Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 12 A Illl SB ' LEAD ALL ISSUES l IEJT MB DOI GRADE TZT lira iKS lower mm Special Notices. Generally Speaking, Gains and Losses Fairly Evenly Distributed. NOTE Quotations Tuesday. May . reflect closing price. Predictions of Showers in fosses Are Sustained By ItlMOt L NOTICI our roil estate and Insurance offices hac- been moved to 116 1,i --tret tcacell Palm & Sherman. riiV.R'Ti: EE ! "lltEB Why pay money wh.n e dcclop jour films free Good re sult', wrl. (.ujranteed Modern Photo I studio -Oh IlrAif I INTEli Middle, aged couple wishes propertj to care for while party Is out city I for -sun mer Best of reference. Address K 164 cire lleraiei Help Wanted Salesmen. OPEMM. for f.r-t cUs salesman cov. Pecos v-illo. an.l N Moxicn to handle iu good, as ulo line Must furnish bond an reside In EI Paso The NatlionalJsaL New York, May t Thre as a fairly even dUtrlbutft-tn of pains and losses at the penlng of today's Wall street trading, Mex icans. Mercantile Marines, Industrial Alcohol and some leas prominent Issues receding from fractions to over a point, while United Fruit General Electric and . leading rails were distinctly strong. In fact, the movement in railway Issues dominated the market. Union Pacific. 8L Paul, Reading and Lehigh Valley rising ever a point, with a fair demand for other representative shares of the same class. Initial declines were largely wiped out be fore the end of the first half hour but spe cial ties continued their Irregularity. N. Y. LISTED STOCKS (By Associated Press Now York. May 9. Following were the ctoatac quotations at the New York stock exehanffo for the stocks mentioned American flugar Refining 1101 American Tel A Tel 12SV Anaconda Copper R4- Atchison .". 103i, Chlno Copper 62 Inspiration Copper 4ft Northern Pacific 11214 Readme . Southern Pacific 98 Union Pacific 185- V. S. Steel 3'- u. b Bieei, pia 116 Southwest, Where Rain is Needed, Causes Drop. Chlcigo Ills May Predictions of showers in the southwest where there hae been complaints that the soil was excessively dry and the crops badly in need of rain, put the wheat market today on the downgrade Opening prices, which ranged from the same as Mondays finish to 14 c higher with May at 1 1! and July at $1 15 to II IS were followed by a ilecldtd ge neral setback from whl h there was only a moderate reaction Prices closed steady 14 to He net higher, with May at f 1 14 and July at S1.16 litis Corn swayed with v. heat After opening to v nigner. prices dropped to well be- en to xc Some of the Leaders in Early Trading. Copper stock- generally were l,.r frac tionally Tuesda and trading was light, but the price changes w re narrow according to advices to Curtlss Manning Co stocks and bonds First Ka'lonal bank building The general market was o.ui and un settled with prices lower late I morning Mexican shares win uncertain, but ffrm. wnn ira-i-s in Mexican i'etroleum and Orcenn EXPERIENCED stenographer "'?,'' References Write or phone Lester company Mesllla Park N M . Wanted Help Female. TIIK I.I S. I'- " co messenger service has opened up again ana is ready lor your i77ZZZiZl,.t rem barber business Our boys are prompt and at your "ANTED At once, manicurist. Gem oaro service Phone lit iu c geconq at. For Rent Houses Furnished. For Rent Apartments Unfurnished. r.,r, ,TO... u. . '"'-" fn. ta M. I THREE room unfurnished modern apart ment bath, pantry, front and screened back porch. 410 Arizona Phone IMS. THREE room frame cottage, partially inT. nlshed. sleeping porch, some modern con veniences reasonable. Ft. Bliss car to Ft. Boulevard station, 1 block north. Jilt Grand Ae Mill's In a hurry call Houston Transfer A Storage Co We haul trunks anywhere for "'ic Patk store and ship furniture. Phone f3' We give merchants valuable coupons. shop. For Rent Houses Unfurnished. F11E room house for rent. Phone 5614 W. FIVE room house. McKlnlcy Ave, rh. Silt. l"Ol i: rooms, large sleeping porch, 3117 San Diego Phone 2437 evenings. IMKi: ISO to 100 per week cleaning tombstones, marble granite, etc., complete instructions 1300 S M. Lipscomb. Hemp stead, Texas STUDENTS and teachers attention, my new book, pertinent questions and answers, cov- w ' ,.,., ..,.l. will W. & ,-. Cananea However, ri. ,,., Zi" """ -wl " every J --""" rT -u and nrlres held el! "Ml j for certificate. ,-ooinmE i u ior .norougn -.. . . - --. , - itirslr rOVIPW 3 Ktee was louer frnnflAnnii. .. """ M" .. "L - -" - m11 llljf U iiu In Wat Ain e I . . l.dy bookkeeper . wanted Hnukln. llros. I KXIil,!.!! sneaking girl for I Phone 5484 3-'l Montana and stenographer house work. FIAE room house for rent. TM block, Ari sona Inquire Crescent Orocery. Phone S1. NB1V sr hoo 6 room bungalow near Alta modern, $25. Phone SiE. Vista Vllft 11KNT 3 rnnm fMnl. ... n, iAa f j ,f mil --- - Miarws MUST have more lady pressers tor ''- an.. -u..a ,n rnoni 5t w. xancy work Apply at once ,ui -- AUSTIN APAKTMKNTS. rUKNISHBH AND UFUKNIIID Modern, sanitary, centrally located. Three and four rooms Reasonable prices. THE IIIMCXBT. S10 TJpson avenue Beautiful new building. Very cool. Fonr room apartment. Reasonable rate. THE T.AMnETH. 1S16 Upson avenue, Mundy Heights. Modern and roomy Four rooms and bath. 136. James J Marr & Company.. 304 flan Antonio St. Phone 4SM. at low Monda) s finish The close was steady net decline Oats had no Independent action Provisions were neglected MONEY AND METALS NEW IORK MAKKJTT. (By Associated Press.) Now York, May Mercantile paper IVi- Sterling: day bills 4 TH4 . demand 4.7S 11-14. Bar silver 7SV Mexican dollars Wi Tim loans firm; slxtj days 2K0S. 10 day t. CTaJl noney easy; rnllnr rate t. Copper firm, electrolytic nearby H8 75 1.: August and later $78 S030 Iron steady. No 1 Northern S20.76O31.25; No. 2. Northern I0 25C20 75: No 1 South ern tS0.6tS2100, No. 2 Southern, S20 260 Z0 76. The metal exchange quotes tin J56.S0 asked. The metal exchange quotes lead 17.30 7.60. Spelter. East 81. Tenuis, 1714 asked. LONDON METALS HAKKBT. London. Sng , May 9 The London met als market closed today as follows Lead 14. sS Spelter fjs Spot copper 139 slO futures 1,1, slO; electrolytic lrS slO Spot tk fl'J9 sin futures '19K as. THE LOCAL MARKET. Mexican currency (state bills) 10(rl&. Mexican Ksclenales bills 1" 1".. Mexican pesos &i Onrrmnsa currenc. ! 3 ; El rasa Smeller ((notations. (corrected Iailv 1 Bar silver (Handy & Hartr n London lead 34 s" Copper wire bars 29 on Pig lesd 7 50 Grain and Provisions. Chicago drains, Close. Wheat May II 14, July $1.16 Corn May 7SHc July 74c Oats May 47 c. July 4JVjc Chlengo ProvlMons, Close. Pork July 26 6. September 21 10 Lard July 12 2, September 13 06 Ribs July 12 7S, September 12 8 J Chicago Produce, CIe. Chicago, III . May 9 Butter lower; creamery 26(r25c. Eggs higher, receipts 33 930 cases, firsts 20fcI21c. ordinary firsts 19t19c at msrk cases Included 19ff20ic Poultry, alive, unchanged LIVESTOCK. Chicago Ltrrstoek Close, Chicago, III . May Hogs Receipts 14.000, market slow, early "advance of s cents mostly lost, bulk 19 0ff 15 light 6 1085, heavy 19 359190, pigs 17.250 SOO Cattle Receipts 4000. market steady; na tive beef steers 67 70tr9 85. western steers 67 0t. !E, stockers IS 6068 40. cows $4 20 69 15, calves l 25(79 50 Sheep Receipts 9000. market strong; wethers 66 904.9 10, lambs 67 7501175; springs 611 00013 00 Kansas City Livestock, dose. Kansas Cit, Mo May 9 Hogs Receipts 14,000. market higher. bulk 69G0ASSO heavy 69 7509 85. light 69 5009.75, pigs IK 5009 26 Cattle Receipts 8000 market steady; prime fed steers 69 2509 65, western steers 66 0009 15, stockers 67 0009 00, calves 16 00 010 50 Shec) Receipts 12 000 market higher. Iambs 69 2501175. earllngs 68 50010 75; wethers 67 506 9 50 1'ort Worth Livestock (Early.) (By Zelger Hotel ) Hogs Receipts 4000 stead-, , look strong, top about 89 75, quality not so good as es tenl iv Cutis Receipts 1000 Including 200 cslves. steal beef steers 67 50sj 8 30 stockers 16 50 W7S0, cows 85007 00, heifers 86 0008 00; bulls tr' OOflC 10 calves 85 0008 50 -h. cp Receipts 2500 steadv U . . ... v . . certain war specialties acre iwn- t.. If three points on account of the unsettled condition of the policy to he pursued with Mexico Kails furnished the real strength of the market In th. early transactions with sharp gains in Union and Southern Pac ific Reading and others The general market tone was that of un certainty, but declines were followed h time by recoveries and net losses In all cases were minor up to noon Copper Slocks Quotations. The following wire quotations furnished by Curtlss, Manning Co. give the clos.inK prices Anaconda b 4 - Butte & Superior qii.. I cvuuici si nu.i'ii. . . ........ 7" Chlno . . . ' -.iv r. 60 46 1 16-1601 1-1 56 6Vj 144 55 M?. 8 St 46 K9 leliverea about Juno 7 Send 81 75 now. W. A Williams. Gist, Texas. Copper Range Greene Cananea . . Inspiration Jerome Verde . . . Kennerott . Miami New Cornelia North Butte Ra) Consolidated 8hannon Shattuck Tennessee Copper United Verde Extension ALFALFA 1IAV. For Immediate shipment ask us for prices on new crop alfalfa hay Clint 3IcreantIIo and Hanking Co. Clint. Texas. Io jou buv groceries to gejt Ford auto tick ets Do you want Insurance or frills? Our proposition Is to sell you the largest 'possi ble amount of Insurance at the lowest pos sible cost A business proposition to a business man. 7",00 Insurance, 137 60 weekly Indemnity. IJ4 annual premium Covers every accident. j No Frills No decorations Just Honest Insurance written by the United Stales Fidelity Guaranty Co. A. P Coles .t Hros- Aenls. WANTED Neat young lady to w k ,'" physician's office Call room 212 Hernia. between 1 and 3 p m Do not phone WANTED Teachers for grades. Pflnclpal- shlns .iin.Hnt.iiili nrl.. for Texas. x.m now C H Schroeder Texarkana THREE rooms, bath and large garage 110 2512 Wyoming. Phone 6266 J? ?"5,.r0pToner,6M.hJU,e' "6 Wy0mlnB Ark. WANTED Girl of refinement to travel as companion to young woman Call room 3S. Linden Hotel WANTED Reliable American woman to do house work for two adults and too small children Phone 993 R 3 at once Legal Notices. WANTED Stenographer to rent desk room, splendid opportunity for outside work, no competition. Call 212 Herald Bldg between 1 and 3pm Situations Wanted Male. EL PASO window cleaners Phone 1465. CARPENTER wants to figure on building or repair work of any kind Phone 5737 STRONG colored man wants work as yara man. teamster. Janitor or porter, go any where, got reference Write 165. Herald. FOR KENT Cottage 4 rooms and bath. 3617 Blsbee 8t 120. Phone 1166. SI . room house, walking distance. Phono 1209 W F'Ol i; rooms, sleeping porch, modern 120. Phone 2169 R. Call 312 Eetrella. I OK KENT 6 room modern bungalow on two corner lots, near Richmond Terrace. 129. Phone 5965 W NEU S room, basement and furnace. Grant Ave Modern 4 room and basement, close In Scott Sales A Realty Co. Phone 7756. FOR KENT. A chance to rent a flat In the Carnsso apartments, the most beautiful and best located In the city. No coal or water bills, het water at all I times C. A. KInne Co. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 18S1 326 North Oregon St. CLOSE IN APARTMENTS REASONABLE SUMMER RATES KOIHNSON APTS.. cor. Sen An tonio and St. Vraln. Three rooms and glassed In porch. KA31SEV AITS.. 334-6 T7. Missouri, five rooms and perch. PALMS COURT. 331 W. Mis souri, three and four rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Flsk-Ramsey Realty Co. Phone 1073. FOR RENT Nice cool six room house for 625 per month, corner of Stevens ami nivm .?.',. Bast m FtMO- - Tom Smith, -?bone ' .'." Jtfc?T room tmat "' ens range suitable for to live In or would make a dandy work shop J 15 month. 102 E. Bonle yard, right In town. Call 80 N. Oregon. Industrial and Rallrsnd Stoeiin. American Car & Foundry. . . American Locomotive . American Smelters, . ... Baldwin Locomotive Canadian Pacific . ... Central Leather Crucible Steel .. . Great Northern Ore . . . Chicago Mil St Paul Mexican Petroleum Midvale steel . Republic Iron A Steel Rock Island Westlnghouse 6 ', 48 H 97 85. 1-', 53 79', 40 H 96 105, 60', 4f. 2174 60 WEATHER BULLETIN. U. S. nErl!TMEVT OF AGRICULTURE. HEATHER I1UREAU. IN THE COUNTY PROBATE COURT OF EL PASO COUNTT OF TEXAS. In the matter of Felix Martlnes deceased. Th, nnderslffned havlnt? been dnlv n. pointed executor of the will of Feltx Mar- ' tlnez deceased, late of El Paao county. Tex- ! as by Adrian Pool judge or me county court nf said ciunty on the 1st day of May, A, 1) 1916 during the regular term thereof, notifies all persons Indebted to said estate to come forward and make settlement, and those having claims against said estate, to present them to him at his office. First . itlonal bank of El Paso, Texas, where ha rei eiv s his mall This the 10th day of May, A. D.. 1916. James G. McNary, Exerutor of the will of Felix Martlnex, deceived SMALL set books to keep at home or can put In half time In office during business hours Operate typewriter No healthseek er. Address Spare-time, Herald Business Chances. A1KDOME theater In Roswell for trade or lease Will seat 800 people. Write T. 189, Herald 1'OIt SLE CHIItr Nice barber shop In good condition Best location. Cheap rent. Write Box 12. Bowie Arlx. WE HAi A 100 OF-1 AMEBKrVN RE"A WBoAOC-lFI TOtcvJ0 -ILL, HsVE.TO AOOUMHie1 MEXICAN PKlCr.s sMtatlone furnished bv Kl l'aso Bx knsw system. 201 South El Paso street: Bulng Selling Banco Naetonal . . 61 ', 80 8111'; Londres y Mexico ... 15 00 1', ;! Bancos Bstados malos . 10 on 10 ',0 Bancos eatados buenos ..1100 11 r,0 Agullas Veracruz 2 40 CO Pesos fuertes 5S 00 Tostones ( lt pesos) 44 00 Oro Mcxlcano . 49 75 50 00 .., , THREE RECORD BREAKERS IN ! CIRCULATION FOR THE HERALD i (-clebr.itlng another record breaking leuiuietes monin in ine circulation de partment of the El Paso Herald, H IL Fns entertained the employes of that department as the West Tsleta club Monday night. March, the first of these dinners was arisen to celebrate the btfrgest month's business in the history of the nnnee nurinv H-Anei.aev i'ha u.b.i. business exceeded that" of February J Tuesd'y." rantf , ..en. ai.wvi.s-. u.niier iviiuwea April 1 J business was still greater than that of March and the dinner Monday night 124S I'OIl COUNTY SCHOOLS. I l"e. ' . .... Mis. Myra. Winkler, countv superin- .. . ' ""j '". " -ma"Vf XZ; sviisiiiuwu vi uti xienifl, standing promise to banquet Observation taken at 8 a. m. 75th me ridian time (6 a. m. El Paso time ) May 9 1916 1 orecaiets. El Paso and vlcln Its Fair tonight Wednesda j . fair, continued warm New Mexico Part ly cloudy tonight and Wednesday, cooler north portion Wednesday Arizona Fair to night, cooler north west portion Wed nesday, fair. West Texas Tonight generally fair, slightly warmer In the Panhandle Wednes day, generally fair, continued warm Relative humidity in El Paso at 2 p m.. KFM(H L NOTICi: Our real estate and insurance offices have been moved to 116 Texas street. Leavoll. Palm ; Sherman. FOR SALE Cash grocery good location, rent two rooms and store, 816. Address B 15 Herald. BKGI in best cash grocory In city one half inter st Cheap rent and low expenses. Address G 169. care Herald. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position driving and caring for car. Care T. M. C A.. Room 64. xOUNG man of good character will go east as chauffeur or companion. Reasonable terms L H Towsley. Y. M C A. 3IILLMAN experienced, wants position. Cy anldatlon concentration, good aasayer Cap able of taking charge. A-l references. Ad dress G 172 care Herald Situations Wanted Female. IWANCHUR Curtains cleaned. Kramer. 7619 WANTED Lace curtains to wash- Ph. 1678. YOUNG lady stenographer wants position at once. Phone 3219 W. POSITION wanted by well educated English Spanish speaking girl Phone 836 COTTAGE for rent, and famished tent, month old chicks, fine rooster, laying hens. 50 pigeons, 3 burner oil store with oven all for sale cheap. Phone 626. LACHANGi; your old furniture for new. See our complete line before buying. We will buy second hand, goods. Yosr credit is good. Home Furniture Co. rhone 1291. in jj. Stanton. Apartments Furnisned & Unfrirnished. I'OR RENT ATAKTMENTS FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED. AUSTIN APAETMJENTS. Virginia street near San Antonio, new, mod ern ana sanitary wo, tares ana lour rooms. Prices reasonable. W. IL Austin. First National Bank Bldg. 105 N Oregon St. Phone 4716. FOR RENT 8 room doable house. 4 rooms bath and sleeping porch, each -vould be nice for 2 families who are friends, separate entrances. Its month. Would rent separate, near Alta Vista school. Phone 7929 Monday. No objection to Spanish people. FOR KENT. A new 5 room bungalow. Country club dis trict A new 6 room bungalow, large sleeping; porch, basement, heating plant, brick gar age, etc. Blair KIom. Phone 1446 41J Roberta-Banner Bldg. For Rent Rooms Furnished BED ROOM cheap Phone 6366 J. ROOMS II SO up 4221, San Antonio. ROOMS connecting bath, IIS N. Kansas. ELEGNT close In. Phone McCrummen. NICE furnished front room 7(T3 N. Stanton. YOUM8 woman with one child wishes posi tion as housekeeper. Address F. 168. Herald, EXPERIENCED nurse take care for sick, infant or Invalid 1007 N. El Paso Ph. 4610. PRACTICAL nurse best of references for sick or children Would go to California or any other summer resort. Phone 248. tjeniiamt nf lohrtnl. Ka Mi.:...a - cuiauon - - - w- v ..w.n, ...M iccciisu jr. wave- 1 u00 vswiri- .f iiii k 1.... . ... I nas ."- - ---. imc us. cjjjv:- intra 01 dollar on the 1314-1911, apportionment from the state for school purposes For quick results Ads. -Use Herald Want Notice To Clasufied Advertisers All Classified Advertising ordered to ran Indefinitely (t. f.) must be In writ lag. No t. f. advertlsementa accepted ever the telephone. Orders to discon tinue t. f. ads must also be In writing and eaanot be accepted over the tele phone. A stop order receipt will be given when a L t ad Is ordered discontinued. j his employes each month that j 1. cord is broken. Following the dinner Monday evening those present danced until midnight. ntSTLBSS SWHHI'K,KS AIIRIVB. The two new dustlesa street sweepers, recently ordered by the city have ar rived The new sweepers are a combina tion of sprinkler and sweeper and are guaranteed not to raise dust They cost S550 each. Rates For Classified Ads: One Cent per Word. No charge less than $ .25 Six Consecutive Inser tions, per Word OS COVER A GREAT FIELD WITH THESE Fini OHKAT TEXAS NEWSPAPERS. Delias Times Herald: Fort Worth Star-Telegram; El Paso Herald: Houston Chronicle: Baa Aatoalo Light Combined guaranteed circulation over 140.000 dally; 176.000 Sunday Combined Classified Rates: 6c per word per Insertion daily; 6c per word SuodayV A 29 word ad la all five papers will cost only JLOO for one weekday Insertion or 13 3 for three insertions, including one Sunday Minimum charge based on 29 words. AM copy for Sunday Insertions should be submitted t-r noon of the necedlasr ni.. .,, ' bring yenr oris with cash to Classified Ad- Acswers to Herald Ait. The following list of uncalled for answers to Herald Want Adevrtlse ments are now being held for delivery at The Herald business office: M 119 T H T l-'-23 W X Y Z 7 191 111 157 161 Mr Booker Loeenx B 307 B 493 D 2 D 132 1) 14" r 14C E 158 E 14 F 1C7 H IT c J W L H L N I 61 5I 64 4-' 58 52 52 54 46 40 63 72 44 68 66 54 61 70 60 58 60 48 62 68 66 68 52 62 38 62 66 64 Lost and Found. verUsl: add. papers. Cash to accompany order. as; Department of The El Paso Her- na your an win be n acad la th.. LOST- 6864 -Airedale pup 6 Liberal reward. months old. Phone I;OSJ Banch of klr- wltB t o" marked M. E Urod crick. Return to Trl-State Tel. Co Reward LOST Watch fob monogram J L. Z be tween court house and San Jacinto St. Phone 2146 Liberal reward Precipitation In last 24 hours (In Inches).. weainer at s a. m i Lowest temp last night.... Hlgnest yesterday I Temp, at 8 a, m... I I Abilene 70 92 Amarlllo 60 78 Atlanta 68 86 Boise 42 78 Boston 64 73 Chicago 54 72 Cincinnati 58 so Denver 58 80 Detroit 48 70 Duluth 48 60 El l'aso 65 96 Galveston 74 80 Havre 46 72 Jacksonville 72 92 Little Rock 70 86 Los Angeles 54 74 Nashville 66 Kew Orleans 70 88 New York 60 76 Ornaha to 76 Phoenix 60 96 Rapid City to 76 Roswell ? QA St. Loots 64 76 Salt Lake Cltv 70 7 San Antonio 68 94 San Francisco 52 63 oania 62 jt Seattle 38 48 Washington 66 88 Wichita 66 82 Yuma 64 104 Note- Amounts of precipitation of less than .01 of an Inch are not published hereon. Comparative EI l'aso Precipitation. Jan 1 to May 7, Inclusive, 1912 . . .1 3s In. . . .w Jsaj . inclusive. 1918 2 18 In .. . iw May i, inclusive, Jan. 1 to May 7, Inclusive, Jan. 1 to May 7. inclusive. Normal. Jan. 1 to May 7. clear pt cld clear rain pt, cldy clear clear cloudy clear clear clear pt. cldy pt cldy clear clear pt cldy clear clear pt cldy cloudy clear cloudy clear clear cloudv pt cldy clear pt cldy cloudy clear pt. cldy clear (OOD palng business suitable for lady or gc ntleman. only one In city. 6375 cash, bal ance terms Address F 161. care Herald. NTED To hear from parties desiring locitloi for small moving picture show la live town, no competition, also fine opening for garage and blacksmith business, write M Box 4. Garden City. Texas. GOOD American cook with child 3 years old, desires position with private family. Can give good reference Phone 4208 M. FIRST CLASS white woman for cooking and housework, with best of reff. wishes posi tion, city or country Address F. 660, care Herald. WANTED A first class hotel man to man age a family and commercial hotel com bined Centrally located In city of 75.000. Will erect building to suit manager. Address 29 care Herald. lOR LEASE APARTMENT HOUSE W ROOMS, BATHS. New, modern building, centrally located. A good proposition for responsible party James L. Marr & Company, 304 San Antonio St Phone 4850. GROCERY STORE. Well located suburban grocery atore In cluding building, stock fixtures and deliv ery wagons,and good will. Price 13150, lib eral termr See Under. Mexico Realty A Investment Co. Sheldon Hotel Bldg Phone 899 Financial. OIL LEASES FOR SALE. Oklahoma and Texas good territory, proven Wildcat and producing, for further Information address ! R Cooper Childress. Texas WANTED By young lady position as wait ress In private boarding house, 3 years' ex perience Phone 7290 HOUSEKEEPER by sensible, refined Amer ican woman, with boy 5, for bachelor or widower, or small hotel In or out of town. Address E K Herald Wanted Money. il ANTED To borrow small amount of cash on 80 acres Mlmbres valley land. Address F 768. Herald .FOB RENT. 3714 Blsbee 8t 6 R. new bunga low, 135. Mhlte-raden Realty Co. Phone 1649. FOR BENT. 3700 block Nations Ave., 5 rooms 330.00 Manhattan Heights. 6 rooms 40.00 1413 E. Missouri, 4 rooms 10.00 1801 E. Nevada, 6 rooms 40.00 3927 Louisiana. 4 rooms 1...0D PHILLIPS REALTY CO. Phone 1023 401 First Nat Bank Bldg. ROOM for gentleman. No sick. No. 6 Braxos DESIRABLE bed room for rent 101S Noble. NICE front room, ground, floor. Phone 4742. SOUTHERN Hotel 12 wk. up. 423 5. El Paso. FAYETTE ROOMS CHEAP Close In. 313 Mills St Phone 1739. COOL Bleeping quarters at 215 street Phone 4943. COOLEST rooms In town with or without housekeeping privileges. Phone 187S. Arizona p- SUITE of rooms, also one large bedroom. Phone 3321, 1409 Montana. NICE cool front bedroom newly famished, new house, breakfast If desired. Ph. 6667 R. LARGB cool front room for rent, 2309 Mon tana, rmafl siza. GENTLEMEN'S desirable porch, 314 West Franklin. room, sleeping FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. SlO. Phone 6009 W. Kansas, rooms 511 Putnam, 8 rooms.. 160 00 506 East Rio Grande, 7 rooms 65.00 1721 East Boulevard. 6 rooms 35 00 1705 Arizona. 6 rooms, new . . 40.00 1711 East Rio Grande. 6 rooms and S. P New 40.00 809 San Marcial. 6 rooms and S P ... 30.00 11? Ran An.nnln A wui- will ' . . vbu ......,, ,, w. .vwuui fwnuc n.i. . ,.. decorate) 35 00! tuob airy room, sleeping porch. 1015 IN. ADEIANTE hotel 111 N. with bath, summer rates. COMFORTABLE rooms, hot and cold water bath, s-nuner rates. 245.$ Myrtle Ave. JnjcRgEge, WANTED HOlC In ex chance for some stock In Alta fsta Brick Co Will pay bal ance In cash. Scott Sales A Realty Co. Phone 7755. 1 WANT TO HIV 2 lots or a small house on 2 lots In Oot Hill or Grand'ew State price lot and block numbers and terms In reply Address W. D , care Herald. WANTED ROOMING HOCE. If you have a real bargain In 10 to IS room rooming house, walking distance, we can sell It for you Call 7213. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN on rood Inside business property. 7 per cent Interest. A. P. Coles & Bros 202 N. Oregon. PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on dairy stock, horses mules, rooming house furnishings. automobiles or any approved security at cur rent interest rates Notes bought and sold. Quirk action and confidential dealings at Sir. Trust Bldg. LOST From depot quartcrmatpr's, small white bull terrier, two months old Finder please return to Captain Has-mn depot quartermaster PUZZLE PICTURE rflsMfe t-J iZf irr&swk s? I) M IPs1 . 3 1914 .. .1 11 In. 1915 . 3 14 In. 1916 1 66 in Inclusive. 1.62 In. tt'atrr .Conditions, Rio Grande Project. Height of Water llellln.l . . Dam C n. m Acre l"t. cieriiiwiii isuue rebenoir 103 24 694 108 In, ,ea-e in 24 hours 0 75 11730 Flow of river at San Marcial not reported Klow irom reservoir .. 15 second ft For irrigation. Leashurg cansl 250 second rt For Irigatlon. East side raiul A ... . For irrigation. West side canal 50 second ft For irrigation, Franklin canal 250 second ft For Irrigation, Acequla Madre (Mexico) . . i,5 .ccond ft Date, May 9. 1916. HANKERS AND I.O VN AGENTS. If you hate not a satisfactory outlet for loans on strictly first clsss farms or ranches, write us or send your applications We are char tered to do business in Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas and Oklahoma, and have a title attorney and land examiner In each state Only experienced and reliable men need an swer Oklahoma Farm Mortgage Company. No 11 Grsnd Oklahoma City Okie, Wanted to Rent. WANTED About May 15. or before, fur nished housekeeping apartment In private home. Walking distance. References If de sired Phone 7129 Sunday 9 to 11 or week days up to 6 p. m. HADDELLS ILLUSTRATED REFRIGERA TOR CATALOGUE. Mailed free to any point upon request The Leonard Cleanable with the one piece porce lain lining Waddclla Housefurnlshlng Co, Houston. Texas 3716 Nations Ave , 5 rooms 25.00 311S Sscramento, 6 rooms . . ... 30 00 2001 Carona, 4 rooms, bath and S P.. 1S.00 FURNISHED. 3603 Bliss, elegantly furnished, i rooms and garage 150 00 3509 Tularosa. 5 rooms 50 00 2900 Tularosa, 6 rooms ai.d garage. . . 60 00 1500 block North Kansas. 6 room and S. P., well famished SS.00 James L. Marr & Company, 301 San Antonio St Phone 4250, Stanton. FRONT bed room on ground floor, private entrance. 13. 804 N Stanton. DELMAR BOOMS, 417 N. Stanton Running water, free baths; 50c-ll day. 13 up wk. LARGE front room, suitable for 3 gentle men. 720 N. Stanton. - F? . Rct Apartmenta Famished ALEXANDRIA apartments Phone 5431. THE DWiEIt, very desirable. Phone 4660. FURNISHED apartment Phone 1878 TWO rooms. 112 50, lights and water eluded Phone 7188 W FOR RENT Furnished apt In the Earle. Phone 2207 mornings. TWO rates large airy rooms, 135 Phone 1290. modern, summer TWO rooms, kitchenet bath. 711 N. Stan ton. Georgette Apta. SMALL furnished apartment summer rates. Hotel Lockle. Phone 5408. ATTIL1CTIVE two rooms, sleeping porch and bath, bargain Phone 6515. MARGUERITE apartments, 3 rooms com pletely furnished Apply Apt 1. Phone 3917. Wanted Board and Rooms. WANTED By refined couple board and room in private family. Phone 3976. WANTED Young business nian desires fur nished room with sleeping porch, with or without board. Address O 171, care Herald. Cattle Loans. CATTLE loans Volnev B Leonard. El Paso. Help Wanted Male. Fall c Mitchell, Employment Agency. 303 San Francisco St Lost and Found. 1.UM Agea black and tan hound Reward for Information or return No Questions. Dr Bronson Stevens Bldg. STRAiED from 1009 California, female Boston bull dog tan and white, white dla Tti nd on neck Phone 6907 W Personal, UUANtllLR Curtains cleaned. Kramer, 7619 SP1EEI.LA CORSETS. Mrs. Hulett Ph. 3672 Chiropractor, nerve specialist. 206 Mesa. -Delivery boy, Angelua Cleaning ANTED Windmill man for ranch. Phone 1040 WANTKD- Works At once reliable driver for dellv Phone 6480, Texas Creamery Co. other work. Good ANTED erj true k MAN home to milk 10 cows. Phone 6105 J Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED Fixtures for small store. Includ ing computing scale and show cases, must be a bargain for cash and in good order. Address 12-23. W., care Herald. WE WILL pay 12c per pound for old Inner tubes. Cannot use red tubes. Brunswick Balks Collender Co. of Texas, 422 San Fran cisco St For Rent Houses Fnmisned. SEVEN room furnished. house. Ph. 6447 W. ONE furnished apartment Modern. 536 W. Missouri. Apply to Janitor. SEVERAL lovely front rooms Just north of Cleveland Square. 707 N. Santa Fe. BEAUTIFULLY' furnished front walking distance. Phone 5397 R. bedroom. WANTED Cast off clothing all magaslnes. Phone Salvation Army. kinds. NICE front room furnished 110 per month. 1018 Magoffin. Phone 6376. LARGE room, bath adjoining. 2449 J. close in. NICE front room, hot water la bath. Panto FURNISHED room with garage in modern apartment. Phone 1358. ROO.MS reasonable near S. 7. shops. Myrtle. SIODERN famished rooms. 1 blocK from li brary, 310 West Missouri. Fheae 1682. ELEGANTLY" furnished rooms with sleeping porch, 1 block from Cleveland Square. Phone 4049 J. 401 Prospect NEWLY furnished room. In private family, close In, all conveniences. Phone 449S before ten or after three o'clock. FURNISHED AITS. Mo Phone 54. 125 and 130. 611 W. FOUR rooms furnished bungalow children Phone 590 in A. M apt no BOOTH apartments, finest In El Paso, large sleeping porches, 320 W. Boulevard. FOUR clean desirable rooms, private bath and yard, summer rates Phone 1599 J. TWO rooms, kitchenette and bath. Wright Cor. Montana and Stanton. DESIRABLE room with sleeping porch fac ing Cleveland Park. Close In, also apart ment 313 Upson. COOL, pleasant furnished room In private home, also sleeping porch, walking distance. Phone 3089 R. ALHERTA HOTEL, clean and modern, per manent ami transient rooms, summer rates. 123 San Francisco St APT. prlcate Campbell home, no children, 1516 N. ST. REGIS APART3IENTS. 406 Eaet Missouri, hone 1266. NEW bungalow, four rooms and sleeping porch, completely furnished Phone 6276 M. BOY for general dairy Phone 7185 J use 3929 Oxford. S ROOM AIT. with sleeping porch at 705 Arizona ft Call at apartment 9 or Haw kins Bros office Price 126 NICELY furnished apartment summer rate, 817 N El Paso BEAUTIFUL three room apartment 1119 Montana Phone 1205 FURNITURE of 10 room apartments for sale by owner, house for rent Phone 3290. MMHIMST anted, must be first class In auto work Two Republics Garage. FIVE room furnished house. Mountain Ave. I Call Hotel Zelger, room 60. "U ANTED Contractor for erection of ma chinery boll, r, engine, elevator, etc. Apply 101.' Mills Bldg. FOR RENT Four room partly famished house on car line Modern Phone 48. NOW LOCATED at lie Texas St Leaiell, I'nlni A Sherman, Real Estate and Insurance MASSAGE, manicuring and electric treat ment Margarete Wade of Denver, room 9 Hotel Hollenbeck, 214'. Texas. Th 7795 ARE 101' GOING TO LOS ANGELKS" The Associated Charities are sending un elderly man who Is to enter a home neir Los Angeles If any one who Is going to that city In the near future will agree to look after this man en route they will receive reasonable pay for their help Phone at once to Associated Charities 1645 WANTED Two good intelligent American boys oier sixteen Apply at office Hotel McCoj HEAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED at once Must know how to drive Ford car and be experienced Hawkins Bros. ANTED Good reliable barber, married man preferred Ed Martin. Alamogordo, ( OLLM'TOK and solicitor wanted, muet ape ik Spanish ('ill 326 Herald Bldg. be tween 4 and 6pm WANT first class tire changer for service car. also assistant vulcanlzer. Boss Rubber Co 322 Texas lOUR room house, close In. 62S month. Ap ply 517 N. Campbell or 325 H S. Leon. FOUR rooms and sleeping porch, nicely fur nished. Including piano Near Country club. No sick 140 Phone 6556 W 3 ROOM FURNISHED I! UN (1A LOW Idle KENT with south sleeping porch in Iligh land Park. Phone 4145. I'OR RENT Nicely furnished 6 room bun galow 3 blocks north of Ariz, car line. Phone 4337 FURNISHED Apt Phone 1458 7, Caruso apartments. , CECIL HOTEL. Elegant street rooms, summer rates, dean and cool. 130 East Overland. FOR RENT Furnished room with sleeping porch for gentlemen. References required. Phone 368. NICELY' furnished front room, private fam ily, ladies only No health seekers or Span lards. 409 E. Rio Grande, Phone 1104. LAUGH nicely furnished front room fsr 1 or 3 gentlemen. aU conveniences ; reasonable. 209 W Rio Grande St NICE large light airy front bedroom adjoin ing glassed In sleeping porch and bath, pri vate entrance. No sick. References ex changed 919 W. Missouri COOL, nice!) furnished housekeeping Apt sleeping porch. 403 Montana I)E WITT AW. 2 and 4 rooms, private bath. Phone 1180 1URNIMIED APT., large airy front room, with balcony. Sunset Heights, 1118 Los An gelua St Call mornings. Phone 2070. JOR KENT Three room apartment nicely fhrnlshed, close In, very reasonable. Phone 3923. I OR RENT Small front furnished apt modern. Lockle Apta. 1011 E Blvd. Phone FOR RENT Completely furnished cottage, for 4 months, 340 mo. No small children. Call forenoons 608 Stewart PI MItS. L. M. SMIDT method of removing superfluous hslr permanently: painless and different from the ordlnarv denll.tnrv mcthodB No electricity used. Hair comes ' out ly roots. Treatment can be successfully used at home Best of references Call or write 703 N. Santa Fe street El Paso. Tex-if- or phone 4159 W ANTED An experienced grocery sales man must spesk Spanish. Apply at once. Levy Grocery Co Special Notices, I H 1MIUII Curtains cleaned. Kramer, 7619 ANTED Married man who understands Irrigation to take charge of ranch near Apply to J c. Hansen, Fabons, Fabe ns Texas ,,B :l '-BTKCTIVK Earn 1150 to 1300 per month IV,,.. ........ ... .. .. Vi . . ;, ewe.n en. wono. write Unive-rsal Detective Correspondence School, Houston. Texas FOR RENT for the summer completely fur nished 6 room modern bungalow In Sunset Heights Phone 2428. FOR RENT For summer, 5 room bunga low tarnished 1300 block. East Rio Grande St Phone 2191 TO LEAE Beautlfbl modern home on Montana St Hardwood floors, built in fea tures, nicely furnished to responsible parties Phone 1010 HOlsE'S TILVNSFER Phone 1350. Prompt Slid reliable service. GIS sTOES set up, moved and connected. 1 b.ine 1350 TIIK LOOKOIT. Affcerd?! 1"" thC en,n" ro,n out t,u "hHtenim scree,, . A. ded by a Bir''KKi. mountain pin. screen Un. U,i .lher!; rl"Me ' n,s sl,lc '"other form ib ,e, ... , But whetn'' friend or foe v,e e in t dmm Kind nnolhcr watcher. ANSWKK TO iKSTHItllt.'S Y l;t... I pslele iloun between two. IMglit aide duns nose at slrl's rlfcon. J OR RENT Largo open air pavilion for dancing parties Ten dollars for the evening. Lleclrlc piano free. Phone No 4, Yelets, CLL 001 for that garden or lawn work, everything furnished, rich dirt and fertilizer delivered 11 load DOCTOR ALER. Chronic diseases. Diseases of women. Ner. vons diseases. 212 Herald Bldg. CARPENTER WORK Porches garages, re pairing large or small jobs. Best work, reas onable Guaranteed. Phone 3S16 J. CARPENTER will work, porches and Phone 3498 J. figure new garages a or repair specialty. H ANTED-Flrst class all around mechanic who understands gasoline and steam en gines Address Caspar Glron. San Ellxarlo, Texas, or Phone 146 Clint SHOE REPAIR man wanted, one used to operating Landls 10 stitcher Steady work to first class man. State wages and refer ence In first letter. J. N Ferguson. Tyrone. m.: k" Bookkeeper to go to Mexico. Must be thoroughly competent to handle complete accounting system. Address In own handwriting Address F. 167 core Herald ? J- .me-Lw? wUb to ern mon money If.Itt me .barDer traae- Py- ' "ew weeks will fit you for Jobs worth 61100 w!J wr. yo!ir own "hop w,,h '''"J Profits. Verite Mojer BarberJ-Qjlegc Ft Worth. Tex, Help Wanted Agents. AGENTS wanted. San Antonio. quick seller. 203 West 3 ROOM APARTMENT nicely and newly furnished, close in. north side, very deslr able for summer. 110 per mo. Phone 1999. THE ROSEMONT. " One elegantly furnished apartment 1219 N Oregon Phone 1001 For Rent Rooms and Board. ROOM and board. Tularosa St Ph. 3364. ROOMS and board strictly first class. 314 W. Mo Mrs. C, F. Leary. ROOMS with board sleeping porch It de sired. Govt Kill. 3929 Oxford. Phone 7S86 J. ROOM, board, sleeping porch. 130 month. Mrs. Moore Phone 6479 J. FURNISHED room with board In private family, home cooking Phone 6137. board, home cooking. 74)3 N. GOOD table Stanton. R003I and Phone 673. board with sleeplnir porch. OK RENT 6 room flat very desirable In every way, reasonable for summer Phone 4987 SMALL apartment close In. sleeping porch, private bath and hot water. 712 N. Santa Fe. . . FOR KENT 5 rooms completely furnl.hH bungalow Including player piano, reasonable I u rjeejiBeuee, f., i.e., e.vv blSDa AV& Phone 3984 M , after 6 30 p. m BLAIR APARTMENTS NEWLY FURNISHED. 3 and 3 room apartments Nice and cool very desirable for the summer Ratea 117 50 to 130 per mo. 615 N. Campbell St Phone 1999 IT WILL PAY Kin to get our prices on screen wire, poultry netting and Ice cream freezers. A Yaffe, Hardware Exchange 409 S. El Paso. Phone 1646. rURNISHKD HOl'SE. 5 rooms and sleeping porch Boulevard, nicely furnlshe d. BroaiMus & LeIInnin, Phone 155S 1 OR RENT. 15 room rooming house, near new high school, large airy, cool, well furnished rooms and large sleeping porches One of the best locations for dining room In the city, atx rooms bring In now almost enough to cover rent. 4 month's lease to responsible parties with option for year W. E. Hule A Co. Phone 7313. 706 1st Nat Bank Bldg For Rent Aparimenb Unfurniihed. IN RUI.O AIT. Phone 4981 M. LARGE flat Inquire No. 11. Braxos. ALEXANDRIA apartments. Phone 5424. THE LUCERNE 1 5-room apartment 140. Douglas C Crowell. Agency. THREE room apartment, sleeping porch, ' its js uvenano. s-oone ic a. BOARD, room and sleeping porch for eon valescent lady. Tel. 6641 J. lOR reasonable board with or without rooms Phone 1756. 1001 Rio Grande St MRS, w ILSON, convalescent home, porch and dressing room, with board 19 week. 216-0 San Jose Phone 5550. EL PASO SANATORIUM for tuberculoses, 1109 N. Cotton Ave. Under new mgm't Mod crate rates Ph. 1764. Mrs. P. Z. Laoglot IsAHOK desirable front room excellent board $30, also other rooms, conventencaa. lll K. Nevada. ROOMS nd hoard strictly first class for gentlemen. Mrs. W. W. Armstrong, 7t3 Mjrt.e Ave FVHNIMIKD room with board 1 or 3 gen tlemen also table boarders taken, reason able close in. Phone 40)9 M. ROOM, good board, sleeping porch for a few convalescents Car service Rates reas onable Cool location for summer. Phone 77 r THE KKBMSTKK, 1017 Mundy apartment with all modern conveniences, hot water, laundry. FOB RENT At reduced rental first floor Nagley apartments four rooms and large sleeping porch. Phone 4229 THE MONTANA, 917 Montana St elegant cool, modern apartments, summer rates 117 50 to 165. No sick Apply Apt A FOR RENT 3 4-room apts . rooms very large, well lighted, coot large porches, hot water janitor service, walking distance Phone 346. Dressaaking. RKMODELLN'G a specialty Phone 6,19. UWANCHUH Curtains cleaned Kramer. 7619 BUTTONS COVERED Angelas Cl'g. YVks. DRESSM K1NG and remodeling Ph. 6918 PLAIN and fancy sewing. Mrs. Simpson. 910 N Kansas Phone 4090 EASTERN dressmaker wishes day engage ments Phone Mrs Hunt 6812 DRESS3LKING and Wehh Phone 6319 W EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by day, work guaranteed. Phoa 6491 alter 6 remodeling. Mrs. 1 . h A h