Newspaper Page Text
Jfcllr PASO fcLERAJLB 14 El Paso Goes Oh Wagon; Prices up On Soft Drinks T oc.l cold drink stand proprietors sa iha raising the price of soft r -'nk" Ir 0 percent, or charging 10 c-r s fo" the former 5-cent drink, j a i ot 1 fiped business Fewer per-tn-ip .. sav, are drinking" the 10- F jj. ij 5 $ Beauty Chats By Edna Kent Forbes If Bedtime Stories For The Little Ones ti ill mrrajc WIOGILY AHD SAMMIE'S SNOW HOUSE. I M- Loo Yourself Oce W tirats before I hae advised women to be ain about their an Dearance and aboe all to stand frequently before long mirrors os peclally when dressing for in that wt only can they be certain that every little detail of their appear ance is corrept I hq hMtrri old vnmen rhnlr c r z ur ni than did the 5-cent drinks children and Young eirla for stealing o- el-e the are goinjr to the few stances of hemseKes m mirrors and . i -cm t.a -.m.v aa 1 know one --j.1 erv iiuelllgent old l places i-i El Paso w.iich did not j womjn who bu,a that ah. ronBhl ' toct their prices i up her dughters in rooms destitute Com cola syrup only went np 2 of looking ,rlai-e:-. She said she! -t. ., ,. wvA , didn t want them to be vain V M8r a S.13 " " -" could no' b.t how their skirts hung I 'i"-; a,p r00SSwfliinbacl'l,,d therefore m the natural j, . j-.b-uarv l ConuenUr tnere jcourbe of ewnt ould c t . c m 'tw Jr nking or perhipj lea I ner those ... after lhe pa r z -. of the places, which in- f Krexr up bm lm sure o thlfi eitner l"c" fiV""" . the non me in nouses almost lined TT1 t oi a sraiion or syrup can ue , Wlth mirror8 or , l8A theF belon east i'- armies, saio one . .hat ciass f Womn vhosp skirts sue- to or r who stuck to the TTi but roost persons get yne S8I.OC oi . on SDakin(, nltf ci-t- urinl whose Detticoat shows, and . whose f i -! t and skirt and waist are not often i ion speaking terms with each other If ou can possibly afford it hae at least one full length mirror in your home ion can get vour front and this tax going to the -j 100 drinks. , l minis 1 80 will make J4 n drinks under the old price ft f tO-cent nrice from SI 80 " - - - . UUU1C iUU . -t oi yrup can oe maae Beirtten nrnP i-ota.- l.r ctanfino- h.fni if an' ?1 worth o' drinks." 'and a back iew by holding a little, 1. w ar tax. of course is added to handirlas before on as von turn - 1 cent drink, the same AS the 6- i about in front of the larsre mirror ' Those socalled "anitv dressers' are er eood that wav Thev have one I long and often t o side short mirrors I that have hinges so they can be swung ttooui to gne &eerai reri-ctions Then too ou can hang a mirror op- posit e our dresser that give, you i front and back wews without the trouble of ttirning about for tbem t qiestion u AsEil. BroTs Er Talks on reducing ap- pear in this spa. almost eery week j I usuall) on Saturdays j ! HogwallowLocak By DU'VK BOTT. r- I ft I -Ik T ' Iff p' w i.r Sk W-Il4 WW art&Sarfg - Ii UNCI WIGGILY AMD SAMMIE'S SNOW HOUSE. Br HOWARD B. CARIS he on t very lot of sndu bif. busby tail, Tm sure Lncle " Ig- Into rtn(F nn t oy c I v.-,. ti,. ..- . r.r anrt. and RTU w ill be out shortly Just step V """', ""5. V.T'l-Ji the Dla house ajid wait." said Billle. we ii inane uig uuc i - gioiiirral I Samimt LittleUi! tliebov rabbit j .,, , wln srowid a,, np, , was hoprlng around In his y It s cold standing out here, waiting a snow shovel ojer h. shuld'r, for Lnclc Wiggllys souse TU him I Johnnie and Billle Bush tail, the to hu M , want w back home, j bju.rreta were WPPnK ere and , , Bibble hUl B there with their red mittens on ViVnKi -rn tel, nlm. . .j,, B,nta as the bad up snowballs in round beapi Jackie . h went ln.ide tfc) raow house. I and Fettle Bow wow Ul- puppv K'tlrnh th. door which hud hen mt boys ran here and 'here 1 irking nd,n the mlif inppins- me snow an i..u..u When the Fipsisewan was out of Fverbod s p t to htlp tried sight, within the snow house, all the amraie i other animal boys gathered srouad Whet are on jrninf, to make a, Billle and talked in excited whispers. ,now man asked I nele ifegil tht Whafd vou want to send the Pip rabbit gentleman a lie hoi ped along in there or" they asked the squirrel lust then having been to the five and, chap Now we can I play in the snow -ix cent "tore for Mr I rtletail to house, and when Uncle Wiggily comes et h. r a pound of vt cakes for out the Pin will gvt hlm--upper h- no he won't," whispered Billle o lncle WiggiU " answered w h not" asked Sanrmie -immie e aren t goinc to make a' ' 'Because chattered Bflle. "weTl now man W e re going to make a 'ill he doors and window of the play t-i Km.,... rtnf rxf .now and too ma house full of snow and shut the bad om. in If sou like I PP up inside Then he cant get o,j; That is irj kind or you lm ure ' " ncc s(. iin we i&u eqi -poke the bunnv gentleman But I a policeman dog to arrest him would like bet of all, to help you I "0n- o we can' cried the other make the plav house" I animal boys. Quickly the gathered I Oh, yes let lncle wiggilv help us. isroumi me piay noose, ana oegan ' j . i- j n.n.. aj i..hi.l liublnr and thArlini. anM (.ginat1 cnea Mmniie luu Dime ni jcii- j o "T : : .- w - and Peetie And Curley and Ploppi the open door and window. TwistMa'l the two pig bos and I Is that ) ou. Uncle Wiggily" cWIed Toodle and Noodle Flat Tail, the the Pip from inside. Hurry up I beaer bos coming along just then your souse: ttsMiMJW irtniju i ' m i ' fv v 9 orWHnaH Mad Orders iliftaHFF.fBWMw 2 pill isKa m !Hgf'A.iiHHll91!llP3 Mai Orders i The Store of Serrlee The Dress of the HourTaffeta i 1 tone mirror in ralnnble as an aid In ItMaLIntT- m-sI1 imsn !. Of hair erv hltrh on the laAitr ftf thnlhair 1 naniralk -Arr kiifIv toad -a ith a couple of soft 'ittle curls i oitng for a terv high heel, try mod- J snow, so that Sammies to hors bad escaping from the knot, would be at- i erate Cuban heels for a few years vet, I to pull It out I iracm e ana eas-i to arrange ii your except lor dancing slippers said the name fco after I nele Wiggil had taken into the bouse the doxen o hot cross bnns which he bought at the one and two cent store for Nurse Jane s breakfast the' bunny gentleman har ried oat to make the snow pla house for Kammie and the animal bovs. , Ms, how busy thev all were And Lncl Arfiggily hopped around with the best of them His rheumatism didn t seem to hurt anv that day, and this time he didn t need his red, white I and bine strind barbemole CTUtCh. "iou are I which had once become stuck in the .: HOROSCOPE TIIIRSDIY. PEBItrVKA 2. 1R0 I "OOD and evil influences from the X stare contend this dav, according to jutmlorr Willie Vbk and Venus are in beneflc aspect Saturn isV Children born on this day nnhiia THE wife of tax deputy constable could not do the regular wtekly washing yesterday as the deputy bad placed the wash kettle orer a myster ics track in the lane Jefferson Potlock has caught a lot of spiders and set them to work in hu cellar to fool the-officers sr anybody else wanting a drink. The man that mas the raenag pic ture macniae at the Tiekrille pen house erery Saturday sight has bees the recipient of much eofflnUrnt re cently, and the straw that broke, the camel's back fell Sattcday night when he ran a film threagh and had flf end without the happy yossg couple kiss ing each other at the conclusion. He gave as h's excuse that something got the matter with the machine. cipal planetary guide. Copyright 1929 by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate. strongly ad-verse There is a sign as separatne where material things are concerned and it is interpreted to foreshadow heavy osses through investments Some sort of misfortune connected with mines and mining is forecast and it may prove exceedingly serious. The aged should be exceedingly careful of the health at this time, for the next three weeks appear to be of menacing power toward them. Farmers may be restless under some sort of an abuse or an injustice. Organisation that will hate a natural significance seems to be indicated. Constructive activities of everv sort are well directed today A co-ordi- mand for Hoover except among nation of effect that will mean much Toters Cleveland Press. Persons whose birthdate it is hae the augury of an active successful vear fine gifts that the will have the in dustry to cultivate These subjects of Pisces nave uranus as their pnn I wonder if tncle WiggHy will pla anv jokes ortricks" whispered Jackie to Sammie, as the snow plar house was almost finished What kind of tricks asked the hoy rabbit. "Oh. a trick such as he played when he fixed up your sister's doll bouse and had Squeekie-Eekie. the cousin mouse, dress up like a doll and pre tend ahe aa alive" said Jackie. -That kind of a joke." J" 1 don t believe be 11 do anything I like that." laughed Sammie "But Tou, never can telL "Now. boys." he cried. 1 "we 11 put the roof on the snow house , The animal boys answered never a word, bat they kept tossing snow an til at last the Pipaisewah was shut tight fast inside the play house. ' Let me out' Let me out'" he cried when he saw what had happened. But do ) ou suppose Sammie and the others let him out I shooM say not' They piled more snow on top of the roof and the Pip was froxen fast inside. Then, when Uncle Wlggtly came out with some hot crullers, which he had asked Nurse Jane to bake for the animal boys, the rabbit gentleman was very giaa is una ine pipusewah caught as he was. Ana It took the policeman dog an hoar to die: out the had efean and sr. I rest him. So the Pip didn't get any! souse that day. and Sammie and the, boys and Mr. Longears made another snow house. Bat if the trolley car doeaat run off the track and chase i the pussy cat a m!Bt wagon up a tree, m i u leu yon next aooat uncus Wlgr glly and Susie's washing. Copyright by McClure Newspaper Syndicate. To see these very beautiful Spring Taffeta Dresses is to -mant ikon they are simply gorgeous someko e can't find nords to fittingly describe them TAFFETA, beautiful Tafetta, the Queen of all Fashiondom nothing prettier and nothing so smart and stylish and the styles everything that WILL BE WORN in Nem York oh. no, they Ul NOT appear on Fifth Avenue ar)d Broadnay before they appear in El Paso we lake care of that feature of Spring apparel for our patrons. Taffeta Drettet of nap and black also the Wanted brotnu, ctpat, rose. grajt. taupe, fan, etc, a profution of styles, t prettier' than ,the otAer raffle and pleated trimming, BOUFFANT effect fazs tlfttx. loo ' and then the extrerndp smart plain uAoted ideas. AH sizes far nustes 14. 16, 18 la 3oaens sizes to 44 and the values, quatits considered, are the LOWEST p a Pan at 0M 5, f lv up KWIZ -Reg. U S. Pst. Off. I Short Snatches From Everywhere I The culinary arts advance one may now get his stew In h.s mince pie Columbia Record. rh?re .nMin't aem to be an de- tne In production is foretold br the seers. To all who realixse the significance of the universal brotherhood ideal, bcefits are foreshadowed. Women of wealth and social sta tion will develop extremely radical lews that will antagonise the men of their families, the seers prophesy. Needlework is to be again fashion able, according to astrogers, and women of every class will experiaie&t In dreesmaking As the pendslnm swing toward public life for women their inclina tions will rebound so that they take new Interest in all domestic tasks, the seers forecast. Love of beaatr will be expressed hi many ways in the United States dur ing future years and buildings of sur passing architectural grandeur are prognosticated. and It will be finished so we can play In it." Thats right." said Uncle Wiggily They all worked fast, and soon the s snow shelter was finished Lncle i Wiggily hurried hack, into the rabbit ourrow , or uaaers1"-1-11 uousc Til be back In a minute, boys I ' he called over his shoulder Sammie and his friends looked at the scow house They were just going in it to play when, all of a sudden, they heard a gruff oIce behind them asking ; Where's Uncle Wiggily'" i Turning, tht-y saw the unpleasant old Pipsiseah There he was. as hungry as ever for rabbit ear souse" NlEI.S TO BSTEn.VDY KWIZ 1 Minnie Maddern Flake is s fa mous Americas actr-asa. bora lit 2fw Orleans, and best known for her coaracunzauoa or -isecgy Sharp.- 2. A panacea is a cure-all. a rem edy to care all diseases and correct all disorders. 3 Aa epidemic is a disease or mental condition (such as fear or terror wawn becomes general. 4. Epidermis Is the cuticle or out side skiB of man or of a non-fur ocan v animal. & Daniel Defoe wrote ItAblinon CTuaoe. I Ite-lia a hs Mlllal . a(wa Green lamps just installed: at po- hungry as ever for rabbit ear souse t land. lice headquarters are said to have j "where s Lncle Wiggily" asked the 7 TheTastral void" is a term em been ordered 27 years age Mnst , Pip in a griltery-growlery kitchen i ployed to express the illimitable have been a mall order Cleveland pantry sort of voice. I reaches of the universe of apace. Nevt. Floppy, the piggie boy, was Just I S Albany is the capital of New -. .. -..'golne to sav that the bunnv gentle- York. 'r"1 XT""?? f "w,r",, ' man" had gone in Sammie', "ho-ae, 0. John Stuart Wll w on. of th :-'. ""-.I " ". .: ' when Rfllle RnahvtAfl auleklv erled .most dftatinnwlansd of Bafflttn nhltM opaen ana econacBists: isvs-isyz. . isaae a uewta neneetea tne IS hours a day. At last people will oogm 10 ".""." ll"J , -i nci. wiaailv will be out in Inst a witnsomeotniuwei-t,;IrI11Ite Mr -ftpiiwah. if you don't KS-t.nTf a ?.L ..w .ant .!""' waiting This i a new play AJ.ln,n,D,a & " ."P?Sf? 5 ' honse he Just helped u make, and Wild turkey to . pwldent Wilson and. .g cn,,, out to , , tin was fined 119 for killing the bird out wlth a, in a minute he said so, of season. " Such a eas calls for didn't he. f eBows" executive clemency Peoria Tran- "Tea," answered Sammie and the script. I others, pnssled like. They wofadersd1 There i still one alibi for Jack what Billle was going to do next. Dempsey He might plead that he if you will just kindly step inside didn t know that Germany wanted to the play houe and wait." went on the fight him Springfield (Vass.) Union squirrel bo, with a low sweep of his r Their Distinguishing Excellence is so apparent that no other corn food can be mistaken for POST napsj The flavor is superior, because of a patented process which develops the delicate, natural corn taste and retains it The texture is substantial they don't mush down when cream or milk is added. Post Toasties are so distinctively good you can recog nize them blindfolded. Insist upon Post 'Toasties and refuse imitations. c411 grocers sell these Superior Corn Hakes c7Vlade by POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY, Battle Creek, Michigan machine gon ltltt ecoBlojed by America, m tne mns war. evr Questions 1. What m a fowling piece' - What is the meaning of 1 word riterton" 3. Who Is Ids. Tarbell 4 What ts veB-j-B' . Who was Francis Bacon 6 Who discovered the process of malting eeiruloWT 7 Which of tbs two groat passen ger vessels, the Losftania or the Titanic, was destroyed tint 8. Where is Tripoli? S What waa general Grant's (riven was Botherfsrtf IS Who HajreiT i 14 Years Ago Today f F-om The herald of This Date, .wo i REPORTS from Boise. Idaho, tell of the arrest of the ofOoera of the Western Feetastleti a Mfesern. as the CBlminarton of osw of th hlesdlsat organxseo campaisss sr ssarner ever carried on in any- Dart of the United States. The allegaBas ss xasrfe that the rMeratlon of Mhsers idsnusd de liberate msjrder aad aaeasstnatien people who opposed the and its otflean. and a See Wiadowi j-iV pnn, g Suits Reduced I A GREAT SURPRISE 3750, $45 and $55 Yd. Here u the most extraordinary amtotmcemad tte hae made mm yesr: A SALE of new Sprite Sitfo-W Spring Opening jlffl to he amoaxxl txe could hardly Defies attf ton when the Economy Basement cn noaaced An fact. What good tmnmme for the woman who sees aad heeds thu notice The story k ample fast toother one of those ence-a-year oppertaaaes catch a namfactarer wiA more suits man he cared to carry oet to next mea& rest assured our Economy IJasematt got item at a price and si the characttris&aBy White Home Mrs 9e lose no time at passmg the strings on to our patrons. AH the latest styles at SPRING SUITS, made of very fae serges, trko isw and jersey, w noB Wne, km and Ketty green, short and medmt length coats. Bolero effects, BRAIDED and some handsomely ity Unedoh. tf yoa coatd realize how handsome and slyhsh these suits are and look t the saving- 37.50. $45 and $55 ame, at to m deaths and many attempted assaa nations are charges: a aeatss It. U ht Crawford, at 'Zfcpaka. Kan, took oat a permit yesterday after noon to erect an opera, hsjsjse on the north side of San Jacinto stesa. Work will besjtn on the strwaenre Inside of three weeks. 8. ML Patton Is the architect. Another move was made in the famous Cotton addition case today, when Leigh Clark, eonneel for Noyes Rand, filed a motion to discharge re ceiver C K. Kelly, following the set tlement of etaime against the Cotton addition. Instead of being held on the eve ning of February zs, the "honse j?;ii nt With Dni I 9. S , eia 44.' .4. 2. isTJ 45- 6 5 ) '5 4f ' i g 4o -w. .-J..s e3& ' . 22. ( wanaing" at th new union station win take place ebraary 7 The first trains win not run Into the sta tion mntn March 1. The eon day session of the teachers latKte of SI Paso county wan hoM at the high school today In stead of the Saa Jacinto school, where the first session was held. Practically the entire council, ac companied by three citisens and head ed by mayor Charles Davis, will start from Kl Paso Tuesday on an inspec tion tour of the streets of a number of eastern cities. B. B. WUliams. father of Joseph k Williams, cashier of the First Na tional bank, died yesterday morning at oib nente, a. eeaunioni, xex. Hilton Bowen. the son of night i yard master Bowen. of the G. H- has practically recovered from the ef- ' xects or injuries which he received a few days ago as the result of fall ing from a box car in the local yards. goes to S3 in Paso Herald, Last Cfcanee Offer. The Pictorial Keiew , a snort time The El three months, and The Pictorial Re view, one year only $3 15. This offer ts good to old or new snbacribers of enner paoncation. aov GnrtUs t Co. bay Liberty bonds. Adr ImW A M M M PAYMENTS sujshy My GstifyrJ afy snot or SBS3. fstlAmtl ' &tU0W3 SgjSMI ifes (Mrsiej rMssSV Bx ArmhoW latdfjUfartabn -FREE CHARLES E VAN RIPER was CTOhnMSodtaMi aggg.t- fcw tbw. . Use Herald Wait Ads Unite Under the Clark Cnlt Plan, on a SIM in vestment a ISO bar rel well the small est well yon get in the Clark location wiU pay 2M.zS per month, or S3.SM per year Good Judgment will tell yon to buy Clark's flOo Oil Units. Promotion For Production frzz-- ''-f'.- a "3 Y- wr) pf ii Y iiMrsfinirTf XsTTS'sss&waaVfe J I vssBBdaOR- an-h-yf -BL-'T Stock 1 .100 invested in a Company capitalised ?-. fEOAMA .Via. ' nsual Homer Co pays on a 1500 barrel well 922 29 per month, or 1279 24 per year Good judgment will tell ou to sacrifice your oil stock and bu Clark s lltfft Oil nits Trace to forty-four, no doubt, ou will see a lovely . Draw front one to tiro and so on to the end. Production is the whole aim of ihe Clark Unit Plan Ell Paso and Southwest arresters who have gottea tired oi promotion soWy for profit are readfly rumg to the Qark $100 O. K. Oi Urat System. They realize this offers the buyer a fair, squire od investment, . with production as the sole object GOOD JUDGMENT If you vrffl tne eaot! judgment and follow the lead of those who hare thoroaghiy investigated, to their satetactWB, the boWings aad plaits of the Clark Und Systesa and Bought, you wnl bur now. Mr. Clark ovnsj a choice 28-acre lease m the Homer Field Tin has bees divided into 500 muti. 230 of wbchwaksoWatSldO'eaforadrraingfaBcl Mr. Clark already has axraBgeaieBb for a drilbog cotaract not to exceed $25,000 Units Are J 100 Each For your $100. instead of a stock certificate, you will be given a deed which guarantees that your money goes for drilling a wdL It also guar antees that you will receive 1-500 of all od and gas produced, not oary on the fust well, but from the eat-re tract There 'a no personal hahmsy of any kind. If you now own oil stocks it would pay you to sell them at a sacrifice aad buy one or more Clark's $100 O. K. Oil UaHs. If you have neve-' invested, now b the real chance to begm and realize btg The estimate g-nen opposite only nhows anat one well will pa( There is room for five more wells ou thi Clark tract i.erv unit butr u a 1 S08 interest in all oil or gas produced on the entire trait ..' -. "-.. i rmr i ,.-t v t i i-r. L.'-cr Gcr lj' Order from local broker, or direct from Ike owner. C. V. UE1U (X IKK, tare of Exehange National Bank, Shreveport, La. i3 J f CnrtlM S To- Hatrl Sa.M.a F:. R Fvans A (a. Mills Bulldlnc O O ilbert SS7 Trstt Uaildiiis. Two B. JohBoa. Hore SfarMoa Dues Co. EI . sso Mots Exrbaas. HsUltld Bradford, Hotel Sheldon. Manillas . SSl-S Han In Bids. I.rwer Mslllkln. 311 t aplea Bide. KVIhnr smritlea, 1 1 n, r. a PaM St Southwest Isveat. Csv. J E lane JIlT, Texas Oil Kxrhaase Its Sheldaa 8t Texas OU Inv. Co, lUi N. Oresea St u. K s f a m t