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EL PASO HERALDSPORTS, RECREATION and OUTDOOR LIFE 10 Wednesday, Nn. JN, liilT. ONCE. THEKE WPiS f BRfVLE. OFi 20HN GRW OP INTO IN THE MEANTIME JOHN HflO COPPtD A SWELL GIFT JOB FROM N0,30HW,ISrtfta STAV HEPJE- OLDhLMAtWER SQWi MORAL BROTHERS? UJHO GoTOFF TO ft 50-50 STrVSO" IN LIFE . ftlTHO ALIKE ASTWO PEM.ThE HAD NUWlNG-IM COMMON BuTTHEIfi ftRTHDAV- CWE WAS NAMED 30HM VH1LE THE OTHER WAS hahdi capped -Tobias- . VJHAT the WRITERS GAME JOHN THE A BIG GU7 HE Nit I Jrfc "Iwlt "1 o F'kKKl mutiLnvrt PooldR THINGS WERE COfAiwr, HIS WPtf . HIS PERSONALflV WAS Success USUALtfRuNS EXCEpTiN , AVO COMIC PICTURES- CALL A -STALWART 'BurifRUSH'&uTT&SiAS TMEFfteiEOrTWE piS FORTUNE . Tb&AS HAD A DIPLOMA AND AN AWFUL BUNCH OF uurnAflFMit: rDo..,rvrr. rcTKoepm uifi PARS AND HE WfiS FlNALU sTrapling wwlei STOCK To TH5 SHIP OMTlLHE HAD CORRRLED A PHI BETA KAPPA KE7 WfiH HIGHEST HONORS twtN BROTHERS TrLOCM. CCrtCWS lOrt . fieo&xso -(bBE"RESEMeLED SoMEiHWff- The CAT BOUGHT IN, ONLV BIGGER. FORffs To Take a posT(CW at 8 bolletvp a week- BUT-- - ONE MORN SOME 15 ynns LBTER TOBW5 Strut u in ro IMPORTED LIMOUSINE MET JortrJ Wtb SAID " JOHN , HERE S A SO DOLLAR BLL .GO GET SOMETHING "fo EAT ANo StWEDUPA CCME ROUND TO WV OFFICE AND ILL SEE uAWT 1CPN DO FOR VCU.. by briggs rum i rwern nnnrv i nQPQ miT - ALL-STAR DISTRICT TEAMS READY HANDY MAN AROUND THE HOUSE UIIMLLLIaULII UUNLi LUULUUU1 EFFORTS FD1 TITLE ITCH A IN GHAMPIONSHIPGRIDiliON GAME oiming Room-S fuses- g. 'S VZ! E) JWgL Tme6H f9m VT- 1 Ft. Bliss and Camp Cody Elevens Trained to the Minute, Will Clash for Football Supremacy Thanksgiving Aft ernoon at the High School Stadium; Thousands of Fans Obtain Tickets for the Game. Br BIB HUTIIBllFOUD. As All-Star District Teams Will Line Up. El Paso District Camp Cody. Player Position Player Cerrey, Sauferd center JolisnbOB, Short Stulken, SchKaser light guard Sawyer, Bench tenberger Weyaad, Underwood right tackle Brown, Stewart Scott, Newell m right end Barker, Saier Boslego left guard Clark, Berkman Hanna left tackle Ward, Showalters Gaddy left end Baker, Whitehead Savage, Wales quarter back Ross, Dunagan Peden right half.- Underwood, Race by Bear, Saunders fallback St. Julien, Fitch Hartman, Moore left half Kane, Method Substitute 1 Paso district: Labonlse, Grnl&eau, Johnson, Hickey, Clark, Giilard, Stark. Referee C. Henry Smith, of University of Colorado. CapL R. A. Hanlia of the 34th infantry is captain and coach of the 1 Paso team and CapL A. L. Sanford is manager. -- ATT LING for a -worthy purpose, Oa championship, and to fittingly ' observe the opening of official thletic relations between Camp body's cantonment and Ft. Bliss, all-.-tar football eleven from these two military centers win clash Thanks tzimg afternoon at the High school stadium. In the second game of a double header. High school Tigers ..nd i: os well High schol teams will meet in the first game which will be ailed promptly at 1:45 (don't forget i he time) and El Pasoans are re quested to turn out and do their share ' .ward filling the stadium. Thousand of soldier bo and rliillana hare already pnrchafted j tickets and It U the desire of the i management to fill every empty I Kent In the Mg amphitheater If j possible. Manager George R. LeBaron of the j football carnival urges that El Paso .tn9 obtain their tickets down town j before going out to the game in order t to avoid confusion and standing in , line at the gate? Tickets may be oh- j tained at any of the leading hotels j or drug store?, or sporting goods ( stores having been placed there sev- j ral days ago by the ticket commit- i tee of which Will 1L Winch is chair- I man. Cody Arrive Thursday. ''amp Cody's contingent will arrive j early tomorrow morning on a specia' from Deming. It is expected that .' least 1500 members of the 34th divis ion will make the trip accompanK i by one band, and the team. Sor movement was made to bring tin celebrated 300 piece band of Cody t" El Paso and it may be potsible tha' funds have been raised for the trans portation of the musician: to El Fai in order to show the Ft. BIis district that the "buddies at the cantonment can also show a little speed Chairman Robert Krakauer of t la entertainment committee and a num ber of citizens will meet the visitor1 at the union station and after advis ing them that the town belong t them will assist in entertaining them in every way possible. The visitors will wear a ticket on their ehirt or coat fronts reading "I am from Cody, and El Pasoans are requested to say hello and guide them around the cit in order that everyone have a good time. The committee 1 recognizing the fact that the game In but the inelplency of sporting relation hetneen the Ft. HI In nnd HI Fao dlntrlet and thousand more are due to come Trhen things are well warmed up. Major Palmer Sheldon, division ath letic officer at Cody; Brig. Gen. Frank Hauidln and other prominent officers are expected to be on the train bear ing the troops to this city. The trains will not leave until a late hour Thanksgivi. g night and the visitors Roscommon Giant Edged Out by Bill Brennan and Suf- fers Knockout at Hands of Bartley Madden; Coast League Is More Compact Circuit With Promi nent California Cities Represented. N' EW YORK, N Koscommon. Ireland, is never oinj? to become famous as tne producer of a world's heavyweight champion unless it digs up a new rt presentative. There's no use mincing matters at Ml. for Roscommon's big heavy w.ght. Jim Ccffey, just can't reach the top of the fistic ladder in his division. It lmmt that, Coffey doent try. Ccpyrifhtcd 1317 by TteJTrflntce Aasac (New York Tribana). or that he Int ru&Crd enonsh, both In boiy and spirit. Jim Imply hant got tUe fighting jair nnd the fighting brain to be come a champion, and that all there Is to It. Several times he has mounted the ladder, only to be toppled back among the howling mob below. His foot slips when he gets on the dizzy rungs near the top of the old division and 1 he comes back down with a crash that must make the seismographs if they have any in Roscommon register . wildly. ! Laftt Opportunity. Just before they hung crepe all over the Krawley law in the empire state, Coffey made an attempt to win By JACK VKIOCK. 2. County but the club stuck rt oit gamely until wartime measures ha: to be taken. With Portland tken into the Northwestern league, baseball m the faraway corner of the country is go ing to boom when conditions return to the normal, and even though war holds it baek next season, it wi' he given an impetus because of Port land's entrv. Portland fans probab " did not relish the thought of Kavir-r the Coast league after so man y years in competition with 'Frisco. Los An geles and the other southern cit:- - j but It couldn't be helped. Charley Weeghman is goirg to ta' . the Cubs to Pasadena, Cat. again n-t spring for training. The Ion -r tr n j last spring, according to manag- -Mitchell, did not work a hardships the players, and though the cn-t great Weeghman thinks th-e i y place like the Pacific coast to g-t a. ball club in condition. i Coait league elah owner", Trhe ! once adopted a rule acreelnir to Kebednle no game with invading major leatme elah. mry think ' better of the plan next season and give Weeshmaa team some choice exhibition dates. m IS READY BOUTS We Are Thankful AND You ill Be IF YOU USE m will liA.- t ,ut thine of seeing th city and .'it-nd the boxing match at Ft T:ii.. later on in the evening. Bouts are h-ing staged at Codv thi afternoon nnrf much inter est is being taken in the development j or boxing at that on ton men t. Comment Continue. Comment continues, on the respect ive ehances of the two teams to annex the district title in the game. Every one who has followed plans for the game is will aware that the net re- --, -dk nn:.A;MAiM ceipts will go toward several worthy OTt iJilSS JrnilCipalS 111 purposes, the expenses of the Cody; "D-j;--- rt. r.- team and band being taken out ot ! KeaOlIieSS I0r UOIlteStS course. The High school Tigers and, Thn'iTr ' the Roswell High school are in fine 1 HUTS CI ay. condition for their game as the first! Thou-ands nf hoxin fan- ftf thc border patrol and 1 Paso are ex- j pected to flock toward Ft Bliss ! McCREDIE WILL NOT LEAD TEAM ' San Francisco, Calif.. Nov. alter McCredie. manager uf ihe Portland clnb In the Pacific Coast eaene. has positively "spiked" a num ber of reports that he is to lead the alt Lake outfit next season. "There is positively nothing doing 1 alone that line." McCredie said here recently. "I will not know what rav next job will be until after the first , of the year. FIGHTERS READY FOR BIG BOUTS TERRITORY IS IHSCrSSED. H;mair ftofir. innt mnA tet n connection wiui aacramei.t An thA nathwav to a ma ten witn Krta , ...... . Fulton, with his real destination a heavyweight championship bout. But Jim failed to grab the opportunity in a bout with Bill Brennan, and even his staunchest admirers up in Harlem went away shaking their heads. Brennan is a rather tough customer from Chicago, where a good many rough boxers have been brought up. and in his battle with Coffey he would have saved himself the trouble of go ing ten rounds had be kept his head. Several times during the battle little item that may have been oe looked It concerns settlement of oli! obligations resting against the terr tory. The ne whackers of a club r. Sacramento are said to object strenu ously to being saddled with these old obligations are are demanding tht the slate be cleaned before they ac cept the Poreland franchise. and It wax far from a knitting bee Brennan had Coffey regis tering that glassy ntare. He had Illg Jim punened drunk from the effect of full-fledged rights to the well-known Coffey Jaw, bat on each occasion he hacked op nnd gave Jim time to come out of it. Coffey Is fairly clever for a big fel low and one of the cleanest cut look ing bur fellows vou will find anv- t'aveman Carlson. fast soldier where, but he simply hasn't got the lightweight will meet One-round Nor- 'fighting instinct that goes to make man. negro lightweight champion of ! champions. the border Thanksgiving afternoon at the smelter arena under the auspices of the Eighth engineers. Carlson and Norman were pre iouly matched but the proposed content fell through Both principals are in the best of shape and are confident of winning tha affair. Coast More Compact The Pacif c Coast league, with Sac ramento replacing Portland, will be a much more compact circuit next year. The mileage in the Coast league with Portland a member was so great that it made jump3 in the major leagues look like a walk around the block. SEATOX TO TORTI.AOT. Los Angeles. Cal.. Nov. 2?. Tom Seaton. immediately after his contract with Los Angeles expired, was notified by Walter McCredie that he had been turned over to Port land by the Chicago Cubs for next season, in part payment for Dave Hollocher. It is not at all certain, however, tint Seaton will ap pear in a baseball uniform next year. He received notice to report to the army at American Lake, and left for that pom L As he hasn' t claimed exemption, and fig ures to pass the physical ex amination, it is probable that he will see service with the Bullseye Men in France. 2 one of the card and much enthusiasm is being shown over the work of the Tigers during the past two weeks. The econd game will be called promptly nt the end of the first. V big hi u I ml program which will be participated In by every band on the field has been arranged, and everything ele that will contribute in the Imst to n good time for everyone has been arranged. BOWLING. yEE DOL Western Motor Supply j Company J Phones 747-748 3 1 8 San Francisco St. H To All We Wish a REAL, Thanksgiving and a Continuance of ihe Prosperity that We Have fAll Enjoyed During the Past ' WHOLESALE . sL-saffirW jft RETAIL WEST SAN 1 rroN:o a lecn sts Telrphone League. Commercial Total. !:. s. Aaderaoa 20 It 1) Hi I. E. Franzen 12 lsi ic JC t-:. W. Densmore... 1M 112 14: ZSt IL H. Hyland lit 111 177 41 II. W. Cook 11 1S lit Totals 711 -it 77 :if Engineers Totals. J. S. OameweU 21 183 It: in U Ca leway 11 M II 111 rt. E. Lea 11 Its 124 ? s. F. Ifakoner 12 113 is; 477 u. A. Chamberlain. 11 lis 11 2:7 Totals tl 54t m 117 folnts won. Commercial. 4: high same. Oa -newel L 22: hlsh total, Anderson, 48; strikeout. Cook. Actountins Total.. W. A. Bradshaw... ICS 148 141 4S9 a H. Philips 1S4 11 Hi 49 I. R. Smith 141 18 15 2.4 W. B. HntchinsoB.. 123 12: 14 41 X. E. Bates 14 151 111 3C Totals 7S S 7( :K Plant Totalt. W. A. McCandlesa.. 158 157 112 42s J. P. Balrd 14i 14 IK 45 D. Hwuaket 11 111 11 221 J. H. Carr 121 122 121 274 W J. Hartman It 17 15 414 Totals : 71 177 Points won. Accounting. 2: Plant. 1; high game. Philips, ISi; high total. Philips. 4. Tonight Big league. ALAM0G0RD0 FIVE DEFEATS SOLDIERS AlamoKordo. N. M.. Nov. 28. The basketball game played between the "Alamo Hi" and a picked team from the Ninth engineers (mounted) ended with a score of 18 to '13 in favor of Alamogordo. The game was played hard and fast by both teams. The soldiers were at a disadvantage be cause of their having been oat on a three weeks' hike and had no time to practice for the game. The procee-ls of the game were given to' the Y. M. a A. Immediately following the basket ball game a dance was given at the pavilion, the proceeds being given to the Bed Cross. An informal reception was given the same evening for the soldiers and a short program rendered. Refresh ments were served. F00TBALLPLAYER GOES IN MOVIES Pullman, 1Vash., Nov. ;s William A. Diets ("Lonestar"), the Indian coach of the Washington State col lege football talent is to trade the pic skin for the buckskin. Dietz Is inter ested in the moving picture game, and openly announces that he is to try for an engagement with one of the biK Los Angeles companies. lie has Just completed a scenario that he says will put the American Indian before the public in a new and striking fashion. Dietz -would also like to do a "turn" in vaudeville. SK WOXE II V CTCOTTU. Eiidje Cicotte is working on the . amouflace bill for 191S. It will float ui. to tin- jjMtter Iookine: like .i i iv Hurst laundering C urtainn. A ' r , .i Thursday night when Joe Kale, light weight champion of this section and challenger Billy Slam Wilson trill have It out for the district title. The match has been billed to go ten rounds but both principals declare that time will never be called for the tenth stanza as both intend" to go In and mix things from tha initial gong in order to win by a knockout. Both are rough hardy little mixers who can J give as well as take a punch and are confident of their ability to slip over the sleep punch. The entire card comprises seven bouts and consist of the cream of the glove wielders of this section. Four four round preliminaries, one six round special event and an eight round semi windup between two crack middleweight: will be witnessed to the main event. Arrangements have been made for the gloves to be tied on the prelim inary boxers in the dressing rooms and they will come out in rapid order. All of the funds taken In at the gate go to the Fifth cavalry regiment, and efforts are being made to meet ex penses by the management. It is very probable that the sale of tickets will go past the expenditures as hundreds of pasteboards have already been dis posed of. FIGHTER FULTON WINS A MATCH Minneapolis. Minn., Nov. 2S. Fred Fulton, Minnesota heavyweight, won a technical knockout over Gunboat Smith In the seventh round of their scheduled ten round fight here Tues day night when Smith's seconds tossed in a sponge to save him from further punishment In the first two rounds Smith landed several telling blows on his opponent's face and head while the crowd jeered at Fulton's somewhat awkward swings. Three times In the third round Ful ton worked his man to the ropes and brought down an avalanche or swings which had Smith groggy when the gong sounded. "BATHTUB" TANKS ARE ON TABOO San Francisco. Calif., Nov. 28. "Bathtub" tanks for swimming meets are not in favor here. Recently there was some agitation in the east to bar tanks that are over 5A feet long, bnt as most of the San Francisco po!s run to a much greater length the local representatives of the Amateur Ath letic union are holding out against all circumscriptions. These repre sentatives contend that if snrint d!s tances arc required the water men and women can swim th. width rather than th( ltn'-'tii uf the tank Made ot the same tobacco as used in 1 Oc cigars. Clark Mercantile Co.. Distributors. CI Paso.' The Onsey Strnu.-y Co. UIMrlliutors. rt. Worth m What Is a Day Without a Thanksgiving Football Game? Hear the Five Military Bands THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST SPORT EVENT IN EL PASO'S HISTORY. SEE THE SEVEN BIG STARS FROM THE BIG EASTERN COLLEGES. FILL THE STADIUM TOMORROW Thanksgiving Day FIRST GAME CALLED AT 1:45 P. M. El Paso High School vs. Roswell High School SECOND GAME CALLED AT 3 P. M. Camp Cody Army Team Vs. EI Paso District Army Team DON'T FAIL TO BUY your tickets down town and be sure of a seat the Stadium. Tickets on Sale Thursday until 2 P. M. at WARNER DRUG STORE HOTEL SHELDON HOTEL PASO DEL NORTE SPECIAL NOTICE TO EL PASOANS There will be about 2000 Camp Cody Soldiers as our guests tomorrow, each one will wear a tag stating "I AM FROM CODY." When you see a Camp Cody Soldier be sure to give him the GLAD HAND AND WARM WELCOME PROCEEDS OF GAMES TO BE USED FOR Smokes for the Boys in France Swimming Pool for Fort Bliss Boy Scouts Associated Charities High School "-i- 4200 u420 I