Newspaper Page Text
JiJL PASO HERALD HUMS OVFHTHROW FEDERALS 110 ESTABLISH SOU OEIG Linion he, Feb 25 Workers, me explain very carefully their al--x Pn. J i -o1ic:o ItaH haeleged cruelties and stories about al c zd th1 in tin fal bundinps andllesjed coram umzed women, and of-men n-n mimed j. -ov ct (.'onmert ac- who were slaughtered and mutilated. -'irs t i Rcmt dispatch to i he f These mad them choke with laugh enirol N w r fiehTinc bf-t ween J ter and soldiers who heard It went to ij-K-r,: an i Car b nters. mary per-' other parties and told their comrades - i ttcrp wound- Disorders also i who lined It lost as ranch-" 1 j t cjrred aT it cno Montcbl- r- ud .i.n the .n.patch j SIBERIAN REVOLUTIONARIES Poland Farora Fact. i .1-:iJ'w Polind Tel Zb Foland 'iifd To .rter peace negotia- tn The Pu?sL n sovie jtov ' mm tIi n official -n ent to tl effect was made to h the leifeTi affairs com ee n ihe di't. o i'r.'ih rrditions would fn- ". iru'ion of territory taken n poi-n-4 in 'ht first partition o' and s'isenjenth The rieht nf "'rn ination for i .t. i, between Ru-1 tl iih -i l iiii' i i - To rd is f he insisted up - a in dpi .n.i h. Nfifuj -t-p t vf ntat ev of the - '.."--'.i REDS LAUGH AT STORIES AP alimrn T.DRni.ICM r-,:z vrrrTh: . Hol'mrt Feb i The i--vants and soldier were -d oer the stories toT(l ( ot 1-t-ir crtlt says the staff :'i ot "e rtanueisoiaa i. onfntimg hi description Russia, from nsia. Trom a4- ,ust rrturned ojrse or a trip anotra s.tii - i ? th Wrtk officers i nc.nt askea mny ; , American ambassador to France. ,. .. .. .....(will take part in the deliberations a?Kei. f 1' ??, ''"..J11 relative to the Hungarian treaty. -. .cm-w Vr- - bolshevik Eyervtiuag tkat k sew ia shape and color it fcere, and Hie bed of all k ew lew prices at $3, $4 AND $5; Stetsons $8 and Up. Apply Zemo, Clean, penetrat ing, Antiseptic Liquid It is tncx-S---ry for you to suSer wun eczema. Uotcbes, nngwonn. rashes and suniiar !m troubles. Zemo, obtainad at any drug store f 35c, or 1 00 lor extra iarge bottje, and prompt I spoiled will usually give instant relief i-OT itching torture. It cleanses and .u-. ,he ill-, anrf h.U ntncklv anr! .-ratae uie sun ana neat, qina-iy ana , effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, cisapecnng liquid and is soothing to i he rmst delicate slan It is not greasy, i- eas-l, applied and costs little. Get it tocai. and sa . c all further distress. ie E W Rose Co 0-vesn- O LOGO POISONING abrstBztriO-liSafafttiMTreateesl figSpgjBBB8B5B(S-ai-WaBPt' B -'Walk a BJock aad Save tte & OtffereBce" E rsrlncr Mats I W HEAL SKIN DISEASES Ho" often lockjaw and blooc Everybody is using and talking abo3t poisoning rest from the neriea i L,KR.vni2 t.!!f.,"",i0 ,lnt J' JT, -i,,i, ....I, , ui,i, Z,tT3' stantly beautifies the complexloa ot s igrt scratch or Uttle eat Ham- makes a soft rosy-white skin every lins Wizard Oil lit safe and effec-jone -Just loves to, touch- Over five trre first aid treatment It If a pow hundred thousand girts and women erral antiseptic and should be aj ' are ualD ,v s a real beautifler. land to prevent danger of infection. ' money back If von don'i Hke it Adv it ts booming and heating and quickly drives out pain and mftam-! mat-on in cases of sprains, braises, ccts. burns, bites and stings. Just as reliable, too, for stiff neck, sore feet, cold sores, canker sores earacbe and toothache. : Get it from druggist- for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver ' Whips, pleasant BtOe pink pflls, 33 ' cents. Guaranteed. L. J. OVERLOOK, BROKER FRIIATF LBAHRD WIRE Logan A Bryan. Chicago. New Tori. Paine. Webber A Co. Bos ton. Dulutb 317 1o Oregon St. Pa. 3451 St Regis Hstel Cerrespon dents: rilBHEKQHCEIiTl nu tods tor BoeatM "B." MavUteinr oar kts- cca " rtTlDg deposit or mail. eompoBM ntirwt ca "iiir- Areta EL PASOBAiNK&TBUSTCO., LL ASO TEX CAPITAL SM&DO00M Ysz. t s (wti owe j0 owe tiAt mJJMitJ Levy Grocery Company T-kones SOS aad SM FREE SEUTER1 Don't make a pack mule of yourself. We deliver Groceries at cost and carry prices free cf charge. Orders taken for Matzos Meal and Potato Flour for next week's delivery. Mail us your orders at once. PUT DAMPER ON COMMERCE N'ew York Feb. 23 Trade between the Imted States and Siberia, which bade fair to run into the -millions, has hen suspended as a result of the capture of Yladt-vostok by social revo lutionaries Local business Interests announced today the had requested the state department to inquire into the poa- ckiiitv n lotting th.incanrin nf lars worth of furs which were in i i tliArnV nw-slttno- chinmnr tn thp inui tivv . .s-p. - - - "Z I Inlted Sutes. and also to when It unQlrJ hf sale to sena to vnairoaigh several steamshins wnfen len ban ; . .. . . ..ji AAi.. i rninciFCO lor mat aeoLiiiaiiuii caiij thts ear. but were diverted to Japan The vessels had large quantities of roods destined for Siberia, mainly textiles ..Tr. nations coNctKi.tu i u ali flM APPFA1. FROM HUNGARIANS 1 Tn. PranM Feb. a The ?; 'bassadorial council today decided to rrT. . .i. i. it '" " '."-, tll .ntor-jSod military '",- --' -r. .commission to Hungary xor iniwro-- tlon in faor ol Hungariani seiiea k -- -.m.., ..nwil-i and '-u,.-,- to death. Hugh C Wal- -. t.u fl-.j mT to SCt. 1AS NO FOWER TO ACT. "Washinrton, D. C Feh. 25 Arabas arfor u aiiue at Paris has not been frien plenary powers to act. lor ine-- . . ATnenean oernment In the deliber-j ... . -..-.. t.. .a th. WwMcrHati mliuiis .c.... .-- ""-.?-, Itreatv it was said todav at the state department. It was reiterate that Mr Wallace was attending the am I bassadorial council at Paris purely In tne capacity ot as onwrvcr. JFRE'C1I SAD rRISO-kBRS HOMG. Paris, Franc. Feb. St. One hun ; dred and ninety thousand priMners jof war. including 43.110 officers, have i been repatriated from French com panies January Z. according to an announcement from the French war office. MOTION FILED FOR REHEARING IN CASE FROM EL PASO COUNTY Austin. Texas. Feh. . Kotlos for rehearing was submitted Wednesday the supreme court in the ease of the El Paso and Southwestern railway against Robert L. Lovick, from E! Paso countv. Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief INDIGESTION Alkali In Soap Bad For the Hair Soap should be used very carefully. If sou want to keep your hair looking its best- Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, this dries the scalp, makes the hair t brittle, and ruins it. Tne best tfiing for steaay use u Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo .which is pure and greaselessl, snd is better than anything else yon can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair thoroughly Sternly moisten the hair with water and rub u ln u mMjiKB aa abllI1aaBce of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive OIL The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, aad the hair fine and silky, bright, lnstrous, fluffy and easy to manage. ' Too can get Mnlsified cocoanut oil shampoo at any pharmacy, ifs very cheap, and a few ounces will snpplv every member of the family for months. Adv Yes, Girls Lndrrsell All inkers !IS-4;0 East San Antonio i I a - ral iHwgcwl lCMfw Im) E LL-A$S l-FOR trunks! BAZAAR I 1S J-OCT1I EL PASO ST. 9 Opposite Alhambra. K l i q'-''! Bill Will Omit Universal Army ) ! Training Plan Washington, TX C Feb- 25 The program of Republican house leaders to omit universal training from the army reorganization bill was accepted n5 .VSH Elr&jFl2?h&' WS-Urtttonifp 5?"" 0n!-..rveJ notice that they-wo.ld bolt port on the bill without any recom- Ma, q Robert tl Ho-aze com- the lodge leadership and Repnbiic mendation as to training. ) mandjr Gf the district, will talk to , anlsm if ther deviated from the Congressmen Criticise English Cut of General Pershing s Army Uniform Washington, D C . Feb. 33 The cut of Gen Pershing's coat and trousers was debated Tuesday in the house. He and other American army officers were charged by representa tive Connalli. Democrat, cf Texas clnl-lwlth havinr "ane.1 Ktironian ash ions in their uniforms and in carry- 1HC canes . . - t v -u rersnings coat . ..wt P n: -;, w ) 6ft iiae w mriwo npiiorw, 9m.iv r v"rrr J 7""v .," "-" - head, representauve J lngo. JJemo- crat. of Arkansas. Interjected, but I. too. noticed that his tall was ery lEH?Ii,n . .1 . k fnwi 11.. "M Ir nt hi. A mat If til ,-p'"r"-K..."V.""' '":S?J .'. sho,Ias-sysyIi-15aBsH? of state and substitute, the former i title of counselor, in the executive J a?P?-?i?enA -S Lb.. -n ,i! uemiru !."..-, . ..... .,;. resntatne ureen..Kepuoiicai. .a - tary liosinKS retirement from me cabinet. "What's In a name'" Mr Green asked. " A secretary of state by any other name would have a row with the administration.'' omnlltl MARINFQ AnV&Nr.F. AGENT HERE TO BOOST SHOW. , L.eot. Eir-MSiLsrSK.."; .'-. - .. .T-.JI-ttl-. .nr. anl iOr Ll AWIIHfi W'lll-Wl -. w. j ---iiioj- aD(i - reealar aarlne corn ment mailed to members of congress. r . . V . ? - . .--Lit. U T. h.T-rlRon nreftiitent of the canstr ara.wOi nana arnvea in & iaso nin mnrnln-r to make arrangements mr the appearance of the recruiting troupe on Its arrival here Snnday Free open air concerts, vaudeville shows, smoker and dances will be given to the pnblic SERBIAN PRINCE AND PREMIER & Simmer? "A'SSf" iw froiS ARE WOUNDED BY ASSASSINS to SS per cent of the members of the American Federation of I-ahor rail London. Eng-, Feb. 25. An attempt road craft umon6 were literally has been made to assassinate prince , nanded ner to these organizations regent Alexander of Seria and pre-, bv a form of conscription by the mier Pro tit eh. according to a dispatch ; railroad admin'stration. from Triest to the Gtronale d'ltalla. forwarded by the Central News' Rome correspondent. Both the prince regent and the premier were -wounded i the report declares. i ADOrT BII.I. TO SPEkD MILI.IO.NS AT AR3IY CAMPS Washington. D. C, Feb. -5 The house has adopted and sent to the president the conference report on ; the bill authorizing expenditure of) cunye WW XW MEX RinmX FIIOM TRIP, ,,,. ,,. . ... fo-i r-. Chief annex's znate Charles l-eu .."iS.y'rSi" nSS.iJ,JS.3"..wsy employe, of thePanama S"WSr-rfiKK. ."Voo-r Bl Paso -Wedneday morning, follow ing a recruiting trip through New Mexico. They were aeiayea days by bad roads. three AB-irv oni-cns. "Washington, D. C FSb. 23 Capt. Harvey U. Field, quartermaster corps. ; has been assigned to assame dnty as 1 constrmctlon qnartermaater of the army base hospital at Fort Bliss. Mai. Rufus Walter has been assigned to quartermaster corps. SI Pase. Child Labor Law Enforced Here, Says Jennings Austin. Tex. Feb. 2 t. C. Jen nings, state labor commissioner, has returned from 151 Paso, where he made an i-rvestttatimi of reported viola tions of the S4 hour law and also the child labor law. He reported that he did not find conditions ss bad as re ported. In fact, he saM, these laws -were being generally enforced. He added that, while he found a few instances where these laws were not being 1 1-rtdiy compiled with, these in fractions were not as numerous or as serious as he had anticipated. Mr. Jennings said he will make an effort to get an early meeting of the state industrial welfare commis sion, of which he is chairman, so that a date for tils meeting on the ques tion of fixing, a minims m wage for women and children in Industry mayi be held. The present plan Is to hold the i meeting daring the month of March. RAILROAD LABOR TO ASK VETO OF NEW RAIL BILL Washli-gton, D. C -.Feb. 25 Rail road labor has decided to ask (-resident Wilson to veto tijs railroad re organization bliL In a memorial to We submitted, probably late today, the represent--atives of 2.4M.0M union Workers will request the president to withhold his signature from the measure until they oan present s brief of their res- Coffee -fhe quick and plGasant, way to be rid cf coffee troiibles is to drink. INSTANT 0STTJM llhe absence not missed, bound to better health comfort lore's a JV iby Postum Cereal Company "iiatue Ureei.,Wianan. LEGION TO OOLO'POLITIGS PLAYS IE1G FRIDAY! PART IN FIGH I EI Paso post of the American Le gion will idopt its constitution at its next meeting. riaa mem. uei r the members of tht iglon at the Frl- original language or the reservation dav night meeting on article "10. The arrial of several more French The coarse of surrender is being memorials for relnti.ts of men who ' advocated by many newspapers, who fell In -ance hat been received are anxMn to see the treaty ratified. at the office of the secretary ot the and. who think there Is more to be American Leirion at the chamber of gained by taking the league with commerce The memo-ials are for the the Uodge reservations that by hav following persons ' ing no leasts at alL But the Demo- Mrs Olga Honeycut. 809 Myrtle 'crats are not altogether sore what avenue; Mrs- H. H Mclanahan. Rio president Wilson wonld do if they did tiranae apartment airs miam i Potts. Si Sou'h Second street. Mrs. Louis W Simmonds 6"l N'orth Ore- j gon street, Mrs William Norton, Mrs Fredonia HzeHine Russell 3305 Memphis freet Mrs A P Krause. 3001 Memph s str-et, Foster Hatha way. 1315 Kast Rio Grande street Mrs c- K r.tniDbell ii: .North Kan pm street, j r Jvitonrn. iw. j- B0ff in aenue Mrs F B Sorgats. , jewe apartments James H Biegs. a60g rouKlas street .Mrs W H Cain, '3J08 Mobile Mreel. Jlrs J C Alpu- . . n . .11 . ente. 2S Slul-ra street Dr . 8 s??,h tk-'i,1 sssr sz ; sencion rhaino, Mrs. ! t" iV . , -,.., , . .'.. -f .. i ! Dressman 1.01 North Cotton avenue; ' Isabel 1 ountr l-08 Maeoftin ave- ,n Hnremieta Sola 9'0 S Vrain treet. Mary Christine Frailer R. F 1 a No 1 Mrs B V D A- ' Tares. 709 K.ghth Mrs. James ! Randall S910 Vrmnhis street, Mrs. , Helen Roberts and Mrs Ida Shannon. I formerly of Albuquerque , r . : (sons wl,y it should not hate execu - ttve pproal CHARGES PLOT BETWEEN RAIL ADMINISTRATION AND A. F. L. . , .,, . - T . UtllCUEO. Ik' fCI" .O n -L BUU.- Chicago. II'.. Feb 25 In .. --,.j?i- f, 'hs -rvi-i iim.u ,u.-svu .www-- "W orkers. as Independent organisa tion, made a series of charges against officers of the United States rail road administration. Intimating a conspiracy between the officers of the American Federation of Labor LOCAL LBOR POLITICAL COMMITTEES HE VSKED Washington D C Feb Zi The American Federation of Labor's political campaign committee has asked central labor unions the ountr, to meet March 22 to select local committees of fle to conduct In their communities labor s cam paign tr elect its friends and defeat Its enemies. , Panama, Feb 25 Go Uardins of .the canal lone tonisht issued an nlti- matam to ire coioren mamienance 01 emolore of thePanama canal who struck todayfor h gh er pay, rlv- Ins them until Thursday to resume work under penalty of losing their STATE DEPOSITORY ACT HELD CONSTITUTIONAL BY COURT osttn. Tex Feb 25 The consti tutionality of the state depository act was upnld Wednesday when the thrid court of civil appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court in the tne aecision oi me inai court in .. case of H S Uwipn ts the state de- positorv board This case originated , in ,-iravis county w nen tawson at- , tenipted 'o seenre an injunction to , Pfrmlnrdutde.ed to il' $. 'f, ' contended violated th state and fed If Lawson continues the contest, the customary legal steps will be to althar flla mnflnn rti- pshaflrlno' ho fore the court of civil appeals or to I apply to the, supreme court for a writ I of error Uvson s attorneys gave I no intimation of thjir plana BOY SCOUTS TO USHER FOR ELK PICTURE FILMS j Boy Scouts of the Elks newsbov tnTsVgivy SSTaSl. ?.r!i.1tb - Liberty hall Thursday and Friday etening The films will arrive today and wiU be giten a trv-out Thursday morningt by will K winch, or tne committee. IP furnish" ng at eight An army on-nesira wn mrnisn oclock. The films are heme shown for the purpose of raising money to aM in eoucatinp ana renaDuitaiing soiaxers wounded In France. TOCRIST MAKES BOM) nV PKbRUtl. UOI,OR CH.1HRK Andrew Edison a tourist- charged with havine- in his nossession amna- gled liquor, was arrested by customs officers at a local hotel Tsesday afternoon The man was arraigned deliver!-; of American coal More before United States commissioner A. than It.KJ workers will be af J. W. Schmid and waited bearing I fected by the reopening of the plants. He was held for the federal grand! . ,...- .. ,,... . jur on bond of 11000. which he fur-! BRITISH BMS I!f OBBUMXT nished. The man had a suitcase con-1 Berlin. Germany. Feb. M Brit sh tainln, pints of ,hlx. the of- Jnesuar. panning to establish ' of coffee is and the re soon shows .Qeasozz (Continued from pace 1.) Lodge or insistence on the program. surrenaer SunTMMr for Instance, he de cided that the Lodge reservations nullified the purposes of the league nnd rendered It unwork able, and that he iron Id not per mit his signature to go on the document n construing the sen ate's reservation to mean ratifica tion .There would It leare the Democrats In the next campaign, vrhu bad refused to stand with the nresidrntf And where -womld it leave the InSirMl. orator, woo -" wt to.poito in. Republican opponents ss the true destroyer of the treaty, when a large number of Democrats could be promptly ex hibited as having supported the Re publican program? !. t.T -M.V-.--i . . ",' ,'.?;mf."V'r cSt" '"W Sti"?, ff "SI eiK S'?".10"-. pte9"i ' lM7r Xrlt "''" "doised a league of nations "-v Jes?"atton"-lh Rj?00" will take the same position. The mst- ter of responslbflity for delay will oe naru to lOeiine. oat us movement to get nnlty of action among the Democrats Is the first step toward clarification of the Democratic posi f,,iUS,.OI..S22SfJ,?h,: S-!J!J,-aS! L-aSff" JST wn-rgTersirtcW-oni- fled adopt-on of the peace treaty, but Uto JSS iT"' "" L-odjte on article 19. Tnerecore, zor tne present. tt -u I not mean much hope for the ratifica tion of the peace treaty Itself Copy right. 119, by The 1 Paso Herald. Protests Mixing Of Sick White and Negro Troops In San Antonio Hospital Washington. X. X. Feb. 25 Charges that sick white and negro soldiers are mixed indiscriminately In tne h-MBa ho-mital t Fort Sam Houston. made bv Hm Adlna de Zavalla. of t c l,.-b4. -. ,. --n Tn.-. Sm.S-S&r-Tk?r bv oSen-'u 7li,!lJ22-?,T ' T representa- Mr. Garner wrote secretary suw i v"i;TTl ,r.f sT f mhuh-mrM-d,.-' .h belief that the know that the day of miracles expressing the belief that the charges are true, and demanding that such fiedld not get action from the war department, he would take the mat- ter-uTJS-th. hojrne MOESLE REPLACES ERZBERGER AS GERMAN FINANCE MINISTER i .- . Berlla. Germany. Feb. is. Under- . --a-----e Aa.iv a iavaa iaiavaji it secretary ot state jrovi "j seiscxea to ssccms awhiu e berger, who resigned yesterday aa mlniater of finance. Xoesle was ap pointed as deputy to Eraberger on January 27. The retirement ot Enberger from WB aa .-- ' sen a1-- tmim-s w s4M .isaj VvtSKI. aa unaj votin j t -- lares the XHcateehe Aiigemetne zti- tuag. Newspapers whose sympatntes Brtl j, th -elements of the Right, sa btm retirement is the first step , vt fail cr-o-rger. in teaoering his resig-' returns proceed wtthoot prejudice or consideraUot. for his official position. Tna minister's rattrement and Its alleged motlTe vera completely 1 eelrpsed by the character of evidence which Dr Karl Helfferlch. former vice chaneelor. sucoseded In piling up against herr Enberger during the last two days of the tatter's libel suit against him. lad steee im Twenty yeans ago a rural school aster and stnee IMS the stormy petrel or oerzaan parliamentary lire. .....,. ,n.M nnr n. BlUBS fLUnUtK irturi l Fnfin RinT? im tfrmany - - - -- Berlin. Germany.-Feb. 25. Food riots are reported at Ludwigshaven Berlin. Germany,-Feb. zs. oa and mobs are aald te be plundering: shoos. Nomerooa arrests neroos arrests have been made, according to advices received nere. GERMa CirBMICAI PT-AVTS Berlin. Germany. Feb. 25. Great chemical plants in the lower main district, which were forced to ciose recently because of lack of fuel, have resumed operations as a result of .steamer service between Dansie. i i Cooenhaien aad London, according to I Polish advices to the Vorwaerts. JERSEY BILL LEGALIZES 3 PER CENT BEVERAGES Trenton. K, J, Feb. 15. Amid scenes of tumult and cries for recognition by members on the floor after two hours' debate, the New Jersey house of the assembly late I Tuesday passed a compromise "wet" bill fixing three ana a naix per cent alcohol by volume, which Is declared to be slightly stronger than the 2.7S beei ot wartime prohibition days, as the legal limit for beverages In New Jersey. The bill was agreed to by wet Democrats and wet Repub licans and had the sanction of gov ernor Edwards. KENTUCKY DISTILLERS CARRY FIGHT TO SUPREME COURT (Continued from page 1.1 the United States, all within IS min utes. The mala contention of the suit is whether the two-thirds vote re quired by the constitution refers to the entire membership of the house and tbe senate or to the membership who were actually present when the vote was taken on the question of submitting the eighteenth amend ment to the states. PROHIBITION INSPECTOR IS NAMED FOR EL PASO AREA Austin. Texas. Feb. JS. The pro hibition director for Texas has an nounced tbe appointment of five prohibition Inspectors to work under his personal direction. The new of ficers will be located at Houston. Dallas. Texarkana. El Paso and Aus tin. Their names are kept secret. CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD AGREE ON SCHOOL TRANSFER At a meeting of the city council and the financial committee of the city school board Wednesday at the city hall, the committee representing the school board agreed to assume the responsibilitj of educating the children In Concordia common s.hoo' l district or to build with "i-hool fundd ! mother building to r plac- the (,rand i-w school Tlie -ind Vi. ehuoi at tak n ln'3 the i 1' i' last i ear. llfll 10 SUPPLY Although Huge ries Turn Out 36,000 Bert - xies .uaiiy j.iioli3ciuu vi Dealers Cannot Be Sup plied. 40 CARLOADS SOLD IN JANUARY ALONE After Shipping 838,400 Bot tles of Celebrated Medi cine In One Month Fac tory Is Still 380,000 Be hind With Orders. Although the big Tanlac labora tories at Dayton Ohio, and V. alker vtlle. Canada, have been running at top speed for months, it has been a. physical Impossibility to supply the phenomenal and er increasing de mand for this celebrated medicine During the first ten weeks of last year One Million Three Hundred and twenty-seven thousand bottles of Tanlac were sold, breaking all Worlds record for the sale of pro- !rletarv medicines up to tna- .i-ne. ?cned -the-tonishlng total of One ''iSSndTt,ela.nhdorw1,ng,an - f ?PP'?-J ?-. -S?r JKS cent over ne ....--..., -. . !" W that Tanlac now ha. th. largest sale of any medicine of its kind in tbe world expresses It mildly It does not begin to ten tne story for no other preparation has ever even approached the marvelous record that is now being made by Tanlac, and it is now conservatively estimated that the sales for the present year alone will amount to from seven to ten mil lion bottles. Of the orders received during Jan uary It was possible to ship only eight hundred and thirty-eight thou sand bottles, and thoussnds of deal ers scattered throughout the United States and Canada have been nnable to obtain the medicine for weeks -neroneiai -nu dc-imkii- - T 08e of " bl dru Job" Qf toe country donribes the marvel- Phenomenal and Bewildering- la has passed, and we all know tnat tn the drug business, but this Tanlac proposition smacks of both." writes j "'"f, V? ' JS'ne'? n3M SyXgaS handling Tanlac a few years ago. , Thousands ot similar letters aad tele- I grams have been reoelyed. bat for l lucid sue lav uiuakuvwoHHs uiawi ics lack of space they can only ne re- lack of space they rerred to briefly. 3tost proprietary medicines are sold by the dozen or by the gross, a few are bought by the trade m quantities of from ten to twenty gross; a very few are sold by the car load, and then only to the largest Jobbers, covering , On IT tO m l.rWCaVl. JQDHCra, rVTWIO i extensive territories. The fact then fore that scores of Jobbers in this 'country and Canada have a demand sufficient to lustily them in ordering - $4?eie Nothins Hastens orletary meaicines up to wi- -ih--- i i -vi. ...,.,, .-,..- .".",. This record now pales into insigntfto twenty-five gross lots to supply icance. however, as orders received their -normal demands ,., Sn3 i., tn of this vear i When the magnifive-t new labora- LThat is because Vinol contains the greatest strength j creating and body building elements known to medicine Beef and Cod Liver Peptones, Iron and I j- - r f " A C I medicine peei and Lou , , . Manganese, HvphOSphiteS, etC. . J.r r. . , r. IVianeaJieSU nVUUOiyilltca, Cfct. 1UU UU1 mil 1CC1 trmirPlf CT3in after takinP" J -- t p Hsro is Proof that Warsaw, Ind, " Inflaesza If t mo terribly weak, aaaemie aad with no appetite. I oooid not even walk around tin house without beinc ex hausted, and as I am a housewife I had to have help. I tried tonics and doctors without benefit- I read about Vinol and fotxr bottles btrilt me op and restored my strength." mbs chabxes Moose. For all run-down, nervous, anaemic conditions, weak women, overworked men. feeble old people and delicate children, there 1 no remedy like TtooL I our money unu oe remrnea if Kelly & Pollard, Druggists, mMrMmmm Absolutely Free ' We are gmag away oae smM can ef KYANIZE Tbe ottljr conditions are tfiat yea bay a new 15c Itrssi. to apply it with. KYANIZE protects tbe hence aad satcs U from decay. Made ia eight colors and dear. 3e xa egni cojots ana cwar. Diinsst Jr Manufacturers 407 Texas St. Choice Mebane Texas Red Rust CHOICE RECLEANED Arizona and RRPstoir lflfa r-d Write. Wire or Jh- for Qf-H HEID BROS., INC. m i JIVT TEV. OLE EHORHDUS Eli FOR TANLAC Laborato-InMoneioaAtfmtwoter.. 1 SJSi 51SlS: tSSS is the biggest thing of Its kind In the world and nothing Ifke It has eer happened In the drug trade before Think of one retail firm selling one third of a million bottles of any one medicine right over the counter di rect to consumers in onl two years .1 i t. ..-- i-,.A-lt.tT- tint R-h is the recort made by the Owl Drug .. Kk iif. Pout Company on tne J acme tou m.i.1. - . ti rrm In a tineie i ity of -I""1 0 population, selling ap pro! mate1 eljchty-e.jrbt thousand . -. -.. k Aer-a fCr) hlt - .D?", "" ?rfmnv. in onVy four ..e.' tme- Sneh Is the record of the Jacobs- Pharmacy Company, of Atlanta Th nK of one retail firm giving a s'pe e order for an entire carload twenty-three thousand and forty not- ties and agreeing to pay cash for the goods promptly on arival Such an order has been received from the Iwis K Liggett Company, of Winnl- peg. Canada Anotner oig anni-iii .--- "" . T.,hir T.lmlted. Toronto. Ltn ada. recentlv gate their order for one hundred gross, amounting to SIS -sni no ., Orders from retailers for from fifty to seventy-five gross are not uncom mon, and practlcal'y all of the leading retail firms buy Tanlac in from ten torles a, Daytop Ohto and W.lker- - Jpale -tJ .fc-ar. ft ! S-'-LSS" .."SEe'comn" htS.' It ! -fcght that the production ' would be sufficient to supply the de mand for year to come It is now apparent, however, that add oonai faflllties most be nrovided If tbe supply is to keep pace with the de mand. And this is true in spite of j the fact that there are now on the i market irom tiny to www """" preparations claiming similar thera peutic value Tanlac has now been on the market for fle ears- It has stood the acid test of time. It is known and hon ored in every city, town, village and hamlet on the American Continent from Key West, Florida, to the North ern wilds of Canada, where even the Indians snd Far Traders have learned of its wonderful powers as a medi cine Its enormous and ever increasing ah1 vfs-vr ! Ka An Wat Atst-ort-oanrfl. ing proof of its wonderful merit. No medicine, no matter how extensively advertised, could sell and continue to sell and establish new world's records vear after year, if it did not produce actual and positive resulta. Tsnlac ia composed of the tsost beneficial roots and herbs known to the scientific world. The formula conforms with all National and Slate Pure Food and Health Laws of both the United States aad Canada, and although Tan lac's claims for superior ity are abundantly swpported by lead ing authorities, it is the people them selves who have made Tanlac what It is. Millions upon millions hav used it and have told other millions what it has done for them. That is whr Tanlac has become the real sensation of the draar trade alii. , . , it orer America. i Tz23& hi "Old by all drttinrlsta; AirvT wdttedS Recovery Like "Vnol T H.- Du T A Liver Jreptones, iron ana .- .rt m Vinol 3 Week- Vinol Creates Strength Greenwood, alms. "La Gi inppe had to lei t me run-down aad so weak 1 r've op my work. At my drug store learned about Vinol, and after taking- it aboat one month I feel like a different woman. I eat well, sleep well and feel well, and I can truly say Vinol is a God-send to any weak, run down person to create strength after sickness. ' ' MARY ELLA FORD, ioipi iwu- smmmzmm and druggists everywhere. h stint o0 I and Jobbers Pkeee 2851. Cotton Seed Proof Seed Oats t m EL riO. TEWS M USE S GOLDS ANO FLU Ife:nza aoJ Grippe l-e OrcSaair CeH, Require Cakb, the Pu rified awl Refi-ied Calead TaMt That Are NasKalesf, Safe aad See. DT4B Physicians and druggists clain f that tbe great epidemic of influenz-v has c&.niu-'ively demo'tstraletl that. the quickest relief fcr a cold and tee h..t nr.,mriti of Influenza an " PJ ' ,' m5 '.'". I SO thai t&e oipesuve orsans maj J,(- nr rhi. n lo Keep tne liver -cii. y o. ' iwriwi (.-""- -.. In perlect condition. For this pur pose Calolabs. the new nauseaiess Mlnml tablets that ar free front I the sickening and weakening effect. , K the most Thorough and deoendab, I-DI-lt-- as well a- the most agreeable atite t-alotabs have the spoclal advan'- I age of not making the patient sic and weak, as they do now upset the digestion and appetite. iX OJlotab at bed time with a swallow of water that a all. .No salts, do nausea, nor i the slightest interference with your eating, pleasare, wvrk Next morning your cold has vanished, your , liver is active, your vysie-B ia pur- ified, and you are reeling fine with hearty appetite tor breakfast For tyour protection, Calolabs are sold only is original sealed packages, price thirty-five cent. Sold by ail druggists and yonr money back f yon are not delighted with them. I dv BLACK-DRAUGHT A ' FAMILY MEDICINE .. c l J tf StoaaCa TresWe WOk CramBs' and Terrible Psist Made This O&Janoaa Man's life MksraMe Uud Bkck Braagbl ReScrei Est. Onecaaha, Okbu-Mre. J. W. Wal Iter recently said this: "We ase Blaok Dnognt as a family awdmne and think it is the only Beer medicine made. My husband stakes it up and uses rt as a tonic as well as a laxative. 1 1 use it for headache, sour stomach, a - .. l- fK --. --.u sh.i. i fnU '"'VT Mng after awais, which , i tnnrse is lmfiaeatMm. and it cer- suppose tainiy does me a lot of good. My husband had some kmd of stom ach tronWo we dent know jut what. It would strike hm jut any tune ia tbe day aad cramp or pani him just tembry bad. Someone told sJm bow to make a tea of Hack-Draught. which he did. It did him so much pood, it removed the emate and cured V him- Since, then we have praraed thev , Black-Draught to our friends, i jgi eadly do so.' Seventy years of suet atrial use ,-U made TbedfonTs Black-Draught a staadard, household remedy. Everv member of the family at tunes needs the help that Black Draught can ps deansmg tbe system and prevea'- rtlievmg tbe tioubfcs that coma eoBetipatiOB, indigestion, lazy etc. Try Blart-Drausbt, Sold by all - r nriV DOiC 1 ilTOat fWG ujUs. , in rm JJOneDS. UOlOS. UrOUD. Ua- . a 1 -t tarrh Selieved in Two Minutes. Is our throat sore? Breath Hyomei. Hae you catarrh Breathe Hyomei. Hae j on a cough Breathe Hyomei. Hare you a cold Breathe Hyomei Hyomei is the treatment for no v thmat and lunp trouble. It does m contain cca'ne, morphine or oifce" dangerous d-uR and-aoes awav w ta stomach dosing-. Just breathe through the little blade pocket Ina1 -that comes with rvaeh outfit. A corn r'te outfit costs bat little : Kelly Pollard or ary reliable dree-" g st and Homei is jraa-anteed banish catarrh croijp. coughs, eo1-, sore throat and bnichit s or rcn v back Hyomei inhaler lasts a '. -time and extra bottles of Homi - be obtained from druggists for a .e cens MI-OKA Ends indigestion It reliCTes stomach misery, sour stc ach, bekhtag and all stomach darase i SHwey back. Large box of Ubiets h: cents, DragpjU ia all towns. aj I? Sill ii iess z hlx Ifs Bedless aad daBjeroas ta S sailer irom a clogged up tyttem 8 I tloa tor a Bfettae ol Blsery aad r DR. TDTTS LITER PILLS taken ose cr two st bedUras. qsIcUy eHralnatet all polsoooas j waste matter frosi the srstea aad streagtaes me Bowels. a STAu NAliONAL BANK ciiti- to s. hpm s ir--yj.fxw.oa lnceretit paid n haMBKi Iceonats. Jowpb Mjisofrin, n ic-rrrallcnt . N BasMCTt i-f-Pmidfit .rote l Florv ) ijmt R. . McAIee. Caaht2X