Newspaper Page Text
: TODAY'S PRICES Mexican bank notes, state bills, 819c; pesos, 69c; 1 Mexican gold, 53c; nationales, 20'4c; bar silver, H. I & H. quotation, 93Hc; copper, $2330; grains, lower; livestock, steady; stocks, higher. LATEST NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. TORM HITS TOKIO m s FOR DFFIC Third Series of Camps Will Be for Enlisted Men of the Kegular Army, National Guard and National Army, Plus 2490 Civilians Chosen From Specified Schools or Colleges, the War Department Announces. Y-r -vASHINGTON. D. C Oct. 3. A A third scries of officers train- inj camp to be opened Jan uary 5 will ran until April 5. the war department announced today, primar ily for the education of enlisted men. of the regular army, national guard and national army for commissions In addition, howeier, 2490 graduates undergraduates from 93 specified schools will be admitted. cam, will be located in each of the regular army, national guard and national army divisions. Additional camps will be located in the Philip pines. Panama and Hawaii and one at Fort Bliss an Tor- Sam Houston, Texas, and Chickamauia. Quota To Be 1.7 Percent. The quota of each regiment or smaller unit of the army to be se lected to attend the officers' schools wiil be 1.7 percent of the enlisted NATIONAL PART, S BEIN Tentative Draft of Radical Platform Is Drawn at Chicago. Chicago. I1L, Oct. 3. Chicago to day became the birthplace of a new ' national party," which is yet un earned but is to be recruited from the Prohibition. Progressive, single tax and social-democratic groups. A tentative .draft of the platform which is to be submitted to the con ferees approves universal suffrage. off national prohibition, extinction land monopoly, public ownership of coa! mines, oil welis. telegraph and telephone systems and other public utilities and the use of union labor m all government activities. The Prohibition national commit tee, in session here yesterday, voted to concentrate Its efforts in 1918 on congressional districts and to raise a campaign fund of $300,000 for that purpose. This plan is to be abandoned if amalgamation of the new "national party" is effected. CLIFTON IB TO CLOSE DIN Complete Cessation of All Activities Is Now Being Prepared For. Clifton, Ariz., Oct. 3. Preparations for a complete shutdown of the mines .n thi3 district are being made by the; Arizona Copper company, the Shannon Copper company and the Detroit Cop per company, according to an an nouncement of the companies. It will nvolre the men employed in the ra rious deaprtments ho hate been on salaries. The strike, which was expected to end October 1, is Mill in progress. The strikers claim that the reason for continuing the strike was the fact that all men on strike were not prom ised employment when work was re rumtd. On September 22 the compa nies announced their readiness to ac- vt the terms agreed to between the federal mediators and the operators. Tiie strikers were expected to resume w ork October 1 and had notified the operators, through the grievance com mittees of this intention. However, :t was decided to continue the strike, pickets were put out and efforts made to present the men from returning to thf mines. Many of the craftsmen and other American employes reported for work at the concentrators and smelters, but, because of the inability of the com panies to operate the mines, the plants could not be operated. Mexicans and Spaniards appear to be in control of the situation, with the Italian element remaining neutral. Indications now notnt to an indefinite shutdown. WRANGLE OVER HEFLIN FLARES UP IN HOUSE Washington. D. C Oct. 3. The pro tracted wrangle over charges by rep resentative Heflin of Alabama, that certain members of congress have ' acted suspiciously" in the present war, flared up again in the house to d.iv when representative Mason of Illinois, made a speech contending that Heflin had inferentlaliy cnargea Mason with treason and "linked him up with Emma Goldman." COL BRONSON M. CUTTING TO BE WITH LONDON EMBASSY Santa Fe, N. M-, Oct. 3. CoL Bron son M. Cutting, of Santa Fe, has been appointed assistant milltarr attache to the American embassy in London. His knowledge of fit Innfruages and his previous rep.dence in London e ppnaly recommend. 1 him for the po- OBQBN re Can Soon Begin DELIVERED strength of the organization Graduates recommended for com missions as second lieutenants will be commissioned as vacancies occur. College men to be admitted must be between 21 and 31 on the day of the opening. There is no restriction againet married men but unmarried men will be preferred. Collese lien Muat Enlist. Any enlisted man between 21 and 40 years of age may apply. Character and military aptitude will govern selections. College students Hill be required to enlist for the duration of the war and serve out their enlist ments If they do not obtain commis sions. They will receive the pay and allowances of first class privates while under instruction. Will Train For Line Officers. The camps are primarily for the training of line officers. The quarter master general, chief of ordnance, chief of coast artillery, chief signal officer and chief of engineers have been authorized to organise such schools for special training as may be necessary. CHINA TO AID Fl Appropriates $300,000; TJ. S. Minister Asks the Eed Cross for 200,000. Pekin, China, Oct. 3. The Chinese government has appropriated 5300. 00s for immediate relief work at Tien Tsin, where great destruction has been wrought by the overflowing of the Hoaag.Ho. river Dr. Paul Relnseh, the American minister, has seat a cablegram to the American Cross, asking far S2M.M. High water over a large section oi Chih-Li province prevents engineers from investigating the extent of the losses and the cause of the flood. Coolies, protected by soldiers, have cut tne Grand canal at several places near Tien Tsin. but this has not af fected the situation in the city, where the water is almost stationery. Pao Ting-Fu. Teh Chow and other cities are inundated. Chinese news papers are appealing for loans from foreign nations to prevent a recur rence of the flood by deepening the canals to the sea. . IN. W. LAWYER DPENSBATTLE Says Government Has No Case Against Indicted I. W. W. Leaders. Chicago, I1L, Oct. 3. Whether an organization can go on strike during war time and whether members of organizations can stay on a strike when that strike was initiated be fore the war started, are the two paramount issues between the United States government and the 166 in dicted members of the I. W. W., ac cording to Otto Christensen. attorney for the organization. He is in Chi cago investigating charges against the I. W. W. and preparing for the legal battle which will open soon. Sweeping denial of each of the charges named in the indictment was made by Christensen. May Charge Will Fall. "The government charges cannot stand up." he declared. "The L W. W. at no time has taken a positive po sition in regard to the war. Some of the strikes we are charged with starting to embarrass the govern ment' were started before the war be gan. As to our alleged attempt to fight conscription, I refer federal agents to the large number of I. W. W. members who are now in the vari ous cantonments. "The charge that German money has been backing the organization is ridiculous. Mr. Christensen admitted strenuous efforts are being made to obtain bonds for some of the leaders. He declared it would be impossible to se cure a total of $1,625,000 which would secure release of all under indict ment, but intimated some of the members now in Jail would be re leased on bail. WISCONSIN REPUBLICANS WANT LAF0LLETTE OUSTED Wausau, Wis.. Oct. Z. Senator La- Follette's expulsion from the senate for "treasonable and seditious utter ances and disloyalty to our govern ment" is asked in an appeal to the united states senate in a telegram sent last night by W. B. Hennemann, chairman of the executive committee of the Wisconsin Republican state committee. The same message was sent to the president of the senate and to senator Pomerene. chairman on the committee of privileges and elec tions. The telegrams state all members of the committee concur except two who have enlisted and are in the serv ice of their country, their present addresses being unknown. .00DJCT1S EL ANYWHERE 60c A MONTH REVENGE UPON GERMANY FOR RAIDS ON LONDON IS PLANNED B Y THE ALLIES LONDON. Eng.. Oct. S. A crowd of poor people In the southwest dis trict of London yesterday ap pealed to premier Lloyd George, says the Daily Mail, for reprisals against Germany for the air raids on London. The premier shouted to the crowd: "We will give it all back to them and we will give It to them soon. We shall bomb Germany with compound Interest." The crowd cheered the promise wildly. The premier had just com pleted a tour of the area damaged hi the raids. Government to Act, The Evening standard states "on the highest authority" that the govern ment is paying special attention to the question of reprisals for German air attacks on London and other places. It says: "There is no qualification about the decision of the government to under take very effective reprisals at the earliest moment consistent with the advice of the hish military command." The Wilhelmshaven Tageblatt pub lishes two rages of advice warning GREEGEISAJQKE Greece Gets No Money, Pays Big Interest and Loses 8,000,000. Athens, Greece. Oct. 3. The Ger man advance of 320.004,004 to the re. cent government of king Constantine was a financial transaction quite oat of the ordinary, as now developed under the fierce scrutiny of the Ven izelos government which displaced the Constantine regime. As summed up hy It. Venizelos himself, the peculiar features were: While a huge sum was involved, yet no real money passed from Berlin to Athens, as It was all a credit tran saction to be settled "after the war." Also, although no money passed. Greece finds herself obligated for this J2fl,eO0,0C, and is paying inter, est on it at 6 per cent. Finally, as stated by Teniaelos. Tire OevrecW ox tne uenau marK was sacs that Vk 1MB M,HMII Wft V ...WW - ... realised, making a net loss of 8,0O, 000. Was Secret Transaction. The German advance was made about a year ago, at the time the Constantine ministry needed funds to pay the army vhich had been mo bollzed. For some reason, however, it was decided to make it a secret tran saction, and not Inscribe it in the budget or report it to parliament along with other loans. This was about the time the entente allies pre. sented an ultimatum demanding the demobilisation of the Greek army, which probably accounts for the loan being kept secret. Was Merely a Credit. In laying before parliament details of the affair. X. Venizelos said that Germany had in effect said: "In these critical times, we cannot advance actual money. But you can order your government bank to print JJO, 00.000 of bank notes, and we will order our bank to open a credit for 320,000,000. payable not today but at the end of the war." This was actually carried oat. Mr. Venizelos explained, the printing pres. ses of Athens turning out the $20, 000,000 in bills, based on the Berlin deposit, but without any transfer of money. The interest began to run at oice. Britain At OneEnd Of Rope, U. S. at the Other, Are Strangling Germany Washington. D. C, Oct. 3. Great Britain's new embargo on shipments Ell LOAN 10 Trembling Victims of Shell Shock Often Deaf, Dumb and Blind, Are Studied By U. S. Medical Officers A MEKICAN Training Camp in France, Oct. 3. American med ical officers will devote the coming winter to a special study of the diseases peculiar to the war and war conditions, in addition to their work at the forward casualty clearing stations on the French and British fronts. At the casualty stations they will get all the experience they desire in the marvelous war surgery which has made Buch rapid strides in the past three years. They will be trained in all the med ical phases of their work in the field at special schools. The first of these schools will be established this month at the hospital taken over by the Johns Hopkins hospital until soon af ter the first contingent of American troops landed in France. Will -Study Shell Shock. One subject to which much atten tion will be devoted will be that of "shell shock," which has proved very troublesome to both the British and French medical officers. Neurologists attached to the various American units will study the problem at French and British hospitals and af terwards will give lectures to their fellow medical officers, both in the hospitals and attached to the troops in training. Victim Are Pitiful. There is no more pitiful object in the world than a man actuall suffer, ing from shell shock. Hypnotism has been used frequently as a care for shell shock. It stops the trembling and twitching in most cases, but of To Fight Th PASO. TEXAS. WEDNESDAY Children In Syria Eat Grapeoine Leaoes New York. Oct 3. A mission ary just returned from Syria re ports that no grapes are expected in the town of Aleih this year because the children have eaten the shoots and leaves on the vines. The mulberry orchards were planted with wheat, but In many cases the children plucked the wheat to eat the grain buried in the soil. the people against possible air raids by the entente aviators. Germans Give Warning. Amsterdam. Holland, Oct. 3. Ger. man military authorities have issued orders that all lights in the govern ment district of Duesseldorf and a great portion of Westphalia must be darkened at night, according to the General Anzeiger of Essen. Similar precautions against air raids are be ing taken at other places in western Germany. Wooden Shoes For American Workmen Xew York, Oct. S. "Wooden shoes for American workingmen and their families and for not a few in a higher station in life is a strong probability should the war last another year." said the manager of the shoe department of one of the largest retail stores in the city today. "Shoes with wood soles and other modified forms of the kinds commonly worn in Europe are already in greater demand in this country than ever before," he continued. "They would be more generally bought and worn It they were to be found on sale at the shoe counters in the stores." of practically everything to Sweden. Norway. Denmark and The Nether lands is regarc here as a most im portant move in tightening the cordon which slowly but surely is killing the military power of Germany. Coming close on the export embargo of the United States, which is being admin istered to keep from the European neutrals everything that might supply the central powers. Great Britain's action is regarded as one of the moat important war measures. anVfee- British embargo excludes everything except printed matter. About the mHy thing that win he per mitted to go to the German people jy way of the neutrals will be ex pressions of world opinion that they should reorganize their system of gov ernment to do away with the military autocracy. In a figurative sense. Great Britain holds one end of the rope and the United States holds the other. Gradu tlly but surely, as it is being drawn taut, the military power of Germany s being strangled because the em bargo cuts off the supplies she has been receiving through adjacent neutrals. Catch Monkeys With Real "Gumshoes" Washington, T. C, Oct S. In tropical countries the natives have many unique ways of catch ing monkeys. One of them, as explained by a traveler, is this: The hunters walk about in short boots in sight of the monkeys. Then they take the boots off. place some gum In the bottoms and leave them on the ground, withdrawing themselves to a great distance. Presently the monkevs come down from the trees and try on the boots, and when the hunters come after them the boots stick to the feet of the monkeys, and they are unable to climb. Thus the Imitative little animals are captured. U. 5. Medical Officer Is Killed In Aclion With British Forces Washington, T. C, Oct. 3. Lieut. G. P. Howe, of Boston, medical officers reserve corps, was killed in action Sept. 28, while on duty with British forces in France, the adjutant general today announced. late it has come to be regarded as not a real cure. The British have found that soldiers suffering from shell shock who do not have hypnotic treat ment invariably get back to duty quicker than those who do. Go Deaf Dumb and Ullnil. Shell shock often causes deafness, dumbness and blindness the effect of confusion from an exploding missile nearby. A man may be tossed about by three or four shells without get ting hit by a fragment or a splinter, but th effect of this tossing always tells on his nervous system. Some of the worst shell shock cases have been there where soldiers were buried un der the earth thrown up by huge pro jectiles. Wanted Separate Peace. Such burial does not always affect thf men that way. It Is related that recently when an old British sergeant was du:r out from under a ton or more of shell drhns and asked if he wa& hurt, he re-plit-d Kffm 11 urine lint tie. "So. sir, I guess not, but I am cer- EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 1917. 100,000 HOMELESS R11 Vrniv rW't 7 Pnnliniiinv ' P their reprisals for attacks of German airmen on French cities. French aviators last night dropped bombs on the German town of Baden, the war office announces. The statement follows: "In reprisal for the bombardment of Bar-Le-Duc two of our aviators dropped several bombs on the town of Baden. Seien Tons of Kxplonlies. "On the night of Oct. 1-S and dur ing the day of Oct. 2. our aviators bombarded the railway station at Fri bourg. factories at Yolkelgen and Hoftenbach and railway stations at Brieulles, Longuyon. Metz-Woippy, Arnaviile. Mexieres-Les-Metz. Thion ville and Sarresboug. In the course of these expeditions projectiles to the amount of 70 kilograms (15,400 pounds) were dropped." The town of Baden, in the grand duchy of the same name, is one of the most famous and beautiful watering places of Europe, best known for its medicinal baths. It is a town of some 15.000 about 55 miles from the French border. FE IS BIT Cannot Match Violence and Accuracy of the British Artillery, However. Canadian Headquarters in France. Oct J. The enemy early yesterday morning attempted to raid our lines in the Avion sector, but was discov ered before he got to close quarters, and driven off after sustaining a number of casualties. The Infantry activity is generally less than nor mal, but the sound of guns ceases. The Germans are attempting more by way of destructive shots on our battery positions than they did earlier in the season, but even in this respect they are stall far behind the British and Canadian guns. Using Poison Gas. There has been a marked increase in the use of long range, high ve locity guns by the Germans. The re sults certainly do not Justify the free M or llutM ouia Tim aaeatrr also has Increased the praaorttos ox" gas shells and has sent us many varieties of gas. This may Indicate that the chemical e from which poison gas is made are available in greater quan titles than those required for high explosives. War Material, Scarce. All the prisoners of good educa tion now speak of the growing scarcity of war materials and par ticularly of rubber, cotton and cop per, which can neither be produced at home nor obtained from Germany's European neighbors. One of the prisoners taken in yesterday's outpost affair said that while Germany could not be conquered In the field, she would be forced to make peace be cause of her failure to obtain sup plies. The weather is excellent and the men In the trenches are in good health and spirits. The casualties continue extremely light. GERMANS CLAIM CAPTURE OF FRENCH TRENCHES Berlin. Germany. Oct. 3. German troops yesterday captured a section of French trenches 1200 yards wide on the northern slope of Hill 344. to the east of the river Meuse. in the Verdun region. It was officially re ported by the German general staff today. VIOLENT ARTILLERY FIGHT OCCURS ON FRENCH FRONT Paris, France, Oct. 3. Violent ar tillery fighting continues on the Ver dun front, says today's official an nmmivrnnt No imDortant infantry operations continued during the night tamlv Kirfin? for a. senarate oeace. A remarkable thing about shell shock cases is that none occur during a bat tle. The reason for this is plain. In battle the men are buoyed up by the great excitement, are pressing for ward and often engaged in hand to hand fighting, while all about them is the continual roar of battle. They often become absolutely oblivious of exploding shells under these circum stances until actually hit. "When Shell Shock Comes, Shell shock comes when the men are compelled to sit in trenches for long periods or when they are out on nerve testing patrol duty between the fighting lines at night and a big mis. sile bursts unexpectedly over them. Much Like Temporary Insnnlly. The treatment of shell cases is often closely akin to that for temporary in sanity. The doctors and other at tendants strive always to get the con fidence of their natients. and try to start them talking, when the trembling and other manifestations frequently , disappear. I Treatment of Insanity. Various phases of insanitv will be a iery important branch of medical study this winter while the doctors are waiting for the Americans to go into the trenches. Already a number of cases of mental breakdown have been treated in the hospitals. With one or two exceptions, however, thee cases have been those usually met with in civilian life, the delusionb having little to do with the armv or the war. one rather pitiful case is that of a man who never gave the iJit:htet trouble, but erv mcht that he Is to be -hot at tl.twn. iBv A. P. I I Jnliampsred; G IS Wilhelm Presents Own Marble Statue to Marshal On Latter s Birthday. FLOWERSSTREWN BEFORE GENERAL Ludendorff Calls Him Per sonification of Prussian German Fatherland. AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND, Oct J. Celebration of the birthday of field marshal von Hlndenburg at German headquarters yesterday began with a visit from emperor William, who presented the field marshal with a marble bust of the "All-highest war lord." The route from Hindenburg's house to main headquarters was lined with children who strewed flowers in his path, while airmen dropped flowers and laurel wreaths. At headquarters the field marshal was received by Gen. von Luden dorff and the other officers of the general staff. Gen. von Ludendorff greeted his chief as "the personifica tion of the glorious development of the Prussian-German fatherland." He Talks of Victory "It is a special pleasure to me to know myself at one with the German J people in their will for victory and their confidence In victory." Cheers for Emperor. The field marshal praised the army and those who remained at home. He called for cheers for the emperor, who invited to dinner all who had called to offer birthday congratula tions. In a speech the emperor praised the field marshal as "the hero of the German people, to whom It is granted to accomplish deeds of world and historical greatness." Thanks von Hlndenbnxx. He thanked von Hndenburg in the name of the army and the people and continued: "Future centuries will weave leg ends around the personality of the field marshal. May God preserve IthH for further- deeds nil til tne Vic torians end of the war. out of which a sir as 1 5 iiisbji nan many win arise. DR. DERNBURGASSAILS NEW FATHERLAND PARTY Stockholm. Sweden. Oct X. Or. Bern hard Dernburg, the former Ger man secretary of tne colonies. In an article in the weekly Deutsche PoliUk. takes a stand against the new Father land party, which he treats as a harm ful ebullition of would be patriotism. "A stream of loyal messages have en sent to the emperor." he remarks in his article, "as though on a word of command (some say it was a word of command) in which president Wil son's answer to the pope Is stigma tised aa an attempt to drive a wedge -tween the government and the peo ple, as an effort to sow discord and as a proclamation of war on the Hohenzollerna. "I have vainly tried." Dr. Dernburg adds, "to find such things anywhere in president Wilson's note." SWEDEN'S KING IS ANXIOUS TO CLING TO NEUTRALITY Stockholm. Sweden, Oct 3. King Gustave today told the leaders of the chief parties in the Rigsdag in his opinion it would be most expe dient to form a cabinet representing the various parties which would maintain the neutral policy of the country, safeguard the interests of the nation and exercise a calming in fluence on the people during the present crisis. Saying Sweden's difficulties were Increasing daily, the king asserted the greatest prudence would be necessary to maintain the position adopted. He appealed to the patriotism of the leaders, asking them not to let per sonal opinions and party platforms stand In the way of successful solu tion of the question, but to have in view solely the welfare of the coun try. LITHUANIANS DEMAND FREEDOM FROM RUSSIA Stockholm. Sweden. Oct 3. Dr. John N. Selupas. who has been In con sultation with Lithuanians and Letts in various parts of Russia, arrived yesterday in Stockholm and requested Ira Xelson Morris, the American min ister, to transmit to president Wilson a memorial setting forth the national program of these peoples and betrging him to support it They demand complete independ ence, the right to establish their own government and representation in the peace conference. Their territorial program includes reestablishment of a greater part of the territory lost in 17S5. which would take in a popula tion of i:.A.00e Lithuanians, Letts and other races. GERMANY DENIES MAKING BIDS FOR SEPARATE PEACE Amsterdam, Holland Oct. 3. Ger many has made no proposals for a separate peace either with France or Great Britain. Dr. von Kuehlmann, German foreign secretary, makes this announcement, according to advices from Berlin, in answering the speech made hv fln Vrlrhnvnrv Riimfnn minister of war, before the democratic congress in Petrograd. ' riSKl VIAA COXCSRBSS IS WAR PLANS Lima. Peru. Oct. 3. The Peruvian congress is considering the interna tional situation as it affects relations with Germany. The foreign minister and minister of war have been sum moned before congress to give in formation. DKMOCRATIC CONGRESS OF ItrSSIA VOTES COALITION Petrograd. Russia. (Kt. 3. The I I cmoi-rat ir congress. lv a ole of, fifi to 68. t"day declarrd in f.ior of 1 I a coalition government. Congress fillEMil HUNDRED SINGLE CoPT FIVE CENTS. 217 168 1348 HOUSES AHE DEMOLISHED By THE FUME TYPHOON Many Villages Are Inundated by Floods and Heavy Loss of Life Is Feared; Telephone and Eailway Com munication Is Interrupted; Storm Is Described as One of Worst in the History of Japan. LONDON. Eng., Oct. 3. A Shanghai dispatch to Reuter's Agency says that as the result of a typhoon which swept over Tobo. Japan, on Monday, 100,000 persons are homeless, 183 are dead and 217 The DLBsbcr of injured is 168 Telegraph aad telephone service and railway traffic were raterrupled. Even worse damage is reported to have been io dieted in the rural districts. Many villages between Kioto aad Osaka have been inundated by overflowing rivers and it is feared considerable loss of life has resulted. The storm is described as one of the worst the Japanese capital ever experienced and every agency is expected to be requisitioned to assist suf ferers aad repair the damage. PABST ASSAILS wines Says People Being Misled by Professional Pronibx faomsfc-Agitatorsi-. - Atlantic City. X. J., Oct 3. Charg ing that "professional prohibitionists" ar, "deliberately trying to mislead the people by falsifications, by taking ad vantage of war coadttions and indus trial emergencies,' president Gustave Pabst, of Milwaukee, speaking before the opening business session of the war convention of the United States B-ewers' association, today urged delegates to unite in the national fight for existence. SubmCTibed tor Liberty Bond. Mr. Pabst pointed out the associa - tion Bad orrered its cooperation to tne federal government and the "sua seription by brewers of millions of dollars for liberty bonds at a time when the very life of the brewing in dustry was being threatened with de struction," was substantial proof of th attitude of the industry toward the government and its war aims. Enforce Legal Regulation He called upon brewers throughout the natioi. to leave no stone unturned to secure the rigid enforcement of all prohibition and regulatory laws re garding the shipment and sale of beer. Mr. Pabst observed that there are "many indications the people are get ting tired of professional prohibition leaders. and that the "reaction is shown by the demand for constructive measures that shall lead to permanent Improvement." CLAIM NEGROES ARMED BEFORE THE RACE RIOTS Belleville. 111-. Oct. S. Testimony that before the killing of detective Coppedge and policeman Wodley in tne bast at. jouis riots, armed ne-1 groes gathered at the home of X X. t minay. negro aenust. was given to day at the trial of 13 negroes charged with the murders. This murder precipitated the mas- sac re of negroes July 2. MT. FRANKLIN CLUB DANCE . TO BE GIVEN, AS USUAL! The usual weekly dance of the ML j Franklin Countrv club will take nlaee ! Thursday of this week. Inasmuch as the Festival of the Allies will last for four days, it was not deemed neces-l sary to suspend the dance this week. ! SKCRET 9RRVICB JIE WILL COPE WITH POOD PROPITKRS. Washington. D. C Oct. 3. Food price manipulation and profiteers will nave tne trained men and re sources of the secret service to cope with. Herbert Hoover, food admin istrator, has asked president Wilson for the services of the corps and It has been granted. Facing Death Unarmed William Allen White's First Article THE HERALD will have a treat far iu reaoers in the Week-End edi tion. Copy has been received for the first article in the William Allen White series from Europe. This copy arrived from France this week for release October (-7. The second and succeeding articles will be published promptly oo their arrival from nance. We expect to receive at mast one article each week so that there will be no break in the service. William Allen White, the Kansas philosopher, is well known throughout the country. Readers of the Saturday Post have long followed bis articles with great interest. "Facing Death Unarmed" is the title of the first article from his pen. It is a tribute to and description of the work of the American ambulance corps in France. Don't fail to read this article. It is a irile. -Tripping description of the bottle line, bv a trained ob-erer Is About To Adjourn HOME EDITION EDITION WEATHER FORECASTS. El Paso and West Texas, fair, cooler in Panhandle; New Mexico, fair; Ariiona, fair 16 PAGES TODAY a&d 1346 Eouses were demolished. LIQUOR FIGURES IN MURDER CASE Denver City Official and Employe Accuse Eacn O&er-ef-DrunlsenfieBS. Denver, Colo, Oct. 3. An alleged encounter between William R. 3eay and Edward C Green some time pre vious to a second dash at the city ball hut summer, in which Greene was killed, was described today in the 'trial of Seay for the murder of Green. Fritz Attlbater, a city employe, de scribed the encounter. It arose, he said, over differences connected with work of the city's highway depart ment, of which Green was super in - 1 tendent and Seay an employe. Seay came up," Attlbate rsaid. while Green was giving a party of workmen their orders, and said: 'Are you going to give Scotty his or ders or am IT "Green said." Attlbater continued. "What's the use of giving you orders T You've been drunk for a week.' "Seay said: Tou've been drunk for three months," said the witness; "and reached for his hip pocket " Attlbater said Seay then began abusing Green. As Green walked away, he testified. "Seay called to him. turn around. I would not shoot you in the back.' " Other witnesses today were John Green, uncle of the dead man. who testified concerning his nephew's d Ing statement; Simon J. Feely. and a son of the same name, contractors who told of seeing Seay in a corridor of the city hall the morning before uj aoijjo trc u eom.d ooj Jmni tu that building. The War At A Glance W rK shall bomb Germany with compound inte- est," premier Llo-r". George is quoted in the London press as declaring to a London crowd In promising it that Great Britain would soon launch rep risals for the many German air raids on England. The French repriaals already nnder way were continued last night. French airmen dropped bombs on the town of Baden, some 5ft miles beyond the French fron tier. More than seven tons of bombs also were dropped on va rious military objectives in German-held territory. Along the French front the ar tillery duels were vigorous at many points. The activity was especially marked north of Ver dun, where the French are appar ently pre paring an attack.