ises the bst show the Elks have ever idven "llAVE GOOD HEALTH" Take Hood's Snrsnparllln, the Old Ite llulilc Sprlnc Tonic. WaVMS - from getting a bottle of Hood's Sr saparilla today from any drug store and starting at once on the road to health and strength. When your blood is Impure and Im poverished It lacks vitality, your Indi gestion is Imperfect, your appetite is Poor, and all the functions of your body are Impaired. Hood's Sarsaparllla is a wonderful blood tonic. It will build ou up quicker than any other medicine. It gives strength to do and power to en dure. It is the old standard tried and true all-the-year-round blood purifier and enricher. tonic and appetizer Noth ing else acts like it, for nothing else has the samp formul.i or ingredients Be sure to, ask for Hood's. Insist on having it Advertisement. iM:mM i mmrmm-xiB&xxi LfmB Wf wFAs3S)ig)uP& I m is PUSHING PEMGE ; Reduced to Working Base ' 4-ls. TJ A J i- Issue New Appeal. Stockholm, Sweden, Mai 6 The Ford 11 ne party reduced now Ul a work nir basis, with delegates present from ' 'he six neutral countries of Norway, .-wrileii. Denmark, Holland. Switzerland 1 mi the T'nlted States, has recently been cry active here and has enjoyed the official leiocnltion of having been re- j ; ieied by the foreign ministers of the ( three Scmdinai lan countries. To each of these were presented appeals ad- I iilresst.l in diplomatic French to the 1 kings ami the narliament. askiner that the neutial goiernments organize an mutral conference to offer its -tillers in bringing about peace. The Ford parn is now known as an "un official ptate conference of neutral na tions.' 111c 1 orU Ippenl. I The Ford appeal which is to be pre- ' I -.t-uueu Hiso at neine and ine Jiague. j sais in r,a,rt I ria not ine moment come to act? j If bv an opportune step, an interven- , t "n of neutrals the war could be ! -hortened hi- a da, by a single dav ihich destrois thousands of live!. us;ht not the siep to be taken, no matter h..w difficult, how hopeless it a ppearp Histor will at verely judge the, neu tral countries if thei remain mere s .ectators or the terrible conflagration. They, too. suff. r h the war, and the beldtrcrents !hemseles have submlt Tdl thetr 1 ause to the judgment of the it ntral nations They have spread oer (er countn their White Books and niue Books-, and books red and ' . How Thei hae made their appeal i the eons 11 nr-t nt ha .-oeliT TllO ti. 1.1,1 , M.eAvAn.- la f 1 1 fl r- In . 'he spirit of The Tlajrue convention of "7 rticle II of the agreement then leiched distinctly provides: " 'The powers hold that it Is deslra l le that one or more neutral powers should upon their own initiative, when thev JuiIkc the circumstances propi tious, offer their services as mediators to the belligerent states. . . . The exercise of this right will never be considered b one or the other of the belligerents an unfriendly act' 'In iew of the right and the duty to which this agreement points, the unofficial conference respectfully ap peals to the governments and parlia ments of the neutral countries to em ploy every means to call Into exist ence a conference for official mediation between the belligerent states." 14 YEARS Ago Today From The Herald of This Date. 11)02. Although the world's fair at St. Louis has been postponed for one year, the local International Aimers' asso ciation does not intend to stop its work of getting up a magnificent ex hibit Courchesne. chairman of the t omirittee for the purpose of arrang ing the exhibition, called a meeting of the members last night and further pl-ms for the collection of minerals to make up the proposed exhibit were made. Mr and Mrs William Allen Smith h ve returned to the city after a brief absence J P McNally, di ision superinten I nt of the s,anta Fe railway, arrived in the city in bis private car. m list Saturday afternoon Mrs. 1. -eph Migtiffln gave a pretty lunch i ori to a number of their friends. The iiupil-, of St. Joseph's academy itnoereo an excellent program In an admirable manner before a large au ilnnie in -Mar opera house last night. Testerdav Juarez celebrated In lienor of the anniversary of the battle of fuel In. where a signal victory was w on b ko ernment troops over the Tiench miaders secret .r Leslie M. Shaw, of the vmted States treasury department, has 'ltsienaie.i the First National bank of 1 I Paso ,i Government depository. The li..Mk will ieceie $50,000 as the initial ill posit Memi'f rs of the citv council will be the gue-is of general manager H. T. I tlt,-ar. of the electric street railway tomorrow morning, when a trip Is made our the eastern extension of the road, which was recently com pl ted II V Bloom was initiated Into the ntiifvoknt and Protective Order of I Iks at .i meeting held last night The Qiycii Sabe marching club at the meeting leported excellent progress mil even thing points to a great time at the Salt Ijike city meeting. The directors of the El Paso Oil itmpanj held a meeting to ratify a contract that had been made for sell ins the oil from their Beaumont well. W O. Iloe, Dr. A. K. Albers and Mr. l-ell had negotiated a sale for the output of 25,000 barrels per month to the Texas Fuel company. AMES J. MMATAGUE. Incept Ilncknnnls. Mr Br an says he has traveled 560. 000 miles In 20 years. But he never got anywhere. Prosresslie. The judge who fined a man S10 for striking his mother and remitted $S of it when he found that it was his step mother, might have remitted the rest if it had been his but no. A union rule runs against our going any further. ..J,J"1,,,n,t n synpathele Chord. When it comes to downright contra riness and all 'round meanness, wo don t suppose there's a state In the union that can compete with Nebraska." Washington Post The Post appears to be making a bid for an ad from the Commoner. Ttoom for a More Liberal Decision. A New York Judge has ruled that the antl-muzallng law does not apply to toothless dogs If there Is anything In the proverb. It ought not to applv to barking dogs, either CONSOLlbATFfToFMOTOR MANUFACTURERS UNDER WAY Detroit. Mich. May 6 A big consoli dation of motor car manufacturers is under wav In New York and Detroit. .! lnK a raP'taHzation of more than J.200,000.000. according to the Detroit Free Press. W. C Durant. head of the Chevrolet Motor company, Is to become head of SW - - - Ueneral Motor romnan-. ntrlarw1 Bulck. Continental. Mflmt.ii'qnd raHiiJ i- .. ... -;---- -" ..- -,.. , ni-. E:,I"-.L"" ?nor.tlon: tors Truck company. ' It is said that prominent eastern financiers, including J. p. Morgan, are Interested in the consolidation. NEW U. S. AMBASSADOR IS WARMLY RECEIVED BY CZAR Petrograd. Russia, May 6 Daid It Francis, the newly arrived American ambassador, present hi t redentlals to emperor Nicholas at Tsarkoe-Selo, Fri ila nfternoon The ,i niliassHflor was greatK impressed bv Hie lordnlity of the emperor, who tint, ussed with him tht news of the woib for i't n.inutes. MORE Truth Than Poetry si - ' - I Ily .1 I A NEW "The Sunshine Effective Sunday, May 7th, Will Leave El Paso at 6 p. m. Look at This Time: 20 Hours, 15 Minutes Fort Worth 36' Hours, 20 Minutes Memphis 40 Hours, 15 Minutes St. Louis 44 Hours, 50 Minutes Birmingham 48 Hours, 47 Minutes Chicago 49 Hours, 15 Minutes Cincinnati 36 Hours, 15 Minutes Kansas City 50 Hours, 55 Minutes Atlanta 50 Hours, 00 Minutes Chattanooga 65 Hours, 05 Minutes Washington 65 Hours, 50 Minutes This train will cany modern, up-to-date equipment, also will carry Palace Chair Car Free for those who do not wish to use the Pullman Cars. Our Summer Tourist Round Trip Rates Go on Sale May 15th Phone Us for LWBE 1 PHON Bbsa- LET us know your requirements. It is possible that we can save you some money. It is a cer tainty that 'our service cannot be surpassed. a Fe Out of Town The Daily Novelette isrin.vrio.. Once Adam Mrnnbnskl And I.lrile IlntlnsM Were madl? In love with each other, lint Adam StravthnsKt Met a certain Miss Dlnzskl, And shoied poor I,ix off on his brother. (By the author of 'Stingy Statter son" or "Always Too Late to Spend;" "A K(night) for a Pay." or "The Eclipse:" "With Andy In the Andes;" "With Hesper In the Hasperldea;" "With At in the Alps!" "With Hannah in Han nalulu" and other travel books; "The Lots Nut" or "Over the Asylum Wall;" "Dandelion Smousky." "The Mystery of the Missing Link" or "Ths Dana-ling Cuff:" "Saturnine Skiixenweiss;" "The Ohosfs Love Story" or "Sweet Spirits of Nitre;" etc., etc.. etc.) OSCAR ' was s Ing ir, SCAR TWILLS, famous composer. strolling in the woods seek- g inspiration for his immortal Symphony in Omega Minor. The deedie bird motif, the wild caurousel fugue, the prelude of falling birch beer leaves, all were perfected.but the finale, the brilliant ending, was still missing. The great composer strained his ear for an inspiring sound. Ha! At last. Peverishlv he tran scribed it. The great Sjmphony of Omega Minor was complete at last! And meanwhile, flat on his back in a nearby ditch, Wethersby Sauers, sweating and swearing, continued to tinker the escape valve of his Strudel car with a hairpin and a penknife, all unaware of the priceless service he had rendered the world's feverishly waiting music lovers. TWO iii,i:r.i:i mohihie U.SRUS I'l.VKI) fir. EACH Lew Epperson and George Brooks were sentenced to aerve IB days each in the city Jail. Friday afternoon by police judge Paul Thomas. Both men were released from cus tody but a short time ago. after serv ing ten day sentences on the city rock pile, following conviction on charges of vagrancy. They are said to be morphine users. Jesse Brown, a negro, who admitted that he was a "dope field", waa Also mat ne given a flne ot ,rt PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you suffer from bledlnR. Itchlnr. blind or protruding Pllt Bd m your addrws. and I wilt tell oi how to cure yourself at home by th new absorption treatment; and will also send soma of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality If requested Tiers report Immedi ate relief and speedy curt- Sonrt no mnnev, but tell other Df thin offer Write today to Mrs M Summers, Box r, Notre Dame, Ind. A fiver Use men t. FAST TRAI ., New York VIA Full Information E NO. 7 CR8 ETC' Fuel Co, Orders Solicited. ES Face and Neck Red and Inflamed. Itching and Burning Great In Short Time Entirely HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "I found my face getting rough sad pun plea breakln: out on the surface of my Cesh. At flnt I did not pay much atten tion to them: but tfcty gat worse and my face yna dis figured. My face and neck were red and Inflamed and ths pimples vera large, bard and red. They would fester and burn and itch and -when I 'would scratch them I weald almost go craty the Itching and burning would be so great. Some nljlti I would stay awake late. "Some one suggested Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, and I tried them. In a short time I was entirely beeied and I now have a smooth skin." (Signed) E. T. Irwtn. 21S V. 10th St.. Norfolk, Va.. July 14. 1015. Sample Each Free by Man "With 33-p. SWn Boob on request. Ad dress post-card "Cntloura. Ppl. T, Bos ton." Sold throughout the world. CANDY SPECIAL On Our Delicious ITALIAN CREAM WITH ALMONDS 15c The Lb. SATURDAY ONL '0 &&& TRY OUR APRICOT SHERBET. llflM5pg-: -a- -v-j bOT:---! HM M WITH Pi nTjTn A