Monday, May 17. 1920. 11
A T the truck and tractor meeting
M o the Society of Automotive
I.njrtneers held in Chicago a
T r entitled -Relation of Solid and
i ! furratic Tires to Motor Truclc EI-
rcy" was rad by S V. Norton
e B F- Goodrich Rubber com-
r-nv Mr. Norton ia widely known
i a transportation engineer, a tire
expert and a the author of "Motor
rucks of Amenii and "The Motor
Truck as an Aid to Business Pro-
' t-
Mr. Norton raid
The question o whether heavy
r-c;or trucks should be equipped
n solid or pneumatic tires Is one
-' the most important problems
-fronting the motor world today.
Neod.s to ea, eaoh type has its
,- ' tntages and limitations. If that
'ere not true one type woald be
1 .d exclusively and the other woald
t dw. carded. It is apparent, there
ure that a careful study of all
1- os involved should be made be
ore deciding which tire to we. For
the purposes of this discussion the
factors to be considered may be dt
Mled into three- groups, as follows:
' r-, the engineering features; sec
end tne practical operating fea
1 -c and third the features of tire
ttr.ce in the field.
raancea Are Constant
' In the first place, it should be
os dered that conclusions which
r e-ir sound today may have to be
iifid in time by changes that
3 re gradually but constantly taking
c For instance, truck design
- oeirg altered and improved, tires
" being built better and .tronger;
-ohdg are being improved, and ex
I enence is pointing the way to the
i lore intelligent use of motor trucks
'nrough systems and devices hereto
fore unknown. Another point to be
on.dered is that trucks are nsed
o raoe freight under widely differ-
ng ana complex circumstances.
inclusions based from experience
n one case might not be borne out
n otaer cases.
a he functions of tire equipment
art if to secure traction; (2) to
usinon the mechanism and the
load (3) to protect the road. To
- Tform these functions, three types
'- t.rea are available: solid, cush
cn and pneumatic Since there are
relatively few cushion tires in ser
" at present we can confine our
discussion to the solid and pneu
matic types.
'it la safe to safe to say that at
vre ru the accepted field for each
v f is as follows pneumatics on
- fks up to 1H tons capacity and
solids on trucks af JH tons or over.
ween these two capacities the
!':--Id is debatable, and the choice ""
rot be made intelligently without a
ca-eful analysis of the important fac
tors Involved. In taking up the en
gineering aspects I shall deal brlef-
The Original
Malted Milk
for Infants and Invalids
Avoid Imitations end Substitutes'
No One Need Buy
LuticuraiSeiore He
Tries Free Samples
Bosa,Otgfcet.Tdni.gc.tisiJpUis. Srafaa
ly and frankly as a layman and not
as a truck engineer.
first Point to Be Considered.
Tho first point to be considered
in this respect Is the difficulty en
countered hi ttslnc a type of tire on
a track different from that for which
it was intended. To piece pneumatic
tires on a tract equipped, 'or solids
requires, In the first place, that the
wheels of the vehicle he cat down.
3lorcover, proper allowance most be
provided for both body and fender
clearance as the larger sectional dia
meter of the pneumatic tires will
effect the steering; clearance and the
track win be unable to torn in so
short radios as it did on the solids.
This is especially Important in nego
tiatinc turns in narrow streets and
alleys as well as in garages with
limited floor spea.ee.
"As the larger diameter of pneu
matic tires will effect the gear re
daction if substituted for solids the
mechanical ability of the trad: will
be affected. If the change is made,
will the track be able to "mate the
grade?" Will it materially affect
the payload capacity of the track?
Will it reduce the ability to operate
trailers? What will the effect be on
the engine?
Speed ladnces Rxtra Ylbratlon.
"The Increased mavrrmmi speed doe
to the larger diameter of the pneu
matic tires will be relatively slight
provided the engine Is governed to
run at the. same speed as formerly.
If the change is made to- get more
speed out of the machine, the gear
ratio must be reduced, which reduces
the ability of the truck, or the gov
ernor must be opened and the engine
speed increased. There is danger ,
here, however, as speea induces ex
tra vibration. Joints begin to loosen,
and before long tne engine may be
literally racked to pieces.
Additional speed calls for greater
braking ability. Brakes desUmed for
slower speeds, but used under more
severe circumstances will Inevitably
require more frequent renewal. The
question for the truck owner to de
cide before making the change is
whether the track can be equipped
with brakes having much larger ca
pacity, and If not whether it will
pay to take the chance.
"Of no less moment than the fea
tures mentioned above, so far as the
dependability of the truck Is con
cerned, is the question of air supply
since pneumatie tires require from
to 18 lbs. inflation pressure. As
hand pumping ia out of the question
a power driven pump on the truck
or close at hand becomes a necessity
and in many cases this is not prac
ticable. May 7xpect Disappointment.
"While these mechanical considera
tions apply particularly to using
pneumatics on tracks now in opera
tion on solid tires, most of the same
problems are involved In changing
toe equipment on trucks manufac
tured but unsold. The truck buyer
should satisfy himself that his
agent's counsel on the equipment is
based on positive facts and endorsed
by the manufacturer. Otherwise he
may expect more or less disappoint
ment and dissatisfaction over the
performance of his truck if he ord
ers the equipment changed to pneu
matics oexore delivery.
To sum up since so many import
ant technical features are lavolved.
the operator or prospective buyer
would do wen to seek the advice of
the manufacturer of his truck before
ehangisg the equipment. No oae else
knows so well the probable effect
on various parts nor can advise more
inteUlgently as to the probable loss
or saving such a move would entaU
on the mechanism of his truck.
THERE are eleen motor truek
freight lines operating in this
territory Every bit of freight
shipped by truck relieves the rail
road freight congestion Just that
In every Instance the truck
makes the delivery in less time
than the railroads and the freight
ia only handled once.
Route No. 1 EI Paso to La
Mesa. 11 miles; schedule, dally;
C. F. Forsytes. La Mesa, K. X.
Route No. : Pecos to Odessa.
Texas, 70 miles; schedule, dally;
It P. Hicks, Pecos. Texas.
Route No. 3 Pecos to Toyah.
Texas. 10 miles: schedule, daily;
R. P. Hicks, Pecos. Texas.
Route No. 4 Tularosa to Mes
calero, N. If., IS miles: schedule,
daily; Otero Transfer Cx. Tula
rosa, N. M.
Route No. 5 Tularosa to Ala
mogordo. N. X. 15 miles: sched
ule, daily: Otero Transfer Co
Tularosa, N. If.
Route No. 6 El Paso to Tor
nnia, Texas. 6 miles: schedule,
daily: Valley Transfer Co, Clint.
Route No. T El Paso to Las
Cruces. 42 miles: schedule daily;
W. S. Tantls, phone MT.
Route No. S Sliver City to
Mogollon. N. If.. SO miles; sched
ule, dally; Bennett Motor Trans
fer Co, Stiver City, N. M.
Route No. S El Paso to Las
Cruets, N. M 41 miles; schedule,
daily Clanoch Line, terminal
with Western Traasfer aad Stor
age Co- El Paso.
Route No. 1 El Paso to La
Mesa. SI miles; CUanch line.
Route No. II El Paso to Las
Cruces, 43 miles; Forsythe line.
Pneumatic Tires
For Trucks Cut
Cost, Is Claim
Pneumatie tires tor motor trucks
cut highway transportation cost in
half by permitting twice the speed,
with safety, that solid tires permit is
the assertion of pneumatic tire
builders. It Is also claimed they ex
tend the life of the vehicle by pro
teetlnr it from road shocks and
vibration and save gasoline and oil
by providing Detter traction at an
These are a few of the arguments
made tor the penuraatic tire in the
"Ship by Track" movement by the
most prominent engineers In the tire
building industry.
With solid tires from 10 to IE
miles is the maximum speed attain
able with safety and the average
speed Is little better than 10 miles
per hour. The truek equipped with
pneumatics may be driven at from
it to 35 miles per hour.
Gtim Maximum Service.
So skilfully are these tires made
and so rigidly have they been tested
by the producers that the truck owner
gets the maximum service irom
pneumatics. An iUustration of how
carefully these tires are produced is
to be found In the heavy duty cord
tire department of the Miller Rubber
company at Akron. This company
several years ago deeming to pro
duce truck pneumatics built experi
mental heavy duty cords and placed
them on trucks which were then
heavily loaded and driven thousands
of miles until worn out Every type
of road was traveled every test and
rough usage conceivable was tried
and every performance studied by
experts. When the tires had been
worn ragged, the fabric, cord, and
rubber were carefully examined and
when Miller went Info production
with the heavy duty cord tire the
makers profited by the experience
gained in these tests.
Cord tires are made of thousands
of cable cords floated layer on layer
in new live rubber. These tires neu
tralize road shocks keeping them
from truck aad load. Both truek and
igsa retftt apvn nwv; air cuaowu
protecting the vehicle, extending its
period of usefulness, permitting the
safe haullmr of the most fragile mer-
chaidse and allowing a speed of from
20" to 15 miles an hoar with penect
safety on country roads.
Motor Convoy
Leaves Capital
About June 15
Washington. D. O. alay 17. Plans
have been completed whereby the
war department will send a motor
oonvoy from Washington to Los
Angeles over the Bankhead national
highway on or about Jane 15. dae to
arrive in Los Angeles September S.
The convoy will be under the
supervision of the motor transport
corps and will consist of a motor
transport unit complete, at war
strength, one service part unit, at
war strength, detachment from engi
neer corps, and detachment from
medical corps. All motor trucks will
be one and one half tons capacity
equipped with pneumatic tires.
The tour will start from Washing
ton, passing through Virginia, North
and South Carolina. Georgia. Ala
bama. Mississippi. Tennessee, Arkan
sas, Texas, New Mexico Arizona and
California ending at Los Angeles.
The purpose of this and other over
land trips will be to study the handi
caps which surrounded the trans
portation needs of the army on ac
count of the lack of dependable and
definite system of highways; to
secure data relative to the use of
various types of motor vehicles; to
secure relative aata on soua ana
pneumatic tires: to train officers and
men in extended field operations and
to recruit personnel for the various
branches of the army.
The federal highway council feels
that such study by the motor trans
port corps will be of great value to
the. entire country because it will
thoroughly establish the necessity of
the federal government undertaking
the construction and maintenance of
a definite system of national highways.
Austin. Texas. May 17. It is re
ported today by officials of state gov
ernment that governor Hobby will
sabmit at the coming special session
or tne legislature a state income tax
law which will tax Income down to
S1060. Ttie coventor, however, de
clined to make a statement as to his
Intentions on this subject. In the
controlers department four bills have
been prepared to raise additional
revenue, these measures nronosinsr to
' tax all refined products of petroleum.
MEVER before have the transportation systems of this country
been subject to such demands for greater efficiency than at
present The motor truck .meets seme of these demands; the
combination of motor track and trailer others. 'Where condi
tions demaad a trailer for ma. Jrcua efficiency only the same
nigged efficient construction foua 1 necessary in a motor truck
will suffice in a trailer. The Traifaobile has this rugged con
struction and efficient design.
?Tae TraBmobile Is a saotorless track.
V There Is a Trailmobile for every type of bastness, whether la
the city or on the farm,
U There are different slses of Trallmobllesi provided so as to
give the user the type which meets his requirements best.
HThere are three types at Trallmobllesi the fenr-wheel trailer,
the semi-trailer, and the pole trailer.
We are la a position to make Immediate
deliveries on several capacities ot Trail
mobiles. Ia many Instance yon can
doable your loads vrlthoat uadue strain
on the true motor. Write us for cata
logue ot the Trailmobile.
116 Seetk Campbell Street.
EI Paso, Texas. I
Roe-Kibhe Co.
News Brevities
Train Bulletin.
Texas & Paclflo train No. 1. due at
1:4S p. m- was scheduled to arrive
Monday at 1:10 p. ra. All other aft
ernoon and night trains were report
ed on time.
Avoid trouble. Leave Diggare checks
at Longwell's. or telephone No. 1.
Former Governor Glenn Dead.
Winnipeg. Man- May 17". Robert
B. Glenn, former governor of North
Carolina, ana a memDer ot tne in
ternatlonal Great Waterways com
mission, was found dead in bed at
the Royal Alexandra hotel here last
tract forms and other Information
may ae ootaineo from the superin
tendent. Indian School. Mescalero,
New Mexico. Cato Sella Commis
sioner, Washington. D. C May 10, It 10.
(I Generalmotors Trucks 11
IH GMC Trucks are inherently good the good is lj
1 11 built into them. That is the reason why GMC j
.IS users get so much good out of their Trucks. That 1111
W ) asLXsjsi f - -j 4-Ki a"w' s-v Jsre fiMasMMSsssfssstjSiJ ifll lEifsssT'
mrm -uc icazuu tut. luc sa.Li2ia.K,Luiy , uiiiiiLciiupLcu M"Wlm
jji service which GMC Trucks give over a long pe- lj
IIS riodoitime. Repeat orders irom satisfied own- l
l ers furnish the best proof of their quality. ' jj
III And we "back them up" in this territory vith a 111
IHI large stock of parts. illl !
HI ll
1 Lone Star Motor Co.
ssssUIsssB naWHlasB
HI TV"NJ. 415 W San-Antonio SC TSSSl. IH
HUH . cas. motoss coann. J T?l TSneri Tpxroq . eos. v fcotoM eorT 4 sWil
HI eraUCKS'' ii-raso, lexas. XTRUCI, j
! L, :
f nsinir npniimr 1, .
I I 111111 11 IIIIIIU I
hum awl
( HOW j oc i
W wmmmmm 4J III
PINT CANS faBilkxal
Larger Sizes SrSB. Sri
cneaperperlb. Bzffff ig?
Corn Products Refining Co. I r-if 'l,'!ll''ll
P.aBexKl Ne-Yotkary J U0 ffimjjjHit fit
rrtw. .vSSfl VC0c"UNS'f i, rtllnrr : 5 '
fTTI"WflTtrk T rrrrrJtrfntini r, j.l U 1 Tt'ra-tlUiUitg !
Proposals for itefrlsreratlon Dnlldlngs
Office Constructing Quartermaster
Mexican Border Project. P. O. Box SS.
Camp Travis. Tex. Sealed proposals
win do receivea nera until 1 p. nu.
May 2S, 1920. and then opened, tor
constructing one mechanically oper
ated refrigeration building (no equip
ment or setting of refrigerating ma
chinery to be included In bid) at
Harilngen. Texas, and Columbus.
New Mexico. Plans and farther in
formation will be furnished on apnli-
Truek Victim Identified.
The aged man who was killed on
Texas street Saturday morning when
he was struck by a lumber truck, was
Identified late Saturday afternoon
when Ralph Ponce, Identified htm as
his father, Ahtonto Ponce, 8 years
old. who lived- at ttl North Stanton
street. Police still are searching for
the driter ot the truck. Coroner R.
S. Rawlins returned a verdict of
negligent homicide.
Dr. Anna Ceuia. Buckler Bldg. Pit. S7T.
H. IT. Tlrndrlek. Auditor. Tax Ad
visor. 110 First National Bank Bldg.
YDU can make say number
of doughnuts using the same
lot of Maxsla again end again
end still you won't have a
Emolcy kitchen.
Mazom willbeat to such high
trmperatuie without smoUbgi
that food is instantly crusted
when dropped in hot Maiola
this prevents softness and pre
serves its Savor.
BUILDINGS Office Constructing
Quartermaster Mexican Border Pro
ject. P. O. Box SI. Camp Travis,
Texas. Sealed proposals will be re
ceived here until 1 p. m . May it, 1S20
and then opened, for constructing oae
mechanically operated refrigeration
building (no equipment or setting of
refrigerating machinery to be in
cluded in bid) at Columbus. N. M.
Plans and further Information win be
furnished on application.
Last Train On Railway.
Colorado Springs, Colo, May IT.
The last train over the Cripple Creek
Short line was run today. George
M. Taylor, receiver for the road, hav
ing been granted permission by fed
eral Judge Robert E. Lewis to cease
operations. Traffic will be resumed
as far as Roeemont. July !.
Life Twice Saved! Woman Dies.
Peoria, I1L. May 17. Mrs. Charles
Workman, whose life was twice saved
by her husband, when they were
trapped on a railroad bridge by the
approach of a fast train, is dead here
today. On the bridge, he swung
from a girder, with her in his arma
She lifted her head and was struck
from his grasp by the train, but he
caught her wrist as she fell, support
ing her until aid came. The blow had
fractured her skulL
Sale of Timber Mescalero Indian res
ervation. Nogal unit. Sealed bids in
duplicate, marked outside "Bid Kogal
Timber Unit" and addressed to super
intendent Mescalero Indian School,
Meecalero, New Mexico. Trill be re
ceived until 12 ocloek noon (Mountain
Time). Tuesday, July 20, 1920, for the
purcnaee ox trmoer on a tract com
prising the Kogal drainage area on
the southwestern portion of the Mes
calero Indian Reservation and situ
ated within Townships IS and II
South, Range It E., New Mexico
Meridian. The said unit comprises
about S.0M acres with an estimated
stand of over SO. 900. 000 feet, chiefly
Douglas fir and western yellow pine.
Each bid must state the price per
thousand feet Scrlbner Decimal Scale
that will be paid tor timber cut and
scaled prior to April. IS 55. Prices
subsequent to that date are to be
fixed by the Commissioner of Indian
Affairs by three year periods. No
bid of less than three dollars S.0)
per M feet for yellow pine and Doug
las fir. two dollars (12.06) per M.
for Mexican white pine and Engel
mann spruce and one dollar (11.08) per
M. tor white fir during the period end
Ins March :i. 1925. will be consid
ered Each bid must be accompanied
by a certified cheek on a solvent na
tional bank, payable to the said su
perintendent in the amount of six
thousand dollars (S6.000). The de
posit will be returned If a bid Is re
jected, but retained as liquidated
damages If the required contract and
Done lor Sl-UIK' are not executed and
presented for approval within 60 davs
from the acceptance of a on! The
rieht T" rfjert an an4 all bids is
Seeks Wanner Climes,
Enlists to Go to Panama
Snow In the upper peninsula of
Michigan, 12 feet deep on the level,
was too ranch for Natal Duval, so he
left his native town of Escanaba to
seek warmer clisses. Even El Paso
summery breeses were not enough, and
today DBval enlisted In the Infantry
for service In Panama. Marshall C
Hatley, CartersvtUe, Mo, Joined the
same outrit. other enlistments were
Robert M. Hughes. Lubbock. Texas,
and Pete Oalettl, Lockport. HI, SSth
coast artillery corps. Camo Lewis.
Wash, and Joe W. Pendleton, Tainan.
N. M second heavy mobile ordnance
repair snop, iron wiss.
ThA nnnnort 'of the El Psao cham
ber of commerce in obtaining more
funds from congress for Increasing
and Improving the customs service
has been asked in a telegram from
the National Drygoods association,
received by K. M. Roberta The
chamber of commerce is asked to send
a telegram to congressmen urging the
appropriation of Si. 500.000 for this
service. The matter will be referred
to the board or directors
Within the next three weeks the
City Service eompany of El Paso
will Inaugurate a dally "ship by
truck' freight service to Las Cruces.
The trucks for this new line are!
now being prepared for active ser-1
vice in ranking me run eacn way
daily except Sunday. The company
will put on one truek with trailer
each way with a hauling capacity
of eight tons and additional equip
ment will be rteid tn reserve lor
days which call for heavier ship
Other routes will be established
by this company later on.
he City Service company has been
making track hauls on contract ap
proximately SO miles out tor some
months. In every Instance, it is
claimed, the run has been made in
better than railroad time with the
advantage of hauling from door to,
uoor wrtn. oniy one joaaing ana un
loading. When the new route goes into
operation El Paso will have in the
neighborhood ot ten "ship by truck"
routes operating daily.
Governors of Is states have Is
sued Ship by Truck proclamations
calling upon the citizens of their
respective commonwealths to ob
serve National Ship by Track
Roads week. May 17-12, accord
ing to reports received at head
quarters in Washington. These
states include California. Mon
tana. Texas, Idaho. Oklahoma,
Kansas, Missouri. Kentucky, Illi
nois, Michigan. West Virginia,
Tennessee, Rhode Island, Colo
rado. Georgia aad New Mexico.
R. M. Jones, 1111 Bast San Antonio
street, died at a local hospital Satur
day night as a result of injuries re
ceived when a motorcycle upon which
be was being towed was hurled
against a street car at the viaduct
near the Smelter. Jones waa an en
gineer at the smelter.
by keeping your truck's foundation true
"We have the measurements and the
tools to straighten any bent part.
Buchanan Welding Works
212 San Francisco St. Phone 3347
The accident ocenred at ( oelock tared.
and Jones died six boars later. The
motorcycle had broken down and a
garage man was towing aim into the
city tor repairs. Tho rose became
alack in some way aad the motor
cycle slid sideways Into the street
car. Jones was dragged more than
10 feet before the car and machines
were stopped. His shall was frac-
Sold Everywhere
The Woman's auxiliary of the
Central Baptist church will meet at
Z ocloek Tuesday afternoon at the
church. A 8-cial hour will follow the
basinets meeting and program. 4
Nut Center, Satin FiniiH
Butter Cnpi
30c the Half Pound.
The Elite Confectionery Co.
Hot Lunch m FromHCO to 2 p. m.
Dally Except Sunday.
Solve Your Delivery Problems For Good
In use in more than two hundred lines of
Phone or call for a demonstration.
$1650.00 Here Completely Equipped.
Oldsmobile Sales Co.
P A. Barrows, Mgr.
600 Montana. Jhone 2233.
I T&Zr& w fill
II Bin I
I THE FORD TRUCK hai proven itself in every test and ia ereij way tie most ecoswnl- llll
cal means of tranjportation for snort hanls. There are many times more Ford I j
Tracks in nse today than any other make. Si
1 . Price is not everything; although the Ford Truck seHs for less, it -woald act hare I
1 become as popular ai it is if ii had not stood op to the grneHfflg worlqof freight haafej . I
. HI
I We can make immediate delivery on a limited number of Ford Tracks.
Tri-State Universal -" 1 I
SM-3S0 V. San Antonio Street. Phone IIS. f tk !
r i
reserved. Copies of the bid aad con- f