Newspaper Page Text
m f TODAY'S PRICES. Mexican bank notes, state bills, $6-5035; pesos, 93; , Mexican gold, $50.15; aadonales, 24J4c; bat sDrei, H. & H. quotation, $1.07; copper, 1919c; -grain, weak; livestock, higher; stocks, firm, LATEST NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. L PASO HERALD HOME EDITION WEATHEK FORECAST. t Paso asd west Texas, fair; Sew Mexico, fair and warmer; Arisoaa, fair, warmer fa aorta. 14 PAGES TODAY. SINGLE COPY. FITS CENTS. EL PASO. TEXAS. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 5. 1920. DELIVERED A N'T WHERE. Itc MONTH. ARRANZA FORGES QUIT SONORA FIGHT WOOD'S LEAD IN INDIANA; JOHNSON WEEPS CALIFORN Witli Senator's Progress Maryland ana Indiana, G O. P. Observers Figure He Is Far Short of Votes Needed to Win Nomination; Primaries Worth Little as Indicative of Nominee. By ASSOCIATED PRESS I.N DIANAPOLIS, lod. May In 2520 precincts out of 138? in Indi ana, for Republican presidential preference In yesterday's primary, the Wood. G4.8SS. Johnson, Lowden, 30.014. Harding; lCOCX Thus, aa far as the vote has been counted. Wood crt a ilttl moM limn half of all the votes cast, Johnson a iwa u naar ana wow ieaa is cut from first figures of last night Tr.ore than 1000 votes. Johnson supporters' point out that rr.eir candidate's showing; is a re markable one In a conservative state JiKe -Indiana, in view of the fact that "u ood, Lowden and Harding- are re garded as equally conservative. Unless one of the candidates ob tains a majority of the votes cast, which, on the face of the returns seems Improbable. Indiana's delega tion to Chicago will go without In structions, unless instructed by the state convention. The delegates to the national to which were elected to day. There were no candidates for the Democratic presidential preference. Johnson Sweeps California. San Francisco. Calif.. May 6. Re turns from 54 of the 68 counties and from 505 of a total of G729 precincts in the state gave Johnson delegates 293.935, Hoover delegates 158.583 In the presidential primary of yester day. Hoover carried three of the &4 i counties represented, on the face of j the incomplete returns. These in-J eluded Los Angeles, where be had a plurality t sg,osr. . Hoover's home precinct. Stanford university, gave him a plurality of .48 over senator Johnson. One hundred and seventy four pre cincts in this county. Santa Clara, Rave Johnson almost a two to one ;Iua.rality. The vote: Johnson 68, 777 Hoover. 2 5,0 IS. Three hours and a half after the polls cilajlPbRr for Hoover, conceded Johneuu's vic tory. Establishes Vote Becori H. J. Carnahaa. western campaign manager for senator Johnson. statement, saiai The results of the primary will be more than 55.090 in excess of any plurality Johnson ever had in a pri mary election. It Is the greatest fcweep in the history of California politics in a primary election.' 44 Uke Good Sportsman. Ralph P. Merritt. campaign man ager of the Hoover Republican dub, onceded the election of the Johncon group of delegates. "Like good sportsmen, we concede the victory' and congratulate the winner." he said. "The issues represented by Hoover n ill continue to command the at tention of the coanty and eventually at the Republican convention Hoover will be nominated for the pres idency." Kentucky for Cox. LouisTill. Ky, May 5. Only Ken tncky"s delegates at large were In structed last night by the Democratic state convention to vote lor govern or James M Cox. of Ohio, "as long as his name te mains before the national (Continued on page 2, column 4.) Administration Democrats Certain To Control State Convention May 25; Faction For Bailey Calls Conclave DALLAS. Tex, May 5. With unof ficial returns Wednesday morning showing complete counts from democratic conventions in 1SS of the 2: o counties in Texas, delegates fa- onng endorsement of the national administration were assured of con trol of the state Democratic conven tion May 25. The returns from the county con ventions which met to name delegates to the state convention, gave the ad nlnistration forces 147 counties, with a conTectlon voting strength of 10&4 and the Democratic forces opposed to T.dorsement of the Wilson admin istration eight counties with a com- tned vote of 38. Three counties, with 1:7 votes, selected unlnstructed dele gates. County convention returns from 10 counties showed Bailey to have car ried ten and a half counties and two counties to be doubtful. If Bailey carried these two counties, his total ' ote will be 6. The total convention vote is 1400. Counties for Bailey, bounties Thtch went for Bailey and, ported Tuesday night are: Menard. Burnett, Fort Bend, Newton. Titus. Fayette, Gillespie, Lavaca and Victoria- In Comanche county, there is a con t st, as two conventions were held. ne by Bailey and the other by anti Bailey forces. The Fort Bend county delegates are unlnstructed; they are favorable to Bailey. Dewitt county's delegation is half for Bailey and half for Wilson. Cooke county went unanimously for Thomason, repudiat ing Bailey, who formerly lived there. The county also indorsed Thomases for governor and Thomas B- Love, of nallaa. for national committeeman, jnd approved Hobby's administration. Fayette and Lavaca counties each flexed Bailey delegates to the state onvention. The Dallas county con vention instructed for McAdoo for president, as did Matagorda and Mon tague counties. Cone Johnson and Mrs. Cone John son were favored as delegates at arge by several counties. Postmas ter general Burleson was instructed for as delegate at large by Lee, Tra i is and other counties Hunt county Indorsed Lonney for governor Hill county's Wilson delegation to Ths state convention is headed by ! Mai T. K Nickels, son of Luther caeis, Kaliejs campaign mauager. fo statewide conference of t Moderate IS 5663 Checked in New Jersey, By C. A. MABTIX. WASHINGTON, IX C, May 5. Re publicans who hone to control the Chicago convention are elated at reports raoving wax liirum w. Johnson fa fled to carry Indiana Tues day. With Johnson's progress stopped in New Jersey. Maryland and Indiana, Republican observers figure, admit ting that he carried California, that he is still far short of a sufficient number of votes te indicate likeli hood of his nomination. One feature of the Maryland pri maries freely commented upon was the sparseness of the vote. The same thing happened In Massachusetts. It is recalled. Politicians deduce from taese considerations additional sup port to their contention that the pri maries will be of little valne as in dicative of he Domination. Jiajoriiy to tie uninstruetea. The jcreat bodv of the convention will be unlnstrueted. The instructed delegations will be scattered In in decisive groups among the candidates and the convention Is to be given op portunity to look over the field and go far afield, if necessary, to find a nominee. It la well understood, of course. that, at the outset of the nreeonven- tlon campaign- the managers of gov ernor Frank O- Lowden. of Illinois, and senator Warren 6. Harding, of Ohio, and of senator Johnson pooled their interests The arrangement was temporary one: it was the general understanding that the purpose of the pact was to hold Wood la check. The plan succeeded to a considerable extent- Had It not been in operation, ; Wood undonbtedlv woo Id have re-1 celved a good many more rotes in ; some states tnan ne aia receive. There has been no nubile ex Dia na tion as to why Lowden and Harding did not enter the Maryland primaries. But the general understanding has been, according to the Washington Post, that they stayed out because senator Johnson believed he could win in a straight fight against Wood in that state Poor Showing In Maryland. But. contrary to his expectations. senator Johnson made the poorest showing la the state that he has made todav that tlia votlnK In tbe ares uai preference primaries, now prac tiealiv ai an atuI. has not revealed senator Johnson as a majority can- OM&te anrwnsre. Want tkla TOdae La. reT.aled Is. It la pointed out. nat the Cali fornia senator la the choice of a err agn-reaalre minority in the Chairman Hays, of the Republican national committee, has been in Washington since May day conferring with prominent Republicans to ascer tain the drift of sentiment among them as to the choice of temporary chairman of the national convention. Favor Iwdce for Chairman. It la said Mr. Hays found a strong sentiment favorable to the selection of senator Lodge to be temporary chairman. Senator Borah is the choioe of progressive Republicans and of those Republicans who are irrecon- CUaDly opposed to ine Jeagae 01 na (Imi biulnr Ixodes, as well known. la for the league of nations with res ervations. There are signs of a storm. The alternative suggestion had been made that jar. Jlsys, as tne eaairman ui me national committee. abooM be tem porary chairman of the convention. Some Republicans thought today that the feeling is so strong over the tem porary chairmanship it may be carried to the floor of the convention. Democrats to meet In Dallas May It, was issued here by the advisory com mittee of the element of the Texas Democratic party, which met defeat at precinct conventions last Saturday In Its campaign to repudiate the national administration. The call asserts that -perhaps not more than IS percent" of the Demo cratic voters participated In the pre cinct meetings, which overwhelmingly endorsed president Wilson's adminis tration, and appeals to Democrats -who understood their duty." and "have the political courage" to per form It. to meet and take counsel with each other with respect to cominc gubernational campaign. Former United States senator Jos eph Bailey, leader of the anti-administration forces, will continue In the race for governor, the call said. 'BIGAMIST BACK IN PRISON; BODY OF VICTIM SENT HOME Las Angeles. Calif.. May S- Walter Andrew Watson, alleged confessed bigamist and murderer, was returned to bis prison ward in the county hos pital today after bis trip to El Cen tre during which be aided officers to locate the body of Nina Lee De loney and testified at an Inquest that he bad killed her. The body of Nina Lee Delorey probably will be shipped to her former home in Ken tucky. ARMOUR MANAGER SEIZED AS A MEAT PROFITEER Boston Mass.. May 6. Profiteering In meat was charged today against Armour & Co. and its New England manager, John E. Wilson, who wis arrested on a warrant issued by United States commissioner Hayes, on evidence transmitted by the 17. S dlstrict attorney's office that lamb bought for less than ten cents a pound, plus freight of about four cents, had been sold for 25 cents. M. E. BISHOP RESIGNS; REASON IS ILL HEALTH Ties Moines. Iowa, May 5. Bishop E. A- Cooke, of Helena. Mont., ten dered his resignation to the Methodist Knlsconal general conference today. Til health was given as the reason. He is 5 years old, ana began preaching ,47 years ago. Profits And A Steady Trade S 01 PURCHASED 8! HUMS Properly Sold for $500,000 Most of Which Is Paid in Cash. LOTS INVOLVED IN TRANSACTION Purchaser Plans to Build Modern Hotel on Site Later On. PROBABLY the largest single cash real estate transaction ever made in El Paso was completed late Tuesday afternoon when A. Math las purchased the jjotel Sheldon site for $00,00v, of which practically three fourths was cash. Xuma G. Buehaz, of the X. G. Bnchoz Co. who has been in the realty business here many years, made the sale. mans Fine Hotel. Although be has made no definite plans. Mr. Mathlas said Wednesday morning that eventually he will erect one of the biggest and finest hotels In the southwest on the site. Tbjs wfll probably not be nntil the expira tion of the operating company's lease. The present ooeratinc comoanv. headed by R. B. Oradorff. will con tinue to operate the hotel, according to present arrangements. The Sheldon comnany. which sold ue structure to jtr. Matnias, is com posed of R. B. Oradorff, James G. Mc Narv. Julius Krakauer. Mrs. Ada Krakauer and the J. J. Mundy estate. Five Lota Trajurerred. Included in the transactioB was the transfer to the eneieon company by Mr. Mathlas of five lots at the south east corner of Florence and Texas streets valued at approximately 475, 00s. Structures occupy this property Another piece which Mr. Mathlas turned over to the Sheldon corpora tion was 178 feet on the right hand side of San Jacinto street Just north of Second. This was valued at $75,000 "Negotiations on this deal hare been in progress for two months. said Mr. Wednesday. ST5Q zar as l fr taut la 3 Mffrt. ifhn TheTaTtsn Is one of the best known untfmaVlts In El Paso and I am rather prood of being instrumental in Its sale." There will be no change In the man agement or policy of the Sheldon, ac cording to members of the operat ing company. BANDIT HELD AS SLAYER OF AMERICAN Y.ECA. MEN Constantinople. May 5. (By the Associated Press). A bandit chief tain named Abrabisn. has been ar rested at Aleppo. Syria, charged with the marder of James Perry and Frank Johnson. Ameriean T. SL C A. men, near Alntab, February 4. GES. PBltsniSC STAIITS IIOMC Panama City. Pan, May 6. Gee John J. FersalsK, after an all day hunt In which two alligators were lassoed and captured alive, boarded the transport Northern Pacific to sail for New York by way of Porto Rico. TSe HAIRCUT 1'LEl FAILS. Chfeaso, IU. May t. Chicago bar bers have decided to keep the price of haircuts and shaves at the present standard. Some barbers wanted to raise the price to T6 cents. DOSTER MURDER TIL IS GALLED Deming. N M, May 5. Mrs. Mand Doster. of Columbus, N. H, went to trial In the district court nere loasy on a charge of first degree murder, lint neater was recently Indicted br the grand jury on thecharge of shoot ing and killing Capt. Wade Doster. of Columbus, early last March. Mrs. Doster. Associated Press re ports said at the time of the killing, shot the army officer becaosed stie accused him of being in love with an other woman This woman was said to be Mrs. Lain Beckly of Kl Paso. On April 21 Mrs. Doster appeared in court nere and pleaded not guilty to the charge. She has been in the hos pital at Columbus much of the time since the killing, as she shot herself after Capt. Doster was shot. Mrs. Dosters attorneys are Fred Sherman and B. P. Hamilton. The prosecutor is J. F. Vaught. district attorney. The trial is before Judge Raymond R. Ryan. The entire day was taken up with the selection of a Jury. Many venire men were opposed to the death pen alty for murder, they said. TROUT FOR TOVTO TRIBUTARIES. Phoenix. Ariz., May 6. Black spot ted trout will be placed in the streams tributary to the Tonto. according to word received by Joe V. Prochaska. state game warden, from Washington. Prochaska made application for fish of better grade than mountain trout and the nureau o; nsnertes recom mended various species of black spot ted trout, distribution to be made from August to October. Has New Tooth at 96; Eight Seek to Wed Her LONDON. Eng. May . Mrs Ra ven. of Shepherd's Bush is ! years old and has a new tooth Sue's had eight proposals since she was 60. she says, and was married three times before she reached that age. &0O "0-0 oo o .... l ne provea circulation ot 4 The El raao Herald Is nearly O I twice that of any other El i Paao paper." -o --o-e-o -o Great Quantities Of Oil Captured By Bolsheviki In Drive To Caspian Sea Wells Continue Work at Full Speed, Declares Moscow Statement Eeceived in London Following the Eed Victory Sweeping Forces in Baku, Important Pe troleum Center of Western Inland Sea Coast. T ONDO.Y. Eng. May E. Great quan J, titles of oft fell Into the hands or the Russian Bolshevik forces wnen tney captured Baku, the Im portant petroleum center on the west' stb coast of the Caspian sea. April 2b. says an official statement under Tuesdays date, received today from Moscow. The red troops, the statement says, captured S.0 poods of benzine (a pood equals SCOT pounds). poods of kerosene, l.MO.sse poods of gasoline. lse.OM poods of lubricating ou. n.ts.soo poods of masont and s. pooas or crude oil. The work in the oil wells eon tinues at full speed." the statement continues Looting ITouaes at Kiev. Warsaw, May &. (By the As sociated Press). Russian Bolshevik Soldiers are resorted to be loetlnar nouses ana stores at Kiev, prepara tory to abandoning the ctty. Ad vices Indicate great confusion there. Polish military authorities plan to occupy Kiev late this week, it Is be lieved. The American Red Cross has chartered a special train to take supplies there. Jap Knvoy to England. Honolulu. T. H- Tuesday Mar The Japanese government has unof ficially decided on the appointment of baron Gonsake Hayasbt. admlois trtor of the province of Kwantung, south Manchuria, ss ambassador to Great Britain, to succeed viscount Chlnda. according to a Tokk cable to the Nlppu Jiji, Japanese vernacular newspaper here. Chlnda formerly was ambassador to the United States and Hayaahl to Rome. Ilnngarlan Vote Pies Denied. Paria. France. May fc The reply of the conference of ni ha Isadora to the Hungarian objections to the terms of the proposed pesos treaty was de livered today to the secretary of the Hungarian delegation at Versailles. It Is learned that the reply denies the demand for a plebiscite in the terri tories which the projected treaty de taches from Hungary. PRINT PAPER PRICE RISE PREDICTED BY COMPANY Washington. D. C. May 6. Further advances fa print paper prices are to be made by the International Paner company, on July 1, said a telegram from Chester W Lvman. vice Dresl- dent of the company, which was 8! nittee .una: e paper sboi age. GREASE IN PAY THE city banket for 1930-:i, calling for $1.1,730.41 an tncreue of sret wm dlfnad WednftsdaT morn ror at a joint meeting m tne city nail of the mayor and coanclL members of to chamber of commerce, bankers. merchants and Droxeaalonal men and women without any actual reductions beinc made throntrh the ansrsreatlons oi iddm wno came to consult witn ue city officials. Members of the city school board and teachers representatives were aseared by mayor Charles Darts and tne auiermen utat tne city wonid raise for the schools this year an increase of ?17fc,(HX oyer last year's allowance -no matter what steps In the way of increased prop eny valuations or nigner taxes naa to be taken. This will assure the teachers of the citv a 2s nor cent raise in salaries and will avert a scarcity of competent teachers with which the city has been confronted zer znontns. SoDDorta Retention Home. Tbi support of the ctty in an effort to rave tne state erect a ?&o.oes de tention home here for delinquent girls was assured Mrs. O. A. Critchett. who appeared before the council as chair man of a committee of men and women who are making a strenuous flght for the establishment of such a home here. Mayor Davis explained that the city is in no financial con dition now to raise funds for the erection and maintenance of such a home. County judge E. B. McCllntock stated that the county, too. is unable to give financial aid to such a project now, but pledged the assistances of the county officials in the fight t be made before the state legislature for the erection of the home. So much time was consumed in dis cussing the detention home and teach ers salaries that only about half the budget was taken op item by Item and another public meeting to discuss the remainder of It will b9 held at 10 o clock tomorrow morning at the city balL Salaries to be Increased. Under the terms of the new budget, practically every employe will receive an increase In salary ranging from 10 to 20 percent. None of the councilmen, nor the mayor and city attorney, share In the increase, which is already in effect In all departments. None of the items tn that portion of the budget already examined came in for serious criticism from anyone present at the meeting. An increase from $1.96 to Z on the T G Finds WinningHerald TripEasy Task BBnuVasiW 'SBnY SAMUEL P0RRAS. lation manager New Mexico, Arizona and west Texas, who would like to join the El Paso boys in camp, write for our generous offer to out-of-town boys. , PARIS BELLES TAKE PLACES OF STRIKERS Society Women Work as Auto Drivers and Ticket Girls In French Walkout PARIS, France. May 6. Many fash ionable women have offered their services to break the strike which began May day and some of them have been on duty as chauffeurs, ticket takers. In the subway stations and at other posts deserted by the union workmen. Despite official claims that the general railroad strike In France was virtually broken, labor leaders main tain an optimistic attitude, saytng the outlook was favorable for utli mate success of the movement. Railroad headquarters reported progress In both freight and pas senger movement. The situation as regards the strike of miners and dock workers appeared ss changed. Chicago Meaaengers Threaten. Chicago, m. May i. Stfll another strike was threatened here today when the telegraph messengers de livery union presented the Western On lea and Postal Telegraph compan ies a demand for an eight hour day. 122 a week for day work and 22S for night work. Roy Johnson, business agent of the union, said the managers were about to reduce from 3 to Z cents a message the amount paid to mes sengers. Johnson said a strike meeting had been called for Saturday night. Printers' Walkout Ends. Utica. X T., May i. A walkout of composing room employes which caused the two local afternoon news papers to appear yesterday in great- SfeWy Pa1eWS,&1 aa usual today. IS PROVIDED 1PL0YES 5100 valuation, and an Increase in the valuation of property from a 0 per cent basis to between 6 and 70 is the plan most favored by the mayor and council to obtain the addition revenue that city requires for the new fiscal year. The mayor said at Wednesday's meeting that he understands this will not meet with the approval of many taxpayers, but It Is a step that must be taken. There was a round of applause .when Jnltus Krakauer said in reply to this that he, as the representative of a group of taxpayers, would under take to convince them how necessary such a step is, and that he. person ally, would be glad to pay the in creased taxes in order to raise money for the teachers and other city de partments. Funds Seeded by City. The total operating fund needed by the city is mi.731.41. distributed in the following channels: Mayor and city council. 90,014. City clerk. UM40. City attorney. 90700. City hall building. J 4830. Ovil service. Hit. Corporation court. $3400. Public library. $54. 400. Donations, $7000. Bills payable, $13,000. Insarane. 1400. Election expense. $3000. Police department. $113440. City prison. UMM Accounting department. $9729. Treasurer. $3100. Assessor and collector. $12,540. Purchasing department. $3050. Warehouse, $3430. Traffic department. $3000. Weights and measures, $3000. Employment bureau. $3030. Miscellaneous, $9v6&. General parks, 340100. Washington park, $17,408. Engineering department. $30,100. Sewer department. $7t3L Building department. $7070, Electrical Inspection. $3830. Plumbing and meter inspection. $2780. Fire department, $17M7i. Health department. $43,480. Isolation hospital. $0040. Emergency hosp'tal, $3300. Comfort station. $6420. Garbage disposal. $28,386 Garbage collection. $02,204. Street cleaning and sprinkling. $54,346. Street repairs, $10,407. Street lighting. 1 37,007. Public pound. $1400. (Continued on page lis column 2.) AND GIT, El HfcKE is ue picture of another boy who has fin ished his list of 15 new, one-month subscriptions to The El Paso Herald, and is to receive a two weeks' vacation at the Mountain Park Y. M. C A. camp in Jose, at the expense of The Herald. Samuel Portas, who is 12 years old, lives at 614 North 1 Paso street We asked him if he fosnd it hard wort, and he said, "I should say not, it was a wltil easy. Yon see, a friend of my father's helped me, and it didn't take tmt jnst a little while to get my list completed." Now this is a good tip for other boys get yoni parents or your friends to help yon, and yon will find it just as easy as Samuel did. Other boys who are interested in the two weeks' trip to the mountains, call to see H. H. Fris, circu 1 Paso Herald. Boys who live in Are The Ideal Of Wise Merchandising GREATER GREECE IS Statesman's Hope About to Be Realized As Result of San Remo Ruling. GAINS INCREASE NEAR THREE FOLD And Nou) Final Task Is To Regain the Byzantium, After 6 Centuries. By FIUXK IL. SIMOXDS. NHW YORK. May k Amid all the confusion of San Remo rumors, the fact detaches Itself that Venizelos at last Is to have his reward and Greece to obtain substantial Justice. So far all reports are in accord that Greece Is to obtain the whole of Thrace. Bul garia, as well as Turkish fractions Included and thus occupy the entire region between the Bulgarian fron tier and the bases of the Constanti nople and Gall I poll peninsulas. In addition, she Is to receive Smyrna and a substantial hinterland and portions of northern Bplrus; what remains a matter of doubt Is whether she or Albania win have Koritxa. Put into figures, this means that Greece will obtain In Europe new territories having an area of approxi mately 12.M square miles a tit tie less than the combined areas oi Massachusetts and Connecticut and a population in round numbers amount ing to 1 eee.soe at the last census. But the last census was taken more than a decade ago, under Turkish rule. and la notoriously inexact. Many Changes Made. In addition, three wars have passed over this country since this number ing and swept away large percent ages of the inhabitants, while changes ot rulers portions o: xarace nave been Turkish, Greek. Bulgarian and are now to be Greek again all in the span of eight years have produced much migration voluntary and Invol untary alike. In Asia the Syrna grant, despite Its rather grudging limitations, will give Greece approximately S0SO square miles, with a population of much more than MO.SOO. Hellenic in major ity. Thus Greece emerges from the aavrsfr a population or approximately UHJM. She Is. then, la area more than half as large as Italy, tn popu lation somewhat smaller than Bel gium. In S Tears Struggle. A quarter of a century ago, when Veniselos came from Crete to begin his great work. Greece, just beaten in a Turkish war. was a state with a population of less than 2.SM9. liv ing on a territory ot some 25,9. square miles. Athens, with the Pi raeus, was the slnele considerable city, railway communications were to tally tnaaeauate. oreeee was Isolated from the rest of Europe, and order within the boundaries was entirely lacking. By the Turkish war Greece naa lost tne sympathy of Europe and her dynasty had lost all domestic re gard. From the moment of hla arrival and for nearly two decades thereafter Venizelos applied himself to the task of domestic reorganisation. Not un til MIS was he ready to pursue his larger objectives. But In these years he had regained for Oreeee the sym pathy of the world and he had also scmevea tne impossible in establish' (Continued on page 14, column 3.) E8 TECHNICAL 10 Washington. D. C. Xay S. Opening debate oq his resolution to declare ue state ot war with Germany and Austria at an end. senator Knox. Re publican. Pennsylvania, declared in the senate today that president Wil son was arbitrarily maintaining that the nation technically was at war. to coerce the senate Into ratifying the peace treaty. He said congress had voted war wiin tne inwni government of Ger many and pointed out that the im perial government had ceased to ex ist, therefor. It waa folly to pretend even a terhnira1 state of war when tbers was r.o enemy in fact. "There was no excuse whatsoever for greatly prolonging the war be yond the signature of the armistice." senator Knox said, "and the only ex- f i la nation for so doing was the de I be rate aim to retain all those au tocratic compulsory powers with which the executive had been en dowed for the prosecution of the war, that 'they might be used for other purposes. "The welfare and safety of the na tion Imperatively demand that we know we have peace. The whole world seethes with revolution. Our own nation Is in ferment and toll. Force and strife are rampant and threaten the destruction not only of our property, but of our free institu tions and even ot our lives. And yet we stand, snd have stood for months, as a rudderless ship." Headliners In Today's Theaters A LI I AM BRA Pan tag. Vaudeville. BIJOU "She Tiger." Allen Hale. ELI-1 -NAY "The PalSscr Case," Pauline Frederick. GHKCIA.X -Just a wife. Kathlyn Williams. Roy Stewart and Beatrice Joy. Ill ALTO "Sex." Louise Glaum. UMQUR "Alias Jimmy Valentine," Bert Lyteil. U'lflWAM "Thou Art The Man," Robert Warwick. (Read Amusement Ads on page 6) REWARD TO era KNOXR HE DI VISIONOFWARSHIPS SE NT TO GULF BY U. S. FOR EAST COAST DUTY TJrbalejo's Forces Arrive From Casas Grandes in Part; Eemainder May Be On Way; Juarez Quiet, "With Few Visitors, No Women; First Chief Using Planes to Bombard Towns Under Control of the Eebels. WASHINGTON. IX C Xay S, Sec retary Xteatols today ordered & dlrurtoB of destroyers, now at New York wit the Atlantic fleet, to ail Immediately for Key West, where they will be held for possible daty in Mexican waters. 1e destroyers are eoraraaaded by Capt- Byron Lose oa the tesder Black Hawk, which will accompany the flotilla. Capt. Long was tn con ference with secretary Daniels here last night and loft immediately after ward for Hew York to get his ships ready to sail today. The secretary said today that Capt. Long had been grrfen full instruc tions as to the policy to be pursued In the event it becomes necessary to send the destroyers to Mexican ports. The vessels shoo id report at Key West by tomorrow night or Fri day. , Rebels Threaten Cities. Thus far no reports of any serious disturbances In Mexican ports have reached the government, bat revolu tionists are active not far from the ports. At the state department today It was said that reports tans far received has not Indicated that the lives of any American eitl sens had been endangered any where In Mexico as a result of the revelation. Apparently unable to set nnder way any offensive military ex pedition against the revolutionists. president Carransa has begun nstng airplanes to harass towns bold by the rebels In the neighborhood of the Mexican capital, according to ad vices to revolutionary agents here. Cuernavaca. capital of Morelos. and Coaatla, tn the Mae state, are two of the potnta that have been smartly bombarded, the reports stated. The information throoarh official channels yesterday that Ifablo Gon zalez, zormeriy an aroenx. supporter of Cnrranza, had entered the revolu tion at the head of a detachment of revolting federal troops, also was contained in the advtoee. Torrroa Is Menaced. Further Indications that Torreon again is te become the objective of In the report that Oei force that had been trying for more tnan tnree weejes to make its way through the state of Jalisco north ward into Nayarit. to check the So corans on their marsh to the south. had been turned aboo and is on Its way to Irapttato, from where it xsay move northward toward the state of Chihuahua. Six Destroyers Put to Sea. New York. May S Stx destroyers. accompanied by the tender Black Hawk, left their anchorage with the Atlantic fleet te the Hudson river at 2 p. zn. today and sailed for Key West. Gunboat Turns RebeL Agua. Prists, Sonera, May . The Mexican gunboat Blanco, which fled from Goaymas harbor when Soaora revolted, has returned to that port and the officers and crew annoenced they had Joined the revolution, it is said at military headquarters here. Announcement also was made that Gen. Francisco Amanso had been named chief of the revolutionary army Is the state of Sonors. I Revolt or subjection of the border, states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and (Continued en page 3, column 3.) Gradual Prohibition For Mexico, No Gambling In Rebel Territory, Says Statement By De La Huerta N A CO, Sonera, May t. By the As soctated Press.) Adolfo de la Huerta in an interview nere ex tends an invitation for toreien can! tal to enter Mexico, outlined the fu ture plans or tne revolutionists and announced cabinet selections for the provisional government. He said thei ultimate aim of the revolutionary party was prohibition ana no gamoiing in aiexseo. Concerning prohibition, governor oe la Huerta said "We cannot expect prohibition in a day nor the end of gambling, but It la an end toward which we are striv ing. It will route la Mexico aa It did in the United State. We have or dered liquor selling and gambling stopped tn all territory vre control. It will be moat rigidly enforced along the International boundary beeauae of the dancer of .he traffic to the relations between jar country and the isnura states at tnis most critical time." "Mexico invites and enfov th visits or foreigners," ne said, "but we do not wish to make our conntrv a place of dissipation." Governor de la Huerta arrived by special train from Hermoslllo to con fer with revolutionary aders who gatnerea nere to discuss tne situation During the dav selections for the caotnet or tne proviaionaj government were announced in part. Huerta at the Helm. De la Huerta Is temnorarv head of tne revolutionists. lien. p. Ellas Calles was named minister of war and Gen. F. M. Serrano as chief of staff. Serrano will immediately go to Chihuahua, it was said. Gen. Salvador Alvarado was nimaH as minister of finance. An invitation was telea-rashed Gab. Pascual Ortiz Rubio. governor of th : outie oi Aaicnoacan. io oe minister ! of communications with control of the railroads, telegraph and tele phones. Another Invitation was seat governor Enrique Bstrada. constitu tional governor of Zaeateeas. to be come minister of agriculture. Leaders said they contemplated In viting Alberto Pant. Mexican minister to France under Carranza, to be min- later or Industry and commerce, a 1 Ksitlon he formerly held. Pani may I ve the post, it was said, if he will I subscribe to the revolution 1 Calles, rebel minister of war. until recently was a member of president Carrai Asa's cabinet. Serrano, chief of staff, held this position under Gen. Obregon when the latter was secre tary of war under Carranza. Gen. Alvarado. minister of finance, former- r ARRANZA appears to have aban doned his northern Mexico cam - paign against Sonora. from indi cations along the border Wednesday afternoon. That seems to be the de emed opinion of the rebel leaders In Jusres. though no official statement was Issued on the subject. A long freight train, carrying ;o9 members of Gen. Francisco Urhai- Jo's command at Casas Grandes. ar- nvea in Juarez at a ociock dav moraine, followinc an order of Gen. Escobar for the entire contin gent at (jasas uranaes to come to Juarez. The order was given follow ing the forced agreement of Gen. Cr balejo to Join the revolutionist move ment. The arrival of so small a numh-r of troops oat of the garrison of 139 or more men is causing some concern in Juarez. Leaders there are unable to determine the attitude of the re maining 1106 men. The troops arriv ing at Juarez rerusec to atscuss tne attitude of the garrison and declared. "Our leaders will talk to the gen eraia. not to the public' It is pos sible, however, that the rezuiinder of the troops at Casas Grandes will fol low the forced move of their leaders and come to Juarez. Troops Well Equipped. The troops arrived fn the u;ual Mexican fashion, the men tn freight ears and the women and children dinging to the train wherever they coo mi nna a piace to noia. ail or the men were well armed and well clothed, although most of them ap peared to do xauguea rroxo tne jour ney. They maintained a happy air, however, and seemed pleased that their trio was finished and they were permitted to rest. rur1ng the morning a contingent of 2e cavalrymen, well armed and wen mounted, paraded Dei ore tne troop train. The entire state of Morelos is in the hands of the revolutionists, ac cording to advices received Wednes day morningby Artnro Ellas, brother of Gen. P. Blias Calles. command-r- tnchlef of the revolutionary armies of the northwest. Bombarded by Airplanes. avasa, the capital, sod Guatis- was? Two battalions of federal trooox stationed along the international railway line, running from Morelos to Antigua, Veracruz, on the bay or Casaaecho, have revolted, it la re ported. Gen. Manuel M, Dieguez. command er of the federal armies of the north, la on his way with troops to Chihua hua City, frdm Irapuato, Guanajuato, the reports state. Aoniuonai zouowers or oen. Joa quin Amaro. former commander oi the Carraasa forces at Ojinaga, cp oosite Presidio, have revolted, ac cording to the telegraphic reports re ceived by E3ia&. Two Generals Cap tn red. The first intimation of the use of fere during the blood -ss revolution of Juarez Monday afternoon waa given out Tuesday afternoon at military headquarters when it r-?.a earned that Gen. Urbalejo aad Gen. Kdsardo F. Porcayo, of the Casas Grandes garriees were captured by federal troops In Juarez. Following their capture and a heated contro versy with Gen. J. Gonxalo Escobar, the two generals agreed to join de revere tionary movement. In order to (Continued on. page 3, column 3 lv was srovernor of Yucatan, was pub lisher of EI Heraldo de Mexico uutU he was forced to flee the country, and was the meet prominent publicist In Mexico to espouse the cause of the allies in the world war, it was said. Text et Iluerta Statement. Governor de la Huerta m his state ment said: I have a great and strong desire to see Mexico an open field for hones' and legitimate investment. The Lib eral Constitutionalist party invites foreign capital to Mexico. "Banktng interests are especiallv Invited to Mexico, with all protec tions, guarantees and facilities of fered them. Modifications ! changes will be made in banking laws. unmer we present, aoministratioo in Mexico there are no banks. The only banks are pawn shops. Of course, the public must and will be protected but the field for bankers is Bn!tmitd and will offer great opportunities. both for the canital interested and the public On the Oil Situation. "One of the first duties of conmia when the revolutionists take control will be interpretations of the consti tution that Will Stabilise inrfnnri-v This will specially affect the oil sit uation and allow the operators t - operate without fear of govern men taJ action or whims. ""tonarrra unit mjkr riftnl at.. eislona concerning the constitution of twi. wnien apparently took many power from cirrru and eabodted supreme power In the president. The powers of the president must be It-evened and those of nurrva. mwHrta. ened until there Is no re a flirt. t ne revolution is entirely directed toward democracv. The io!oira.rmr of the masses must cease and no on man nor any set or men shall nav? the power to do their own will " Those at the conference pointed out that in al! terrltorv eontroled l. he- revolution lets there is not one po litical nrisoner in rhol tail Th.-v sald military commandars had beu ordered by governor de la Huerta to treat all political opponents falrlv and safeguard t hem. Gen. Em i 1 1 o Salinas, provisional governor o. Ch' huahua. they recalled, a brotherini of president Carraasa, was relead after his arrest in he revolt at Ch - huahua Citv. tn line with this noiit uioioau ui naming aim as costage against the capture of prominent revolutionists by Carranclstas. Governor de la Huerta returned to Hermoslllo. capital of Sonors, is,--night. HermostUo temporarily be the seat of the provisions! go ment.