Newspaper Page Text
JEL PASO HERALD 12 Tuestfar. FeT. 10, 1920. THREE VALLEY RAN0HE8 S ATrong" real estate sales reported by Broaddus & LeBaron is the sale of th H. D. Camp zandi In the upper alley to C A- Peavy aaa associates. Mr Peavy is the chief clerk in the office of the U. S. reclamation serrlce iire The ranch embraces 172 acres and brought $18,000. Another big sale reported by the 'sine firm is the A. J Frazar ranch -ear Ysleta. 27 1-2 acres, for 1S,750. sold to Z. J Ed pe of Georgia. Mr. Edfre also bought the E X. Crozter ranch on the Ysleta road near Ysleta lor $3000 M- Edge is a Georgia capitalist who has retired from business and Is io ating here. He boaght the Fraser -arch for his son. Three bungalow sales reported by the same firm are as follows Six room bungalow on Government Mill sold b J W. Worthington to J Kane. 1-tVM). Symphony Will Play For Motor Show In April The 1 Paso Symphony orchestra will be the feature of the HI Paso Automobile show, according to the present plans of the committee in charge. A thorough survey of the ISIG M L 0 IRE Music week will be observed in El Paso from Feb. 23 to 29. John Re nn asaiAtant manater of the cham amusement field will be made before . ber of commerce has announced. Pro definttely signing any contracts, but grams are to be given in hotels and it is the aim of the committee to cafes by orchestras and the next con mmim hA Km ottnitiAna nAcaihu rwrt of the El Paso symphony or- There is a chance that Josef Hoffman. I chestra will be a grand finale. The th eminent olaniat. will amiear. but i program for this concert has been it may be impossible to arrange a ! announced by Mr. Regan. aatisfactory date. ' 1- The dates of the show were changed j 2 Monday from March 26, 2 and 27. as! originally planned to April 1. 2 and 3.; owing to the fact that Liberty hall was already rented for the original! sbow date. This change of date is I believed to be an improvement rather 3 than otherwise, as it brings the show! the three days immediately pre ceding Easter, and wfn afford an ap propriate means of concluding the Lenten season. All exhibits most be signed up by March 15. the committee announced Tuesday morning. After that date no -iix room puiiisitiuw iwo neiw 1... Un .. -.-j .. tr-et. sold to J & Brown, of Mid- 1 ;l?ZZr&JT'zZwzZ uast- ii J a. a.sis.asv-aiai.j caicijcuimm in tne ii snow in ztnaing room iot all the exhibits, and this trouble will be greater this year. It is planned to erect a big circus tent on Kansas1 street next to tbe halt to accomodate the truck and tractor display. It is oeueved that a heavy patron iand. Texas. 15600 Mr room bungalow on Grant ave nue sold by W B. Briscoe to R. M. hmej, $5(30. COMMISSIONER SETS HEARING. illiam Birkett charged with em- j.rzziement xrom tne united states ii mv recruiting station at Amarlllo, Texas, who says he served four and half ears in France with the Can adian army, was arraigned Monday fternoon before U. 6. commissioner J SchmkL His hearing was -. Tor Wednesday and his bond fixed t S75ft &Xm9f t 112 Millions used last year to KILL COLDS HILL'S CASCARAlrfQUINlNE SftOMffi cdd remejy for SO yean Met form cafe. rore. so opiate breaks up a coM ia 24 Mini- reneves jnp ia j cars. tonty mcx a it iuu. ice gemnae box has a Red p( wicn Jar. usr picture. At AuDrur 5tari It follows: March Slave Op. ll-.Tcfaalkowsky Symphony (No. 4) "Italian" A Major Mendelssohn L Allegro Vivace II. Andante con Moto II L Moderate con Moto IV. Presto Salterelle Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra On. 33. . . .Saint-Saens Julian Paul Blitz. (Conductor San Antonio Orchestra.) 4 Two popular numbers 'a) Intermezzo from Grand Opera "Goyescas Granades (bj Habanera and vaqueros Sonic" from the opera "Natoma" Herbert S. The Atonement of Pan....Hadley i. xance ot tne ympas IL Entr'acte III. Intermezzo IV. Dance of the Harpies. News Brevities LQCAf. AND GENERAL TralD Bnlletln. Texas and Pacific train No. 1, due at 1:46 p. nx, was scheduled to arrive at 6:4. p. m. Texas and Pacific train No. 34. due at 10: p m, was sched uled to arrive at 11 p. m. All other afterson and night trains were reported on time. Freight Car. Released. To relieve traffic congestion Be tween Juarez and Chihuahua City, Gen. Manuel JL Dieguez has notified the Juarez chamber of commerce that he has released li freight cars for civilian use. Up to this time the cars have bees held for troop movements. Dr. D. E. Smallhorst, 4M Rbts-Banner BMs. Diseases of stomach. Intestines. Prisoner, to be Transferred. As a result of conference between the state of Chihuahua and the de- Symphony l partment of interior of Mexico, all now ovoluku jm uiv bwid penitentiary at Chihuahua City will be transferred to tbe penal colony of tbe Maria islands. (Advertisements.) in such a position that a rear wheel of the truck passed over bis foot. Cano was taken to the police emer gency hospital for treatment, and later was removed to his home. No complaints were filed at police head age will be secured from those states, 1 1 TT f 7") l C'"""i 7i 77 as El Paso is the distributing center! g fl (7v llllvfr'j for cars throughout the southwest. ji v - VXJ V-X J-i OFFICIALS PLAN CLEANUP ON BEHALF OF SOLDIERS Army officers and city officials met again Monday afternoon for a conference on the social disease Question. H. J. Emerson, of the social hygiene department of tbe fed eral government, is in El Paso plan ning a cleanup campaign on behalf of tbe soldiers. The city promised Lto coperate with him in his work. council men W T. Griffith and Park Pitman. MaJ Gen. R. L. Howie and CoL Frank W. Weed, district sur geon, attended the meeting. fe. Standard inBV W m FLUFFY DOG. I)iT FROM MASTER. IASBS APPETITE The chamber of commerce has a doc it is holding for a claimant. Xobody anows wnere menus limn. i rfii -., ii i.ii. u.. is a mce. white, nufly dog. wits large tor d,t .".Xi'U .-5 1VEDESDAY, FEBRHAHY 11, 1IU. T'HIS is not an Important day in X planetary direction, according to asiroiogy. aaiurn is in mildly benefic aspect but Venus and Mars are adverse. It would seem that many persons will prosper in material things at this tune, but they are likely to attract the most severe criticisms. This is espeoauy true 01 Mg business enterprises. Under the rule older persons should benefit. It is most encouraging to those who have been leaders, but they should realize that false hopes iwa wmie mis configuration pre vails. Tbe seers declare that many sur prises are in store for both the great political parties. .Mars is in an aspect read as ez- appeallng eyes. And something has taken away tts appetite. It Is tethered with a strap in the entrance of the chamber of commerce waiting for owner, friend or dog catcher, and it needs a bath. Loss to shipping In the war from mines and submarines was 12.9i6.Me gross ton 5 NOTICE CHANGE OF HOUR Two Sessions a Day 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30p.m. No Night Sessions EL PASO STOCK EXCHANGE First Xatloaal Bank Bids- Capitalization $10,000.00. """ T i lOS Membership. Ceater of Oil Actlvidn. ; sway women should be ing their claims in busi- for dfascontent and even for t4a amH ouier irounies. During this ware of pusblnir ness or in demanding their rights In the household, for di&spmrinnn A disappointments are likely thus to be wooed. The rale is menacing to domestic happiness and many divorces will be recorded. This condition is likely to wuuuue iv '""ij monms. ne planetary government Is a warning one where financial matters are concerned. Saving and thrift may -" w ire uuiucrs 01 cnoice ana may become necessities. The stars supposed to Influence the dress of mortals foreshadow sim plicity In fashions and economy In clothing The seers prophesy that the neit so- Attention, Pioneers! All members of the Pioneers' Asso ciation of El Paso County. Texas, are requested to meet. "Wednesday,. Feb ruary 11th, at 11 oclock a. m, at Me Bean. Simmons and Hartford under taking parlors. North Stanton street, for the purpose of attending the fu neral of our late brother pioneer Haas. Be prompt. By order of Park "VT. Pitman, President. Aaoir noiiman. secretary. A New Ptoffiee. The postoffice of Goodyear, Mari copa county. Arizona, has been estab lished. It is located at the new town of Goodyear, a cotton plantation near .raoenix. n. II. Ilendrlck and Co income tax specialists, auditors. 3J First Na tional Bank Building. Search for MUaing Soldiers. A search is being conducted here for Pvts. Galippo and Glnn. 82nd field artillery who disappeared from camp Monday morning. Glnn had been placed nnder arrest on a charge of beinjr absent without leave. He was set to work under guard of Galippo. Neither has been seen since. Dr. Anna Re cm. Bnekier Side Ph. 577. Jnari If or en Trio. Mayor Trinidad Romero, of Juarez. left for Chihuahua City Tuesday mornlne on nersonal business. Dur ing his absence alderman Felipe Diaz Martinez win act as nrst executive. Motorcycle Patrolman 111 Elmer Wilson, a motorcycle patrol man, has inflennza. Physicians re ported Tuesday morning that his condition is slightly lm pro v -id- Ill Paso Seed Co.s If 2 Catalog now ready. Write or call for a copy. Attend School of Instruction TpADntv ealtorfnni nt internal rev enue C. H. Black and A. M. Monro? left Tuesday for Sweetwater. Texas, where they will attend an income tax school of instruction for one week. Intricate Questions of tbe law are to De explained to tne agents. Boy Painfully Injured. Carlos Gano. a boy living at Iee and Overland streets was painfully; bat not seriously Injured at 5.15 p. m- Monday, when the bicycle he was riding collided with Baltimore IaItors Here. Philip Levi. Mrs. Belle Levi and Mrs. Fannie Mayer, representing tbe Fldelltv Trust comnanv. of Baltimore. Md passed through El Paso Tuesday I on tnetr way to tne coast, xney saia El Paso had the best weather they had seen en route. They were at the Del Norte. J. A. Carve! "The Income Tax Special ist," Formerly with Income Tax Dept. Internal Revenue Service. Suite 5M-6-7, New Trust BWg. SOO Head of Steers Sold. Five hundred head of steers from the Hearst ranch in Mexico have been sold by John C Hayes, manager to jonn zl xeaas. Tomorrow At the WHITE HOUSE MOTHERS-YOUfi BABI Nothing k too good for the little folks asd babies in particular should have dependable wearables. Tbe White House is renderrag a dktkct service to El Paso raotbers ra that we are offering the very best baby Ikes to be bad at aoeey savg prices. Examples: Y 150 Petticoats 1.10 Baby Petticoats, machine mtde, tiimwuf with tacks, bees tod esbroideries, mad of Nanwook and A -f r Lawn, L50 value, Layette Roan Special at 1.1V Third Floor. A ll r Educational Training It e port. A report on educational training in tbe different camps and posts throughout the country for the month of December, shows that of the 17256 enlisted men. 92,827 were taking instruction In various branches of work. Trouble. Avoid trouble. Leave Daggage checks at LongweLTs, or telephone Xo. 1 Two EnlUt fa Navy, Two men sltmed tin with the naw Monday afternoon. They were Charles! joacK ei uaiveston. apprentice sea man and Elmer C Hurley; Marfa, ap prentice seaman for hospital apprentice. Wyandotte hatching eggs. Ph. 45. Revenue Collector Transferred. K C Sinks, for a year a deputy in ternal revenue enlleetar here, has truck driven been transferred to the Galveston of- vassal a. 1 .v .a. . MX .. T - 11. . a - a by H. L. Keller- The boy was thrown fice. He will leave tonight. clal season will be less gay than usual and that the public mind will be occupied with Important matters that can not be ignored. Persona whose blrthdate it is may meet annoyance in The coming year. owing to some sort of deception or treachery. Children born on this day may be inclined to be rather extravagant and careless, but these subjects of Aquarius are asually very talented. Copyright. 1st, by the McClure News paper Syndicate. r KWIZ Rec U S. Fat. OH Tartar on Teeth Shows Yois Leave the Eilm All Sldemenit Approved hg High Denial AathorWa Free A xO-Day robe of Pepsodent to show you its ef fects. See coupon. See how teeth glisten when, the la is gone. It film that maVes teeth look dirty. It is fitm that is the source of most tooth troubles. Remove the Film FHrB is the basis of tartar. It is the source of 3is colored teeth and decay. In brushing teeth yon leave a slimy film. You can feel it with your tongue. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. Your tooth paste cannot dis solve it Most tooth troubles are now traced to that clinging film. That film is what discolors not tEe teeth". It Hold food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the add ia contact with the teeth Jo cause decay. - Millions of germs breed ia if. TEey, with" tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. So the one great object in cleaning teeth should be to end that film. Dental science, after years of searching has found !a way to do that For home use the way is now embodied in a dentifrice called Pepsodent The results are known. Convincing, clinical and ;laboratory tests have proved them beyond question. iLeading dentists everywhere now advocate its use. A 10-Day Test Supplied ,We now send a 10-Day Tube to anyone who isk. Trra we are starting countless people toward cleaner, tiler teeth. Pepsodent is based on pepsin, tEe dlgestsnt of affinrnfrf. ,The film is albuminous matter. The object is to diisolvo the Sim, then to day by day combat it The way seems simple, but pepsin must be setiTated. Tbe csnal method is an acid harmful to the teeth. It it the invention of a harmless activating method which makes pepsin possible. That, with other Pepsodent ingredients, is doing now what was never done before. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the slimy film. See how teeth whiten as the fixed film disappears. 1' Read the boot we send you. Learn the reason for these things. Then judge for yourself if you want your teeth kept in that way always. .Cut out the coupon now. P, sssssOBsaMBBBaaBEan pat. off. A reg. us. MsmmBsmmmamuLmBaamstamgi The Nets-Day Dentifrice A pepsin tooth paste, proved by able aaliorititt, and sow us ployed by leading deatiiU everywhere. An efficient film combatant. Ten-Day Tube Free THE PEPSODENT CO, UM S. Wafcuh ATa.Cblcaro UL Mail Ten-Day Tube of Pepso dent to AXSWKRS TO LAST KWIZ. 1 The Jnenlar vela is In the neck. the name coming: from the Latin "Jngnlum" or collarbone. z Tne com Dieted exoresslon Is. -Out of eight, oat of mind." s jaae m a stone varying; xrom trreen to yellowish white, talcing; a Irish polish, and specially prized by the Chinese as a "preclons" stone. -t jircvmstanoair evtoence means chain or series of events or sisms or circumstance? that, corelated. In dicate a lao sues as the emit of crime. AristoDnanes was a corale noet oi ancient ureece- He nvea anoat rive centuries before the Christian era. t unent is the cniel lndnstrui and commercial city of Flanders, Belgium. i a yaK is a species oi or. native or Asta. 8 A -satarated" solution Is one which at the etven temneratm-e cn- tains such a quantity of a substance that when she solution is In contact with this substance in solid, llejald or I sraseous staie. tne two are in equii brhim. t The feast of the Passover, as ex plained In the scriptures, was the celebration ot the Jews on the occa sion of the smiting ot the first born of the Egyptians, by the Ansel of Death, and the "pawing over of the first born of the Jews. IS An omen Is a sign to portend a coming event, a foretoken, a presage or prognostication. COMMISSIONERS POSTPONE ACTION ON ROAD CONTRACT County commissioners at a' meet in? Monday afternoon announced they won Id meet again Wednesday and award a contract for paving tbe Island road. The commissioners first awarded the contract for paving with material costing $2.90 a square yard. The tax and economy com mittee of the chamber of commerce protested and asked that the road be paved with concrete for $2.49 per sqnare yard. The commissioners rescinded their vote on the original contract and voted to pave the road with bltnllthlc surface with a crashed iwvn wc, . a-a ca. aud uunilillHCO again objected, maintaining that a concrete pvement Is more economi cal at S2 4 than Is the 32.48 grade for each a road. New! New! Rompers and Creepers for Ba bies, 6 months to 3 years. Spring's newest designs charm ingly different, made of Dimi ties, Peter Pan Cloth. Chambray, Ginghams, Linenes and Madras, liand-made; fine values at $s, ?3o, -f otr "c.i-50 l.ZD EXTRA! Outing Flannel Pinning Blankets for Infants, best grade ovteg flaaael on mutfio bands, at die ridicu lously low price of. . . ,28c New! New! French Bonneb and Caps for Baby just m made of finest French organdies- and lawns, Normandy and other styles, lace and ribbon trimmed with touches of hand - embroidery; 8.50 6.50, 5.95, 55, down to .1.50 3.50 Diapers 2.85 Dozen Outing Flannel Diapers, size 27x2?. We bought these diapers 'way under price and we will sell 100 dozen tomorrow. They cost 330 elsewhere. 3 dozen to customer. G) QEZ at. dozen... .OD New! New! Coats for Babies Io 2 yean. EverytnaBg that is new for Sprisg. Colon, Mil: and figkt blue. Made of Wool Crepe. Hen rietta Goth and Albatross. Also S3k Crepe de Quae. FaXe and Satin, scalloped and hand-em broidered. $15, $10, JL50, 7.50, 5.95 to . . 15 3.00 Dresses Petticoats, 2.49 Dresses and Petticoats for Babies, long and short, band and machine made, (ace trimmed, embroidery and haad-worlced designs; $3 and 330 O AQ values at A,LI Closing Out All RIBBONS at Half Price Surer Loving Cup to Contest Winner Ask Teacher "FLTJ" WAENIXG KEEP YOUR BABIES CLEAN AND WARM Curtis Jt Co. bny Liberty Bonds. Adv. v AT r NT ..HHIiH'.'Wral.a vrrtt toOar tor Booklvt "3, sxpUlatax cw r ura of Ttx&ron tfepociu toy Bill tJi eomposad tntwttt w SiTtap Xeeta. ELPASOBAWK&TnUSTCa; LLrA3U.IfJl CAfHTAL ?CftrM lASSCTSCVUONCAWPClHgmLf M L J. OVERLOCK, BROKER PRIVATE IsCASEO WIRE Logan & Bryaa Caleaso., Sew York. Paine. Webber Jt Co Bos ton, Dnlnta. 317 No, Oresea St. Ph. 251 St. Rests Hotel CorrespoBdentas FOE SEEVICE Odom'sTransfer PHONE 707 "Kellogg's Korn Krisp Corn Flakes in the Green Package the JTEW QUBSTlOJfS. 1 What is an orekMT 2.. What ehlp was ealkd "svtt ark" aad wbjtT 1 Who was the Qresk slave whose pecalfar Uterary style ssade him for ever tamoms? 4 What la a -parlor" Bolshevist! 5 Who were the ciitT dwellers? f Who wrote the cliff dwellers? ( Who wrote "The Man Without a Country." aad with what is it con eeraea? 1 Of what substance is common seallnr wax made? S What is a "stand patterr S Who is Manr Garden? 14 Where does mahocny iron? lmn Tn mnrc mnr. 1 An orchid la a plant of the' sooBoeotrledoo variety, with flower I of remarkable beauty. Orchids floor- I Ian in every part of the world where! floral life ia possible. I 2 The u. 8. transport Baford was called the soviet ark because it car ried overseas the deported anarchists from America to Burope. 3 Aesop was a ureeK slave, ills fables have been handed down through the centuries oractlcallv Inst as they ?ere written by him. 4 A "parlor- Bolshevist is an in dividual who professes to affirm radicaliein of the varietv of force and violence under which system he htm- seu wonia xau among; tne nrst vic tims; a poseur, a fraud. S The cliff dwellers were tbe aborigines of our southwest who built dwellings upon the face of nlsh cuffs. Edward Bverett Hale wrote "The Kan Without a Country" which has to do with a soldier who. In a barsLof passion, cursed his country, aad the story tells of his pnnishment. 1 Common sealing wax is made ot resinous compounds and contains no natural wax. 9 A "stand natter" Is one who ad heres obstinately to the policy of the party in power. 9 Mary Garden is the moat popu lar American Errand opera staffer; she was born in Scotland and rives in Paria. but visit, this coutrv everv year and proclaims bereelf American. io Mahogany is a precious wood found. In different varieties, in Aus tralia. India. Africa aad the United States. Xew Que.tlo.M. 1 What la hazing-' s What Is a thesis? 3 Who Is Arnold Bennett Where is Zanzibar S What Is Inaolvencv Who was the Dauphin of France j has been seated in the English parlfa- J rncnir i 8 Whs! forelaTn nation tiai nnnn I Its shield the Hob and the unicorn' j v wno is tbe cnlef male character in "A Tale of Two Cities'" I 10 Whydowe call It Wednesday 1 W-1I Sri-red Hf1. i The (rood on dri-r-n from nn' t meals Is augmented when the serrir- 1 Is as it should he Our aerrlce fs of ' hlirb order and will please tou Din- injr at the Modern has manv ad. an- taics h-oHuse th Modern is a metro politan caf , Is all ready for you Enjoy the zest that you like best The savor of the roastin' ear " ii ROASTED 4?& ROASTED Most delicious breakfast food you ever tasted. Fine for dessert, too and it's ready to eat at once Korn Krisps are.Kellogg's newest achievement but don't take our word for it Try it yourself Then youll know the goodness. For your children's sake" for your sake do this today. Your guide the name Kellogg and the picture of the roastin' ear. Large "waxtite" package (goodness preserving). Your grocer will give you your money back if you and your family don't like our Krisp better than any thick flake on the market Look for this signature on every package fS" tut 'l ft&un,. i 1 it Kellogg's Korn Krisp Corn Flakes in the Green Package" , The Modern 1. 1 Downstairs in the MiTls Bide Ad1