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EL PASO HERALD SPORTS, RECREATION and OUTDOOR LIFE Bankers Battle For First Place; Seventh Poloists Win . . LEADING RIVALS HILL IE IT BUT ATT CITY BAMOTBAU LKIGIE. IfOMMT CARTER, southern depart Woo loat Pet. I ment lightweight champion, who 'uvular 3 0 1.000, has been sojourning In Arizona rst National Bank -.3 l.Oofljfor the past three months, returned -ooj of Mines ' .500 ' to El Paso Monday afternoon and will iisn :?chool 1 - -33 remain here for about three weeks be- Irrs 0 4 .000 fore going to the Pacific coast. ,, t Tommy's first impulse was to go By FIELD BOIL. ' direct to the coast by way of Phoenix i:OM S 30 untii ? 30 oclock Tuesday, where he has been promised a bout ' inp-iir th. v m. r. A. will he the! fciigf of that game which the'sist the inclination to run down to uketball fana ' a t- long waited the ' El Paso, however, and greet bis 'sh between the Popular and First , tional bank teams. Both of these tt'ams hae sursred throogn the league v ith rot a defeat charged to them and ooth oast a great aggregation of therefore, it is expected tnatj coming hattle will co down in the nnnifc of El Paso basketball as one of the trulv exeat Classics. WH! Be "Some fiamf." With the hour rapidly approaching for the Etapiny of the match, basket ppI! f.nj- throdnout the citv are as- i suinmj an attitude of tense eipec--.iney. The have -"wanted" this i -rtrr.e from almost the very beginning, of tht- season. And their desire has - rreasi-d as ach team has defeated . i uth-T opoonents. Today whereve, . ic frns gather the air Is vibrant with t .- claims of champions of each of tre powerful quintets. , If is doubtful that ever before t la the history of Kl I'aso fcnsliet- bnll ttrn tfiimii luivr met trhleh werf at tbe name time wi power ful aad so evenlj matched. There bate been otber tram vvbleb have boasted Htarx. There are star with each mt the team thl year. The Tie have their Pan ford and W IDiana, the Mlaera tbelr Hare nnd MeKeray and the Myers IrMt their Saner and Whatley. But none hosmta the agxresratloa of iara nbfeh the lenlar and Hanker -bale. .4 r ' t lf-TVa nf nir Vam ",..,.. " .. .... ".i Ult Settle Many Claim. Mitcnell 8. DFb. 1. Bob .. m addition to settling the league J Sioux FaJs. claimaiit of the SoVtk ehip, temporarily at least. this,Dkota wrestling ehsjnpibnsblp, tkrew I tttv win df cide manv end much ' Rr Gillis. of Slottx pty. who claimal . ted qu-mits. It " will show.1" same title in lows, here Monday i Ii--her the Deed and at7ETAssfNnes: I night in 18 minutes in one fall -mates.; i'rar I"oaddus is equal to the ; eric wall defence of the piwetiu1 , I "---itf.- will show whetner :-tai-i ?r running ptiardlng of u( Bcvar.s and the close ana con- c' ert r'ia-'I eg or tnaT grand vete-, -t s Vox. is eqcal to the sen-j - frar, ;.,. Si a. rnd of George fc- ad "o-. Friend. .rd it w,n .illow the fans to Judge? -tKr th. a!i around ability of Er-j IC Larov hKi ami tne oeaaiy ac lu.acy of th third veteran. Bob y cnt, are of greater value than the -r ai 37'ed air' clean cut guarding . ' 1'uu ' 'Is lrd and the close de r. 0f Hon Carson.- and the great d-frn- of Jimmy Kilburn, still an- -..' of tre reat veterans. Many tanutu will be decided In th! frame, inciunit ether there nl'il be decided the question of jnM bow many can be crevde4 into the - M. t. A. For the game is -on tdered of suefe Importance and the fan are looking forward c ft eajft-rij shut the manage ment will be Lird pat to find el bow room for -!I who apply for adrafffttfoa. j - f"l lowing will probably be the --jps whicn each team will start: 02nk-rs Shea. rf. Friend. If; Schu- -' r c. Gayiord, rg; Kilburn, Ig. rulars Brant. rf; ta.powski. It; t ,ad(ij; c. Fox. rr: Berans. lie. r -cd ;ruwns. who has handled allt " t-f c,i itfe games in splendid t f -Hi ii i ji-(.itr. 101L VUP5 "I 5" 1 bin past year we distrib uted OTcr OIL M P S without charjze. Our nrn 190 OIL UB CLOPE.T AND GEO LOGICAL MAPS of TBX S and LOUISIANA OIL KIKL3S are new ready for distribution. These two maps it' b we send free are offered by map broker at $1 JdO we send tb em without charge. Do not bay a TE3AS or LOUISIANA OIL STOCK without coDsuHIng thru two geofeclcnl inapm. DUN3AR & COMPANY Sff-nritj Bant Bldc El Pn, Texas. (Ic?c profit ihaang coupe Bill be continued at 192C slowing oil development in TULAR0SA HUEC0 DETROIT and OIL RIVER BASINS. Price 50 cent. Metcalfe Map Go. 202 San Anloaio Street EI Pato, Texas GERMAN OTY BONDS. The raise of tbeGerman mark Is now a boat one-twelfth of Its normal worth. As a eonse qnence the bonds of tbe larger cities of Germany can be ob tained at very cheap prices. Foil particular and transla tion of bonds free on requesL Irving K. Farrington & Company Member of Consolidated Stock Exrhanee. $0 Broad Street. !ew Tork City TOW GARTER! IS ERE ON in thd near future. He could not friends. Tie Pboenlx contest vrlll be hrld irlthln the next three vreefcx with fMtme boy from the eoat and Tommy 'will then continue on tn the western nlope and Ket Is rcadlnea for the 4 round came. lie made a blc bit with the Io Inxele and Vernon faux when he appeared In a Vernon rlntr last nmmrr and be will not lalc for 'work once be arrive In tbe An sel City. He ha reeelTed ct eral offers from other parts of the conn try Slay Box Gene D elm out. In the event he takes a trip to the toaM there is a possibility of Tommy than"" made, s-ood in San Francisco ' and Is now boxiiur semifinals ; headnners at Vernon. Gene made a , decided impression on the coast fans i by his acrgressivenees and It may be ths.1 the bout originally scheduled i for El Paso several months ago be- teen Carter and Belmont but which did not materialise, will be staged oefore the enthusiasts of tbe west. Tommy plann to take a eom plete rest --darln;? him ttay In Ul raw and will nut do any train ing far at leant n week. He Is al ways In splendid physical condi tion and ready for n boot at any time, however. EVAXS WIXS MATCH. Kvans won with an arm bar and an "nn scissors. mm mmmmM&mwmmm Official American League Schedule, 1 920 I' TT , - ' ' - - - . ' .. nB3Q CK1M60 41. IS DETRMT dCVCUNe WA(MINTSN rHIUBClTHIA XEW TMK B01TWI ABMAB ; I . iferuu ia9.g.ii.3 uo.s.i. !!MJ-sa w i t it a j".Jfjj SgH-52 - - ., chicaeo Tho y ."-. --' s"-- 2 2S S,i,ikM BSfcVV1,. StSLSiS-" ItSLSiSkfi "Sff" " " I iiiu ic.ti.Kii o. a. n. ! "---' gy'- EI Paso g$f" gyl"-" 5.: Bt gUliTg' avvisw ; sw sctf- "Terald Wfi-11' SSSS BttC 5S-- !.! Sr e SK4" 'ff-: &$": For gv.slitl.- Si5.S" SISS" -- WASH",8TM fek1-." gjivu s.".-11 awi A'1 ,giS' - a. "s"-"" ! PH.iABn,H,A ssr52-s ftriV'j"-" 5f ?. -!! a?."llu oftho ifffA SSVi.". aar'' ! , vo.r fc-U.11. If. 11 imm a. TLB.U 1mm t. 1. 1. u ta. 11 n. . IS g . ' S2rtJ3,Ttl I OTOOt HC. . t-, km u W EW Y0,,K atkv-A as.1-. atfkV- feis.'u- aw &arAl, Latest . spjris j m" aiv? Si7.iS,M-u SfAr- jars-n5 2?i-.,v.r" tg&gg- r1"v", Sporting HHsniar I ! . ssasr ,i2,,. sissr sear iS-vW .-- s HI Events Big League Rule Makers In Session Legislate Against Freak Delivery Of Pitchers CHICAGO. Ill . Feb. 16. Numerous rules in the baseball code were threshed out today at the annual meetings of the rules committee of the National and American leagues. Chief anions: the rules were those re- latlng to the home run. the inten- uona.1 pass, mo dsik, tne aeax oa.ii and leglslat ion regarding the freak of Ditchers. In alL 19 rules were amended and one added. Cannot Step From Box. The addition to the rules deals with the intentional pass, which de clares it to be Illegal for the catcher to step from his box to aid the pitcher m pitching wide to the batsman. This rules, as amended and adopted by the rules committee, says: It Bhall be Illegal for the catcher to leave his natural po sition Immediately and directly back of tbe plate for the purpose of aiding, the pitcher to Inten tionally give a base en balU to the batsman. If the catcher shall more out of position prior to the time tbe ball leaves the pitcher's hand, all runners who may be on bases shall be entitled to advance one base." The rule covering the homerun says that when a player knocks the ball into the stands or tbe crowds on fair grounds, he shall be given credit for a home run if he completes the circuit and all runners shall score ahead of him. la passing this rule, the committee argued it would in crease the number bf bomeruns a season and also work to the batter's advantage. The rule, as amended. eays: Cnconraces More Runs, ' "Provided, that if a batsman, in the last half of the final Inning of any game, hits a home run over the fence or into the stands, all runners I on the bases at the time, as well as ' th- harimnn. mHI1 h nt1tlrf to score and, in such event, the final score of the game shall be the total number of runs made." " In explaining this rule, president Heydler. of the National league, said: "If the score should be nothing to nothing in the final half of the ninth inntne and the bases were all occu- j pled, and the batsman knocked a uii iulu iuc ouiuus, uauatsi.a nvuat score and the final score would be 4 to 0." The amendment dealing with the "balk reads: "Any motion to pitch while standing In his position without harinc the ball la bla positions or recardlesa of whether be makes any -motion to pitch or not. If the pitcher takes a legal position on the rubber without the ball In his possession, or If he takes a pitch In c poltln off the rubber and feints to deliver tbe ball to the bat, it shall be called a balk, j rai addn.on art- also addeti to tr is njif on-- of h "h declared tat 1 iV .' sh?ll : -' a t-d ban anu no play cos be made until The.SatIdatSaiae SgySSWjJOTj was That tree lisselagS: vS6vWfc:Sf:fc5'5:i HrSSm wec THERE. HG" S SSSSgHtf piowT Salvi HAD JU3T TakenI The lpsa$j3 P3$3aK;::jHE carry 9tliW cork t amD h I CS&HS&SS a ceWT 1" VJENT Tb ST This I "SrTH,K rr Ik of iw- , mM Bottle douum oi THtL- v ll- I K'-nM 1 II ROCK AND-- 8AN& 17 SUCH IS,' Scl I ',S.T A5 V AWL TH6 TH. BUSTED Q LlFe, t35i18-'SfiP y' PORCH TtViT HAT S&v- -v-fc 4 v HeAD A "UDil7Sa J '"V;. ) CAMS MSxMlMhm mm$$k v . v? 4fJb Ifcl' kf A f i axv '7 Ml i Hk''-',,ZW. AlriltK y?S yd&r ' TBTiTlf'TT- - "" . . - ..- na. . ie. xx AH9L. 3. 1. a w lit. BB999L. a. 1 ms. l a a - -- n mj kom i 9WLH.A n M. ML IT. U bM.t.1. W. U M. 11 U. II lont S. M. IT. w. ..-. "i"' jwr ..- - .- ; ' . - .. .. .- .- . AHll . H. M. 21 1 the runner or runners reach the base or bases they are entitled to. In dealing with the dead ball, the code was amended to read: "I A dead ball Is a bail delivered to tbe bat by tbe nitcher, not struck at by tbe batsman, that touches any part of tbe batsman's person or clothing while he Is standing in fats position, or (2). a wildly pitched ball which the batsman plainly makes an attempt to dodge to avoid being hit, but which ball accidentally hits his bat" The fight on the freak deliveries occupied tbe greater part of tbe meeting. Against the SpKball. When tbe rules committee took up this rule, the National Lea-us mem-f oers declared tney thought some ciubs would nave more than two spit ball pitchers, tbe number passed upon by tbe American league. Finally, ft was agreed to amend the rules as fol lows: "At no time during the progress of tbe game shall tbe pitcher be allowed to (1) apply a foreign substance of any kind to the ball: 3) expectorate either on tbe bail or Bis glove: (3) to rub the ball' on bis glove, person or clothing, or (4) to deface the ball in any manner or to deliver what is1 called the "shine" balL "spit bsIL "mud baJL or "emery" ball For a violation of this rale tbe pitcher shall be ordered from the game, and be barred from participation in any championship contest for a period of ten days." TAJTKS GET AJTOTHEn. The New York Yankees have been buying star players ever since tbe club started paBllmlng In tbe Ameri can league, but these pennant win ning stars of other teams ha,e in variably failed to win a flag for the Yanks. Will "Babe" Rath prove the exception? Tabloid Sketches of the New Major Leaguers josnrii coxlaji', Brooklyn. BORN Chicago. Ill, March 1. IMS. Bats and throws Left handed. Weight 151 pounds. Height I feet. 9 inches. Clnb in 1919 Whitman & Barnes, semi-pros of Chicago. First engagement Semi-pro club In Chicago, ltlC. Best feats No-hit game against Waukegan in which 17 men were fanned, two-hit game against Cuban Giants in which 1: men were fanned, and game In army camp in 24 men were fanned. War record Served in Moto Transport sen ice. 10 mor.ths at Jn'-ksom :lle, Fla. Schedule Goes Back to Original Form of 154 Games in Season. CBICAGO. Ill, Feb. 10 The Ameri can league baseball season Win open April 14 and close October 3, according to the official 195" sched ule released tonight by B. B. Johnson, president of the league. The schedule snows a reatoration of the 154 games chart, which was curtailed last sea son because of the world war. An Innovation in this year's schedule is the listing of Sunday games at Wash ington and New York. This is the first time in the history of the league that this has been done at the time the schedule was drafted. The world war was responsible for this. Last season, games were permitted In Washington and New York, but the schedule made no provision for these contests. As a result the schedule . was revised and a number of games . Bob Martin, the A. K. F heavyweight were advanced in order to play on i champion, is being campaigned con the Sabbath. slstentbr by Jimmy Bronson. and some The -four western clubs will open a the west, while the clubs of the w inaugurate the season at the eastern end of the circuit. Opening games are listed as fol lows: Detroit at Chicago. St. Louis at Cleveland. New York at Philadelphia. Washington at Boston. Ited Sox CIte First. Boston is scheduled to close the season before the other clubs. The final curtain for the Red Sox will be rung down on September 28. A double header, with Washington bllle ' as tbe opponent is on the pro gram for that day. The following day, September 29. New York will close its season at Philadelphia. The last of the eastern clubs to quit for the season are the Senators and the Athletics, who meet at Phlldelphla on October 2. The four western clubs are sched uled to close the season on Sunday, October J. The White Sox will fin ish at St. Louis and Cleveland is slated to close at Detroit. The schedule, as in former years, calls for three swings around the circuit. Detroit after opening nt Chi cago will go to Cleveland, and then return home on April 22 for Its first game at home with the league champions a an opponent. St. Louis opens nt home with Cleveland as an opponent on the same day, following its aeries at Cleveland and Chicago. Xew York, after prying the lid off nt Philadelphia, will go to Boston tor a aeries and then to the Polo grounds, to play Its first home games with tbe Athletics ss tbe attraction on April . The AVab 1 or ton fana will set their first Kjlimpae of the Senators on April ZZ, when, after a s erica In Phila delphia and Hoston, they come borne to meet tbe lied Sox. Washington has drawn the plum ia regard to the greatest number of Sunday games The Senators have been given IS Sunday dates Chicago land Ltroit ar-h have 13 while St. I Louis. Cleveland and New Yorc have been awarded 12 a piece. Philadel llih.a and B-sn id.' no Sunday j games at home, bcase baceball ia KS BobMartinAndGeneTunney Represent Class Of Boxers Produced By A.E.F Overseas Dy JACK W ETfr YORK, Feb. It. The army has produced no less than a dosen boxers who have made a favor able impression tn fistic circles since the armistice was signed. The various champions who won A. E. F. titles la the boxing tournament in France are in the game profes sionally now and. for tbe most part, boxing promoters are keeping them busy. Tne neavyweigtus developed in the army are by far the best of the lot. day in the none too distant rut are may face Jack Dempsey in the squared circles for the world's title. providing of course, that Dempsey doesn't lose to Georges Carpentler In the meantime. AV1U De Good One. v.-i V- 2 kiT- JLr.j wnu.. Martin is a, big, strong and willing has a lot to learn, and Bronwn .will do well to carry him along by easy 1BUOW WOO IB OOnilllK TXML DDI ne stages. I Proof that Mnrtln Isn't ready for the world's champion was fur nished recently by Sgt. Ray Smith of Camden L ivfao gave Martin tbe surprise of his young life by defeating him in n 1U round bout at Cleveland. Smith was unheard of until he got Into the ring with the Buckeye lad and outpointed him hndlly. The victory was somewhat of a blew to Martin host of supporters and It put Smith Into tbe run lag as an anplrsnt for heavy weight honors. Another young A. K. F. heavy weight scrapper who has come to the front with rapid strides Is Gene Tun ney, the Greenwich Village mittster, who claims the light heavyweight championship of tbe U. S. army, and whose manager is on Martin's trail Tunney has been meeting and knocking out a wide variety of sturdy and willing heavyweight forbidden there on the Sabbath. Boston, Detroit and Washington share alike In the distribution of bturday games, each being sched uled to play 13 week end games at home. The other five clut have been given 12 Saturdays each at home. Big Bltls on Monday, Independence day July 4 falling on Sunday, the schedule makers have arranged holldavs bills for Monday. j July 6. Games on that day will be I played at Chicgo, Detroit, Washing ton and Philadelphia. Decoration day May 30 also fall ing on a Sunday, enabled the fra.ners of the playing chart, to book holiday J bills for the following rta These games will be played at St. Louis, Cleveland. Nw York and Bostop I The R'd Sox have been awarded a By Briggs VCIOCK. scrappers of the second and third rate around this part of the country. He Is. like Martin, a strong and win ing mixer and he carries r bard punch in both hands. New Jersey . -omoters who have featured Tunney on several ' gccuivni arc iiu.iiasi " vni m a Martin -Tunney bout, and since Ray Smith broke into ,th5 line he, to?. Is being considered as tbe third of a probably feature boxing shows at Newark and Jersey City within a month or two. 31ut Develop. Young Bob Fitxsimmons is scarcely to be considered as ready for tbe best with these battlers. He must de velop a punch before he can hope to cope successfullly with the hard bit ting array boxers who are vising with each other for the bonor of meeting Dempsey. But tbe trio Martin, Tunney and Smith should rurnisn some reaj 1.1 j SmitK b- the way" furnish some real fighting. swings a nezty iJiSlncTn prebabteSlfT ' ytwmw icmj. iil j a - .. a . . . tf7ritrj.-ti 'in uls.iic, ji.vrt;ii. Cleveland. O, Feb. It. The eight round boat between Johnny Kfibane, featherweight champion of tbe world and Benny Valgar, of New York, scheduled at Newark, X. J., for Febru sry l. has been postponed until Feb ruary 25 as Valgar Is 111 with influ enza. noss riss agaix. Melbourne. Australia, Feb. It. Nor man Rosa, the American "swimmer. Monday, defeated F. B. Deaurepalre. in a close race for the ZSO yard swim ming championship of Victoria. The time was ;:28 1-8, which is a new Australian record for tbe distance. AUSTRALIA ENTERS iK-M. Melbourne. Australia, Feb. 1. Australia is to be represented at the Olympic games at Antwerp next sum mer, ft was officially announced Mon day. I holiday bill for April 19 Bunker Hill day. Cleveland. Wuhlnrtan an New York are scheduled to play Labor day games at home on Septem ber ft. There are four conflicting da tea with tbe National league, and these are In Chlcnco on May P, June T, Sept 3 and Sept. 0. when the Chi en co Cuh are scheduled to play nt aomell The western clubs start their in-1 vasion on the east on May li. Chi- I icago will be at New York; St. Louis ! at Philadelphia, Cleveland at Boston, ! .and Detroit at Washington The eastern !ubs will make the.r , first western trip on June 8. -with' Boston appearing at ('hicapo. Wash ington at St LoUs. New- urk at I"e- ( troit and Thiiadelphia at Cleveland. J JOHNNY DUNDEEBORDER FOUB IS LOSES TO TOE irrsey PITT. N. J.. Feb. 10. Benny I T-rril world's llehtweight box- J ing champion, ouuougni jujiuuj rhindee of Nw York, in every round of an eieht round bout here Monday night. Dundee put up a stiff battle but the champion outpunched him throughout. Leonard weighed 136 3 pounds and Dundee 131 fe- Itconard Brit Victor. !inaH ta.ered his opponent a i a :. nrinr th r-nntst. Dundee came back renewed itr each time and resumed his jumping tactics. A In all of Kb previous boutx with tbe champion. Dnndee ned bla rahlng -tlcer cat atyle and mvc a npertnevtar exfelbltlen bnt Leonard had no difficulty In pleklnc ont open la p to place bard aad effective How. Sends Dflntiee To Ropes. In the openine round. Leonard scored a right hook to the head that t Dundee flying to the ropes. He sen was back immediately. For the re mainder of the bout Leonard centered his attack on the body, administering an especially severe drubbing tn the fifth, sixth and seventh ronnds. At the "final bell his" body showed the effects or the cr.ampions oiosrs. Spider Roche, the San Francisco li-I. m a BMit imnpHatnn in his first bout in the east, outpoint ing Willie Burke of Brooklyn throughout an eight round bout. rcocne weigneu in pounas ana uurxe lZi. American Racer Loses His Title Christiana, Norway. Feb. 10. Robert MeL-ean. of Chicago, who lost the worlds Ice skating champ ionship to Oscar Mathiese.i. of Chris tiana, stated Monday- that his mistake la taking the wrong course in the 10.MV meter race, was caused by an official giving an incorrect signal at the curve. McLean and his manage say that moving pictures of the events will prove where the fault Ilea. lies. Supporters of McLean claim that his sprint after his momentary stop page at the outset of the long race when he realized he was on the wrong course, had exhausted him. McLean plans to go to Stockholm where he will try to lower some of the world's records. SKK IIOFFKCKKR for p!at glass. Adv. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING Uted AatoffiobUes SOUTHWESTERN AUTO CO. 120-122 W. San Antonio St. Phone 1591 CHAflO Ain't It a Grand And G-I-o-r-i-o-u-s - You can just bet it is. The out-of-door person feels fine most of the time. You can't beat exer cise in the open air for keeping hale and hearty. ng We are heaiqoaria for sfmrimg goods. Coif dab and Mis I of At famom Macgrcgor v-ke mO Wp yoar gmme. We I hare them. The Wbieety Exerdrer k good for the whole family. Our I be is complete. 3 Far the yacagsteis ROLLER SKATING is great. Our stock ef rsUer skates iarJade aH sties. Buy then bow. 3 SheltonPayne ! ARMS COMPANY. I 317 Texas Street. MIHWWW 1111 If yon rlrire a Continental Motor Car, and tarongh accident or any other cause need new parts yon can easily secure the GENUINE parts made by the Continental Motors Corporation for Continental Red Seal Motors. We carry a complete stock of genuine Continental parts. Yonr garage or repair man can get immediate service by caKbg or telephoning ns. Motor Parts Depot Antkerlied Dl.trlbnlon. far Ceatlaental Motor, and Part, PllOE X-3129 Temporary Location: 601 Elm Street. Dallas, Texas. I Ail VICTOR I OVER ALLIES ! TNELMOXTE, Ca3. . Tel Seventh caalr II L'nittd States .im from the Trx Df-r-! won in si'.'ond b-t of junior cups the iflmonte tou-i.inwnt Monday b defeating the Allies 13H :o 6 1-4. Tht- ca.-a'rvm -n started with a -goal harvdicip hut they, won iiro the aid of the handtcp. With a lean record of three I torleti over stroneer team ! Pacific coast El Paso district (officers are much encouraged tbe showing made by the Sevn'h p four at Monterey so rar. Lieut. H. E. Featherstone. dis'r' polo officer, aide to MaJ. Oe-i. L. Howze. district commander Mi -day received a telegram fro:n ra; J. W. Cunningham of th invent caralrv team staring that h Sf. en polo ponies compared favorahiv w." those of the teams entered ard rn nectn for the brinflrlns: back of championship to this city were U' DrBflt. Won All Of Its Game. Up to Monday the team had wo t wo victories hot h by su bsta n 1 1 ' scores and with an even break lock hoped to win all or toe jun ) championship cups. . - """" L.lJi. .' . Seventh cavalry team Sattfrdav w-r- nilin ITUrv, cunsiwrvu VUC i best Doloists in the country Elk:; Clifford and 3hort. Te secre of thla same was 14 nnd three-f earth to 14 and one half In favor of tbe Seventh team. Tbe faet that tbe Fort Blfa team started with a handicap Monday alemoon and won without Its aid 1m one ether dominant factor to be considered in favor of the Seventh team. USED FIFTY YEARS MAKES PURE BLOOD AT ALL DRUGGISTS STATE NATIONAL BAN! CAPITAL AND Sl'KPLLS. fZZQJbOOA Intercut paid on Savings Account C. K, More head. PrcsfOent Joseph Haceffin. Vice-President C X. Raeff. Vfre-Presldeat Georse M. Fiery. Vlee-Preltfent K. W. McAfee. Cashier KVHKHHS! EI Paso, Tcjcas. fflfiPk. 1