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EL PASO HERALD SPORTS, RECREATION and OUTDOOR LIFE 10 Wildcats Still mes Win; Meet State M In Double COSRYERHDHS MT1UTET1) USER DEFEAT Manny Ponsford Checks Arizona Batsmen, but Loses Hard Game. OPPORTUNE BUNGLES AID THE VISITORS ERRORS costiy and sundry, contrib uted to the loss by the Tigers of the .?cond game of the Arizona nrheroiLy El Paso high school series st Rio Grande park Wednesday after noon bv the score of 6 to 2. The contest was remarkably well played in instances and was featured by the fielding- of Arizona, who played an errorless gaae. Manny Ponsford and Tx-fie also engaged in a nice pitching duel Ponsford deserved to win th nine. Mannvs curves were breaking eh a -pi i. around the corners of the p'ate but it seemed as If the same o a jinx which pursued him In the first game would r.ot be downed and he could not hold the Arizona team alone The Tigers were unable to d anything with the twirling of IoyTe beyond getting men on bases while the varsity athletes, with their eteran experience, made every ad vautags count for runs In the long run Eery time a man obtained first he seemed assured of a run in spue of the airtight pitching of Porsord who struck out 10 men. Tigers Get Scare. Mannvg walk and Brie Schnllers two base hit in the second Inning neued two runs for the Tigers off Sionaker before the football crack w&s taken from the box. Hamilton came alone with a timely mingle Into the renter pas ture which pat SchuIIer across the plate. The Tigers crabbed ne more la the fourth on Pobb f c -d watte and successive hits bv Hamilton and Ragsd&Ie. They missed an excellent ehanee to score In the sixth when Ponsford led off with a two-base hit which torched the fence in right center. Itrelffbaum who made a gallant attempt to catch the ball, struck c wheelbarrow over near the eore board and was put ont of the contest for a minute or so. He gamely resnmed the contest however. -chu ler got his second hit, but Ponsfora was held on second. Ham i l -o n hit to MCreary. who doubled Ponsford and Schuller, while the two latter boys were racing down the ase 1'nes. Ragsdale fanned for the last out of the inning Sow Conies Arizona. .r zona i first three runs came as a result of an error by Hamilton, fol lowed br Cohen's ragged fielding After Hubbard had obtained a base Wilson Bent up a high fly to center which Cohen failed to see. He then trotted after the ball and before re- co trine it Wilson bad landed on third. Stewart was safe when Manny misled his hot grounder ana wuson sco-ed Kreigbaum singled to left and Stewart came all the way home wnen lonen tnrew who xor a coauy (to' Hubbard scored In the sixth nd McCrearj counted in the eighth. Arlxona Protects Game. Imp re Harry Kane penalized twlr ler Sionaker in tbe second Inning by tailing balks for an alleged violation vh ch brought a showr of protests frcm the Arizona bench. Asa Porter, coach of the visiting team, protested the contest several times and "Wednesday night stated that he be- l kH he was ngnt in nis protests. The score 'n'lIdca.tB. A6 R H FO A E Thjrmin. rt I 1 IlcCrtur. :b .. .41111 Goodwin, as. 4 1 Hubbard. K. S 1 1 Tla. c 4 1 1 U 1 S-eirai !b. 4 12: c. 4 1 2 Otefe lh 4 5 monxker. p 1 0 1 0 Oo... p J -otxta 34 'M Tlcsra. MB R H PO A 2 -QTa.ltp .f 2t0 PoeiI rf 1 1 C f-ohtn. !.... .. 4111 broiler m. . . .. 4 4 1 PoDrfoM. p 2 J 4 1 Schnllr, c 4 1 It 1 h-hniler c 4 1 f II 1 Hamilton, lo. 4 1 11 1 1 Hagidalc, 2b. . . .21x1 Vlderete. So. 4 1 Ill( Ct 1 "SprlEBEr ! Total! v 22 X t 27 12 4 Ojt lor lnterftnce. "Batte4 for RacdaJ In ninth. core by rnnmyw Vi uca.ti 21 til I Ttee-3 : 1 2 Stolen bais; Hubbard. 1 McCrcaur 1. Two base hits Hubbard. Erefgbaum. Ritas da t Ponaford. Thre base hits, Sehuller, Wilson Docble plays. Ponsford to Hamil ton McCrearr to Stewart. Hits and nroa, oi SlonaJcer 2 rans 6 hits la S 1-2 In nings of Dorle, runs and 2 hlta In 5 2-2 Innings- Struckoat, by Ponsford. 1 br Honaker : br Dole. 2 First base on balls, off Sionaker 2. off Doyle Z. Left oa bases Wildcats, 2: Titers. 1 Hr by pl'chnd ball by Ponsford (Hubbard). Passed bail Beboller Time ox nan, 2 Umpires Kane and CoUlna. TRACTO DEMONSTRATION nt 'CLETRAC TANK TYPE TRACTOR In coaaeetkiB 'with the tractor school which is being conducted by THE ROE-KIBBE COMPANY THERE WILL BE STAGED A FIELD DEMONSTRATION . PLOWING LISTING CULTIVATING Under the tcperruion of THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT of the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF EL PASO 9A.M.T04P.M. THURSDAY, MAY 6 AND FRIDAY, MAY 7 THE STILES RANCH SEVEN MILES BELOW EL PASO NORTH LOOP ROAD, NEAR EL PASO DAIRY Minute Movies CONTINUED FROM THE LUST RELEASE BEDTIME MOVIES. re chilDEEn VWDEJ? THREE OS OVER fWiTV. pGinai THROUJ UP VA HANDS SHOUTED A BOUGH VOtCE back of a Beautiful CAM OF SAeDlNES" "GOODNESS GRACIOUS GOSH CRIED UJCLE -'ITS OLD R0BBHJ3 CAT, THE TOUGHEST EW TujeoTv-seveaJ couaST)e9. DODBERS LAND FASTF!ELDEH INYOUNGSTER Bernie Neis, Peoria Prod uct, Seems Assured of Begular Berth. PILOT ROBINSON T.TrTRS HIS WOEK Br EltAEST J. I. IMG VA. PEORA Mctos to be a Rood city (or the deTelopment of- outfielders, since there) axe now In the major leagne three men coverine; suburban territory woo are graduates of the Three-fyed team of that city. Bob Veach ot the Tigers. DeWItt LeBoor veau of the Fbila and Bernie Nets of the Superbas are the three ity-chasers who, having paatimed in Peoria, now are in the fast set. Veach and LBonrvean came to the majors direct from Peoria. Nets didn't. HoweTer, Bernard Edmunjd, as before related, played in Peoria in fact. It was in that city he started his pro fessional career That est In 117. Nets was not in food health then and us career with the tnen Distillers was short- He played 12 games be fore the Three-Eye season perman ently closed on July g. his battlne average being; .121 Peoria then went Into tbe Central leaeTue. bot the young; man who has ; won his epnrs as a Superbas this spnneT did not go along He went back to his home in Chicago, worked in a munition factory there and when the national pastime had been re moved from the list of non-essentials began playing again with the saska toon club of the Western Canada leatrne- Brooklyn bought him from that team last tall, and when his acquisition was announced tbe publicity depart ment of the Superbas handed out to inquirers tins dope on him. BERNIE NEIS 22 years old. riant hand bitter and thrower, very fast. Hit .27. Played in 11 games, stole oases; piayea wira oase m aoout one-third of these games was the sprinter of the Chicago Athletic club Record of 1-15 seconds for It yards. Outfielder The writer has a scout covering the Western Canada league, where Keis piayea last season, ana this was his report on Neis at that time. SBIUV1B MJIS, outfielder, sold to .Brooklyn elab by Saskatoon a about ZZ, about He feet six and Terr stocky built. He played In field until last aeaaon. Think, outfield Is his xlcht position. A ery fast and great arm, has made the hundred la 10 flat and done track work for the I. A. C of Chicago. One of Chicago beat nil around athletes. At present can slide only straight fn. Should learn to hook both aides. Also dead left field hitter, but seemed to be hit ting more to right center nt close ef aeason. Has not taken advantage of his speed by learning to bunt- Very cocky and lots of sand Not hard to handle if you understand him. To date has not taken game a seriously as he will. Since Nets came up Uncle Wllbert Robinson. Superba manager, has Lad him turn round and bat left handed and the youngster alread has, hit ting from the other side of the plate, smashed out a homer.doing so in the the third inning of the conflict of April 18, at Ebbets Field against the delivery of Bald Dick Rudolph of the I field wall into Bedford avenue. AND SCHOOL tft raocKyRcxCH RND HIS LtTTLE SlSTEP ROSY END UNCLE SCHJEAKV MOUSE. HJWirtGr ESCAPED from "tomtom" the cannibal cat soom arj51ved kt the- d&or old kitchen vorrw REfiL -n?RiNEb fiMIMfiL acroeS" W.I. 7 - iSJi JL&Sk WJ.. life Ml .y Ml -v Me.. RED SOX NOSE Boston Cracks Take 13 In ning Game; Yanks De feat Walt Johnson. St. Ixrata. Mo, Hay . Clneinjutl hit Doak opportunely and defeated St. Louts in the opening gasae ef the series Wednes day. Heather forced In the locals only ran by walking three men m sarmislnH la the statu and forcing snotton home. Cincinnati. ABIHFOII Rath, 2b. Greh. 2b. Roman, cf. Dencan. If. Kopf. as. . . Neale. rf. Brassier, lb . Whurov c ... Reather. p . 5 042 Totals St- Louis. Shotton. If. .. Heathcoate. rf. .. Smith, rf. .... Stock, lb. Homsby 2L. ...... Ptarrnler. lb . ... HcHeanr. cf. Jaavrln. sa. .. AB R H PO A E ..2121 .. 2 .. 1 .. X 2 S 1 .. a i 2 .. 2 It .. 4 2 .. I 2 ..412 Dsak. .. 2 S .. Behaltz .. 1 Totals 2 1 C 2J 1 -"Batted for Heathcoate la sixth. Batted for Doak In ninth. Soars by Innings fnrimntl 1M M li st. Loots . Ml 1 Two base hfta, wins, Grofe. densees. stolen bases, steals, stock. Double plays. Rsnther to Wlan to Br easier; Hornsby to Jaavrln to Foamier Bases on bails, off Heather ,. orr Doak. X strackoat. by iteauier e, by uoss, l. BRAVES BEAT QUAKERS. Philadelphia. Pa May C Pinch roaner Christenbary scored the ran that von far Boston from Philadelphia, ta the 11th la nter Wednesday Paalettars wild throw to the plate after knoekias down Pick's liner permitted the tally. Manacer Cra. rath, pinch hlttine for Wheat in the ninth, tied the seore with a stasia to cen ter Boston. AB R H PO A E Powell, cf. .. .. Pick. 2b. Mann. If. SaBlTas. rf. ..... Hetke. lb. Bosckel. 2b. Varaarllle, SB. ... Gowdy. c .. .. Christenbary ... O'Neill, c . .. McQuillan, p. . . . I 1 ... t ... 3 ... 4 ... ... 2 ... S ... t ... S ... ... t 1 2 2 1 2 2 12 1 : i i e l l l Totals 4 It 21 It 2 Baa for Gowdy in 11th. PhUadelphls. AB R H PO A B Leusmneaa, If. Bancroft, as. . .. Wimmms. cf. SteaseL rf. .... J Miller. 2b Paalette. lb. .... R. Miller, to. . . Mease! Wiifhtstone, 2b. Wheat, c. CrnTath Wlthrow. c .... Loderos Rlxey. p. ... i ... i 2 t 2 ft e 2 l it . 4 "T 4 t 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 . 1 . 2 1 4 Totals D I lllll Batted for R. Miner Is ninth. Batted tor Wheal In ninth. Batted for Wltherow Is 11th. Score by t lags ostan 11 Ml M 1- Phlladalnhla ... .Himw Two base hits, McQsnian. Maranellle. Stolen base. Boeckel. SacrMlee hits. Pack. Mann, Boeckel. Doablo plays, Wltherow to J Miller to Paalette: J. Miner to Wltherow, Rtxey to J. Miller. Bases oa balls, off MeQatnaa. (: oft RUer. 4. Struckaat. by McQainaa. 7; by Rlxey. 7. Passed balhv Wheat. Wltherow. riRATES WIK ANOTHER. At Chlcaso. R.H.B. Chicago M M M 4 Pittsburg 1M 1ft M 2 4' Batteries Chicago. Maras and Ofur- rell I tisburg. Adams and Schmidt. GIANTS DROP ONE. At Brooklyn. R.H.E. Brooklyn 21 M M 4 12 2 New York 1M Ml M 2 ( 2 Batteries Brooklyn, Mitchell. Grimes and Knreger, Mew York. Baraea aad Snyder A. A. Umpires To Have Hard Time Kansas City. Mo Mar 6. Preiv Rickey's umpires are golns to hav a hard time enforctas the league bxecauves new znang banianing pro fanity from A. A. diamonds. Mild or vigorous oatos seem to come to a lot of athletes so naturally that one would think something was wrens' who mem u iney were not lortneorn lnfr. Probably the nmnires will be compelled to establish a standard as to just what is and what Is hot cuss ing on the field. USED FIFTY YEARS FOR CATARRH AT ALL DRUGGISTS I OUT ATHLETICS (Copyrltrht. UH by George Hat-hew Chacon Back From Memphis -::- -:!!:- -::- -::- -::- Wiil Play Sunday Afternoon TTUSTLER CHACON', luckstop ex fl traordlnsxy. of the 480S tesm of the Army-City lessie last sessqn and until recently with the Memphis team of the Southern association, re turned to El Paso Wednesdav after noon and will be seen In the uniform of the Internationals Sunday after noon at Rio Grande park Ma With Memphis. Chacon was sent for by manager John KcCloakey formerlr of El Paso of the Memphis team during the spring: training season and remained seTeral weeks with the Southern leaguers. He wanted to come back to El Paso and play all the time, how ever, and recently he turned in his resignation and took the train home. iUa -4 aVIss 4FI s4t .. d el sec manager Cordero of the Inler oj atlonal team and after draTiiBjr a BASEBALL I TEXAS LEAGUE. At Mhrereoort- R. H. E. Shrereport 2 2 t Port Worth 22 : Batteries Shrereport. Kroh and Vai Fart Worth. Koht and sfoore. At Dallas R.H.X. Dallas or 11 1 Wichita Palls SO Batteries Dallas. Dale and Parrel Wichita Falls. Eberhardt and Kitchens. At San Antonio. K. H. B. San Antonio M IN 1 S 1 OalTeston 4( 11 1 Batteries San Antonio. Cernaglia assl nanser, GalTestoa. K. Joanaon ana uia- son. At Beanmont 1L H. B. Beanmont Ml M 2 2 Houston 12 1 ! 11 Batteries Beanmont. Freeman aad sssst. erly. Houston, Kelly and Hanon" CO 1ST LE.-.GUE. At Saa Franclaeo. R. H. E. Los Aateles .. 7 14 Sea Prandseo 14 1 Batteries Los Ance'es. Pertica and Bassler, San Francisco, Seatoa, Jordaa and Agaew At Los Anaelea. R. H. E. Oakland . . C 11 2 Vernon 2 T Batteries Oakland. Kraase aad Mltae Tsraoa. W Mitchell. Fromme and DTor- mer At Salt Lake City. R. H. E. Sacramento It Salt Lake City 11 1 Batteries Sacramento.. Prough. Deri tales and Cady, Cook; Salt Lake City. Cml lop. If attesen and Byler At fiJatUe. R.K.X. Portland ... 7 2 I Seattle . 4 t 2 Batteries Portland, Poison aad Koehler, Seattle. Breaton. Reinhart aad Roarer, To ols. AMERICAN S60CIATHX. St- Paul. . Milwaukee, (. Minneapolis. 2, Kansas City, 2. TTESTHRN LEAGUE. Omaha, 4; Tulsa, Des Moines. 3. Wichita, 3 St. Joseph. 7; Oklahoma City. Sloul CHy. 7. Joplln. 12. SOUTHERN AS-&OCIATIOW Atlanta. . Memphla, 10 Chattaaeoca. 2. Blrmlncham. 4. New OrUaaa, . UtUe Rock. 4. MobUe-NaahrHle, wet snvaAt. "Y" Tennis Court Put Into Shape The T. M. C A. tennis court Is undergoing a complete overhauling and will soon be In shape for the many sharks who are lining up for the opening. Fences and wire are being repaired, storage box is being rebuilt, the grounds cleared of weeds and reznse and the court levelled ana retsjped. There has been a delay as the result of the roller having been borrowed by some well-meaning but f.sI-saT'lll Tstl-uU-a-l If ttsffl' TVariAn Br persons will return the instrument no questions will be asked and all will be forgiven. In the meantime many anxious members are unable to en Joy a lot of r aod tennis. WILL TL.VT OUTLAW BALL. The Teteran Batch Kerns, catcher, quit the Dallas club before the sea son opened and will play with an independent team in the oil belt. Tabloid Sketches Of New Major Leaguers LLOVD IielD CimiSTCNBUIlT. Shortstop and Outfielder. BOSTON BRAIBS. BORN Mecklenburg county. N C October IS. 1894 Bats Left banded. Throws Right handed. Weight 15 pounds. Height i feet, 7 inches. Clnb in 1911 Memphis. Tenn., Southern association finishing season with Boston Nationals. First engagement Charlotte N C, Carolina league, 1915 Clubs since then Annlston, Ala 191. Columbia, 8 C and Chatta nooga, Tenn. 1917 Memphis, Tenn . and Boston Natlona's 1919 College record Graduate of Tavtdson college Davidson N C -where he played football as well as baseball "War record Enlisted in navy December 10, 191T. trained at Nor folk, Va., two months at sea, and then transferred back to Norfolk, discharged December 20, 1918. 1919 record (with Memphis) Games 137 at bat, 537 runs, 90 ase hits, 174 doubles. 22 triples. " sacrifices 14 steali 25 passes. 63 strikeouts 1" average "324 1119 -cor(j ,ttit'i Bib or Bat"-d . fin j-aTies Adamsr-Trade Mark Reslstered U. S. (CIOCKY AND ROSY BOTH CLAPPED THEIR HANDS IN CrLEE FOR THEy SAW THE. DOCft Tc THE LOlffi.LV COOL FANTI2V vuAS U)lDE OPEN "UJHEMDO UK EAT?' TyciiED EXCITEDL.7. T06T SWEET PEPLIED UNCLE SQUEAKY MOUSE QvJiTE AS IF HE UffiPE TALKIMG To A COUPLE Or COOTIES HocKy HEbrD UP some. HANDS AMD SEUEGAL LE&S Rosy EbEGAM TO SAJiFFLE BUT eEALlZWG- THAT HER. WOSE HAD BECOME QuiTE RED SHE STOPPED AND PUT OH AFEU) DABS OF ROACH PouiDER MjiTM HER PUFF suit auured him that he would be on the job Sunday afternoon in left field for the south side nine. Chacon will play left field In place of M. Gomez who will be in the pitch ers box. Joe Calamia will catch Gomex while Pete Leyva will remain on the bench Sunday, manager Cor dero said. Tuesday morning. In the event the opposing team hammers Gomez, however. leyva and Chacon will be called into action and the fans will have the opportunity of seeing mis stt oenina ine pjaie agatn. Chacon caught all last season for the -iSOQ tesm, now the Inter nationals, and was considered the headiest and fastest backstop In the circuit. His addition to the Uncap of the Internationals will add a tower of strength to the team. (STANDINGS! TEXAS LEAGUE. won. Pet. (47 .42 .41 a M4 .171 Fort Worth . Wichita Falls Saa AstorJo 11 1 11 11 1 '.'.'.'.'.. t AMERICAN' LEAGUE. Won. Lest. 1 4 12 t Pet Chicago .714 .7K CI M Sew T OTaC St. Louis T 7 Philadelphia ( Washington 1 Detroit 2 It Where They Play Friday. St. Louts at Detroit. Clesela&d at Chicago. Hew York at aslilai I mi PhUaaecBhla at Beaten. .271 12 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Was. L 11 .. ...... a. .21 Pet til .(M .171 Jul .M .4M .31 Brooklyn ..... ... PtttstMix 3 P-amde-pena ... 9 BOtftOS - t t St. Chicago . New York .. T 11 ..4 1 TThere They Play Friday. Boston at PhthdstpWs. Brooklyn at New Tack. Chicago at Plttaaurr. Oncinaatl at St. LobU. COAST LEAGUE. Won. San Fraaesno ...... ......17 Oakland ....IT Vernon ................ ...IS Lost- PnL 3 .HI 11 .MI II .(17 11 JO 13 . 14 .412 1 .47 It .24 Portland ..... ..11 Salt Lake City 12 Los Aageies . ...... ....... .12 Sacrameato .........11 SeatU Where They Play Friday. aacraaMOto at Salt Lake. Los Angeles at San Frsnssseo. Oakland at Veraon. Portsaad at Sea'tle. What Do You j Know About Sport? l err Questions. 1 From whom did the Reds ret Hod EllerT 2 -With what team did Eddie Roosh play before he went to the RodsT I What was the biergest number of rnns made In a world series game last year? 4 What Is the waiver price In the major leagues? S How long Is It that six-day bike races have been held in this country? 6 Was there a discus event in the last Olympic games? 7 What is the beat A. A. TT record for the discus? 8 When did Harvard first beat Tale in a varsity eight-oar race? Did Fred Pulton knock out Jim Flynn" 19 When did Fred Fulton kayo Al Reich? Three questions trill be an. swered tomorrow. AnsTrers to Yesterday's Questions. 1 Cntshaw led the National league second basemen In fielding with .989 and Gedeon led the American league second basemen with .975 last year j Oscar VItt went to the Red Sox In January, 1919, for Shorten. Love and Alnsmith. 3 Rommel, of Newark, on May 12. 19x9, let Toronto down with bo runs and no hits. 4 The greatest nurater of chances accepted by a player in a season is 988. accepted by Larry Lajole in 190S. 6 R. Norria Williams took part in Davis cup matches in 1915 and 1914. When the balls are in play in golf, the one farther from tbe hole is played first. 7 To represent a country in the Davis cun matches a nlaver must have lived in that country at least two years preceding the matches. 8 If two men signal for a fair catch and both touch It. the bail Is dead and no run Is allowed. 9 After Jeffries beat Fltxsimmons for the chamninnghlD be met htm in San Francisco and knocked htm out in the eighth round. 10 Wlllard had but one bout in 1915. that with Jack Johnson Coovrleht 1920. Thompson Feature Service. KROH MAKES COME BACK. Floyd Kroh established his reoufa- I tion as a come hack oa April 17 when pichfng for Hocston he won a 1 to 0 jran e frum OaJeston and al- j lowed tbe Pirates but three hits. Patent Office.) 'Hold STiLL.My DEAes," SAID UNCLE S-QUEAly- MOtfSE BCOKEWLV "VUE SEEM TO BE THE. UWHAPPy mcTlMS OF A DECJDEDLV MALEFICENT AMD MFELlCTOUS CHAIN . OF CIRCUMSTANCES.' '1 1 -JS&M r 9. I) TL visKBkJii EKaaaBSSSSE3BJSJSSSJBSBS3fSSBKKsTC II HNRRST Take Opening Game From St. Louis Team; Giants Lose Again. Boston. Mssa. May g. Foster's saorrflce fly with the bases fall tr the last of the 13th enabled McNatly to seore. Dssten de feating Philadelphia Wednesday la the last of the ninth with Bootee, trailing 1 to 7, Foster singled, with two oat. want unopposed to third aad scored when Wsiker muffed Scotra fly. the latter reaching eeeead. Jones ran for Scott aad Wallle Schaac: makJnc his tint snoear- ance ef the season for Boston, batted tor waJtara rus double to neat scored Joaes wtth the tying run, Schmagr caught the net of the gaase. Pmlaaelania, AS R H l-o A E Dykes, lb. .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. I .. t .. .. .. 3 .. e Struak. ef. .. Walker. If. .. Burns, rf. ... Dugan. 2b. .. Orlfrln. lb. .. Perkins, c . . Ganoway. as. 1 1 3 11 t t I 1 p. .. Totals . ... 42 2 V33 14 2 Two out when winning ran scored. AB R H FO A E rf 3 MeNaHy. 2b. Meassky. It Hendryx. cf. .... Helnnts. lb. 17 7 sat 11 2 1 1 1 11 113 32 13 2 1 2 0 Foster. 3b. Scott, ss. HlUer. ss. Waiters, c Schang. e. Peaaock. Devtne Totals 47 4 11 39 27 Ran for Soou In ninth. Batted tor Bush la ninth. Seore by matugs Philadelphia 3 1 3 Boston 1H wt H! HI 14 Two base hits. Galloway. Walters. Sehaac. Sacrifice hits. Dykes. Walker. :. Struak. Hesstryx. Poster. Psuhls plays. Fester to McNaily to Mclaaio, 2. Bases on sails. Kinney. 2- Bush. 2: Peaaock, 1. Innings pttehed. Bush, 9; Psaaoek, 4. StroeksM. by Kinney, t; by Bush. X. COVELESKIE WINS SIXTH. Chteagnv May g. Ceveleskte won his sixth straight victory whea CSevataad de feated Chicago la the first gasae of the series, sithough he was ouxnrtehed br Faber Wedflesdey Faker's error was re specsfWe fer the second ran the ssritms made while Frtsch's error in the mhta paved the way for the third run. ribJeas. AB R H PO A E Ltseold. rf ... Wearer. 3b. B. Collins. 2a. lf- ef. .. In. . Rssberg. ss. ... Sehalk, c Faker, p. Murphy Totals Cleveland. Oraney. It 34 2 It 11 1 AB R H PO A E 4 1 1 1 .. 4 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 4 Speaker, cf. Smith, rf. Gardner. 3o. Wamaegsnss. sK Johnston, lb. .. . .. 3 ..3 1 ..2 0 .. 3 .. 4 2 1 0Ketn, c p. ... Totals 3 3 37 11 1 Batted for Faber In ninth. Sears ay taalnruJ faveteud . . .. i 1 " Chicago , Two base hits, fefcn. -raree ssow am Jeurdan. Stolen Bases. Chapman aad Oard ner. Sacrifice hlta. Chapmen. Smith. Jour dsn. 3. Wambnraaes. Oraney Double iuv nbfk tA Sehalk. Bases on bans. oft Faber. 4. Ceveleskle. 2. Struckout, by jraoer. s; or uiiiiiiih; TAVKS 1TK EAS11.T. At New Tors. B.73LE. Vew York . . . 11 Ml T 11 Washington .. 1 1 Batteries Xew Tort Mays and Hoel. Washington, Johnson aad FlelBleh. BKOTTN3 BEAT TIGEKS. At St. Lewis. R.K.S-. M. Louis M 333 11 1 Detroit . . .. 1 3 4 1 Batteries SC. Louis. Saunders. Harwell. and Serereta Detroit. Shmke. Al ton, Glasler. and Amsmlth. Mattton. Red Sox Boss May Enjoin Wally Boston. Mass, May 6. President Fraiee of tbe Red Sox makes the statement that if catcher Vvlter SehaaeT attempts to plav with a steel leasne team in Bethlehem. Pa an Injunction will be asked in the courts to stop him. Fraiee says Schani, is under a contract to play with Boston that still has two years to ran. Schang; was recently quoted in Phila delphia as saying no contract was offered him this, year by the Boston clnb. A suit, if filed as Fraiee indi cates, may giro a test of the legality of sach contracts as the dab holds with the player. H. Roper Barrett Will Enter Lists London. Eng., May 6. H. Roper Barrett, the areatest of Brttlsh lawn tennis doubles players, will once again enter the tournament Hats this sum mer Barrett is -IT years old. He is re garded as one of the greatest tac ticians of the game, and the only trouble seems to be in finding a sur able partnf-r His partners in ps-3t matches usually hap plaved a s-c nnrl think ig r 1 doing mainly what J Barrett tells them. By WHEELAN creator of Ttutrl Morles To BE CoiHiwD WEXT WEEK jflRonri n iy TO EL PASO 10 FINISHWQRK Grecian Champ Thinks He Can Best Eentrop in Fourth Meeting. CHAELTE TOAERIVE IN CITY SUNDAY MTUST tell my friends that mountain I dlmblngr 1 Colorado is fine J training axd I will be in the best of shape when I meet Charlie RentroD In EH Paeo next Tnesdar. and moreorer I intend to win. Chris Is Confident Joel Friedkin. bnsineas manajrer of the Chris Jordan interests in Bl Paso, received the foresoina- word from Jordan Thursday nkormns; relative to ue urecian star s coming meeuae with Charlie Rentron before the El trmao wrestling aaaoctauer. Joel, who radiates eec tldence wl.pi.tTCT the snbjret of vhe re- inrn Doot oetweea tae two men U brought np for disensaloB. lost no time In commnnlc-atlns with itutrhntalkcr J ohm Melatoah of the association, and assurlns him that Chris will be la top notch condition fer the matcfu He wilt tcp Into the Ttng weighing about 13-S ponnds. an adTaatae of a boot four ponnds la favor of Rcntrop, bnt he does not care about this sUcht penndace he sajs. Wednesday afternoon the match maker also received word from Ren trop that he had settled down to training and was rapidly taking; off extra poundage in order to scale in at the middleweight limit for Jordon. Rentrop is billed to meet Pet Brown at Hottsto.r three daysVfter his Jor dan ametnace, and as ho to to clash with the husky Texan at catchwelghts he feels sure that be will be at his best ta both boats. Charlie vlll ar rive in El Paso Son day moraine from Houston and will finish his training here, so that the fans may see him In action. Soaae More Fast Ones. Some snappy preliminaries are be ing arranged for the contest by matchmaker Ifclntoeh. "PewMw uqnei, the scrappy bantam, -wil clash with some crack little man of his weight, while his brother MILe is to meet Sailor Greet, in tbe scmi-flnal. beat two oat of three falls, and a 39-mlnnte limit. asincx fa the boy wbo flrat loat to MBnekyw Benekaoat and thca won otct the faat Btlfrtan making an even break between them. The two will be rematrhed at a later date, as Bourkhont Is training hard and i confident that he can j-ria the third and decisive battle. 23CE&XXXS2 fustsay if you want the genuine -in bottles for the home at soda fountains and on draught Hires jjBMBMBjSsBnBaBsB9naaBas iw saa djitonx h t gemmmii0 metal cantouchyou tm if (J C Yoiir legs are theiirsttlilngsoiit 11 11 yTvS A of bed in the morning and the 1 1 ISr3v 'asttnSsnatl"gDt' Give them 1 'f rB the Paris conifort they deserve. 11 If 1 ASTEINi.COMRflNy ll ill """! Chleazo New York 7ll ASSAYER IE! HOST IB TE isipi Arizonans Will Play Santa Eita Saturday Before Return Home. DOYLE TOPITCH T&E FINAL GAME REPAYING the visit of the Texas XineVs to Tucson during the early part of the season, the Arizona university baseball team this after noon clashed with the Texans at Ri4 Grande park and tomorrow afternoon will play the final game of the local series. Santa Rita Is Next. Santa Rita will be the next city to entertain the Artsona stars, one game being played there on Saturday after noon. Santa Rita Is the old stamping ground -of Asa Porter, coach of the Artsona team, and the team Is look ing for quite an enthusiastic welcome when it steps off tbe train to meet the Copper city champs. Following the Santa Rita game, the university team will return to Tucson and will wind up Its sea son there. It has loat bnt owe nimr so far this aeason aad the students are confident. In spite of the battles with the Texas Mis ers and Santa Rita The trip of the Arizonans to HI Paso has bo-en a success in every way and athletic coach Tommy Dwyer la mak ing arrangements to schedule a series of contests with the westerners next see -on. The Artsona players are a sportsmanlike, dean-cut afrgregat.on and the setea at Rio Grande park Is considered in the light of a big boost to Intercollegiate athletics In the southwest. Asa Mir Pitch Game. Porter himself may pitch the same against Santa Rita, although It is probable that Doyle will be saved for this pastime. Stewart, the other big right bander of the Arizona team, s also in condition to work on the mound. - FALK GBTS TRYOCT. The Dallas club has taken on another tnfielder Is the person of Ray Falk, last year with Oklahoma Citr in the Western. In 1917 be had a tryout with Galveston, but wts green tnen. WATCH REPAIRING Our watch repairing ex perts adjusts and re pairs tbe most delicate watches. E. W. King &Co. iliSSSTElPMSIiBCTtHSHteTnST lajea nqa -m3l saint tlarpts lilfllwlil liitsliii i a. 1 1. o FOUR 1-REE MAPS VT via nuS yos (staled) wlta ezt charts osr colored CO de. li!aeirt and rroterkal mxse cf Texas sad LonlaUaa also Uixit sap of t&s new Bedoado (Cali fornia) sal JUU tad Urdam slew roan of f California fields. These rsacs ars of na fcrid nhia to stoeUoUeri aad lsTestors. fTTe pay poatssi) lUrSFJHlKEJUlIBIWrUZ Quotations oa Woesrtnts ef any field fsrslshed ca reqorst. DUNBAR CO. raetsra &ri59LHXU jen-ies SiSjJj''vJ g SU Texas Street jg Phone 232. js m&l!gmhkg&sg ' ' rMaekiii l - -1 . I.ITI I NEWMAN I INVESTMENT M