Newspaper Page Text
KL &A&Q HliHAXJJ Thursday May 6, 1920. 0, S. BEGINS 10 GUT PIES i hicago. HL. May s. TesterdaVa I rd.cuon made late in tne day oy on" of the leading merchants here. that a general cut in all price was duf was followed today. Foreshad ow mg a reduction In the prices of all foods, corn registered a decline of 1 c"n on the open market, with grain xh biting weakness, while provisions held firm. Merchandise Is due for a sharp Flimp, following public announce ment that a big dealer sold 3.000.000 tards of bolt sUk down to 2 a yrd below the prevailing price. These sales included all lines of manufac tured silks. One prominent State street mer c l-ant pointed out that many stocks were altogether too large, that there t ad been a backward spring and that etailers would begin soon to cut i '-.- s in an effort to more their poods. A tightening of money has been ap parent m New York, .and this Is ex pected to hare its effect on banks throughout the United States. The recent experience in Japan, where only the most prompt action p-t nted a definite panic also Is een as an Indication that the world 's due to get back to "safe, normal business. 5 Percent Cat In Japan. naka. Japan, May 6 Drapers here and a.t Kyoto today were advertising heap eals to liquidate stocks, the I'-admcr cotton and silk piece goods who esalers reducing prices 50 per cent. 533 APPLY FOR WORK. There were 625 applicants for work at the city employment bureau dur nc the week ending Thursday, said ti- report to the council of the bu--au manager, J. Y. Fraser. Fourteen mm were permanently placed in ad dition to two ex-soldiers. Day work for "90 women was found, and 13 omen were placed in permanent po s tions CiOi WOMAN'S WISli HAS COME TRUE AFIK MY YEARS Mrs. Whitlow Had Lived In Hope Of Eegaining Her Health Family Was Uneasy Ahout Her Condition. TANIxAC MADE HER WELL AND STEONG Says She Has Gained Fif teen Pounds On Tanlac And Is Now Perfectly Well And Strong. For a long time," said Mrs. M. T. Whitlow, of 2705 Sast Graoe street. Itichmond, Va. "I lived in hopes that some day I would get back my health. ird by the hem or xaaiac my wisn i as at last come true, for r have . and gained fifteen pounds in weight and ten pounds in strong; well am now happy woman t nf knv whit It was to feel hungry, and just had to force myself to eat a little something to keep alive. What I did eat seemed to do ine no good, and I got In such a badly run-down condition that I had to have someone to do my housework. I was so nervous, weax and dixxy that T 2eARCHRITE Price $9.00 ICATHOLICS li M BOLSHEVISM Chicago, 11U May 6 The National Catholic Laymen's council, to act aa a congress for correlating the work of Catholic laymen's organizations In the United States, was organized to night by representatives of 27 lay bodies. Arrangements were made to raise 120.900,000 among American Catholics, the Interest to be need in support of church work and in combating bol shevism. anarchy and all Isms.' Each diocese in the country will bo represented by one delegate in the council. B0RTH TIGRE MINING CO. REELECTS OLD OFFICERS Officers and directors of the Borth Tlgre Mining company were re elected for the ensuing year at the annual meeting held Wednesday in the offices of N. G Bnchoz A Co.. Hotel Sheldon. Those present for the meeting were president R. P. Brown, Douglas. Ariz and John J. Hill. J. A. Coggin and W H. Vance, direc tors A flotation plant is now la process of construction by the company on property about 00 miles south of Douglas in the HI Tigre district of Sonora. Mexico. A large force of workmen will probably complete the plant so It will be ready for opera tion by June 1. according to Mr. Brown. The stockholders are mostly El Paso and Douglas people. GIANT COAL CONSOLIDATION AFOOT IN SOUTH ILLINOIS St- Louis, Mo. May t Effort to consolidate under syndicate owner ship about 40 coal mining compan ies in southern Illinois is being made by New York interests, says Louis J. Xlcolaus. vice president of the Stttel-Nlcolaus investment company here which is promoting the project. could not get out of my chair with out holding onto something to keep from falling. Sometimes there was such a swimming in my head that everything seemed to be whirling around, and for two or three months I was so sick and weak that my family were all uneasy about me. Finally I went to a hospital for treat ment, but this nor anything else did me any good. There was a sickening taste in my mouth all the time and my nerves were completely shattered. At night I would just lie wide awake, suffering, worrying and wondering If there was nothing made that would help me. In the mornings I always felt so bad that I could not get up until late in the day, and then could do nothing but sit around. "But thanks to Tanlac my condition is altogether different now. I had not finished the first bottle before I was feeling like a different person. My appetite returned. I was sleeping better and began to feel like stirring around. Now I am able to do all my own work, for I am feeling perfectly well and strong. Every sign of stomach trouble, nervousness and dizziness has left me and my appetite is so good that I can hardly get enough to eat. Besides eating three hearty meals a day I take a lunch between meals and enjoy every mouthful. If Tanlac has done no mors than get me off of milk and toast I would think it a grand medi cine, but since I am able to eat just anything and everything and feel so well I can't praise it enough." Tanlac is sold in El Paso by Kelly & Pollard. Adv. A Perfect Oxford Fit An oxford that slips at the heel is enough to ruin any man's good disposition. Look at the one above. It is a Walk-Over combination last It is built two widths narrower at instep and heel than other ox fords of the same size. For men with slightly thinner heels, here is their exact oxford fit Come in and see how perfectly we can fit you in a Walk Over oxford on this last fe Walk-Over Boot Shop 214 SAN ANTONIO STEEET Old Trails Road To Los Angeles In GoodCondition The National Old Trails road from Las Angeles to El Paso has been found to be in good condition by in vestigators. A report on the condi tions has been made to Miss Buena Glider, secretarv of the El Paso Au tomobile club. The report follows- Across the desert from Victorville to Needles via Barstow. Ludlow and Am boy. conditions are excellent. The stretch of rough road between Lud low and Amboy on the north side of the railroad has been improved and is in better shape now than it ever has been. Prom Needles the best route to Kingman js via Topock and Yucca or via Topock and Oatman. The ferry Is not operating on the direct road between Needles and Oat man. Kingman to Self etna n is good with the exception of four or five miles of rough going in Nelson's can yon. Good and bad stretches of road may be found between Sellgman, Ash Pork and Williams. From Williams to Grand Canyon the road is extra good. Flagstaff reports that condi tions are good as far east as Hol brook Use the new road on the north side of the railroad between Winslow- and Holbroolc Hoi brook reports that roads west of Flagstaff are good, but muddy south to Springer vi lie. Sprlngerville to So corro is reported wet. Socorro to El Paso via Elephant Butte dam is good with the exception of about 40 miles of rough road in the vicinity of San Marcial and San Antonio. Weather in that section Is now clear. Persons contemplating trips across the coun try should not hesitate now in using the Santa Fe trait At the present time, it is entirely free from snow and offers favorable conditions. Heavy travel beginning and in a few weeks it will be necessary for those not camping out to wire ahead for accommodations at the hotels. The branch roads running north through Colorado from the main line of the Santa Fe trail at Trinidad is In ex cellent condition. This road connects with the Lincoln highway at Big Spring and the latter road la open from Big Spring to Omaha and other points. 20 Children Enroled By Salvation Army in Its New 'Band of Love A "Band of Lots' has been organ ized by the local corps of the Salva tion Army for children of El Paso, which meets every Saturday after noon at 2 oclock in the hall at lit San Jacinto streeet. Its purpose is the pledging of the members to live up to the following. "I promise, by the help of God. not to drink any Intoxicating liquor, nor smoke tobacco, nor swear, nor steal. nor gamble. I will try to love all and be kind to animals and I will strive to speak the truth and offer a prayer to God every morning and evening. ADout su cnuaren are enroiea so far The girls are taught needle work and the boys woodcraft. Capt. and Mrs. Keene have charge of the work, and a sewing class has already been established at the county court house among the girls of the clinic Says 'Mooing of CoW Keeps His Tenants Awake The "mooine" of a cow at nbrht caused a complaint to be made to the public utilities department this week, according to a report from that de partment to the council Thursday morning. An East Boulevard apart ment house nwcer. whose same was not given In the report, said that his tenants were Kept awaxe ny tne cow at night. When the owner of the animal was notified of the complaint he explained that fae would let the cow and her calf "bed" tocether at night and bebeved that would stop tne cause or toe trouoie. 71 TRASH LOADS HAULED. MTuons and tracks of the city aan Itary department nauled 371 loads of trash during the week, according to sanitary commissioner unanea u Baron's report to the council. The total weight of the train hauled was 7,WW. THOMASflN 10 RESUME STOMP Dallas. Tex- May 6 R E. Thoma son announced today he will resume his campaign for governor at Mc Kinney Saturday night Thomason said, now that the administration fight is finishes hf is going into the frubernatonal fight in earnest "I eel very enthusiastic over my chances for election and expect to be on the stump until the July primaries, he said. Thomason said his speeches will be along the same lines as his opening speech delivered at Gaines tile A program of speaking dates has been mapped out by him. W. T. Pace, of Dallas, manager of the east Texas district of Curtis Pub lishing company. Thursday announced his candidacy for lieutenant governor on a platform opposed to the existing delinquent tax law s of Texas and certain types of permitted trust asso ciations, stating it is a reform in the laws be is seeking and not the office. THIRD PARTY SEEMS CERTAIN DECLARES DAVID LAWRENCE (Continued from paRe l. and governor Lowden. Either one would do. The victory of Johnson ii Cali fornia doesn't disturb them, for they regard the rotes for Hoover as a re flection of the conservative senti ment of California- It is strongly suspected here, moreover, that in SanJ so large, anti treaty Democrats voted in the Republican primaries by the thousands. This view is confirmed by a telegram just received by the writer from a trustworthy source in California, which rada as follows "The Democrats were iplit about 59-6S between Hoover and Jonnson. Both sides claimed them, but John son, through superb organisation, got away with tae majority or tne iwmo cratic vote. Most of the HooTer vote came from the women and that class of people who have not in the past paid so much direct attention to poli tics. Behind Johnson were Milton De Young, formerly chairman of the Democratic committee of Los Ange les; Joseph H. Call: Joseph Scott, Irish leader, nitnerto in tne rwmo cratic party; J. O. Snyder, the last Democratic candidate foe lieutenant governor, all of the Hearst Demo crats and senator Phelan, Democratic lieutenants In and around San Fran cisco, the latter because of an agree ment on the part of Johnson to sup port Phelan's reelection for the sen ate. "There is no strong Republican candidate running for the senate, and Phelan has made good for California, according to the judgment of leaders here, and they are proceeding on the theory that a Republican conserva tive must be nominated " Knox Boom Looms The booming of senator Knox of Pennsylvania by his astute col league, senator Penrose, isn't a pass in.? fa.ncv of that veteran political leader. It is a shot across the bow of the Johnson ship. Mr Knox is an Irreconcilable opponent of the treaty He stands on exactly the same ground as senator Johnson He has de nounced the treaty as too harsh and cruel upon Germany. If the Republi can convention should be confronted by Johnson followers with a demand for a stand on the treaty such as Johnson has taken. Philander C Knox, former secretary of state, would be offered as the typiflcatioa of the Joonson viewpoint. Lowden and Knox or Wood and Knox wouldn't be a strange combination for president and vice president. For while Mr. Knox reflects the view point of the Johnson followers on the peace treaty, nooody would for a saoment call him a radical He is a tried and true conservative, with a record in Republicanism that is un questioned. The third party 1 coming. The game tt Is to keep it from drawing too many Republicans and at the same time to en courage it as a place for the pro teat vote of the dUsruntled Dem ocrats, the radicals and other ele ments nboM acquisition by the Republican party might be em liarransfng. The Democrats are taking renewed hope. The Johnson vote spells a split to them In the ranks of their foes. Five weeks hence the conven tions will tell the tale, and there probably will be a third party. Copyright. 1920, by David Lawrence. DEMOCRATS WILL NOT HAVE EASY TASK TO NOMINATE (Continued from page X.) slat upon Its ratification aa signed? If so. a warm debate is assured. For not only are many Democratic sena tors in favor of the reservations to the treaty, but the foremost Demo erat out of office is of the opinion and has expressed it, that a campaign carrying; the treaty aa negotiated by the president would lead to certain defeat at the polls. This Democrat is Mr. Bryan, who has come back so far as Nebraska is concerned, and is expected to play an influential part in the convention. He has been picked as the leader of the drys in that body and is expected to give special attention to the pro tection of the 18th amendment and maybe he will exert himself in that way. But he is so definitely on rec ord as respects the treaty, he will be certain to make himself heard on that issue, also. If it is presented as Mr. Cummings would appear to fore cast." Democrats Face Bis; Job, Eo the Democrats, while they may not have as much trouble la nominat ing a standard bearer as the Repub licans are going to have, will tece some strenoous work before they finish. TOe Republicans don't know what they are going to do. The newspa pers continue to ask if Johnson will be willing to accept the second place on a Knox ticket. There is little talk yet of a third party, although William Randolph Hearst seems to be driving at it and his papers would support Johnson, it Is said, it he would head a ticket with somebody like Thomas Watson for second place. Johnson got back to Washington yesterday afternoon from hla Indiana campaign and -his managers here gave out a statement declaring that bis California indorsement was the greatest he had ever received In his life and would Kive him added pres tige in the convention, while the old line itepuoucan lemaera conunuea u look upon his defeat in Indiana. Maryland and New Jersey as omens showing that he will not be hard to deal with. Jobmon Has "S trance Hold." The Washington Times. Arthur Brisbane's paper, says Johnson now has "a strange hold on hie consider ably perturbed party," and adds: "The use the senator from California will put his advantage to, bow ever, has set the politicians here fuesslng. Whether he insists upon eadlng the ticket named at the Chi eaern convention or accents the vice presidential nomination, playing sec ond fiddle to senator Philander Knox, of Pennsylvania, as has been suggest ed in inspired circles, or take the bit In hla teeth and bolt unless given what he Deiieves tne snowing maae in his campaign entitles him to. no body seems to know. "Johnson's smashing victory over Herbert Hoover in California clinched the senator's grin on those elements within the G. O. P. which would con trol the destinies of the party, and it is everywnere aamitiea toaay that whatever happens at Chicago, nothing will be done without first reckoning with htm." BORAH DEMANDS SCANNING ALL CAMPAIGN EXPENSES "Washington P C Maj 6 Ines- tipation cf aJ presirif ntial r-impaipn expenditures R-p Mi .n ir l ito rar tva prop i - o n on PISTIL REUDY FDHSUITflYU.S. New York. May 6- Officials of the Postal Telegraph company say the company will welcome a suit by the governmen to recover $3,133,392. which postmaster general Burleson told congress represented the amount earned by the Postal during federal control over the compensation award ed by him. ' William J. Deegan. secretary of the company, said the Western Union and the Bell Telephone company were given 319210.681 mora than they earned. Ife declared that Burleson proposed to take the Postal's profits to make up the western unions r JOHNSON'S LEAD IN CALIFORNIA INCREASED (Continued from page 1.) cratic big four from Sw Jersey, at the Democratic state committee here, vigorously attacked national Demo cratic chairman Homer S. Cunmilngs. He asserted that more full blooded and virile leadership of the Demo cratic party was needed. Tito Uninvtrncted In Colorado. Colorado Springs. Colo, May & Republicans from the second con gressional district. In convention here, selected two unlnstructed dele gates to the Chicago convention. Socialist Platform Forecast. New York. May 6. A foseeast of the Issues that will flgurein the campaign manifesto of the Socialist national convention opening here next Saturday, made public today, in cludes; Recognition of Soviet Russia, the Independence of Ireland and self de termination for small nationalities whose will is now being defeated by Imperialist powers. A demand for release of all po litical prisoners. Condemnation of the league of na tions and treaty of peace. Demand for the repeal of the es pionage act. Denunciation of "tyranny of the postoffice department. Demands for immediate and dras tic steps to end profiteering. Demands for a drastic revision of taxation. SEAMAN ASHLEY, PIONEER EL PASO RESIDENT, DEAD Seaman Ashley, 81 years old, died Thursday morning at his htaa. 3311 Nashville street. Ho was a pioneer El Fasoan, having come hers shortly after the civil war, of which he was a union veteran. The shock of his wife's death several weeks ago was instrumental In bringing about his death. He Is survived by two daughters. both of El Paso, Mrs. dark Creps and Miss Tffm" Ashley. The fun eral .will be at 4:3ft oclock Friday afternoon from chapel at 506 Texas street. T0YAH IN NEED OF MEN OF PROFESSIONS AND TRADES Toyah. Texas. May 6. Toyah is said to be the largest or at least, the most popnlous city in Texas which has no dentist, no plumber, no Jeweler and no tinsmith or roofer. At a meeting of the chamber of commerce the secretary was In structed to let it be known as widely as possible that there Is great need in Toyah for men of the professions or trades enumerated above and to get into corespondence with those who might apply. El Pao Seed Cc'a tale Catalog now ready Write or call for a copy Adv NATIONAL BICYCLE May 1st, This week every bicycle dealer in town has his West and finest models on display. You will find one that just suits you. Decide now! Riding a bicycle saves money time and trouble. It makes you independent of hot Extra Only 50 Left Your opportunity to obtain one of these "-Hygeno" Metal Carpet Sweepers Worth . $3 each for only, 1.39 is fast slipping away. Tomorrow and Saturday will see the end of this wonderful bargain sale of sweepers. After S?turday the price will be $3. Buy now and save $1.61. Think of buying a splendid, durable carpet sweeper at such a rufieo kwnly low price I The "Hygeno0 Sweepef ht made of steel, light is weight bat very strong a 'sanitary sweeper which harbors no gsraM "Hygeno" Sweepers are handsome, having beautiful mahogany bnkrd enamel finfee. and nickel trimming. Ifs a mighty good sweeper better than the old fashioned Maj sini tary, light weight, easy running and kandsomely finished. J - QQ Saturday is hut day at .,. $ 1 Rogers Furniliire Co. 207-9-11 North Stanton Street. "NO ACTUAL FIGURES" ON TUBERCULOUS EX-SOLDIERS Austin. Texas, May 4. That there were "no actual figures obtainable irom any source" to substantiate any representations that there were 4000 exservics men suffering with tuber culosia In Texas, but that these figures were based on an estimate made by Maj. John M. Holt, surgeon unitoa stales puoiic nospitai service, tddressed to the governor on October SO. 1919. are conclusions reached today by executive committee which in vestigated, on Wednesday, the state ment made by Thomas Distances, post oz, American Legion. t Houston, chal lenging these figures. The executive committee, of Thomas Dismukes post insisted that a rep- resontatlve of the benevolent war risk society had stated as a fact that there were 4000 exservies men In Texas suffering with tuberculosis and based on such a statement, funds were collected from people of Houston for building a tubercular hospital at Kerrville. A French correspondent asserts that Germany can put 1.400.000 sol diers into the field at once, and has officers to command 4,000,009 men. Prom Leslie's. CYCLE TRJDES OF AMERICA, Int., 351Famn Strut Special SUFFERED WITH RHEUMATISM, CATARRH AND STOMACH TROUBLE NUMBER 40 GAVE RELIEF 1 think Number 4e For The Blood: as a blood purifier haa no equal. When I began to take Number I was in very poor health, as I had rheumatism, catarrh, stomach trou ble, lead polsonine and an itch for which I had tried numerous prescrip tions without relief. I have takes six bottles of Number 4 and a.n oa a fast road to recovery. I feel that I owe my life to it as I was run down, weig-hlna; only 127 pounds, but now 1 welsh 148 pounds, my usual weight. I could writs mare, but this should be enough to convince the Use Herald Want Ads For Sure Results to 8th, crowded street cars. It builds your health. and is always a pleasant convenience. Decide now to ride a bicycle to work and play. You will find it pays big. Buy now and get the benefit of the whole season. Uf & i) SEE WINDOW - DISPLAY Only one sold to each customer. No phone orders will be accepted. None sent C. 0. P. OTJE SEMI-ANNUAL SAMEiE SALE continues to attract widespread attention because of the yalues offered throughout the entire store. you need furmiurz, be sort to aUatd Otis sale. Bay and Pa$ l&Eai$ Rogers Was most skeptical. Tou are at liber to use this letter any way you des:re George Kllnkar, Lima. Ohio. Number 40 is demanded In joat. and rfct.i matle conditions, poisoning', auto-m-tozication. eossttp&ticn. indigestion. stomach, liver and kidney trouble. ecsema, burning- anl itchlse skin eruptions, sores, ulcers, swelling's, mercurial and ead poiso--ins; Used with remark? Me success in functional nervous trouble, ast i ma and difficult breathing Prepir-d by J. C liandenhall. Evansriiu 1-1 4f years a druggist. Sold by K 4 Pollard. Adv. WEEK Ntw Ytri, U. A.