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EL PASO HERALD 8 Tuesday. May 9, 1916. VICTOR MOORE, DR. FELIX P. E. H. YALE ARE THREE NEW Mi .R8 BATES HUGHKS EVANS and Victor C Moore were mar ried Mondav afternoon at 6 oclock in Trinity Methodist church. Hev. W. F Packard performed the cer nmony. Preceding: the entrance of the bridal part, Mrs Walter D. Howe tang- "Until." with Mrs J. J. Pearce accompanying her at the organ. Mrs J J. Pearce played the wedding marches for the arrival and departure of the bridal party The bride and her brother, Barney Hughes, entered the httrch and approached the rostrum bv (he central aisle, while Mr Moore and his best man. his brother, Arthur Moore, of Austin, passed down the side aisle nnd met them at the rostrum The bride wore a grown of rose colored (ceor ic'tte crepe over pale (tray taffeta She wore a large picture hat of horsehair braid, trimmed with biff pink roses and elvet and carried an Immense arm bouquet of American lleautj roses The eremon was attended by a large num ber of the friends of the couple The bride nas sunt? In the quartet of the hurch for a number of years and is very well known The groom Is an at torney and has been In EI Pbo for a number of years Following; the cere monv a weddlna- supper was served at the home of Mr Moore. 160E North Kansas street which was attended only b the family Mr and Mrs Moore left Monday night for Austin, where they will visit his parents lor a snort time before returning to El Po to make their home here The bride's solnc awav suit was a tailored travel ing suit of blue cloth and with it she wore a small black tell draped hat. rAbout El Pasoans. Mrs. Caroline Moffltt is seriousl) H! st her home on Itlo Grande street Mr and Mrs. Horace A. Lay are now at home to their friends in their new home at 969 North Florence street. Harold Coldwell, who nas recently appointed to the United States Naval arademv at Annapolis, by senator Cbas. A Culberson, has successfully passed the entrance examinations to the academy and will enter the academy the middle of June. Coldwell Is the jou rip en t son of Judge W M Coldwell. of El Paso He graduated last spring from the high school, in the 1915 class, of which he was president He vias the first cadet captain or me nign scnooi i adet corps and alter tne corps naa in- maimI pnAtiph in form two MmrainlM I i reased enough to form two companies was commander of company B. He was nlso the president of the studentB coun- il of the high school, president of the Sam Houston Deabtlng society and a halfback on the football team He is a brother of Lieut Philip Coldwell. of the 1' S army and of Judge Ballard Cold well, of El Paso v Dinners. Luncheons, Teas. Mrs Gustavo Zork will entertain Wednesday at Hotel Paso del Norte, with a luncheon, in honor of Mrs William Llndonthal, of Chicago. Mrs H Mehrsfeld, of South Carolina, and Miss Tllllo Caro, of San Francisco Mrs. Charles Davis entertained today with a luncheon at the Toltec club In honor of Miss Mary Boone, of Oklahoma Olty. who Is the guest of Dr and Mrs B M. Worsham and of Miss Margaret Wymond. who is the cueet of Dr and Mrs. James Vance. The table appoint ments were very pretty, with quantities of spring flowers The guests were It oung women of the younger set The Cup That Cheers Most is the cup that is the most wholesome for unpleas ant after-effects can mar the keenest pleasure. With the usual hot table drink, whether it be coffee or tea, there results to many persons an incon venience in health which calls for a change. Instant Postum is rapidly filling this table want, and in a way satis factory to taste, comfort and enjoyment. The rich, mellow flavour of Instant Postum closely resembles that of mild Java coffee, and its absolute purity makes it a prime favorite of both parents and children. Instant Postum is quickly prepared at table, a cup at a time. Simply place a level tcaspoonful of the soluble powder in the cup, pour on hot water, then stir and add cream and sugar to taste. No aste. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM At Grocers e erv where. . -.ISS JEN WALKER, of Nur- IVi ry. Texas, and Dr Felix P. Miller -were married Monday at high noon at the home of the bride in Nursery, Texas. Dr. and Mrs. Mil ler will spend their honeymoon in Galveston and New Orleans and will then return to El Paso where they will make their home Cards. The Ebell Bridge club met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs Bliss Albro, in the De Luxe apartments Only the members of the club were present Mrs Ames S. Albro won the high score prize The club will illsenntlnne lis meetings during the summer so this was the final meeting of the season. Refreshments were enjoj ed at the close of the afternoon The Pioneer Bridge club was enter tained Monday afternoon by Mrs John J Piatt at her home on Myrtle avenue Mrs H. E Stevenson and Mrs E M Bray were the prize winners for the club and Mrs. Edwin S Booth, for the guests, of which there were five, Mesdames Virginia DeSmsth, Edwin Booth. W F Robinson, Marlon Letcher and T J Stafford Refreshments were enjoyed at the conclusion of the Karnes. Mrs James Magoffin will entertain the club next Monday. El Pasoans 'Away. Miss Bliss Albro and her baby will leave for Chicago about June 1, to spend the summer visiting her mother Mrs Ames S Albro will leave about the first of June to spend the sum mer in her former home in Portland, Oregon Mrs B F Jenkins is letting her daughter. Mrs. J L. Bebastian, and Mr Sebastian, in Benson, La Mrs Sebastian was former! Miss Marj Frances Jen kins. Mr and Mrs. H B Durkee. left today for Topeka, Kansas, and Cleveland. Ohio. At the latter place they will attend the convention of the Toung Men s Christian association, at which Mr. Durkee will make an address on the Mexican situation and the T. M C A work for the Mexicans, in El Paso Mrs Elizabeth Nettels, Mrs Durkee s mother, accompanied them a , ; .;. fiULOTTlOUlllTlP. ... ..? Mr and Mrs c K Wharton In their Chalmers car and Mr and Mrs. L. R Wharton and Miss Leola Wharton, of Kansas City, in their Ford car, left this morning for California They will spend the summer touring the coast Mr and Mrs Frank Had loci.. Miss Mildred Casey, John Rosborough and Coward Willing spent the week end with Mr and Mrs J Dyer at Mlndus, N M.. where they were Joined by an other party and motored to Columbus. Mr and Mrs W J Rand with their two children. Herbert Rand and Alice Rand, will leave today to their Velie car for an overland trip to California, where they will spent a few months visiting in San Diego Los Angeles and other points on the coast Lodges and Clubs. The Women's Catholic Order Of For. esters will entertain its members and friends at the monthly social of the order on Wednesday afternoon In the Knights of Pythias hall MILLER AND BRIDEGROOMS IIM" RS E r; MOULTON annnimoed the marriage recently of her daughter, Mrs Alma J. Cox and E II Talc Mr and Mrs. E II Yale w ill be at home to their friends at apart ment No 1 in the Lucerne apartments The ceremon was performed on January 20, In Las Cruces, N M Women's Organizations. There will be a meeting of the offi cers of the El Paso Equal Franchise league U ednesday afternoon at 2 30 oclock at the home of Mrs S J Fen- I nell on North Santa Fe street j The state board examination for graduate nurses of Tm.i. uiii k. I ducted In III Paso by Miss Katherine G Kelly, at her apartment in Conwa place, Wednesday and Thursday at 9 oclock in the morning A special called meeting of the Re becca Stoddert chapter of the Daugh ters of the American Reiolutlon will be held Wednesday morning at 10 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs Joseph Spence on Montana street There is business of much importance to be considered The third class of the Toung Women's Christian association In first aid to the injured will begin tonight The Red Cross socio tj 'a course will be followed Dr C F Braden will be the instructor and the class will meet twice a week at his office on North Oregon street This will be the last class for the summer in me autumn an ad vanced work claBS will be started The Young Women s Christian asso ciation will give a spring carnival on Thursday night at the association rooms at 8 o clock, in combination with the annual demonstration of the physical work of the association The demonstration work will consist of wand drills, folk dances and esthetic dances? Then there will be a large number of booth and carnival features oer which the arlous young women of the association will preside and a very lively, jolly time is anticipated Mrs J F Petty entertained the members of the Forward Movement clas-. of the Calvary-Houston-Square Baptist church on Monday afternoon at her home on North Kansas street The time was spent pleasantly In play ing various guessing games and the prizes in these were won by Mrs O J Wade Refreshments were served by the hostess after games Those present were Mesdames M U Strong, J It Compton, Dan Hammond, O J Wade, Robert F Harvey. J W Gist. Charlei Grlng. Kate F Martin, R. L. Miller. William B Day, J N Wllden, F A Hodge. Margaret Urmston, R, I Morris and Rev O J Wade Mri E H Tale entertained Circle Number four of the aid and missionary society of the First Methodist church on Monday afternoon The meeting was spent In preparing plans for a bazaar to be held next week The general aid society of the church will be the guests of circle four on Friday afternoon In the parlors of the church Mrs E LIpplncott was received as a new member An Ice course was served following the business. There were present Mesdames William Ho- earth, J. A Potter, Karl pnjiiips, J. tr KilBore, Fred A Mayhew, Herman O Porter, G L. Cole. H II BrlRSfS. David Cathcart, K. E Moulton, E. Lippin cott, and Horace A. Lay. A ery successful bazar was held bj the aid society of tho First Congrega tional church Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles B Stevens on West Boulevard The rooms were decorated with quantities of American Beauty roses and wisteria blossoms Mrs. M S Itussell was In charge of the candy booth The aid society members presided over the fancy work table Serving- the refreshments Mrs. G F Hawks as In charge, and she was assisted by Misses Dorothy Stiles, Bernice Stiles, Elizabeth Emmons, Janet Miller, Bertram Orndorff, Alzina Orn dorff. Marie Kerr. Marlon Kerr. Mar garet Kerrigan and Bernice Franklin Over $100 was realized This fund will be used for the church advertisement campaign. Dan ces. The first of the new series of the post 'hops at Fort Bilss v. ill take place Wednesday night at 8 10 oolock In the post hall at headquarters building. Guests are requested to present cards at the door. The masquerade ball that was planned to be given at the post hall on May 10, has been postponed until May 24. Out Of Town Visitors. Miss Jennie Adelowitz, of Denver, Colo, is here, lsitlng her sister, Mrs U. D. Stark. R. R. Schweitzer, of the Schweitzer i Machine company, of Tucson, Is in El Paso on business connected v.ith his company. Parties. The mothers of the Calvarj -Houston Square Baptist church congregation will be the guests of honor at an in formal social Friday night. A program will be given and light refreshments served. $8448 RAISED BY AS SOCIATED CHARITIES Directors of the Associated Charities will meet this evening to hear the re port of the canvassing committee and also attend to the routine business of the organization for the month The canvass shows that a total of J8I4S has been secured for the Asso ciated Charities Additional subscrip tions to the 110,000 fund aro as follows Broaddus & LeBaron j 15 J. H. Talpis jo R. T Talpis 18 L. Rosenberg j Jos Merkln g Bee Hive Dry Goods Co 10 Laskln Swatt 6. Co 12 A friend bo Anonymous 50 First Presbyterian Church . " lni T. W. Lanier &. Bros 2- J. P. O'Connor 25 Sllberberg Bros " 20 THE COURTS. 41ST DISTRICT COUHT. I II. Price. Presldlne. Louis Itudolph Goldbaum vs Noito Hand et al , damages for breach of con tract, filed 34TII DISTRICT COURT. Don 91. Jackson, Presiding. Emma Heron a Daniel Heron, ii orce, filed. State vs Juanita Terrazas, murder; Instructed verdict of not guilt). 05TII DISTRICT COURT. Hallnrd Coldnell, Presiding. Agaplta de la O de Silva vs. Manuel Sllva, divorce, filed. A. Bridge vs Southern Pacific, suit for 12S.000 damages for personal in juries, on trial. COUNTY COURT. Adrian Pool, Presiding. State vs. Bob Douglas, theft, defend ant pleaded guilty and given six months and fined costs. State vs Rublo Garcia and Pascual Alcala. carrying a pistol, pleaded guilty and given 3D days and fined costs State vs Manuel Mateus, selling li quor on Sunday, defendant pleaded guilty and was fined ISO and costs JUSTICE COURTS. J. J. Murphy, Presiding:. Slate vs. H N Shiplej. F W Norton, T Bailej and J Roe. speeding, pleaded guilty and fined $5 and costs earn mmit mm kwmw whmT Apple By CONSTANCE CLARKE. APPLE-PORK PIE Is among- tho mot delicious Sunday eight sapper dishes cooked in tho cas lerole. Take v two pounds ottreh, lean pork to four large apples. Cat the port Into Inch lengths, cover with water and stew gently for half an hour, Let It get colli. Take the pork flat, and arrange It in layers at the bottom of a casserole dish, pepper and salt a little. Make a layer of (To-morrow Old UTTER AT EXEGUTIOWS London, Eng, May S John Red mond, the Irish leader, put a question to premier Asqulth in the house of commons today In which he suggested that the continuance of military ex ecutions In Ireland was causing rapid ly Increasing bitterness among a sec tion of the population which had no sympathy with the Insurrection He asked whether, following the precedent set by Gen Botha in South frioa, the premier would cause a stop to be put to executions Mr Asquitn replied that, from the very first, Mr Redmond had been urg ing upon the government arguments which had not fallen on unwilling ears in favor of clemency for the rank and file Mr Asquitn had to say that Gen Maxwell had been In direct personal communication with the cabinet on the subject. He had great confidence, the premier said, in the general's discre tion. Gen Maxwell's instructions, which conformed to his own Judgment, were to sanction the infliction of the extreme penalty as sparingly as pos sible, and only in the case of responsi ble persons guilt) in the first degree Mr Asqulth said the course to be adopted with regard to the tank and file was being considered anxiously b the cabinet. Steps had been Ini tiated to ascertain whether govern- ment officials were Implicated j London, May S J. M- Sullivan, for mer United States minister to Santo Domingo, who was arrested following the recent uprising In Ireland, notified the American embassy here from Dub lin today that he had been released Ban Robber Escapes With $4000 In Motor Car Intended For Posse Ada Okla, May 8 A robber entered the National Bank at Francis, Okla homa, today, covered O G. Rose, the cashier, with a revolver and fled with about J 1000. After an exchange of shots with a pursuing posse, the robber forced the driver of one of the posse's automo biles to take him in and with a re volver held at the driver's head, dis appeared in the hills Hhy ot Viet. Ttah' i-r Khnn j4i,fl,i.. VT darin Coat Week' City National Bank I 1 map. Aav. , 1 Sulzberger's MaJeBtlc Hams are 'De- 1 llciously Different. Phone your dealer to send Tou one Adv I Why ot Bu a Mandarin Coat at these great ly reduced prices Beach's Art Shop City National Bank Bldg Ad Mexican rent collections, Lee Numan Adv Why Not Bu) a drawnwork lunch cloth or table cloth now The prices will never be cheaper Beach's Art Shop, City National Bank Bldg Adv Dining and Observation Car I Southern Pacific Lines SUMMER RATES TO EASTERN POINTS in, Sunset Limited Selling May 15 to Sept. 30. Limit, Oct. 31. ( (tTlNESJ j x Safely, Speed and Comfort Take the Californian West at 6:45 A. M. and go through the hot country at night. Pork Pie sliced apples, a. tnfu layer of sugar and spice; a. little butter may also be laid on the apples'. Repeat the layers, thus, one over another, until the dish contains sufficient, see tha 'top layer is of apples. Season the, gravy taken from the stewed pork. sUr in some browned flour, and pour it into tho plf. Cover with pastry, 'and bake in a moderate oven for ona and a half hours. Serve hot, gar nished with parsley. Vegetables Made New.) IDENIESTHEPOPE i APPEALED TB U. S. London, Eng , May 8 Official denial was made today of the report that pope Benedict appealed to emperor William and president Wilson In an effort to avert a rupture between Germany and the I nlted States The foreign office made this announce ment 'With regard to the American-German negotiations it has been wideh stated that the pope on Friday last telegraphed the German emperor and the president of the United States urg ing conciliation No such step has been taken by tne pope, ana the report is entirelv without foundation The au thority for this statement is a dispatch to the foreign office from Sir Henry Howard, British minister to the vati- IHLHUS N PROGRESSIVES MEET Jackson, Mich, ni 9 Fiftj-two delegates to the national convention at Chicago were to be selected by the national Progressiva state conven tion which convened here today IllItI.IGTON SHOP WAGES IlYlSi:!)! Chicago. 111. May 9 The Chicago. I Burlington . Quincy railroad today an- j nounced an Increase In wages for all shop hands on the system amounting I from one cent to two and a half cents I an hour GRANDMOTHER'S ! MEDICINES i Our grandmothers were wise in the virtues of the herbs, of the field The) used to gather and store roots and herbs and use them to cure the ail ments of their families wormwood, thoroughwort, sage, rue camomile the list might go on and on of the healing plants with which they made us familiar Now their grand daughters get the extracts from just such good old roots and herbs, from the nearest druggist, ready prepared for use One su"h medicine, which women find best for their own ailments, is the well-known Ldia E Pinkham a egetable Com pound Advertisement Don't Forget Open House at 2610 Montana Street Tomorrow at 3 and 8 P.M. PHOENIX-EL PASO BUILDING COMPANY Pullman Sleeping Cars ni 7 ,! BBBBTifw Oil Burning Locomotives HSCIOL . IS GALLED OFF Officers at Fort Clark on Border Duty, Funaton Calls School Off. Austin, Texas, May S. Adjt Getf Henry Hutchings was advised today by Gen Frederick Kunston at El Paso, that the school of instruction for cav alry officers of the Texas National Guard, which was to have been held at Fort Clark, near Spofford, on May 18 to 29. has been called off. The regular officers at Fort Clark have been detailed for other service, as results of border raids by Mexicans. Gen Hutchings said that this does not necessarily mean that the school will be abandoned, as he said an ef- 1 fort will be made to have the school i held at some other point, either at fi-.-s Com ITmmtAtt Ttn 3 I -. run wo", aauuduji ucuji springs, ur Camp Mabry at Austin I.nvrn ninvrera sharpened, 401 N. Ore ion fat Allen Arms &. Cycle Co. Adv. Spanish Orlll now open 116 S Oregon. -Adv rE le Hose in i a , A S wisS fC m i fv vy to put it on sale at prices that mean a big sa mg to everybody that needs Garden Hose. None will be sold to dealers. NOTE THESE SAVINGS: RUBBER HOSE --25 and 50-Ft. Lengths REGULAR 10c PER FOOT, NOW AT 6 3-4c REGULAR 15c PER FOOT, NOW AT 9 l-2c WIRE WOUND, REGULAR 18c, NOW AT 12c COTTON HOSE -25 and 50-Ft Lengths REGULAR 12c PER FOOT, NOW AT Sc REGULAR 18c PER FOOT, NOW AT 10c This is the place and now is the time to save money on Garden Hose THE WESTERN FURNITURE COMPANY THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY WE EXCHANGE YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW 118-20 S. Stanton St. Telephone 1482 Say When ou Faust roni Then, from Durum most nourulunz azes for 10 bnt it does give MAULL ID ill SEE? ii .. j Ki !' ii In! wm Bread Is Everybody s Food lln ii lij not it the bot nierican Bt aut Bread, made ironi the choicest flour in the niosi samtarv shop 'itart now Hill lt ull HKOil Wholesome. Satisfying and Delicious American Beauty Bread BELGIAN Hetnll More, 210 n. Overland St. Pactory, 1314 E. 'on Vntonlo. m&mu'. The New Mexico Cottage Sanatorium For the Treatment of Tuberculosis. Silver City, New Mexico int nnlei from the border in the mountains of New Alexico Aim ml. 6000 lett. A most delightful summer climate blankeN reqmri 1 in arlj ever night Xo more complete or efficient institution in the SiutliHeiit Excellent meaN Rates from $2000 a week up Write for descriptive booklet "H " WAYNE MAC VEAGH WILSON, III j ALFALFA Phone 389 BADGER FUEL CO. O. S. OSBORN, Prop., 212 W. 2nd. The Seat On The Porcb. As I go don town the Boys a- houting Special Special ' and I -rad of raids deaths torpedo ing; and almnftt customary reports or 100 000 casualties. Ijiter I read business letters Iron has iron still higher chemicals are prohibitive in price and dyea are unattainable I meet a friend and he greats me with "What do yon think. Ser lss Is killed in the trenches, what a shame' Then on glancing; though a magazine I raad the fol lowing apostrophe to "The Sword ' "Am I not the flaming measenger of the Lord Almighty So all through the day I hear of leatha, griefs hatreds, pride and i ompetltion and at night go home disheartened After supper I step on to the porch and alt in the darkness All Is still, stars glim mer through the vines. I am alone with the sileoia and bye and bye I hear whispers of a different life and a voice of gentle stillness soothes I thank God for the blessed night after the gartsa day MTfJSS HANSON. FJRST CONOHEG VTIOXAL CHURCH 1800 Block, 1 Blocks North, of Boulevard. HOSE! HOSE! HERE YOU ARE FOR the largest t,tock of Garden El Paso and we are going "Faust Cut Macaroni!' you order from the grocer's do simply ask for macaroni, or for Cut Macaroni ? There's a mighty big difference, because Faust Cut Maca roni is already cut in inch lengths, and, you know, nearly all recipes call for cut maca Faust Cut Macaroni is made wheat, rich in gluten and the of foods. It is nut us in lsrtfe Diek- cents When you next order, insist on Faast Cut Macaroni It doesn t take anr mora tune. lots more for yoor money BROS., St, Louii. U. S. A. EVERY PANFUL A PLEASURE to look at and a still greater one to eat. That's the plan on which we bake our bread and you have only to try it to know how well we succeed Why not make the trial at once1 What's the sense of putting off a good thing? Powell's Home Bakery 111 E. Boulevard. Phones ICVK',1 BAKERY IOUOKC4. Mi 5C and IOC 1 we'M, IU 3 X 4 -i