Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1920. 11 r Real Estate & Insurance 1MEKSO 1N. CO. INSURANCE AGCY. W Ellnbtrt MgT-. Ph. Wfl, RIO (.RAMIE REALTY CD IIS Trial. DuloLAS c. CROWBL1 AGENCY Mi' gidg. Psoas Stta. r W WILLIAMS AGENCY - v r-t Natl Oaea Btdt- rHf 1111. TIKNEK. KEMP COLD WELL - tai National Bank. Phone 3SIS. For Sale City Property rfa-aKawn.awiaaaaaat,a,aa1aaitaatatvOarfakfawn. lots -ujm brick cottar foniiatied. - -1 porches. 1 glassed. Highland " har cash OSly. PH. 887ZW. 11 to 1 1 OB tALE At starssin, white pressed . baaniow. roams. ii k. cotton p 40 foot frontage. Sea owner. S. Z. i ." 630 Texas. Ph. 327i ( k OB illCK SALE Two avplendld lets. -a' school car line, stores, spledid res- it nee district, very cheap; lu feet. ( w'aper than lots jnst across the street. , 7 'i ;o;e Branch & j - .CBinC SALE by owner. lots TSxlM t ;r heart or Kern Place. Jlttt: nb I l 2 room frame. . ontana SC. Muse f-ot corner lot, and paremcst, 1BM. Mlt, t -ch. r kept home rooms, steeping corner, room to buiM another ha min. owner leSTtnc. f Points. 2 good houses, corner, sell to- - rood Income. Droaaan. 2tt Texas, -a..-S312J. I I LETT VH- BUILD FOIL YOU ( m your lots or oars. We will (fnaoce tour building en essy terms We do .i treneraJ contracting business sad will gladly give estimates free. We fjrclsh plans and spsctficatfoas. RAHBT BROS. 1-Z2Z Carles Bide. Phone 613 W r HA"E A NUMBER OF NEW NGALOWS ANT) COTTAGES IN THE StraiT HBlUBre Au u nui uxjutiLa iruiKn.-is.,hHt, noma with Income, rnr sale hr ' TT US TELL TOU ABOUT THEM i owner. 7U N. Ocboa. 4o"0 will buy n nearly new bnn- ralow near hle;h schooL Terms l m casn rartraent house ner hisb vciool baa six aparetnents. with i i.ilt-ln features. If you are look- ig for an investment, don't over- 'nok th'S. Call for Mr. Reddina:. C. J. EEL REAL ESTATE CO. t Mills Bldg-. Phone 244 A BEAITIFCL BCOALOT. rooms, glaaafd aleeplac porch and hr-itawt mmn alMt nf mIhiImmm mwJt . . sets, first trade hardwood floors tf-ooghont. doobtt floorlnr. rHo bath. ' andsoraa boilt la featnre. French doors t-tn-n hTini room and dinins; room, fin- Z':',L"L "".""Trith heauwr plant. onpaTea street. i thre is a larffe basement and brick -2 ire with osmaet driveway, lot SoxlM: k a -eal homo in excellent location. seiro, about fiSOS cash, balance .ei us show yon se UcB. with BEXBT B. STONE COMTAXT. 1 i 'ap "9 Bldx. Phone ttH SEW SUXGALOW CLOSE IX i -s- modern up to the minute tmn- c-o. ow: with six rooms, all the bailt- i tat j res, hardwood floors through- c ut and all improvementB in. On - -d street and car line. Immediate "s"SFon A bargain at $4100.00. an ue seen at any time. The terms 'an be made to salt 7011. LESLIE REED P.-al Estate Insurance Rentals. ri ' Mills Bld&. Phone 1406. NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOWS. J.iu, 150 down. J0 month inclad- ng interest, now betes; built, located ii Gand-view addition, not far from r line. Only two left, so act qnick. NEW, FriUVACE IIE.ITED S ROOM BUNGALOW ZS0 DOWN ? ' month, including all interest; 1 e p- occupied, on paved street, pav- r ai 1 near Manhattan Heights, a lo. itrCvioB neoessary to get tins Lrg-a n PHILLIPS-CREEL REALTY CO. in. 4 S3 .first kmx. mag AN EXTKAOKHIAAKV 1IABGAXN. , Etad all or th's In the Five Polats sec- Perahinf Drive we havo far sale s . roam bnncalow with lere steeping vrv targ and airy basement, amrace. 1 a.- v cxi floors, beautiful built m fea T ur - Tard in splendid shape with cen ' 'vie coD'nca, savins' Is paid for aad -"iS nn this house are very attractive; i -e s no acatnet the property 344&0. ; u aIe t the race of $ot a month, which ircluiles the interest over a period of It - ears this is arransed so that If you are to do so you can pay move or all r ' it bat you only obligate yourself to in ?;o a. month, the property can be landi"l for 31300 cash and assume this S0 month, this piece would pay Itself out &a it would rent lor its a motan, ra-'-iir just as advertised- Call ill Man- or W. R. Piper JAMES L. MABB & COMPANY. Phon- 43BO 304 San Antonio St. MANHATTAN HEIGHTS j room bungalow, living room ntire width of house, large room, glassed sleeping porch, basement and heat, oak ' ioors throughout, beautiful Tixturts nad built-in feature, i ck garage, two corner lots, paed street. Price M009.S0, an handle on 92000 00 cash. WHEELING STREET rooms and glassed sleeping jrch, tile bath, basement and l at south front, two lots. t aA mg paid, garage, hard ood floors $1500.00 cash. -lance terms. Price JtaOOJrO. GOVERNMENT HILL room bungalow, glassed Sleeping porch. two rats. soath front, basement and fat garage. Price only i750 00. Only J1000.00 cash. room house on two corner cis near Alts Vista school. ; a ing on side street paid. -am garage An excellent .j Easy terms. SEE FULLER WITH CHARLES B. STEVENS r.a! Estate and Insurance. 'y National Bank Bldg. Phone 3454. Ul FIE POINTS & room bunga .jv -glazed porch, garage, heat, fin-ishe-d n white, must sell at once. :'()" Mown This Is a dandy. O ROOM BUNGALOW In Alta Vista, f .11 baT"ent, hardwood. walks, f n. d price e4df. renting for $441. A PICK IP 1 room brick apart -' eii houie. close in: will cost about ;:. tt'j to duplicate building alone; j. l sii now. J96. t FOR TRADE Will take good build- j i c ? i : c in trade on dandy 5 room 1 unpalow in Alta Vista, glased porch, i l3-f-ciit, Ptc.. S4&00. J LIST lOIR propertv with us. HAWKINS BRO. .-;," Martin Bldg Phone 2800 ' ! SROOit brick bung-alow, on goodi laved street nearine; complatioti. 53-;n Will finish to salt bnytr;( umI: :itl: payment, balance like rert c ROOMS and glassed sleeplnr porch on Montana, JtJM Small cash nay n,cnt balance monthly CHALMERS W. C PORTER St. CO. H'l v ap Bids Ph ' BISIESS r HO PERT Y 160x120 FEET. CLOSE IS erv attractive .11 ipmiiI nsrt in I fade adjoining property held at S0 : H900 S rooms, basement and heat, .. frort foot- Will sacrifice at $350 a' sonth front, close to schooL i ror t foot if sold within 30 days. This i See ns for terma 'a a splendid buy. iJ-5O0 S rooms, oak floors, boilt in F. c. HUN'5'AM features, 2 sooth front corner , : F rt N"at Bk Bldg Tel. 4178, -. payed street: abont JS00 -: i cash. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ja4O00 rooms, sleeping porch, south O n s 4 room bungalow in the Altai front, close to car and paved '. i;a secuor. This is a nice home.! street, in Got. HiU. ti 2 pacd street and the price !s00 1 room frame. 4 lots, well lo - ' t:To uo, only J500 down, cated. near Washington Park; . totit- r easy terms "-nnt- F H. Fletcher with SCOTT SILES A REALTT CO. K I UHlis. 108 Mills Bldg. 1 424 Mills Bldg Phone 7T5. or 7SJ1J ! BRINGING UP JKC5 -COME. HERE.! REST i E.EAT it: TV 1.23 ar Urn. PtaTunS fixavics. lac. For Sale City Property FOB SALE Poor room bungalow and glassed In sleeping porch. MM town. Ph. 72S4M FOB SALE Duplex ann 4 rooms and bath, each aide with doeeta la every room. walking distanee. ror IHH. pa. az. 1 aam nnnU. -n.rtTnnt. In h.rt f rt . hwjHej canter. M front. fnn FOB SALE At n barcain, s room bnnc& !, j fnu iota, cement Borchea. hardwood floors throocbont the bonce, half block of car line ana paTea street, uo mi tnsK' tort- J M3IEDUTE SALE DY OUTtEK. Prro room, modern boaralow. nice neleh- borhood. dose foa. near Hich schooL Ph. tin. LOTS FIVE POIVTS DISTRICT. htako An Offer Two Iota, sooth front. comer Cebada and Tnlaroaa. both streets pared. Call Hawkins. 1711. WE HAVE J5J.000 To loan yon on anythfaic of Talne. TeU i Bfl TCSr trOaBMC. BAKVETT-S. tW SAX ANTOSTO ST. LOOK FOB THE BIO COLD CLOCK. I MAX1IATTAX HEIGHTS pire room brick bungalow, modern.. hardwood floors, bulltin features. Price SUM; reasonable terms. Let as show yon. LEAVBLL &. SHERMAX. itos?ij mpmo Rl IiBoard: Members Ki Paso Keai iiate aoaro. 116 Texas SL Phone 4236. READ THIS CARBFULLT. MANHATTAN HEIGHTS BARGAIN Four rooms, glassed sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, on two fall lots. pa vine aad side walk paid. basement and heating plant; price $4M-. small cash pay ment, balance like rent. SEB P. HOUSTOX GOODMAN BROTHERS A COMPANY Real estate In tots nee 205 N. Stanton St. Ph. 2424. OWN YOUR OWN APART3IENT r AM syndicating one of the very I best apartment houses in the city whereby yon can own your own ln- i dividual apartment on very easy I terms. CAN SELL yon 4 and S room apart ments, with steam heat, strictly mod- ern, spienaia location, at xrom to 'rse same to a Bouse would cost yon not less than SMvO.Os. ; MORE THAN HALF already sold. SO I yon must act pnexiy.. xror mu par- tlcttlars, see - .. J--b.J5l!t. biij r - liSTMtnr vusruii Call in person. No Information on telephone. FOR SALE CLOSE IX Beautiful t room residence jin Montana, runs clear to other street, 4 lots, heating plant. all modern: $12.t00; terms. 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW m 2300 Nock, on Montana. south front, hardwood floors. h eating plant; all modern features; $2fit ; terms. BROADDUS A LB BARON. Phone ISeS. EAR FIVE POLNTS. Six room bungalow with heating plant, hardwood floors, tile bath, extra large living room; on two full lots; south front; paving paid; owner has left here; this is worth JG500. Offered for Quick sale at J8400. See ua for particulars. LEAVHLL SHERMAN. 11C Texas St. Phone 422. Members El Paso Real Estate Board. FOLK ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. searing completion. $?&; 32v cash, balance monthly. SIX ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW. three porches, two lots. XISsO: J 4 00 cash. FRANK E. COX. Phone 642S. 31S Caples Bldg. FOUR ROOM BUNGALOWS FOR SALE BY OWNERS In East Bl Paso, fatinc east on paved street, corner house, 33000.90, inside szaMf.ou. on easy terms, in terior just goae over, and can give immediate possession. . Not doll houses, but measure 28 ft. across front of house, front and rear porches. fence and shea, navinjr ana siaewaiKS. See owners. 301 Caples Bldg. Phone 22 K. residence phone 1016 or 4117. MAVIW.TTAX HEIGHTS S.VAP, SH0OO. Foot room buasmlow, 1 e& closed S. P. and 1 screened S. P, eood atzs ItTtas and dinlfteT room. ltsAtloome buf fet emtlr. widtli of dining: room. Utra;. basement, tap estry brick, lawn aad chrnb bery in. priced be low the market for cjalek sale. Terms can b made to suit. LAHGE BUNGALOW FITE TOINTS. Six Lare rooma, oak floora throtuioot, larff. closets, beaoural bixlltiii featttire. mA flreplslce, foroace, garage, sleeping pores. 50 foot sooth front, lawn, paying and side walks tn. a charming home less than two blcka from Five Points. SS2S8. FISK RAMSEY IlEALTY CO. Phone 107. Arcade, New Trust Bldg. SOME OP TI1KSB WOULD rLEASE YOU. W000 Trowbridge Street. 6 rooms. braakfaat room, basement and heat, swath front lota, paylDg paid: Site. caah. ssseo i rooms, breakfast room, base ment aad heat, paved street, near car and school; S10.0 cass. Errf U? tv C FATHER s?. ll I SM I I WAIST -fOU TO MEET MR. FROWT ESS (V THE. ARCTIC EK-Pt.OHER-HEt , iB JSs' STOPPli-m TTHIt HOTEL - sOKl H 'VENTURES. VIL.UOE I If' . INTER.EVTIH; TO HEAR - J AMD I'M SUPPOSED TO BE OTOPPlN" AT THlt HOTEL PER A. - KIM YOU For Sdfr City PffPfffr FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW, fS50, on easy terms. Phone Owner. 1096. FOB tALB By owner. Gramdrtew Addl ttom, 1W Hamilton, furnished S room, and SL P. Wtet bassalow with garare. iOK &LE Fro room hoase en Moa tana, oalr tSa0: this Is not a motfern heese m enrr respect, bat a barrals at I ib jnw. i-n. wit. DOVT LOSE THE OPPOn- Tcxmr-4oo dowx, mo PER MO. INCLUDING IN TEREST nUTS ALTA TlST.i. BUNGALOW, This Utile bungalow of tapes try brick Is on beautiful Stfsm Are.; paved street; east front: Immediate posses sien: ttvlng1 room, dlnlne roonL kit en en, bath, bedroom. sleeping: porch and cement ' basement. Herndon Kemp, with TURNER, KEMP CALDWELL. Pbone MM. ALTURA PARK. THE GEM OP THE HIGHLANDS. ExeeUnt DoUdins: sites to choose -,. B(ii.n. v..i.,f,.n Tir.i,. the aorth. ONLY THREE MINUTES FROM FIVE POINTS. Every lot la on or within three blocks of carline and pavement. ALL NIGHT CAR SERVICE. NEW SlOOyOOO SCHOOL BUILDING readr for next session. Lots J 100 to $4M. Easy Terms. LESLIE REED Sole Ajrent. 9 It iilUe Bids. Phone 14. For SalcF&rcy and Ranches FOB BENT Twelve acres rood land C mtloo below town. Apply Ml Texas. Ph. 3139. WANTKD PlewtnE. laxfe or szaaH tracta Apply at oaee coper or lower valley. C H Tompkins. 3331 Tnlaroaa. 18 ACREb tn lower valley, will take naed car as first saymeat. Address J lit. ears Herald. WANTED To near from party who will sen seed. Improved valley farm on crop contract. Address C D. Keaaedy. San ABfUtt. Tex. I -t-'I FOB SALE One house. 7 rooms, acre and half of land, near County road. 7H tulles from Bl Paso, namo of place Is Luna Park. L. Luna, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 34, El Paso. Tex. 40 ACHES near La Mesa, 20 acres apple orchard, balance alfalfa, adobe house, hay barn: 31 acres .a paved road, near Tsieta. 2 alfalfa, some fruit, house, hay barn, hapletnesita, all cood, level land. Drennan, 3St Texas, Ph. 2I3S-3311J. FOB SALE lf acres of fine farming and Umber land m White mountains, JH miles from Alto; 40 acres In cultivation: 3 room house, spring branch ruaninc throuch laad; an Ideal place for stock ralsmg. Mrs. Bffle V. Slack. Alto. X. M. lOB tvVLE OB TRADE 112 acres cscd farm land, H acres In good alfalfa, rest Coed cotton land; I year's crop wm near ly pay for It. See J. B. BINKLEY, 203 N Staatea. 160 ACBE FABM for sale. I2tt, all till able, half fenced, eood land. 19 acres In ealttvatlon this year, made good crop. 3 room bouse. wtndmBl. dirt tank, good title. outlet to open races; also other land and property la coznlnjr town. A. T. FBATHER. BODEO. X. M. SOtmrtVEST ABKANSAS a land of op portunity, unusual barxains in low-priced farms with comfortable tmlMlnra for Sit to SSt per acre on rood terma. Mild, healthy climate, pure aoft water, no crop failure. General farmlnr. stock raislnr. trook, fralt and pealtry. excellent msrketa. Send for copy of farm bufletm with com plete descriptleas of farm barralna. Stuart Land Col, DeQceea. Arkansas. For Sale or Exchange -Real Eftate 54 ACRES of land with water right, la Wyoralnr, to exchange aa payment on propel tj here, price ttatt. Address r. O. box t.s, ki Paso. FOR EXCHANGE. !5 acres, near San EHzarlo. Tex., about 1 acres in alfalfa. Three room adobe house, land fenced, on good road, for cottage or lots: ltt acres on CHnt rosd. IS miles from El Paso, most all baa bees tn eattl estloa drsininr ditch runs throuch prop erty, for city property: equity In nice b"tX'. ter " ST " ,0i S ' near Taieta en north toco road, for dosed car and wlU pay cash difference: business property on a. stsnton at., also ones tenement, 2 bloeks from Paso del Norte Hotel, tor royalty ta Eirtlaad. Ranger or Lowtataaa field: equity in bungalow fox aato or tots: nice 2 story reeMenco on Dwyer Ave San Antonio. Tex. far El Paso oottares: 3S aerra near Clint, about It acre. In pears, for tenements.: bargain la bastoesa property on Myrtle Ave. dots ro. w. It. CS1U. Pbetve ta. ; Caples Bldr, Auction Sales WANTED To bay. carload of good, big work horses, will bar 1. 2 or a carload. Pa. 3SSt or eeo W. A. Williams, the Auc tloBoer at the Auction House. A GREAT B4.XKRUPTCY SALE AT THE SOUTH AMERICAN AUCTION HOUSE, 20 S. STANTON. Merchandise running as fottews itt Ladles Serge Dresses, all sixes aad colors. CM Ladles' Novelty Shoes. ltt Skirts: silks, Sottas aad Sprint Wools. M SUk Dresses, latest styles. Men's high aad low cut Shoes, all sixes. Sit pairs Girls' Shoos. GREAT OPPORTUNITY FDR THE COMMUNITY Call and Inspect merchandise. Whole- eeie aad retail sales. Auetion sales Men day aad Saturday. Private sales every other day. Opea from 3 a. m to t p. m. For Saje Fcrrutru-e FOR SALE Bit retrirerator of aU kinds. also all kinds of furniture and S burner oh stove. Ph. ill:, 3113 Alameda. FOB SALE Complete tnrniahlnrs of C room house, racladlac piano aad sewlag machine. Slot: bouse, dose In. for rent to party buying furniture. Ph. SSSiW NEW FURNITURE EXriIANfinn for old, will buy second hand goods: your credit Is good. Ph. !lt ant save money. njg. rmfc.-wimtt. iaj. aia xrJLA. HE STILL UAE BARGAINS in storage and commission furniture, fresh lots in weekly O. D Bouser Upholstering Co. lee Tessa Ph. lilt. WILL PAY highest cash price fer second head furniture, or will exchange new for old. RIO GBA2TDE FURNITURE CO. Phone 3SU. ICS-ll S. Stanton. LOOK FOB XRE BIG GOLD CLOCK For expert work ea watchea at the low est prices All work guaranteed. For correct time Ph. 7J0 HARNETT'S. 213 SAN ANTONIO. For Safe Foniitcre FOB SALB txl2 Wilton rec. 1MN Ftorenee. epstalrs. "A LITTLH DOU-N tW bvyer pays. A little more In thirty days." rOUTZ-MOORE FUBMTUBE CO. 111 N. Stan tea. H'ANTED Seoaad hand feralnire. any amotint and qnaltty: ws pay eatb: phese ns BCRRYIIILL FURXlTURE CO tot R San Antonio. Ph. mt MONEY TO LOAN. Honey loaned on diamonds, watches. Jew elry, automobiles and oil stocks at the lowtst rate or interest; business strictly confidential, SCCURTTT LOAN CO. lt S. El Pase. Pseao JM4. THE WBS-TR FUBNITURC CO. will pay cash far your farnKor or wt will exchange it for new. Cemo to the store mat saves rea mesey. fb. 1413. Cor ner Stanton ana ovenand. FBOXE 2MS. Cash peJd for year ssed fnmi- tsro or wtn give you new faraltsre for It. BIO GRANDE rTJKNITTJRE CO. Walk a block and save a dollar 19 S. Staatea St. For Sale Pianos. WILL buy a plane or player If cheap for cash. Address P. O Box SL EXCHANGE YOUB F1AXO for a pianola ptSBO. one mat tne waoie xaaury can play; we make liberal allowance for your piano as part payment. B3 Paso Plane Col. 21 Texas St, the Homo of the Stefn-wr- . Jjja!S55 GOOD, treeh milk coat with fetnale kid from tnoroaxhbred bUly. Ph. 2L SADDLE FONY for sale with boys saddle and bridle; city broke, gentlo aad good gait; gentle for lady Ph. 329CJ. FOB SALE Cheap, coed family cow. tfeeroexhbred Jersey Can 35U Tulareaa or Ph. 612. WANTED To buy. carload of cood, bc work horses, will buy L 2 or a carteaoi Ph. 2939 or see V. A Williams, the Auc tioneer at the Auction House. FCB SALE XS horses and mules with harness. It waao-ts and cams euulsaeat. outfit now encartd In road work. CaB or write T. 5. Miteneu. sneiaoa aotet, isi Faso, Tex. 4. V. b. ABIT HORSES AND MCLES. WU1 sen at aaetlon Feb. 1?. at It a. m at Remount Auxiliary. Ft- Bliss. Texas. Cash mast be rjaid. checka not recareee- Tha Bsyerametst reserves the rlrht ta re ject any or an bats. W. A. WILLLAH1. AgCTIO'VKEK. Ponltrj aad Pet Stock TIATtT CTIIICKS for aale. dellserr Feb. 34. Mra Lee ReoTea. Box 405. uu crncoe. .N-M. SETTING EGGS from hirb record laytar Barred Bocks. list Sacramento. Fh. swtxj. BDFF LEGHORN hatchinr ena for sate. xzzi Haeco. pa ssst. FKESII EGGS, squabs, rabbit and fancy plareotta qelleerca. ra. 4S7j- or sas. WILL exchange Belaian rabbiu for chsek ens. Ph. tOSCW. HATCHING EGGS for sale. White Leg horns and Rhode Island Beda St3S La Lux. Ph. '71SJ. BARBED OtOCK hatching eggs from trap nested bred to lay stock. SS per IS. rates per ltt. Mrs. w. E. Smith. Stis La Lux. Ph. tttx. ONE drop ox "Oculum" a day in water or food will make a hea lay. gaaraateed. EL PASO SEED CO-PHONE SSS. Eil E Sao Anfoalo. mat east of conrthoose BABBIT SUPPLIES, books, remedies, tat too oatfita etc. ask for catalogue, shxo anywbere: choice New Zealand, for aale. New Zealand Babbitry. SM. San Diego St. Ph. Sit. BUFUS BED BELGIAS, standard aad heavyweight, pedigreed and registered. S registered prise winning bocks at acad. Altara Babbitry. MH Savannah. Ph. atix. WHILE THEY LAST New Zealand does with Utters, 11.50 each. 1 fine buck. 3 months old rabblta, Stc each. Orover Hall. Jill LoaiavUle. Ph. Mt IT! HAVE la stock a full Hue of Oa. key's. Reliance and Dr. Lo Gear's Povdtry Ketneoiea El PASO SEED CO. rllONE 3SZ. SZS B. San Anionic Just east Courthouse. FOB SALE Eggs freshly laid every day. also setting egga. Rhode Island Rod. Barred Bocks, white Leghorn. 1731 Wyo ming BABY CHICK"!, hateaiag egga. cockereae, single comb Rhode Island Reds: also Custom Hatching. Altars Poultry Yard, 211 Savannah. Ph. Mix. WHITE WYANDOTTES. big winners Bl Paso Poaltry Show, 3 extra fine cockerels, for sale, also hatching egga w R. Dorris, Ph. StM. CIUCKENS VVANTED To boy White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns. Rhode Ielaad Beda Rocka, Aaeonaa, or what hare ym? Ph 1I7JW. PEDIflBEta New Zealand Red rabbets from regletered stock: does kiadling thts week. lsn yooag of all ages, cheap. Ph. 733. I'OK SALE One Queen Incubator, itt egg capacity. Sit. Foar Queen Incubators. 371 egg eapadty. $3t each. These aaachlnes are In first class condition, felly eqaipped with tested thermometer and hygrometer (mobjtare gaage). attraction book with each aa ehlae. mail your cheek, I will crate aad ship. James Randall, 1101 Blsbee SL. El Paso. Tex. --BETTER BABY CHICKS--Fergaaoa's Trap-neated. Pedigreed ttt Egg Strain White Leehorno bold World's Barry Laying Record they have Trap Records op to 337 Eggs they are Egg Machines of the highest order aad they grind out those High Price Wtater Eggs. Now booking orders for Strang, Sturdy Baby Chicks the Kind that Live at reasoaable prices. First hatch Feb. 31th, Order bow for early chicks tavey are geteg fast. Write for Intel eotlag catalog. JULIUS A. FERGUSON. 3413 Grand Ave. El Paso. Tex M.000 BABY CHICKS FOB lttt. Tho kind that live, grow fat, make great layers and show a profit. They are hatched In our modern lt.ttt egg capacity incubator and bred from the world's great est strains of pure bred poultry All from free range stock. Chicks and hatching eggs of ths following leading varieties: Whits Lerhorn. Rhode Island Reds. Blsek Mtnorcas. Barred Bocks and Anconaa. Safe delivery guaranteed. Orders booked upon receipt or z per cent or run amount or order HEB1LLA LlLLbl llAXt.-llrBi , Mra H V Bundr. Owner P O. Box 303. Las Crucea V M OOM'T ET FREH BUT I ITMO USE- I f ! I II I HE tAiD HE COULD NT 00 a?""- J HELJEFTTHE ft I y TANOTHERE-Hl LrsMTik HOTEUTHI f X I ROOM VA.-b TOO C HI fT MOWING- j UJ-,. L COLD- C - "OiJ 1 till a.-io PodaBPelSlodc CHICKEN MILO maize. SLSo. 19 Iba EL PASO SEED CO, PH. 33. CUSTOIIH HATCHING PAUL'S CHICK EN BANCO, formerly Parson's. Pb, MIS or call 3101 Grand Ave. DABBED BOCK hatchlnc ecss from faith record hens, ask about them, delivered. Ph. S4fr CANARIES for sale, guaranteed stnrers. rood colors. 2lt Nashville. Htchland fara use. SETTINO EOOS for ssle; Barred Hoc and Rhode Island Beds. 3119 Douzlas. Ph. itsftf. rEBFECTIOX 1CB.TCH contalca no dirt or creeatars. z more wheat. W. II WISE 6EEU i:0 PII. II. ALL KINDS of rabbits, fryers, dressed and delivered. 49e pound, also yard egra FB. illlJ. BBOWX LEGHORNS and Rhode Island Bed pullets, also a few cockerels. F. O. Box ItM. El Paso. Tex. FOB SLE itt empty boxes suitable for rabbit's hutches or hen's nests Columbia storage Battery tc irnltlon Co. B.BLY chicken are the strongest Rhode Island Red egra for hatchmc rood stock. Ph. 363T. PEBFECTION MASH Is recognised by ex pert ponltrymen as standard for esc pre deotlen. W. D. WISE SEED CO.. Ph. 1L FOB SALE Yard err, hatehisg eggs, ln&llas.,. ?.rai - as tssA Vs.aaAslSn.S' sm Ti t Id as Aspiy vis uopis. ri stjsj. FOB SALE Fresh yard errs. (e a dosen; u. nun ignorn ana uarrea Keek set ttor errs. II a setting: Ph. mff. 1LTCU1G White Leihern errs special ly selected from prise wmnlsc strain. E. F. UaxweU. Crawford Theater. Fh. Mlt or M. FEBFECTION MASH makes mora ecra. Satisfaction rnaranteed or rso... re- fnnded. W. D. WISE SEED CO, Ph. 1L fOLTUlVEST BREEOEBS -NEWS Pno Ushed moathly, deroted to Pooltry. Rab hlta, Plceoos aad all small stock South west News for Son' iocl. Srb scrlptlon S. cents per year S years L JCLTOS A. FEKGCS).N. fab. El Paso. Tei. MART niGIIT. Hatchlnc ercs from Willyard. famens winter laytar strain. ?. c Rhode Island si... s .i. K.U.K-.. ,A- . caUr and miliar list. TriLLiABir FOULTBY FABM, lilt Hamilton -3J3tt FRESH BULK rolled oata and fancy first cattJnr a If s If a fsr your rabbits. IT. P. WISE SEED CO. PTL 1L II 1UTE WYANDOTTES. Why not get the beotT Oct the standard. bred Watte Wyandottea. tha best aR pur pose American bird. They are beantifnL taey lay. tney rurnun the Dest or tabla meat ana tney are easy to Daaoie. Tu want ears taat wiu natch, eba&ha that win live and birds worth their care. Oar birds win at the show and they also pay taeir boaro. Hatching eggs. x.B. . aet ttag: baby chfeka, sts each. Write for catalogue. BLANCO rOCLTKT TABD3, -10 Memphis St. Phono Oil. WBBB1 B.1BBED PLYMOUTH BOCKS maintain the standard they have held for 11 years, as was demonstrated st the B4 Paso PooHry Show. In a class of ft good ones, by being awarded. Champion .Ceelc 1st, Dark Coek. 1st. Light , Cock 1st. Light Hen 1st and 2nd, Light Ckrls r. 2. 3. 4 sad S. Light Pallets 1st. Light Vrn 3rd. Dark Pea They are bred to lay: they win aa merit: S Light aad 3 Dark matiaga: to avoid de lay in roeolvlng your settlers, book your orders NOW. orders CHtea in roiarssn received. J Whitney Webb. Hotel Paso del Kerta, Bl Paso. Tex. Breeder of the beet an purpose rewi on earta. For Sale Automobile! Wanted FOB SAIX Ford roadster, cheap. Appiy tit Texas, call tor Zanacr. STERNS-KNIQUT Like new. best buy In El Paso, also one 2 ton traek. Ph. ltit. ask for MsrshaJL FflK SALE On. Overland, model St tear ing ear. Set. cash, see N'. A. Boyae. 4Si East Franklin at. ARMATURE REWINDING Auto electri cal parts In stock. Western Battery & Magneto usi. sis is. Miawoan. FOR hALE Reasoaable for cash. Kssh car, 7 passenger. Ills model, xany equipped, perfect condHlon. CaB 34L AUTO LAUNDRY Havo your carswaabed white yon watt. CASH PAID for M Fords. 3tt N Kansas. Ph. JJL USED CARS GlVBANTEED OB YOUB MONEY BACK. One 7 passenger Paige, wire wbeela new paint, seat covers. One Oakland Boadatar. Oae S passenger Paige. TAIGE SALES 4 SERVICE CO. 311 Montana. Phone lit. PARMELKE Magnet, and starter repair ing. Wo spectaHxe in armataro rsaludlug. It I w. San Antaaa. w. FOR SALE I t Packard track, with ore haaL earning IN per day. Price JK. en account of sickness. W. O. Jennings. Dob Lata. Arlx. j WANTED To bay 5 aad T pas senger, ltlt or Ills model Csdtl laca. and other late model ears. WALTERS DURHAM. Ph. its. 21( W. San Antonio. 130 FIVE PASSBNGEB Maxwell, never used, at bargain. See. casa. wtt nan-die. See W. W. Stowe, Oeaple Barber Shots, It E. Saa Antonio. ATTENTION I Toa can save oae-thlrd l-3 on your car by baytag a ased car from us. Hadson Ssper I tllit Chandler Sedan Jilt. Paige. 7. 1117 S ttt Nash, lilt SllCt Beiek C Touring. 1317 s 7St Bales. Touring. 1117 3 let Boies. Touring. IMS Site. Bulsk t. Roadster. 1317 SIM Dodges, aU models.. SI7S to S SM Chevrolet, 1S1S-19 ..! to S 6M MaxwHL 1317 S lit Oakland t I ltt to S 7M Mitchell Roadster s ttt Ford Sedan 3 IM Ford Touring. 1J1J itt WALTERS DURHAM. Phone 403s. 314-20 W. San Antonio. SIX CYL1NDEB chummy roadster In .r. cellent condition throughout for sale at very reasonable figure, has S wire wheels and i almost new tires, looks like new and run. ilk. new if ronlMnnlnln, !..,... ' high grade used -ar cheap you ahould la J vestigate. Ph. S83CW. gy GEORGE McMANUS For Sale An.omoHIej Wanted UE SPECIALIZE on Ferda, rare. 710 Texas. EXTEBT ante repairtac done at lit W. Bovlevard. Ph. 4I7. day or ntrht. QUALITY HOKK. lowest prices. tjarare. 1 10 xaiaa. WANTED To bay. Dodg-e roadster. 1919 modal, mart be in road condition and bar- saln for cash. Tonaa'Mood. Ph. ML MAXUELL flywheel rear bands make a perraaaent Job. bands for any car made aad Installed correct: automobile parts and r.palrtag. Elliott, rear 21W Texas. MONEY TO LOAM. Meaey loaned on dlamrpda. watches. Jew. eiry. antomoblleo and oil stocks at the lowest rate of Interest: business strictly confidential. SECmUTS LOAN CO. let B. Bl Paso. Phone SH. IF YOU ABE I TllE MABKET FOB a dependable need ear call and Inspect the automobiles and trucks now he tar offered for sale by the MOTOR MART. Stanton aad Montana- Pheno MI. CIIKVKOLET UABY CR.15D. PraoUoaUy new car. never off parement. t perfect Urea, the one real barrala la ta daya paper, a price for caah that watt mean a aaiefc sale. Call Ur. Boss. Ph. 3 for farther detail. NKW NASH KOADSTEK. Owner relet t Soath America, mast seH as once, e-seas- taii lis First XaHeaal ssana tnac fh. t-at or 4eef. ORIENTAI, GABAOE, pnoNE 4JJ. Ill N. Kansas St, Ceaeral Repslrlnr DODOE SPB5CIAIJZE HtmsoK. Used car. bearht aad sold an commission. aittu bal& WHya-Knlrht. i aassenrer. tie. ssaxwew. passenrer ' " fie atartar. 1HT, Me. Chevrolet- rood e.ndftaMi. Fard Traek. good condtUon. ".""S2H CSED CAS BASGAZK8. DODGE wtth all weather tap can be bought at a BARGAIN. SETE2AX. ether STANDARD snakes f cars at GOOD BARGAINS. OARRETT MOTOR CO. ttt W. San Antonio St, Phoae ttft. FRANKLIN' CnrnrMY- TUs Is a distinctive ear In perfect etadl. zxon at a oaaitaurabae aavtng. Phoae IL JUST EHFTNTSnEDl! BsJek Sedan. Hudson Super Six. SOUTHUU-rKKN' AUTOMOBILE COJIPANY. Bear of Set Norte Httet. Fhoae iiil LOOK AT THESE LATE MODEL CARS! What we are offering la our Used Car Department. They are ready for service right now. Pay while you tide: 1I1S medal. S passenger, original paiat, good teres, fine xunning condition tie 117 tnedel, S passenger, osig tnal paint, good rubber, in ffeso condition (ttt ltl7 model, t passenger, reboot. reaaUated. good rubber, soohs like new . SStt 1317 modal, roadster, a goad one SNt Wo have several other Sedges that are goad buys. Other raahea that we havo are Mash lilt BsecMTi, 7 passenger. over site Kelly cord tires, aew paint. In fine raeehaalral eondstiea. . .SlHt Tsssex, ltlt model, S passenger, like new (lilt Balek Big six. good rubber, geed mechanical coo allien 34. Bad eon. 7 pesseager. S of these like new. frees 3134. to list Ask any one that has bought a used ear from aa about the con. dJtlon we put aB cars la before we sell them. Call 614)0. LONE STAB MOTOR CO. Bird Supplies BHtD SEED. Bird Remed'es and Bird Cagea We carry only the best. W. I). HI5C SEED CO. PH. IL WE HAVE in stock a complete Una of Palia. Bird Food. Remedies and SsppHes. EL PASO SEED CO. PHONE 343. WE OFFER guaranteed singing canary birds, fancy bird seed, bird cares and suppllea EL P4.SO SEED CO. Ph 3t3. CANARIES And everything for them. BORDER SEED CO. The Handy Corner 331 Mills St. For Sale -MaceHaceons CHOICE NaraJ. raca. 1H1 Moataaa. FOB S.VLE Two year old rase bashes. 17l Trowbrtdce. Pa. IHtW, I'OK SALE Second band malnarapb egnlpmeat. xz Backler Bldr. FOB HALE Black tall deer head, meant- ea- TO. Macotrm. FOB SALE Complete Mors, tetearapa outfit, adadiac relay, set p oa board. Apply 4TT B. Franklin. Ph. Hit. FOB SALE A few alee, largo, fancy e caaa at 3c poaad. delreered by parcel post. D. J. Jonea. Alaelta. Tea. SPIKELLA COSSETS. rect body Uaeo. raaraateod not to rust or break. Ph. Mrs. Splawa. Mar. m storama. KINDLING for sale, M ceats per sack, best rrado coal So cents per sack deUrered. Phono im FOB TI1K BEST tawa fertiliser aad dirt for flower beda, alwaya can sttt: rraeanc and reflllinr;. acttiny lawns oar specialty. IVE ABE still salppmt raraltaro to the oil fsslda Will pay extra cod prleo for ased fsrnMare. O. D. Hoaser Upholster tar Co, Ph. 411C CIUAR OUTFIT, wall cases aad floor casea a barrala: also, aessaorrapfa boxes aU sasea. Lyons Transfer Co, J if s. Ochoa. Ph. 41. ONE beautiful VIcaaa far rag. west make a alee ccat or alee auto robe: 3 JeavaJ. rags, 1 creeact bedaaread and ala. some eeator psscea aad doilies, aheap, can be soon at ttt Wyoaaaag. Ph. 4ilT. ELECTRIO SIGN wHh weed -Shoes- U tanrlaated. about I feat long, artistic de sign, beet caoietrBetioa. sheep beeaase aeeiees to present .smer. Victor Hat & caataaag Co. SENTINEL CHECK WRITER Cembtna tsoa check writer and stock certificate naacatao, protects payee a aarae. sawast ahas aad data. Phone represeBtattve, Mr. wmiama 1134 or wrfte D tt care Herald. CLEARANCE SALE of unredeemed articles, trunks, bags and sure ssses. aee oar wmeowa B-ARVBTTS, 21 SAN ANTONIO ST. LOOK FOB THE BIG GOLD CLOCK. SEVERAL geaoiaa linen bed sheets, hand emBrOMereo an. plain, sis and S3, ease, arse t ft. by If. table center piece, head embroidered, hand made lace, filet. S3S, several other linen piece. Hadoaa seal eaat, S2St: gold purse end neckchaia, Sta. 27t3 Memphis. Highland Park car. MONEY TO LOAN. Haaey ssaBed oa dtamoada. watches. Jew elry, aatatnobilea and ail stocks at the lowest rate af retereat: business strictly eenf!detttel SECUKIH LOAN CO. lit S. Bl Paso. Phono 2714. UNITED STATES goverameat teata, tar psnitaa. all aisee. ahoea, Q. D. perfect woei Btaakets. 4 aad its , sands, sates. casa reaaners. aaow casea. esn. INTERNATIONAL SALES CO. BXl w 8s COrERNHENT SHOES. Wo have sevaral thousand pairs reesakmed gavemmeat sewes that were to have been. re-Msaed, but were sold ta larg- lots .9 aeeauat of densairtitmtpsa: wo are offer ing these shoes m lets ar stasis pairs: w. send seMeet t. approval, agents want ed, m owns owtseoe aa paso. P. O. BOX 1177. Readr Reference Basinets Directory Accoiiiiiajts AaaTtors EL PASO AUDIT CO. W. H. Payne Aeeeaatlnx. Rm. 211 aad 213 Mills Bldg. Ph. 3124. NORMAN E. YEAZET. Pabllo Accountant, Auditor. Herald Bide. MATTISON. REID CO. ill Trust BMg. Phone No, 133S SELMAN AUDIT CO. Aeeasataata, auditors. Income tax reports. Ph. 3SSX, Mt Trust Bldg. Accountants Ctrtifierl IDTNSX & JONES. C S. Jeaes C P. A. H. C Beary Federal Tax Coasattaat. aaa-7-s Trust mag, pa. isaa. Assayers and Oemists GEO. B. EBEBENZ at CO. Chemists and assayers (formerly of Pueblo) reps, fer ere shippers at Bl Paso smelter oil flota taan teata 13t San Francisco B Paso. CPbTOM ASSAY OFFICE Crttehetf Ferguson, ssasysn. ehsmlsta, metslluvx Ists. rerreseatatlves for ore shippers. 311 Sap araacaco St, El Paso. Texss. Auctioneers WALTER A. WILLLYMS. AUCTIONEER. Fh. 3U3. ottieo 21 B. San itaalo. Aae tlon Heutse, Will bandlo sales In or out of tawa. Office boors, t-lt. 3-3. l-i. MID-WBEK SALE At the Auction Housed sit SL Saa Antonio. Wednesday night. 7 P. m. watCBoa, dbunonda, kodaks, is rapes. Mexiaaa drawn work, auk ateawla. toilet artaeloa, soap, aad pert Bases, reaors. foaa taaa peas aad aevelty goods of an kinds. W. A. WILLIAMS. AUCTIONEER. 40 U. S. ARMY UORSBS AND MULES. WtB sell at auction Feb. 37, at It a. te at Resaeuat Auxiliary, Ft. Bltaa. Texas. Cash must be paid, cheeks aot received. The government reserves the right to re ject aay or an waa, W. A. WILLLAMU, ACCTIOVEEB. Anto Accessories AUTOS WRECKED We buy. sell er ex ehaago cars of sll makes, large stock of repair porta, we aeai in ruaaei ano met. ale, as Paso Aato Wrecking- Ph. Ilia. 33a Leon at. K Trstchteneerg. Prop. HIGHEST PRICES FAH tor used aad wrecked cars. STAB ATJTO WRECKING CO. fLargoot WreekinaT Rouse In the soathwest. ios west Overload. Pheae Sits. Anto Radiators Repaired SEND US yoar radiators: sramat aad caivsni wora. uessovuio Broa, the raos- r moa. fa xsss. ate g. xaaulevsxd. Beanty Parlors ALLEN SISTERS Competent, courteous serne conveaienxiy leeatoa. Ph. STSX, swe xterajq isiqg. tUTTS It Backler BMg. Pa. ItlL ax perieBced managemeat. competent onor- ators. prompt servico. hot oil aaanlcura. MRS. U, NEVlNs, PH. lseo atxperleneed operators; work gnaraaued. hair to order from combings, first oaaUty rrrach. DCCLO BEAUTY PARLORS, modern methods: the most sanrtarv naftA. In tn. city 38 Raynoiaa Bldg. Ph. 4313. Bruin eis CoBege WUlsLEB SCHOOL of shorthand and L typewriting; students plsced la good po- "wmi bi. jacea. t-n asiv. Cleaning and Pressing TEXAS CLEANING At Dry: trnactt CTcaalnt dyeing, alt-rstlon dyeing a.mylhsnj mad." article edle"jflta overcoats our specialty. 313 Tex. Ph. 3123. j m JJ. Campbell. "'" -r-' taa Ready Reference Bosiacu DirectorT Carpenters WANTED CarpaBtor i ork of any kind. a specialty, pro, seat. CARPENTER work, an krada, door, wln dw. roof, porch aad garage repairing LUNDELL TOMLINSON, PHONE SS23. C. C. nilLLIPS Carpeater aad Job work. sswtviag. raaaodellar. all work guaranteed trrsc casas. larq ra. ess, nonso ra izi.. P110NH iS7 For all kinds of house re- palra earpeaterlBg plasterrag cemeat and Jee week eta ala. express aad hauling Carpeb Qeaned FOB A GOOD, cteaa paperhanger, reaaon able. Sheas Mr. Howard. 3414. CARPET oteaalag aad rag wesvtag. Cbni Mattress A Rug Ca 3113 Myrtle. Phonos 413. lta aad ItTt. Contadow WOODWARD It CREECH, geasral con tractors of carpeater work, stove, brick, plastering and paining. Ph. lt or tsttj dimmer Sweep SIMON YTESCAS Chtmnoy sweep, fnmaca eleaned. stoves repaired and est up. Ph. tttS, 3t & Stanton. CHIMNEYS, foresee, stores, cleaned, re paired, hottsehold roods packed, furniture repaired Looex. 304 3 Stanton. Pa. 3t4i. Dandng Leuons. BALL ROOM AND STAGE DANCING. Private Imssbb at any hour by appolnt Baent. Oaas lossoaa, Tuesday aad Thurs day eveainaa. 7 to 3-3t. CotitUon Ball Pa. Salt. Caildroa's daas. Saturdays. 3 p-m Electrolysis SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. Masaa, sears, facial biemlshea removed. Ssgglag cheeka, mouth to nose lines, cor rected. MRS. GRACE A. BENSON, Buckler Bldg Ph. 3i. FriTTittiiTe Pacldag FURNITURE bought, packed, upholstered. retselred. wo nave best china ana glass ware packer In city Mattress renovator EBYTN TCBNTTirBE CO Phone SI. WE PACK. SHIP OB STORE famlture cut gtaas aad chins, satisfaction guaran teed. R. L. DANIEL F. A M. FCTRY. Is. ltn-ie-t. BETTEK FURNITCRE PACK1NO Wo pack, ship or store furniture, cot glass aad ehtea. I work mechaaica enly and swpertntend all my packing personally. Csed furniture taken In exchange for work. Phone lilt. a. o. iiocser rnnioi.'?rjrjNC co. Fnrcirare Repairing FURNTTURE REPAIRED, reflalshed f apetolstered. K. J. 0ANIEI. r. s. n. FCTBY, Ph. l2S-lt7t Hair Goods SWITCHES, trasfarmatloas made from cembtara, hot oil manieere, facial massag" CUUTTS, saeceasor to xarey rmer, iv Backler Bldg. Ph. 3S1L Jnnk Dealers. BUY ALL kinds af Junk, old Umber, old clothes, shoes, fumltare. tools. Ph 7143 CaB 311 Alameda, staxdard Bottle C" EL PASO IRON METAL CO. IMS San Antonio. DenJera tn scrap iron, rubber, copper, brass, hones, etc Ph. ilie. t WE WANT BAGS We pay the hlrh prices: rtv, ua a trial. Bl Paso Wsste l Shoddy Co, SS4 S. Vlrrtnla. Ph. 11H GREAT WESTERN JUNK CO. 112. a El Paso. Wo bay bottles, rags, and all kind. ofijeak. Ph. 4324 We call any part c-tv Mattress RenoTaint OF MATTRESSES Repairers. Ph. 147. ItH and H70. 3212 Myrtle. Clark Mattress A Bar Co. Mercantile Agencies K. G. DUN CO. Mercantile reports. XI Paso otaoe. 1.1 Qaiareaty Trust Bllt Mnsical T10LTX leeeens grrett. Arthur Dmou. : tjoea st- pn. cerra. VIOLIN LESSONS given to those wishing to begin, or advanced puptla Arthur DU san. 212i txpld. Ph. ttiL Paintinr YELTON PAINT CO-Patatlng. paper bsarrar. decorsrigg Set N Stsaton. Phl24T Painting an 3 Paper Hangrag ATOH THE RUSH Let Jenca figore on year paintlBg. tinttsg: paperhangmg. guaranteed work, estimatea furnished. Ph. 4ttC. Passport Photos PASSPOET PHOTOS. Ill Texas St. Plnabers PRONTO PLUMBERS We dean hold veu ar fer that repair Job. Office Ph. Itt3. resauence sees, sss -rexas. Second Hand OotMng VERY BEST PRICSS PAID FOR MEPS SECOND HAND CLOTHING. PR. ISSi. NEW BEGINNERS Wo pay hlgbes: prlcee for ladles', men's 2nd hand clothing. shoes, hats, trunks, tools, etc. Ph. lire HIGHEST PRICES paid for Udiea aad moa'a second hand clothing, ahoes, hats, trunks Call 334. before anyone else I PAY reasoaable prices fer second hand dethes. shoes, furniture, trunks, tools and stov.a. Dccri aeU before calling 3238. Second Hand FtRTutcre EXCHANGE NEW FURNTTURE For second hand. Westers Furniture Co. lit 12S 8. Stsato. St. Ph. 1412. Sewing Machines. SEWING machiaea bought, sold, rented aad repaired. Call fev Peters, 403 Texas. Ph. 24.4. WE BEPAIB. family and power sewing maehmea. ttme reeerdera, garment making maebiaery; wo also lastall any kid o' machiaery, millwrights and' mechanl'-x erectlax esurtaoera Ph. StM BITTLEB KNOINErTRlNB SERVICE. Sign Writing. CITY SIGN CO- Service and quality our motto. 4t4 Myrtle. Ph 187 Soda Fountain and Fixtures SODA FOUNTAINS. We buy. sell sad exchange. Call at our ahow rooma FABBOW CROUCH LOGAN CO. M Texas St. Ph- Storage Warehonses YOUR GOODS STORED ss tree shcu be. R. L. DANIEL F. i M. FTTRX, Ph. It3t-l7t, Store Repairing STOVE sad foraaee repalnng; f r?x.-ae gratea L. J. Peeler, with D. & 1 n , Works. B. sta aad S. Fborenco. T Tavjdemisls McLELLAN BROS. 3tt Saa Francisco at. Trnni Factory TRLNKS suttcasea. traveling bags made repaired aad oxchaaged. El Paso Trunk racvrr. next t. Crawford theater. Ph. 1114. Typewriters WE BUY, aeu, reat. repair rebuUt typa Arts. Osresa, Hovel. Typv.rttf A Office Soipirty t 31 Mllla St Ph 133. Welding Shop -TURNER. THE WELDING MAN.- tot Texas St. Phone SOAL Wbaian Exchange. MRa. CHONLi Woman s a-xchanK