Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Thursday May 6, 1520. 7 SETTEE CABLES OOST GOTTO New Orleans. La, Max 6. Better cables than doe and reports that the Lancashire mill strike had been set .ed caused buying: in a larre way on the opening- of the cotton market to ci anc the demand continued o trat during the first honr of busi ness prices were lilted "3 to 49 points, JuH rising to $3s 4S and October to J36 0 leather cond'tions in the belt ere caned more favorable than oth-prwis- but they bad no effect against aluep Sirmddlf trading between July sod Oc tober axjmed larre proportions and made f an irregular market. Jaly was sold in3 October boorfat on the theory that th tiro months must oozne together Id ,.r "e The remit of this was that Jaly reacted stronsly. f alitor to SU.17. or S T'-'a under the dose of yesterday, while number Miii traded about Jt petal over - -stTdav a close. Late In the moraine 'V r-arket was 1 down to 32 np net. Tn the afternoon the Irregularity became - pronounced and toward the ektee - -ir-rt were 21 ootnts vnder veaterdara - ic i-H to 22 points orer, Jahf tantne. -o ui uonsiaeraDie reauxuc came r m lens Opening bids were. May. $39.84; J38 35. October. JJS.26; Decem--t. $35.43, January, $35.11. NEW YORK COTTON rUTUBKS. Vew York. May 6 Cotton fatares oee steady July. Its 23: Octooer. Mill: December, $25 CI. January. S3 5 12. CX.TESTOK COTTON MARKET. n r 1 veston Tex., May 6. Spot cotton 1-' Middling, 142-00. Taad FLOt R UP SBC A BARREL. Minneapolis, Minn May 0. Flour new record high price nere today with an advance of Soe a bar rel An advance yesterday In wheat wit s. pooa steaay aemana is tne reason ascribed for the Increase. To da s quotation. $1S a barrel, when sold m 98-pound cotton sacks In car Icau lots, represents an adTance of S2 a barrel for standard floor in a month 8TOT8 ttvtMGr BjOOfUtt OU syU tcBpUtc Bwflea. wOok at these two plates and Qe To lit own reasoning The roofless ban suctions oa botfa side (2), soft rubber next to sore gums. Designed to be put in immediately after ex traction It does cot touch tke hard bene' in the roof of the month and makes its own bed. No fall therefore, tt settles with the gums roof piste ran compare with the fit of this plate, as It settles Into its bed, lighter, more tongue room, clearer speech. Dr Williams haa beea muting thm plate for tea jean, aad m tbor- o .Rhl.T famihar with its eoBstroe tion. Made only by as in EJ Pase. NOTE OUS LOWEST FEICES Fall PUtea 110 up joia uewns t&eai naej Bridge work, per tooth $5 Fillings II ap A3 classes of dent is try at propor tionate prices. J. HOD WILLIAMS, M. D D. D. S. Tiinlets Will -is, The Peeple " DeBttst" Cot. EI Paso and ?a Antonio Sta. Over 4 n erica a TEitflonal Bank. across Street Prom Kb trance Hotel Del Nirte. Foae B&4. Roars 8tOO to SiMO. San day 9 to IS. Sat. Events cm. POGLJUGGLERS HOLE IH STOCKS New York. Hay S. Todays stock market again derived Its chief sap port fros speculative Interest!, pools betas; especially active in steels, equipments, oils and specialties. Sales approximated S00.W0 shares. The close was Irreealar. Liberty bonds close: S SI1.S: first 4s. HUi. second 4s SI4J4; first .; seeood 4KS, IIS.I; turd tUm. fourth 414s, !!(-(: Victory Ks, ., victory 4. JH-M. N. Y. MSTED STOCKS. (By the Associated Pre.! New York. Mar FMlewtac are the cloalna qootaUoiM at the New York stock enchase twr the stocks mentioned: American Safar J?! American T. and T. H Anaconda Copper AtJhlsoa - i Chtno Copper Colorado Vnel and Iron, Md ... 1H Insptratloa Copper ajj Northern Pacific K IT as dins ....... ....-.......... M Soithern Pacttte HI. United States Steel MONEY AND METALS. Rt tb. AftMMSted Press. New Tork, May . Prime mercantile paper. 7 percent. Excnaase. axeaay. s1bur. cs dar bins. St.SSH: eommer- i.t ea 4v un. an banlw. SS.MU: com mercial, M day bins. IMS: cables. SMtK- aoverniBent oenos, sirsss. Rlrkd ho&ds. trresolar. Ttoe toans, stronc: M days. J days and six moBths, f H percent. Can money, easy. HlEh, low. roHar rate and last loan. T; bank acceptances. 7 per cent. Bar stiver. tLMH. Hexsean doners. !9Hc Spot copper, lmrhanccd. Spot tta. tSCot: May-Jane. Jt'.JI. tread, asset: spot aad Uxy. S.. Znac aalet. Bast St. LocH. spat. (!.H 7M. Iron, steady. No. 1 Northers, JII.M: Na 2 Northern. I4LS. Antimony. SISJS. IO.VI)ON JIETAI. St AKKET. London. Bas- May . The qneUUena on tbe metal exchange today were as follows: Spot copper, tlvs, lis, so. Eleetrolytle. I11L Tln. at. le. lad. 117. Us Zinc 44. Its. roan, jrrrAi. habket. Oootatieas received by the a Paso sm.lter: snver. tl-tHit London lead. J. ta. London exchaasre, L14. Lead, Grains and Provisions. fChleare Grain. Clese. Cam May. LM: July. JL71S: Sep tember. IL!S. Oats Jaly. Je: September, 77e. Chlcazo Prorlslons. Cloec. Pork May. its.; Joly. JJt.eS. Lard May, SIS.S: Joly, SUM. Bibs May, JH.I5: Jaly. fChlcaso rrodnee. Close. Chlearo. m. May S. Bntter Lower. Creamery. 470Sfc Baas Hlher. Receipts. J 1.771 cases. Pbsta. 4l4c; ordinary firsts. Sltflec; at market, cases tnerooeo. 4efy4jc Ponluy Sorlnrs. 37c: fowls. S4c Potatoes Stronr. Receipts. 2 cars. Northern white, sacked and belle 0 7.4: Maine Green Mountains. S7.lS07.So: new. weak: Flonoa. spanuiinc itoee, fto. 1. 17 0 per barrel: No. S. Ill so. TT.n, Cltv Produce. CkMe. Kansas City. Mo.. May Ea Cor rent receipts. He hlsher. Firsts, lltte hlsher Firsts. Jc Bntter Creamery. So hleher; J score, sSc: flrats. Cle: seconds, tec Hens, Itc; op lc COPPERS SHOW LITTLE CHANGE Copper shares were unchanged to 134 points high Thursday, according to J. S. Cnrtiss & company. Security bank bnlldtag. Anaconda gained . C & A. gained 1, Inspiration 's. Utah, V. Curb Copper Slocks. Arlsona Blnchamtoa 9 IS-1C Arkaasas Arlsona It 0 II Blr Leedce S-1C CaL Jerome 0 -1- Coosolldated Arizona imnoee Aroeaa Vi LOIE TRIANGLE BARED IN COURT (Continued from page 1.) Green Monster ...... Hall Copper ......... Bowe Sound .... Jerome Verde Naoosari Mamma Chief Magma Miami Consolidated.. New Cornelia Ray Hercoles United Eastern Saperlor and Boston . Verde Extenaton Verde Combtaation ... Gadsden . .......... Creeson Silver Kmc: ......... iwrpkyry . ...... Denn . ............. Glestrock Consolidated Copper . Shea Copper ..1-14 a .. St 3 .. 47 .. 10 .. 14 0 ..l-s: 0 .. n 0 V0 1H0 4U0 .. IS 0 0 .. S 0 .. tt 0 1K0 ..2 0 4 0 .. It 0 1K0 se .. tt 0 st 4 tt :s st l-II M I 1 4H 14 S tK 7t IT. lli H IS 1 4 7t listed Copper Stocks Aaaconda American Smelters ............. Ban. Cslamet Arizona Nevada . Ray Utah BsQroad Stocks, Atentees) Baltimore s Ohio Canadian Paetfie tlH tlK 24K UK tt CkUe Its KeTaecott 77 S ... zz ... IIS ... 1711 ,-- 'H ... UK ... U ... 1UH Srte . ............. s .. ........ . 13 Now York Central 7tft FeassylTaBla. .... ................ 4H Senthorn Railway 21 SC Psal Indostrial SloeLa. Amcrlean Car and Foondry ........ 132 American Can -K AtnerieaB ZsOOftznotlre Baldwin IeoomotlTe UT Bethlehem Steet H Lackawanna .................... ?t JUuTtM ................... v Ci ueraee .................. l" ladastrial Alcohol tt GoodrieB ! V. S. Robber It Central Leather lift GecMral Motors, new stock It Stadebaker St Westtachonse 4K New Terk Oils. Mexican Petroleam 17S& Texas On 4t si Pterse It Ren Dateh I" Pan-American IS EL PASO OIL STOCKS. Tae flrvres taken Tnm tbe boards st the dose of the .slea Thareday seen: EI Paso Ftoek Exrhanse. Bid Asked Sold Bta?Fer S JJ S - I ... Comanche Caty. J Jfl W. W. Oox 5.t CITED FOR B11ATERY. Islovd J. Stttnrnan. a local Mason and a member of the Shiiner patrol, has nst received a citation for dis tinguished bravery and exceptional gauantxy wsner xire ourus lae Mense-Argonne offensive on Novem ber 1. 1V18. ChlcLen Feed that makes the hen lay. El Paso Seed Co, 623 Bast San Antonio St. Adv. VSWW?: P omm lsaaaaVA I WTEsSWiTi'tsO Ji bnnE2eSanF" ,ieeMi7 saaeCa1aV?'AaStt BATnaaaaccS eMBSTw ILA. B4i c--3 VitMSixSfSsmaKtl TT F El Paso Banrer- .4s ,if ... Hveee Basin Dvr ... 1.1 r Homer Union ... .42 .SO ... Hoeco Baam . .. .tt 1.M 0.. Hneoo Banper . . ... .CO Iarader of Texas .tt . ... Jasxers Wallace ... 2t ... Krar 8 1-W 1.M Texas Homer JtX .37 - Texas Pet .... J J5 .Jl Ranrer R. Z..... 1.45 ... ... Ransrer Brooks. . ... ... Ranxvr Texas -IS ... ... Rancer Central. .17 .21 ... Ranccr Bvrk .2 ... ape Springs ... - 17.S0 3. O. & D. .W .80 SonBhlD .M 1.12 l.rl Duke of Dublin ... .45 ... Ocean . ... .1 ... Valley M .25 Service 9 ,21 ... iVERY 56 seconds a destructive fire starts somewhere in the United States. An average of 1500 fires a day the year round. Most of these fires are in homes! Will yours be next? It may, unless you have a flashlight in your home. For scores of " home fires" tire caused by use of matches and other open lights for searching dark comers. Franco Flashlights are home neces sities. They light up the dark comers safely. Absolutely guaranteed. Give more light and last longer. Always dependable. (Informaion concerning fira laktn lvu 4 M.a f ciciuwn manual auueu uj The A'afl Board of Fire Undttwnten.) saBsKaSsaStfPsncaW TomorrmMgfatoolafo r Livestock Ilarket Kansas City livestock. Close. Kansas City. Us, May t. Hes Re ceipts, It: Hrhts snd medmms, l02e hlsher: top, S14.7S; heavies, steady to ltc Wsner: beat Hzhts and mediums, J1.W 14-tS. Cattle Recdnts. SIM. Beef steers. lttB 15c hlsher. top. 117-71: ehe-stock. steady to stronc: none aestraMe Kja. 41 V 11-OS: calves, steady: mostly SlO.M01Lt; balls, steady; feeders, weak. Sheep Receipts, loot Market steady to stronc;. 7t ponnders from Arizona, sprter lames. SIS to; small banch native sprint: Iambs, CORN F0LL0WSPRICE DROP; GRAIN CLOSE IS STRONG Chicago, nu. May 6. KxceUosit weather, with cuts in the price of sine and other commodities, pave an ad vantage today to bears la the corn market. Opening prices, which ranged from Me to lsc lower, with Joly SL67H to JL6S and September SLatU to 1 1.59 51. were followed by soido farther setbacks and by a mod erate rally, with May leading; the op tarn. Subsequently, general covering by shorts led to sharp gains. The fact that tor the first time this season, number 2 Yellow corn here com manded 52 a bushel stimulated the advance, and so too did reports that Dutch banks were baying Argentine corn for (Germany. Tho close was strong. 2 1-sc to SHc net higher, with July SI.71 5-8 to 11.71 7-8 and Septem ber JLfZi-S to JLCZT-S. Oats were easier with corn. After opening 4c to lHc lower, including Joly at IlUc to 31c tbe market underwent an additional sag before bogbuifng to react. Higher quotations on hogs pat some firmness into provisions. THE WEATHER. U. S. DEPART2IENT OP AGRICULTURE WEATHER BUREAU. grace my brother's fami y and her own. I told her 'f she would, we won Id make a settlement with hsr that would be right." To this. Mr. Doster told the jury. Mrs. Doster woti!d not agree. He said she seemed to bo worried about the other woman, to whom she said hr common law husband had been writ ing. She had. it was stated on the stand, intercepted a telegram from the other woman sent from Pueblo, Colo., which was signed Lulu. The telegram, which the witness said Mrs. Doster intercepted, the prosecution introduced In evidence, as was the telegram Mrs. Doster is said to hae sent to the father of the slain officer In regard to the other woman, and which brought the witness to Co lumbus. Agreement Reached. After considerable discussion, dar ing which the witness testified Mrs. Doster threatened Capt. Doster with exposure to the military authorities and prosecution under the white slave act. John Doster. the witness, said he proposed his brother pay Mrs Doster J 20 in cash and $50 a month for a year on condition that she go awav and leave the officer alone. This, the witness said, the defendant finally agreed to, but later rejected. sayinir asaln she would cause the captain trouble. Finally, the j?ry was ioio. .wrs. uoster agreea to take JZ50 In cash, which wonld be enough to make her bank account ISOO. and S66 a month. This. Mr. Doster averred, was agreed to and on Feb ruary 13. he says, he and his brother and the woman came to Deming and went to the office of R. F. Hamilton, an attorney, to get a contract drawn up embodying the agreement. At the office or Mr. Hamilton, the witness said. Mrs. Doster demanded to be al lowed to talk privately with the law yer before she signed anything. This she was allowed to do. After 3 minutes of private conference, the witness saio. Mrs. LKwter came out into the waiting room of the law yer's office and flatly refused to sign anything and again repeated that she could send Doster to prison and expose him before the military au thorities. The three then started back to Columbus, tbe witness said, and an agreement seemed to be all off. About a mile out of the city. however, so the testimony went, Mrs. Doster agreed to take 15 a month and zSd cash, provided she also would be given a ticket to Los An geles, where she agreed. It was said, to find work. Contract Drawn Up, Tbe proposal, Mr. Doster asserted. was agreed to and the three returned to Mr. Hamilton's office and drew up a contract. The contract was In- trooocea m evidence. Jr. ioster saia that on returning to Colnabns be purchased a ticket to Los Aageles for Mrs. Doster and that she went on the same train with htm. In Los ABEeles things did not ran smoothly, however, according to tbe witness. He said that Mrs. Doster called ataa from her hotel and told him she could not live JUNIOR G. OF G. HEARS KnYSER "The Advantage of Maintain, re Credit" was the subject of Edgar Kayser's talk at a luncheon of the junior chamber of commerce Thurs day. Mr Kayser is a vice president of the First National bank. K. R. Perrent. vice president of tbe Two Hepublics Life Insurance company and Rev. F. M. Johnson, secretary of the American Legion, made brief talks on the work that might be ac complished by the junior organiza tion. The luncheon was attended by a large percentage of members. The "jazz" band from the Modern cafe furnished tbe music on $65 a month. Judge Doster. father or tne witness, it wss stated, went with the younger Doster on one oc casion and suggested she supplement her allowance with her own efforts. In other words, that she go to work. One day, the witness said. Mrs. Dos ter called him in Los Angeles, and told him the contract she signed was Illegal, that a lawyer had told her so. She said, accordtng to the testi mony this morning, that she Intended placing the matter In the hands of the prosecuting attorney. Jury Era panne led. A Jury of the defendant's peers was impaneled only after three special venires had been exhausted, totaling more than 100 men. The difficulty was mainly due to two things, the opposition of manv of the veniremen to the death penalty and disinclina tion to be as severe with a woman as a man. Many of the veniremen said they had opinions which of course barred then from service. The last juror obtained was A. J. Huxtable, who said he would be in clined to be more lenient with a woman defendant that with a man. He also bad some doubts about the righteousness of the death penalty. Prosecuting attorney J. S. Vaught challenged the juror but was over ruled by judge Raymond R. Ryan. The jury In the doster case consists of L. K. Weaver. J. A. Martin. E. O. Sampson, Harry Lester. Roy Bmery. T. J. Clark. Jr.. W. J. Berry. Emmet Connolly, J F. "Wilson. Will Allbee. L. L. Gaskill and A. J. Ha x table. Mrs Doster was 111 yesterday but had apparently recovered today. SAY MAN SHOT UP HOUSE BECAUSE MEAL WAS SLOW Nogales. Ariz, May 6. Charged with shooting a girl endeavoring to escape with an Infant from tbe home of C de la Ossa, at LochleL Miguel Sieguerros yesterday was bound over to the superior court In the sum of 12594. in default of which he was remanded to jalL Sheriffs officers say that Siesruer- ros riddled the de la Ossa home with bullets because a meal he had ordered was slow in coming. He barricaded the home against soldiers, who at lea gin forced him to surrender. A rifle and a six shooter were taken from him. I T ES HEBEL STATIOM United States mail wHl be moved into Sonora through the regular chan nels, despite the -cw conditions there, it was said at the offices of the railway mail service Thursday. Mail addressed to Sonora from the United States, which was held An Juarez during the time the revolu tionary leaders were coming into power in Sonora, now has been re leased. It was said. PUPILS JOIN TEACHERS ON STRIKE FOR MORE PAY Newport. Ky.. May ft. The entire teaching force of the public grade and high schools of Newport is ou "in definite vacation" because their de mand for a salary increase of $300 was refused The 293 pupils rushed from the building and paraded the streets, shouting. "More pay for the teachers." CHARGES AGAINST UNIONIST ARE DISMISSED BY JUDGE Detroit. Mich.. May 6. Charges of criminal syndicalism against William C Chapaton. president of the Detroit Yardmen's association, made by two detectives, were ordered dlsmleoed by municipal judge Stein yesterday. MRS. SAMUEL G0MPERS STRICKEN BY PARALYSIS Washington, D. C May 6. Mrs. Samuel Gomners, wife of the presi dent of the American Federation of Labor, is seriously III at her home here. Mrs. Gompers, 69 years old. has suffered two strokes of paralysis. From 20 to 30 percent of the wom en employed oy British nanicing in stitutions during the war have been retained in their positions. Globe Store News- well corseted Puzzle Pictures By WAI.TKTI tVRM.MAW DTO-BE-.ML-rlE:W- AN-SAM-YAND-THY-AL-AN-DEAR-DANTO L'lS-Y-AL-E-lS-rVWtv MAKE-THY-L irq Kmi jnn(,r EACH letteV or group of letters is separated, as you will see. Rear range the words and letters by writing them down in proper se quence to form a well known proverb In verse ASWEJt TO YESTERDAY'S TUZZLE Lexlngu kin'iUe. HOuOhton. HARvEj. GraNd j Unction. women The ttue and graze of Ae 8x8 ceneUi figure may be obtained bjf selecting your corset here md oo9mg yourself of the services of oar expert conetieres. In preseatag the Freacli raake. Le Revo, and the Kabo "Live Model Corsets," we offer a wide selection froa which to choose. The materials are coutt!. batiste and brocade, in both flesh aad white, with plain and faacy desigas front and back lace styles, ia the very latest models. A fid! raage of size. Kaho Corsels may Le Reoo Cartels be had from $1.75 are priced from $5 to $7 lo $1250 EXTRA SPECIAL For the remainder of the week we are offering an exceptionally good value in a Le Revo corset of fine quahry white coutil in a full range of sizes at $5.00 BUST C0NFINERS we have a complete line of bust conftners priced 7I from - I J PHONE 5200 THE C to $O.UU FOR ALL DEPTS. GLOBE COR. OVERLAND & XSgS' SAN JACIHT0 STS. 'The Store Hiat Sells For Less" DURLESGTON' DIRGCTORS NAMED. Chicago, 1IL. May . Jackson E. Reynolds, president of the First Na tional bank. New York, and Thomas E. Howland. vice president of the Burlington, were elected directors of the Chicago Burlington & Qnlncy railroad at the annual meeUair here. It was announced today. Other direc tors and tbe officers were reelected. The directorate was increased from 11 to 13 members. Bison in the United States In 1350 numbered about 40,000,000. Diseased Skin Freedom at ooce fros thearosyef sAfadisEue, TI notable wash of Try a a a iVs differest. 33c CQs and Sum. We rtwruiM te ftnt bottle. S laUmJb? Skin. Disease Kelly A roiutm, lrnca-lata J"t evEKVeOOV AKE3 ACHABRJItTWe LUK'JT EDITIOM4 J: wi, M --v JgP prat) WHAT IS IT? a)lvstra.UanB tAaen m ?Kr jnerkuan time. May e. iizs. Forecastsi El Paso and vtein Ity: Partly cltrady toBicht and Friday. New Mexico aad Arisen: Fair to nlcht and Friday : wanner tonirht. West Texas: To nlbt aad Friday partly ctoudy. Retatlvo humidity in El Paso at n Thorsday was 7 percent; temperature noes was 7. Precipitation last 34 hoars (Inches)-. State of weather, . . - Lowest Temp. Last Nlghl Hir&eet Temp, leatoy- Ttmp. at a a. Abilene . Amarillo . Atlanta . Cblcaco . Ctnetnnatl Denver . DnlBth . KL PASO 50 Galveston . ......74 Havre Kanaac City 34 Little Rock 64 Los Angeles M New Orleans 74 New Tork 43 Phoenix -S3 St. Lottls S4 Salt Lake City 44 San Antonio 73 Ran Francisco ....43 Santa Fe .. ..42 Seattle 43 UTct silAlvvvAvaj GA Comparative El Paso Frec!plt!on. Jan- 1 to Vay E. Include. 13l LIS Jai. I to May 5 Inrlusire. 1917 39 Jan 1 to Va 5. 'nclDsJiTe. 791S 7 34 Jan. t to May 6, tar aslve. lli 1 $5 t - I I -: i I Y I ft If CI Clec4y ... K tt 4S Camay .14 tt It SJ Oseasy .It M II 44 CkHKlr ... 48 tt 4Z Oocdy ... 4t 41 42 dear .ft 4f It 4 Cteody ... 54 Clear It 11 Clear tt 44 3-ar tt II aecdy ... 71 C4 Clatmr .It 61 te CVrady ... M 71 Cloncy ... fs 42 dear If St Clear ft St Oondy ... ft 44 Clear ft 71 Cloudy ... ft 4S Cloudy ... ft IS Clear ft 4f Clear The Firestone Cord an nounced last year as first of the new standard over size has proven its supe riority through the stress of winter driving and the car owners recognize it. Go back of this Firestone Cord Tire, and you will arrive at this conclusion that Firestone does give and will always con tinue to give most miles per dojlar. Firestone Buying Resources With purchasing headquarters established at Singapore, with expert buyers stationed at all sourcesofproduction,Firestone gets first call on the choicest of raw rubber; and Firestone's quantity buying resources cre ate big savings at the source. Firestone's foresight in estab lishing sources of supply for cord and fabric, assuring uni form quality and constant de livery, creates still further sav ings, and these are all turned into more miles for the car owner's money. la In. Wtiaf Most Miles K :0a1e?) MaarillrsSs M9&aalel Uaaaft WOT Jft M5&3 JsaL taB sw 'WW'S? JjPr W 4sbKMWbW SsF Firestone Manufacturing Initiative This is demonstrated pointedly in this Cord Tire. It is substantiated by the Firestone worker-stockholder organization men financially interested in the success of the product their skill turns out. With every .incentive to work better and live better, most miles per dollar is a definite pledge. Firestone Distribution With &t branches established in the principal cities through out the United States, and with 46,000 dealers everywhere, sell ing Firestone Tires, Firestone has worked out the efficient and economical distribution system to get tires into the hands of car owners. Any one of these 46,000 Fire stone dealers will supply you with Firestones in your size and type. Put Firestones on every wheel of your car. Most miles per dollar is a Firestone pledge, to the light car owner as well as to the owners of big cars. See the $7,000,000 special molded 3-inch Firestone. aSBBBBBBSV SBBBBBBBSV tlsBSBBBBBBBBBBBv , areola. aatea. v, mi lisur 1 '!, l . Normal Jan. l to May S, Incltulve, LSI tn I