Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Thursdav Mar 6. 1920. 13 Real EtMc & Imarasce 4.NDEBSON 1ST. CO. IN SURjScEAeCI. cioanoerg. sigr. Ph. . RIO GRANDE REALTY CO 16 Tnn IrOliGLAS C. CBOWELI AG ESC? : Mill. Bidg. Phone tefrO, F W. WILLIAMS AOENCT 'U First Katl. Bash Bldg. Phase lilt. TURNER. EBUP COLnWELL" " Stat. National Bank. Phase 2HL For Sale Cfty Property THREE room brick cottage with porches. - mra on gamwurn. fn- 3371. LEB NEWMAN. enement SpecisJjjst. Ph. 4M4. FOB KALE Houses and lots, for resatts your property with xne. A, G. Love- svj i.eraig Biflg.. Ph. Kl FOB SALE Bungalow, Suneet Heights. 4 c"ni sleeping1 porch, location ideal. IB liru'p- walk. 1"U5 Randolph. Pb, 8444W. lOE bAI.t- 3 s'orj, S room bouse, sleep s', ifi na luriucf, on jao uraaae, oa rtr. parking in, a real homo. Price 1 " Term. Ph. S46. FOR SALE S room frame. 3 good lots iiIO. frrasa, shrobbery and trees; take ' -'O cash If sold br May 8; price tnclodes t ture and chickena Ph. TI4S. JOB SALE by owner, six room boncalow, t i-a ire beautiful corner location : com--i-ly and errantly furnished, a home. - - J12.500 Address O. 145 care Herald. SPLENDID HOME IN EAST KL PASO rner- nice block on Rivera. 4 rooms. 1 eping- porch, nothing Ucktae to make ' nJy1. 500, iea down. -noata ano interest, p 739s, uit hALE By owner. 7 rosm modern rg:ow whb sieepinr pffroa. hssesaeat -dtr entire bonse. heatinr plant and s- --r on corner !-t. psved street. 2 Moots mgn ecnooi fb. iHU. 1 OB SALE BX OWNER New ( room rra bantmlow. hmrdvood flooix extra '.line end bath fixture, eleepter Porei, '-. located Bear hlj-b eehool. vtn ae- e for Quick e'e. AddreM P. O. Box T- City lit niFCL Iltt.e buff-brick bDnrmlow uorernment Hill, near car line, roaeon- d'atance from Alta VUta School: oes - -"oi! claeoed-in sleeptnr porch- baoe- " '"'- Completely fornlibed. for only -oione. 1500 00 eah. balance is monthlr srallmefcts lit. rent. Tbl la a big' Cal! WTLr. UAKR. JAMES L. MARR COMTAVT. Phone 4350. BEST BARGAIN IN ALTA T1STA t oma a aseed porch, hot water, heat. -araxe cot from J6750 to 1750: I12S0 1 sah terma. I NEAR SHOPS 'oom home, Jlljo. ! I "-. S2a nwinthl. 1 NFW 4 BOOK bunfalow. JJOfrO. 5 cash. ire. uKe ren E1B FIVE POINTS Nev modem, t or- oonxalow. ?.7S 11000 cash. TrLAROSST room houae . IS7H; IH jrooo i-rrc BFIWEEi SHOPS aci PiT. Fotnta. T o-i nungalow. 34a00. terma. PION-EEB REAL ESTATE CO. : El Paso Bank Bids. Ph. Hit. GOla AT A SACRIFICE ". little home in one of th best oe in rtsideniiaJ districts, 3 rooms, tit sleeping porch. Make an offer. ANDERSON INVESTMENT CO, Realtor". Mea Phone 40I XlSne RE8IOBNCE WILL TRADE n on business property or apetrtment. N. CAMPBELL ST. 7 room I story 7r-lck 6 minutes walk of town. " rirKine $100 mOBthly. furnished. ?"3i" Terms. NEAR HIGH SCHOOLJ room ! story -irk basement. Iaro sleenlntr rorches, iront am! back i(S0. Owner -ust Fell quick. Hake offer. Ideal or apts. or rooms. V FLORENCE 6 room cotttage, can ' rented as apts. 19 minutes walk r town. 750. J7S0 cash. baL mo S1TVSET HEIGHTS 5 room bunga w paed street. S:.0. 1750 cash, j FTVE POINTS a room cottage paved -eet oidh. sau0 cisn, jao monthly uainp interesx. SITE Near Lake House i rB ATT W. Mo St, 40x1 IS 17S00 WREHOrsE AND TRACKAGE! rnurEnti Asar Dusiness center. K 000 A BARGAIN Beautiful 6 room bemg s.low. near Free Points, JSlOfl. Terms. 'WTLL TRADE 8 room 2 storv brick r"ose in. take as part payment, resl c ne on Canal or E. El Paso. HAWKINS BROS. " ' ' -31- Martin Bldg Ph. MM. A BRaUTIFtL HOME. A SNAP, CLOSE IN Price 3750000 - large rooms and breakfast room, large screened porch, basement and heating plant, Heautlful built-in features. This bouse is nicely decorated and lr excellent condition. It couldn't be duplicated for SSoOu without the ground. Terms, (3000 cash, balance 50 00 per month. Including 'nterest. For appointment, rail ?OSS STEVENS with P. TV. -WILLIAMS AGENCY R?al Estate and General Insurance s 14-15 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 1144 Mer"br El Paso Real Estate Board. Bariraln S42SO 5 room bungalow in -talking distance, paved street, south front. This is 2750 less than present p-ices. -want to sell in the next three i-iys. will make trood terms. L. T KIBLER with X.EAYKXL A SHERMAN " ' 3 Texas Street Phone 4226 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE sseoeo cash secures Immediate possession of CLOSE FN TEIM STREET PROPERTY 100 foot frontage, 12 feet deep Balance In long time notes t only 6 percent inter est. Property Is partly improved. with permanent tenant. Bal ance of ground is suitable for garage, etc. which will more than meet interest payments. This property can undoubted ly be turned over at a hand some profit before first aotes become due. Phone 2S0 for appointment with owner. 'o agents. FOR SALE. BARGAIN. 6 room house in good condition, within 10 minutes walk of post office. Good location and nelghbor--ood. Price right. Call M14, Po9vVIVs Beautiful room bungalow .1 Manhattan Height, hard wood floorf . attractive builtin features, basement and net air heating plant. Buyer can have immediate possession. Very easy terms. Call Ming, with STRAl S8 REALTY CO, INC, i"Z Rajnolds Bide: Ph. 2501. KLRGAVT BUNGALOW FOR SSS0O IN MANHATTAN HEIGHTS BEST LOCALITY. Has 5 rooms and glazed service TKircn. furosce and basement, hard woods floors, built in buffet, rustic'-le, bookcases, large cabinet in ttcnen, ail woodwork done In old on- on malr. pavec Ftre-t, close i l'.ea-? and cars About s;;o ' ' rift eas rion'iilt pavmenta PHIILIPS (RFI-.L Hr.AI.Tl CO. 3'.- First Natl Bids- BRINGING UP FATHER For Sale Gty Property, LEE NEWMAN'. Tenement Soeclallrt. Ph. .Ml. FOR SALE Br owner, a Terr dealrabie modern brtcfc bnasalow. in Grandrfew. 4 rooma. 1 siaaeed tn aleeplnc porehoa. aerr ice porch, near ear line, 12fo caeb, balance eaay terma. Ph. M48 TWO LO! on Tularoaa at, Noa 11 and 12. block X Eaat El Paao addition to El Paso, IM9 block. Look at them and write (at bargain). Dr. Lee lfclntoah. Hutch' inson Bldc PhreTeport. Ztm. SMALL BUNGALOW home, all built-in featares. hardwood floors, foor rooms and screened porch, on paved street, pavinc paid, brasa ehandeUere. built two Tears aco. in Ft. BUae district. Hit. IteO cash. Ph. lUt. SEVEN room hoaae. dose in. wet! located on pared street parlnr paid, has Urge bam clear across back end of lot. We can sell this property for; cash, balanee in monthly tnstallments. cau WIl.1, MARK. JAMES L. MABR COMPANT. Phone 41S0. BUNGALOW. EAST BOULEVARD Four rooms, glassed room and porches. south front, paved street, basement. Price 430O.0. terms 5700 cash and I5M a year. Will sell furnished for J40.0. JAT F. KNOX COMPANT Ml Capias Bldg. Phone iztt MANHATTAN UEIQUT8. "500.00 S12L00 Cash. Boaralow, five rooma, incwdtflc siaaeed sieeptac pores, large front porch, all baHt-m featares. Instantaneous water heater, basement, registers to walls, hard wood floors throughout, corner paring paid, garage, front driveway. Lawn graded anc aoaaec, lattice fence m rear, ebieken nw. etc rswi isaa, uwner. BOGCE'S BARGAINS. 912. KOOMS. Canxomia St- m eorser imm. weu bout, hardwood noon and sleep ing porch, brick garage, SUM. half cash. SEC ROOMS, garage, sleeping porch, fur nace heat, on terrace. Handy Ave, J44HH. TOUR CHOICE of many in Manhattan Heights. Five Points. Graadrtew and morning seae Heights. N. A. BOGUS CO. Easement SI Paso Bank Bids. I-h. It 3000 i rooms, large screened sleep ing porch. 1250 cash, balance to suit. S340o 4 rooms and large sleeping porch close to car line south front, on 40x120 1300 cash, balance to suit. SSOOO S rooms and glass sleeping porch, hardwood floors in two rooma l beautiful built-in features, front driveway and garage, 1 eantifnl lawn and flowers on 2 full lots, 50x140 paved street. This is a snap. 17 cash, balance can be arranged. Call Ross Stevens with r. W. -WILLIAMS AGENCY Real Estate and General Insurance. 214-15 1st Nat. Bank bldg. Phone 1144 Member of El Paso Real Estate Board CLASSY HOME In Grand View five rooms including excellent full glassed sleeping room, evert room nice and light, heavy hardwood floors throughout including kitchen, tiled bath, two large clothes and one large linen closet, built-in book cases, writing desk and Vltehen cabinet with metal bins, full cement basement, lot SOxlZO side- street -navert and paid. Built and occupied by owner. Price 25500. SzoOO rash. Can sell furnished if desired. Phone Mr. Abbot 454 for appointment COMFUTTKLY FURNISHED HOMES tatO FOR EITHER. Ore, Met) block, s rooma. basement, ra- aiator neat, garage; also 4 reeiaa, Xeuir las. and 6 rooms. Dyer; terrju. WOCLD TAKE CAR on elegant Man hattan buacalow. t rooma, glassed porch. luniace. otea oata. narawooa, rrory ria Ish. paving noJc. bant last vaar: SCIM. CLOSE IN N. St. Vraln. I rooms, bath. reeeptlen and back hall, cement servlee ana eteemsg perch, lawn and largo trees, fnrtt, Jjaot. ite down: two en Bast Ne vada, fist and tltlf: Moody avenue. I rooms, porches. 2 garages. IJt. SUM down; West Missouri, t rooma basement, large atttc. 1 garages, SC125. SUM caefe. NEAR FTVB POINTS Rosewood. 4 rooms, porches, built-in features, half oiock to Boulevard, convenient to South westem ebope. Site J7M cash: Tularesa. t rooms, pon-hee, furnace, terrace, trees, lawn, tttee. tlteo down. OUTLX1MG Keetneky avenue, S rooms, norehes. lot MxlM: Copper. 4 rooms, porches: Dyer. 4 rooms, porches. X lots. Sites takes either of the three: Louisiana, edge Manhattan. I rooms, porefaes. base ment, bath. HSU- Blekmead.4 S-ooma porches. bssM-tn. bath, fireplace, gas water heater, garage. SS1M: Crockett. C rooms, xmleaed basement and radiators. SIM: Al tera Brrd, S rooms, porches, 2 fireplaces, eemtnt front perch, SIIM: Austin Ter- e. t rooma. rtased noreb. hanlviwd. furnace, tDed bath. tet: near Tort Bites. wuny. s rooaes; also c room bungalow. una ssvsv. rents over xiea. 3. J. PICKETT. 611 Copies Banding. Phones 27M. SMS. CHOICE BUNGALOWS FIVE POINTS Bungalow. 4 rooms, a, p. built in features, lawn, paved street. 2476. un furnished: 26600 furnished. MANHATTAN Bungalow. 5 rooms, oak floors In : rooms, paved street. 24260. MANHATTAN Tapestry brick bsmgalow, 6 rooms, basement, sun parlor, lawn and flow ers; J4600. AURORA ST. Beautiful mod ern bungalow, less than two 3 ears old. 6 large room, hard wood floors, splendid built in features, basement. 2 full lots. Compare this with new houses, 26200. FURNISHED Five Points bungalow of superior design. 5 large rooms, S. P, built In features, hardwood floors, handsomely furnished, really surprising value for sale fur nished at 25800. PISK RAMSEY RBALTT CO. Ph. 1072. Trust Bldg. Arcade Member El Paso Real Estate Board. SOME GOOD BARGAINS: File room bjcralow, 2:12 Saeramnto, aU hardwood floors S31S0. 4 room bungalow. 3212 King's Highway. Immediate posses sinn. S12S0: 4 room bungalow. M24 Pen. SS150, cash: 1 room cottars. ItOt Wyo ming. 337tt: 5 room cottage, 1144 Ne vada and 3S foot east front bulldins: site on NoD'p. SSOO; 6 room bungalow, large mum,, ufai sniae-, - 101s finer ?-t Manhattan a itnii fn- S51" HALF B't-K 1 'ols M hlgan '. ....... a.- B. E. LTONS. 102 TEXAS, FHONE 1127. p W-HE VA3N A. V I OH: SO YOU J . 1 I LOTOFMONEV AReUP? f , For SderrP?y JfoP?? FOR SALE BeeSdeaoe of 14 roonu. front and back perch, cheap, fie a. Park 8t- FOB SALE Modern tmnralow. bard wood floors, bnllt-ui featares. For farther partlcnlarB phone 7M4W. monrfnga. A BARGAIN FOR QUICK S4XE. One of the best little hotels and rooming houses In Bl Paso. Hot and cold water In each room, good furni ture, house in excellent condition. Very reasonable rent and a good money maker. Price for immediate action. JJ150. ANDERSON INVESTMENT CO, Realtors. IK Mesa. Phone 4ML, ADOBE HOUSE HAMMETT BLVD. ONLY X150.00 DOWN Five room adobe house, well built, rock foundation, on two large tots. Price ,lcO.M. Terms 1158.90 cash and 2S. a month, including Interest. JAT K. KNOX COMPANY Ml Canles Bldg. Phone zlSS 377iO NEWB17NGALOWS rOR SALE Four rooms and screened sleeping porch, large lot, oak floors in two rooms, large frost porch, built of moat ex pensive brick, attractive fin ish, sidewalks are in. these bungalows are well built and are worth the money, con venient to car, good neighbor hood. MAYPIELD BUILDING A IMPROVEMENT CO. Owner and Builder Offioe til First Natl. Bank B. Phase S 4 MODERN 1 room bungalow, on Stevens Street, Alta Vista Section: east front: basement: oa corner; for Ktet M: itoa-e cash, balanee hi moathty Installxeests. This Is a bargain. Can WILL MARR. JAMES L. MABR COMPANY. Phona 4St. INVESTORS OPPORTTNTTT. Close in apartment boose, paying head some returns. Only llX.eM. will consider bungalow or small Income property as part payment, a e&efee property. Bargain. BUSINESS CORNER CLOSE DC. Line of city's business g-owth. This pronej tj sheead doable in value oaeekly. t percent bt moan tuna. Only SlLtM. UIM casn. oajuaes easy. HENRY STONE. HENRT B. STONE & COMPANY. Phone 2U4. 41t Caples BuUdmr. WALKING DISTANCE. MODERN FIVE ROOM Cottage close to schools and on paved street; this Is a bargain: only SJ500; 21000 case, balance easy. jiodkbs two STORY home: close to school: oa paved street; only ten minutes' walk from the postofflee. For quick sale 2450; only tSOO. bal ance very easy. LESLIE REED Realtor. 910 Mills Bldg. Phone 14K. i ARE aOU TIHNKIMi OP BUILDINCr I If so, let ns famish yon plans and ) specifications. Wet build on your lots or ours and give reasonable terras. , We have built over 100 homes In El jpasu. Come in and let us give yoo AU CBU1UAI& RAMEY BRO, Builders of Fine Homes, 101-02 Canles Bide Phone 611 STOP! LOOK!! LISTEN:!! ALTA tISTA SECTION Trice 4750 4 roozoe and glass sleeping porch and breakfast room, basement and heating plant, hardwood floors throughout, beautiful built-in features, tile bath and tile sink. This Is a bargain and must go. 22000 cash, balance 227.6 per month and Interest. For ap pointment, call ROSS STEVENS with P. W. WILLIAMS AGENCY Real Estate and General Insurance 214-16 First NatL Bank Bldg. Phone 1144 Member El Paso Real Estate Board. TITO STOKV. red brick, two 1 room apart ments witn ecreenea m steeping poren. store room below. 76x120 corner rots, on paving. FOUR room frame with bath, electric ugnte, gas, 4 ran lota, paved. AU of whole stock II. 22 tots Bast B Paao. edge of Manhattan Helgbta salt able for residence or trackage weuerlr. FIVE lots oa Maasena and Lusa. suitable for Mexican tenement house. ELEVEN lots In Tobm. Tex, close to Newman Texas oa ette. SEVBRAL good covered wagons: all of above property rar sale by owner. T. N. PIERCE. 2412 Copper St. Phone 1171. BARGAIN NEAR 1TYE POINTS White Stueco Bsagslew. Six rooms and siaaeed sleeptae: porch. Hardwood floors, basement end beating plant. Oarage with cement drive. Terraced let facing south MxlM. Oa paved street. Bargain price. easy terms. Call W L. STONE or J. H- STONE HENRY B. STONE COMPANY. Phono 2114. 410 Capias Bldg. LOT BARGAINS SIM feet sear the high school, paving paid, price SI 60. Two lots on Arizona St, Golden HUl; 2600 each. 60 feet on Piedras St, Altura Park. paving paid: price 22410 each. These are all 26 percent below value. L. T. Klbler. with LEA YELL A SHERMAN. 116 Texas St. Phone 422S FOR SALE OR TRADE INCOME PROPERTY Near to center of city, 120 by 120: price S12.000.00; Income about 62600 00 per year. VTRON J. BOOT1L ANDERSON VESTMENT CO, Realtors. 206 Mesa. Phone 01 TWO STORY FIVE ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER North of Manhattan He leighti. close to I line Well built. 1 Plulra, ctr,.f ni4 in r H - , , , " I 1 17." '"" ' "u" .."er,.y "V rT?rt im aoout ot" can ana niThiy1 payments. Phone owner J0S6. J sfttihTcTH by GEORGE McMANUS J SHOPlN' For Sale Cty Property TWO niee Iota, bargain, terms. Herald office. Mr. Teaxer, PiOOD ALTV VISTA BITY Five room bongalow; baseaoent and heat, oak floors, builtin features. paved street, pmvtag paid, only 1M; about lis casja. SCOTT SALES AND REAITY CO, 4z MUls Bldg. Ph.77KorTlJ Four room cottage, close 'in, on paving, paid; 4Sv cash and sxs per month will handle It. E. L. ALLEN. 70S E. P. S. "W. Bldg. Phone CSt, SIX ROOM Bl'NGALOW Six rooms, hardwood floors in every room, French doors between living and dining rooms, living room 18 feet long, massive mantel and fireplace, builtin bookcases, kitchen cabinets, linen closets, etc, tile bath and tile drain board, spacious porch across en tire front, large service porch, adapt able for breakfast room, basement with cement floor and registers set for heating plant, back fence, cement sraewajKS, Deauuroi eiecxno xixiores. This house is brand new. never been occupied, beautifully finished through out in ivory enamel, tocatea on pavea street, in Manhattan Heights. 1 black from the new Manhattan school. Could not be duplicated at the price, z.soo; terms, Sioeo cash and 254 per month. LBAYBLL at SHERMAN. 116 Texas St. Phone 4226 Members El Paso Real Estate Board. ON PAVED ST, ONLY 13350. S200 DOWN, S3S MO. including interest. Extra nice 4 room bungalow, large sleeping porch. Lots 140 deep. Convenient to Alta Vista, school. Why pay rent when you can buy this on rest terms. PIIILLirS-CREKL REALTY CO. Ph. 426. 207 First Nat. Bldg. B4.RGAIN CLOS8 IN 400 S350 $35 MO, INC INTEREST Three large rooms with bath, sleep ing porch and large basement. This house is located in one of the best residence sections of the city, on paved street, with paving paid. Lot has 40 foot frontage. You will have to hurry If you get this one. CALL BOTTORFK. JAMES L. MARR Jt COMPANY, Phone 415 ALTA VISTA Four room barna-sJow and sleeping porch, S509 cash and balance 226 per month. Price S27M. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL Five room brick cottage and sleeping porch, 2500 cash, balanee 140 month. Price I42SO. BRAND VIEW Four room frame and sleeping porch, nice garage and out houses, oa 2 full lots, 2110 cash, balance Mke rent. Price !5. ROOMING IIOUSES. East Missouri St. 18 rooitA house keeping and apts. 2 year lakse. rent only 160 month. 21000 cash) balance , uruuui, fxicv ina , North Ochoa 14 rooms housekeeping. Price JZ000. We have roomlnir houses at the low. est terms. Call for WINTERS with J. S. CROZIER. Phone IC55 300 Trust Bldg. EXCELLENT LOCATION. 5 room bungalow on San Diego street, off Elm street, best location In ManeMaw Heights: hardwood floors; built tn features; tiled bath; Interior of house redecorated throughout: lot 60x120; ter raced lawn; price 15760. Terms. Beautiful bungalow on Hen tana street near Five Points; five rooms; breakfast room, and glassed in sleeping porch; French windows and doors; hardwood floors; elec tric light fixtures hammered stiver; good sited basement heating plant; garage with cement floor: price 2700. Terms. Van Heme with BROADDUS & LE BARON. Realtors. 11! Texas St, Phone ISM. BIGQEST BAHJ.AIS IN THE CITV S ft. 1 m. by 120 ft. Improved, about !& Moo iram f-opuiar ury uooas store, fin est locatloa for a wholesale house or In dustrial site, within 175 ft. of this loca tloa real estate Is selling from Slttt to S260 per front foot, and will sen this at only S21.0M. good terms. If yen believe In the future of El Paao. buy this as an investment. WM. MOELLER, REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS PROPERTY MODERN HOMES AND FARMS see wcraiq mag jnono I33T. TURNER KEMP-COLD-WBLL SPECIALS 4 ROOM FRAME COMPLETE, LY FURNISHED, Grandvie addition, terms. 2260 cash. 220 month. 2 full lots south front close to car. 22000. 4 ROOMS NEAR S POINTS ON K. MISSOURI ST. 2200 cash, baL 240 per month in cluding interest. 22500. 4 ROOMS CLOSE IN. K. MIS SOURI ST, paving paid, 2250 cash, 825 mo. 22500. 4 ROOM MISSION HOUSE, ALTA VISTA, 2 full lots S. E. corner, 2n0 cash, 235 mo. 22800. 4 ROOMS, N. CAMPBELL ST, walking distance. Easy terms. 22500. Herndon Kemp with TURNER KEMP Jk COLDWELL. State Nat. Bank Bldg Phone 2080. A FEW HOMES AT BARGAIN rBICES: S1500 A pretty, new, 3 room brick, would exchange for larger house 32004 New. I room brira 33150 I room, gr-y brick a p 33500 4 rooms, clazed. Dorch .& home. S4M0 5 rooms and breakfzn room, never occupied. SS0M i rooms, new, modem, registers In. S6300 5 of th. prettiest rooms in the city 36200 1 rooma basement, heating plant. '7M 6 roo-ne w, " slrlciy modem GoTern- vTe tae n tn rrr. and ru, p.rat, ,rd ,,a ttei.stixf rnUKn r-o Phoae't 2:12:?-" u ig BY COLLY- if "HE TOOK JO THCT ROLL- t ao v iim. rgaTust seavicg. inc. For Sale City Property FOR SALE Modern C room bsacalow on McKlnley Ave, pn. sSTraj. FIVE room red brick cottage, dose la on RIO oraao-o St, a bargain; terms. Ml First Nat. Bank. Ph. I7H. FOB SALE One third Interest In peneeat Vnlon Stack Yards ucopeity. ta cludmg unproveeaents. Write William French. Bertno. r. M. BY OWNER ( - roam h. Heights, corner, streets paved, tile bath. tue aaower. garage, aatosaatse neater. Benhain. Txt First NaT! Bank. LOTSf YLVs LOTS. IIM each, lit cash.' It a month. No Interest or taxes. TRI-MTATE COMMISSION CO. 3144. X24-2Xt Trust BUdg. S40O0 Modern bungalow, 4 rooms, glassed in sJeeptn&T porch and breakfast room, on lot Mxlif feet. ,7S cash, bal ance like rent. Yea will have to hurry if you want this. CALL, DALE STRAUSS REAITY CO, INC. 42 Raynplds Bldg. Phone 2tl-3M2. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW OB San Diego St. Lot evxl!. Steam beat. Hardwood floors, south front. Very close to car line. Price 25250. SIX ROOM HOUSE, south side. Lot 65x120. Your own price. WELL LOCATED, Saa Diego prop erty to trade for El Paso holdings. WAREHOUSE Bast MhMOtrri St. E, P. a W. Trackage. 217.64)0. Income on old basis of rentals 22240 per year. C. J. NECI, nnALTY CO. 204 Mills Bldg. Phone 2440 tlteo CASH BUYS Five room aomgalow. corner Iota, eloeo fn. nine blocks from postofflee. boating plant, hardwood floors, all modera. Price StSts. 23000 BUYS Seven room bones low three blocks from Five Potnte, four corner toes, doable brick garage, a real bargain for S7SM. GUI MR. DUNCAN with EUGENE FERGUSON. Real Estate Co ;27 Trot Bldg. Phone 141. IN EAST EL PASO. 4 room, red pressed brick cottage, sleep ing porch, running water la bed rooms, ex tra large rooms, nice UtUe orchard lu back yard, chicken h ousts, fences, etc is la good contrition, mas. easy terms. Can noimra.i. JAMES I, MARR COMPANY. BUNGALOW OV CnneTER STREET ' Biz room bungalow on Ches ter street ofx of Pershing Drive. Modern in every res pect. Hardwood floors, built in features. Healing plant. Good lawn. For particulars, call VAN HORN with BROADDUS .t LElnnOX Realtors 112 Texas street Phone 168 CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW Located in Manhattan Heights. Large living room, diedng room connected with French doors, extra large bed rooms, bracket lights, breakfast room, til bath. Built of expensive dark brick with porch on two stdes of borme. Has garage with run-way from front, L. T. KiMer. with LEA YELL & SHERMAN, US Texas St. Phone 4t2. Member El Paso Real Estate Board. SS730. A new 6 room bungalow; In excellent location: has breakfast room: base ment and healing plant: hardwood floors throughout: tile bath and all built in features; about one block from car line; on two fall lots; pay 2760 cash, balance easy. This Is a real bargain and won't last long. 74UU, On Montana street; S rooms and glassed in sleeping porch: garage; paving ali paid. Lots 27xl20. Close in, muer investigate. AT S POINTS. S room bungalow on paved street: paving all paid: bath and large steeping porcn; oasement and neat Ing plant. A real home. Pay 21000 casn. oaiance easy. 103OO FURNISHED. Beautiful 6 room buff brick bancs. low. near 5 Points; has basement and heating plant; built in features; and aiso out nouses, fay line cash, bal ance easy. A REAL BARGAIN. Beautiful 6 room bungalow with ser vants room, on Arizona street; close in: has garage aad everything that gees to make up a real home: only loose; pay slow cash; oaiance can be arranged on easy terms. Si 500. Near Alta Vista school on La Lux street; Deautiful 6 room bungalow: glassed tn sleeping porch: on paved street: paving paid: nicely furnished in old Ivory on Inside; has hard v ood floors. You can't beat it for the price. SBCURITT REALTY CO. 45 First National Bank Bldg. Phone S77L A REMARKABLE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. We have a piece of property fairly dose In and with a strictly first class location which must bo sold. This place consists of a modern 7 room house with steam heat, extra fine built In features and fin ish, large aleenlns- noreh. laundry equipped, etc, and also a 1 room brick cottage which now rents for 33t a month. The property will easily rent for SM per month or you can have a home and In come freen same also of about the same amount; wo have a price of S7M on this place for a few days; location not xtrea over the phone, but win be glad to show by appointment. Phone E. H. Fletcher. 4441: nights. 751SW. atKKK IIHU1. Z4W MILLS BLDG. ForSale nntry Property F1U)M OWNER Three or 4 room bonse worth price asked, describe and -give best (twins in urn letter Address P. U. Box 1471. SI Paso. FOR BENT ... acres lower valley, cot ton crower preferred, tools aad water fur nished, cash or shares proposition. Ad dress K 13. care Herald For SalcFarnis and Raaelm FOR SALE i-iffht aero proda-ln pear Jo-char. - re ft'falfa, sr-a'I hfiu rir -cason-bl" A ' s -re Hera 0. HELLO- lt THrt tOO-OICCt)? WEL.U' YOO COME R.ICHT DOWN HERE AND GET ME rc i -. is jv I OOTOF -TX i &7 12 0.ll- For Sale Farmj an3 Ranche RANCHES. Wo have them from M acres to 4.0M acres. see as lor want roe waat. TRI-6TATE COMMISSION CO. Phone r4- 224-2x1 Treat Bide-. FOR SALE Lease and euwjpmeat 22 acres, mile from Las cruees. t adobe. 4 acres aUaua. S corn. 6 acres caataroopes, i acres cottoa, rmo span young mules: an kinds farm tanploments; grain for stock 2 months: 46 ehiekena, etc Price SIM cash: worth S13M. Phone owner. 2;2. for particulara. BARGAINS IN VALLEY RANCHES. Over 70 acres lost eaat of Clint. 20 acres la eettoe, 4 la alfalfa, family orchard, sjlnilnim. splendid residence, oslheiloingg, tractor, horses, etc, eta,: eae of the best bays In the volley, tfliniooisle pos seaolon: win eneaider Tmreejie prop erty la exehaage. Five lisjoatsd acres up the val ley: over set in emttvatioa. 1M acres la alfalfa; no better land, plenty of stock and Imptemsnta lrnwiorhato poaseastee eaa be had. city propel ty wm be eoasidered la exchange. Set acres down the valley, be tween 200 and 3M being planted la cottoa; oae of the very beet farms u the valley aad can be purchased at a low price, will consider city piupeily in exchange. Wo have aU slses of valley ranches. Beautiful homes and small acreage between El Paso and Tetsta at real BARGAINS Let us show you. AD1HS EDGE. Phone 242. Tit El Paao Bank 4b Trust Bldr. For Sale or Eicaaoge Res Estate FOR EXCHANGE- SO acres of Farm Land Alamosa, Colorado, for El Paso property. 25 acres near San aUlsarlo, about IS acres tn alfalfa, for lots or cottage. ESqully la good rental btoga iow for auto or dear land. 33 acres at Clint, 18 acres la ar orchard, fcr on land In proven nolo. Two story close m i on Matroftln Ave. fr cottage m tjrena- tIsw Add. Modern new bnna-alow S7et0 for clear lota Brick tetement two blocks i from Paso del Norte hotel for cottages or oil land In prosen field, or Improved valley farm. Several small cottages from 12800 1 to SStet. casta payment S2M. easy terms mommy, trom to 6 acre tracts or una this side of Tslets. near street car. for cottage or small cash payment. Valley inn notei at xaieta ror cottage, or will aeU at a saestflce: Is doing a fine bustaess. W. N. CARI, M3 Captoo Bldg. Phone tt. SeB LWe ; Stock Bny FOR SALE Holsteia heifer calves. 201 1. FOB SALE to Angora nannies, 3M tons. Mclaughlin Klbby. Teleta. Ten FOR SALE Two fine cows. 1 Holstein aad 1 Guernsey, fresh. 1230 wyonxmg, do not phone. FOR SALE two young jrsey cows, one with calf at ride. Mrs. Clark's Cafeteria. 2MMeea FOR SALE Good, sound horse with har ness and rear entrance delivery wagon, prise 375. Address Carrier No. Its. Sta tion A- llANTBD Pasture tn upper valley for It head yeouc dairy stock, irrigated alfalfa aad Johnson grass preferred. Price's Dairy Co, Ba Paso GOOD horses are scarce, raise your own by Breeding your mares to Euslawa Star light, registered, prise winning Suffolk, a too horse. Chan T. Bartlett. La Mesa. X. M For Sale MkeeBaneoci COMPLETE oatattera Ph. I4t. ElBaendorf Hardw. A EKDKNA nlanta for sale, tee dozeB. 1724 Chester St. Ph. 471. SALE Electric library H4I E. Boulevard. T1JIE IS MONEY Ton save beta. YAFFE ELMENDOBF HATtDWABE. Ph. Hit, LOMBARDI. the jeweler, has moved larger Quarters at 11 San FraaeSeeo. MEXICO and Juarea Passport Phots. Ill S. El Paso St, 2 doors below Grecian theater. Fred's Studio. FOB SALE Paths Vletrols, with a num ber of rtcorde nearly new, also baby car riage 1217 w. Main St, SEE JOE for the test lawn work, also flower bed dirt or fertilizer, canaag away trash, rocks or cinders. Ph. tile. FOR SALE Todd Preteetegraan check writer, good leaaHlon. cheap. Address P. O Box tl. HI Paso. Tex, FOR SALE 1 complete hives of bees, ex tra hive and sspero. Ph. 1716 or 170. W. B. Arena. FOR SALE Awning. fan. safe. Manhattan Torsion prescription scales. Pharmacy Ph. lit. SAMPLE TRUNKS, extra heavy fibre and reiaforcemeata. Fun sixe and steamer, at a bargain. Ph. M16J. lilt Wjisslng St. FOB SALE One hand crocheted Urge else bedspread, beautiful design. tSS. 1M Porflrto Dux St . Ph. S030J OFFICE FURNITURE for sale at a ey reasonable price at HOME FURNITLRE CO, SIS Texas. Under new management PECANS New crop, wen matured. Sic pound, postpaid. Insured, satisfaction or money refunded r nuts. Medloca. Ar deu. Tex, VELVET BOOF PAINT for composition tin and wood shingle roofa. 7Se per gaL Ouaranfe Rooting Co Ph. 2045 WHAT I IT? T"s.t ea "aa. sasataaa . fioaiv AITK KLMEXXrORF HARDWARE. 201 io. El Paso GREAT SCCCE8- W ooder Washers sToln fast. Tafre-Elmin4ort Hardw. Co.. Itl & El Pm-K street. SWEET PEAt for saic. all colors, will have plenty for Mothers day. Mrs. Stef- fen. tl AVrde Addition, CAII REfilSTKBS Second band National cash registers, different sizes, from 1c up: always few on hand; we sell for less than half .bey eost. )M & EM Paso, Ph. :&S9 SWEET r.lS. cottace cheese and fresh bnt'ermilk for sa.e every day. Ph. 1743. 39 i LA IAIX. WE ARE sent snlst-wr tarBttsrs to ths oil fields wni pay extra caad prtee for tased fmrnttnre. a. XX Hwcser Uchelittr tng CoM Ph. 41 It. FOR SALE One complete OxweM ace tylene cas plant. 6 Uht capacity, fixtures and plplns for 17 llfhta. In first class condition Kilgore Broa. Berino. N. M FOR S LE sty df baker, wajron and ex tra yood Larn-'ss. ehetp. suitable for truck farmer Alo dnd rifle will trade for horse or cb kens. Address P US. care Herald. 16 INCH electric fan aad Underwood typewriter, both like new. also beaotlfoi pair portiere curtalna 34tt Moontaln. ri, t:uw FOR S.LE I r r-n i i:mir G'ana Framea Do ra i -n b re Hutirr E ecfi' tn fart " 1 -r t nney Island B.tlg. S-e r riil ? WW 1 VJ 1 VrtL,c HH THE VORLO CCXJLO SHE HAVE COTTEN tXO MUCH tOUiHTERFElT MONEYJ For Sale Miicelhneotti NOTICE to Garage Owners: We have s welding torch, oxygen aad acetylene regu lators for sale, new equipment, gauara-o-feed apparatus. 302 W. Franklin. Fltxpat rlca. GBOCEBY mures, shelves, counters, scales, showcases: hatcher fixtures, coun ters, blocks, scales, let boxes: office fu tures, desks, safes, fans. etc. J. H. Na tions. 220 Mesa. WARNING Todd Cheek-Writers carrying the company's guarantee are sold, only through authoruud repreaentatlvos of the Todd Piutectoaiaph Company. Bo Chester. N. Y. Wheat offered a Todd ask tor agents c-redeettala. Free servlee to orlxtnal pur chasers only. TODD PROTECTOORAPH SALES COMPANT. Sheldon Hotel Bldg, El Paao. Texas. FOR SaLX At Myrtle Trading Place, new auto cs sings aad tubes, new harness goods aad horse collars Fa, 346 for IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME. United States government rainproof teats at M ser coat of their real value: chance of a rrZethne. Shelter half -pup- tents give the cluldrea a playhouse; keep them In the open air, less sickness. Renovated roTernment shoes cut the high coot of ltrloc Olive drab wool govemateat blaaketa Fickels direct from governaaeat. 2tc gallon, less than what the -nnezar coots today: fine chance for housewives to put up sweet ploklca. Mail orders so licited, prompt ahtpmeata INTERNATIONAL SALES CO, INC. Main and Tsnsss. El Psso. Ready Reference UtuSaest Directory Accountant! Auditors EL PASO AUDIT CO. W. H. Payne. Airoqallag. Urn. 214 and 213 Mills Bldg. Bh. 2120. NORMAN E. VEAZEY. PabUe Acooantsnt, Audlter. HsrsM Bide. SKLMAN AUDIT CO. Aoooantanta, auditors, mesmo tax reperta. rn. 31S3. in Trust eiwc. Artificial Lmibs Lcs-9. Arms. Ti Braeea. etc CHICAGO ABTTFICIAL LIMB COMPANT. t- Colee Block, E3 Paao. Texas. Auto Accenortet AUTOS WRECKED We buy. sen or ex change ears of an make, large stack of repair parte, we deal to rubber aad met- sis si pass Auto wroeknur. Pa. 4IS5. lit Leon St, K, Trexebteaaorg. Prop. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used aad wrecked eara STK AUTO WRECKING CO. Largest Wrecking- House in the Southwest, 4M West overland. Ph. 14l. Anto Repair WE are doing GOOD work for others. any not sire s a chance to D442KINSON tt LEO. It 7 Phone lstl 1418 w Boulevard. Attayen and Oemiitj B. EREBENZ t CO. Chemists and vs 'formerly of Puebloi reno. far ore shippers at El Paso smelter oil flota- tion tests. 13 son Francisco. El Paao. CrsTOM ASSAY OFFICE Crltehet Fenusen. sawyers, eaeaalsta, ntetairevz- lets, repres sate trees for ore sbtenera 211 San Prancisco Sr. SO Paso. Texss. Barber SnppSci STANDARD lines barber suponea, cutlery. etc Buerger Bros, Supply Co, 411 Texan, i-n. 1 ii Beauty Parlors SUPERFLUOUS HAIR and moles removed by electrolysis permanently, guaranteed. race peeung. grace A- Benson, xt erqeaier. COCTTS 10 Buckler Bldg, Ph. MIL Hair dyeing specialty. Hair goods. Combaags maq. wp. iwnpetcnt. iwosupt ALLEN SISTERS Electric face aad scalp tToatSaeat, Hot oil manicures. Henna uncus ISO Herald Bigg-, Ph. 2731. Book Binding aad Rnrfc; 1L1VB year old books made new. Babies and magaaTnee oar speetslty. Ruling, any style. Ph. IM4. El Paso Trade Bindery. ltt N Campbell. Bagneia CoBege WHIPLER SCHOOL, bookkeeping and shorthand, individual Instractloss. poal tioaa gearaateed. til Mesa. Ph. 176. D&AUHBNS rcSINESS COLLEGE Po sition gaersateed in 10 days. Pitmsn or Gretur shorthand by man or tn person. R. T. Davis. Mgr, El Psso. Tex. Casn Register NEW and second hand Nationals sold and repaired. Supplies. A. J Strayer. Sales Agent. 3tl Myrtle. El Paso. Ph. MS. Cleaning and Prtcing TEXAS CLEANING 4 FITr: Tt-nnirs. Cleaning dyeing, alteration. We apecial- ise on dyemc. til Toxaa. Ph 2131 Carpenter ,LX KINDS caiiMiitor work tn or out of cabinet work. Fh, T43.W or UK F"leman Welch. PHONE 47 Kor .all kln!s of house re pairs, csrpfuterma. plasteriiia. cement and job work, etq; sJso esnress and ! arjl-nv CARPENTER work, all kinds, door, win dow roof, porch, jaraice and repalnne. LTNIlEIaL. PHONE 8823. I FOR rRPEVTEK WORK of .ir.r klml: ) also screna. c'ta-s and roof repairs, phone i-eo lu are. Carpets Geaaed CARPETS Yacanm drs or steam eleaaed. Dnntley Carpet Cleanns Worka Ph. 3218 Dr SANG H'ELLBORN. Carpet cleaners and msttri inaaara, l-HO.-SK Jggg. CARPET clsaninc aad rac weavter. Clark Mattreas A Rmt Cow -S Myrtle. Ph. 417. logs and 107s VOitQBei - COSTUMES for daaoes at theatrical per- ' formances. rented reasonable in or out of I inwn iu'i ruo ranao. fa. tis4v R1I.1. DnnU IVn n e vs-ru.-t Private lessons by sppointmeoL Class les soas. Tuesday and Thursday eveataga. T t 30. Cotillion Hi" Ph. 36 10 Diamond Setting f. v : 3. Itiu it. WO CO Fiuas 7 Ready Referecce Baiinen Dirtctory FTerto STALKKrW FLOWER SHOP - Pott plata of all kteda nowrs for all ocra Iom. Him. Ph. i:. Farcttare Padnn; I , WK PACK. SHIP OR STORE tors It are. eat fimM astl ehtn. Httlaction cv&rui li K. L. IUMKL, F. & M. FCTKY. Pb i:(-itra. BETTER FURNTTCKK rACfcJNS Wo pack, ship or store furniture, cut gtase and china. 1 work mechanics only sad superintend an my packing personally. Used furniture taken tn exchange for work. Phone 4110. a. P. HOCSER PPHOLSTEBINO CO Fnraihxre Repairing FURNTTtTRE repatrtag: opholstermg our siMClalty: Davenports manufactured, se'ee? owa goods. Bodey Upholstrng Co.. Ph. IS? FURNTTtTRE REPAIRER, rsfinlahed or R. L. DANIEL. F. M. FTTRT. Ph. 116-1070 Hardware SUGAR 15 HIGH Bat Our lee Cream Freasers Are Low. YAFFE ELMENDORF HABBWABE. Ph. 144 Hardware and Fiirnitnre Eieljlhfnc In FTJRNITURE AND HARDWARE. DAVIS HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. Cor. Overland and Oregon St . P 50t Hatttrt and CfeaBtrs LAniES, GENTS Panama straw hats cleaned, blocked, men's salts c;-aned and Cleanwell. 40 Oregoc Prt His Jens Dealer. EL PASO IRON a METAL CO. liti Saa Dealers tn scrap Iron, rasher, brsas. bones etc Ph. 4tM. Lagcdrits. TBOT L.UNDET. Phono 27S. 1411 Texas Bt, Lawn Mowers LAWN MOWERS THAT WHX CUT. YAFFE ELMENDORF HARDWARE Ml So. UJ Paao gt. Mattrcn Regaraggg MAKERS OF MATTRESSES Repalrera reaovatera. Ph. 147. UK and lt70. 2213 Myrtle. Clark Mattress & Rag Co. Hciical WALTER DAVIS Piano teahr. S rm . S. No. a Braxos Apta.. Ph liS. VIOLIN LESeONa glrtn to those w shlag to besin, or advanced pupils. Arthur D'! loq. 2224 Cold. Ph. tot; PaJaring YELTON PAINT CO. Palntlnx. paper banglng. deearatiar. 6M N. Stantoa. PhUtf SIGN, aeaso msUH aad tmtuiz. best work, lowest prioea. Jose Tuentes, 601 8. tJregen. pn. lie, eveniags M31. Pnysicianx arid Sgrgeoni AUER Spec chronic diseases d s of women. Over State Nat 1 Bank, Ph. 4S.4X, nights t!4 Pkaber? WE MAKS a specialty of 1 day service on repair work. Border Plumbing Co- Ph. 2105. 218 E. Missouri. PRONTO PLUMBERS We don't hold you up for that repair jab. Office Ph. 104.2. residence M43. 64 Texas. Printing - IDEAL PRINTING CO, Leo Fer'tt. 12 gr. 9ervice Printers. 17 N. Camnt-!' Roofers ASBESTOS FIBRE ROOF CEMENT fo wood. aluneiee, paper and metal -04:;?. Guaranteed t years. Guarantee Roofing Co Phone 204 5 Roof Pamtin; LET US PAINT your roof now with LEAK SEAL BLACK ROOF COMTOUNU. '"! coat take the place of two coata o-l nary paint. Special offer -- 40 ds ' yon mention this ad, we will pal-t an roof up to 70 squares for 310. eddl'lona squares at S3. Ph. UP. Second Hand Qorfeics; VERY BEST PRICES PAID FOE MEN'S ' I SECOND HAND CLOTH IN G. PH. 1SS4. i 1 PAY HMiHE&T prlts for mens ai ladles ''lotbes. salt case and t'Lcit ron' bfori8 calling 2:-' NEW BEfilNNERS We pay h?h prices fo ladles, men's Jnd hand "loth'nir, shoes, hats, trtrnlta toots, etc Ph. 1" NEW STARTERS Will par -"tj bes prices for yovr men's and womer a scoi,d hand clothlac Ph. 17t. WE FAY MORE for naeil ladles' m-a 9 cltDTtbHrs. tc than any other store In tosrr try saa Ph. HM. MjSecond Haad g? ECCCTLVNGE NEW FTJRMrL RE Far secod haw!. Western FTjrBltare Co . lis-IIS R Staaton, Ph. .41 Slice Repaxriog Alii. KINDS she making and rep 'ring-. Panel Post work a specialty Rukahr Boot fc Shoe Coiv. Ill Texas Ph 8T3 - -,nPJ3 ? j -j? SEVBKAI very attractrre socrcJ harl soda foontmtae for sJo. Prices rlht. FAKBOWBOrCB IrOGAN CO. flT-n Texas St, Phone 1433 fB BUT, SELL AND EXCHANGE new aad stcaad hand soda fountains ml nBtetres of every description, we a- a s- hsadsjus iters for frui.s. syrnps ex tracts BUPIRB BOTTLTNO WORKS. INC. Otffaer Mills aad Florence Erreets. El Fasc. Plumes iS3-.s:4 ACOMPLBTE STOCK OF SODA FOUNTINS IN EL TSO. DEUVER WHEN YOr W INT IT. EASY TERM!, FARROW-CROrCH LOGAN CO. -S17-11I Teaas St. Phone HZ Storage -yPH6- YOCR GOOD STORED as thev shou'5 be, B. L. EfcYNTKIi. F. 4 M. FTTRT. PH. 1 015-1 070. OCR SPECIALTY: Storms honsehold .Tooda lowest ratea EL PASO 6TOR.GE WAHKHUrM. pn. yiss fefe1?" McLiBLLAX BROS. ;M San Francisco Su Phone T9t Tranrfer A MOSES Quick service, trarjuiVr a Wetsaca, haul inc. moving, job vurk kind. Ph. 34,, night Ph. 3433 Trunk Factory TKt'NKM sBltrtaaera tra feline bags madf. repaired and exctusced. El Pan Trucx Fsetfry. neat 'o Crawford theater Pb lJS Typewrileri PHONE 832 before on sell or i-ade -yonr tpewrlter. TTE BCT. sell -- t r parr rebuilt typa ltsj Corona. Roal t- writer Office Supply Co.. 31 M 1- - Watch Repaims E. W. KING AND CO. Jews eri. ' atcomakers. Op-, jt rT,4 TTBNKR, THE tTXLDING MAJS.' TTRNES WELMM. fj. t1" Tfaaa m I h Wazaan's xca&B?e MRS. CHONl-