Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 10 Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1920. OPPER PRICES AGAIN DEGLlNEjTHREATENS SAG Further pressure against special- New Orleans. La.. Feb. 10 The ;es like General Motors, Stude- threatened railway strike was re iser and Texas company, caused I gnrded unfaorably In the cotton urther reactions In Tuesdays mar- , market today and enowrh selling; re--t According; to J S. Curtiss &. Co, suited from it during- the first half ioul Sheldon. hour of trading to depress prices 1 uuirei .kicks u a wnoie neia .rly firm. Crucible Steel on short' The market was steadied at the de t-ing advanced 6 points over the Rails nere erv weak. Curb Conner a-4. uiaca&mton rri.ii.sa3 Arizona I' . Ledge j 1 Jerome . siil id ted Arizona dt-e Arizona . . r n Monster i till Copper ... ioe Sound ' "wne Verde ".T-osari . . . .. .4Bm Chief J afrma . i-.ii Consolidated -a Cornella ' a. Hercules I mted Easter- -er.or ft Boston rle Extension rd- Combination o en .-lden . -. . . .7-1 9 H0 3? .. 3 .. 4t .. 23 6 .. 3S . .1-11 13V l 2 3 t .. 37e 3 s e 1H . 10 4 : -i.-r King 11-13 0 torphry 4 f -nn 17 . nrrck 34t3) 1 ... meted Coppr .... Q Listed Copper Stocks. .conda .. mnun Smelters Hu't hiDO ... . uumti and Arizona reen Cananea rvennecott .. -- M' rMaua ftj . ... ha truck I tah Railroad StocLa. Batimore Ohio ;9,iwtlcli occurred Saturday night.- The i andlan Pacific hesait-ke 4c Ohio i rle . N'-s? York Central , "ennlvanla outturn Ralina - Paul . Indo-trlat MurLjt, -i n Car and Foundry Tierican Can American LaOcrsotive . ........... Tl-Idwin LeOeomotle . ........ ilftbiehem Steel I-a ck? wanna Mtdiile riscible ..... .. , rn!u"ina! Akuhol '."xIHrh , I S Rubber , - r.ira I Leather General ilotora , t ip( -Kit , "nine-house , New York OH. J"xican Petroleum .. "exas Oil '-'itlalr . v.i Iut. h ' a m-lcan . .. cc4 V 191, :: i:9j 99 (fi 99HI 73SI :4v.' 37 1(3 1(9 9 11 99 751. OIL QUOTATIONS. Ibrt Worth OHs. Thew qootatfeas fnrslshed dairy by J. S C.-ii . Co.. Hotel Sbeldoc. Bid Asked n-aier Valley t .30 3 .32 v w Eight r i4t -agr- Rock Island ,9.1 X.4C '-princs 1( 5 17J T iI Crud. 33JJ .4 ItVhrla FaH. Otis. The following qvstatssna are based aa "" par Bid Asked Hurrt Crert S2U 4 Rurk Imperia 3 37 Comanche Northern IS lxS nr Eight H 3M I lited OH 99 7M EL PASO STOCKS. "Bw figures taken from the boards at rj t the session Tuesday noon: 1 Paso Moex Exchange. ma Asked sold - it 9 Kir Four . . i urnler . . ' m. Northern. ens P & P. I troit Oil F' Paso Brkbnt . ant Duke.. tJemer Unloa . Hog Creek Jr oeco Bsstn. Qeco Ranger co Basin D la??ers Wallace U!e Motor Kur langold . "can . . . u'lni-n - irer Ilorh ". nicer Cenlra' lannef O 4. O r.i-icer R I - W O 4t D anehine T.xaa Chief Txaa Crade "fita Homer "". xa Peu 97H - .93 M .95 190 9 V0 13. 9 IH lil 3- 3. 1.46 L35 -M (.9 .43 1.M .5 1-15 .4 75 15 2.5 2:6 .79 9 44 .35 1 3 1 5S 1 M 1 15 30 3 .' cimar . .6 Central OS and Stock Exchange. Asked BH sales nanL-ra- Lease J 5 3 ... i ... Turner .. Tj-k.1-1 5 I ft 5 86 15 .38 '.S Border Ststes. m lie Bork '!. Four -. 1 -m Northern ' om Home aldwell fluke of Dnblin "1 Paso Brkbnt VI Paso Rangfr lreesfane Bend T.ueco Basis hneco Ranger Ii-i!lra 4t Pro Homer Union Imperial . .. Taggers Wallace Marigold . Ocean Pullman Ranger Rnrk Ranger Central. Sunshine . . Silver Cycle . s. tr o D Texas P-t .. . Texas Chief rexae Crude Texas Homer Texas Pipe Line Weona DOM 1 CS 1 0 4 1 39 .45 .5 8 l te 47 1, 7 1 9 99 1 99 l. .35 1 9 a r Globe N l eimar illej 1SWH ,9 TO RESUME TRADING IN SUGAR FUTURES AT N. Y. New Tork. Feb 10. Trading in i car futures, suspended doring, the) v. ar u ill be resumed on the New " ork tof fee and sugar exchange Feb rLary 16 it was announced today. No official information concerning rrmmi'tlon of trading in sugar fn tre; had been received today by tha sugar equalization board. The board ba? no control over the new crop of sjrar. but it was explained that If w .Id and erratic speculation" folH lofd resumntion of trading in fa lures the attorney general has au-i tl oritv to stop it and prosecute under LAKE VALI.KY Hiitboro and Kingston tne Lever art which will be enforced J . m ' t I-ake valley, wm until peace is Signed. ID 31eae, HHtahor. New Mexico. The managers of the coffee and! ROSWELL-CARKIZOZO cars lease Res ugar exchange, asked the attorney wn,5t 5'if Jb m- P n'0ee fer PFenerals permission to resume trad-I btfa.,, " p?cbo- J Carrtxezo at ing in sugar futures bnt received o"rmQZJt 4 " nff.,'- ...ATun t--9 hitn if --? mTPv -loawen at 333 u to. White :;. t .",." .-"rrtrrr-:r.riL'w grage r-o. iu. ii imuiiig, hi ous,4U luuit tri 10 temperate it may be allowed to con tinue It was explained, although it to considered inadvisable in view of the genera efforts to cut down credits. The exchange has an established 190 point limit for a day's trading In sugar, equal to one cent a pound. EL PASO COMPANY GETS CONTRACT FOR ROAD WORK Santa Fe, N. M.. Feb. 10. The Lee Moor Construction company of El Paso has been awarded the contract 'or ru' 9 7 miles of concrete ouleard from Albuquerque to thr a! county line The contract i" ce is tJ orto Th 10 percent add- d "o- f-nir.neering and contingencies v. i "-"k(. t e TotRl cost of the jro' J .. f,i This rompanj also ij - ' ".r Tne ''oi re'- h grwa f-om ---rs o M quit-. iCOTll IHET'Gfll PRICES to 28 points. March sinking to 93s w cline bv the wet weather in the cen Ural and western portions of the belt. Rains in the west especially were ac- ,? lrxscepted as very unfavorable in con : ? zz. Inectlon with the start of the new 1 nection with the start of the new crop opening bids Tiere March. $3S . May. ; -T llr M .A AMnlur fi T. r cemttrr. $2317 " " selling pre-wure continued until the trad ing monthi were 91 to 19 points under the closing quotations of yesterday. Mareh trading down to 3 M. Late as the morn leg more demand was felt en the rumor that chencex were again brightening for 3-32 1 compromise on the peace treaty. Toward 1 noon prices were dock witaia s to a points I, 'of yesterday' finsls. I Cotton cloned steady. X points down to u ' 7 points cp. ' mth Low Close i ; March ... W 9( J1S IU 91 Mar . 03 45 33.S1 11.41 Jnl . . October December . 31 St . !t 9S 31. 1 21.M 29.21 31.49 U.34 21 29 8 28 Spot cottos qaiet. 25 Sales on the po 9SS. points lower. mianirag. H 331 M. middling. SU.H: good middling. fe ' 340.S9. recintH. 715C stock. 414.359. i CiNfen Future. CUe. ii I New Tort Feb. 10 Cotton fntur""! H ,Woaed Kteady March, 7S. May. 932.M: 23blnly. 311. Oc-.ober. 321.1:. December. ti S2S M !. 1 . "iNOGALES MAN SHOT, POLICE HUNT YOUTH FOR CRIME r: f Nofralea Ana.. Feb. 10- The sher ;I; I ifrs office is huntmr for Alejandro JJ J Garcia, ased 18. In connection with -."the shootinr of A. Solomon, proprie !tor of a Kocales shootinsr callerr. isv iTne woanded nun is in the military, Mll i - I I. 1. 1.3 I.. 1... . J a chance to rtK-over It was at first I thought the snooting was accidental. I Miss Edith Strauss, director of the 'Women's Activities of the depart- Intent of justice, is seeking to reduce ,the high cost of living by ursine ; women to bay cheaper goods. ! Undertakers 9,',l'E.K.BA(JiaMN VMIEKTAKINO CO. Open dav ana ntgbt. i-tt Texas St. Ph. 139. Private amssuaac. service. WANT AD RATE CARD. To rerls per ord each dsBy IMlnJa Three consecutive Insertions, lnersdlng .l!Mlnv 4 Cats Ber WOToV Six consecutive iaserttaas. I cents per The above rate is based am a ratniinns- of a !t word count. Ads cantainag seas i than this number of words will h ceuMM . m m 4f4h . Sbs4b . One dollar and fifty cents per (lino per month Minuaosi ox ianro w on monthly rata Bold face lines, doub-e pisre. Two cents per wo.-J 2ar stock or hand. i oiL mining or other rramotienal a4r- No ad mn tor sn tndefintte period tf F t taken over the trtephone. Orders ts discontinue T P ads meet bo made m writing. Account, for els willed sdi are dne after first tnseTtton. Not responMble for more than one incorrect tntertion. In order to give ttme for proper classi fication it ts tieeessary to close The HsraJg . p. . !.... .. it. is a. sa. I All atb.( davs st i: p. m. Want a4s lecsteed srter this hoar wHI sppear the . ..- riHlae. In lHMtntlsao .TSSt SOS j mast be in Herald office before 9 s- m. cf flsy sf powicsnon. i RAILROAD TIME TABLE i AM train -rrlve and depart tTom Onlsn ! S'Utlon. tool of San Frsneieco street- All 'rrlvsl. sod epartoree given in El Psao or tnonntaln stantsrd ttane. , SANTA FE. i For Albwnerojae. Denver. Chicago. Lna Angeles Ka. 99 Iva 9 a in.: Kb. 9 ii a as n .. From Albaaraeraa Eenver. Ixs Asgelej, j i Chicago He. 91 sfva 19 a. m.: No. i 1st 9-9 p. tn. I EL PA0 iOtiTHWESTEBN. I lTetem Division. I Per Arizona and Callfarala No. 3 Irs. !4:S p. ra.: Ko. 7 Ivs. st I-4I p. m. , Proa Arizen d Cshfornis 111 3 1 rv. 99 p. m- I Irjeatrrn uivision.1 i For Kabsns CUy. St. Lonla and Cnlcagn i So. 4 Iva ll-ai p. m.: No. 9 st 3:, I p. tn. M l t From cncaga. a. laws ana ..a... I aty No. I .rva 7 a. m.: No. 1 at 3:4 p. m. sflirniRKN PACIFIC L1XES. For Ban Asian;. New Orleans sad Washington N. lt ivs. 390 p. nu: N. I at u-ss p. as. zf. I'..n4..ri.. Kew Orleans and Ssn Aaton9s Arrives S3 (as a. m.: No. 9 stj 4:3 p. tn. For Atlzocs sad uaniomia ro. i i. ; I 7:19 a. m. ' ta at 9:so NO. il st 7:19 a. m.: r.o- ; I From Alisons sad CaUxarnls Ns 4 larva st l.:4( . in.: Na. in arrs. Z:4 p. tn.: So 11 at l?- p. m. I TBXAS C PACIFIC. Car Dallas snd St. Lasts No. 2 Ira te a m.: Ka 9 at 41 p. m. I From St. iAitA snd Oalla. No. 1 arva i st 1:45 p. m. : No 95 arva. at 190 p. in. I MEXICAN CENTBAU I No rcgalar srbedalc. I MEXICO Jt NOETHWESTEKN. i Wo rsenisr .ehlnle Ul'I'EK VALLEY. CPPEB VALI.ET HERALD AUTO Lv. ?' " "?'' .""?. ViT'l.lZ. i I'M rtn-Tretur; AT Zrl.7SZ cea for El Pasa front of E. T. John's Cigar Store, 3 p. m. : arriving in El Paso 743 p. ra. Phooe Herald Office for rerer vatloari. Phone E. T. Johns, 1 Las Cro cee for rr nrsllrptis KX11.E TO ELEPHANT BUTTE DAM AND HOT M-i.lX.v Meets U trains at :- iMa44A- efrmen iIurf rl.ivi fm r '. n .h. 4.fn Ti-ssa z:"ClZ-2ZZZZr' .: iS 5K wl2rd j fr?.". sH TT Hefferoan. Hot N IJ1UKK IA1.LEY. TM-ETA. CLINT. FABENS ASU TOR rCILLO. vta aoath looo road. Relnrnlne its north loop road. GfUlsptes cat leave Her- aid office dally snd Sands y at 333 p. m. Make iei-vatiM. at HMald or Ph 3. NEW MEXICO. EL PA0-LA MESA TRANSFER COw Leaves Masonic temple bonding at 3 p. m. LeaT93s IaS Ueaa fi-tr 171 VPsm t 7-4 a. tn. TrngstauT 111 I tunwla frsslirtriO 1 1 clndlag Bl Paao Heralds, are carrieo over) thai line. I MObOLLO-D,liv to snd from lver CJtT snd Mogollon. Csr. leave aiver City oa srrlvsl of Semi Fe trsln No. 919. I Mocaiion s s- m Bennett Motor Trsnalt Ca Phone is Opp depot. TUCIIMCARI CLOt I- Lave Tueomtan 7:33 a m arrive Clods 3 p. m.; leave Clovis T a. nu arrive Tarirmcarl a p. ra. Wo pass oil wella twice daily Fry Reeler coat factors. WEST TEXAS. M0NA11ANS - BCENA VISTA Mttaa- htu. OnfisrA ITatf Imnafttl Raena Viet a Oswego Orient train. Ft. Stockton A- mae. i,s uat pailt exrepr soooaya Phone er wire reservations. E. V. Sweatt. Grand Falls MARFA FORT D.V1 AUTO leave Fort Davis dally snd Snndays S a ra.: lesve Marfa S p. m. One way 12-6: rond frln t (J TC rtv1fa orinrletor UJ.1QN ( LABiL , M SWING UPWARD Chicago, III, Feb 10 Corn took an upward swing: today, largely as a re sult of the fact that receipts con tinued to be much smaller than had been generally expected Most of the demand today came from shorts Opening quotations. - hich ranged from c lower to -&c - ia,nc - wlth MX at S1 S4i to J1;" ?n? J.l.zz ":;' were followed by decided gains all around. Later the chance of a railway strike had considerable bullish influence. and so too did word of export bosi- ness in rye and oats. The close was ) -Hay $1.28 1- to 1.8 3-8 and July phviHi . i-in; iv v .(. uk uibui Willi - - i - i-z 10 i.; -4. Oats ascended with corn. Aft.r opening unchanged to Xc higher, in cluding: Kay at 71 "4 c to 74 c the xoarKei scored a general advance. aj Provisions ware lifted by strength of grain and bogs. Bnsinasa. how. ever, wag light. Subsequent packer selling of lard Drougni aoont a moaerate general reaction. Grains and .Provisions. Chicago Grain. C3oe. Corn March. SLUU.: Mtr 11 MU July. uats Max. 7c: JnlT. S9c. Chicago rrovlsions. Close. Pork May. 994.Z9; Jnly. fu.99. Lard Mar. 191.: Jnly. 91 7. Rlbe Mar 511-37 H: July. SIS 9 inicago i-rodnce, Ciose. Chicago. 11L. Fen. IS. Potatoes, steady Arrivals. 99 cars. Northern Whites. 94 19 4.S5, carlets; Western Russets, jobbing. Jt-7M.S Batter Lower. CnaiMnr. sel&lu.f ' wSSrSZraS. VHS market, cases included. 4&ac. Poultry Alive, unchanged. ttanttas tTty iToduee. ae. Kansas City. Mo.. Pen. 1 Bntter Ex- tras. tc: firsts. c: secocda. 53c: pack - tag. le tower. e. Bggs Pb-sts. 9c higher. 49c. case lots, 31 S higher. 114.3 "Uiiry Mens, c nigber, 33c. roost- Vera unchanged. l(v34c. brallers. un- changed. 39c Livestock Market Cblcaro Livestock, dose. Chicago. HL. Feb. 1 Hogs Receipts, -S.S.V staraet strong to isc blgtter. Balk. 914 44915.1: ton. 315 SS heaw XI USS 14.75: medlnsa. 14.5)15.. light. 914-5 -sua xs: aeavr pacsjag sows, smooth, tl3.M14.M: pigs. 113.95414 36. Cattle Receipts. 15.SM. Market steadr Beef stsera ssaill sad choice and Mima 31C.M4J17.M: saadtana -u. awsu. szf-vss.ia.iHr; natener cattle, hellers. 9a.fciz.9: eowa 5C5ll.r;: eaaaers and eatters. MQtM; vest carves. ,l.9S17-: fsedsr steers. J7.if 1L76: staeksr steen. 17.1.5. Sheep Itaeespts. 13.. Markst firm. Lassas, 99? nsenads down, IlLStanat! ewaa, median, goad sad choice. 114.7549 Ksnsss CUr livestock. Oow. Kansas Otv. afe. paa. is n-jue. b eetpta. ut. afatatat staadir. Balk. 314.10 .wm. mmvecs 4a.wrayxt.s: meomma, II4.ltai4.75: Uchts. Ill 1SM14 s d. urue Receipts. tHf Market uneven. steadr ts He lilahii Hsaw hnt e.. eaatee and prime. tll.9SFlC. medium and goad. S12.164l.2: cammon. 99 9e 19.19: Ughtweigbt. geod and eboie. 311.4 314.79 common aad rnedrsm. 35 M49I1 4: 3C.9112.: V..I ealrex IllMM 19.25. feeder stesra 99.94e91x.75- e-krf steers. (. 129. Sheep Rwetpts. - Market He to e higher. Lambs. (17.5:.25: yearling wethers. 915-5a)19.M: eat. tt usn s- kMJ",'- . 9.14 9S. feeder lambs! ..-vwa'-w Denver Livestock, Ciese. iver. tTola.. fsl 1 nafL. n. celpts. 5. Market stronger Beef steers. f.t.n.i'.H; osws ana neuers, 9as 115. stoefcers aad feeders, 93 Mail : i."v., eta.v.sjta.'m. Hogs Receipts. lM Msrket steadr Top. 314.S-: balk. 314.Mai4.29. Sheen R.celitt. rsa. xr.ri.. . 25c higher Lambs. 519 7649 19.5: ewes.' j .. iawii.s: iceoer ismns. 9I7.69ai9.25. Tort fTsrth Livestock, new. Fort Worth. Tex, Feb- 1 Cattle Re ceipts Moodar. 22; msrket stesdv Daerta 39-ai2-&. naeken IT AAA II.. cows. 4.291M: heifers. 95 25a 11.25. bslla, t5-25aa.; calvea 94.U Hogs Racesnts. 490: market te t. ice an. Heavr. Ill.Mail.25: light, 314.15 14.25: medtom. I13.M(14M. mixed. 31Z.M013.M; eem-nen. 31LM99121M. pigs. ll.t4sH.KI. Sheep Receipts. 25. Lambs. 319 MO 9M: rearllags, 116 6ai7 54. wethere. 912.99019 59: ewes. Ill M019 M. colls. It M09 M. goats. It 907 6. ttE Loizt Notices DO"E SHRINE. TTedn radar. I. O. O. F. hall, C p. tn.. reception for the a. W. H. P.: casaerole sapper: 9 o'clock. Initiation. 9 to 9 p. m open hoase by B. W. H. P. st 9914 BUss St. All members invited to call. JULIA A. SHASP. -W. H. P FANNY P1CKLBS. W. a Lost and Found LOST One fratemlrv ring, initials V. v. rewaro. aist Httusx LOST Saadar. dtssssad aaaped 8. A. iiMiraig pin, nnoer zn. S77Z. LOST Large whlw Bulldog, answers to st -jaea.- ra ss94, reward. LOST Bmvmb Upson Ave. and N. Ochoa. small brown far neck piece. Ph. 999 and receive reward. LOT Ttm ltsmatBf91 taufas sartHsrlia telss -Tw-fln of Ben Hot aad Btothwhood Railroad ' Trainmen. Ph. 3113; reward. t.Ti,.vtm amr"s:. . z -i r- HSiUJ ? "P01" I old Airedale poppy, white star oa breast. answers to Mine i"cg, rcwaro. LOST-Purs. containtnc 99 or J"11. ?!1j-- tarn lilt circle Ave, reward. FOUND Lady's small dlamoBd rtnr. own er may have same by applying Room 33. T M C A., between the hoars of 4 and 3. Money to Loan - " vvJvvv-rv-nn-n--'--- "fiunj - L aUUKTUAOK LOANS We ajso 1 --riea. EMPIRE PURCHASING co Uonhoase block. 3o TO 330 loaaed hooest employes, cheap en rates. eoofldeatlaL Quick. Satisfactory service. Drake. 21 KeMrta Banner. MONEY TO LOAN on dUmonds, watch and Jewelry. FULK4.N'. lit N. STANTON ST. UXLUIXTlt amount to loan on farma, ranches and improved dtr nropertr. no nnnecesssrv delava write for snpllcatioa. C P. Mann si Co Oalveston. Tex T1"5 0LY LOA OrTICE Of Its kind In the southwest. Special de pS?ifvl e-f! it"sav ivmnn rr P1?-,.?,? rSnnS" LOOK FOB TUB HIP .OLD CLOCK. ttiie EUl rAIIu; LOA ASSOCIATION Loans money in large or small amoants or chattel mortgage or collateral secority at the lowest rate, on terma to aatt bor rower. SIS Trait Bide. Hours, 9 a. m. to 3 p. ra. and 3 p. m. to 8 p. ra. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET loaaed on watches, diamonds, Jew elry and automobiles at a low rate of in terest: we also carry complete line leath er aolt cases sad traveUag bags. CITY LOAN .IXsVELRY CO. 11 corner W. Sen Aatetdo and a Bl Paso. 51 ONLY TO LOAN. Money loaaed on diamonds, watchea. Jew elry, antOnS-roMles and oil stocks at the lowest rate of interest; business strictly confldentlaL SECURITY LOAN CO. 133 S. Bl Paso. Phooe S7J4. Speda Notices CCRTAINS LAUNDERED, fancy table covers, bod spreads, etc.. quick service; work guaranteed. Mrs Richmond. pfa?732W IF OC WANT a comfortable fitted cor set nave it tailor made SPEMTH SERVICE. TIL fiSW. HLM.TlTrillNO. picot work aecoriian Plaiting Slisa B. CORFM. ModWte 3 Tiurkler Tll4n-k Ph lfill Mil LlNEld L. Uie r i h Ulret hat r ij. c d bat, nnd" rt v, .! "d ni -i"ine eo. 41-ne t-rj i .V h-aitA-aa. uj urV, feXStaC STOCK I T CLOSING WEJU New York. Feb. 10. Reactions of J to 17 points registered by p.,l.. live issues in the course of tooay unsettled stock market resulted f rom fresh selling for both acounts The closinft as neak. Sales approxl- mated (950.000 shares. Prices of Liberty bonds todav were: 3Vs I9C.SC. 4's S91.0S; second 4's The Wc Uueeo Basin oil well la down $91.20: first 4Vi 991 40: second 4tt'slabout 1M0 feet. I haTe a few claims leaa M.T: third ts 193.50: fourth K's 90.0. Victory s's J97.H: victory 11 Thai IH.nt .a-MK ud .w t . m. 1 dlffteaJties at ihr openlns of today a aea- I sion. Overnight announcement of th strike call of one of the railroad brotherhoods afforded a pretext for ivnewed selling This was not especially directfd agstnst railroad shares, how-ver, shipptags. motors and steels showiac the most hesTtarsa. Reaetioas la these group ran from 1 to 2 points, oils and connera also falllnc hack. Sterling exchange howrd no tat- terlal change from yesterday's final quo - .. Trading during the morning ou "io niwui uuiaci t,vusj lutiunnu joomh- dayz unsettled conrse Early reactions were extended soeculative Issues, especial ly shippings making new low record. Gen eral Motors was toe most uncertain lea tore dropping 7 points and making full recovery AaTUiated shares and oils mam fested a heavier trend and eaulomentji con. unaea to sag with rails, copper. learners and tobaccos. Foreign exchange lost some of Its re cent stability, the London rate yielding almost x centx. The 1 percent opening rate for call money Bad a favorable effect, however, prices rising again before noon. N. Y. LISTED STOCKS I Br the Aaaociatsd Preas.) Hew Tors. Feb. 1. Ponawtaa: are the rloKing quotation at the New Tork stock lexrnange rnr the stocks mentioned . Am.ri.n H. i:t 97 H ' American T T Anaconda Copper .. I Atchison I chloo Copper ' Colorado Fuel a: Iron 51 4 7 4414 M4 114 97 Inspiration Copper Nortnern Pacific Reading Southern Pacific Union Pacific C. a Steel ATONEY AND M2TALF (By the Associated Press. New Tork. Feb. It XercantUo paper. 6tH percent, merlins' demand. U.:-' motes. J-,-7. Time loans, strong, all dates 1 aer- cent. Call money, easy High. 10. low. C; rul ing rate, is, closing bid. . offered at 7; last loan, i Bar silver. SI 1J Mexican dollars. JI.2. Cooper, nominal, electrolytic, soot snd first quarter. lc. second qaarter. 19 If He. iron, stoadr No. 1 Northern. Mf M8 4?0. Xo. t Northern. S4SMA4C.M. So. - Southern. 4t.wwt44.ff Antimony. Jilt Isoad. oatet. soot and March. s TS bid; JIM aaked. Zinc teadT. East St Loni dell, rr spoi. s ee ma: a 7 ssked LnXDON" MKT.M, MARKET. London. Bag. Feb. 1 The quotations nn the metal exchange today were as fol lows Spot copper, fin. lis. d Electrolytic. UM Tin ittt. Lead, tit Ts fid Zinc. C: STERUNG, FRANC CHEQUK AKD LIRE CONTINUE TO SAG New Tork. Flt tfl Hm of sterling this nornlne hrok th. -price to $3,22 3-4 or 2 3-4 oenta IeaucmaMI- , .-- tVTE22L ttiHVSXl to 14.5; for a dollar and lire went to1 18 37 to th dollar off 10 centimes. . Special Notices YOU WILL find ser-riea af TWmhI'b r..rn4P. 713 Teiai a YIXTO.N PAINT CO. Pwotlng. pspsr hsBglng. decorstlng. 9e N Stsntoa. Phl941 FAI1EXS TRANSr-KK CO. haols anything, makes trip dallr to Tsleta. Cllat. Fabrns aad Torxlllo. Ph. 1941 A. P La Hose KEtiAHDLKW af the high cost sc Using oar prices sxs the same Herman Trans fer Co. Inc IlKMSTrrCIII.NG and pteot edge work dotie on ahort notice. aiv kind of ras. terlal Stager Sewing Mscblne Co. 94)9 a. El Paso St. MEKCIIAXTS OKUVEKY CO. Baggaga txpisss snd all kinds of light track dellvertea packages delivered from baslness district snvwher In ctrr. 19c t ..c ano . ra ssss. HATTERS High grade work ladies snd gentlemen's felt and Panam. hat. elMiMd snd blocked: dry snd steam cleaning, dy ing and alteration work; mall orders ape. etal' attention, work gnarastsed. Cleaa- weii Matters snd Tsllars. 4 N Oregon st. Ph. lis DONT BE MISLED. BARIBTT-S Ts at 219 flan Antonio St. LOOK FOB TITE BIO GOLD CLOCK. ' SPRING IS ATA'OST HERE, Now ts the Ume to prepare year flower beds and pot that top dressing on yonr lawn We can famish yon with well-rotted fertil iser, corral cow manor at 12.30 Pr load, prompt deliveries. PHONE SOW. NOTICE IS IIBKEBT given to the pahllc tftat we either severally or ladlvldaally or personally, heretofore preorganlsatloo aob- terrtlers to the RIO GRANDE VALLKT TELEPHONE COMPANT. will not be re sponsible in any manner whatsoever, for any debts or obligations or contracts of any nature, made by A, K. SMITH or FRED ERICK W WESTON A COMPANT or any other ladividaal or lndivldoals for the ac count of aa er any of oa or for the above named company, from this the thirty-first day of January, 1323. Jul f us KraLaner T D Love P. A. Hassard W L. Amonett J. M. Daaghrety r o Flaley T C Mitchell Frank L. Anderson. Legal Notices. la the jCounty Court of EI Paso Coanty T-xas. sitting in Proba te Estate or Isaac Alderete, deceased. F. G Alderete administrator No. S926 Notice is hereby civ en that Alderete, administrator of the estate of Isaac Alderete. deceased, win. on th first Toesday in March. A. D 1913 it be- lag the Snd day of said montn. at the cooi-tbooM door in the City of El Paso, County of El Paso State of Texas, sell at public auction to the big-heat bidder for caan trie ronowing- oescrioeo tract or parcel of land, belongins to said estate, to-wit Lying and beinjf .n EI Pen eoonty Texas, and more particularly described as follows Lot th-tn (13) in block on- hundred thirtv nina 13M Campbell' Addition to the City of El Pao Tex Witness m han-I thin 7th daj of Feb ruary, A. D 1S20. F G ALDERETE. Administrator of the Estate of Isaac Alderete Deceased Oil and Mining i STOCK CERTIFICATES, best grade S3S per thousand only few orders .his price also other print in Ph 2095 ol3 Caplea Bldg TO BLY OR TELL Pecos Tcyah oil field holdings. Ph 159 a write J E. Bowen. 110J Mori Una OIL LEASES, 31 acre up 10c rentals, new shallow sand field Venters Tennessee, ap proved by geologists of national and In ternational reputation Write Tennokla OH On Pickion Tenn SPECIAL MATS. fomm.rfls I Drafting EL PJQ BIFE PRINT CO. IF lOl H WE in. i1-a of crol r rin" -ting It it I ii ;ou w-irt- o have . - at-frs P n T ia. Oil and Mining OIL LEASE FOB SALE. "OS acres la Crow Flat, seuta of Oraage. New Medea. Ph. C9Z9W. TUO IIUMIKKK Imperial oil Dev. toca. 9 Inixnil DrBHng stock with it. all for So. Homer atarehbaaks. De Leon. Tex. FOB LE Pour Pecoa Ca. oU tasse. Form St. SSc reatat close to de- ' elopmeat: If 10M Wick Me per acre. address P O. Box list. El Paso. Tex. s i a, , For Sale MS shares Sierra-Detroit stock at i cenu per share, par II. 1 Akaer i Lala for J.S. par SIM. Write Box $X ; ' Cracea. M- I OIL OIL OIL than I mile in New Xexleo for SI for St acres, Pennirlvania formation. The alg well is la Mee hale. J. S. Crozler. Boom W Trust BMfc, Ph. xOSS. OIUNtiK 1 .AM N Five year leases, near 4 deep tests to be made by Cactus OU Oaa COu. Jl per acre: this is a bargain. J. I STEWART. 41 K. P. & 8. W. BMg Bl Paao. Ter. OIL LUKES. Zt,ta acres Starr Co, rental 3e S.3M acres Atascosa Co, rental Soe 6.SM acres WUss Co. renUI Sic 4.M acres Brewattr Co, rental :5c X9.M acres Medina Ctx, raatal 2Sc 1 vl ty.rtikk v Avrnin trtas. i t-v... ' 1 1. u.a ' . sas- ....,1 K-t sasa . Money loabed on (UajBODdt. watches. Jew- of , JOfc - . t??lTy. auUimoMlea and .all rtack. at the two solpbar mines aad a few miles from a drilling oil well. TV141 sen for 12 cash per acre, ana itnrcnasor to assamo Ji dne the state. Land located in Calbereoa coanty. north of Toyah aad in the Pe cos Taney imrnedtato acaoo iiocessary to Obtain this. This ts the best bay In Cslberson coanty. as others are asking tS and np per acre. TAYLOR BEbXLTT COMPANY. W Msrtln Bldg. Phone 1731 Twenty-fonr men with one thousand dollars each. T hare an option far thirteen days on the Kff Uef the NW H of Section 3. Township 1Z. N. B. 1! W, la De Soto Par ish. Xsonlslasa. at six hnndred dolian per tStsre. I am ante to secure a flftr-fifty drilling contract on this forty. It off sets big production on two sides, two 4.01 barrels and two small wens. There are mare than twenty producers scattered over SectSen . same township and range ranaug frera six hnndred tm tea thoa sand barrela, Afa-Mrtasxnany In giotlon S4. raanlng from Ore handred to eight thos-saa-1 barrels. Can -yon see .treat posbOtttes tn this propostlloa. If ytw are in terested in the Wtrrtft oil pjopositton that ever came to B Paso, eorae to Baora 6. Itartm Bealdiars aad I will aahmit to yon data that will satisfy yon. I do not expect to nae or handle a stncie dol lar of yonr taoaey X an pat ting a thenund doUrs into It aad wlil share and share alike with asrg others who wfll g into It. A. C KDfG, Day Tone . Keening Ft ... :ti ... CSC2J ATTENTION. OIL 3XHN. 44M acres ia the center of m drimag la Haeco Basin, price on apU- : WheriCaaa . HAVE tD3IE eaceptlauaUy good oil leases i1""; & i uunaiia, saivi, inauniva, jbiimimh. vir- ton, Andrews. Pecos and Hartley coun ties. Texas, aiso isca. CJiavca. isaay. ub coln, Terraace, Sandavai McKlaley and Valencia couatiea. New Mexico; large and small acreage; can make unusually low prices oa several targ-a tracts. Joe J. Boyd. 323 Mills Bldg, El Paso. Tex. INVENT IN OKLAHOMA SOIL. has amazed the world with Its vsst qasatities of underground wealth aad the "surface has not yet beea serateWed." ssr the gesssgista: In order to better advartls aaother new field we will give you warrsntr deed to one lot 4M sonars feetl far 91: send todsT. COLBEKT BEALTT CO, Ardnaare. Okla II05IKB-L.1. OIL LE.VSES. I have 9 acres soathesat of the Mg wells. Claiborne Pariah. 1 acres up. 979 per acre, weals drm.. lac close br with good showing; qaiek action Bseeasarr 1L B. ELLIOTT. Ph. 999. Rsons 9. Msorehouis. Be tine J j Chances FOR SALE Grocery, win mvoles. Csll 9411 Alsmeda. HAVE OUK Tord overbaaled for 133 at I Xeara Oarage. 733 Texas. HERMAN TRANWER CO- INC. The only ISc trunk deurery to town. Ph. . FOR SALE A good bakery, only bakery la town doing- good bosmess. Address P. O. Boa 4M, AJo. Aril. IIOUK AND SION riLYTING, tlntlag. paper hanging and decorating: beat work. lowest prices. Joe Fneates. Ph. 313. WOCLD LIKE to borrow $12,333. 7 for 3 -fears on S13.333, dose in lacorae prop erty. Address L 133. care Herald. WANTED Partner for grocery business. have bst teeatlon tn town. Call fer Wal lace at 333 K. Can Antonio or 1211 N, Campbell. 8nnd4ivy OOOD buataeas in Tacumcari. N. M for sale, ladles' ready to wear and railltaery. falltag health onlr reason for wishing to sen. Address laadies Ootflttlag Hoase, P O Bor W3. Tncwmeari. N. M. FOR KLE-TraaaferbosiaesaBd sterace, rood location, rood basiaees. eqaipped for licht and heavy haaltag. track and team work, wish to sell at once, going Into other work. Address T 233. care Herald. A SPOT CAMI aad carry grocery basl nees la one of the best towns In Artsoaa. small expense, new goods, will Invoice aboat $3t33. nothing bnt cash will boy this baainesa, no trade of any kind, bosi ness dear and all goods bought fer cash. Address T 333. care Herald. Roomini; Houses For SjJe and Rent mT IiCY in town, 33 room hotel, always filled Csll at 3111s X. Overland for ln forntvntlttro. , FTRNITl RE te rooming hoetse. 33 -rooms. now 4-ouuon. rem orny titra a moo-to. S3T33; furniture in 23 rooms, rent JI23. price raiy i". z-iMRDrag two eau-a fine foraitare. 13 rooeae. 11133. J. S. CROZIER. 3ft3 Trnst Bldg Phone 3333. Dresnnalane SlTtVIVG and remodeling done reasonable: boars a. m. to S p. m. Call 333 N. Camp bell Ph. MJ. 5 LVD 31 K (.R.M-PIERRE. dressmaker and designer Room IS. Plato, 111 W. Boulevard Ph. 2SI2. OLD CUSTOMERS, also new ooea will be welcome at our new location at S33 Mesa. SW111 RT & BLEDSOE. Help Wanted Male WANTED A stock boy. Apply Guaran.- tee snoe Co BOY. not going to scbooL Apply lli E. Franklin after 9 a. ra N1T Mexican boy to work In lunch room. 313 San Francisco. I. ANTED Lanch counter boy for hotel out of town. Ph. 3J4. WANTED Experienced cook Cafe basement of Mills Bldg WANTED Three Mexican buss boys. Apply Modern Cafe, basement Mills Bids WANTEI First class tr ashman at once. d.resa Miami Steam Laundry Co. Miami. Anz TRICK DELIERMAN an.l soil. itnr for rfm jn ?m rU Jlj wek Ad- idr-vs M 14 , m-e Her. Id. Hefp Wanted-Male COLORED man with family te rate cot ton on shares. Dtnten. 177 Hueco, Ph. 2334J after p-.m. UANTKO-An English speaking hoy ever IS to work all day. must have bteycl. 12S Ssa Francisco KKiAKI)LES f the high ... tu .h ftu urndL Hatantan Tnns. fer Co.. Inc. CAN USE a ralUwricht thorooshly ex perleaced in concentrator or cyanide mill construction. 1119 Mill" Bide lt.YNTBIl First claaa Mndery foreman to take eaars-e of lars bindery In middle west city, good salary to risht man. state experlenca. Address X 311. care jferaHL viKKm-'V tl) HRIKKMFA SlTsUz - llSt" mr-2 ' Jllrfiff!: " ii: monthly. Experience uuneeessary Write (name posltioa wanted) Railway Assoc: tlon. Box 14X. eare Herald. W.VNTEI Mexican man with reference for general work around hoase, most know how to drive and care for auto mobile. Ph. MM or call .11 Federal WANTED First class lister and asserter at once, - per week to start. Apply American Laundry & .Drr Cleaning Co.. Hurley. N. M KXrEKIEN CED cnaif f ear mechanic only man that la capable of doing repair work and keeping tooling car In good condition need spply, state salary ex peeted. Address P. O Box 341. City. MONEY TO LOAN. i '! .TlT7T-.-.. Kn.inH. .t-it . nfiVential --""'" SECUKITT LOXS CO. It. & El Paoo. Phone : IH)XT GO TO 10UU FRIENDS If yon're broke. Com and see us. B-VBNIJTTS. 311 San Antonio St Look for the Big .gold Clock. A .IK flfl oat of nlac In toot nresent etnployment or drawing leas than yonr fall earning capacity' Occupational guidance will place you In the work you are natur ally fitted for See Mr. Wheeler at the T If. C A. -NY 1NTELXIGENT rROX. either s may earn splendid income corresponding X0r newspapers, au or spare time, experi ence usmeeCeesary. no canvassing, subjects sstrgested. send for particulars. National Press Bureau. Buffalo. N. T ANTED Men. aar ace. to learn the tuI canixlac tiro trade. We teach too In 1 days, aad assist you to start business with man amount. Send for circular. Anderson Vulcsalctag System. 522 West Central nec. Albuquerque. N. K. BREAKFAST SPECIALS. No.1 (21 Eggs. Hot Cakea Coffee... -15c re. Hazn. Bacon. Ecf, uot uucea, Csffeo 4fe No. t Bo Cakes. Ham or Bacon. Cof fee 2e No. 4 Sman Steak. 2 Ergs. Toast. Coffee Uu Ko. 5 Buckwheat Cakes. Sanaa c and Coffee c BOLTOVS CAFE. 411 R Ban Antonio Help Wantej SaJgmra WANTED Two expert eneed men oa eont mission to solicit and collect lad os trial life maurance. CaP at ft Herald Bldg. SAIaE-SMAN WANTED. commission selling Liquid Roof Cement Paint. Oils, etc, choice territory- Address X 144. care Herald hayb c.oon rsorosiTioN For 2 salesmen with inltSatlre. must able to delirer the i TnOM.iS-rE.4SE 310TOR CO. Ill Mesa ATe. F L Fowler. Sales Manager. Help Wemtcd"alc.n FRY COOK aad waitress far Plea, w lea. Cafe. t y. Oregon. WANTED Man and wife to work oa ranch, wife to work In the bouse, family of 3, good wages to rignt party, aaoress Prices Dairy Farm. 12 N. Piedraa. XI Paao, Tax. A NEAT, attractive lease lady and man for pleasant, profitable advertfattng rk: also one young man wnn axacntsve sbUlty for msaagmg heln. pre- fer saa wno conia leave city u vary Address J 19. csre Herald. Help Wanted Female WANTED Engllah speaking girl for housework. 911 Callfarala. WANTED Knglieh spesking women to wsah and Iron. Apply 9T9I E. Bs4Ucvard. I'KlATE family, hossekeeper. BO Uun dry nor cooking Ph. 999L W ANTED Waitress town. Ph. 3994. WANTED Sagllsh apeaklng girl far Ught housework. Ph. T1L FAINTING taught tn 9 lexssas. 94 N. Orecoa. WANTED Chambermaid. Call at 91H E. Overland. good wages. WANTED English speakmg Uaxtcan for geaeral hooaework. 199 Mundy. Fh.99W. WANTED English speakmg woman for cooking snd housework. 191 Rlvar. OOOD woman for general housework, pre fer English speaking, must atsy until 7 9 or nights, good wsges. 1911 K Nevada. 5IEX1C1N airl for reneral small family, no children, moat speak some English. Apply 9917 McKmley. WANTED At oBrCe. 2 losoh coaster wait resses. Apply atoaern uaze. mum hioc WANTED saci-ienced n n c h couater Hoase. TJaton waltresa. Apply Harvey Depot. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for icecream parlor, evening work, good boors and pay American Candy Kitchen. 333 N. Staaton. WANTED A Mexican woman tor gen eral housework and lo atay sights. Call 314 Texaa ANTED An English speaatag Hex tea a girl for llaht housework, family of 2. good wacea Apply 1 Knickerbocker Apt. DEMONSTRATOR Par naOoaally known line of toilet articles and soaps, perma nent position, good salary. Apply to Mr. Widdas. Popnlar Dry Goods Co. WANTED BagUah speaklag girt fer cook ana nutia norm, iwa (" " i party, aad one who will atay. 133 E. Rio Orande. -' Vill .. W4lt keeping, ao cooklnir. for family of mod- crate means. Aooreaa -. u. jox , jtu Bllaa. Tex. WANTED A good woman attendant to wait on sick lady. Rood waces and rood home Ph. 1121 or call la person a 73T Myrtle BOOKKEEPER and atenographer want ed woman of experience only. mn. be able to make trial balance and take dic tation. Regall. 133 Texaa OU.NC. UOMEN. 19-41.. desiring govern- raent clerkshlDs. 1133 monthly, write for free porttcalars examlaatioaa Raymond . ttt uvrn-r .T9i kv buidiwi j, 172 Contiaental BWg. waasjagton. WANTED Stenocraoher and office assist- aat, prefer some one able to speak Span ish, now employed in city, gooa ruture and permanent, don't apply antes per manent position Is wanted. Ph. 13t2. WANTED Toung woman for office work ! wao can speak both Baglloh aad Spanish, Apply to H Huffman. Room . Coles Bldg . San Antonio and Oregon, over ! union uiotainr store TII EATER CAHIIIEB. Canable airi of aood aooearanco aad per sonality, one experienced la haadltag the public preferred. See Mr. C J. Qwlnn, Rialto Theater, daily after 1 p. W.NTED Middle ased woman for house keeper, permanent place for tifht party. very little work, take Tail charge or noase. Address J III. care Herald. WANTED Toaag woman for office work who can speak both Spanish and English, st reasonable salary to start, lucre guaranteed when ability Is proven, steady position for industrious person. Apply Room 3. Coles BMf, Saa Antonio and Oregon St, over union Clothing Store, MONEY TO LOAN." Moaev loaned on diamond, watches. ew airy, automobiles and oil stocks at the lowest rate or interest: noamess scrtctjy ooanaenuaL. hECUEITY LOAN CO. 144 S. Bl Paso. Phono 27 S4 ANY INTELLIGENT PBRON. either a may earn splendid lacocae oorrespondlnr for newspapers, au or spare ttme. expert' once aaaeceaoary. ao caavasaing subjects suggested, send for particular. auooai Teaw Bureau. Hurraio. v. t -!.ct'1- yP,6 Jr-. IF IN NEED of handy man for any kind of light repair work or for any kind of labor work Ph 714 MR. EJirLO KR Don t fill that impor tant pomi'on w th a man who is hunting a Job but g. t the right man. Phone ocaticnaJ Guidance Secy, I. JL C A. SitaatkiBi L Wan tejj BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER. 8 ears experience- employed, wants extra work nights. Address L 142. care Herald. WANTED By colored man. position as chauffeur In private fsmlly. references. Ph. 44"2W between 3t and Tunings. DOCTOR Graduate A I school, age 44. liarlat antaatr. aecait SDanisfa. X Tears Bain , tag practice Mexico, waats positWn wKh Address H lit care nunmi AT UBLBTY Office txaUce desires connection with reliable firm, extensive experience general office work, beet of references Addr.e 7t W. Mlaseart 11 HEN needlnc competent and reliable S Mexican help. PH. ?nw. i naye some i solidld young men I -n recommend. splendid yoona Atftan- RANCHMEN L J need tractor or auto mechanics, or operators or farm or ranch help of any klad? Can you use a live American young- man who is h-re to make the west nis umc n so, wnt. or pnono your needs tc the T M. C A Employment EI Situations Wanted FemMe NUBS E solicits nursing. Ph .47. IVANTKIr- Practical nursing Call or write 1711 flearaa EXPERIENCED snographer desires permanent position, can gie references. Ph. 1-21W v PKKIRMTm ueeteral office and typist desires position, references fur nished. Ph. 4J81 .OL'NO lady with some experience in stenography and general office work de- stres poslUon. rB- TiTiw .VIDOW. educated, refined wants posi tion in bank or railroad office as filing clerk. Address L lit, care Herald. lOCNG lady stenographer, beginner, de sires position, speaks Spanish, fluently, boot of referencea Address L 141, care Herald. xOUNG lady desires position as lokkeep er, typtot or office clerk, several years experience, moderate salary, can furnish local references. Address K 12 S. care Herald WIDOW, educated, rultured. refined. wants position as governess, companion. ehaperoae to sjlti. hostess or hotel house keeper, go any place. Address K 13T. care Hers Id Wanted Money MONET TO LOAN. Money loaned oa diamonds, watches. Jew elry, automobiles and oil stocks at the lowest rate of Interest: business strictly confldtntlat SECURITY LOAN CO. 1KM1 Paso. PJatmo 2T54 Wanted Bids Seal; rm.'Sn?& the r.tM.N Hill !. lotsd oartlr ikt ka -isusj. v.tUMi ---- rjti. coin county. New Mexico, will be received . br tha Bureau of Public Roads. U. 8. De- J partaaent of Agriculture, at room Na. 313. Luaa-tUrtckler building. Albuquerque, lfew Mexico, untn 3 oclock p. m.. Febroary 13, ltlU. aad win then bo evened. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids aad wlU bo coasaierod exeeut tnooe iroea contractor, ascertained to be experienced and responsible. The proieet Is approximately 3.T2 eafles In loagth. and the principal items of work are approximately aa follows. 1117 cubic yards rock xeavarJou. 11, 511 cubic yards common excavaaon, wim tnirrugatea mexai pipe and iog culverts, and incideatal Items xne wont ts to be compietea witiun ts weather working days. Tno nasps. pUaa. oeoiCiaUona. estimate of ostantitlea and contract forms may be examined at the abovp address. Propooala nBuet be made oa ictinin. Ban in a(jv(Muiee vrd DacxarxiMi-, as-?"?. accoaislleo'nrTdSr,lm "BGE. aleely faralsld bedroom w . fjS.., ,V2m2am!t.!W,. ftlTL. JU sleeping porch to I or 3 gentlemen. P assoaat at least equsl to free per can-. t.t t.nrmnm tarn of the amount of the bid. In accord-1 " J. " "- saw with said instructions. HOTEL WATNt 41, Myrtle Ave, p- jj. g gHpggr.B99 Acr District s-agtaoer. Real Estate Wanted 130 PERCEXT i-enltB free, tea em -at. TTJRSER. KEMP J3 COLD WELL. a. , a.- ". ": a!-: i z HAST to bay from ewaer. 4 or 3 room hoaoo, mast be a baraala. giro krcaOon aad price Address H 133. ears Becaid. siV.-mw . a i . ' t r Wt VT faa InaalW sprwbsl A n & u-swanam ' will nsv essh for same If It Is a harraln give locauon snd piica Address Na O is. care HeralOL WASTKD To bay. from owner, bungs- low with 9 bedrooms. Fir. rotat . j.... aattan Helghta or Alts Vista district, very liberal cash payment or would lease home from to 13 month. Ph. 4999 i.kt rnrs rit.i.RTainmi xrrrir r We havs some good city property I for vslley rsacnss: also have sevef r r - ..-.-- -. to offer several par ties who wsat to bay for caah. TBI-STATE COHHISSION CO. Phone 9944. ZH Trnst Bldg. WantedJoRent WAXTED Garage la the vicinity of Oc- tavta and Boulevard. Ph 944W WANTE3 Small aafaraished apartment or housekeeping rooms. Ph. Hi WANTED At onee. X or 4 room faraished hoase aear Homaa Sanatorium. Ph. S332. WANTED Four or room sleeping porch, permanent C323J. with tenant. Ph. 1A NT EI To rnt nr L mnrn irmrl. E meat or hoase Address R. S. Cocke. 733 I Mandy. Ph. fit WANTED By Feb. 14. modern fnrnlshed In good location, can give refer- Ph. 4531J WANTED Two hoosek4eping rooms near Hendricks Sanatoriaaa. Ph. T7. L. Wat t lager WANTED Housekeeping room, close In, by lady worlcins la city, state price Ad dresa L 1. care Herald. WANTED To rat. smsJL furnished house near Five Points, perma aent party H. Brncker. Tailor. Cleaner. Ph. J73T or T51U WANTED- To rent, room with heat, pre ferably near Government Hill or Rich mond Terrace. Dyer 8t. MeKInley Ave etc Leave address with Ph. 4393. WANTED By resvmulble party. 3 fn fsm lly. permanent. cr 7 room heoose not too !: oa r,Inc- AnV! Ml -- J Bldg. Ph. 1418 AVANTB1 To rent, by pornxaaoat couple, & room furnished baagalow with ateeplnc I porch, prefer one near Ft. Bllaa. Ph 4323 1 or address K 134 care Herald. Wanted FnrnJtnxe WE PAY highest cash prices for second hand rural tare and. sewing aaachlnea lUl.Mi M'K.MTUHt. I.U. 1-POT cash paid for seeoodaaad faraitare. Ph. 1S33. aad we will call immediately. Rome Furniture Csl. 213 Texaa HE PAi more for food foraitar than any firm la the city. Oct our figures be fore yen sell i. D. IIOHSEB UPHOL wTEfUNO CO Phoae 113 WANTED In the next 13 days. 133 desks, 2S9 two inch post beds, 133 Singer sew- !. mirhln. ae rrit l ISO - ranaea IN electric fans aad all f furniture we ruarantee the best prices above everybody's. TEXAS FTRNITCRE CO.. PHOVE 437. WE WANT vour furniture, any amount: ; we pay the highest cash price. Call as uswrivrv ytra surii. bnioo rinmnn -.. ra. - . niGHEST cash price, paid for second- I and wo will calL BCRCIB FURNITURE j filtws a-V TI 9fIl1 ., aa t;o 4s Texaa W NTED. SECOND HAND ITJRNTTRE. We Have secured a new location sad will be ready for business about axh 1st. In the meantime we are paying the highest cash prices for second hand furniture or will make lib eral allowances in exchange for new furniture. Let's trade. ROGERS TRADING CO. Temporary Office at Rogers Furniture Co . :07-S-ll North Stanton Street. Tel. TS33. and ask for 2d hand faraitare man. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on dlamoada watches, lew- el ry. automobile-, and oil stocks at the lowest rate of Intereat business strictly confidential MSCCRITY LOAN CO. 10- & E! Paso. PtODt 2764. Wantej ljepa3i HIC.HBHT PRICES paid for secoid ha FIR.MTIRK and CLOTHING. Call 4 KATHHOOM mirror, dresser r&iffo-. writing deala. In plain maple, r-ust be r Ph. 4S5i TO RFT Set of tanks and other, wash ' equipment for small dairy ccvrid co-- and cheap for cash. Ph. 83J For Rent Houses Fornisnecl FUHMSHED hoa IXBIaUKI bungalow t r r--ic or a year longer if wanted, no ao dren. Ph. 717 or 7MX, FOR LEA.SE OR SALE Nicely furnish 8 room brick house near hitch school. i of good paying soarueTs. Ph 273? 1714 E. BOULEVARD Two furnish rooms aad sleeping porch. J I1" tht lights and water free Call 10 a. ra. 1pm. For Rent Honxei Unfnrnislied V FOR RENT To small family. hoase Apply 311 Mills Bide FOR RENT Five room house n Has Paso, reasonable to permanent par I 441. FRONT ROOM, beautifully 1 tented gether with aae of dining room and Vt v en. also steeping porch, business i-or-preferreU Ph. 4323 JfelL P- rrP?P5 Fcxni-ied FURNISH ED 2 rootn apartment. 1210 . Oregon. Ph. 372. FTRNLSHED apartment to 1ft I64J Mondy, en elew If to 1! a HEBAL1N TRANSFER CO. only 23c trunk delivery hi tow XNC T l Ph 1TRN18UED apartment, hot and water, private hath. 113 W San Anton FOR RENT For couple only, furn'sh loom, kltehenot, private bath. 93 Oregon, ya. ITIL WALKIN G distance. 3 room furntsh - i anartaaeat. all outside rooms, private r donca. hot water fnrntobod. Ph. lTi: For Rent Stores and Office DANDY location right opposite new post office, rent 333. JAMES I. MARK & COMPANY. Phone 435 34 San Antonfo St CORNER STORE On San Antonio - near City Market, win lease for term -rears. LEAYELL SHERMAN. Ph. 4? FOR RENT Four large offices for rrtt.y Anaericaa Bank BMr, corner El Paso ar4 " San Antonio. Apply Vr. J. Hod W l- 12. FOR RENT A Urge and a small office la the Herald buJMtnr. Heat. light a mi ia alter seielco furnished. Reaseaat o rates. Apply to the Auditor of Tno Hera'a ?r lOU AR E looking, f or a real bu. '?"" ! " " ntomo ere. a . tften " atefqrs JA3IES L. MARS A COMPANT. I Phone 433Q. 234 San Anton i i j m for Rent K00E1S FnTBHUied , .s.v.wvwvv , TITO etmectlmr v-wara far I ar X r-r.' ! ntm 33 N. Stanton. r-.-i-s.- - . . .. . . . ZX -- -n- ! ""' FTBNISHED bedroom near Ft. Bliss. car line. Ph. 2373J. ; FCRNIMIBD bedroom for rent to cent men only dose far- Ph. 114 LARGE front room, good else, for 2 me also sxrage. Ph. SC4CJ. i FRONT ROOM. 13M N. Florence T74j LANGDON HOTEL Newly pap-red, c . rooms, business center, by day wk ' montn. ei"r s. Kl paso 'lis. siearo neac. am aac cca ra-" "- J water, traaaients. rates ay week or tr"- j, wen Tajmiiaugq iron i oeaoo adjoining oath, walking distance. ado.ts. nse of phoae. 331 V Fo- OK KENT Two exeeJleat east fi-.nt b ' roooaa. weald eonai-aer booaeke-ric? I rangetnent. walking distance Ph. ' - .. ..zz ' THE WBSTMOORE. J F roow"r "" V.. m " ! eaitable for ywoag taaa. 131 W M as. j 1 , 1 CPSTAIES furnished room, a I i eoavsaieaces, prtvato eatrance. room,rlt? lm,T " steeping porch. suttaMe for ! or c i I tlsmea. separate beds, hot water - j -i heat, close In. 91 W Rio G-an-le FOK KENT Well furnished. n .;.. t front room to business woman or -j . .. , . . ..ui i !! i in i svitkiv vnicac a-' pbon. walkiac dlstaace. 13 Mon-a Ph. ssarw. Koajel-eepin-j Rooms Fnriuilicd ONE 1 ! fsr light house k? tag. Tl? Aaotla. TITO small rooms sad steeping 1431 N. Florence BEDROOM. Kitchen, private bath, f porch. 33a per moath. T31 Wyoming PHONE 3T3S 1T Prwp9Ct, room for h hoaseheephsg no children, no sIck lady tMnployed. 1 per raonth- TO HEALTHY COUPLE. 1 r-oo nothing fancy, bat entirely clean T.J -1 month. 3331 Moontala. Ph. MS" TWO large, veil fBTnlabed hoJse--i - l-ooaaa, 23 2 nafarnlshed. 312 rh -water aad phone lnralshed. Old Ft f no. a. fb. wt-ir i HoPf fkeepHIg RoomS-UnflBTlisfietl TWP utf-9d honsekeepinc with stale aad gas stove In kitchen aad water faraished. SIS per moath Ills Ban Antonio. Belmar Aps ForRl ooms and Board 3t; PROSPECT Ph. SS29. room ud b- for 1 gentleman. .1 week, no siric BOARD AND ROOM at the Snshln-r lag Room. 43T East Frank Mr ROOMS and board, strictly first r Mrs. C F Leary. 312 Mesa, formerly si w Mtssoan. FOR RENT Nicely famished fron ! room, sui tabes for 1 or 2 rentlef veaient to board. 1233 Anaons. FOR RENT At i Montana, nicely ' nlahed. steam heated room, sul.ab'e ' 2 yooag men, breakfast and 3 o'clock . -ner. also frame garage. Ph. 5C. iQCIET country hoaao for coava's " ' T ... r - n , cokrng good hunting, nurse in at: ra. ri wa, 1 Kit ., Ull 1 , il near Fort Bayard. N M. For futr" formation phoae 3335J. or IMS W. For Ren! MisceHaneons FOR RENT A garage, entrance fn. -a srreei. nil Setis and Hants NEW crop faacy alfalfa seed. Seed Co-. 32jt a San Antonio. El Pa. Ph sx 3T ifata oT flower oota. EL PASO SEED CO- PHONE 333. PLANT fail rye end bartey aow El Paso Need Co, S23 E. 3aa Aatonla Ph. 3fiS PLANT BARLEY, oats and eromer n ? SO SEKD CO- iSS R ta Ac FOR ALE Mais hoada ear con cotton seed for planting West T Brokerage Co, Big Springs. Tei THE McGEE TCMATO make-. ino nh els per aero aad I only have the pure s- . pleaae write for full laformat oa, M c, McQoe. Saa Marcos. Tex. B.R CORN MIZE and ka'f r h- throshad malse and kafflr bulk and arV-H car lots, snick ahipraent. W .re o- arts Pycno Cominisslon Co . Farwell Tx PBO'-TTPROOF CBB.GE and . t plants, hardy, open field grow- - ari killed by freexe will repl tee Jre Charleoton and Fa Dut h Onloa ' i i Crystal Wax and Tel'ow Btermuia ,- -i 1M SSc 5A 1150 1333 S2 W all i .. .- postpaid onlers filled promptly wi-h good plants and well packed. M. D Lancaster Loognew Tex. Pept. S. lOCNO Chihaabua dogs tor m dalgo, Cludmd Joarrx. FRESH new stock of s Dog u ts ir tMpp(4r. ,iayvon s o( HmM'cti EL PAnO SEED.Ct. PIlllNi. ace t t22 K Stan Antonio tost ast of ennrttonaa FOR JIaE t a sacr-flce fn i oaii- --on reg'sterctl stock a-n town ill ell for li. Bi lie 3103 Nashville. 1