Veterans Resent Demand That They Serve Under
American Officers Who Have Never Been
Under Fire Prefer To Remain
Under the French Flag.
By FRED B. riTXEl.
Th.s is the last of a series of articles o n condition Id Frjnc by Fred B. Plt
t v , the New York Tribune correspond nt, who turn Just returned from that coun
f. He was In France when the war star td. has ben sendinc war dispatches to
ih.a paper rvr since, and Is abole to rep rt many facts hitherto unpublished by
mail or abl.
THERE ha been great objection
among the members of the
merican aviation squadron
ith the Trench army known as th
J-afa; ette escadriile, to changing
from the French to the American ser-
.ce on account of the treatment they
f long received from the American
mernment. which was continued in
T hat v. as to the aviators an even
: nrc objectionable form after Amer
ica. mtrened in the war.
It was a difficult thing to persuade
i American aviators that they
,Lht to fly for this country. As re-
r- as the middle of June a ma-
- ty of the members of the Eafay
fttp escadriile were against changing
thtir uniforms, and they demanded
considerable concessions before the
American army could get them.
i p to the moment this country
went into the war there was only
ne member of the Lafayette esca
driile who was officially recognized
at te American embassy at Paris as
i wng a living human being. This was
L,"jt. William Thaw, who owed the
fact that he was officially known to
net to his brother, Benjamin Thaw,
an under secretary at the embassy.
Lieut Thaw could drive up openly to
:he embassy In his automobile and go
in and out without fear. Some of the
other fliers could visit their friends
n ti e embassy men who were will
nET to take a chance but officially
me hari no existence.
Coldly Received at Embassy.
Thf same thing was true of all
Americans in service In any branch
of the French armies. Foreign
legionnaires used to be hugely disap
pointed on going to the embassy with
i lie idea that they were going to get J
touri with their own country, only
' find themselves received in the
coldest possible manner and be told
w.ai America had no interest in them
a id did not recognize their existence,
I'ngencies of the diplomatic situa
tion were the official reason for the
treatment, but that was no salve to
the feelings of the outcasts.
There was great bitterness among
all the Americans in the French
armies, and this was more true of the
aviators than of any other branch of:
the service. When America went Intoj
:he war and the question of taking1
o er the Lafayette eecadrille was
rrooted. the large majority of the
aviators were forcible In their decla
rations that they would never fly
under the American flag. j
At the embassy, of course, they at
once became once more living per-1
sons. One heard of "our brave filers'
their names were looked op so that
they could be spoken of in familiar
terms. It was "our boys at the
Huge Joke tm the Ameriennt.
All this was a huge joke to the
aviators, as was secretary Lansing's
message to the escadriile. sent soon
after the American intervention.
"Fine lot of bunk, the aviators
said. "We have been dead for two
years and a half, and now we sudden
ly become heroes. Great stuff!"
Then came the proposition for them
to go into American uniforms and fly
under the American flag.
"This, said the aviators, "is a very
cheap way for America to acquire
glory and efficiency at the expense of
the French government. France has
spent just about J 1.000.000 in teach
ing us to flv and suDPlvina- us with
machines to fly in. We have been fly
ing at the front: we have made a cer
tain record for ability, energy and efficient-v.
readiness and even anxiety
to fight, and now America, which has
refused for more than two years to
recognize us. would take all this over
from trance ior noming. we are
French soldiers and we will remain
A small detention from the esea
drills went to the embassy, however.
to una out on .flat terms tney were
to be taken into the American ser
vice. "You will Ko in witgi the same rank
that yon hold in the French armj,"
they were told.
Only one of the Americans. Lieut.
Thaw, held ' a commission in the
French army. The other American
aviators were sergeants and corporals.
Lofbery Under a Fledsllnir
"This means." said th svtetnn
"that such a man as Lofbery. the only
American 'see,' a man who has
brought down ten Germans, will have
to go into the American service as a
noncom and be under the command
of a fledgling; who has never seen a
battlefield, much less flown over the
lines, or been in a fight in the air.
"Is that what you call a square
deal?" they asked.
America was inflexible. They must
enter the American service m-;th their
rank in the French army.
"Don't you take into account our
experience?" the aviators asked. "Do
yon think that men who have done
their flying at Fort Meyer or Mineola
are competent to teach us anything?"
"If we do consent to fly under the
American flag." they said, " we must
be commissioned officers."
It could not be done, could not even i
About Two Billions To Be
Raised By Taxation;
Remainder By Bonds.
Washington, D. C. July !8. Con
gress today faced the task of raising
17,000.000,000 additional revenue need
ed to run the government during the
coming jear. This enormous sum Is
called for in estimates furnished by
secretary McAdoo. putting the coat of
the war for the year at $10,735,807,000.
exclusive of loans to the allies.
Should extension of credit to the
allies be continued at the rate now
prevailing. 14,500.000,000 of new reve
nue would be required, bringing the
CTand total of war expenditures for
the ear up to more than S15.000,-
K,W,e,Wl Br Taxallun.
It seemed to be generally agreed
today that of the total of 57.000,000.
000. about 12,000,000,000 wonld be
raised by taxation and the balance by
issuance of bonds and treasury cer
tificates ox inneoieaness.
The senate finance committee to
day continued work toward revising
the war tax bill in the light of the
new estimates. It is expected that
the bill, which now totals about $1.
C70.70,0e will be raised about .
000.000 chiefly through the imposition
in increases excess profits and possi
bly tobacco taxes.
Hnl.e $3,000,000,000 lly Bonds.
This would leave a balance of about
$5,000,000,000 of the new expenses to
ue raisea Dy Donas, not including tne
additional $2,000,000,000 in bonds
proposed by secretary McAdoo for
iurtner loans to the allies.
There is much sentiment in the sen
ate finance committee to have the
new bonds in serial form at four per
cent interest.
be considered. They must be "non-
coms in tne American army, bo tney
said unanimously that they would re
main in the French army.
Another thing they wanted to know
about was what machines they would
use under the American flag. Having
had experience in the air. they would
not consent to go up to ngnt jn a ma
chine that would make only 80 milei
an hour, while the Germans would be
in machines that would go nearly
twice as fast. The best information
they could get was that they would
have to use American machines and
they were unanimous In their con
demnation of American machines.
To Solve the Problem.
"There are two ways to solve the
American airplane problem." an offi
cial of the ministry of munitions said
to me. "Your trouble is chiefly with
your engines. You don't make an en
gine that will do the work and stand
the strain. If it will do the work, it
can't stand the strain. If it will stand
the strain, it can't do the work.
"The best solution is either to send
American mechanics to France to
work in the French airplane factories
and help ns turn out our machines
mora rapidly, or to send French ex-
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BRING "YOUR FORD TO US for an overhauling, if you
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Thank You I
German Socialist says Must
Restore Belgium and
Occupied France,
Copenhagen. Denmark, July !8.
Philip Scheidemann, Socialist mem
ber of the reichstag. jesterday gave
the views of the Socialists on their
participation in the government. Herr
Scheidemann said if a parliamentary
government was formed with a pro
gram the Socialists mould approve
they must participate and share the
responsibility. If, however, members
of the reichstag were only to become
subordinates to under secretaries and
chancelories, they would not accept
the invitation to participate.
Want I'eaee With Kmnla.
Herr Scheidemann said it was nec
essary to defend Germany against
Russia as long as it was an enemy,
but the Socialists did not desire to
see the fruit of the revolution de
stroyed. He sets hopes for a speedy peace
upon the Russian Socialists, but not
the Maximalists, who transformed
brother strife into brother murder
and involved the country and army
in deep trouble. This should serve as
a warning to the German oScialists
not to follow dangerous advice from
abroad to work for a revolution
amidst war.
Would Reatore Belgium.
Herr Scheidemann also said that to
attain peace all sides must hold fast
to the program of the soldiers and
workmen's delegates and the German
reichstag. uninfluenced by a momen
tary military situation. He warned
against a new attempt to offer Rus
sia separate eeace and declared that
announcement should be made that
Germany has no desire for conquest
on any side and that Belgian inde
pendence would be guaranteed, as
well as the integrity of France.
perts to America to teach you to make
engines. I think the best way would
be to send the French experts to
America, because you have the oppor
tunity to establish so many new air
plane factories there, and the produc
tion could be so much more largely
increased, if you could make a satis
factory machine in America."
Kefae to Fly for America.
But th. net result was that the
American aviators in France would
not fly under the American flag. Many
stories were sent out from Paris that
the members of the Lafayette esca
driile were in American uniform, that
thev were flying under the American
flag, that they had the American flag
painted on the sides of their ma
chines. Little Genet, a splendid boy,
was said to be the first ore killed un
der the Stars and Stripe.
The stories were mistaken. Genet
died in the French uniform and in the
French service. The Lafayette esca
driile continued to fly under the
French flag and its membere were
French soldiers. The two problems
of the machine and commissions had
to be solved, and the members of the
Lafayette escadriile were practically
a unit that they would only go into
the American army as commissioned
"France can turn the escadriile over
to the use of the American army."
they said, "but we will remain French
soldiers, flying under the French flag,
loaned to America. We will not be
ofrced into the American uniform.
For two years America refused to
recognize our existence. We were told
that we had forfeited our citizenship
by enlisting in the French army and
we cannot be driven into the Ameri
can army now on the plea that we are
American citizens." Copyright. 1917,
The Tribune Association.
"Warning Issued To Be Pre
pared For Decrease; Po
tatoes May be Dried.
Washington. D. r . July 28. Warn
'ig that this year's po'sto crop mictat
not reach the 4i-'.0'i0.000 bushel lec
ord production forecast for it. be
cause of poor seed, scanty fertilizing,
high prices and possibility of diseased
plants, was issued today by Lou D.
Sweet, the Colorado potato expert,
connected ith the food administra
tion. Municipal storage in cities and
towns is urged by Mr. Sweet to en
able producers to sell at a figure Just
to themselves and to enable the buy
er, particularly the poor buyer, to
buy as he needs, "without paying
tribute to speculators or middlemen
who control a certain amount of
storage space."
Would Sell hy I'ouml.
Careful grading and precautions to
prevent rot are urged and a reform
in selling methods advocated by
which buyers can purchase potatoes
by the pound instead of by measure.
"It is highly possible." said Sweet,
"that the food admlnits ration will
attempt to get around the problem
of transportation for the crop by call
ing into use the established European
practice of drying potatoes, prying
reduces the potato to one-fifth its
original balk, causes It to lose none
of its food value, saves storage space.
reduces the tax on transportation ta
cilities and the potatoes keep well
nigh indefinitely in common storage."
Paris, France. July 28. David Lloyd j
George, the British premier, yester- ,
day said that Great Britain now had .
between S.OoO.OOO and 5.50n,000 sol- ,
diers enroled, not counting 400.000 to
450,000 belonging to the navy, or
nearly l.OCO.000 men from the do
minions and colonies.
Great Britain had placed at the
disposition of her allies, he added
from 1.500.000 to 2.000.000 tons of
merchant ships. Next year's building
nroerrani for merchant ships, which
already nas oegun. amounts to
000 tons or twice as much as in a
good year during peace times. Al
luding to the campaign against sub
marines Mr. Lloyd George said:
"The diminution In shipping losse3
is Ineontestible. It is Impossible to
abandon the subject without paying
homage to the aid given by the Ame-i
can navy, both regarding the organi
zation of convoys and by torpedo boat
destroyers, which have rendered an
invaluable service."
NEXT week we will devote special at
tention to demonstrating "Pyrex"
Oven Ware. This is the greatest advance
that has been made in cooking utensils. We
will be glad to explain the many advan
tages of this ware and show you the splen
did assortment we carry.
See Special Window Display of
"Pyrex" Cooking Ware
There is a Dish for every kitchen requirement and the cost is so little you can
easily afford "Pyrex." This is a glass composition ware and will not dent,
break or bend under ordinary use. If you prefer you can serve the cooked food
in the "Pyrex" dish. We offer a gift set in "Pyrex" Oven Ware that any
woman will appreciate. It consists of 1 1 pieces as follows:
One 11-2 Quart Casserole, One No. 322 Au Gralin Dish, One No. 2 1 2 Bread
Pan, One No. 202 8-in. Pie Plate, One No. 301 Shirred Egg Dish, Six No.
432 Ramekins
It is packed in an especially attractive box
and the price is
I Chicago, I1L. July C. British and
Americans joined today in the pa
triotic day of the Knights of Pythias.
Federal and state troops as well as
the Canadian Highlanders and the
Kilties' band and bagpipers helped In
the celebration of the day.
Speeches were delivered by army
! and navy men during the afternoon,
i and in the evening senator James
' Hamilton Leais. governor Goodrich
i of Indiana, and John J. Brown, au
I preme chancelor of the Pythian or
der, will speak. A band concert was
! a feature of the afternoon and Ruth
j Law flew over the meeting place.
I dropping paper "bombs" appealing
for recruits.
Tucson, Ariz, Juy IS. That every
eligible in Pima county will be needed
tu make un the couutv'a draft n:ota
of 2i, and it will not be filled even 1
then, owing to the large percentage
of aliens and registrants who have
had tuberculosis wa? the statement
of counciman W. Sulhnger to lhe city j
council lari nignt.
The statement was based on an
analysis of Pima county draft figures
made by the exemption board. Forty
percent of those registered are aliens.
The council discussed th. advisability
ot taking up with the governor the
matter of a fair apportionment.
Londc.i. Eng. July i8. The state- ,
ment by Mrs. Parker, sister of lord ,
Kitchener, that she believes her
brother t' be alive and did not go
down with the cruiser Hampshire,
has revived a rumor which has re-1
curred in England during the past j
year. Asked by an Interviewer yes- i
terday on what grounds she based her
belief Mrs. Parker replied: I
"I cannot tell you on what grounds j
I believe It: in fact. I do not want to
go into any details whatever."
The original rumor was that a let
ter had been receives xrom a tsriusn i
prisoner in Germany saying that lord
Kitchener was a prisoner there. The
letter was never traced and the ru
mor was considered a canard. j
Washington. D. C, July J. Twen
ty experienced truck drivers. 20 help
ers and 10 expert mechanics are need-
ed immediately by the American Red ;
Cross for service In France, accord- '
lng to cable advices today to the Red
Cross war council. The mechanical
squad will include master carpenters, i
body builders, painters, machinists ;
and electricians.
The men will operate and keep in
repair a number of two ton auto
trucks used in transporting Red
Cross supplies from seaports to des
tinations In the interior. Volunteers
beyond military age are desired. All
expenses will be paid, but the men
will be expected to work without
The Italian war department employ? ;
nearly 73,040 women, many of whom arc
encaged In dlgsing trenches. j
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See the special window display of WARNER LENZ. Equip your car
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El Paio,
San Francisco. Calif. July S8. The 1
third party of German diplomats and I
their families to arrive from the
Orient on the way to Berlin were
here today.
The group consisted of 31 persons, i
headed by consul J. Merklinghaus. of
Changha. All of the consuls have .
been attached to the German diplo
matic service in China for the last i
five years and have not been awav
from their posts in that time. T'niKd
States secret service officials will ac
company them to New York.
Horsford's Aefd Phosphate
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