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Thursday lore Than 150 I Luncheon cf Presbyterian Women Br OLLIE P. rl the pleasant bi assembly room at the First Presbyterian church on Wednesday the annual luncheon of he Aid society of the church was given with moto than 150 guests present T he assembly room was fragrant tnd beautiful with masses of spring fiowrs and foliage and adding fur 4 her to its attractiveness were song birds twittering; their sweet spring melodies The tables were beautiful for tbe luncheon service, vying with each other in decoration of roses. sweetpe&s, snapdragon and all of the jovely blossoms of the garden. Can Ales in pink and green tints lighted the tables and there were innumera ble other decorations of tulle in HATS CXRANBP AND BLOCKED J V, ! Overalls an Extravagance The trouble with the times, aside frem cnder prodnction, is that too many people are buying too Taany things 'they don't need. The "overall move ment" is all right in the ory hnt in practice it defeats its own aim. Eow many men have bought overalls when in their wardrobes at home two or three old suits were hanging, n e glected and ignored? "We could have taken any one of those suits and pot them into good-as-new shape for less than was spent on the denims, COULD and STILL CANI Wilson Millican The Best Cleaners PUof No. 1 Cleaning: and Dyeing; Phoae 4400 Plast No. 2 Phone TS8 CABPETi CLEUEO IMOVING! H Let na handle your household coods, M For Stovtne. Skipping", Stortaa-. H Pseklna. Pianos. Baaxase. 3 Freisht Hauling. U PHONE TOT OB TIT. lOdom Transfer 1 Company f 1 LcTwCYSwn Hff Good bread will Bake batty kids of healthy babies. "AMERICAN MAID" and "GOLDEN KRUST" BREAD is good bread. The sweet, wkolejorae, weH made loaves make stronf, healthy children. Bread replaces the energy of active, lively, bard-playing boys asd girl. Ask yonr grocer. Tesas and VirgiBia. .laiissBKeSsss'issssBssssSMssstev gwJr-yWl53MBjB-fff I VL V HSUy-l Ml JQlJ May 6, 1920. Present at Annual LAXSDEX. jahtv ,,, TrrnrJi baskets and can dle shades hooding the lights In soft pink and roae Mrs. Harris Walthall, president of the Aid society, presided and save an Interesting talk on the alms of the MrsT'vr. D Howe had charge of the prOKTam given after the luncheon service which included two solo; by Mrs. J. W. Christie, accompanied by Miss Mary Heermans: two solos by Prank Cheek, accompanied by Miss Heermans: solo. Mrs. L. G. Wlther gnoon. with Mrs. Charles Andrews as accompanist: a poem written by Mrs. C L. Felham on the May day lunch eon, read by Miss Pauline Latta; two solos by Dr. Floyd Poe. with Mrs. Poe at the piano and two readings by Betty Dane Hnlinc . , Mrs. Howe told of how the luncheon of lastiyear marked the debut Into the churchSof Dr Poe. Dr. Poe spoke of his love for the church and of his hearty approval of the splendid work done by the Aid society. , After the luncheon an informal re ception was held. . , Mrs. Harris Walthall was general chairman of the luncheon. She was assisted by a large committee. & jt .. Mrs. H. H. Vlckers entertained Wednesday noon at nw itumc, n,i iirMt thA members of Mrs. Elisabeth Fennell's Bible class of Westminster Presbyterian church. The house was fragrant with spring blossoms. Poppies, roses and ver benas decorated the table. After the lunct'eon hour, the guests enjoyed piano selections by Mrs. Allen and Fred Vlckers. The guest list in cluded Mrs. Sallte Allen. Mrs. Eliza F. Cook. Miss Logan Cary. Mrs. D. A. DeWltt. Mrs. Alice V. Crockett. Mrs. Elizabeth FennelU Mrs. 1L F. Harp. Mrs. Percy McGhee. Mrs. Laura Mob- ley. Mrs. Ama n. Jteagner. are. . j. iiiii wrt ?c. n. McMnrrv. Mrs. Bula N. Ragsdale. Miss Annie R. Wat son. Mrs. J. H. Jfewton. Mrs. Shankers ana airs. v. u wms. Mrs. Allen Bayles gave a pretty In formal luncheon at the Sayles home honoring Miss Vera Fogelsong on Tuesday. Ml?s Fogelsong Is here from her honw In Council Bluffs. Ia for a visit to Mrs. Sarah StenzeL For Mrs. Sayless courtesy the table was decorated with sweet peas and roses. Those present, besides the honor cuests were Miss Katherine Richey. Miss Geneieve BannelL Miss Lucille Douglas, of Los Angeles; Mrs. Charles Goetting. Mrs. Bryan wens crown, Mrs. Sam Rutherford. Mrs. X. J. Locke. Mrs. Del Klchey and Mrs. T. O. Brooks. One of the largest luncheons of the season wrn be given at Hotel Paso del Norte on Friday by Mrs. B. F. Stevens in compliment to Mrs. Maurice Kayser. of Mexico City, and for Mrs. Fred Williams, of Topeka, Kanu. sister and guest of Mrs. Fred Humphreys. Fifty eight guests will be present for the courtesy to the visitors. Mrs. Kayser has been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kayser for several weeks and is now the guest of Mrs. Stevens. SI Fan Seed Co-' 1920 Catalog now ready. Write or call for & copy. Adv. STAUDS ALONE America's Sunreme Remedy, Vitalltas, is now being used in homes throaerhont ranch of America. It is recommended everywhere as a system builder, tonic ana general corrective. Today, thousands of people are en Joying new life after its ose. Take Vitalltas for indigestion, rheumatism, liver and kidney ills; there is no natural remedy so ezfec tive. As a Bpring tonic, Vitalltas should be in every home for au mem bers of the familv. Get a bottle of It today from your druggist and watcn results aov. The Baby Show Makes For BETTER BABIES So Does GOOD BREAD Wholesale Only. mps Mrs. Hyman and Mrs. Stolaroff Give Bridge Party for Three Visitors I jvr RS. HARRY HYMAN and lira A. Stolaroff are entertaining- with a nnags party tnis afternoon in the ball room of Hotel Paso Del Norte In compliment to Mrs I. Lip man. of Houston Miss Sarah Potash, of Victoria. Texas, and Misa Iteva Dubinski. of San Antonio. The flowers of decoration are sweet peas and carnations in shades of rose. At tea time a dainty three course menu will be served. The prizes are especially attract! e, being exquisite pieces of Japanese art. brought from Japan by Mr. Hyman. Pre tty guest prizes were to be pre sented the three honor guests. The guests present number S3. MaJ. and Mrs. H. B. Hill enters talned with a dellehtftil card nartv for the base hospital Bridge club on Wednesday evening at their quarters at Fort Bliss. Sweet peas were utilized In deco Mrs. James G. McNary Gives Party On Daughter's Birthday Anniversary W RS. JAMES GRAI.Ail MTJART gave a pretty children s party on Wednesday afternoon at the McNary home In Austin Terrace to compliment to her young daughter. Margery May. who on Wednesday celebrated her tenth birthday anni versary. Croquet and other games were en joyed on the lawn, and ices In the form of animals were served. Assisting Mrs. McNary with the hospitality were her elder daughter. Ruth Elizabeth SIcN'ary. and Fanny MapeX Jeanette Rawllngs, Marlon Hurd. Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Poe and Mrs. James A, Dick. The guests enjoying the afternoon with Margery May were: Helen Ben ton. Mary Benton, Sarah May Butler, Helen Lonlse Poe. Margaret Alley. Bessie Levenson. Consuelo Ascuncllo. Romaine Safford. Lorraine Crockett, Martha Raynolds, Mary Elizabeth Harper. Eugenia Smith, Esther Pick ett, Edith Anne Walthall. Ladle By ers. Anita Andreas, Katherine Cole. Bettie Hawkins. Julie Hawkins and Martha McNary. " An enjoyable surprise was tendered Bud Hobeln by a number of his friends Saturday evening, as a fare well party and also in honor of bis 22d birthday anniversary. Mr. Ho beln will leave soon to spend a few weeks In California, later entering school in Oklahoma, where he -will complete his course in mechanical en gineering. The evening was spent dancing. Punch was served, and later dainty I Mrs. Wm. R. Brown To Be the Hostess At Musical For Mrs. W. J. Glasgow ONE of the many delightful affairs honoring Mrs. Wllllan J. Glas gow during her visit to her father. Judge Joseph Magoffin, and her sister, Mrs. James Magoffin, will be a musical to be given for her on Friday afternon, with Mrs. William R. Brown as hostess. The guests will include the closest friends of Mrs. Glasgow. When, as Miss Josephine Magoffin, a beUe of the city, she was claimed as the bride of CoL Glasgow, of the United States army, the nuptial mass was sung by Mrs. A. H. Goldstein. Mrs. Robert Holiiday. and Mrs. W. D. Howe, and Mrs. Brown has selected these singers as soloists for the musical- Mrs. HollIdays number will be "By the Poor (Burleigh): Mrs. Howe will sing "A Birthday" (Hunt ington Woodman), and Mrs. Gold stein's number will be "Break O Day" and "I Wish I Were a Bird," by Lohr. R. L. Woslka will play Schumann's "Sone Without Words" as a cello solo. Mrs. Ralph Henderson will play TThe Cradle Song," bT Hartman, as a violin solo. Three trio numbers for violin, cello and piano, by Mr. Woslka. Mrs. Henderson, and Mrs. Brown will Include "At Twilight." -serenaae ana 2siumDer song. On Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. R. Brown a pleasant meet ing of the MacDowell club was held and officers of the club for the com ing year installed. Mrs. w. R. Brown, retiring chairman of the club, gave El Pasoans Returning. The school set is busy with plans for the end of the school session and then for vacation days. The young folk are coming home In numbers for vacation days and many of them are bringing friends with them. Miss Sarah Brldgers, daughter of Mr ana Ifrs. W. W. Brldgers, who Is aUenatas he University of Texas, will probably remain for a summer session of the university, returning later for the remainder of the Bum mer with her parents. Miss Katherine Dick and Miss Ruth Schwartz will graduate from Mt, Ver non seminary. Washington, xj. t, on May 26, and will arrive home about the first of June. Mr. and Mrs. Dick will go east to be present at the graduation of their daughter. Miss Sadie Rath Aldrldge graduates In June from National Park seminary In Washington. D. C. Her mother. Mrs. Hal Aldridge. and her aunt, Mrs. Henry A. Cllne, will be present for the commencement. Later the party will go down to Lebanon, Tenn to be nresent at the graduation of Henry A. Cline. Jr., from a law school and tnen auss Aiariage win visit in tv aar ton, Texas. She Is coming home about the 15th of June. Hal Aldridge will also come home for vacation, after his graduation on June 25, from New Mexico military institute. Miss Ruth Brown, who is attending the University of Kansas, will grad uate In June and will return home about the middle- of the month. Miss Mary Kelly, a sophomore at Wellesley will arrive home In June, bringing with her a party of school mates for a visit to the Kelly home. Miss Jane Burges. who is a student at Byrn Mawr, will return home early in June, bringing with her a cousin. Miss Elizabeth Burges, of Seguln, Texas. Miss Dorothy Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B M. G. Williams Is a sophomore at Wellesley and will be home for the summer vacation about June If. . . Miss Marion Howe who is a sopho more at Hollies college, Holllns. Va-. will return home the first of June to spend vacation days with her par ents Judge and Mrs. W. D. Howe. Miss Dorothy Reordan, who is a student at the Unierstty of Texas, will arrive home in June and will Join her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B, W. Reordan. for a trip to California. Miss Katherine White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zach White, who Is a sophomore at the Bishop school. La Jolla, Calif, will arrive about June S. to be with her parents during the summer. Miss Clara and Miss May Belle Long will arrive home next Saturday to spend their vacation with their par enta, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Irwin. The Misses Long have been attending the University of California. Miss Marlon Calnon. studenth at National Park seminary. Washing ton, D. C. will visit relatives in Kan sas and a school mate. Miss Mildred Russell of Oklahoma City, before re turning home. Bird Supplies of aJ! kinds. EI Paso I Seed Co, izt East San Antonio St. Adv. EL PASO ration and salad, coffee and cake were served at the conclusion of the games. Miss Reno Dorsey, house guest of Mrs. Hill, and Miss Nora Henderson assisted Mrs. Hill with the evening's hospitality. Other guests present were: Capt. and Mrs. R. W. Layton, MaJ. and Mrs. S. M. Corbet t, Mrs. William Newman, MaJ. W. E. Cooper, Capt. J. a McKean, MaJ. G. H. Boyer. and Capt and Mrs. George Turner. The prizes were won by Capt. Mc Kean and Capt. Turner and Miss Henderson and Miss Dorsey. Mrs. Charles Newman entertained at bridge on Wednesday afternoon In pretty compliment to Miss Helen Furman, of Tarrytown. N. Y who Is the charming guest of Miss Mary HI1L Prizes were presented to each table of players and at the close of the games a two course menu was served. refreshments of ice cream and oake. Bach guest was presented a gift clev erly arranged in a "Jack Horner pie," the pie being filled with confetti in which the presents were hidden. This afforded much amusement. Those present were: Misses Mar garet and Anna Krannawitter. Lucille Lyons, Reese Littleton. Winifred and nary McCarthy. Jessie Darrach. Mayme CarmichaeL Anna Raynor. Dot Cass. Hazel Van 1 Patton. Marian Holmes. Alice Mahoney, Jeanette Gemoets. Luella BunBen. and Alton Hobeln. Bud Hobeln, Bob White. Bob i-aucnai, urown rascnai. Robert Car son. Raymond Murray. Bob Mahoney. Paul Hansen, St Ehrenstein, Chester Wright, Clarence Richards. Phillip CoykendalL Emmitt Hlnton. Sam Biacknam. Paul Kerr and Bob Prothro. Mrs. Fred Hobein chaperoned the crowa. An enjoyable party was given at me nome or Jtr. ana Mrs. w. li. Tyer. 108 Prospect, on Mav E. in honor of the sixth birthday anniversary of their daughter. Electa. The dining laDie was oeauiiiuiiy aecoratea wun rose and lavender tinted sweet peas and the birthday cake, with Its six burning tapers, was cut by the little nostess. me xouowtng guests en Joyed the party: Mary Jane Hall. Eleanor Medler. Rosalie Harris, Ray Harris, Carl Mlchelson. Gladys Lef kovitz, Rosemary Fryer, Eleda Fryer, W. H. Fryer, jr- and John Thomas Medler. Mrs. & T. Harrington. Mn. W. R. Hall. Mrs. E. L. Medler ani Miss Helen c Asniey assisted Jtrs. Fryer in entertaining. a resume of the dab work and Mies Florence Crlssey. recording secre- tarr: Mrs. Walter Ponsford. corre sponding secretary, and Miss Julia Pool, treasurer, gave reports of their work. Mrs. Ralph Henderson is the chairman of the dub for the coming year and the other officers lndode Mrs. Walter Ponsford. vice chairman. Miss Julia Pool, treasurer; Mrs. D. Le Roy Pickens, assistant treasurer. Miss Florence Crisaey. recording sec retary; Miss Mary Heermans, corre sponding secretary Miss Isabelle Valentine eang and Mrs. L. S. Thome, a charming addi tion to musical circles, who recently moved here from Fort Wo-th, played several piano selections. Daintr freshments were served by Mrs. Brown. This meeting dosed the activities of the club until autumn. Mrs. Brown, who has been the leading spirit in the success of the club was made honorary chairman. The Junior music pupils of Miss Vir ginia L. Bean and of Mrs. V. L. Bean will give a musical in Community hall Temple Mt. Sinai on Saturday evening. May S. at 8 oclocfc. Many beautlfal numbers will be given, in dudlng an ensemble in which there will be 15 partidpants. Those to take part in the musical are: Victor McColiem, Calvin Wetiig. Anne Webb. Louis Wetztg. Madeline Stein Llbby. Merle Dinah Steln-Llbby. Jo stah Paget, George Sullivan, Anderson Davis, Gladys-Mae Brown. Elizabeth Hunt, and Connie-Mae Tobias. Dances. The New social dub will give a dance this evening at Mission hall. West Ysleta. The members of the Elks' club will enjoy their May dance on Saturday evening. May 8 In the Elks' dab house. Mary Milton lodge No. Sit. Wom an's auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, will give their first anniversary dance on Friday evening at Liberty hall with Mrs. F. A. Rehrlg as chairman of arrangements, assisted by Mesdames D. C Barton. Amy Cound, Lillian Richmond and Henna Black. Another very enjoyable dance was given on Wednesday evening by tlte Automobile dub at Its dubnoase at West Ysleta with guests present for the evening. Nash's orchestra fur nished the music for the dandng and refreshments were served. Miss Buena Gilder was in charge of ar rangements. Women's Organizations. At the meeting of the League of Women Voters at the Young Women's Christian association, lis East Frank lin street, this afternoon at t ododc the following questions will be an swered by the members whose names follow them: How is the president of the United States elected? Mrs. Raymond H. Car rington. At the general elections in Novem ber, will the names of the presiden tial nominees be on the ballot handed the voter at the polls? Mrs. A. W. Depew. Can any group of voters get together and select a presidential nominee, or are there certain regula tions and restrictions that limit such action? Mrs. L. M. Mundy. N, 7. BUS TOPPLES OVER; ' 23 HURT, MOSTLY WOMEN New York. May 6. Twenty-three persons were Injured, 16 so severely they were taken to a hospital, when a crowded Fifth avenue bus over turned on the upper west side late yesterday. The driver of the bos. according to the police, in trying to avoid a collision with a heavy motor truck, swerved toward the curb, striking the track a glancing blow. The bus then toppled over on the sidewalk. The majority of those in jured were women. Don't Roan. The warm weather is no time to rush -around. You can make hurried trips comfortably in a Green Line Taxi at small cost. When time is precious call City Service Co Tel. 3J00. Autos. Taxis. Baggage, Moving Adv. Guard Yonr Time. Time is money and wasted time Is wasted money. The quick and satis factory service of the Modern Cate makes the Merchant's Lunch a fa vorite with business people Eat at the Modern Cafe. i Downstairs In the Mills Blag, Adv. HERALD Friday's Calendar In Local Society I MRS. J. DEAN GAULDIN and Mrs. Lee Christian will entertain with a bridge party In the afternoon in eomplrmment to Mrs. Vernon A. Christian. Mrs. Lizzie Aviretts music pupus will give a musical in the evening at Mrs. Avirett's home. IS17 East Boule vard. Mrs. J. It. Smith will be hostess In the afternoon to the Tourist club at her home. 1015 North El Paso street. The Areme club will meet at !: p. m, with Mrs. W. F. Cobb, ! Montana street. Mrs. W. R. Brown's musical at the Brown home in the afternoon in com pliment to Mrs. William J. Glasgow. Oul of Town Visitors. Mrs. F. H. Burnside. of Wichita Falls. Texas, is the gnest of her daughter. Mrs. W. L. Bartley. at her home, suite 8 of the Falrvlew apart ments. 890 Prospect. She will be In the dty for siv weeks. II. E. Van Surdam. of Pasedena, Calif., is a guest at Hotel Paso del Norte. Mr. Van Surdam will be in the city for a week and will then continue his trip east. He Is here as manager of the Marimba banJ. which is appearing at Hotel Sheldon this week and next. After a ton. In the east Mr. Van Surdam will In the autumn return to California Mrs. & E. Marshall, of Denver. Is arriving today to be the guest of her brother, James Graham McNary, and Mrs. McNary at their home In Aus tin Terrace. She will be In the dty for ten days. Mrs. McNary"s cousin. Miss Martha Black, of Pittsburg, will arrive on Saturday for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. McNary. While their guests are here Mr. and Mrs. Mc Nary will entertain in their honor. El Pasoans Away. Mrs. D. D. Temple left on Tuesday for a visit to points in east Texas, her first stop being in Tulla, Texas, where she will visit her daughter. Mrs. M. O. Wright will leave on next Wednesday for an extended visit to points In South America. She will go directly from New York, her sailing point, to Santiago. Chile, for a visit to her son, Hugh Wright, and will be away for perhaps six months. Dr. Wright and son. Clark Wright, will leave within a few weeks for a fishing trip in California. Make U a Call. If you have any reason to believe that your eyes are not rendering you full service, see us. You will find our optical establishment complete In every detail. Ask for demonstra tion of Segall's Kant-Break Rimless Glasses: Need Glasses? Ask Segal!. El Paao Optical Co. IK Texas St. Ill San Antonio St. Advertisement. HricAcidTreatment 75c Bottle (32 dotes) FREE Tnit TuutaMs. von Rta.rt thedav wor rled and tired, with aching head, burning and bearing down pains In the back worn-out before the day be fore the day begins do not think you have to stay in that condition. Be strong and welL Get rid of the pains, stiff Joints, sore muscles, rheu matic suffering, aching back or kid ney trouble caused by Adds. Get more sleep. If your rest is broken half a dozen times a night, you will appreciate the comfort and strength this treatment gives. Hneomaium, Kidney nun bimbw troubles, and all other aliments due to excessive add. no matter how chronic or stubborn, yield to The Williams Treatment. . , Send this notice and 10 cents to pay part cost of postage, packing, etc.. to The Dr D A Williams Co, S1962 P. O. Bldg, East Hampton. Conn You will receive a 75a bottle (S2 doses) free, by parcel post. No fur ther obligation on your part. Only one free bottle to any family or ad dress. Adv. u custom - ammm. i- j ri i-j : . . BaKaHK st isr. ssem SKEbQ luxurious nc ana camion, unciuuicu iu uiy wvc iaSHHEBit li R3.'t?3iJ A 4KvT custom-made garments. TJSBs v" ! tMar J&Z&si Gs! J f Women's, chiHren's and babies garment m &BBl ..'.Ma f I 1 I rxV every desirable fabric and style. Sold by deafen Jpy jjiBLjifJE CL 2S 1 JUL V everywhere who place serrice-to-tbe-cojtoraer first. -jaSi4tJSKSlSg f J) IJHEi VsfV Brown Durrell Co. "ft l&spUK G ? e9sr&. "TXvCnj) jrHtuk DitTuir, yUsf!L SBk J m fiHajSa r( tk ew ".1"t Bostok SL. rtvTIJJjiln r HHI Trur Y P ,-WM 1 , "BnwrP ? Army Affairs. Mrs. Joseph Hurxthal will be chair man for the entertainment to be ri nn u a at the Commualty- Service club for men of the military Women's Walking Oxfords In view of higher prices and the increasing scarcity of good shoe leather at an economical price it is more important than ever that you use care in buying your next pair. First, you should make sure that the quality is such to insure satisfactory service. And you will want to know that the quality is there if the shoes are reasonably priced. These particular Street Oxfords will command the attention of economical purchaser. The leathers are White Glazed Kid and also Brown Kid, Welled Soles, at $10.00 pair Week End Specials Don't overlook these prices for Friday and Saturday on Hosiery and Children's Pumps: Women'i $3.00 While Hose at $2.49 Women's $225 Black ani WMls Hote at $138 Chad's Colored IMe Socks. 4 poms 85c Infants' Pat Pomps, 2 to 5 $2-60 CkSd'sPaL Pumps, 5 to 8 $335 ChUs PaL Pumps. 8V2 to II 53.55 Misses' Pat Pumps, UVZlo2 $4.85 V417!lAm.9 II "-VuatoJiUr 1 w xttt vjantr sjut rtffJRf- l?AUr B inimm WHAT omt( 3MWS naerwear Ihe model undergarment, custom-made by the designer, is an ideal of daintiness and beauty. Forest Mills models are reproduced with re markable precision by a great organization built and moulded by rigorous disciplining to the highest standards, through many years of continuous production. Every Forest Mills garment con forms with amazing uniformity and exactness to the lines of the designer's original custom made model its quality is assured, its finish, luxurious fit and comfort unequaled in any save mac service by the Robert E. Lee chapter of the U. D. C CARPETS CLEANED the best way by the best cleaners. WTLSON-MIL-LICAN Plant I Phone 78s. Adv. rjwriwI IS IT? 8 a I I ejjT&Jev ft s" " t & I itiSSh mmmimmR s ib.-'s?j E YOURSKIHWHITE, With the Lovely Tint of Youth. By the Use of the Popular Black and White Beauty Treatment. If yon an dissatisfied with your caesBlexlOB because of unsightly skin blemishes, such as liver spot, freckles, rough or pimply skin, do this today go to your nearest drug store, get a package of BLACK and WHITE Ointment and a bar of BLACK and WHITE Soap. Before retiring, wash the face, neck, arms or bands with warm water and Soap and dry thoroughly. Tnen mix and applv tbe creamy Ointment, according to directions. The next morning wash off tbe Ointment, using Black and White soap. You can see a difference almost after the first nlghfs treat ment. Repeat the applications and yon will be happy with the results. If you cannot find the Black and White Beauty Treatment Ointment and Soap, tbe manufacturers will send both to yoa postpaid on receipt of A sample, literature and a Black and White Birthday and Dream Book free If you will clip this advertise ment and mail to BLAK ard WHITK. Bov 1! Mernn-M 1 Tin BLACSEWHITI The next time you buy calomel ask for Hie purified and refined calomel tablets ttat are nausea! ess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain, ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Tee35c Your liver Is ge& up Thars Why You're Tired 0f e! Sorts Save No Appelife CARTEtTS LITTLE LIVER FILLS wiil pot yoa right is a lew days. though gentlr CARTERS xnd give na ITTLE ture a chasce torenewjronr health. Cor rect cocsti ca IVER ! PILLS tion, bfliousaessi inrffgrsticn end tick headache. Small PHI SeciH Dose SmaE Price DS. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Natsre's Sreat nerve and blood tonic fit Anemia, RhetaaatlsEi, Nerroasaess, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. ttulitBultuitlititm JViertiHwC VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, blacker and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their "rgHions attacks. Heed the first warning they givs that they need attention by taking GOLD MEDAL Tb world's standard mat&j tor tassa disorders, will cfttn ward c3 thesa (tis sues and strenfthca tha bodj against farthtr attacks. Thrts alias, all dragsisis. UklouuUlMiUainrW aad acttpt a l-iTtifn Asklbur Barber PLUCKY TIGER L postfrely csanateed to V? k mMveMcfdaziarclxcr 1 tJKSCSJL XTov l, est resteer. na. aoxr COOStUMCJ sen a cow cJUU Bead k ca O wttb rvar I CTWTT J It TOOT 1 Mv." I 3UTH blir Is Mnsrv or CiZEttr oct. tTTLockr t&a ral hair mm. "jj Yonr Sartor. ADOS LCST2E- BEACTY-YOUTH Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura L. J. OVERLOOK, BROKER PRIVATE LEASED WIHE lormpondeats. Locaii A Brraa. Chlcaao, ew York. Paine. Webber Co- Bm- ton. Dolotb, 317 North Oreson St Fhoas 24SJ. St. Rezla HoteL lalotabs S i l