Newspaper Page Text
JtSJL PASO HERALD h DRILL 40 EXIGQ ILLS' ate,:. M Feb. 25 Tn . -1 oil company will drill 40 - r " OH" acres of land tie- ' i I n IOfn-y o Lumberton, , ontrart just made i Republics Plan Union Of States On Centennial CHAMBER SEATS El OFRILS News Brevities .LOCAL AND GBMSUAL . H A Line O' Cheer !l Each Day O' The Year! k .1 By JOHN KRM1HICK BANCS. I The republic" of Central America, i -..... ia nnlt IlialllBiUirf t. .. rAnrnMiit. hea-lnnine Ac a anecial meeting of the dlree- beptember 15. mi. the centennial tf tore of the chamber of commerce held I reported on time. foroeaRrctS?0 l '' n'S new dlrector. M pw Sfed nt CataIO, now -,,-.- , -, a1.a .- i Tonu a tnen ATTTrw. nnr I bai Train Ball tin. Wood reported to police headqtiar- ... .h &.-.,. ...m Vn. ?5. due t? that the accident was unaiotd- .awsnaea - .- . -.- - am. t 10:10 I- m , was scheduled to ar-; rive at 12 3t a- m Thftrsda. All i other afternoon and nit, hi trains were The movement was initiated in tha, ejected Ust Fnaay took office, i . . -m leeeei h&An . upvirva ia ivpin wrrn i x lies middle of refUTOji... TSKT ! STiiS. . h V. Rro.dd.s. Fabian Write or call for a copy. ".' ki ,, ntrtiV .r nartiitS bv the "Great Unionist directors arc H. . uroaaaa. ru- Ufl : ' -: "t.VSie ""-. chief opposition to the plan U iU !E aJtgff. tltSff, itiouue. . v.... V..K--."-- -- v j., ... 1 expert declare af pool of il said lo come rrom PV &f"rr . ar l fOO acres of the prop- Cabrera, of Guatemala. wh is re- a, porteo to nae cunwnucu .. w h.. 11, ov. creek well on .the J. party 1. composed entirely of ac- property tie sanaBlonc; 'uobuibb- uu.. - "I d oil will hi. encountered been made in this connection. and a la result the political situation In I Guatemala is In a, ferment. Excelsior Uut'e warehouse. wins whitnet SETECEa 1 saye. IOV,iani Calif, Feb. 2i Miss Anita hi 1 ) as sentenced Tuesday 10 1 yr Colds, Grip or Intluenza lor- n . to 1. years m tne state 1 iH.entilva. take LAX- . .. ... ..l... n.& nf v,n, 1MB I I , " " " . l-nd 1 :, 1 1 air! chanty worker, ka jr. r n-i it rv on a cnance or criminal I Tl- ., nl'!VTE Tablets. She IS sell !!!. ,?.V"SrV r.onwo dF.iMn writer ' "k "" ?"" on the box. see. Adv. .. I . " . 1 ! Bin H-lm-im the women as wen " Japanese women " '"?"-" J"l" mtn use biocies exranaiveiy "w. - p . r-i - Martin, J. W. Klrkpatrlck. . T. .. Rovers and Joseph A. rit. jar. Breaddus was reelected. At the meetinK & S. Baseett was reelected president; W. 8. Crombie was reelected first rice president: A. Sea warts was elected second vice president and Zdgar W. Kayser waa elected treasurer. K. M. Roberts waa reelected manager. Mr. Roberta made a financial re port, which showed receipts from Jaaoarv 1. 191 to February tt. US, to be '1105.6(9.:". Disbursements for the same period amounted to S1I. 84S.0I, leaving a balance of JSM1.24. The report of the El Paee Music as sociation waa Included In that cS the general fund. The directors voted to make the annual meeting a natherlag eT the membership instead 01 a oanqnei. roe Depnty Tax Aweseer RclBns George H Booth has resigr-fd as ' county tax apseaeor, tuu iwa charse of the real estate buei- nass of Rlchey A Watt, real estate. Insurance and general investments. W. A Brooks has taken Mr. Booth's place. Dr. Jamleson, Diseases Kidney. Blad der, Rectum. Skin. 1018 Mills Bide. able n yandatte hatching eggs. Ph. 4950. Automobile Iteportrd stolen Via. Charles Bryan, 3920 Fort Boulevard, reported to the police Tuesday night that her Maxwell automobile was stolen from The curb near the Woman s club at 10 is p m Reports Robbed By Mexicans Bobby Levtne. ISM Montana street. an employe of the Modern cafe, was robbed of It by two thieves Tnesdav night, according to his report to the Eilire. Levins reported that two exteana approached blm in the cen ter of San Jacinto plaaa and took 19 which ha had In his pockets. fTjinr R,iMrin In Jail I M. D. Chilton, court reporter of SALE 0BER-Iescalero In Midiand. Texas, was placed in Jail . dian reservation. Elk and Silver Tuesday on a charge of carrying a Crock units. Sealed Wdi ; In dopll Dlstol. In a few das the custody of 1 cate, marked outalde "BiJ Elk and Els minor son ai'l be thrashed out Silver Creek Unit" ad addressed to in the J4th district court. Superintendent Meeealero Indian School. Meeealero. New Mexico, wlU Dr D E. Smallhorst, 404 Rbts-Banner be received until 11 o'clock noon. Bldg. Diseases of stomach. Intestines, mountain time, Saturday, May L, 1920 for the purchase eZ timber on Bars San Diego Hotel a tract within the Elk and Silver WHATEVUlt thing the tuture be. I hope to meet it cheerily , ... - ... l.t... f tha . n XX tnere vv uincw , ..- . - Perchance my cheer will cheer it up ' And If by Joy It he begirt , A little more can do no hurt. r-nnwrio-ht i9'v bv The McClure ' Nnwiin&Der Syndicate.) ! Alleged Common Lata Husband Blamed For Mrs. Wehmans Death TVinwj.,- r1n Wh. !E. LlOVd F White, alleged common law husband of Mra Hattie Weham. Tuesday was found responsible by a coroner's Jury for the death of the latter last Wed nesday. I The verdict said that Mrs. Wehman , came to her death "by a gunsnoi. wound Inflicted by Lloyd F. White. The shooting waa not justifiable " The woman was found hi a room ing house of which she, and White were Joint proprietors. White In the city Jail, attempted to kill himself Sunday by diving from h.s cell to the cement floor. , Mra Ella Ward, an occupant of the roominc house, said Mrs. wen man (refMid your Thootarids of other have gotten rid of theirs WITH OUT DIETING OR EJCERCISING often at the rate of ov a ptwod a day wid WITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction has takB placa. I am a licensed practising phvakian sad persosaB; select the treatment for each uMBvutaml ease, th e&abtmg me to choose remedies that will produce not oalf a '"MS of weight aansjcssjj, but which will alto retirre yoa of all the treebiesome (vsptesos of overstoutnes rach as shortness at breath, palpitation, ladigestieii. rtcomahsto, goot, nsthmB, Udaaj trtaple aad varioej atlter aSc tioM which often accojnpaav overstsBtaess. My treatment -will rehVve that depressed, tiled, sleepy f eeBag, finng yon lenewed eBergy sod Tigw, a xesolt of the less of year auucTflugus tat Vou are Dot required to change la the sSghtert frasi yosr Tejjnlar mode ef Hviag. There k so rnoHng or ctercisfeg. . It Is jirtpJe, easy and pleasant to take. If yon are orerstovt do sot postpone bet sit down right unr aad send for Bay PR3K TRIAL TRKATME.VT sad tay pUm wtwreby I am to o- PAID OKLY AFTER HEDUCTION' HAC TAKEN PLACE yin oearc A. J. Barnes, formerly proprietor Creek drainage areas on the south- ijrj" her she was going to go to of the St. Regis hotel here, has pur- UrB pert of the Meeealero Indian gSJ? Aria: on thi day of the kiU- ing to visit her mother ana men go to California. A letter written to her 1 March- S.i 1 w. MiniVT of San DieKo :-..m T. iri.'about 10.000 mother. Mrs. at birjnr.B ww Mr riTw v&a has inat retnrnea - -- - , " - :r --,-trrr ,rj .... Itr .1n?h U)li a,,.! HendrielTand Co, income ; jritiia 1i ndred made ,rjBer to Uw l j, .inlets, audltora. 230 First Sa- ana ,,, million feet as to which -,acv,B i,u, nil .... .w , , Tinnai nwtm nniiinx. TnMdA alarht. He said I trade boosters from the United States I received a warm weleeme and that Mexican omeuue snawea taera every courtesy. DR. R NEWMAN : BiiwuWmgofeDieKMiTwt 36 Fa Armne. Rcw Iwi, K. T. Dak. r., 1 Il.Sxwlua.38P5tSAv,JI..c-, 1 El&dly sid me year TTLT&B ! i 1 Wants to Plead Goilty E. L. Patrick told Justice of the contract will be made with the Sup erintendent. Approximately SS per cent of the timber within the nnlt Is westers yeuow bum tincraaing Will Mass Christian Forces Through Prayer To Attack Dioorce Evil .- rv E 'VfaBertner ChriSSin force? througi rMTKS? I B5JS5" ; VF&nT want S entea .tteawl C Baa r. . "X. Au TarTiCV t 11 i-w - www - -r. '"":"?. tn nmm S2.b"JS.Il"l.i'-1'",h.." hi !?-" -..'':." ."""'J aeheol aodltorlnm Friday night under St" tZ olead aniltv to TchaTges of I " ' "rLSZZT'ZZZ:? -:ithe auspice, of the Hi-Y club. It forgery and. having a forged I instru- I adgBItimaiU spru'ee. Each bid ment in his possession. ne was ei" ever on a siao oona 10 ail the action of the grand Jury It is alleged that he represented himself , 1m oa ne torwur governor Haxer- 5 Vaninc ' maJ of New Mexico, and had in his "- Massing. "TrL, - -Hk rfmwn on the the dlvoroe evtr to be triad dnrtng tne uenten season, mis w twi m the nationwide evangelistic campaign. eBdlSSngaater day. held onder the auspicee ef the faterennreh WorW movement, with bishop Theodore S. Henderson, of the Methodist church, as head. Religious leaders assert that prayer is the means bv which all difference can be adjusted and every paster la America is urged to give special at tention to family prayers against divorce during Lent- ' Eminent religious leaders of Amer ica will conduct this proposed evan gelistic campaign. Dr. M. E. Brown, of Chicago, former superintendent of me missionary aepmxxmeni, iniwiw lnv,al Sendev School - z rrj----- . r- conieruices e vmv Condi ver, TKLaX TRVSATWENT and plj-wbefl-redoced" oScr. Same ........ Address er E.F D Tewxu.M State.. he told the court. J. A. Oorvel. The Income Tax Specialist-" Formerly with Income Tax Dept. Internal Revenue Service. Suite 600--7. New Treat Bldg. Boned Over Oa Theft Charge. Theodore Gordon, negro, charged with theft over 250. waa bound over to the grand Jury on a $750 bond. Tuesday afternoon by Justice of the peace Clark Wright. Dr. Anna Ileum. Bsekier Bide Ph. HI. Divorce Conrts Busy One hundred and four divorce suits have been filed in El Paso county since January 1. according to reeorde In the district clerk's office. Only a half dosen of the 104 petitions men tion anything about children. Trouble. Avoid trouble. Leave Baggage cheeks at Longwell's. or telephone no. 1. Patrolman Is Injured Charles Wood, motorcvcle patrol- lliy injureo 1 ucauaj lh nurjlln he waa out 2: years 010. wno cam rv"i- -tv!. - - ,,w here a short time ago from Joplln.1 ", ""." " Coie. motor Mo, were found guilty on Oarge f . Seaport co Fort BliarAri: the theft if r . by a -ury ilre JSTand in auliu. The injured J4th district court Tuesday afteraOB.5JnjmmB J ?reate(1 mt me police Each waa sentenced to serve two 1 SSraeocy hospital, and later taken years in vae nenttenttaiy, bu. the ten-1 te h J omt, $oj North Stanton street, te&ces were snaaended. 1 The men at nrst pieaaen nei suun.i then changed their pleas to guilty and! admitted taking a suitcase aad Its, contents from the Sheldon cheek reoas.1 The suitcase was owned by E. T.I Gerard. One of the men waa em ployed at the hotel as a bell bey.l They also admitted taking a kodak I from one of the rooms. 1 Roy Mills showed an army die-1 charge, said he had been In France nri rlAlm.. to have been wounded 1 overseas. He said he needed tne ; I money for an sisk sister Mc3on, 1 ma, ma Im tn nrfttv- he said. ' latlon. will net conferences at Liaims, uen- D. J. U BeU. pastor of the East DaC las Preshytsrian ehsreh. was selected to heed the spiritual resonreea de partment ef Texaa He win select a Similar head In every Texas county. YOUTHS GET SUSPENDED SENTENCES FOR THEFTS each about 22 year. old. who came, ff -h most state the price per thousand feet Scribner Decimal C Log scale that will be paid for timber cat and scaled prior to April 1. 1925- Prices subsequent to that date are to be fixed by the Commissioner of In dian Affairs by three year periods. No bid ef Men tnan xnree ooiiara (1100 per M feet for yellow pine and Douglas fir. two dollars per u feet for Mexican white nine and Engelraaan spruce ana one aoixar , (11.00 per M feet lor wnue pine air log the period ending March 21, 1925 will be considered- Each bid moat be accompanied by a certified check on a soiveBl nauoaei eBfw ijw w the Superintendent of the Meeealero Indian School, in the amount of Ten Thousand dollars (le.0.00). The las, also waa offered as evidence. HI-Y CLUB WILL GIVE PROGRAM AT HIGH SCHOOL Ben ScovUle, entertainer, will be .m given ax tne n announced Tuesday night at a meet Ing 01 tne ciuo at tne 1. m- v. -e. Members of the high school basket ball team met with the Hl-T club. nni TannafnMi th centaln of the m ,nAk mnA tnattre L. A. Dale i addressed the team and members of 1 the club. m . The report of the committee ef HI Y boys, who had charge of the father and son banquet tor the Mext u at the smelter Y. M. C A. Moa- Iday night, was accepted. FAT ENOUGH By L.W. BOWER, M.D. . :-t.:n- 1Hi TvumrU Tim fat A maa r.ig"e t - j enough is his body to make a doieagood A-J1. Tk.t'c t eniuiori-" Too v -i . lltik. inrllratAB a disordered i :i r,rKt.cin The average AmeriCBii nastoo Uttle fat. Ho is gaunt aad spare. Amerieaiis ara known to tie world as a nation of tJyspepUcs. m, . , ,i :.. il,. biv fnr a fliMWU vfiifih does - nav va r.BtBt nri .-' mmb t . . ... , not take time to eat iroperiT. No man can be sfeonger than hw stoaaen, ie maa . Zcwrc r, beVweak maa. "WheB the stomach ia "weak," the food f imperfecUy dlwsted and the body as a conseciusnce,, U lasuf r"i ...Jt..j foL n Vvb Twit on the bod'? until ncienuy . &&, the dafl rennire- ' tne nouriwBMBfc ttaivcu - - Tn,i, thi i(,;ul raenwoiteerMwymwfairunaeic"- "-r "vrTvI is "weak, tj nutntHm iaj dkw usuoj ibiuuw. . r . .u -ir.j:l T;or aia rltreftlV on the 1 ur. nereea uotaea ouix """; - "-- r r" stomach (and the nutritive aid &&&: tioas to its activity ana neaiwi, ana eaawius "I'w.rtT "-71 with the wceesary nutrition. "Golden Medical DicovyV la not 5 cure-aU. It is a rndine f or the stomach and organs of tSrastiea and nutrition. The "DiMovery-' increases me woou: sujyij. ''"" neiUwr aleobol nor aarooties. Has beea sold y,5gfof 50 years. SeadlOefor trial naeksgeto Dr. Plena's InyallcIs'HeTsl, BimaJo. i . x . ueasQivHioa oy wr "tw. SERIOUS RISK OF REDUCED FOOD PRODUCTION IMPENDS -wikinnTti.ii. iv C JFeb- ISv Warn- Ibs; that serleus risk of reduced IWIJ proaucuoB itnpeaMew omwv aadfja iSZSTvm "JjrStZJr uSn.nt"ra ! rauniBa nn rHSLsaissurati as iiuusaaim . j . . la rejected but retained as liquidated damages If the required contract and bond are not executed and presented for approval within sixty days from the acceptance ef a bid. The right to reject any and all bus is re served. Copies of the bid and con tract forma and other information may be obtained from the Superin tendent Indian School, Meeealero. New Mexico. Washington. D. q, Feb ruary 14. 11X4. Cato Sells, Commis sioner of Indian Affairs. nearlng On Burglary Charge. Harold Curry has been brought back to SI Paso from NogaJes. Arlx, to answer charges of burglary In con nection with the alleged burglary of a store on El Paso street where am munition and guns were said to be missing. He will be given a pre liminary hearing this afternoon be fore Justice of the peace R. B. Rawlins. snnnilas and announced movements of people from the farms to the cities, was given by the department of agriculture en the baits of re ports and letters from all sections of the country. Kabibble Kabaret Orrrot, Hja Iltrmttul rveteiv Senlot. Uey.tMr4 C a rsteM. CBes. UlttW SUrWL. 1 TO"? N& rWJSBM? GCES M00ftS nanus bjekbocv "Wr iawao vemzs os HE HriOUOS TVVKT a VS 12 "iEWSWl OF Wei UJ ON WV tGfc. M.ISCE voo KPte ST. Your Income Taxes Q. Kindly tell me what the lucerne tax for lul" covered, that U, I desire to know to what amount you wcro exempt! B. D4 A. If you were married aad lived with rain wife (or husband) or were the head of a family, you were ea titled to a personal exemption of Ife plus 2200 for each oepestaeai enuo under It (or mentally or nhyaleally Incanaeltated fir self supBort). A ku nf famlr la a nersen who. til 1 accordance with some moral or legal obligation, aetwuiy aopwio maintains one or more individuals closely related to him or her by blood, marriage or adoption. If yon were not married or did not live "Its husband (or wife) or were net the head of a family, you were entitled to a personal exemption ef sieve mIv Then,! rallnra governed the ner senal exemptions allowed for the year 11T. , J. A. Carvel. Income tax expert, WW Tn tinlMlMa- will answer any ones- tions sent to The Herald, If you algnj e v . I pn Mitka-lWaZk CWiTngia! "Califorma Syrup of ig Fot a Child's Liver and Bowels Mofcerl Say "CaHforafe, then job wHI jet jjewitoe "OHforaia Syrup of Figs." FaH dirccaoas for babies and children, of ail ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed oa the bottle. OuldreR love this delicious laxative. Use Herald Want Ads Use Herald Want Ads 1 "'ssi ' " ' " " ' ' 1Sannnn?snnnnnnnnBwnnnB2w. InnnnananananBn! annnnnnnnnnnnni .atsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmeV. Gwnv9 a-trE BH uWI MsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBSannnxi lennnnnnnnnnsnnBnnnnnnnnwSBnH ennnnnnnnnnBnl ssnnnnnisnwi snrsnnnanan nun4nnnnnrsaflssnnnnnnnnnnA dsnnnnnnnnnnPsnninsnnnia JrJgflHHlgannBB Jwsnnnnnnnnnwnnnnnnnnnnl BannnnnnnnnnaBnnnnnnnnnnnnl lanuntnunawB snnnnnnnnnnnnnw Sannnnnnnnnnl InnnannnnnnsnasnnnnnnnnH HffH H EH tflH HH HH isanwanB B HsH E9 sHL ! BH flB JS SSB H lH H snnnananananananananannnnunananni ennuntesanH snwomnggBB lennnnnnnwK BnnnnnnnnnnnB Isnuannananawl sannansannnl nnnnnnnnnnD IsnnisnPsnnnnnnnnnnBsnnnl ssnnnnnnnnnnK IfgsnananulsnPeK sHonnnnnnnwaV lannnnnnhgsnwl Isnnnnnnnnnnnl lannnnnnnnnnnl innnnnnnnnnnni iBsnnnnnnnnnsI sunananaanannl sannnnnnnnnnwl p vr introduced AsDirm to i 7 " ---., - a jl y To get the true, world-famous Aspirin, used for over nineteen years and proved safe by millions ask for an unbrdken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" containing proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of SalicyEcadd. r1