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EL PASO HERALD 8 Week-End Edition, May 6-7, 1916. BERLIN EDJTGR EL PflSD CLUB IS JARSEEWNS A BOOZE GLUI Praises President Wilson, Rebukes Traducers, Bids Germans Use Sense. IVrlm. Grronjr, My fi. After flttuiaiively tfckinr the public' breath m.i two weeks ago by a daring: article captioned "If I were Wilson," Maximilian Harden today returns to an exhaustive defence of president Wilson, his pollry and the American stand point. In a leader In the Zukunft, entitled "The Ileal Wilson." Herr Harden praise president Wilson as a "man of hiRh moral and hlifh spiritual charac ters of whom we mltcht 1 proud if ho were ours." "Ninety-nine one-hundredth of all the so-called war literature." Herr Harden continues, "should he sent where It belongs to the pnper mills and the public should return to bonks from which a wide awake spirit speaks. Including president Wilson's The New Freedom.' Then, perhaps, pure com mon sense will return to you and awaken you to the duty of respecting the dignity of foreign people " Wilson, Ilrnve Opponent Of Kill. Tlerr Harden follows with a brief characteristic of president Wilson In Tchuli he calls the president "a brave opponent of evil and abuses," and alludes to him as "actuated by a love for his people and possessed of the will to lead them to th? heights of bis ideals after they had got into the swamp land" "Germanj," he adds, "should be ashamed of people who slander him be cause they have read calamity in news papers " lletter ISxamlne Oursdirs. "In all his controversies with Ger. many." says Herr Harden, "president Wilson has acted from ahsolute con viction. Dare we measure by the standard of a student's squabble the complaints of a great free nation, led by a man of the weight and importance of president Wilson? If president Wil son, after a thorough investigation. Is convinced that warlike acts of Germany have broken the laws of humanity, it was not only his right but his duty to talk with clearness. He owes this not as a duty to himself, but to us." "He ba-e mined to 11 Texas St. rivrll iMlm & Sherman, Real 1. statu and Insurance Adv. Newt. Bassett's Social Club Closed By Permanent Injunction. Another socalled social club has bees permanently closed by injunction. It is the El Paso club, and a Jury In the 34th district court returned a verdict Friday eenlng making the temporary injunction permanent. The Injunction suit is one of the 87 which have been filed against "booze" clubs in the city and county by P. H. Marcum. The suit was against tin club and Newton C Bassett as man ager, and closes permanently the club which is located In the basement ot the Two Republics building. Evidence introduced at the hearing of the case showed that liquor was sold and that the club features wer only a side Issue of the bar. COL. L. W. V. KENNON IS ASSIGNED TO NINTH INFANTRY Army orders hav bern Issued mi follows: ol. L. W. V. Konnon. attached to th 26tta iniantry, is asstened to the Ninth In fantry and will Join that regiment. llut. Col. F. A. Winter, medical corps, will proceed to the Walter Reed hospital. Washington, I C, for treatment. Flmt I,leut. Daniel D. Gregory, Fifth ct airy, is relieved from duty at Fort Leaven worth and will Join his regiment. Ma J. P. C. Harris, adjutant general, ll relieved from present dntleH and will pro ceed to this city about May 20 and report to the adjutant general of the array for duty, relieving Lieut. Col. J. II. McKae, ad jutant general. Col. Charles Richards, medical corps, will proceed to Governors Island. N. T.. for duty as surgeon of the eastern department. First Lieut. I. C. Heath, coast artillery corps, will proceed to this city and report to president of the war college for tempor ary duty, theme to proper station. BORDER RIFLE CLUB TO HEAR TALKS ON PREPAREDNESS The border Rifle club will meet this evening evening in the Lone Star Motor company's sales rooms on West San Antonio street tonight. Addresses will be made by mayor Tom Lea. judge Dan j j. itLi-nauu, Laifb .miurii v.. xinea, 01 me Kighth cavalry, and others The club expects to get Its rifles soon and begin practice on the range as soon as the rifles arrive. ICI lasn Seed Co. Opposite Court House, SIS East San Antonio. Tel. 5C3 Adv. A dollar saved by buying goods pro duced elsewnere is a dollar thrown at your neighbors birds. !f JUDGE Goodyear Cord Tires by the distin guished company they keep they are specified as regular equipment on: Packard Twin Six Locomobile Franklin White Peerless Haynes Twelve Goodyear No-Hook Cord Tirei are fortiBed against: Rim-cutting By our No- Rim-Cut feature. Blow-outs By our On-air Cure. Loose Treads By our Rubber Rivets. Puncture and Skidding By our Double-Thick 1 Ail-Weather and Ribb ed Treads. Insecurity By our Multi ple Braided Piano Wire Base. J.ll lit mar, it Qmiyrar Serriti SUilum Dtalrrfor QttimCtrd Tim, No-Hotk and Q.D. Clmdurfor f uin end rlitlru wt C "JB BV wf VBVB . vlk. "-"J BISHOP SCHULEB TO M1 112 Large Class of Boys and Girls to Be Confirmed at Cathedral Sunday. A class of 112 boys and Girl- will he confirmed at the Cathedral of" the Im maculate Conception by Right Hev V J. Schuler. bishop of El raso. at 'the benediction service Sunday afternoon at 2:30 oclock. The music of the 8er- vl.Wi-' b ". K? the St Ceclla '- with Miss Dixie Passett as organist Those who are to be confirmed are; Girls. Gertrude Mary Ahr. Edna Margaret Ahr. Marie Louise Agnes Itussell Julia Margaret Agnes Cununinzs Freda Marie Cecilia Qunn. Lydia Cecilia Carson. Josephine Gertrude Clifford Sarah Augustine Martin. Mary Margaret Cecilia McCarthy. Helen Catherine Wilson. Edna Mary need. Mary Artn William Powers. Florence Marie Smith. Mary Madeleine Agnes Lvons. Kathalee Aurelia Dorothy Powers. Anna Genevieve Studeny. Josephine Anna Studeny. Mildred Mary Studeny. Annita Viola Mary Sawyer. Loretto Cecelia Waddell. Katharine Elizabeth Tenter El Frieda Mary Felleman. Itoselle Ainsa. Geraldine Ainsa. Ellen Elizabeth MrCormack Mary Ellen Agnes James. Anne Kelly. Haiel Frances Gunn. Genevieve Mary Pagan. Ella Mary Medley. Catherine Cecilia Ilurr. Catherine Estelle Dugan. Margaret Mary O'ltourke. Emily Margaret Brown. Catherine Bernardlne O'NelL Anna Louise McLaughlin. Harrlelle Catherine Fitzpatrick. Georgetta Elizabeth Itiva. Lucille Catherine Russell. Margaret Mary Piatt Lucille Raphael Jacob. Ellen Agnes Dunn. Ellen Estelle Oberkamp. Elisabeth Borromeo Gordon Theresa Beter O'Keeffe. Cecilia Marie O'Keeffe. Elmn. Florence Anastatia Seffel. Marie Margaret Leighton. Dorothy Teresa Galas. Agnes Marie Morgan. Edna Mary Taylor. Anne Gertrude O'NelL Mary Agnes McCarty. Mary Elizabeth Manoney. Clara Cecilia Seffel. Marine Catherine Moran. Anna Agnes Lyons. Catherine Cecilia Gordon. Katherine Elizabeth Griffith. Isabella Catherine Corbett. Lila Rosalia Blot. Anna Mary Baker. Mary Frances Robinson. Georgette Elizabeth Delamotte. Margaret Agnes Richey. Grace Marie Johnson. Mary Ann Fairhurst. IIoju. William Anthony Stanislaus Berrien Gerard Edward Downs. John Michael De Courcy. Robert Patrick Lane. Charles Anthony Gillespie. Leo Patrick Carson. Francis Edward Michael Kelly. George Louis Evans. Walter Louis Want. Clifford Stephen Lyons. Kuford John George Russell. Louis Aloysius Carson. William Daniel Morgan. Lionel Joseph Lindsay. John Paul Tobin. Hubert Francis Peters. Charles John Port Alfred Henry William Witholder. Alexius Robert Cleary. Thomas William Cleary. Eugene Edwards William McCarthy. William Francis Gllson. Harold Augustine Francis Sawyer. Francis Joseph CantwelL Selden Henry Parmelee. James Anthony Smith. Joseph Leon Krause. Roy Ignatius Willis. Charles Joseph McKemy. I'atrick Henry Snoddy. Hugh Anthony McKemy. Clarence John Selly. Raymond Joseph Selly. Otto Eugene Bartholomae. tSregory Michael Kranzthor James Mark Parmelee. John Aloysius Bussing. Wilbur Daniel Welsch. Wilton Michael Roe. William Aloysius Martin. Joseph John Wilf. Albert Joseph Troussard. Ruben Patrick Momsen. Vincent Bernard Cantwell. Thomas Edward O'Keeffe. Bernard Patrick Morgan. IEETHPSII nun in COMMITTEES NAMED FOR UNIVERSITY CLUB; LUNCHEON Committees for the University club were named at a meeting of a few of the members Friday night in the club rooms of Hotel Paso del Norte. The committees were named by A. W. Nor cop, president of the club, and were as follows: Social, Norman Walker, H. O. Anderson, Dr. James Vance and U. S. Goen; house, J. G. Barada, J. W. Kirk patrlck and J. II. McBroom; literature, science and art, John Fielding, Jr.. Dean S. II. Worrell and Dr. B. E. Galloway; budget, Harry Henderson, C. C. Curtis and V. J- McQuillan; Indoor sports, Er nest Sauer, A. P. Gwln and J. F. Wood bury. The first weekly luncheon of the club will be held Tuesday at the club. Next Friday night a meeting and smoker will be held. StYS MAKIIIUAXA MADI3 him ruin at sTiiAxnnns Marihuana was the defence of Ysi ilro Gonzales for firing four shots finm a Dlstol at Herman Recana at 1J0". South El Paso street Friday night. Acrording to Recana. Gonzales stepped Into his room and fired at Gonzales later admitted to the nnlice that he had been smoking Marihuana and did not know what he I W tin iiuiiiK di 1 itc uiiic Guillermo Del Toro was arrested at the same time and Is being held on a charge of assault, having been with Gonzales. P. hCAITKIl CIIAHOKB WITH M; u.m.vmtictko hogs Charged with selling uninspected meat. F. Schaffer was arrested by city health officers Friday afternoon. The complaint was made by Dr. W. C Kluttz. He claimed that Schaffer had sold a number of hogs which had not been inspected by the health de partment Dr. Kluttz stated that the hogs were believed to be tubercular. WHEN YOU WANT A GAR PHONE PM6MP 265 7575 MBNTAHA AllTfl VERY ItUE S-F.SSEIIGER GABS FOR HlfiE, J1.50 FEB KOUB " L VRE DESIROUS OF PLEASING ALL WHO CARE FOR SURH PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SF-r, . .CcS iiov match Mii.rnuit i-nti: A small boy touched a match to a box of sulphur In a back room of the O. S. SnajH home, 2413 Wheeling street and the department had a long run and no work to do when they arrived. We hne mniril to 116 Texas St Leavell, Palm & Sherman, Real Estate and Insurance. Adv. May 13th and 14th Alice Brady -in- Farmers at Anthony Why Try Experiment Are Pleased With Outlook. Anthony. N. M., May 6. The farmers who planted acreages in sOgar beets this year are Jubilant over the out look of the experiment The crop is vory promising and P. Erickson, the exnert In charge, predicts a most favorable termination. The fields a-e being cultivated and It will soon be necessary to thin tr.e plants. L. Laymen, who has been in charge of the work on the drainage canal, has left for Elephant Butte to be g..n for two weeks. A drag line excavator will be shipped down from the dam to assist here with the construction work T J. Synot Will oe in timisc uurms Mr Laymen's absence. air. farmr,rn. Meeting Held. The directors of the South New Mexico Farmers' association held their regular meeting jesterday afternoon. DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS TO HAVE MEETING TONIGHT Democratic and Republican precinct meetings will be held in each precinct In the county mi byohhik iu numu delegates to the two county conven tions to be held at the courthouse ThursftV night The Republican precinct meetings , will be lieio a. vuiwmv iuhikiu ana the Democratic precinct meetings at 7 neln4k. The county conventions Tuesday will name delegates to the state conven tions. MAN AND WOMAN ARRESTED ON ARSON CHARGE AT PECOS j. L. Tyler and Elizabeth Newell were arrested by deputy sheriff John Wren Friday afternoon on information that they were wanted In Pecos. Sheriff Tom Harrison of Reeves county reached El Paso Saturday morning and will leave for Pecos tonight with )iH prisonera Tyler was arrested in the lobby of the Sheldon hotel and the woman wai taken into custody at a house In the 700 block on North Stanton street The warrant of arrest issued in Justice J. M. Deaver's court chirged arson. bh .jse flBsn'ssM una l ,Tnt BSr gpL .1 y&. H ftjl B mBI bSh .ESBSSSKa vT made nBk jotxf .& w JT i Sh- 0 ll mnK Lrk """ fwPi i wmmmmi:: Ml-till BbI xvi SESBBSSBBSh9Hbs1BBSbBBBBBbTi!cI mPjKwSv ife "VZsSnwVs tSBSf m -bbsbssssssbIbs. ikMrnlm m xclusive ngagement xtraordinary AT THE- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, May 8, 9, 10, 11 Admission 50c SON FALLS TO DEATH; SUES CEMENT CO. FOR $10,000 George O Graves, In a suit filed In the 65th district court asks $10,000 damages from the Southwestern oPrt land Cement company for the death of his son, Frank O. Graves. He states In his petition that his son was caught in some machinery which he was repairing and which started suddenly, causing him to fall He jiierl later. The accident Is alleged to have happened on December 14, 1915. "THE NE'ER-DO-WELL" By Rex Beach10 Wonderful Parts The Successor to "The Spoilers" with KATHLYN WILLIAMS 'fifAlwT'iCn Including Wheeler (Jatiman A Story of a Woman's S with the naked passions of men and women bared before you as only Rex Beach can bare them. The Greatest Production Since "The Birth of a Nation use MS i i t BjB 'My Boy, go to DRAUGHON'S- you are not competent oulB n SB BBBSS IICZZ SAW OTTS cnETEK OF JIIIXICAX AT FUEL YAIID A buzz saw chewed into the cheeK nf A. Palmino Friday afternoon while Palmino was operating the saw at the Rio Grande Feed and Fuel company. Palmino was sawing wood when he leaned over to adjust the machinery when the saw cut his cheek. He was sent to Hotel Dleu. OFFICE HELP WANTED Kery day we are besieged by business firms, not only in 1 Paso, but out of town, for Office Help. The demand ex ceeds the supply. WHY NOT ENROLL NOW? We are specialists in fitting Hoys and Girls to become Business Men and Wom en. We employ perfect systems in every department and if you will begyi your business course here and now it will be only a short while until you will la- placed in a lucrative position. We Guarantee T0SITI0NS. ' SIGK? SMILE! Chiropractic routs disease. Room A, 206 1-2 Mesa. ALHAMBRAiggy HmiQF PFTFDQ May 12th Sessue Hayakawa and Tsuru Aoki IN "AUEN SOULS" ttfazua 4ri On Savings Accts. nom6cogJ EL PASO. TEXAS It. F. IaI, .11 gr. May 8th and 9th Geraldine Farrar in "MARIA ROSA" CRAWFORD ANOTHER BIG LAUGH AT THE STARTING T0M0R0W MATINEE "The IMew Proprietor BY THE MAZDA GIRLS MUSICAL CO. GHTS 7:45-9:00 SUN. MAT., 10C, 20C, I! MATINEE DAILY 3 p. jr. inlK IUU AND ii sni 30c Are You Interested In 'Good Lighting For YOUR STORE? A Vltit to the Commercial Office Supply Co. Will convince you that there Is noth ing better for artificial lighting than the combination of Brascolite Fixtures and Type "C" Mazda Lamps. Put Them in Your Store It Pays! El I s? Electric Railway Co. In an Ingenious Melodrama That All Critics Pro nounce "A Pleasant Surprise and Delight" "The Hand of Peril Full of red-blooded action and swift pulsing Situations. Produced by Maurice Torneur, the Producer of "Trilby." May 10th and 11th Chas. Ross and Edna Wallace Hopper in "BY WHOSE HAND" OP-TO-DATH T-PAS.SEXGER CARS, (2.00 PJl HOUR. AUTOS I'HO.VES 00-310. AUTO LIVERY CO. Oliver Carr. Met, 418 Saa Antoal St Th California!! I Ui IS THE BEST TRAIN FOR CALI FORNIA, leaving EI Paso 6:45 a. m., arriving Los Angeles 7:15 the next morn ing; makes the trip through THE YUMA COUNTRY at night when it is pleasant and cool. Carries DINING NESj ICAR. PULLMAN & TOURIST SLEEPERS & OBSERVATION y CAR. CLOSE CONNECTIONS at Los Angeles for the beaches. You can have your baggage checked through to the beaches. Other Trains Lv. El Paso Ar. Los Angeles 6:00 p.m. 9:20 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Los Angeles and return $40.00 San Diego and return $40.00 San Francisco and return $50.00 On sale daily from May hi to Sept. 30lh, Limit Oct. 3 hi. Los Angeles and return $35.00 San Diego and return $35.00 San Francisco and return $45.00 On sale June 9th to 16lh. July 23rd to 30lh. Limit two months. Libera! Stopovers Allowed WHEN YOU ARE IN CALIFOR NIA don't forget LAKE TAHOE and the SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION. Southern Pacific City Ticket Office No. 206 No. Oregon St. Hi EKE f 1 "Then I'LL COME BACK TO YOU" SSI MTHTLE AVtNUI Want Ads Bring Results Wi A. WOUDBKY XTIAJOC M. PUKW