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Eli PASO HERALD vlS MOTHER TO A LION RAISES CUB ON BOTTLE Miss Mable Stark and Hero. Miss Mabel Stark, Washing ington Girl, Has Pet Lion That Follows Her. 1 A' IILL being the foster mother r.r a lion Is a most unusual :h,ng-. and but one instance of s. i strange affection and rela- ? is known. It is that of Miss Ptark, former society girl of "-ton, D. C and a. graduate of "V iE-ton Seminary for Girls. " stark took a motherless lion San Felice .Standard to Be Maintained, Say Makers 411 D.iit... V ..,- ci p..R. ,-i . 5e Straight. In Ilffect Todnj". r - to the gTeatly increased cost IaT.'y tobaccos, in fact every thine jt" - nir to high srade cigars, the - r . f I. "Cli -; ml lc sc emraer Company, have ad- '! tl the selling prire to the Jobbers a-i ri3lers. tird henceforth this cigar wl positively .e cold to the consumer a 5 vfnts straight instead of six for a "tiarter as previoasly "ie SAi FEUCB is rational In its I cope and character, having justly at- 1 K "Pi 'his eminence through its un- ; x -- ' excellence. To maintain this1 - a.ed standard of quality, the adit-. n question is absolutely un " I The generous support of air-- us'ns quality cigars is earn- " wed. Adv. cub hut a few dis old. and ly bot tle, and later by hand feeding-, saved its life and developed it into a handsome- t. - imn of the Nubian lion. Mi'- Stark is .itti the AI G. Barnes Wild Animal circus, which will be here October 3U-3I. Not from necess:ty. but through her love of studying animal psychology. Miss Stark Is a circus wild animal trainer, one of the most remarkable, it is said. In the world. Slight of build, refined and womanly, she possesses what seems to be hypnotic power over the lions ana tigers she handles. The young woman insists, however, that it is merely animal psychology put into practical application. Nero, the cub which vMiss Stark took under her care, is now an immense lion weighing COO pounds, ami he obeys every order his friend and train er gives him. Miss Stark has taught this young lion to ride a horse, jump through hoops of fire, work with domestic animals: in fact, do almost anything his trainer's fancy dictates. The beast knows his trainer well and follows her about. Miss Stark has frequently led him through city streets with a dog chain. The animal has never known any thing hut caresses, never has felt the lash, and is as docile with this slip of a girl as a kitten. BEET BOOSTER COBpiTED "W. B. Mandeville Sent Mes sage by Local Chamber; Factory is Assured. As a mark of appreciation for his efforts in obtaining a S 1.060.00 beet .ugar factory in the upper valley, to be built by the Holly Sugar company of Colorado, the El Paso chamb- r or commerce Tuesday sent a message of congratulation to W. B. Mandeville. a T..-IS Truces banker. It was announcfd Monda-. at Las Cruces that the com pany had definitely decided to build a pi.' nt. although only 5(M0 acres of th.' 7i( bee- snirar acreage required has been pledpred. It Is helieved that now that the com pans has siven its assurances that the lie: fa'torj- will be constructed th-n will he little trouble In gettmc the additional acres. The local com mittee from the chamber of commerce. Leaded by TV G. Roe. which has been "ipning up beat sugar growers in the HI Paso district, will continue its com raign with redoubled energy. Both Cruoes and El Paso are expected to benefit greatly from the construc tion of the factory and the launching of a new Irdustry. The following is the chamber of commerce's telegram of congratula tion: "W. B Mandeville. Las Cruces. X it.: "El Paso chamber of commerce re joices with you in consummation of plans for million dollar beet sugar factory. Action Holly Sugar company will strengthen our work in getting acreage, which has been displaced owing to exposition. Beg to assure you we will get In harness and work with you to make adequate tonnage for new plant possible. We believe this is the greatest forward step ever made for prosperity of your great val ley. "It. Burt Orndorff. President. "W. G. Roe. Chairman Land Irrigation Committee." Circus Folk Ban Midnight Frolics Wear Away Beauty and Strength Constant Practice Necessary to Meet Requirements of Arena Life, Elsie Ryan Declares Representatives of Every Nation Gathered Under Big Top." By FRANK CRUICKSHANK. l v c rv part ol thf t:u i - .i.I from an'l :! lan- lt'13. -if 8 are snoken L.aneuae is not I necessary id the circus performer, for his work 'np Ti'nprw' to m eye, v i 1 . it- -n;r nu-prettr TJo-catr-e ci" This. lh tla'lnsr and skill of al! mtmns bl mi harmoniously in the arvna of the "whit- top" And ju-l as harmoniously does the fame quality enter into the daily life of the; performers after the show w ork is over for the day and the crowds have gone home. However an anomalv it may seem, circus people, the greatest wanderers of all entertainers, love domesticity. One has but to take a peep at the tidy arrangements of the dressing tent or catch a glimpse of the staterooms on the Sells-Floto sleep ing cars to realise this fact. Ilnve If omen for Winter. And more than that, circus people mamtan i le m.- w h"i life duri'ifc that period show hides itself away I!" Work train I r n rj .ae thir rr i -in-', and arf n - - - . haunt1 of th g,- w ' Tak a P'" p pome d surroundings and , why the w onu n '" respected, w iw The n ' i lant, for yuu will lno where family tie a r. broken, where fam 'j stalks, and where jealo, are unknown. o n t hem ar -ome . fc when trie for the 'cvir with a-.irt.' e thrifty, ysical -v ay in to Jfhta. t to clrt as ' find o' - is are u eo ga -i:i -i a ace' - fcelv e 111 seldom .nd gos- FACBS tOOK ALIKE. Th most wonderful thinjc about the tntfl ions of sardines tn the world la that th- r faces all look the same. Hope Almost Abandoned When She Found Remedy AMERICAN CATHOLICS IN MARFA TO HAVE A CHURCH . liarfa. Tel.. Oct. H. American j Catholics in JTarfa are to have a church ' of their own. The American Catholics, ' though few in number, have been ener- getic workers and the movement for a new church which will be for the use ' of the Americans, has reached a point where the building of the church is now assured. 1 TO BEG-AIN HEALTH j CLEANSE THE BLOOD i CoprrijiiC 1816, SelU-Tloto Shows Ge., Inr. MISS ELSIE RYAN One of the beautiful barrack riders of tha Sells-PIoto Circus as she appears in the performance of the big show, and one of Sdls-Floto's prize-winning horses. There are twenty champion riders with this circus. A GOOD COW. Theodpre H&rbarc. former minister to Belgium, tells this tale about the proposed sale of a cow. The discussion between buyer and seller ran somewhat as follows: "Sbe't. an awfully pood old cow. Our chil dren think the world of her. You'll like her immf-rely." "And how much milk does she give"? "LKm't knou exaiti. but she g a nice coiv first clas " "Well. ou must haw some idea does she give a gallon at a milking"? "Couldn't sy definitely. She's an awfly good. kind, old cow. though. If she's got any milk hf'll glv it to you " When your blood is impure, weak, thin and debilitated, you cannot pos sibly enjoy good health. Tour system becomes receptive of any or all diseases, and germs are likely to lodge in some part of the body. Put your blood in good condition, and do so at once. Hood's Sarsaparilla acts directly and peculiarly on the blood It purifies, en riches and revitalizes it and builds up the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not a cure-all It is the best Mood medicine on the market. It has stood the test of forty years and is used all over the world. Get it and begin treatment today. It will surely help you. Sold by all drug- I gistr. Adv. ' CIRCUS people are the most inter esting in the world, the kindliest, the most human. They are in a class of their own. different from act ors, grand opera singers and other show folks. First of all they are exquisitely in genuous. The frankness with which they tell about themselves and their work is what might be expected from a child, not a grown person. Other artists may love their art. but the circus artist thinks it is absolutely the only thing in the world that is worth while or Is worth talking about. The spirit of youth is in the very at mosphere of the Sells-Floto circus, which is coming in a few days, and Elsie Ryan, a beautiful bareback rider, seems Mke a child in her fluffy skirt and long curls. Really Very Hainan. "Back of the curtain and away from ih gleam and glitter is another world, and we're really very human." says Allies Ryan. "Most of us are born Into ir'us life, and wouldn't leave It for anything in the world, althougn it means constant work. "I know nothing of the requirements for the care of a singer or an actress' a- romplishmei.t. hui 1 do know that a rider, as 1 am, must always be at the height of physical perfection, strength and agility and also must possess youth, beauty and grace, and consequently cannot mix with late suppers and all the alleged joys of the after-play par ties. It is eternal practice with us. "Each day when I am not rehearsing with my horses, I take a certain amount of time for exercises which I have In vented to k'-e? myself at my best. ' Kver bareback rider, every aerial performer, in fact, etery performer in tne arena has ltarned the rudiments of their work when they were children and when their muscles were receptive to training, and as we grow older our muscles must be kept supple by con stant athletic training. And we all know that it is lonvr practice that makes perfect." lint They re Fenilnlne. The women of thf circus are won derful specimens of womanhood. They hae developed the physical being to its highest state and achieved feats of great daring and matrelous sfcilL Y?t tbey are just ab feminine as their sisters of the e eryday world, are these omen whose applause is won by their i ing and arenic accomplishments. In the host of people who live under the canvas of the Sells-Floto circus. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Relieves Chronic Case of Long Standing. After a long period of suffering with liver and bowel trouble that brought on piles, lurinr which she had tried many remedies without obtaining relief, Mrs. Alary .1. Jewell, of Berrien Springs. f ich . heard of Dr. f aldweH's Syrup Pepsin and obtained a bottle from her dnijjgibt. Thi simple, inexpensive lax atie compound brought almost imme diate relief and Mr-. Jewell wrote to Dr. Caldwell about her case. In her letter Mrs. Jewell sajo, ""I had tried so many things for the piles, with out being helped at all. I had about pipn up hope of ever being any better. T knew it was the condition of my bowls that caused them, and after I had taken a bottle of your Syrup Pep. I knew it was just the medicine I needed. I am tery irateful to you for sending me the little book the advice and instructions it ies would teach anyone bow to get 1! .mil Iiow to keep well.'' Pr. lutfluiH'- Muni J'. :i-m N a cum- l.inatii.Ti ni -iii'iile invitn- icrt witli j pepsin, ire. ! nni ..pi.i'e or liartotk ! drugs, and i mild and gentle in its ac tion, bringing id et m .in ea- . natural way, without griping, or other pain of discomfort. Th-uggiats everywhere sell Dr. Cal ! well's Syrap Pepsin for fifty cents a bottle. To avoid iraitatir.DS and in feefive siiKst itnte-. be -lire vou tret Ir. 1 Caldwell's Syrup l'e.-i;i. S. that a fa' -; imile of Dr. (a!'. ell - signature aii ' his portrait appear on y. How carton i in wh;c!i the bottle i, pi kej. A tnj1 j bottle, tree of charge, can be obtain ! Ibv writing to Dr. IV. B. Caldwell 4" 5 i Washington vt . Montieello. Illinois. 1 PlXTILfE Internal cleanliness ' PI 1 P Ilicr3t-aUtonaltfa- Toleip ' 8a tic system fl-""- of Ccmstipatioa k ' M P P5LLS Carter's IitdsIAVer Pills. g tMataji' Genuine bearsSfgnatvrs M Lmmw onares o i fi oa n n .pi k at AS Lents rer omm f n i rre-omarazaooe Dtocj Subscription Books Will Open October 30th, 1916 Wire Your Reservations, As Oversubscription Is a Certainty Owns Sixty-two Mining Claims, About Twelve Hundred Acres of Mineral Land Located In the Verde (Jerome) Mining District, Arizona THE VERDE COPPER DEVELOPMENT CO.'S GROUND LOCATED ONE MILE NORTH OF THE ARKANSAS & ARIZONA MINE, AND COVERS BOTH THE UPPER AND LOWER CONTACTS OF THE BIG FAULT ON WHICH ARE LOCATED THE UNITED VERDE MINE, AND THE UNITED VERDE EXTEN SION MINE. THE VERDE COPPER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IS NOW OFFERING 200,000 SHARES OF PRE-ORGANIZATION STOCK AT 20 CENTS PER SHARE. THE COMPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PRO-RATE ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS, AND TO RETURN ALL OVER SUBSCRIPTIONS. WIRE YOUR RES ERVATIONS. MAKE ALL REMITTANCES PAYABLE TO THE VERDE COPPER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY and mail to H. W. LEWIS, Trustee, Manager Bank of Arizona, Jerome, Arizona. TO ASSURE THE DELIVERY OF A BLOCK OF THIS STOCK PROSPECTIVE BUYERS SHOULD WIRE THEIR ORDERS FOR SAME, AS BOOKS WILL BE CLOSED AS SOON AS THIS 200,000 SHARES IS SUBSCRIBED. WHEN TREASURY STOCK OF THE COMPANY IS PLACED ON THE MARKET IT WILL BE AT A MUCH HIGHER PRICE. THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORATE WALTER C MILLER, Jerome, Ariz. E. W. CARROLL, Jerome, Ariz." T. C. ROBERTS, Jerome, Ariz. S. F. DENISON, Jerome, Ariz. IS A GUARANTEE THAT THE VERDE COPPER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IS A CONSERVATIVE, SUBSTANTIAL ORGANIZATION. Wire J. E. LEEPER, Jerome, Arizona, For Your Reservations