Newspaper Page Text
H' vlE EDITION TODAY'S PRICES Mexican bank notes, state bills, 818 Pesos 53 Mex. gold 53 Madonales 19 Bar silver, H. and H quotation, 781-8 Copper $2930 Grains lower L:-ei:ock steady Stocks linn. WEATHER FORECAST LI Paso and West Texas, generally tair. Tic v Mexico. local showers; Arizona, local showers. T-Al EST NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. EL PAN. TEXAS. MONDAY EVENING. JULY 30. I917. 12 PAGES TODAY 5IN-GI.E COPT FIVE CENTS. DELIVERED A.NYWHEF.E C A MONTH. EL PASO c ME U-BOAT BLOWS nfllrrF nlinurn nflmiio, DLflunLu; Inbound American Steamer Smashes Into Transport Awaiting Sailing Orders; Panama Keeps Breach Plugged With Own Nose Until All On Board Are Taken Off in Tugs and Other Craft. AN ATLANTIC PORT, July 30. An American transport, the Saratoga, at anchor, awaking sailing orders, was rammed by an in bound American steamship, the Panama, here today. The ship Beaded toward the beach in a sinking condition. Meanwhile those on board were safely taken off in lifeboats or by j tugs and other craft in the harbor which responded to distress signals. So i far as is known no one was injured. I A deep hole in the transport's port quarter extending from below the vater line to the rail resulted from the collision. The captain of the Panama held the bow of his ship tight against the transport, effectually blocking the wound until all on board were taken off. Later the Saratoga was beached. FEEDING TRENGHIRU i i GHTERS RISKY Task of Getting Supplies To Fighting Line is Reduced To Science. T emnd the British Lanes in Fiariee. 50. What makes an indelible Tigress-ion on the newcomer to th i tile-front is the tremendous ton back of the actual fighting i the miles of roadas aottej w :, traneport of war food for men end horses, she lis for the guns, am rruritiou for rifles and machine gtina wo.m2edT Tne final and most interesting link this ast organisation is the opera - o-i of getting the food right up to i e in the trenches. It usually :ak3 place under cover ef darkness .in the enemy is unable to impede : t v-oj-T'ss as efficiently as with the .. ,i of da light. Night alter night - goes on. After one recovers from .---p 'ses at the quietness with which dor.f he is bound to marvel at the ' ocKike precision of the whole per !."! all of which testifies to the , . , organisation necessary in , r like this. Tr- first Intimation that the trans-1 is preparing to move out toward front line is a Ciatleung 01 norm .-es on the cobbles of a french farm d Then voices call out orders. .. f r crts are filled; horses are har- . .1 to the wagons and a few min- . s '..tu r the whole column is stand k :eadj. Mlent. the transport men . :;,ud, tne quartermaster, trans- rt officer and a sergeant on foot. i.otner mutant a whistle sounds. c ip a cracking of wnip. tnen an cl.iittr on the cobblestones and .. -jmlile of heavily laden wagons i nhnle column moves out to- , , j First "he Star Mien. 'e? r.iles ahead the first star this morning, the Canadian front was - eh'ot up .and little sudden advanced in tbe region east of Reser--. of flame come from the ene- voir Hill Into the Cite du Moulin, the - iruT.s theu there is soft burst of only suburb lying between Reservoir ii r.-l lollowed by the deep boom Hill and Lena ' 'lie h"av guns. The losses of the Canadians were oad :s narrow but wide inconsiderable and the advance gives ' the umbers 01 otner rt-gi-; .., .hers ambulances, army lorries laden with tools hTr.res. Arrierlies on bio - t ounded men to pass on v. i lunner uac ui , utix. i roi .i K-ord is heard as the two, -t is each other along this jGRMAKS STRp BELGIAN i t ium -coins in" ith the, FENCES OF BARBED WIRE up Closer 10 iiiicsj fhill!, and boom of the big ooine more distinct. Sud- n column, halts sneus nave ---i ;:i the- road or on either side of a - way ahead. When this c - prohabty for only a few mln .f i r word is given to move on p Tn column continues to crawl o - -i'i-il it reaches a battered old - l.estrie the road and within .-r-eS throa- of the support . p -i . Here are left the supplies n up by this column. Food Detiiered. T e ret sight is a stream of men pick- and shovels and ammu T : on; a sergeant to see that the ra i r-s fjr the different companies are d in diffe-ent piles: a post cor i iral hurrjms hither and thither in eec-ch o U company's letters, which ; .e .een mislaid: and the transport cer nd quartermaster supervising . r.i controhng everything alwaye in -7 ot impenetrable darkness, save w 1 a tar shell lights up the white I - the svtating horses aud the T'i transport offieer gives the t. d ?n,l th empti wagous Jolt out to the road again to Join in the th t flows back towards bil . a:nl --leep. (Correspondence of P i Herald Is In High Faoor At Gibson Gibson. X. 1L. July 23. n 1 ' ri Paso Herald: 1 t.e Herald is favored so much h"- e that I am eager to subscribe to it. l'lease send it to me at o-ce Mrs. Florence Sibilio. A WANTS S. TROOPS Geil. SayS 100,000 Amer- j icans Would Be Nucleus for Million Russians. San Francisco, Calif., July 0. The presence of American troops on the eastern front would be fatal to Ger many, according to Gen. Michael Tas sukovich. chief of the Russian mili tary commission who was here todaj. It America send 100.6 men to Russia, she will furnish an army that will be the nucleus of . .Russian axmy ST l.llMM 1HCM 'Watt may be grouped with fatal results for Ger many." declared den. Tassukovich. There is no doubt that splendid Rus sian armies of l.tfrP.OM men each, or ganized, stiffened and encouraged by the presence of your troops, tan be built up on the foundation of each 1,0 Americans sent to our front." Captive French Forced Tc O Salute Dummy Officer 'loophole for misinterpretation. , .' Wee't Take German Sol July S. The j. -oeenond-n- ot a Stockholm Slr wsTSm tte Germaf I m Prance of the treatment meted out to "disrespectful Frenchmen who did 1-- ..I., - ntfsil frAnhmAn At A I (not know the correct missian metnoa j They were oroognt into a large 1 room and compelled for two boars at a stretch to pass and repass a German officers started uniform, sainttng each time they passed it and saying respectfully : "Bon jour, monsieur rofficier." j A sentinel with fixed bayonet stood jnear to see that the salutations were properly made. CANADIANS MAKE GAIN IN VICINITY OF LENS Canadian Headquarters in France. Ju,. j0By a minor operation early tnem possession ot a stretch or difii ser-icult country extending about IS yards north and south with a deDth leasterW from our former front tf over 4V9 yards. (By Canadian Press, j Amsterdam. Netherlands. July 39. The Germans are requisitioning wire, and particularlv barbed-wire.ill over Belgium, according t" the latest ne-vs from the frontier. The retention of only one wire is allowed, to mark off the oivision ot the fields. They are likewise breaking ud more and more car tracks and lij-ht railroad?, cyrrj- ing off the rails and sleeperf. as well as cars and locomotive. ITALIANS TAKE PRISONERS ON TRENTINO FRONT Rome. Italy. July SO. "Minor fight ing resulted in our favor on the Tren- ttno iront ana we iook some prison ers, on the Julian rront mere was considerable aerial activity. An enemy machine was brought down." the war department announced today. GERMAN DEFENSIVE FIRE TOO STRONG FOR ENEMY Berlin. Germany. July 20. The naralYxinsr defensive of the Germans, says tbe official statement issued to day iy me uerman war aepanmeai, had an influence on the entente artil lery In Flanders, which yesterday did not attain the strength maintained on previous days. DARK DAYS ARE COMIXG FOR l'EOI'I.B OP HKHU.V CoDenhaaen. Denmark. Julr 3. Dark days literally are coming for Berlin. An order has oeen issueo re strict lag the lighting of atores. hotels, restaurants and cafes. The order is due to the admittedly Inevitable coal shorts r and transpor tation difficulties of the coming winter. RUMANIANS ROUT ENEMY, CAPTURING SIX TOWNS ON AN 18 MILE FRONT SDi N. IZns . July A Ku- I i niaiuan communication dated last ' Thursday, has been received x here It announces the capture of l Teutonic allied positions on a front of more than 18 miles and to a depth of more than nine miles and also the taking of additional prisoners, guns and munition?. "On the 27th. between the vallejs of Casin and Putna, we again advanced and occupied the villages of Soveia, Pragoslav. Negrileati, Topesti. Valea sares and Colacul." the Rumanian war office announced today. Ieertera Killed Br Wholesale. The correspondent of The Times at Itussian southwest headquarters (Ga lician front) says Gen. Kormloff is executing- deserters by wholesale. Premier Kerensky is on his way to headquarters of the southwest to con fer with various commanders regard ing restoration of discipline among disaffected command I-atest dis patches indicate Russian troop no-th ALLIES SPORN FOE ASSERTIONS Papers Declare Michaelis and Czernin Wrong in Ideas of Conauest. j London, Eng., July 30. Statements J by Dr. Micnaelis, German imperial chancelor, and count Czernln. the j Austro-Hungarian foreign minister, i which are regarded here as obviously made in collusion, dominate the news columns of the morning papers. They are generally treated editorially as a of reference to the future of Belgium and Servia is considered to exclade all credence in the desire for peace by understanding. A ustro-German peace talk, unless accompanied by aa under taking to evacuate and restore con quered territories, is declared merely, to be aimed at delaying America's1 preparations for war. Wan In AVar Aim Annouured. ' Herr Micbaelis's accusations against France are dismissed by some com mentators as best left for refutation by French allies. The Daily New, however, lmrtats that a. statement of war aims to, be-- formulated at -Je coming conference of allies must con stittfte an explicit disapproval ef all thought of conquest for conquest's sake. The paper denounced the "ig norance or the folly of Sir Edward Carson's threat to drive Germany be hind the Rhine, which it save, has given herr MichaeJis a weapon which he was swift to use. "It is in the poer of tbe allies to render the weapon innocuous, even turning it agafnst himself, but the re- nnillalinn lu i-ho rrra tnnct An quickly and in a form leaving no ine fnronicte proclaims lis Deuet ht it would be unwise for the allies ? uepve rmany iibm r- "t' OWL Jl pUIUUI UUL lUAl IUC chancelor talks of Vast territorial modifications, he mentions only the Soar valley and it suggests that France may be aiming to restore the old German frontier of Lorraine. . - . i . . . on Con Make Kxeeptlonal claim. ! f - 'both these restaurants were exclu- lf France desired mis for strategic Included rsrt ef (.erm.ny. jsively patronized is taken to indicate reasons, the Chronicle would not say "This treaty assured to France herithat no discriminations will be per sbe necessarily had the right, but it I frontiers, but amended on lines ofjmitted In the enforcement of the fool would be an exceedingly small affair. not comparable for an Instant to Ger irany's seizure of two large provinces in 1S71. It must be remembered, too, that after losing some millions in killed and wounded in a war forced upon her and wherein she has borne the brunt of battle for liberty throughout Europe. France has the right to make exceptional claims for her futjire security such as Germany had not in 1S71 and no other state unless Belgium would have toda. Germany to Keep IlelRlunt. Copenhagen, Denmark, July 29. The Berlin L-okal Anzeiger. comment ing on tie recent proceedings in the Britisn nouse 01 commons says -Mr. Asqulth inquiry as to wheth-, w, ..m reaav tn r.inr. ! er we were ready to restore Belgium's full freedom can only se meant as a rhetorical question for Mr. Asquithi must know that, aside from a handful of dreamers, nobody thinks of hand ing Belgium again to Engiana and ; France." The Catholic organ, the Cologne V'olks Zeitung. attempts to prove that ' the retention of Belgium and annt-xa-, tion of regions In tbe east are indit- -pensable to that protection of the . German frontiers which chancelor, Michaelis specified. Serial I tt In OttPttM tion. The Tages Zeitung adopts this, con-i ten tion enthusiastically. ,Som of the radical Socialists, on the other hand. seek to give the Impression that the go eminent is so bound by the reich-t stag resolution that the entente allicv hate only to propose peace without ' annexation or indemnities to obtain it., Says Allies Deilre Conquest. Berlin. German j, July 30. Pr. Georg Michaelis, the German imperial chancelor. on Saturday summoned a . large number of news paper mm to whom he declared: "The speech of David Lloyd Geo Ke. tbe British premier. Queen's h .it. London, and the recent debate in tlie British house of commons again hue proved with indisputable clearness that great Britain does not desire' peace by agreement and understand-1 ing. but only a conclusion of th1 war' wbUh ivans the enslavement of Ger-' many to the arbitrary iolence of our. enemies. I "Proof of this may -e seen in the 1 fact that Sir Edward Carson (member! of the British war cabinet t recent I declared in Dublin that negotiations , with Germany could begin only after tbe retirement of German troops be-. yond the Rhine. ay Germany Mum I.taenntr. "In response to a question put b t commoner Joseph King, A. BonarJ Law. the spokesman of the British government in he house of commons ' modified 9hls declaration by fixing -the standpoint of the British govern-1 UP and south of tl.e (ialician area hae been compelled to modify the r lines to conform to the Teutonic advance and that at the pmt where the deep est dent has been made fn the Russian lines, Russian troops have been forced back to Russian soil. I.fRlnr I Mlle. Petrograd. Russia. Jul 30. Niko lai Lenine, peace agitator and alleged German spy. has disappeared from his usual haunts in Petrograd and his whereabouts is not known to the government authorities. The stories published in the United States that Lenine had been seized by the police at Oxarki. Finland, on July 24 and that later he had escaped dur ing a battle between government agents and anarchists at Tornea. Fin land, are said by the officials to be untrue. May Ke In Sfnekhelm. A vague story was current in Petro grad July 2 that th- suspected Teu ton agent had fled from the capital to Kronstadt. that hf- had been smug gled through r.nlaiifl to Stockholm .did alrt ady h?tl re -mpiI ;-rmany 101 NATIONAL GOARD UNITS ARE ORDERED TO DEMING One Company From Each part Immediately For the Training Camp To Make Preparations For Remainder; Troops From Other States Will Soon Be on the Way. ES MuINES, la.. July C". One company from each unit of the owa national guard will de part "immediately" for tbe training camp at Demlng, X. M.. under orders received today from the war depart ment. The remaining state troops will leave about next August 10. The presumption is that th com panies ordered to Demin? will pre pare for the coming of the remaining units in order to facilitate their es tablishment when tbey arrive. C'RmiMHe In CftMeM. A campsite for the national guard troops to be trained at r-mlnp h. s been chosen by a board of resu!.ir ment as helnc that if Germany want- ed peace sue xirst ox ausnmsx aeciare; herself willing W B5aunafc4 ecu-1 pied lerrltorw. - e - - j ed lerrltul wsk - e - - - j -Wrf pftbess dear proofs that tbe! lemy Jives assent tb a declaration ! going evert further than that impu- j S.ti.- n,.a. k. sir M.rd f. r You all know that detailed informs- conquest. Hon regarding the French plans of ' o; conspicuousness of the jus conquest, ayrroved by Great Britain ' of ur defensive war. the chan and Russ:a. has been clrcuUted for ce"r concluded, -will steel our weeks past in the neutral press and strength and determination In the fu- that it has not been denied up to the tore. present- ,,.-, ..r I-roof. Reeelved By Cerm.ny. j ' f AoftlUfAADLt, BCXLIW -It would be of the greatest im- i RESTAURANTS ARE CLOSED portance for the enlightenment of the I ti . u:.. whole world regarding the true rea-l trlin. Germany. July Hitlers sons for the continuation of the san- and Dressel's restaurants, two fash guinary massacre of nations for it to : lonable Unter den Linden establish- be known that written proofs of our, enemies green ior conquest navel since fallen into our hands. I refer to reports of the secret debate on June , 2 in the French chamber of deputies, i -Is it trne or not that the French I nremier at the Instance of Gen. I Rerthelot. head of the French mill-1 iiiJTJ'SP" i,hmA,Ir:5iPrt" l purchasing supplies and of , ,iarv mission i entrusted him with previous 'wars the conquest of 1870 to t include Dsiaes .isace-irrainr. i Saarbruecken and vart territorial! modifications on the left bank of the "As desired bv France hen M. Teresehenko ithe Russian foreign minister) took office, the Russian government protested against the French aim of conquest, which also included that of Syria, and declared that new Russia no longer mould be willing to take part in the struggle if it learned of these French sar aims. sys l'rsoee Csfi't leny. -Wasn't it the principal obiect of Albert Thomas ipremier of the French council! on his Journey to Rus- i ' GEN. ROOP 0:a. Vlrdimir Roc; an., p.:.; l-in.. wMiiian-ii.ii.iiiiiiimiia iiiMaaaapwjiiiiiiiMMMMiM , 4Smm jStti Jkta BRITISH B1 IIKI.IN, I'ermany. July :." ilei- man troops are advancing throueh the Suehawa valley in the Austrian province of Bukowina towards the town of Seletyn. It was anounced officially today by the Ger man general staff. They have pushed forward to east of the upper Mol davia valley. The statement says the Kussians are holding the heights to the east of the river Zbroez on the Russian fron tier which has been crossed by the Teutons at several points. Despite the resistance of the Rus sians between the " OneiMer and Pruth rivers, the German statement says that the Teuton forces pressed back the Russians to a point south west of Zaleshchyki. No official confirmation of this re port could he obtained. Another rumor current eterday was that Lenine a operating in Stockholm. Eegiment is Ordered To De army officers and varied preparations are being made for the reception of the more than 30.000 officers and men who will constitute the division to be stationed there. The announcement shows that all the Iowa troops will leave for the border about five days after August the date on which they formally enter the federal service. Seme (luarter AinHaMr. Quarters left by three Arkansas and one Wyoming regiment, stationed at Dentins at the time of the border raobili ration during the Mexican crisis. S?-etpaVTort'See!?opar,,ab,e j Troops under orders to take station at Deming include the national guard of Towa. Nebraska. North 'Dakota.' sia to overcome this remorse of M. xerescaenao tne rreiiea Krn. ment will sat be able to deny all uis." uis." , - - - - Drr. PS& ?5.,,t manlfeet that Otemaar enemies responsible for the tiralongatlon of the was and were "actuated by lust of ,nl r and the proprietors sent to Jail on the cbante of violating the food ordi-i ,. n,"c's- . tne restaurant owners are accuseu of navinr In exro-of the maximu-n ' serving ravorea patrons wno were without food cards. The fact that ! regulations. eiv- u- mznsm SAVH , IKE I'EACK London. Eng.. July 3. .iccoraing j to a Renter dispatch from Zurich. Math ias Krzberger. one of the lead ers of the clerical center in the Ger man reichstag. who has just arrived there, declared to the Zuricher Na ehrichten: -If I could talk aith Lloyd Georae (the British premier), or I Mr Ralfonr rib. Kritiah foralen wr. t retary . we could in a few hours reach 'an understanding which would enable official peace negotiations to mm- incnc-.- AND PARTY ;c:i or I.; re. nt Butte dam by WILSON FIGHTS CONTROL BILL CHANGES Says Committee on Conduct Of War Would Be Re flection on Himself. JUST ONEFOOD ADMINISTRATOR May Veto Bill as Amendedl In the Senate, He Mattes Committeemen Belieoe. ASH1.VGTOX. D. C, July C" President Wilson today de- ( clared again his opposition bmtaefenc.rod.r8nf;rli an administrative board of three in- I ' a congressional committee on expen- ' ! ditures in the conduct of the war. j I A Reflection On Illmseir. The president's position was made clear today to senator Chamberlain, i one of the conferees on the bill. The president considers the committee on f I conduct of the war a reflection on himself and insists that there can be' I no question of the greater value of ' lull HluiklUUUI iuua Ui!lMliaiI AUVIt ; over an administrative board of three. MlRht Veto Mraaurr. Senator Chamberlain left the whit house convinced that unless the con ferees eleimlnate those provisions. the bill must en hsnk tn th senate and house for further action. The i possibility that the president might veto the measure if they were left in it. was widely discussed in congress. Tb Jmuolh Out IHffrrrnrex. After a conference arranged at tbe white house between the president and senator Chamberlain and repre sentative Lever, representing the con ferees, the committee planned to meet again la an effort to smooth out the only remaining point of difference between the two houses. UNITED STATES WILL FIGHT 11KT1I AUTfVrD irv CAI I C UPilIL. AU 1 ISIKAI. I rALLO raAn rx,r.,. , t..t- . In an address- delivered here last night, secretary of state Lansing de clared the fnited States will fight Germany usUI jtnnin jHTw""r overthrown: anffn the wefrda ot the president, "the world is' safe for de mocracy." The secretary ef state denounced the evil character of the German gov ernment which caused that govern ment to promise to refrain froui ruth less sea warfare, a pledge which was ' never meant to be kept, but was made j only that Germany might gain time for the construction of the submarines , which it had lacked to make unre- , strtcted warfare efficient. j The secretary of state also said that ! Germany's plot to prooke warfare ' between the I'nited States and Mex-1 leo was proof of Germany's malev- olence toward the United States. j TRADE COMMISSION PROBFS nor ancTllcrc DDnntirrinL'l BREADSTUFFS PR0DUCT10 . m nnsainsion, v. .. jury r for. ln.vrs.ia!lon tn Production completed Tat a ! confirmee tlay of, leuerai iraae commission oiiicisis. , department of agriculture experts and renresentatires of the food ad- ministration. The investigation sill be a part of the trade commission's general in quiry Into food prices. Wheat and breadstuff s will constitute one of .its main diviaions. ,,.. - , t n j violation and uneconomic method s-in the man ufacture and sale of flour and bread. XAVV OKIHHIS 5.1MJM POLNR-S P CAXE1 PEAS Washington, D. C July The navy department has ordered i.l -,MK pounds of canned peas to be delivered as needed at tentative prices of $1.15 to ll.of a dozen can?, with all orders subject to revision so that prices may be based on cot plus a reasonable profit. The contracts are distributed T nnnv firn AT THE DAM AeUman A I..rmn. raoto. squad of New Mexico Buhtiamea. CRUISE EXPLOSION OFTQRPEDO TERRIFIC? CAUSING ALL GREW CASUALTIES Complement of 677 Officers and Men; Ship Was Well Rlmiinnorl TA7ifrl Runs 3r1 Tvrnprln TnTviC ThnncrVi She Was Not of Modern Type; Official An nouncement Fails To Give Details. LONDON. Eng.. July 30. The British eruiter Ariadne, of II. 000 torn, has been torpedoed and sunk, according to an official statement issued today by the British admiralty. Thirty-eight members of the Ariadne's crew were killed by the ex plosion. All others on board were saved. The Ariadne was hoik in 1896. She was 450 feet long, 69 feet beam and had a maximum draft of 27 1-2 feet Her complement con sisted of 677 officers and men. The Ariadne carried 16 six-inch guns, 12 12-pooaden and a number of smaller guns. She abo was etiiupped wit" two snrNnerged 18-inch tor pedo tabes. TheWarAtAGlance tIIATEVER military de- im- A velopment may be i pending on the Belgian front, the great artillery battle there has not yet resulted in in fantry movements of impor tance. Today's British official statement is colorless, contrast -iac; storaajx with, eW-aaeaaX Ger man eaXsehU reports ed aaprece dented nearr gunfire la this Color is lent the assumption that operations on a notable scale are in prospect here, how ever, by the official accounts from London of the Intensive aerial work in progress, in which photographic observations on a large scale have been car ried out. The destruction of aircraft yesterday was heavy on both sides. 39 German machines being downed and 13 British ma chines being renorted missing The French front likewise was devoid last night of infantry ac tions aside from raiding excur sions. New Mexico Breads Out With Remarkable Series Of Freaky Accidents, banta Fe. A. M July 3 A Dog: I Can on farmer with his hand fast a plow, dragged by frightened horses ap ana oown a lie id; a Cuervo soda fountain tender with his hand frozen stilt by gas from an exploding drum: a Carlsbad man with his hand pierced to the bone by the fin of a catfish a 299 pound Socorro man falling through a tin ceilinsr tr reMllt flruiP and a San Juan Mnntr ha.lw ..;, 45 feet into a well without injury siiwaK me remaricaDie freak th r.m.rlr.Ki& 1. accident renorted bv New ,. country papers this week. A a. Able tn. reonv.r thnnh K.11.. Zll with three finaers com fmm mI hand. Frank Cunningham, the soda! 'f t. r this the ...,,.. . cterk. may hae to haTe the frosen man.ler waved to the h ,i of f hand amputated. Hhile T. Wright, the eo to the pos'tion whl -h" -,n- , catfishs Tictim. is threatened with! and se-eral other nr-p-, ,.r, , blood poi-sonint- and Nicanor Pino, thetmlntr ahout to p!c them i,. t man a ho as kno. kek.l senseless by snr.m-.rme then wen; mv on his rail throueh a ci il.nir got oft with 1 surface. revere bruises. The bab was the S; The captain ar.l the -.mi"nc- !" oia enna or nomas Line-, neari Farmington. SPANNEL APPEAL FILED IN ! CRIMINAL APPEALS COURT Austin. Tex.. July 3c An appeal nas been filed in the court of erim. ,inal appeals in the case of H. J. Span- ; nel. from Coleman county. ' Spannel aas g-l'cn a term oT fie j ears "in the penitentiary n convic tion of the killing of l.ieut. CoL M C Hutler. of the regular army, in lpine i Brewster county, on July 20 191. ine case win come up for submis sion at the (X-tober term of the court. i jesty was delighted wi:h the aoi.lie-- 'NFW TRIAT PflR MflANCV i ,v appearance of the tnca. The k i -- ' tUK "WWhY Jl.rierv addressed the men. welcon .,, URGED BY CALIF. 0FFICLU. ,htm to EnRiand. an Francisco ral,' 1..1, -i 1 Tne 'ensorshlp allooe.I nensiu" -new trial for n' ilf '0' A ,0 Prin pictures of king Geore- 5rb?iainSl : 2ZS5?ixx'ott. vr, rltVa ,ul . i.Vr y 4 a aocu'-M, , mission The favorite sui.jcct.i-. riled hi the state supreme court those showing the kin- ta kin - . , , 5ehlf no Sr"' fr0m m.?l n"h jfoon.. ,B,f his rifle an.l kit the kin.- ami ., ,c Moonej mas tried on a murder i walk i n e throueh I'-,-- of Uutis .charge, an outgrowth of a Prepared- .oMicrf and the m ir h ,.,,t V" Prosperity Bulletin VT ' are 'ry optimistic m to oumbcss .onditioiis n t ns ...uiimv W .,or ium' tim ,0 - Oui sjJes thu lar Uu year show an im-rease over pretiou. years, and we are expecting I . do a t.!l brger volume. We haTe increased our advertising approprial n tor i.. fall campaign, and tan see no reason to doubt that business ' ui i. correjiiondinjtH . MARIETTA STANLEY I . Graad Kapids aicii U-BOAT KILLS . HELPLESS CHI i Germans Fire On Men Struggling For Lives in Ssall Boats. London, Eng.. July so k were killed and several ou : the shelling by a German si. of the life boats of th- KI.I- ster steamer Addah, whirli pedoed on Jane srcor-ii- t., official version of the afft. boat was sunk by shrapnel f. -the submarine and th- "unnors sprayed with shrapnel whii' were in the water waiting fjr : other boats to pick the- up The official narratie sai ihi i submarine commander went alo'i-in one of the Addah life hoar- -i . made use of her to send some of ihr crew of the submarine '! i ; lr Addah just before the -team-r -a-When the submarine's Tew hi! 'e returned to their crafr, tie or . command of the life h at ira- dered to move awav f T.m xh -marine. By this time. the official t. the" captai ment reads, "the boat iorninar',n . Of the AddAh nhi . the shells from th .-hout ..00 or 4 yard- av.i f -the German craft. Again Fires n f aptalH. "fe sut-'nrine .uruin op,T on the captain's boat with p K'lliui: eight men and taki-i hoat'p stern off. Even "ter t ie v. had been unk and :h. men w. swimnm in the water. t'ie jum shelled tnem with shrapnel i tTie ,:rraaa thought he had fin' Vl , erer hcly who a i " he "?' 1" then ortened f:e on the orri.-er s boat. f)nr:sr -.t -hnr rormnaieiy noDonv t,n,v holing the h.. break r ioar and nounding veral m-"i "ere then . ke u taken aboard the chief o'fire So" were eventuallv pi. ked French patrol stesif.e- "Th ' the otatement .,,!,! fine .,n1 irallant record for ! ins for "the freedo'n' of ,e s . ' KING CEORCE UKI.I IIHKs I". S. TK OKI'S. TO t(.l.n London. Ens. J,:lv no K':i' i Georce. aceompanic-1 1' -luten la land princes Mary, yepte .ia went h .motor to the Borde-i vamn anil tp- ppectea ine American irimFM oii.i - ' terei at ,he ontlyln.g c.nnp Hii -a-.-