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EL PASO HERALD CITY TO BE ON ILI1 IE cit council In order to put E' uncu in oruer 10 put i ROUTE on the transcontinental airunei wsw-w-.- . 7 Ir1 ra"7 gi i ei.r: -1- s which have ben propoeed hy upper ralley clubhouse and golf links liam O. Jenkins. United State con-.NVlhS?-SSSr "WSH'K'?. ordered by a majority vote of th. jfj ' SSJSJSLSft i:u . r v mm;aiciu, i l ajiic, . rpnreaentatlve of th eomDUT.Kon- that the city would furnish a l-naing- place for Dlsnes without rce to the association. it !s proposed that the chamber of nrntrce furnish a sum between $00 d J 1000 for improving the field and -d.1 the association look after Its uamtenance. The land offered to the ssoiation Is west of the E P. & S. rt facks In section 17. The association, it is understood. ns no airplanes but uses and su- tr ises airplanes owned by other P., a nJ, -SSil 2rJSm5 Uhould be in the country and that it s route and fly under supervision of.ia a WMte of to mainUln two absoctation. buildings. They wish to sell the I nrTrrTtTi)FTtrp RRvnnrt on present club property near the en-; PFTECTIVES' OFFICES REMODELED trmnce to Fort Bliss, comprising U i offices of the citj detectives at acres, and use the money for the t lice headquarters are being re- I erection of a good club building at deled renovated and generally , the golf course up the valley, where, leaned up." The work begn Tues-1 the club owns 116 acres, donated by lat morning when the walls and cell- z. T White for club purposes. rfCf-nea a coat oi prey paint ana 'uoodwork and finishing a coat of h blue paint. 1RRESTED FOR DALLAS OFFICERS. Pr V w. Lightfoot. of Dallas, who "f arrested here Monday, will be - i - n & nreliminary hearing, follow -z iharzep which were telegraphed -e h Dallas officials. The charges - niveij aliened iioiation or the uxr i jm-rotic law. For tolds. Grip or Inflnensa. i i Fre entative take LAX Tlh BROMO QUININE Tablets. -ook -t U W. GROVE'S signature i he box. 3c Adv. "Walk a Block aad Save tie Difference" r fl! Worstedt, Cbeviete, Cutmera asd Serge at SAVING PRICES. 510 Worsteds $8 50 Blue Serges, all wool $6 50 Cheviots $4.00 ork Pants . . . $3 00 Khaki $7.50 ( ? Cft' $5.00 $2.50;s $2.00 'ant FGioiieiz Accountants fust fiat? BWt, 1 Paao, Tezai. GAS ENGINES Immediate shipment Southwestern Wredring Co. 506-8 Sail Francisco St AN 1 fiNTIVB h B jrrr EOterlndSt. H I Taste one and you'll 1 I want another 1 -m g Why? Just look at the generous coating-of -A'-r? Jt the best grade of smooth vanilla chocolate, 3Wl S then notice the delicious creamy center mixed 4"S&5!vivl ft with natural luscious pineapple fruit You sTsSr C never imagined a taste so debVhtfuL Trv j?SSS'r1v ssk o j j- 4 a -inrr-zxLr i xi&k R ILL1 S- mmgm. rim rv- CHOCOLATE PINEAPPLE FRUIT BARS -.iH f D. AUERBACH & SONS ySS." wrar yeir tmm i T fnlniiiiiVt 'W "tttwi'i Wr snBBsatJfc MisssalsaMBsssssnasssWBsBBSss " "" "iTbsssssssssssssssssssW City Property Of Country Club Is Oi'dered Sold Immediate sale of the city property of the El Paso Country club and the . ... w memoers ai me annua, eieciion ion- .... . - 1av nirht. ' JL . . i iror several years mere oas wen a disagreement between those members who wanted all club activities con centrated at the golf course and others who desired to retain the tinctly social features downtown and I operate the golf club as separate unit. Each year heretofore, "the dancing) element.' as those favoring the two clubs, were called, has won. This year "the golf element won. The golfers argue that a country Hai e. Christie, wna was eiecieu;the Investigation of tne Jenkins ai- president of the club for 120. at the j election Monday night. ld Tuesday that the directors would meet In a dav ! or so to tajce up roe matter, dux inai on account of the insurance pro- . visions now In force, he thought the elub would have to be kept open and . ' operated as "a going concern" until J a sale 01 in, property is niBae. iw did not know definitely If there would be a dance Saturday night. r Other officers elected were: ' A. F. Kerr, treasurer. D. C. CrowelL vice president. c If VlMlr. i wrelirr. The above, with E. W. Kayser. W. W. Carroll, a H. Lea veil. B. L. Clements. J. S. Curtiaa. Kuno Doerr and w. D. Wise comprise the Board or directors. The foor last named were added to the board at the xonoay aignt meet inn-. For That CHILLY Feellnir Take Grove's Tasteless CHILL Tonic It Warms the Body by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. Tou can soon fee its Strengthening, Invigorating Street, race see aov. POSLAM DOES WORLDS OF GOOD FOR SICK SKIN You can app Pos'am to any dis ordered skin with the confidence that it pro ides the absolutely reliable wav to be rid of any Itching or eruptions onal trouble, tnat it win serve and never can harm. 'When soread over the skin and its concentrated healinsr sower directed against pimples and rashes, eczema, acne, itch, scaJp-scale, burns and all ike affections so an treating; it proves a means of greater eomxoxr and most abundant satisfaetioxl. Rota evervwhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St, New York City Fosiam soap is a oaiiy treat to tender skin. Contains Poslam. Adv. m "eat MORE bread" Isl . acN Lft. A BREAD IS YOUR E ASK FOR IT At your nearest good grocer. Made b$ WHOLESALE ONLY 801-609 Texas St Telephone 104 Atk for Bakers Dept. H CHARGES IN IBIS'S CASE Mexico City. Mex.. Feb. 19. Charges - -- - zj?., the Puebla state authorities, differed materlallv from the original, are made by Julio Mitchell Puebla state prosecutor. Mitchell declared that the embassy has postponed handing over the original of the letter despite re- du-'itd reanests. Mitchell Is quoted as asserting that Jenkins. In his letter, told his wife to make public the fact that rebel. not bandits, kidnaped him. so that the ransom could be collected from the Mexican government. He added that the original letter bad been recovered Utd in the foreign office and then delivered with all precaution to the American embassy. Mitchell reite- rated previous charges, including one that Jenkins arranged for false kid. naping as part of an Interventionist plot. Mathew E Hanna. first secretary of the American embassy, who repre- aented the embassy at Puebla during fairs, jj preparing an elaborate view ot the entire case, -which be forwarded to Washington. rill. Fill DECLINING s Austin. Texas, Feb. 10 Slightly over 60 cases ot influenza have been reported to the state health depart ment In the last 24 hours. Sunday 1227 cases were reported. The last report shows a decided decline in the epidemic. TEXAN FACES TRIAL ON DRY LAW VIOLATION CHARGE The trial of Nelson Hemraon. chara-ed with receiving. conc-aans and laeflitatinc the .transportation of M eallona of smog-sled whlsltr. was begun In the federal court here Tuesday moraine with the selection of ten Jurymen. Following- the dis qualification of the remainder of the panel Judge W. R. Smith ordered six additional veniremen from which to drav the remaining: two. The arrest of Hsmmon. according to federal aeents. aecsrred when he was trasaportlnc the liquor In two auto mobiles from Rl Paso to Rang-er. As proof of their story the agents piled 15 huge demijohns and three sacks, said to contain the smng-g-led liuoor, before the jury box In the courtroom. Virgil Thompson, charged with violation of the liquor laws, pleaded guilty Monday afternoon and was fined $10o and sentenced to serve C days in the county jail by judge Smith. EL PASO COUNTY CASE UP BEFORE APPEAL COMMISSION Austin. Texas. Feb. 10 The case of Maria de Sbaro, et aL. vs. J W. Eubank, from El Paso county, was submitted today on oral argument in section A of the commission of ap- peals. JEST FOOD r jrom Maine to California ROUGH TEXA Shot At Fugitive, Wounds Mexican; Alarms Citizens Nogalea. Ariz. Feb. 10. A clash be tween Mexican customs guards and Americans was narrowly averted last Gomes Palaclo. suburbs of Torreon, night when a bystander was shot and Coabuila, was not maae by Villa reb seriously wountfed by a member of the els, but by a group of civilian out United States military police firing at laws, according to announcement an escaping prisoner. 'made Tuesday by Alberto Ruis San- I. Lopez, charged with theft and doval. acting consul general for Mex smuggltng. detained bv United States ico at El Paso. customs officers while a car was being sought to convey him to Jail, made a break for liberty A military policeman on duty at the custom house fired on the fugitive. The bul let struck another Mexican standing some distance away. Business men across the line com menced closing their stores in expec tation of serious trouble, bat civil and military authorities, both Aroeri can and Mexican, at once cooperated, In brinarina about an understanding. i nnflsraflM(11fls7 The wounded man, who was unable to) giro his name, was rushed to a hos-i pltal and th soldier who did the! shooting detained. Lopei. the fugi tive, was recaptured and locked up. CoL Carnahan, commanding thet Twenty-fourth infantry, has promised a rigid investigation of the affair to-l morrow. In a statement issued late tonight he said the speedy adjust ment of the matter la Indicative of the growing good feeling between Ameri-. cans and Mexicans here. L Although many of the county schools are hard hit by the influenza epidemic, the schools will not close unless the disease becomes more prevalent. Miss Myra Winkler, county school superintendent, said Tuesday. This statement was made after phy sicians had visited the county schools and had carried on Investigations re garding the number of cases among school children. Three hundred and forty-seven school children were absent from the city schools Monday. This is not con sidered alarming. Superintendent of the city schools A. H. Hugbey said the city schools would not be closed unless the disease spread more among the school children. Fifty-one doctors called on the phone Monday afternoon by the health department reported 330 new cases since Saturday afternoon, when they were called last. One doctor reported to the health department that a man and his wife and six children were all sick with influenza and that two of the eight have tniluensa-pneumonla. The father of the large family makes a small wage and the doctor is treating the eight influenza victims without charge. SHUTTING UP TO KEEP "FLU" FROM SPREADING To prevent the spread of "the flu," many Texas dues have closed tightly. Chauocey Olcott was advised before leaving El Paso that he could not play San Antonio or Austin because of the disuse and -Oh Boy" com pany received word today that It's engagement at Sweetwater had been canceled. It has dates at Cisco, Fort Worth, San Antonio ana several other Texas cities. Olcott and "Oh Boys" were booked In at Derates, but both had to pass up the town, as the authorities refused to permit the opening of the theater. K. Bart Orndorff has suspended dancing at the Sheldon during the ban on soldiers visiting public places and will close out his music entirely on the 17th. FORMER EL PAS0AN VICTIM OF FLU IN SAN ANTONIO Mrs. J. M. SorrelL formerly a resi dent of this city, died in San An tonio, a victim of Influenza. Death occurred Monday afternoon, accord ing to word received here by her father. J. B. Oliver, of Mil Bliss street, this city. Mrs. Sorrell was born here 28 years ago. She was educated here asjd spent the majority of her life in and adjacent to Kl Paso, moving to San Antonio recently. Her body will be brought to this city for burial. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. CHRISTIAN ENDEAV0RERS TO GIVE MINSTREL SHOW The Christian Endeavor society of the First Presbyterian church will give a minstrel show in the Endeavor room of the church on Thursday even ing. February 12. at 8 odock. .W. L. Benton will present the chorus and soloist in this entertainment by black faced artists. Special numbers will be sung by Miss Thelma Ballon, aa accomplished contralto singer of Louisville, Kentucky, Miss Barbara Worcester. Miss Valiant Prague. J. Arthur Ramsay. Everett Searl and Howard Brown. A special feature of the program will be a piano number by Leroy Hanshaw. chief clerk at district hendquartera. Other mem. bets of the chorus are R. W. Latta, Chester Garrett. C C. Long. W. P. Btxler. Neal Groahelder. A. W. Mod rail and Eric Munro. The entire proceeds are to be used bv tli. riiFH.ti.ii r.ii..vfiF t.. ),. support of their two miarfonariea, Rev. ' Aeweu rresion. ox frinee Koyal col lege. Chlengmai. Slam, a former Texas boy end well known In El Paso, and jsisb anrnnv. or i.nadi Arixniia SHOWING OF GOMPERS'S HAND TO AWAKEN PEOPLE BLANT0N Washington. D. C, Feb. 10. The first reaction in congress to plans of organised labor for interrentJon in the coming political campaign came Monday In the house. Attack ing the labor announcement as a pronnnciamento against congress." representative B Ian ton. of Texas, said It was "the greatest menace ever sounded in this country." Representative Nolan. Republican of California, defended labor's pro gram and charged that B Ian ton, in a previous -x tension of remarks In the congressional record had "stolen in as a thief in the night." Mr. Blan ton cut the defence short bv ob jecting to Mr Nolan's remarks. x&e Texas member declared "the showing of Samuel Gomperss hand la going to A ake un the neonl of i this country ' ! Whene er Samuel Gompers puts his hand on a representative and says 'elect him' the people will keep in Hi. mM.n ml no me, saiu ne. NFLUENZX HIT GOUHTrSGHDO conrEus ope'vs poltticai, BATTLE f IVASHIXGTO Contlaned from page 1.) would not be committed to any par ty, but would be used exclusively "to reward our friends and to defeat our enemies." SHIPPING BOARD FAILS TO OBTAIN BIDS ON OIL SUPPLY Washington. D. C. Feb. 10. Be cause of the uncertainty of the Mexi can oil situation, only three bids for supplying the shipping board with fuel for the year beginning March 31 have been received and these for comparatively Insignificant quantities. The board announced to .Uy that all of the bids had been re jected. The bulk of the board's sup ply comes from the Mexican oil fields. The board's requirements for a year run from 1S.00v.u0u to 28. it 0'io barrel? It has sufficient oil to last until n, mfddle of April n.l rffuiali look - vo shortac j'oirui ig out thai th , i- mjp i i n 1 ' i. I tain i in VILLA Di E The recent attack on Lerdo Thru- civilian- teelc advantage of the fact that tfaeie are no Kr riaons mt thewe plncem," Senor Sandoval aald. Oar advlcea Indi cate that they had no connection with Villa.' Early reports that troops of Fran cisco Villa had attacked Lerdo and Gomes Palaclo were regarded by mili tary observers here aa o local mlli- .r. ?.". "" "' . w-o...-.- -. Aaaumlng that Villa continues nttackinc on tort If led towns, it is aid he eventually trill be able to nnuii recruits and nutterlal siffJ dent to warrant the launching a more pretentions eampaljm. Jneh nn eventuality, however, will he n matter of several months. It la believed. The fact that these two towns are hnr ftvA mllK from Torrsaa Ttrom r. which is strongly garrsoi.ed. was taken here to Indicate that Villa is still an active military figure in Mexico. FALL COMMITTEE HOLDS AN EXECUTIVE SESSION (Continued from pace !) of Mexicans from both sides captured Estrada and killed him. Senator Pall asked CapL Matlafk If any Americans helped. lie said he did not know. I Capu Matlack also told the sub committee of another iastanco of hor ror on the border. One day in De cember. 1917, be said 17 womeir es caped into the United Statss from Mexico and sought protection and medical treatment. They had been outraged by CarrancisU. soldiers, he said. Testimony given is executive ses sion today before the senate sub committee investigating the Mexican situation explained, perhaps for the first time, the motive for the murder of three Americans at the Corner ranch near Columbus, K. 3U ia ml. Sylvestre Quevedo, now an officer in the Carranza army, bad raided an American property and from a barrel of grain soaked in poison and la tended for use in destroying prairie dogs, secured feed for his horses. The death of the animals deter mined him to seek revenge and his men killed the three Americans a few days later. MEXICO BARS ANARCHISTS AND SOCIAL AGITATORS Douglas. Ariz., Feb. 1. Anar chists and social agitators of every class are to be excluded from Mexico In the future, according to instruc tions received here by Jose 1L Ar- fevtmulA VTli9n rtnnanl In Tmh jglas. The instructions said: "i on are Hereby directed to refuse the issuance or vise of passports to all persons, with the exception of Mexican citizens, who Intend to enter Mexican territory when such per sons profess dissolvent principles or are anarchists, social agitators or harmful elements of any kind." THREE MEXICAN OPERATORS OF STILLS ARE EXECUTED Douglas, Ariz, Feb. It. Balding of stills in the Sierra Madre moun tains near Bacerac. Sonora, but across the state line in Chihuahua, has resulted in the execution of tnree Mexican operators, the de struction of their stills and the seiz ure of all movable property by Chi huahua troops operating under the orders of Gen. Manuel M. Dieguec, according to arrivals here. GEN. DIEGUEZ APPOINTED MEXICO SECRETARY OF WAR According to dispatches appearing in Chihuahua City newspapers Mon day. Gen. Manuel M. Dieguex, com mander of the military forces in that state, has received and accepted an appointment as secretary ot war. He will complete his campaign against the Vlllistas before taking over the office. Rome Cardinals See Increase in Salaries Rome, Italy. Fee. 18. The Gleraale dltalia says that the cardinals living in Rome have asked the pope to raise their salaries, as they cannot make both ends meet, owing to the increase in the cost of living. The cardinals receive at the present rate of ex change about 111? yearly, less than the sum received by many parish yt KBU IU AiUVtKB. Hair Curled This Way Looks Naturally Wavy Toalsht. after you hav brashed oat roar hair, dip a elsan tooth ttrssfa tata aom plain Ikrold allnieiiae and draw it throosh the hair, strand by strand. This la by far the best thmg you can use if ,t "K J'.2KZJZSU wavy and curly, closer and bsaatlfaL Whssi you bftbold yourself in ths mirror tomorrow merolnr you will vow aertr to ro bark to the drjtaic. dcvltaltslnr curl ing iron. Liquid aUmcTiue ts neither atteky asr creasy, and will not dhmolsr the hair, spot tbo scalp, r produce any harmful effect whatever. X few ouaees. which of eeurse can be had at any drsc store, wtn laet for weke. Adv. I SHE JUST DYES EVERYTHING NEW i "Diamond Dyes" Save Shabby, Old, Faded Apparel Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes." guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool. silk. linen, cotton or mixed goods dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, d aperies, coverings. The Direction Book with each package tells so plainly how to dia mond dye over any color that you can not make a mistake. To match any material, have drug gist show yon "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv. AN OPEN LETTER The Blackburn rroducts Co. Dayton. Ohio. Gentlemen: I have taken 3 tube, of 3-Grain Cadomene Tablets and I am not nearly so nervous as I was. while I am now eating with keen relish and have no more trouble with my stomach whatever, etc. Tours very trul. R. F. Hamilton, -J Cottage St.. Franklin, Mass. Cadomene Tablets are absolutely eruaranteed the best medicine to mild up the bodv and nerves. I-ruggisi- sell dad recommend then- .! FDRN ra I jth and an Aw -ASUi Itf fl H Hf H af ssV iH H w . mzM&ma , , i "nafsWM Jfi ft lit t CSnflHBflHHKE W RwMawW tVrV ilBaSf(aW'35BP9'wSHrW . HWi sFlsff r-wassss-ff I Oh, what a led JLewis Jazz Bancls Just as these exclusive Columbia artists seem to have tied themselves into a musical knot in this syncopated fox-trot, introducing "THE VAMP' they extricate themselves by a melodi ous miracle and jazz merrily on. Coupled with Gorman's Novelty Syncopators' fox-trot "Barkin' Dog.'' A-2844 85c COLUMBIA GRAFOKOLAS Stantfarcf Uodth up f o 1 390 fwrlod Dsini up (o 11100 CANDY SPECIAL On Our Dellelons MOLASSES KISSES 20c the Half Pound WEDXESIJAy 3-XY TheEliteConfectioneryCo. Headquarters for lalentlne Novelties. -.j. tub Tonal List jJMmjtJA JLCl ' You Airft Heard Nothirffet Till bu Hear Al Jolson Al tells you all about his sweetheart or almost all in this latest Sinbad hit. The famous laugh of this exclusive Columbia artist is featured twice, and he keeps you laughing all the time. Coupled with Billy Murray's speedy, tuneful song, "Come On and Play With Me." A-2836 85c Jazz isa vm !tsai'.1;s its 'WkMiSm$&z.7 iamiS 331j " n-isg nalisssssssss-ofri Hickman Trio Hits the Higli Spots The Hickman Trio, from Art Hickman's Orchestra, which makes records for Columbia exclusively, jazzes the fox-trot "Nobody Knows" and the one-step "Wonderful Pal" in a way to make an aged cripple forget he ever had the gout. A-2839-85C A Few More Mid-Month Hits Wnera Uie Lanterns Clow ... CuapbeH and Barrl A-2S42 Jatt like a Rose ...... Jaaes asd Hirrlwsj S5e AH I Have Are Sonny Weather Fries3s CaaaieH aai Bsrr f"13 Now I Know .......... Levis Janes J Oh. What a Pal Was Mary ; J . Prace's Orcfeejtxal A-6137 Carolina Snnitine ...... Prince's Orcnextn J SL25 Tra Forever Blowinr Bobbles : . . Toscha Said I 7S793 J 51.00 Cet'tbe .'Jew Colombia Novelty Record BoeUet Every Colombia Dealer has Ktm Cmtmmila RfrJ, m Smt lixlOt) ?nj 20tL jfCrtrr Mmc COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO., New York WE HAVE ALL THE ABOVE COLUMBIA RECORDS COME IN AND HEAR THEM MILLS BLDG. Clean-Up SeJe of Damaged Paint NOTE) These packages are merely damaceil on the .atsMe onlj the paint la thoronsnly soaraateed. Painters, Coab-adan or Hosts Owner can Save Mosey on These Articles. PERFECTION PAINT HIGH GRADE Regular Prlee. 9&eo Gallons Damaged Price. $35 Gallon. SUPERB PAINT necnlsr Price. K3S Gallon Damased Price. $&0 GaUm Sunset Paint Co. 407 Texas St. of PHONE 1400 DIAMOND FLOOR PAINT Resutar Price. 4J& Gallon Damased Price, 3 Gallon Phone 2851.