OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, May 17, 1920, HOME EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1920-05-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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EI Paso and west Texas, fair; New Mexico fair,
httle change in temperature; Anions, fair, tempera' art j
unchanged. j
I Jl JlLcjL
10 CIHGU5ES Hi Asserts Dyy Act Mistake,
FA n If I f JR Fl NVMove To Prussianize Navy
1 ?nnnnn piiipt 'I Is Denounced By Daniels;
I InUUrbbnAbL I Won't Be A Rubber Stamp
nut oays congress vozea,
As It Thought, Public Wish
Mexican bank notes, state bills, $5.2530; pesos, 77;
Mexican gold, $50; naaonales, $2124; bar silTtr, H.
& H. quotations, 99c; copper, 1919Jc; grain, lower;
livestock, lower; stocks, steady.
Jumps Too Long and Ex
pensive Carpeniier Not
So Hefty Looking.
Price of Shoes May Be
Forced Down Gossip
of National Capital.
Paso will not see a big circus this
YAttr nnlM nnftirtPltit irets too h&H
in the east lor them, and they don't
look for that-
The Sella-Fioto circus, wnicn
opened this year in the Coliseum in
"hicago, was here last week and the
llarnum fc Eailey-RIngling circus,
hich opened this year in Madison
Sqjare garden is here today.
Boa organizations played to big
rowds including "Uncle Joe" Can
non who says he has never missed a
circus that he can remember
The management of both elr
rases ntnted that It was net their
Jmentlen to go west this year un
less business should bresJc had
up here nnd no far they have been
playing to standing room every
where. Both msnagaments save the
long, expensive jampa as their
reasons for staying oat of the
west ns long as -they could get
the business here frith short
Jampi and big tOTrns to plsy to.
forges Carpentler. the French
champion, is the drawing card this
3 ear with the Sells-Floto show Ow
ing to the District of Columbia rules
against boxing, he only gave a shad
ow boxing exhibition here
"Uncle Joe'- Cannon, who was pre
sented to him, gave him one of his
jut!v famous stogies, bot Carpentler
sidestepped smoking it very nicely by
aing I shall always keep it as a
souenier of a great man."
Ma-vbe I'm not as good a judge of
what a nnze fiehter can do as 'Bud'
Kutherford or 3ill" Crawford or Roy
Marin or een inccnt Andreas or
ueorge Theisen but, after seeing
tins here feller Carpentier.' as Abe
Potash wjnlc saj I can't see how he
ii ever aroma- to lick Jack Dempsey
out tnen oioni see sow
rnnld l!v Jss Willam on
1.1 i iTmirtn of JnW and I
Thought old BOD" ruinmmonB was
go'ng to bave it so easy tn that Ke
v ada amphitheater over "Jim" Cor
bett, whim 1 had played handbalL
with in the Jockey club training
carrp at San Antonio
nyhow, there are others who
aon t think the Frenchman will get
erv far with Dempsey notably
i ouis A. Dougher. sporting editor of
the Washington Times, with whom I
w as presented to the French chazn
v on by our old friend, Jack Carley,
wiio smilingly -wanted to be remem
bered to 'Mister John Wyatt, Mr
Tim Primm and my other good friends
in El Paso "
Dougher says of Carpentler
In his dressing gown Carpentier
might be mistaken for a tail welter
weight. Stripped be looks like a big
middleweight, especially big under
the shoulder blades Undoubtedly he
..an puncn, with those shoulders. He
should be able to stay up a long
time, too, with those beautiful legs
He has better legs than Dempsey
How long 17111 Carpentler last
against Dempseyf Just a long
am he can stay away. How Jong
will that bef Well lking at
htm yesterday and recalling
Dempsey appearance tn this eity
we wonld say that Dempsey Is
faster than the challenger on his
feet. Tltls means that If Car
pentier lasts one round he will
Je surprising folks, including
Carpeniier is in good shape hav
ing no excess fat, but he will need
eas.ly that two months he speaks of
for training if he Is matched with
l)erapscj And 'when he enters the
ring with Dempsey he will tnen need
ah he hopes and prajers of the en
tire Frenca people '
The price of shoes is not going op
anv more and it may, perchance,
ome down, according to the belief of
the New York World.
There will be no reduction be
cause the manufacturers or the
workmen want it or think they
can afford to do with less profit,
but it will be because the peo
ple will not pay more for them.
That Is the flat statement of the
manufacturers and goe to show
that if the people want cheaper
wearing apparel, they will have
to refuse to buy the high priced
The men who turn out the product
the union shoemakers seem to be
of the idea that the public is still
willing to pa even higher prices
(Continued on Page 3. Column 3.)
"Bloody Shirt" Waved In Congress
Because Confederate Names Don't
Appear On Shaft To U.S. Hero Dead
By G. A,
W Dedication of the wonderful
marble amphitheater and me
morial in Arlington national ceme
tery Saturday to the hero dead of the'
nation, resulted In a resurrection and
a waving of "the bloody shirt" in
congress late Saturday afternoon.
Only names of union veterans
have been carved upon the polished
narble columns, and representative
T'pshaw, Democrat, of Georgia, pro
tested against the elimination of the
names of confederate generals.
Representative Madden. Republi
can, of Illinois, interrupted the
speaker to ask
' Does the gentleman protest be
cause the loval American people re
fuse to pay tribute to men wh6 were
traitors to their country m its hour
of need . , .
The question was greeted with
cheers from the Republican side and
jeers and catcaUs from the minority
Demand Word Be Stricken.
Representative Upshaw made no
i nswe- and representative Blanton,
ljcmocrat, of Texas, immediately tie
jtmocrat, of Texas, immediately Be-I the Arlington marble memoriaL Eddy county l I (and 110,000 In the near east. I o-dfr ce 4-4&- '
There Is More Steam In El Pasos Social Machinery Than
Marshall Expounds Theory
of Eepresentative Eule;
Favors Amendment.
WASHINGTON, D. 0, May 17.
Vice president Thomas K. Mar
shall has presided over the
senate of the United States for 7
years and can therefore be expected
to know whereof be speaks when he
says that if prohibition hadbeen
submitted to a secret vote it would
not have got 20 votes in the senates
The writer asked the vice president
to amplify his" statement, which
was made originally before the Vir
ginia Bar association.
"I want it understood at the outset,-
said he "that I believe In the
enforcement of the constitutional
amendment on prohibition. It is here
ana is the law and should be en
forced, but I believe if the amend
ment had been voted on aoording to
the individual convictions of the
members of the senate it would not
fbave cot 2d -rotes.
Thought People Wanted It
"Now I am not Imputinir motives
to anybody. I have never seen any
representatives of the brewers or
the Anti-Saloon league around' con
gress and wouldn't know them If I
were to. I believe that the men who
voted for prohibition and for oman
suffrage, for instance, thought the
people a majority of their con
stituents wanted these amendments
passed. But that Isn't my theory of
a representative government.
"As I told the lawyers at Rich
mond, the people of this' country
didn't intend, in my judgment, that
their representatives should be
guided "by their constituents, but
that elected representatives should
act for them. I dent sthink when
people h Ire a lawyer that th ey
should ask him to do what they
How It Should Work:
"Advice should not come from the
client to the lawyer, but from the
lawyer to the client. If the client
doesn't like the advice, be can get
another lawyer.
"That's the same with represen
tative government. The people in
my opinion should choose their rep
resentatives to act for them. If they
don't like what their representa
tives do, they can select others and
repudiate what has been done." j
"Then If yon had been a member
of the senate jou would have
voted against the prohibition amend
ment?" the vice president was asked.
tjb, yes, was me repxy, "na
views have rftrn jrr-H- JnBinrnijJ
you, X don't ase Hotter, ftevti
at at my table and I would to God
that no one else did. Bat X object
te tire war prohlbttkra has bees im
posed, though again I most insist.
now that it is here, that it -suet be
Surrendered Their Opinions"
of the question of peEonal habit-,
members of the senate whose views
about the police powers f the sev
eral states coincide with my own
surrendered their opinions whei. they
voted slmjjly because they thought
it was the wish of the people ofJ
their states. That isn't leadership or
representative government, in my
conception of the term.
"Indeed lawyers, ke statesmen,
are losing their influence because
they are not telling their client
what is the law and what should
be done. Instead, lawyers nowadays
are listening to boards of directors
and trying to accomplish what these
boards want done, often against the
best judgment of the lawyers them
selves." The vice president was endorsed
by the Virginia Bar association for
the presidency, a compliment of the
occasion, no doubt, for Marshall is
not a candidate, active, passive or
receptive, or een interested. Maybe
if he were he wouldn't express him
sK so- frankly. Copyright, iv, by
David Lawrence,
Washington. D C. May 17. Sena
tor Morris Sheppard, of Texas, has
formally withdrawn from the con
gressional record his recent state
ment that the state of New Jerser,
by attacking the prohibition consti
tutional amendment, bad put itself
"on the side of anarchy and revolu
tion." The word3 at the time of ut
terance led to a ruling by vice presi
dent" MarshaU classing them as im
proper and reflecting on a sovereign
state. Senator Bdge, Republican.
New Jersey, acknowledged the Texas
senator's action in making the with
Washington. D. C, May 17. The
supreme court failed again today to
decide the validity of the prohibition
amendment and the enforcement act
and recessed until June L
manded that the words be stricken
from the record, declaring that the
Republican members would not sup
port the sentiment. Amid confusion
in the house the speaker called for
order and finally obtained it, The
words were not stricken out, and
representative Upshaw continued his
speech of protest.
The G. A. R. veterans, who had
the dedication In charge, invited the
confederate veterans to assist in the
dedication, but the latter declined be
cause the names of confederate lead
era did not appear
After the aesulon of congress
Saturday, representative Blanton
said If the Democrats ever re
gain .control of congress, he in
tended to see that confederate
names were chiseled all over the
The memorial, which is of solid
marble, will stand as one of the
world's greatest silent tributes to a
country's dead. The old world may
have erected larger memorials, but
the earth does not hold a more mag
nificent piece or architecture than
Sonora Commander Given
Rousing Welcome By
Juarez People.
of Sonora, provisional minister of
arrived here late Snnday night from
Casas Grandes, Chihuahua; Monday
began final preparation for his south
ward swing to Mexico City, at the
head of several thousand men. It was
expected that the movement would
begin in a few days.
Some weeks ago It was officially
announced that Gen Calles would
take 10.060 men with him when he
left Chihuahua. Of these, 0000 were
to be Sonora contingents, and the
rest soldiers from Chihuahua garri
sons along the route
Whether the flight of president
Carranza. as well as other recently
renorted revolutionist victories, would
alter the original plans, has not been
It was announced Sunday by Gen.
Carlos Plank, commander of the cus
toms guards of Sonora, that he had
brought J00 men with him to Juarez
from Casas Grandes, and that 2200
more would arrive here Monday.
Greeted by Big Crowd.
Upon his arrival shortly before
midnight Gen. Calles was surrounded
by a crowd of nearly 1000 persons
and escorted through the streets amid
shouts of "Viva Calles," "Viva Mexi
co." Gen. lenaeio Bnrkruex. candi
date for governor of Chihuahua, who
accompanied the Sonoran, also was
toe recipient oz many -vnas.-Support
by the state of Chihuahua
was the turning point of the new
revolution in Mexico. Gen. Calles de
clared in an address delivered a lew
minutes after his arrival.
Surrounded bv a shouting crowd.
uen. uaiies. accompanied oy ien. Bn
riquez. with difficulty made his way
from the station to the custom house,
where the impromptu speechmaking
was held shortly before midnight.
Dictatorship at an End.
"The day of dictatorship, whether
in Mexico, zn America, or in the world,
has passed," declared Gen. Calles.
"The people of Mexico arc done with
tV3artfUai9d-u'eTOerkie band n
hand withthe rmy that liberty may
be restored.
"When Chihuahua joined oar cause,
the success of the re vo tut ton was as
sured." Gen. Euriauex praised Gen. Calles
for "his saltratry la paring tribute
tbbk a
t all the peo-
should &e sesrvfes.-
PresJdent Veaustiano Carranza was
branded as a tyrant eclipsing Porfirio
Diaz and Yletorthno Uuerta, former
dictators of Mexico, in a speech by
Gen. Jose Genzalo Escobar, comman
der of the Chihuahua border district.
"The army did not betray Carranza'
Carranza betrayed the army," Gen.
Escobar said.
Troon Movement Becrun.
Gen. Joaquin Amaro and Francisco
R. Serrano, the latter being revolu
tionary chief of staff. Monday left
Irapuato, Guanajuato, with a cavalry
division of 0000 men for Mexico City,
according to an announcement made
in Juarez by CoL H. L Almada, chief
of staff to Gen. Bugenio Martinez,
commander of operations -in Chi
huahua. The movement of 0000 troops from
Casas Grandes to Juarez has already
begun. 500 already having arrived in
the latter town. Col Almada said.
Gens. Juan Jose Mendez. Francisco
Santiago and Mateo Munoz, formerly
Carranza commanders in Jalisco,
Nay ant and Col i ma. respectively.
have gone oer to the revolution, CoL
Almada announced.
Train service between Juarez and
Torreon, Tprreon and Monterrey, and
(Continued en Page Z, Column 4.)
New York. May 17j The Atlantic
fleet which has been at anchor in the
Hudson river for the last two weeks,
put to sea today. The battleship
Pennsylvania, flagship of the fleet,
will go to Hampton roads. The other
ships will carry out a program of
maneuvers and practice runs, after
which it is understood here tey will
join the flagship. Rumors were also
current that additional ships may
soon be sent to the gulf of Mexico
to join the Oklahoma and the de
stroyers now on duty there.
Washington, D. C May 17 The
act of congress of 1917. giving the
states the right to enact compensa
tion laws in respect to injuries of
persons in maritime employment was
declared unconstitutional today by the
supreme court, in deciding an appeal
based on the New York law
Carlsbad. N. M, May 17 N. B
Butcher was killed in front of the
First National bank last night W C
Cargill will be given a preliminary
hearing Wednesday before justice of
the peace Richards.
Butcher and Cargill were supposed
to be close friends. The cause of the
shooting is not known, although dif
ferences over money matters, have
been initmated. Butcher, it Is said,
was not armed. Both men were
ranchers in the southwestern part of
First Chief's Men Shown to
Have Lost Nerve When
Water Gave Out.
Rebels Slowly Drove Fed
erals, Step hy Step, Until
Defeat Was Complete,
VERACRUZ. Mex.. May 17 By tie
Associated Pre). Gn CandMo
Aenilar. eovernor of the state of
Veracruz and soninlaw of president
Carranza, who has been virtually a
prisoner of revolutionary forces near
Orizaba for the last week, escaped
last night. It is believed he is trying
to join Carranza. who fled into the
mountains near Chalehicomula, Fri
day Gen. Aguilar has with him
about 300 followers. '
Still Pursuing Gen. Carranza
Pursuit of Carranza Is being
vigorously pushed by Gens. Pedro
Sanchez and Higinio Aguilar. lead
ers of the revolutionary forces which
fought with Carranza's army last
week. They have a superior force of
Lack of food and water lowered
the morale of Carranza's men so that
the defeat was comparatively easy,
says a dispatch from the Associated
Press correspondent in the battle
He has just been joined by a corre
spondent of the newspaper El Dicta
men of this city, who was with Car
ranza when he fled from Mexico City,
May 7, and witnessed much of the
fighting around San Marcos and Rin
conada. Fled With 10,800 Menu
When revolutionary troops swept
down on the capital, Carranza de
cided to flee to Veracruz and es
tablish his executive powers. His
trains carried 10,000 men and a large
quantity of war munitions. On May
8 the Carranza trains pushed past
Apizaco. where they were joined by
troops commanded by Gen. Pilar San
chez, but soon the engineers reported
that their locomotives were out of
The troops detrained and pushed'
on down the road, defeating a force
fof-TevoluUuwtetm. After Ure ti auk" Wftd J
oeen vesozta . means; a jwnna
to bike ihm presidential train
further toward Veracruz, and May 11,
It reached San Marco. Rinconada
was reached the next day and there
a battle was fought against troops
commanded by Gen Mireles, which
were defeated by the heavier Car
'ranza columns.
Troops Lone Their erre.
When the town of Algibea was
reached, Carransa's men found the
rails out. No water was to be had
and the morale of the soldiers seemed
to break, large numbers deserting.
On the afternoon of May 12, Gen.
Sanchez made a violent assault on
the Carranza army, but the attack
was repulsed by a counter thrust
led by Gen. Murguia.
The next day Carranza's men
abandoned some of their ground and
Sanchez launched a new attack, which
smashed the Carranza line and routed
a part of th e goveramen t troops.
More than 3500 prisoners were taken
by the revolutionists. It was im
mediately after this reverse that
Carranza fled to the mountains.
' Gen. Liberado Lara Torres, who
was wounded in the fighting on May
13, and was later brought to this city,
for treatment, died yesterday.
Change In Agua Prleta Plan.
Washington, D C, May 17. Gen.
Pablo Gonzalez has refused to recog
nize the Plan of Agua Prleta" under
which the entire Carranza regime
would be repudiated, according te the
Mexico City newspaper reports re
ceived today by the state department.
Gen Gonzalez agreed, however, to
permit governor de la Huerta, of
Sonora, to convene the Mexican con-e-ress.
or the permanent commission
of congress, in extra session to name
a provisional president. Steps have
been taken at Mexico City to carry
out the agreement.
The agreement was reached at a
(Continued on Page S. Column 4.)
Baptist Report Denounces Films
Showing "Eternal Triangle" As A
Cause For Divorce
TT7ASHTNG10X. D C. May 17 The
W movie laws and intemperance
are ouunco. tor ui uuibwuhs di
vorces in the United states ny tne
committee of temperance and social
service in its report according to the
Southern Baptist convention today.
Enactment of a uniform code of mar
riage and divorce laws was recom
mended as a remedy.
Quoting from government statis
tics on the number of divorces ob
tained annually in the country, the
report shows that In 1916, the last
figures, there were 112,036 divorces.
as a primary cause 01 tnia saa
condition" the report denounces the
motion picture as now produced, de
claring that "nearly every film put
on the screen contians somewhere
some evil suggestion. Many of the
films are based on the 'eternal trt-
Headliners In
Today's Theaters
Pantaares. Vaudeville.
"Adventurer," William FaTnum.
The Strange Boarder," Will
"A Virtuous " amp ' Constance
The Beggar Prince," Sessue
"The Heart of a Child ' azimoa.
"The Luck of the Irish;" also
Sunshine comedy
(Read Amusement Ads on Page 5)
Early Wage Settlement Seen;
Roads Ask Rate Board
For" Quick Relief.
CHICAGO 1!L, May 17- Wage ad
vances should be granted to many
railroad workers to enable them
to meet the Increasing cost of living.
the Association of Railway Execu
tives declared today in their opening
statement before the Railroad Labor
E. T. Whiter, chairman of the con
ference committee of rail managers
of the association, said some part
of the wage demands being made by
2,000,000 railway employes probably
would be found to be justified by the
rise in prices.
Early Settlement Seen,
Agreement of the railroads them
selves that at least a part of the men
should have more money is expected
to go far toward expediting early
settlement of the controversy, which
culminated last month in the series
of strikes.
The demands before the board total
SLOOO.OOO.OOO a year, in addition to
a 31,000,000.000 advance In war time
and a $300,000,060 advance in the two
Tears prior to srovernment control.
said Whiter. He presented figures to
show that the railway payroll had
Increased from 30,5 percent of the
gross earnings of the roads in 1916, to
w.5 percem, xast year.
we s
aenreeiate fully." Whiter said.
"that the increases received by some
employes in the last five years have
not been commensurate with the in
creases in the cost of living
Make More at Other Work.
"We annreciate also that there are
other employes who are receiving
rates which cannot be considered at
all low in an absolute sense, yet which
ao not compare lavoraoty in some
localities with wages naid similar
occupationa in outside Industrie,
we cannot 01 course hone to com
pete with outside rates, cent for cent
an boa, nor saevia tsas
rf '
wtw to Xnwr greater
ated continuity xf HiiiiiliintsintTn-raa
rasa service id ue giwuu saiDunj
of railroad rates f wages, when
once established, and to other at
tractive features of railroad employ-
Is das trial Fabrle Threatened. 1
Washington. TX C May J7. The
ujtuvuo raivtvaua, botjiuiltvu wiut uui-
ness and not yet on their feet after
the long period of federal control,
turned hopefully to the government
today for relief. With reports from
Industrial centers showing several
hundred thousand cars, held up by
insufficient equipment end labor, the
Interstate commerce commission was
expected to heed the appeal of the
carriers and take charge of the situ
ation. Jtj Take Over Freight.
Railroad officials said tnere was
slight hope of early improvement.
The great need is to dear the tracks
of nonessentials and oon the way
for the necessities of lue.
So great is the traffK- congestion.
according to reports, that t hero is
immediate danger of wholesale clos
ing of big industrial tUnts an-1 the
consequent cut in product nn Should
the commission find, i the strength
of reports laid before t by the rail
way executives, that ha emergency
justifies it, orders taking over vir
tually complete control of th.- move
ment of freight, probably wUl be is
sued today.
Sookane. wash. Mar 17. Th day
force of switchmen of the Chicago.
Milwookee and St. Paul railway here
did not report for duty today. None
of the night crew. It was reported.
had been on dnty. The men said they
had walked out individually without
presenting demands, bat that they
"wanted more money."
Growth Ii U- S.
ancle and the suira-estlon of disre
gard if not an open breach of the
marital relation."
The report recommends, among
other things, the publishing of the
marriage bans for at least 30 days
before the rite can be celebrated,
physical examination of each party
by a physician and the establishment
of a uniform code which as. nearly
as possible "should come to the basis
of Bible teaching' concerning the
ground of divorce with the right of
Premarriage and that tn all other cases
wnea aivorceo oe gra.ni.eu it oo wnu
out the right of remarriage."
Speaking from the steps of the
capitol to thousands. Rev Dr George
W. Trnett, lallas, Tex, endorsed the
league of nations and prophesied
that if "it does not come today, it
will as inexorably come tomorrow as
that God is on his throne."
Censor Board Attack 'Withdrawn.
An attack on the national board of
censors of motion pictures contained
in the report was, eliminated when
the report came up for adoption
Dr W W Landrum. Rusellvllle,
Ky.. presenting the motion to strike
out tbe attack, declared that the
statement was libelous and might re
sult in heavy damages being obtained
from the convention.
910,000.000 PORKIGN MISSION"
Des Moines, la.. May 17 The re
port of the board of foreign missions
of the Methodist Episcopal church
to the general conference in session
here shows an estimated expenditure
310.000,000 in foreign missionary
work, almost twice as much as in
1919 The board soent about 3500 000
in relief work, in war torn Europe
Secretary Asserts That
Sims Is Seeking to Ee-
move Civilian Control.
WASHINGTON, D. C May 17 -Jo-sephus
Daniels, secretary of the
navy, today let go a verbal
broadside against the advocates of
a general staff for the navy, declar
ing they sought to Prussianise the
navy department and make the civi
lian secretary a .rubber stamp Ke
told the senate committee Investigat
ing the navy's conduct of the war
that "one of Rear Admiral Slum's
chief objects in writing his January
7 letter and bringing about this in
vestigation was to remove the navy,
aa far as possible, from civilian con
trol." Rear admiral Slnus original
charges against the navy department
showed hostility toward certain of
ficers and a desire to damage the
ranking officers who directed naval
operations in the war, the naval sec
retary declared, adding that "the
evidence has shown a desire to dis
credit the secretory of the navy be
cause he was not a 'rubber stamp'
If congress wished to depart from
"the traditional American policy," of
civilian control of the navy, it should
do so "directly and clearly and with
out pretense," said Mr. Daniels, by
making an admiral secretary of the
navy and a member of the cabinet.
The most ardent advocates of the
general staff system had not advo
cated going that far, however, they
wished to keep a "rubber stamp"
civilian as a figurehead in the sec
retary's office, he said.
The witness quoted from reports
and writings of other naval secre
taries to show, he said, that they, too.
struggled against a substitution of
the general staj system.
Washington. IX C, May 17. Ceams
fhrures include Mancheater. N. H
78.100. Increase SII7. or ll.f percent.
Seattle, waenjngton, ZU.SS3, in
crease 53 1 per cent; Lincoln. Neb
54.934, Increase 219 percent. Brown
wood. Tex 10.274. Increase 11.C per
Omaha. Neb, May 17. William Lotz.
member of a tannins; concern, was
I round slain at his establishment early
I todav The bodv had he.n there
labour 5i hours. A. revalvwr Vaw
L A vtoti'i wet was WW m
Lou automobile- He was M years
old, wealthy and unmarried.
Denver. Colo, May IT. W. Barry
Houston, a former army captain, shot
and killed an unidentified negro,
whom be detected attempting to en
ter his home. IMS Logan street, ear
ly today Houston is known as a
polo player.
Washington, D. C May 17. Con
viction of Daniel CConnell, lawyer,
and five other residents of San Fran
cisco, for violating the selective ser
vice and espionage acts, was upheld
today by the supreme court.
Los Angeles, Calif.. May 17. James
P Watson will be taken to San Quen
tin prison tonight, sheriff Cline said
today Watson recently was sen
tenced to life imprisonment for the
k-lling of Nina Lee Deloney, after
he had confessed the -murders of eight
other women among the 30 or more
he married.
Phoenix. AriJL. May 17. Citizens of
Flagstaff have raised 35000 toward
the construction of a state armory
there. The armory is to cost 330,000
Three charsres. two of burglary and
one of assault with intent to murder.
were filed Monday against Glenn
Phillips a private in the Seventh cav
alry. Fort Blfss.
J c stanseii. deputy snerur. wno.
with John Boone, another deputy, and
C C Cunningham, city detective
worked on the burglarv cases, filed
the . charges with justice Clark
W right, who set the preliminary
hearing for Tuesday afternoon.
Phillips, in a statement signed be
fore Will H. Pelphrey, county attor
ney confessed lo the burglaries.
Phillips admitted having attempted to
entT a, gasoline service station Wed
nesday night and having taken a
vrlst watch from a drug stor
smashing a plate glass window to
gain entrance.
The assault charge Is concerned
Kith the shooting of Joaquin Vllla
neuva, who Phillips is alleged to have
hired Wednesday at about midnight
to drive him to Fabens. Phillips is
charged with assaulting the drier.
New "xork. May 17 The federal
grand Jur in Brooklyn todav re
turned indictments against Morris '
and company and the Cudahy Pack
ing company, of Chicago, charging
profiteering in foodstuffs. '
The proved circulation of s j
The EI Paso Herald ! nearly O-
twice lhnt of any other EI .
Paso paper. I
France to Come First in Collection, Permitting Paris
to Pay Her War Debts Accumulated in America;
Withdrawal of Armed Forces From Occupied Zone
Is Accomplished Without Untoward Incident.
DERLhV. Germany. May 17. (By 4e Associated Press.) The Frenct
and Belgian troops voich Lave been ocenpyiog Frankfort and Hanan
evacuated those cities today. No untoward incident has been reported.
Armed Forces Leave Right Bank ef Rhine.
Mayence. Germany. May 17. (By the Associated Press.) The French
troops which have been in occupation of Frantlort, Darmstadt and other
cities on the right bank of the Rhine evacuated these cities today, it is an
nounced here.
The Germans were informed of the departure through a laconic proc
lamation issued by Gen. De Goatee, posted is the various cities which read
"The French keep their word."
The evacuation proceeded quietly.
German Indemnity Ptxed. O
Par. Prairn v.v I? tt- i ltO be independent of the league "'
Farts. France. May 17. It Is un- MtjOM crafereMe at Brussels.
uuswvu in QIX.1CUU cucies nere max t
the Britlch and French conference
at Hytae, which dosed yesterday, de
cided that the som total which Ger
many should pay as reparation would
be fixed at approximately S3.0.
000.000. It is also understood that It was
decided Germany would be permitted
to issue bonds covering her Indebt
edness to the allies, payable in annual
Such action, it is pointed out. would
enable France to discount a part of
her claim1 on Germany and permit
her to settle her debts to the United
States and the allies.
A conference of the allies will be
held at Ostend to consider fTTnpHwl
questions. It la stated.
This meeting
Great Britain's policy with refer
ence to world petroleum supplies
is reported to be to exclude aliens
from, the control of petroleum sup
plies within the empire, and to en
deavor to obtain some measure of
control over oil properties in foreign
countries, the senate was informed
today in a state department report
transmitted by president Wilson.
Londonderry. Ireland, May 17
Londonderry after two nights of
rioting, was again the scene of riot
ing toda Hundreds of men re
mainder away from their work, walk
ing about iht. streets, where many in
dividual encounters occurred. between
Sinn Feiners and unionists.
There was stone throwing by the
crowds to some extent, and at one
point Sinn Feiners. the police report
ed, fired shots at two unionist former
soldiers, but missed their marks.
Bottles, bricks and piateJa were
again freely employed by the com
batants and many more shop win
dows were broken.
Groups of men and women in the
Unionist cnarter of Fountain street
and similar groups in the Sinn Fein
quarter of Lridge street followed an
exchange of party cries with stone
and bottle throwing More than 100
revolver shots followed
In addition to the killing of -a.
former soldier named Dohertr, three
others were wounded. W hen the hos
tilities began the police were with
drawn and for a few hours mob law
was supreire
BrftUh Troops Landed.
Cork. Ireland. May 17 Two thou
sand troops from England were
landed at Bantry Saturday and imme
diately distributed throughout West
Cork. Troops to the number of 10
also arrived at Skibberdeen. They
commandeered several huildin. there.
Dublin. 'Ireland. May 17. Countess
Georgia Mark levies. Sinn Fein mem
ber of parliament forHhe St. Patrick's
di ision of Dublin whose wbere
ibouta his long been a mystery, made
a theatrical reaappearanoe, clad in
f JHRp'!iaL.
There Used To Be
Keds Strike Back at Poles.
London. na. May 17 Fo i
forces are striking back at i.-- P
and Ukrainian troops m ch pl-
Kiev about 1 days ago. says an of
cial statement issued in iloso w
terday. received here by wireles
day. The statement said Soviet troc
had started an advance and wer c
gaged about 10 miles nonwas'
Geneva, Switzerland, Mav T
popular majority in faor of a.
herence by Switzerland to the leag
of nations, tn the referendum !
yesterday was 92,730 The i.
favor of the proposition was 1 1 e
and the vote against it 3-j ss i
Washington. r C. Ma
the oil consumption n .
States exceeding produtios
Manning of the bureau of -n ne
diets that in less than 1 f.r
supply still underground v
hausted. If the demand fo- g
and other oil products conf i--increase
as it has in the a
years, the United States, r-t '-) ,
have to depend on other co .. - r a f
part of its supply
Washington, IX C, SJa--overwhelming
vote th r -
refused to adopt the conf"
port on the diplomatic a.p -bill
because of a legi i
making permanent the v, irT
port control regulations.
a commandant's uniform.
at an open air meeting in Cro
Park in memory of the memt-rs "
the Irish Republican parliamenr . i
were executed after or killed m
rebellion of llfi The cou'e u
livered an address in whuv sj
pealed for support for Insl i-
U. S. TO BUY 207,000,000
Washington, rx C. Ma " -
treasury department anno an t .
under provisions of the 1T
which are mandatory .r tajv
Houston has issued stand ng -
to the director of the m nT t - (
silver at 31 an ounce, deIn.Tr-' at uic
option of the director, a' t a"?-
office at New York or th m i
Philadelphia. Ienver and ai h -1
cisco, up to the total of u
ounces. Silver o purchased
nounceznent sts forth, mnst
-& , ., r;
works so located, and c le-.tr
equivocal proof to tbat efW,.
Sipe Springs, Texas, Mai i L a
Lusk No 1 of the Atlanta. Pc -a
company is flowing by iearl-
feet. The well Is making 100 barr-'s
daily in an incompleted sta'
Encino, N. M., Boy Wins
Herald Trip
"T rT.1T NO HELP ia securing the sobscnpUons, in
tesad so dif Scatty in. preesnaj then," said
Ermaad Brawn, age 11, of Eodao, X. M.
Enaond has secured tbe required somber of sub
scnptMss to ma&e the trip to the Mountain Pari
Y. M. C A. camp, where he will he a guest fcr two
weeks, at the expense of The El Paso Herald
Other boys interested in our offer should can co
see H. H. Fns, circulation manager, El Paso Herald.
Oat-of-town boys, who live is Artxoaa, New Mex
ico or west Texas, who would like te join the El Paso
boys in carap, shwrid write far oar big offer

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