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Kl, PASO HERALD 4 'LETTERS OF THE CZARINA I : TO THE CZAR IN WAR TIME! Empress Speaks of Plan to Kemove Nicholas and I Place Her in a Convent. i 1 Urges Czar to SwalW Bottle of Wise From Rasputin's Feast for I Health and Happiness. , m,,,,,, By ISAAC DON LEVINIS , - ARTICLE XXX-PLOT TO REMOVE CZAR AD CZARINA. TH4.T a coop a etat was nlanned at army headquarters by the friends of grand duke Nicholas, aiming o remove the czar and lock the rzarlna np In a consent. Is disclosed i-.r the first time m the letter of the zarina dated January 8 (21), lylfi I renteln DrnurKosky Orlov, all ids de camp to the emperor, were t-plicated In tne plot. The latter two should hae been exiled to Liberia immediately according: to the rari-.a, who writes to her husband t'-at they had prepared all to hd.e ou changed and rnc lut np Aria transmits through the czarina o the czar a letter with thanks for a. message of love from him. When -5,vPd b Anla whether the emperor nrr 'a be angry to receive a letter f'om her the czarina replia tnat Ana "must know better than ire" whether the czar allowed her to wi-'te ofen But far more interft i-tr a little bottle of wine from - MM - iiiiTnMimW k lrVaBSSSSSBiXSSKSlBcSEiHS il:zBllWileLSnissW i i&&l3MtimMM EseSu MIL 9S1 iMtfl tBBKL3rV .SaBSSSSmu I ESsSSJPss. SShKx! iaaaaSSSSritKkia vShssbHusS se ; ffiHBii Tsflpnsi i SsffiTsrltrsSSBSjIrg lirTsrflT TmKWKirrf 7t$Fflfimm mt KaaEMsfflCsMaSl iSla BiS xBXf&VjMBESSc You Can Buy Trade-Marked Lumber Tour -wife probably has fcer favorite line of canned goods. She knows they're best and rails for and Jcnovra them by -their trade mark name. The hat. collars, shoes and most of the clothing you buy bears the trade nark of a manufacturer In whom yon have confidence. )n are always sure of the same quality by calling for a particular brand, tow,' you can have the same assurance in buying lumber prod uct, fer we handle some Long-Bell, nationally advertised trade marked lumber. The pennanenc and beauty of your home de pends upon the durability and uniform good quality of the lumber you me. The kind of lumber makes a difference. We offer you nine aad nervice god lumber and other build ing material. This la our her reason for asking your business- Rheinheimer Lumber Co. PHOIfE 498. what 10c At Your Dealers "Cleans as it mmm I O-fed For All Furniture 30c to $3 Sizes At AQ Dealers Channel! Chemical Co., Distributors Chicago Toronto London Paris Rasputin's namesday feast which the csartsa transmits to her husband. She urges the unwilling czar to swallow it like medicine for Rasputin's health, after the example of here If and Ania. Plot to Remove Ruler. "Tsarskoye. Selo, Jan. 8. 1918. "3ffv Own .Darling ' When you see Dubensky cleverly draw the question to speak about fat Orlov and make him tell you things about him. if he has the couraee to , . -. -.. . ?Z. V? $?. .." ;!i?S3,,2 the old headquarters. Feodorov I think knows tt too Me he always spoke of as ona. and that he was sure I would no let you come soon to the headquarters pgaln after they had forced thir ministers upon you. Ask abou Drentln too who had the convent ,ri it for me ultimately Dzhunoi s Or'ov ougl t straight PIEDRAS & ALAMEDA is IT? GoiQPS a iisBS IsSBBF sssssSm. 4sSBBBSdssSBSBBBBBSiS IsSBDDVk Use Aladdin to dye your blouses, veils, gloves, stockings, underwear, corsets, the newest, most fashion- able colors. Polishes" ar 'Polislt off to have been sent to Siberia, after the war Is over you ought to have a. Banishment made. Why should they go free with good places, when they had prepared all to have changed and me shut up. and who did alt to be nasty to your wife and they wander about and other people think they were unjustly cleared out, as they went scott free. It's vile to think of the falseness of humanity, though I long know and told you my feeling about them. thanjc uod. I bless you. kiss you, press yon tightly to my arms, with Infinite love and gratitude for SI years perfect happiness "Oh. how' I long for you and your tender caresses, x semi you an. an, all. the same as you did. "Ever your own old, "SUNNY." Rasputin Approves Sturmer. Tsarskoye, Selo, Jan. 9, 191$. "Vv Own Sweetheart The children went in several times vest esterda? to see Anla. and Tatiana late sill1 after eleaiJng Instruments ta the hospital. She had people all day. her father, then our Friend and nice Zina. then her mother, then Axel P who has come for three days and Zhuk. The metropolitan hearing she is ill wants to see her too. "She said to kiss you and beg for your prayers, therefore. X had to wire and also what our Friend said I -wire aou aisu wont unt .ruenu t Stormer not. to. Chans. his name and to take him for a time at least as he Is such a decided loyal man and will hold others in nana. Let one scream If one wishes, they always will at any nomination. "Sergei goes to the headquarters. I hear, better sot keep him there long, as he is always a gossip, alas, and then there are very unclear, un clean stories about him and bribes, etc which all speak about, and the artillery is mixed up into It. "Just got your letter, 12 oclock. nice and early, such an endless Joy to have news from too. These senara I tlons kindle the fire yet more and Wc say only what,wc know. Wcdon'tsay,forinstancc, that Schilling Tea will make 300 or 400 cups to the pound. That depends upon how large your cups are, how strong you like your tea, how long you let it stand in the leaves. Wc do say this, and we money-back it: Schilling Tea will make more cups per pound than any other tea. If we make a mistake, wc like to be caught at it, so that we shan't . make it again. A Schilling & Company San Francisco if Gleans" 5wRw HsSSsSSsSfisBSsBsL t-KKamTi .sBBk?BBm2Sjnssssss-'A " M IHT"" 'l.i jM Beauty Chats - Cold IT nevar pays to do thins, in a harry. The othr night I tMgan to make np my formula for fine cold cream, and becauM I did It in a horrr. I spoiled four jMrtecUr good jars fall, and only rescued some of It after a lot of work and experiment ing. When yon make eold cream, heat your wax and epennacettl In the oil until it 1. melted. And don't heat It any longer than that! Otherwise, your Ingredients will be too hot. Heat your rose water, separately, bat do not have this too hot. Then pour one Into the other, add the borax and the ttactnre of besoln. and mix and stir until it has cooked enough to cloud: then, when it Is ready to harden, poor off quickly Into Jars. If you do this pouring when It is like thick cream, yon will have a cos. metle that will be delightful to use. I made the mistake many readers mftke I let the oil crow too hot. Then when I poured in the rose water, the whole mass fuzed up and spilled over. I drove the wax from the oil in the mlxtnre, and the result was lumpy azd unwieldy. Farther heating melted the wax lumps, but the cream when cold was thick, hard to spread on, only good to massage when I had my skin very hot from holding a hot wet towel over It. Then it massaged, as it was make the great love yet snor In tense. "Ever your very own unto death. "HoDe my flowers will arrive fresh and smelling good. Puboaky is aPDmrentlr Lieut. Gen. A. N'. Dabeosky. Oaa U the Busstaa for "she." The csariaa was sometimes called "she" instead of her raal same, fer safety's safa. Axel P. is probably Axel PtstsOtors. the husband of AUs. Ansa's sister Sergei is the mnd duke, who wm at the bead of the artillery department.) Ilaaputlns rtamesday. Tzarskoye, Selo, Jan. 1, 1916. TMy Very Own- "Warm and snowing again. Our Friend's namesd&y. I aza so glad, that thanks to measures having been taken, all passed quietly In Moscow and- Petrograd. and the strikers be haved themselves. Thank goodness one sees the difference of Beleteky and Dihankovsky or Obolensky. Z hope you don't mind X wired about Ptirim. but he would bo much like to see you quietly here you never have time) an dtel you all his Ideas and Improvements be would like to maice. Anla thanks you for your love and sends a letter, asks me whether you will be angry. I answered, she must know better than me whether you allowed her to write often. "Glad yon will manage to see troops. Kiss and bless you without end. press you to my big, aching heart, yearn for your tender kisses and caresses, which mean so much to your very own little woman, your wife, your rsuWNT." Aewi From Montenegro. "Txarskoye, Selo. Jan. 11. 1916. "My Own Sweetheart. "A brighter day at last and two degrees of frost and the dear sun shines. Ifs a pity you, too, have such 'dirty weather "Is the Fngllsh general nice? I suppose he X-ls sent to you from the army to welcome you as field mar anal? But there is nothing yon can give Georgie In exchange, as he does not command, and one cannot pxay with such nominations. "I dont quite understand what has been going on in Montenegro. Ic says the king and Petro left over Bxindisl for Lyon, where he is to meet his wife and two youngest daughters and that Mlrko remained nsgrlan, Servian and Albanian troops. Only now Italy has landed ?ft,Ov men in Albania, an ugly game theirs. But if the king surrendered, how about his troops Where are Jutta and Dan Ho Why does one allow him to go to France? Anla, was up an hour on the sofa in the evening and spoke with quite a strong voice. she is already dreaming of coming here. "few dont think me mad for my wee bottle, but our Friend sent her one from his liamesday feast, and we each took a sip ana x pourea inis oat for you. I believe ifs Madeira. I swallowed for his sake (like medi cine), you do it, too, please, though you dislike it. Pour It Into a glass and drink It all up for his health as we did. The lily of the valley and wee crust also are from him to you. my angel sweet. One says heaps of people came to him and he was beau tiful. I wired congratulating from all of us and got this answer: 1n exprslbly overjoyed. God's light shines on you, we win fear nothing." He likes when one is not afraid to wire to him direct. I know he was very displeased she did not go. and it worries her, but X think he goes to her today "God bless you, 1646 kisses from your very, "OWN" (IM SBfBH Kneru i spparvniv Geo. Williams, chief of the British mls ion ta th RuMdao army Klnr Georc be stowed the raak of field marshal os the rzu. Th cssrma sanests that the esar can give nothlac in return to Georgie, "u & ooes not ooounua. rwre ue yeuncest sob of the Meatenfru. Wat. Kirko Is the second sea. Danllo is the crown prlneo and Jutta la Daallo s wife.) Montenegro in Question. Tzarakoye. Selo. Jan. 11, 191C. My Own Sweetheart "How dull, poor angel, to sit near thA old man at the cinema why. it's to ran up the walls. I am glad the new Engiisc general is nxce wni are the stories going on about the Tu,nittriiTiis? As thouch he had sold his country to the Austrian, therefore, one would not receive him in icome nor in zns. jt ih una ah gossip He Is capable of anything for money's sake and his personal profit, though be loved bis country I thought, in my case X understand nothing. Now, goodbye, my Sunshine, my one and alL X bless you and cover your beloved face with ever auch tender kisses. "Tour very own little "WlFxV Copyright, lte, by Chicago Dally News company. All rights reserved in Great Gritatn, Scandanavta, France, Italy. Spain, South America, and all other countries. Published by special arrangement with the Mc Clue Newspaper Syndicate. Wliy The Apology f SOCIETY, fashionable and unfash ionable, all human encounterings with humans, would be a thou sand times more comfortable, easier and more profitable If ninety-nine out of a hundred apologies were omitted. There are rare occasions when one wants to be apologised to, not more than three or four times in a life time. If one be the kind that generally wants apologies or thinks them due. that is a matter for apology Itself. Most apologies as to the piano not being dusted or the baby's drees not changed or the newspaper being all over the floor or why the letter was not written or the call made or as to why the smaller car or why the last year's hat, only serve to make the one apologized to, squirmy, creepy, miserable un'll the apology is done and forgotten It Is larkspur blossom time and there never were lovelier blues. Once In a while over a big porch or by a little doorwav one sees the perfect rose-stem af bud and rose all beautiful and true in line and color There should be no shabby rosea. Feed them up, water them, drain them, cut them down, replace them, thin them out, straighten them out, gie them sun or give them shade, let what ran be done to hearten them up be done for a shabbv rose is most forlorn A -o i quen of the 'lowers &r J shujid go 3 a quee- By Edna Kent Forbes Creams. warmed and softened, and it made the skin feel as refreshed as though it had come out all right. Bat it was hard work getting it to the stage where it would massage. As the stuff had spilled over. I did not know whether I had lost too much wax or too much olL So I heated the cream again, by setting one of the Jars in hot water. I added a tablespoonful of oil to that, and stirred it with a fork until it was readv to congeal. I experimented with another by adding a little more wax melting it in. And with a third by adding more rose water. The one that came out hent was the one with oil added. evt dently I had driven out the oil. and that was what bad spilled over The Jar with too much wax, I saved by aaaing quite a dii oi on anu a uuie rose water. So it turned out all right attar all. But next time I shai no careiaii The formula is: White wax. 1 ounce; spermacettJ, 1 ounce; oltve or almond oil. 4 ounces; rose water, 4 ounces, powdered borax, 30 grains; oil bitter almonds, drops; tincture benzoin 1 drachm. Questions and Answers. A. X. Red hands cometlmea are caused by tight bands on the cloth ing, which interfere with the cir culation. ! HOROSCOPE FRIDAY. MAX 7 10- rI'HIS should be a lucky day, accord -X ing to the reading of the stars. Venus, Saturn and Uranus are all In benefic aspect. The theater should benefit during this rule, for the signs indicate a phenomenal Increase of Interest In the spoken drama. Venus seems to forecast the rise of a great actress who shall repre sent the new era In art. Women should benefit greatly from this aspect, which is supposed to give them keenness of Intellect and great initiative. There is a sign read as presaging among women an access of conscien tiousness where their political duties are concerned. Surprises In the re sults of the national election will be many and contradictory. This days aspects appear most favorable for farmers and their in terests but they are warned against unaesirania xeaaers. For several years astrologers have prophesied interest m psychic phe nomena. Now they foretell the classification of a few facts that will become the foundation for progress In mental healing, telepathy and sim ilar experiments. There is the best possible forecast for aviation which will receive much attention following the next national election. The Invention of what would cor respond to bicycles for the air Is again prophesied. One of the seers foretells that a rhyme will ruin the chances of a can didate for high office. The partial eclipse of the sun.whieh will take place this month, falls in the third decan ox Taurus and is be lieved to presage pestilence and famine. A scarcity of fruits Is fore told from the aspects at this time. All towns and countries under Leo are likely to meet many serious problems. Disturbances of all sorts are threatened. These will affect France. Prussia, Italy and Bohemia. Persons whose birthaate it is hare the augury of a happy, prosperous year. The young will court and marry. Children oorn on tms aay win ne A4 v ! , irshTfru 4 nsf sfa11 ami- ducted. They wiu rise rapiaiy in whatever vocation they choose. Copyright, 1920, by the McClure News paper syndicate. KWIZ tut. a. s. pt. ot& eir Qarstloas, 1 WbM-s are the Fill Islan4sT 2 Who was the original Taraaaay chief? J What is slag? 4 Where is BIc Bn? What Is U size of tha moon Whers is the "city of Brotherly Love? 1 What Is an era? t What is an equivalent? S Who proved electricity ana llehtnteg tre the same and how? IS Who wrote "The Rise of Ellas LapbamT Answer, t. Ia.t Mill. 1 The brilliant horse races at Ha vana. Caba, attract many visitors there each season. z Mother Goose was a real person. Elizabeth Foster, who was born to 18S. and married Isaac Goose of Boston. Her songs were originally song to her grandchildren. Some authorities give the cred't to Queen Goosefoot. mother of Charlemagne 3 A glazier Is a glass cutler ana fitter, the name Is i lore generally applied to those who make windows. 4 A brazier is an open metal con! holder, usually set upon legs. In the At The WZlLJT'iriO H"T T Vy JL All Cars Featuring New And Correct Styles In The growing fool of a child requires expert shoe filling the child's shoes must be fitted reasonably snug and at the same time allow for comfort as the fool grows the shape of the shoe should conform to the shape of the child's fool the shoe should be soft and pliable. ,ln our Children's Shoe Department We employ only expert fillers, who have years of successful experience in filling the feet of children. Little Plaza A Complete Line form of a basket, in which coals are heated. They ar. mwd tn southern and Oriental countries for charcoal, prin cipally. The choicest flavored alligator pars come from the Island of Trini dad. C Cambric is a fine linen material, naasod for OambraJ, France, where i was first made. A oottoa imitation is sometimes called cambric In this country. 7 The popular ItaLan author, Sal vatore Farnia, is called the Italian Dickens," because of the great variety of typea of characters in his stories of Italian life. I The heath hen is a wild gam. bird, native of the Island of Martha's FOWNE1 NAME IN EVERY PAIR The perfect fit an elasticity that keeps them in shape gives our SILK MAOC 1NJU.&AJ gloves the reputa tion of being the smartest and most durable cf silk GLOVES FOR MEN. WOMEN & CHILDREN 3(oti fogd-rirtofJhem Skin specialists are tracing lewer and fewer troubles to the blood. Theysaymore often, skin blemishes can be traced to the bacteria and parasites that are carried into the pores of the skin with dust, soot and grime. To clear your skin of blemishes caused by this insidious and persistent enemy, use regularly the following special treatment. Just before retiring, wash in your usual way with warm water and Woodbury's Facial Soap; then dry your face. Now dip the tips ofyour fingers in warm water and rub them on the cake of Woodbury's until they are covered with a heavy cream-like lather. Giver each blemish with a thick coat of this soap cream and leave it on for JLJ- JL JLJ JL JL Stop At The White House Children s Shoes- This department is located on the Children's Floor the third where parents may con veniently shop for shoes while selecting other wearables for the children. Children's DepL 3d Floor "The Store Of Service" Of "Forest Mills" Vineyard it Is related to the prairie hen. The English call their policeman bobbies. 10 The patriotic song "Hall Colum bia." was first known as "The Presi dent's March. and was comMaed by a Philadelphia musk-lap, Phfnp Phile. tn honor of president Washington. The words were addd to this com position at a later date, Thompson Feature Service. Eod&K Finishing, s-w Gaadara. Adt Maintenance these days call fer ef ficiest read maciiceiy. We're raaJe a Step (tody of it, aad csn,aw yen hew to cat casta ta the fcese. LOUIS F. GATES, Manager. 1225 MiHs BaOdlaz. El Pase. ten minutes. Rinse very carefully with clear, hot water; then with cold. In addition to this special treatment, use Woodbury's regularly in your daily toilet. This will make your skin firm and active. It will help the new skin to resist the fre quent cause of blemishes. Before long your complexion will take on a new clearness and freshness. Get a cake of Woodbury's Facial Soap and begin tonight the treatment yoor skin needs. You will find Woodbury's on safe at any drug store or toilet goods counter ia tike United States or Canada. A 25 cent cake will kst a swath or six weeks. The Andrew Jergcns Company, Cincinnati, New York and Perth, Ontario. Frid'y Jl Phone 4580 Summer Underv r CORNS!! Iasovrtas; Nails Painlessly Bcnorrd FOOT HOSPITAL 18 South El Pas. Street, Phone 330. Opposite Ataambra, Use Herald Want Ada Gardening Time here agate. Time to took alter the Lawn or flower bod, time to do tha acno&l planting of ree tables. W have erery garden tDg requisite. Rakes; hoes, spades, spadins forks, sickles hedge shears, tree trimmers and scrapers, edge cutters, laws mowers, garden hose and all the other things needed. No need o search for better or cheaper There are none. EI Paso Seed Co. 53 East San Ajtteulo St. Pkoae 3C3. Jmt East of Courthouse. rr 3lBSBBBBBBBBBB& flssWK&SsMWS8MrMSSaBi BHSEfjwJEy ffJrnlsssssT SPsfisssW&v? Hi JbBBBBi TsBKVySvx4' 5jy HB9