Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD IIIESTlfffiO FDR SOCIALISTS uBUngtof D a. May 14 Citing n,fsy agrees or several isnropeaa ons delegation of Socialists, jded bv vmour Stedxnaa, of Chi- t c Soc'dhst candidate for ice -FidVrt, appealed to attorney ijen- eri maimer today lor immeaiate am- es v and pardon for all federal pris- frcn tonxicted on the basis of po- j1 ppeetnea and writing or labor i activities." FIDKLIS CLASS TO MHRT. The Fidelia class of the First Bap i. chu-cn Trill hold its rejrwlar i onthly business and social meeting nn ht at the home of Masses Minnie e.rd Cora Grace. Misa Dura Hunt. xrho is teaching the class in the ab sence of Mrs J. F. Williams, will have rharg-e of the meeting. The class has a i ictie membership of 35 yottng nomen One of their activities con sists jti carrying: flowers each Sunday ?fernoon to s'ck friends and persons r hospitals FREE IN X. T. TICK TRIAL. ew York May 14. Domlnick Hec- pr ie inspector, formerly com -landT o tne tenderloin district, to dii. uas acquitted by order of judge 3Ial-ne, of a charge of neglect of dut., m connection with New York's - ice csade Improvements To Rialto To Cost $250,000 Improvements and additions to the present Rialto theater, Texas and Campbell streets, to cost approxi mately $250,600, are to be made soon, according tb James C Qulnn. mana ger of the theater. The seating ca pacity will be increased two and one half times and will accommodate more than 1000 persona. The present building will be ex tended to the corner of Campbell on Texas, following a purchase by the Texas Improvement company of a 40 by ISO loot lot for a consideration of $38,000. Preliminary plana for the new theater include adequate facili ties of all kinds, rest rooms, smoking rooms, cushioned chairs and children's playroom. A modern office building is also included in the plans. 20 DRY VOTES IF SECRET, MARSHALL SAYS OF SENATE Washington, D. C . Hay 14 Laugh ter today erected the report of Tice nresldent Marshall's soeech to the Virginia Bar association, in Rich mond, yesterday, in which he said there would not have been over 20 dry votes in the senate had the ballot on prohibition been secret. TEXAS TICK LAWASSAILED Austin, Tex., May 14. Constitution ality of the entire tick eradication law is assailed in an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by J. M Leslie, of Milam county, in the court of criminal appeals today. Les lie claims that law is in direct con flict with section 12. article 3, of the state constitution. He is charged with having failed to dip livestock as required in act and was arrested and he now claims ho is being illegally restrained of his liberty. Attack is made on the law in that it is "un reasonable and uncertain and denies pthe defendant equal protection of the iaw. ig -3g sKniiiliillSllfcfa H vflsKPHsBsl a nasavs. SAX JACIXTO SCHOOL TO PHES-"VT OPMIETTA. XIGUT ten Jacinto school will present "The Golden Cycle." an operett", in the high school andit ium tonight. The operetta has been directed and arranged by the teachers of C j school and children f-om the entire school are represented. MEXICALI QUIET DESPITE RUMORS OF REVOLUTION (Continued from page !) 'why cook rosnvou. can, have such. gbodready coc&edffcangsto eat Post BUYS MCSQU1TE GTS SITE. Mesauite. N M.. May 14 One block of ground has been purchased just north of the station and J west of the track for a four stand? continental gin, to handle the big crop of cotton this falL The machine, which will cost about $20,000, has been ordered from Dallas and the engine Is from Atlanta, Ga. The plant will be oper ated by steam. A. J. Jarrett was here this week making arrangements for the instalation of this business. The vast amount of ground being planted In cotton In the valley calls for an in creased number of gins than at first was counted on. They win be built at different points along the railroad and on the west side of the valley. NAYT TO GTTE PROGRAM. The local navy recruiting station will present a program at the High land Park Baptist church, Dakota and Gold streets, at 7 oelock tonight, which will include pictures showing the "making of & sailor" and phases of sea life and training. ..& 1 !&.: ftH ;f,Te; GOOD NEWS FOR MEN El Paso Firm To Break High Cost of Clothing A saving of from JIS to S on a salt of clothes is to be made possible for El Paso an through arrangements now being perfected by one of the oldest and most reliable taslness firms In this cHy. Details of the plan will be peblieked in The Herald of Monday, May Uth; and It wUl pay every man who wants to make a big saving on clothes to wait for the announcement. Cash Raising Sale FOR lO DAYS Starts Saturday, May 15 Oar bsjer, wio a k lie Eastern market, bat bought a big stock of SHOES way BELOW tie MARKET VALUE aad instructs us to raise tie CASH in order to pay for tbeca, so we must raise tie mosey I We mast baje tie space. Unprecedented Vaket awaiting yosr iBspectioa. ATTEND! G so Ladies' Pomps wftfa foil Ionia heel, in patent or kid, is all sizes and t Q Q C $8.00 Ladies' Oxfords in Hack kid or dark brown -with Cuban heel, very tff AEL dressy. Sale price PJ.'XJ $2.50 Ladies Black Boudoir Patent Leatbtr Pumps Slippers. Salejl Qfi -' --gg Pnce P1.70 5J2to6,at $LS5 $7.50 Men's Dress Sboe Gun $4.00 Boys White Elk Skin Shoes metal leather in English or bt- Very strong and durable. prss It $2.95 $6.50 Boys Dress Oxfords In button or lace, all leather flexible welt sole, sizes 2 to CIA C.l. .. . r?2 "" 3.45 "'"i. rnce . . w $4.50 Ladies' White Canvas Pump with while covered (J " Q C Louis heel, turn sole. Sale price tPuiOO Oar entire stock of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes will be sold at big redactions dnrrag this sale. THE WHITE BOOTERY Coras' Sait Antonio and Stanton Streets. HHpHpi rumors of revolution, was qnlet last night. Governor Bsteban Canto, was personally in charge of the troops in the coartel where suspected persons were questioned. Obrecon Ask U. S. Friendship. Mexico City. Hit 9. via Juarez. May H. (By the Associated Press). The policy of Carranza toward the United btates was "national sutciae," jen. Alvaro Obregon declared Saturday to the correspondent for the Associated Press, in the first exclusive interview given a foreign. newspaper man since he joined the revolutionary armies, after fleeing from the capital April 1J. interdependence is into. "What strenirthens the United States strengthens Mexico." he said. "and what weakens the United States weakens Mexico. Sly ideal for the re lations between Mexico and the United States is to make the interna national border like the Canadian boundary, withdrawing troops, except customs officials. "Carranza's Interpretation of the Monroe doctrine was a mistake, al though I believe Carranza was per fectly sincere in the belief his policy was best for Mexico." Snows Campaign Strain. Gen. Obregon plainly showed - the strain under which he had been laboring for more than six months. He was coatless as he talked, his voice was hoarse, a ten days' growth of beard, heavily shot with white, covered his face. Outside the little hotel in Tacubaya, a suburb, where he was making temporary headquar ters, the narrow street was jammed with automobiles and spectators. At the door of the hotel, a small squad of Taqui Indian soldiers at tempted to keep the way clear. In side, a tiny patio, was crowded with visitors and officers. A white clad sentry, who stood at the doorway of the first of two small rooms occu pied by Obregon and his chief of staff, had difficulty preventing the crowd from pressing through the flimsy door. Obregon. seated on a cluttered bed. tranorffxi imsraess wiia a never- otkMtu? stream of army officers and leadixur supporters, despite the fact he had not slept more1 than a few hours from the time he arrived at Taenbava at 1 a. m. Saturday. Promises lAter Statement. Raijs nf the imrxirtanca he at tached to any statement Involving Mexican relations with the United States. Gen. Obregon declined to be quoted except lor a lew generalities, promising to dictate a complete state ment outlining his views later, rtecmrdinc the Liberal Constitu tionalist revolutionary movement. which reached a dlmax May 7. In the v9Mi,tiMi nf VatIco Citv bv the Car ranza government. Obregon declared he adhered to the plan of Agua Prleta, that he was obeying tie or ders of governor Adolfo de la Huerta, temporary supreme commander of the movement; that he had no design for becoming dictator and was operating in Derfect accord with Gen. Pablo Gonzales. Gens. Obregon h5 Gon zalez both were candidates for the presidency of Mexico, before tie revo lution. Jfornl, ot Armed Revolt. Tim T-fvnltitian was a moral and not an armed revolt. Gen, Obregon said, and his followers had been given strict orders to respect private rights and to take nothing without the con sent of owners and. payment being made; that he had not named any provisional government oiuciais ana had issued strict orders that sup porters of Carranza should not be harmed physically. The UDerai uonsutuuonaiisi. revo lutionary movement. Gen. Obregon af firmed, was a nation-wide "moral protest" against the tactics of the Carranza regime in attempting to Impose Tgnacio Bonillas. former Mex ican amDassaaor to tne uciieu states, as the next cresident. after having imposed state governments of Its own choosing upon tne people, notaDiy in San Luis Potosi. Tamaulipas. Quere taro, Nuevo Leon and Guanajuato. Must Sell Sugar Without Forcing Other Purchases , St. Louis. Mo., May 14. The prac tice of some grocera in requiring that a certain quantity of other commodi ties be purchased with each pound of sugar is a violation of he federal trade commission act, according tc instructions received from attorn ej j general Palmer by the local depart ment of justice today. ' 50c Wash Ties rM3U3TKESriM' rrr FACET THE WEATHER. , S. DEPAltTUKXT OF AGRICCLTCSS 1VEATKKK BUREAU. I Obaervatfems taken J at S a. nu. 75tn meridian time, May i 14. 119. j ffereoaatt: El Pm ami vfoln- t Ity CiuMttled to night, Saturday fatz. New Mexico Fair vest, unsettled east portion tonight. Sat urday fair Arizona Fair to nicht and Saturday, somewhat irarmer touirht. eat Texas: To night and Saturday cleudy, probably noverf rannaa-ie. Jaw TO S AVI PrMlpttatlOB last ! hours (lacbeal- st&ce or vMuar Lowest Temp, Last Nlght Hicnest Temp. Tostay Temp. Ula.1 I . 14 44 S4 41 and help to economize in your clothes buying, if you are really interested. But you have to walk a block and see what the BERG CO. has to oner, ana iec us prove our viuu- You don't have to pay for high rent, floor walkers, glittering window displays, deliveries. All over head expenses eliminated here and the difference goes to our customers. 4C ST 44 tC 44 u 74 s: 44 c: i4 74 t9 74 Abilene 14 71 54 AmariUs 44 ft 41 Atlanta. .... Gkleaco .... Ctnctnnatl .. Denver Dolnth EL PASO ., Oalvertaa .. Havre . ... Kansas Cltr Little Book Loe Anselo Kew Orleans New Tors: . Phoenix it Hoswell , ........ St. Loals Salt Lake CJOT....44 San Antonio . .... nnelsoe ... 4 re 41 Seattle 41 Wasnlnrton . . 5S uraiD&nLUTe JSt trmna ireeHMisuon. Jan. 1 to Mar 1J. Inclusive. 114, 1.CS m. Jan. 1 to Mar 13. Inclusive. 1917. .: In. Jan. 1 to Mr i:. Inclusive. Kit. 1.34 in. Jan. 1 to Mar 13. InclnsHe. ml, mm. Jan. 1 ta ut IS. inclusive. 111. 2 14 In. Normal Jan. 1 to Vzr 11, inelnilTe. 1 S to. 4 it if Clear Pt.ClJy. .1 Clear 1 SI Clear Rain Clear Bain .IS DEATHS AND BURIALS. MOTHER DEAD IV ILLINOIS. Georsre Thomas, who has been clerk for many years at the hotel Orndorff. received word Monday of the death of his mother. Mrs. Jennie Thomas, who died Monday at her home in Decatur, TIL She was "8 years old. Mrs. Tbomaa has often been a visitor in El Paso. HAVANA MEXICAN LEGATION LOYAL TO REVOLUTIONISTS (Continued from pace 1) ITSlTailS ZsOBIULD. Grace Elisabeth Keonn. two years old, daughter of Sir and Mrs. Robert Keenzu of Shrevesport, I-, died Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Keotm's sister. Mrs. Charles Hamel. 16X1 Rampart street. Mr. and Mrs. Keonn ware visit ins in 1 Paso, and had been here about two weeks. The body was taken to Shreveport Friday afternoon. 1IGLKN I'LULNSKI DED. Miss Helen Fli.inskt. 18 years old died early this moraine after an ill ness of several months. She fa sur vived by her mother Mrs A Flivin ski and a brother, Leo Flivinski, both of El Paso. PANTS I Work or Dress 1 PALM BEACH OE TTFTAKT, AT Kool Kloth and Flannel MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED I 15c Handkerchiefs, 1 nJDaM S3-00 Dress P5' I 10c 65c ImoiJ $2o00 IHbbsbsBHHB1 M OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT TILL 10 O'CLOCK I WE CAN SH I Men's and Young I ' P A MTS Men's I . I I Work or JUress S IT 17FTP' I VAJM BEACH OR KHAKI, AT .gaff 1I, uJlTS A bull 3 Pieces at 5 r i I $9(fD P SlO Union Suit $1.00 $235 Unien Suits $1.50 50c AlHc& Skirt or drawer. J5c 75c Balbriggan SHrti or Drawer ., 50c $135 Balbriggan Shirt or Drawer 75c $3.50 Straw HaU $250 $5.00 Tojo Hat $3.00 WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE. 1 ftNTF,EREEcP I $10.00 Panama $8.00 $4.G0 Soft Hat $3.80 $7.00 Soft Hat $5.60 $1.00 Cap 50c $1.75 Cap $1 $1.00 Silt Tie 50c $2.00 Tie $L00 35c Soda 20c $150 SBc Socks 75c $250 Niglt SMrt . $1.75 WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE. R. & W. make3 at MHMORIAI. DAT AT AXTKOXT. Anthony, N. M. May 14 The first meeting for plans for Memorial day exercises was held on Thursday eve ning; at the Jsckman home. Several song's were practiced and a brief out line of the Droeram was arraneed. Another meeting will be held at the same Dlace on Thursday night of next week. r Mr and Mrs. v riant Edmondson. I of Anthony, and Kev C Bodenhauser, of El Paso, wee entertained at din- ! ner by Mr. and Mrs. Newton J Ed wards at their home west of Anthony. I Carpets Cleaned the Best Way by tie Best Cleaners W1LS0H-MILLICAN Plant No. 2 Ptone 786 701 Texas St r 006KH0AGIHES & EASILY KILLEO TO DAT BYU31KS MOVING! Let na handle jour honaehold s sooda. For Mot Ins:. Salppinf, torlasr 3 Packing, Pianos Baffeare Freight Hanllnff 1 FHOE 707 OR 747. STEAHNS3 PASTE I Odom Transfer Company lb ens dutb t g WATER DUGS, RATS AND MICE s iuJrfrrM. TiMtw uMfi.u. m ORDER FROM YOUR DEALER j gj hmna. soath of Plcdras NecTas. ac cording1 to a telegram sent zrom ne draa Negras to the consulate here bj T K. Eeltran. a special agent of the revolutionists. Gen. uartado has reacnea 'iearae TCegras with 1000 well armed troops. ! These are said to be the same soldiers , who took Saltillo. Although revolutionary officials here are reluctant to dlscnss their business plans for the army, it is generally understood that agents of the new government are planning to , re-uniform their entire forces. Un-1 confirmed reports are to the effect that a good grade of khaki uniform. ' similar to that of the United States , army, will be adopted, and that the soldiers will wear hat cords, such as are used In the United States army, i to designate the outfits to which they t are attached. ' All local offices of the new regime i are in a building at 111 North Santa : ne street. DELAYED SHIPMENT "We have Just received a delayed shipment of 1500 yards of Underwear Crepe de Chine. This comes in pink, flesh and white. It is a regular J2.00 (Trade. For the final day of our Price Drop Silk Sale it is offered at J1.63 per yard. TUB FOPCLAIt DRY GOODS CO. 3rd Floor Sllfc Section. Adv. Penonab ill LitMUtl lima. Sesail, 35 N. Kan aa, New hats made, old liats renorated, mJUipery .wppHei aold. BIICUMATXC SUFEXBEBS I want your address If yon want to b cured, p. O. Box t'S. Wichita FaUa Tex. Wn.l.MM CUABXaES IBTXSG BBAIXY. son of C Brealer. Nottinchasi, Will be please mite to Ura. Atkln. 292 Arkw rticht 8U, Nottlncham, EnrUnd. tirtnr his full postal address. OUB LO.Mi SUIT Is cleanins and press inc toot btUU to roar delicbt. ladles and srenfa hats renorated to perfection, prices reasonable. Clean ell Batters and Tail ors 49 N Oregon. Ph. 1 HO. Money to Lean nSSSjfcnasnaaawaaaananaafrn. MUAUY lO LOA on diamonds, watches and Jewelry. rULLAy-S. 114 N. STANTON f5T. $3 TO 3 loaned honest empjoyes, cheap- I nerviee. Drake. 261 Roberts-Banner. M.OXKY loaned on fnrnltnre, pianos, auto mobiles, liTestock, Uberty bonds, or other collateral at lowest rate on liberal tenna. EQUITABLE LOAN ASSOCIATION", 115 Treat Bide MONET TO XOAN ON PtEDGES. Why not get mmv from us at err low rate of inieres ah we ha.e an irni vsnlt I tr-r jour plpde no others are respon-ible for &rpr borj f j CTTT leOAN & JEWEtaBT CO. IPhane :. O posite Paso d Horte Ba.BS IBalD"B.(l ft I V"nsV.BB-i b 8s a a b b i 0F b h b a a s -"-ft-i MILK WfK-: ilTlViH x i BTB B -,BB B i i i i in ( iv a a bb hibi UWflK C MKmFf&ff n m-m ee j aMcn b n m i mm a a a sr I t laili a h s I I Builders and Contractors II I I It is with a great degree of satis- H jl I I faction and pleasure that we I jl jl MR.H.F.0LSEN 1 I has laen charge ef Me Bolder I H S 9 Hardvare Department ef our com- II B P Pans- Mr. Ohen a Bxt? (msw fe II Mm 'e local baUding trade, and'it It 8 H tae great pleasure in serving you IB II J. B. WOOD HARDWARE I I mE BBt BBsi IBB! ' i Resorts FOR Cloodcroft coKacea, Ph. 58S Sirs Tilon. 112 Moatama. ! CLOlErCBOxTr Thrs room cottar larg ' porh. cbolt eorner let. partly furaiabeu t Sioeo Addre K 104. care Herald. TvNTEO To rent, first class fum ah" cottars at Cloaderoft for summer R T , McK"). llf Tcaaa. Ph. 4M or 338 1XB RUM Two beaatUaUy situated fi nished -raromer eottajes on fruit farm i Mountain Park, 2 aad 3 rooms resp-ctiv Inqnir Mra. Minnie Baser. Mountila Park V M. Botiaess Chasces. n SB n b -fir Your Duty and Yur Pocket book demand that all your cows give plenty of milk. An increase of from one to three pounds per cow per day at an increased cost of about one cent per cow per day is the result thatmavbe expected Horn the use or Jfurtna Uow Uhow Feed, the perfect dairy ration. Try a tori'and you will under stand why cows give more milk when receiving a245& protein ration (205& digestible protein) that does not contain any cheap filler and that is scientifically compounded for the best possible results. SlCRXFICXNft BToeary store fixture "''e uw at once. Ph. 2S. 1 FOR h.IaE Grocery rood loat " t well staMUhed. lt N El Paao. 11AVE TODB Ford avernanled to; tZi a' Veal's Oarage. Tit Texas. j FOB BENT Batcher snp in one of & bxst paring gTOcerieg In tn. city Ph 2 W 4NTKD Soma one interested .n paen" i rite ii W. Wrtcst. 613 N. Ploxeace. ca after p-m. I SlO, koiis paiatins aad tlatmc best work, lowest prtoeav Jose Focntea, SOI Oregon. Ph. lit, tvemrB 42t, BABBECUE for sale, yood location an fitted oat to makti znoaay. most sell i I account of health. Aovty 1S M-a FOB LEASE OB KENT Two cliairha ! ber shop fa Haefclta, N. M, only shot I towTt. tnn rlajht. Cxit or wnte' , Burts. Hachita. N X. GENERAL GAEAGE FOB SALE X I located cloarlns; o-er JS da-- abov a e-sr-ns rood bv Td ng and lese T n Hill haadle, most a. II at onc scour1, ot " business. N Plason, 819 Coomrct c Ranger Tex. FOB SVLE Shoe -epair shop muap j p'ete Goodyear shop down towi - " Paso. inTOtres about t2T0o. amall - light orerhead. claa-ing between S4nr) sn J5H each month, price S34, mner sr- r; i in Mexico Addrey t li. care Hera - BE.VL ESTTE IN OnHCAHTA Timber Landa Grazing lands. Mines. Pros pects. City PropertT CaBeetions and Ki tals. Write Slf Aldsisa SU Ellas ii aaidea, for a few days Is Kl Paso, re 1 144S ESTABLISHED t Paso aatomoblla ba rten for sale, one of the best tenon n ? j auilahments In tna aoathwest. dolrx a large business at s-nal overhead expert i $?oo cash or cash, balance arrang' . P O Box No. 11 DELAYED SHIPMENT. , We havs just received m delayed shtp-ner of lode yard of Underwear Crtpe ' i.hJn- This comes ta pink, flesh a 3 whit It la a ragalar )S grade. For ! I final day of oar PRlCB-DROrsILK S! T It i offer at SI 69 per yard TUB POPCttAK TiRX GOODS CO. ' Third Floor miC Seotlon nCSlNES OPlBTUNTTIES. A BARGAJK t-i a store In a sinan town near El Paso, floe residenro and aa acre of land go with t?-s store A GBOCTERT 'n tho hea- o r Paso, doiaa a rood buslue-v f sale at a fc-r.nur I)VMS TJHitL Phon- M Ti. ei Paeo Bank B it W" 'i H Sure Cure For The Heat lectric Fans bring relief and cool, comfort instantly wth ' the press of a button, no matter how hot the sun may become. You'll feel better look belter work better rest better if you have an Electric Fan handy. Purchase now while stocks are complete. AIRDOHE PICTURE SHOW FOB SAX la lire oil town, located In fajnoua sua low en b1 Toyah. Texas. Beeves counts doing good bnaine) aad making go money, all new equipment. 1 power 4 maeMne Western electric power p'an o-r knildlag. seating capacity 49 good stage, piano etc. hare keen fn opera tn r t weeks, have other iatoreats a r-aaon far selling. year lease o gronntl Vr or wire G. P Fancher. Toymh. Tex f- Southwestern Fuel&Feed Co. Ej Paso Electric RaiI Co Telephone 3460 1300 Miuonri St qctck irrriON snaps. BARBECVB ta flae location, making at 3e net a month, owner mast leave and will sell for $0 disposed of hi the next few days. Don't de'ay n K'a proposition. FTRV1TURE BrSTVF One of h est stocks on sale of faraitnr in Fl "a tn excelt-nt lovatin and dotnr -k g payinr business -hi stock can be bought or ISoA nd is wurth a whole f m--e immediate action ncssary on -hs 9e- Ktvi with GOODMAN nKOTHEBS CO.. TNC. Boal Estate. Insurance 5M X. Stanton St. Ph-fe 4"