OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, January 24, 1920, HOME EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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Week-End Edition, Jan. 24-25, 1920.
Dancing, Gambling, Theater Going and Other Forms of
Amusement to Be Theme of Pulpit Addresses in
Edifices; "Both Sides of the Grave" Topic
at the Central Baptist Church.
MODERN sermons, based on every
da livine cr ndition and
promises of telling: in the lan
guage ci the living, are on the pro
prams of El Paso churches for Sun
da v and several evenings of next
Services at Highland Park Metho
dm church beg-in at 43 with soups
l the members of th undav school.
I being Missionary Sunday the ser
Ices all dav will in accord with mis
sions Preaching it 11 and 7 30 by
ta pastor Rev "ft S Huggett.
A (rroup of sounjr men from the El
Ptso Hi-Y club will conduct the Sun
dsr nigrht service at the Orchard Park
Methodist church. Tnere will be spe
1 1 1 music and a sood evening is
I romised Tn the morning: the pastor,
1 Rufus Baker will preach tak
ing as his theme, "Some Internal and
tprnal Evidences of the New
P nh " The revival now In progress
- tie church will oontinue throogh
c jt the week.
First Christian church, Mi!o Atkin
son pastor, "Fnemies Inside the
CnurcV will be the subject of the ser
m;n at 10 45 a m. Following God
or Public Opinion," is the theme of
trs sermon at 7 30 p m
urday school at thqrZionstEvange
i V Lutheran church at 30 The
si ort Sunday school service begins
ai 1 15 The confessional address ;
a 10 45. After this. Ufa instalation
ot the newly elected Bfflcero of the I
cnigregation will tabs place. The
morning sermon will be In the German
language, in mis service zne noiy
communion will be celebrated, the
pastor, J H. C Sieck. officiating In
the evening service at 7 30, the pastor
will speak on the experience of
Christ's people on the sea of life, not
ing their adverity and their security
Ripht after thi service the adult
Bible class will meet. Meeting of the
cho"- on Monday evening at 7 SO
Meeting of the Y P S. club on Tues
day evening at 7 30
Pastor to Preach.
In the morning the pastor. Rev
Hubert M Smith, will preach on the
"One Thine; Needful at the Asbury
Mtthodist church
At the evening services at 7:S0,
after the league's meeting, both senior
and intermediate at 6 TO oclock. A
call will be repeated at the Sunday
school hour. 9 30, for workers for the
church census to he taken February 3
-A Gideon Blblle Dedicatory serv
ice will
oo-oo-o- - &&
II Kings lvt32-37.
AND when Elishi, was come Into
the house, behold the child was
dead, and laid upon his bed
He went in therefore and shut the
door upon them twain and prayed
nnto the Lord.
And lie went up and lay upon the
child, and pat his mouth upon hi
month and his eyes upon his eyes, and
nis nanus upon hie bands: and he
stretched himself upon the child: and
th- flesh of the child waxed warm.
Then he returned and walked In
the house to and fro; and he went Tip
and stretched himself upon him and
the child sneesed seven times, and the
child opened his eyes.
And he called Gehazi, and said, call
this Shunammite So he called her.
And when she was come In unto htm.
he said. Take up thy son.
Then she went in. and fell at his
feet, and bowed herself to the ground
and took up her son and went out.
state secretary of Texas for the In
ternational sunaay school association,
will speak At 9-45 a, m, the last lap
of the transcontinental airplane race
"i mo onnaay scnooi will end.
"The Dance, the Card Tnhi h.
Theater," Is the sermon subject which
Grover C. Linn will use at the Gov
ernment Hill Baptist church. Revival
meetings are being held nightly In
this church The following subjects
have been announced. Sunday 11 a. m.
u wBt-uuwn oi jesus unnst ;
Monday night "When Does It Pay to
Rssliam It Tumi r..'. en Ia
be the feature at the First night. "Naaman the Leper": Wednes-
(CHILDREN Must Be Emancipated
From Slavery Of Grinding Toil
Minister Appeals to Christians to Ohserve Sunday, January 25, as Annual Child
Labor Day; Condemns Capitalists "Who Wring Potential Manhood From
Youngsters in Shops, Calling It Evil, Iniquitous and Inhuman.
By C. K. CAMPBELL, Presiding EMer El Paso District.
The Constructive Influence of the
Bible in Human Progress." Rev.
H VanValkenbursrh will pronounce
the dedicator service.- The Boy
Scouts will assist in the distribution
of the Bibles.
At 11 a. in, W. N Wiggmns,
Mother! Teach the Children
Their Daily Health Duty
You can't be too insistent!
Methodist Episcopal church Sunday . day night. "Samson, the Strong Man'
night. The church is donating U7 ITBursday night. "A Lost Soul". Fri
Gideon Bibles to be placed, as directed (day night, "The Great Judgment Day"
by the Gideon order, in local hotels. Saturday night. "When Must I Do to
Dr Howard C Taylor of the School I Be Saved" The ordinance of baptism
of Mines, will deliver the address on t will be administered at the conclusion
." onwwy niHDi service.
BvangelUt Vl.ll.i City.
Rev R. X. Hall. T) TV. nf TTftt,.tAn
Texas, who is the Synodical evangelist
"" ' ovuuieiii nvsoyienan in Texas
will begin a series of meetings In
Westminster Presbyterian church on
February IS Tho meetings will last
for about two weeks. Dr. Hall is an
evangelist of marked ability. On
Wednesday evening committees were
appointed to advertise the meeting
and to arrange for the music and to
make the necessary preparations for
the services.
At the Westminster PrMfevt.rl.n
church. Rev. Watson M. Fajrley. will
have for his morning theme, "The
Sabbat as a Means of Grace." The.
quarter will give some special music
The evening service will be at 7 J9,
FEW cKWren od pleasure in
the tilings most vital to their
physical comfort and health,
bo it rests with the watchful mo ti
er to see that they are done. The
child will be grateful in af ter years.
Chief among the functions
Escessary to the npboSding of the
Ettle body, so that it w31 not be a
dyspeptic constipated body when
it matures, is Aminstihn regu
larly every morning. If the moth
er will be insistent and allow
nothing to interfere with k, H wiB
coon become a habit, a dairy rou
tine that will not be forgotten
throughout life.
There are timet, however, when
nature vrfli not operate unaided.
Then give Dr Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, which is a combine'., cm of
ample laxative herbs with pepsin,
ana the headaches, the biliousness,
the torpor will quickly disappear.
It ads gently and without griping,
and as it contains no narcotics and
is pleasant Jo the taste, it may
be ghen to infants. Thousands
of famines have been retrjlated to
healthy maturity with Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsip.
A bottle can bj bought at any
drag store. In a large famSy
there is always someone who
wouH feel better for a dose of a
good medicine like Dr. CaMweB's
Syrup Pepsin. r
In spht of the fax thai Dr. CM
we&j Symp Pepsm is the largest
in die unU, then;
bessg or 6 nufism
bottles sold e3chyear,
many tvno need itsl
benefits heme not yet
used it. 1 jou have
not, send jour name
and addr&s for a free
mil bottle to Dr IT.
B Caldwell, 511
Washington Street,
Monoceuo, ffltnou.
"But who so shall offend one of
these little oaest .. It were better
for him' that a millstone were
handed about his neek. and that
he vrer droirncd In the depths of
the sea. Jesus.
TUB woman's division of the state
labor department requests pas
tors of Texas to observe Sunday
January 35 as annual child labor
One of toe distinctive ideas of
Christianity that aiserentiate it
from other religions la Its apprecia
tion of the worth of childhood. When
the dliscloles wranarled over the ques
tion of prominence and primacy
Jesus settled the dispute with an
object lesson of a child, declaring that
chtluilkeness was true greatness.
When the 11 made the stupid blonder
of rebuking the mothers who brought
their children to Jesus for His bless
ing. He corrected them In words that
have become a Christian classic "Suf
fer the lltfe children to come unto
According to the founder of Chris
tianity. Injury to childhood Is an offence-
that merits Cth penalty He
did not say that the Offender should
be hanged bat that a heavy stone
be hanged around his neck to make
drowning easy There arS more ways
of ejxeeutlner a criminal than by
stringing him up to a scaffold.
Child Labor Inhuman.
The observance of a child labor
question In the year 1 A. D, yet the
teachings of Jesus havs a vital am.
practical bearing upon this present
day problem. Were He tn the flesh
today He would undoubtedly condemn
the evil of child labor In as strong
terms as he denounced offenders
againnt childhood 1900 years ago.
The church sustains a real relation
to this question.
The observation of a child labor
Sunday is entirely within the province
of the pulpit. The request of the
state labor 4eoarUnent Is a reasonable
one. Any church that would refuse to
lake up the cudgel against a heart
less capitalism that would exploit
child labor has not the spirit of Him
who took little children In His arm
and bleseed them. This' evil is In
iquitous, Inhuman and unchristian. It
will be denounced by the pulpit until
it is eradicated.
Christianity Rediscovered.
The more we delve into the teach
ings ot Jesus, the more the social
question unfolds Itself. The ideal for
which He lived and died was a
social ideal. We enter the kingdom
by a turn stile, admitting only an in
dividual at a time, but the kingdom
Itself is a social realm.
The question of hub's relation to
man ealls clamorously for the at
tention of every citizen. There has
been a changed emphasis in the
preaching of today. Our mlnis't-rtal
grandfathers preached to the Indi
vidual. Bammertng away every Sun
day in the year on pesonal saltation.
They said nothing about a Christian's
duty to society; The modern minister
who knows his business does not
neglect the Individual but does not
allow him to monopolize his roes
sage. He proclaims the social ideal
of Jesus as the remedy of social
wrongs and the solvent Industrial Ills.
And thus child labor becomes ons of
his themes.
One of the most far reaehlnfi: ot
ethical questions is that of the value
of a human being. What is a man's
worth to society and what Is a child's'
as & potential man 7 in various ways
Jesus taught the worth ot personality
It has been well said that the Chris
tian era is the human era. age of
man. In harmony with this Idea
Philips Brooks asserted. "He who
helps a chDd nelps humanity with a
distinctness, with an Immediateness.
that no other help given to human
creatures in any other stage of their
human lives can possibly give again.
An inhuman capitalism that would
use child labor for the sake Of low
wages brings upon It the curse of
Christ because of Its contempt for
humanity. It were better for sordid
capitalists to be drowned In til
depths of tlie sea than for childhood
to be maimed.
An El Paso Incident.
The state bureau of labor vouches
for the authenticity of the following
incident. It Is related by an inspector
of that department
"At a bakery In Kl Paso there came
to my attention the ease of Carlos
Armendariz. a young boy who works
at night. In the bake shop. This boy ,
was small and a weakling, afflicted
with tuberculosis. working mams
he was forced to sleep flays In a close,
dingy room, deprived of sunshine and
proper air. His condition grew worse,
until In October of this year, the As
sociated Charities took him in their
care, placed him In a hospital, where
with the proper rest, plenty of son
shine and wholesome food, he Is
gaining In weight and may In time
become a healthy child."
It is salh conditions that have
called forth the modern crusade far
childhood. It will be carried pn un
til 'children everywhere have been
emancipated from tne slavery 01
grinding toB.
transport corps last winter at Bor
deaux. The transport corps was
largely made up ot 1-.1 raso ooys.
Miss Ou Bola and Miss Frances
Rogers, of St. Paul. Minn, are In El
Paso at the central T l C A. awalt
inar to be assigned to one ot the towns
along the border to do I W. C A.
Miss Rogers was with the Second
division overseas.
The regular Sunday evening devo
tional services of the,Epworth league
will be held at oclock at the
First M. E. church. The league mem
bership has Increased SO percent tn
the last two weeks. Special music is
on the program.
The regular monthly business
meeting Monday evening at s oclock
will be followed by a social.
At a recent meeting, the following
officers were elected President,
Bryant Barnes first vice president,
Herbert W Conklln. second vice
piesldent. Mrs. G O Everman. third
vice president. Miss Myrtle Nold;
fourth vice president. Ray Prichett,
secretary, Kenneth Armstrong, treas
urer. Charles Klink, pianist. Miss
Ruth Hyten.
starts witli a C9H
KHl the Cold. At ths
sneezatake .
J sLlatS-en
S-uniird cold remerl7 for 23 ytiri
ta umce wna uif. sarv, so
opiate -biTk up a cold ta 24
pour ' nwr-o &w n J rv
u oner oacjc a ituu. im
geaaino bo h a -Red
At AIIDrmr Star
yakSTBSssssla '
'TrrSKI fc;
Results From Herald Ada
while the Christian endeavors will
meet at 6:10
At the evenlnsr service at Central
Baptist church the pastor will preach
ine last ox xaree sermons on unrts
tianity and health, the topic being,
"What the Doctors Hin Done: Is
It of God or the Devil'" The morn-
Sentence Sermons by El Paso Ministers 1
KTffi basis of unity in tie Christian church is not in thought we shall
-t sever all think alike; it is net in common interests there will always be
differences; it is not modes or ritual of worshiji there will always be variety
ia them. The only basis is that indicated by Paul in Eph. lv:3: The unity of
the spirit." Ber. W. S. Hngjett, Highland Park Methodist church.
"One of the prevailing fanlta of modern thinking is a disposition to ignore
God and read Him out of the universe in the scientific ttscy of the same. Only
that form of thinking that makes God imminent in His creation aid that con
siders nature's laws and forces, modes of expression of divinity, will make God
real, bring Him near and bring man to a true sense of his dependence upoa
Him." Eer. Sufus C Baker, Orchard Park M. E. church.
neither culture, morality nor reHgieutness is a substitute for regenera
tion. Chirst said to a man who had an of these: "Except a man be bom again
he cannot enter the kingdom of God.' Without the new birth, whkh comes by
faith in Christ, there Is no salvation." Rev. George W. McCall, Central Baptist
"The disdples had no idea how deliverance from that storm was to come,
hut their faith was in Christ and to Him they looked as their only hope, if
perchance He could do something for them. They were sure they would per
ish unless He could help, and it brought them salvation. And if Tittle faith'
could accomplish so moch, what may not a strong and vigorous faith secure?"
Rer. J. H. a Sieck.
Ins- sermon -will be an Illustrated ser
mon on TThe Two Sides of the
At the First Presbyterian church
Sunday morning at 11 oclock. S. J.
Brient. general secretary of the El
Paso Y. M. C. A, wiU speak In the
absence or tee pastor, Dr rioya roe,
who Is HI. . '
At 7:M tnere will be nreachlng by
chaplain W. B. Zimmerman of the 81d
Zleia aruuery, fori hues.
Alex Doguid, the superintendent
01 the Sunday scnooi. announces mat
there will be the monthly assembly
of the entire school at S SO. The in
termediate endeavor meets at 6 oclock.
Edneator Coming Ilere.
"W. N. Wtirzans. secretary' of ths
Texas State Sunday School associa
tion, will arrive in El Paso Saturday
night for a 10 day stay for the pur-'
pose or assisting in tne nouse to nouse
canvass or religious census, which is
to be made on Tuesday afternoon.
Fsbraarv X. Mr Wlereans will sneak
In various churches while in El Paso.
Next Sunday morning he will apeak
to the Central Baptist and West
minster Presbyterian Sunday schools
during the regular session of the
lie will occupy the pulpit of the
First Methodist church Sunday morn
ing and ot Trinity Methodist Sunday
evening He will address a mass
meeting at First Christian church at
3 p m On Monday, Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday evenings, at 7 30
he will address meetings ot El Paso
Sunday scbool workers at the First
Presbyterian church.
The Mission Study class of the
First Presbyterian church will meet
Tuesday. January 27. at z 30 wltn iirs.
N B. Herron, 105 North Florence.
Topic. -Medical Missions In India."
Altura Presbyterian, "He Who Is of
twlv Rnirit Skajl Obtain Honor."
mrtll be the theme ot the discourse by
Li ... f XT Ult.liui.. Ofll
morning. In the evening the subject
will'be -Forgetting the Past.- The
T. P. S. C E. will begin Its meeting
at 6 -0 Subject, "Christ For A1I1 the
World." Mrs. Leonard West, leader.
xbgro cninicii
Rev. J. R. Jackson, pastor of the
first negro Baptist church, corner
Daonii and Vlrwtnla streets, will
preach Sunday morning at 11 oeiocjr
.... t.1 uli I .. 'Ill kw T.ak tl.A '
Second Coming of Christ and. if Be
Should Not Come. Whatt" At 7:
his snbieet will be. "The Boys and
Girls of the City." Zeea. I.S.
Sunday, January z. lszv. Toza
J to p. ra. Mr Zion. Baptist chores,
nerro. corner Doraago and Bstrella
streets, will mark a new beginning
by installing the sew pastor. Rev.
John "D Fears, whoso motto, is, "that
somebody most be saved.
Rev. F OUIe Brews, pastor of
Shlloh Baptist church, win preach
the iestalation sermon at 4 p. m.
Alternated br Rev John P- Jackson.
pastor. Second Baptist chores. El
Paso, Texas.
ON woiira-s ivoiul oitinstLs
Miss Evelyn Do Bols. a T. W. C A.
worker from New York city, who
was with ths Third and J 0th divisions
In France, wtl speak Sunday night at
the Asbury Methodist church. Ber
subject will be "Women's Work Over
seas ln7 W. C A. Huts."
MIss Du Bo is wss with a motor
Mother's Used To Be
for Sunday, Jan. 25th
from 11:30A.M. to 8:30,P. M.
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As spring approaches, our service will be indispensable to every household that would like to smarten up their wardrobe and save a lot of money.
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